Put up a warning triangle. New model warning triangle: GOST, price, how to display, fines, video

Each driver who complies with paragraph 2.3.1 of the Traffic Rules must check the serviceability of his car before leaving, making sure, among other things, that there is a warning triangle.

Do I need to show the inspector a warning triangle?

The law provides for only three situations when you can find out whether or not a car has an emergency sign:

  1. Passing a technical inspection when required to present it. If there is no sign, you will not be able to pass the inspection.
  2. When passing an inspection, which is documented in a protocol. The protocol requires the signatures of two witnesses who observed its progress, and a compelling reason is required to conduct an inspection. If the driver considers it insignificant, then he has the right to challenge the protocol on the basis of Article 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - arbitrariness. Checking for the presence of a sign cannot be a valid reason for conducting a search.
  3. The driver himself will inform the inspector about this.

In any case, if a traffic police inspector legally determines that a car does not have a sign, he can fine the driver.

Moreover, the fact that there is no warning triangle in the car can also be blamed on those drivers who have a sign, but do not comply with GOST R 41.27-2001

Which very carefully prescribes how it should look:

  • triangle side length – 500 mm;
  • the outer part should be made of orange or red reflective material, and the inner part should be made of orange fluorescent material;
  • the sign should be hollow in the center.

In addition, the sign kit must contain instructions, and the sign itself must comply with a lot of characteristics in terms of stability, reflection coefficient, and others.

The vast majority of Chinese products that are available in car dealerships, as they say, are not even close to these parameters. A “harmful” inspector can easily find fault with this, and it will be almost impossible to challenge his decision. After all, the “misunderstanding” that is in the trunk does not comply with GOST, which means it is not a real warning triangle.

Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, under which a driver can be prosecuted, in 2018 provides for two types of punishment:

  • warning;
  • administrative fine in the amount 500 rub.

Is it possible to avoid punishment

If the driver is law-abiding and has not had any fines in the last six months, then the inspector has the right to limit himself to a warning. If a fine is nevertheless issued, then it can be halved - up to 250 rubles, paying it within 20 days.

A traffic police inspector may threaten to ban the use of a car and impound it - they say that Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation allows this to be done. But in fact, the absence of a sign is not the reason why cars are sent to the impound lot.

Penalty for not displaying a warning triangle?

And yet, despite the insignificance of the punishment for not having a warning triangle in a car, it is necessary to have one. In the event of an accident, the sign must be displayed before the arrival of traffic police inspectors, otherwise they will immediately attract the driver under Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which means inevitable fine of 1000 rubles. In addition, there are often cases when other drivers hit a car standing in the middle of the road precisely because there was no warning triangle, which ended up being much more expensive.

Hello! Recently, a friend of mine from the Republic of Belarus, in the city of Minsk, started a conversation with me regarding such a topic as a warning triangle. I found it interesting and useful for many.

Not everyone knows that in 2016, 2017, as well as in the current year 2018, there is a new rule regarding this sign. To be more precise, the traffic rules provide for the mandatory use of a new element.

For non-compliance with the rules in case of an accident and simple operation of a car, certain fines are provided. We'll talk about them today too.

Today I’ll tell you about what you need to buy, what requirements apply to new elements, whether you need such a device in your trunk, and what the rules for placing it in a populated area and under other circumstances require. All this will be complemented by a selection of photos and videos, with the help of which you will be able to understand the issue in more detail.


The current traffic rules, relevant for Russia, that is, for all cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Volgograd, for example, impose new requirements for emergency signs.

We have already looked at some road signs. Namely:

I doubt that the question of whether a motorist needs a warning triangle needs to be answered. But just in case, I’ll clarify. Yes, you must always have it with you.

There is a list of mandatory things that must be present in the car:

  • emergency signal;
  • first aid kit;
  • fire extinguisher.

If the set is missing, or at least one of the elements is missing, do not be surprised that you will be fined. The lack of kit should scare you not because of the fines, but because of the fact that if necessary, you will not be able to use the basic necessities.

Now specifically about the sign. If possible, the vehicle's hazard warning lights are turned on. The rules also require the use of a sign that looks like a red equilateral triangle.

Current GOST

There is a corresponding GOST 41.27 2001, according to which all such elements are manufactured by companies such as Osvar or Airline.

GOST requires compliance with certain dimensions:

  • the length of the sides is from 500 to 550 millimeters;
  • the total width of all sides should be 100 mm;
  • on the outside of the sign there must be a strip made of special reflective material;
  • width of the reflective element 50 mm;
  • For stability, there must be a leg that connects to one of the sides of the triangle.

If an item does not meet the requirements, it is considered a violation. It is important that the dimensions meet the requirements.

Practice shows that few people walk around with a tape measure and measure the sign to ensure its compliance with GOST. But this does not mean that you can buy the first designs you come across.

As for how many signs a driver should have, the answer is simple. One sign is enough. But no one is stopping you from carrying 2 elements, installing 1 on each side of the car. In our country, this is true even in cases where you .

Old sample versus new

Don't look for fundamental differences between the old and new sign. They simply don't exist.

The difference is only in one component, which was not there before. This allowed us to partially improve the design, making it more visible.

Actually, the new sample is distinguished by its reflective material. Old models were clearly visible in the dark due to the headlights of oncoming cars, as well as on sunny days. But in cloudy weather it became invisible; often drivers simply did not have time to react to its appearance.

Therefore, in order to improve visibility, new requirements have been developed, according to which signs now contain fluorescent elements. They are perfectly visible in any conditions.

Many drivers receive and a car. In this case, you need to make a diagnostic card. Without it, the policy will not be issued. Here they will tell you that the old sign template is not suitable. If you do not have a reflector, you will not be issued insurance.

Enterprising insurers have learned to sell their right signs. But for some reason their price is too high. Some drivers do not pay attention to the price tag, but try to resolve the issue faster. Others understand that they are charging too much money, so they prefer to do everything themselves. To do this, just glue the reflective element and that’s it. Just don’t get confused, it’s not LED, but reflective. This material is sold in almost any car accessories store and more.

A little about application

It is not fundamentally important how much such an element costs. The market also offers a flashing sign that uses LEDs. But this does not cancel the requirements for the reflector.

If it has the right dimensions, mounting and reflector, you've made the right choice. You can safely hit the road, for a technical inspection or for a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

It is better to understand when it should be used and how.

There are 2 main situations when the driver is required to expose the structure.

  • In case of an accident. If you still haven't learned , you couldn’t keep the distance or someone flew into you, that is, an accident occurred, the first thing you need to do is remove the emergency light from the trunk;
  • When forced to stop. We are talking about those places where such a procedure is prohibited by traffic regulations;
  • When stopping in areas where the car is difficult to immediately notice. This is relevant for difficult weather conditions, fog, and one-way roads. That is, where, for one reason or another, you may go unnoticed by other drivers.

Do not think that such rules were invented purely to save money. The main objective of the new traffic rules is to improve traffic safety. But you also need to think about your wallet. There are many cases when, during an accident, an inspector does not rush to help the victims, but runs to issue a fine for the fact that the drivers did not display emergency signs.

Distances and penalties

Once I didn’t set it up either, but only purely because I couldn’t open the trunk due to an accident. Got off with a slight fright. But in fact, the traffic rules provide for a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for the absence of a device, as well as 1 thousand rubles for not displaying it.

Now regarding the installation rules. This is taught from the first lessons in driving school. But I will remind you at what distance to place these signal structures.

  • If you are in a city and stopped on the road in a populated area, then the distance from the car to the sign is at least 15 meters (or more);
  • If this is a highway or a highway, that is, outside a populated area, then 30 meters or more.

Such distances are easily explained. Cars move at fairly high speeds.

From the moment they pass the emergency lights, they should have time to:

  • understand that this was an emergency sign;
  • change the gas pedal to the brake pedal;
  • slow down to a safe speed;
  • stop completely.

Now imagine that the sign is just a few meters away. Until the driver understands what he missed, the consequences of the accident will only worsen due to the new participant. Even if you are in a parking lot, you should warn other road users about the incident in advance.

A warning triangle is one of the essential attributes of every motorist. The presence of this item, along with a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher, is checked by the inspector during the technical inspection of the car. In addition, it must be installed in case of an accident. What actions should a driver take if an emergency stop is made? The sign is the first thing you need to install.

New warning signs

New warning triangles are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the state standard GOST R 41.27-2001, which was developed on the basis of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Rules No. 27. Despite the age of adoption of this standard, its provisions regarding the manufacture of warning signs still remain unchanged.

Design and completeness of the new warning sign

The pre-alarm sign has the shape of an equilateral triangle, the side length of which is 50 (± 5) cm. The material for its manufacture is plastic or red plastic.

Each side of the signal triangle includes a reflective strip located on the outside and an internal fluorescent strip, while the width of the external strip must be at least 5 cm. The first is indispensable in daylight, and the second will help at night.

The sign is installed on the ground surface using a metal stand.

The kit includes a cover with the company logo, which in addition to the warning triangle is required to be produced by the manufacturer. A similar icon is depicted on the sign itself.

Basic requirements for placing a signal sign

Requirements for the placement of warning signs are strictly regulated by the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations. If the driver makes an emergency stop, the sign will need to be installed immediately in order to warn other drivers about the existing obstacle.

So, ch. 7 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation establishes the following. An emergency stop sign is displayed in the following cases:

  • the necessary stopping of the vehicle in places that are not intended for this, or where, in conditions of poor visibility, the vehicle may be unnoticed by other drivers;
  • towing a car with a faulty warning light.

If an emergency stop was made, the sign must be installed at a distance of at least 30 m from the vehicle outside the populated area and 15 m within its boundaries. In any case, the warning beacon must be placed on the ground in such a way as to promptly and sufficiently warn other drivers of possible danger.

When towing a vehicle (if its warning lights are faulty), a warning sign is attached to the rear.

Due to the fact that situations on the roads are different, and a warning sign is necessary not only in the event of an accident, this thing is absolutely necessary in every car. How to choose such a sign and not make a mistake? Here's what you need to pay attention to when purchasing it:

  • the product must comply with the requirements of the state standard (the presence of an old-style sign will not save the owner when passing a technical inspection);
  • It is recommended to choose samples with plastic elements coated with a protective layer (this will extend the life of the sign and protect its surface from scratches and other damage);
  • the structure must be strong and stable;
  • The kit must include a cover and instructions for installing the sign.

If you purchase a warning signal, it is not advisable to save heavily. A more expensive copy, in contrast to a frankly cheaper one, has a longer service life, is durable and safe.

Penalties for failure to use a warning sign

The sign in question is classified as an additional element, without which the vehicle is not allowed to move (clause 7.7 of the Appendix to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation). For its absence, the current regulatory legal acts provide for liability.

So, if the absence of a warning sign is determined by the traffic police inspector who stopped the car, then by virtue of Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he has the right to apply the following sanctions:

  • warning;
  • a fine of 500 rubles.

If, as a result of an accident, an emergency stop is made, the sign is not installed or the working light alarm is not turned on, the fine will be 1,500 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Nuance. All car owners who are involved in an emergency are required to install a warning sign.

In addition, the absence of a warning sign of the established type will result in refusal to undergo technical inspection.

Every vehicle must have a warning sign. However, this does not eliminate the need to be extremely careful on the road.

Today, a well-worn topic: “fine for an emergency sign.” According to statistics, every third motorist does not have this sign in his car. But in vain, for this there is a fairly large fine. Let's think about what the fine is and how it should be set in case of an accident...

To begin with, this sign must be in the car. Because, the simple truth is, “if it’s not you, then they can easily be in you.” Therefore, we must keep the sign in the car, since now they are foldable and do not take up much space.

Now I will answer the question: - who should display an emergency sign in case of an accident?

The Internet filtered the opinion that the emergency sign should be placed by one participant in the accident, namely the culprit. So this is not correct! Signs must be placed by both participants in the accident, no matter whether you are right or wrong. Traffic police officers, after arriving at the scene, first of all look at the placement of signs, can issue a fine, and only then begin to find out who is right and who is wrong.

The fine for an emergency sign, or rather for its absence at the moment, is 1000 rubles. Not a little, would you agree?

Now to avoid " fine for an emergency sign", actions to be taken.

Extract from the law:

Clause 2.5. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:
immediately stop (do not move) the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and display an emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, do not move objects related to the incident;

Clause 7.2. When a vehicle stops and the hazard warning lights are turned on, as well as when it is malfunctioning or missing, an emergency stop sign must be immediately displayed: (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2001 N 67)
in case of a traffic accident; when forced to stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, taking into account visibility conditions, the vehicle cannot be noticed in a timely manner by other drivers.
This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers of the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in populated areas and 30 m outside populated areas.

That is, in simple words. In case of an accident:

1) You need to put up an emergency sign.

2) Turn on the hazard warning lights.

3) Stop immediately, do not leave the scene of the accident, and also do not touch objects that were formed in the event of an accident.

It must be remembered that traffic police officers can impose a fine not only for an emergency sign, but also for the absence of a warning light. So the emergency lights also need to be turned on. Remember this. If you did everything correctly, you will not be fined.

That's all, I think I have explained the question in detail.

When a vehicle stops and the hazard warning lights come on, as well as when they are malfunctioning or missing, an emergency stop sign must be immediately displayed:

  • In case of a traffic accident;
  • When forced to stop in places where it is prohibited, and where, taking into account visibility conditions, the vehicle cannot be noticed in a timely manner by other drivers.

This sign is installed at a distance that provides timely warning to other drivers of the danger in a particular situation. However, this distance must be at least 15 m from the vehicle in populated areas and 30 m outside populated areas.

1. At least 15 m.
2. At least 20 m.
3. At least 30 m.
4. At least 100 m.
is installed at a distance that ensures timely warning of danger to other drivers in a specific situation. Outside populated areas, this distance must be at least 30 meters from the vehicle.

What sign is used to indicate a car when it is forced to stop in places where, taking into account visibility conditions, the vehicle cannot be noticed in a timely manner by other drivers?

1. A.
2. B.
3. IN.

To indicate a car during a forced stop in places where, taking into account visibility conditions, it cannot be noticed in a timely manner by other drivers, an emergency stop sign - A - must be immediately displayed.

At what distance from the vehicle should the warning triangle be placed in this situation?

1. At least 10 m.
2. At least 15 m.
3. At least 20 m.
4. At least 30 m.
installed at a distance that provides advance warning to other drivers of the danger. In populated areas, this distance must be at least 15 meters from the vehicle.

In this situation, should a driver stopped due to a problem display a warning triangle?

In this case, i.e. When forced to stop in places where stopping is prohibited, the driver must display an emergency stop sign. The sign is displayed not only when the hazard warning lights are missing or faulty, but also when they are turned on.

How should you mark your vehicle in the event of an accident?

In the event of a traffic accident, the vehicle must be marked with turned on hazard warning lights and a warning triangle.

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