Presentation for the educational activity “Children about mushrooms” for children in the preparatory group for school. GCD in the senior group with a presentation on the topic: Mushrooms Presentation on the topic mushrooms and berries for preschoolers

Presentation “Mushrooms” For children of senior preschool age

Introduce children to mushrooms.
Teach children to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms.
To educate children to respect nature. Introduce the rules of conduct in nature when picking mushrooms.
Teach children to solve riddles.

Slide 1
Boletus, also known as aspen or redhead. The mushroom received its name due to the close connection of its mycelium with aspen, because it is in aspen forests that mushrooms are most often found. And also because of the obvious similarity of the color of the caps with the autumn color of aspen foliage.

Slide 2
The mushrooms “Holy mushrooms” received their name because of their peculiarity of growth - stumps (stumps), both living and dead. But there are also several types of honey mushrooms that grow in meadows. They grow in large families (tubers), although occasionally single honey mushrooms are also found.

Slide 3
The boletus mushroom is one of the most common species of the Boletaceae family. Among the most common types of boletus are the white oak mushroom (sometimes called the reticulated boletus), the bronze boletus and the maiden boletus. All these mushrooms have long been used as food, and in our times they are a delicacy, since their distribution halo has significantly decreased.

Rules for collecting mushrooms: You can only collect those mushrooms that you know for sure, and always with adults. To avoid damaging the mycelium, the mushrooms must be cut carefully with a knife. It is better to avoid poisonous mushrooms and not pick them: they are dangerous for people, but they can be useful for animals. Do not put wormy, old, overripe mushrooms in the basket. Such mushrooms produce toxic substances; these mushrooms can cause poisoning! Never pick mushrooms in parks, city squares, front gardens, or boulevards. You also cannot collect mushrooms grown near highways.
For a real mushroom picker, going for mushrooms is a joyful encounter with the forest, an introduction to its beauty, its secrets. He will not only carefully cut each mushroom, but also admire it, and then just put it in the basket. He will not touch unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms. It will not turn over dry leaves and moss and will not scatter them. A real mushroom picker enjoys the forest as a friend and will not spare mushrooms for him. Let's not forget about these rules when going for mushrooms!

Presentation on the topic: Mushrooms

September brought us a mushroom harvest.

Salt, marinate and fry them in sour cream,

Make mushroom soup, cook them with potatoes,

And add a little of them to the meat dish.

String more mushrooms on a thread,

Dry them for winter supplies.

The forest shares its wealth with you.

Thank you for the joy of autumn miracles!

The hat below is yellowish-white,

there is a ring on the leg.


False honey fungus The cap is dark underneath and there is no ring on the stem.



The hat underneath is white,

on the leg there is a design in the form

white mesh.


Gall mushroom

The bottom of the hat is pink, on the leg there is a pattern in the form of a black mesh.


The hat below is pink

or purple, below

there is no pouch on the leg.


Death cap

The cap is white below, and there is a torn pouch on the stem below.

Very poisonous!


The cap is yellow with curled edges at the end, the stem is 1.5-2 cm thick, the flesh is white, the smell is strong and pleasant. Edible.

False fox

the cap is dark orange or brown-orange in color. It has a thinner stem and has virtually no taste or aroma. The flesh of the false chanterelle is white, soft, and viscous. You can get poisoned!

Red hat, polka dots on the hat,

Short skirt with a white leg.

A beautiful fungus, but it will deceive you,

Whoever knows about him will not touch him.

All people have known for a long time,

That the mushroom is filled with poison...( fly agaric)

  • Don't try raw mushroom to taste
  • If you're not sure you know the mushroom, throw it away.
  • Do not pick mushrooms in industrial wastelands and garbage dumps, as well as along highways.

In summer the berries are ripe

We managed to collect them all

And gooseberries and raspberries

Plum, cherry and viburnum

Sweet strawberries

Healthy lingonberries

And also blackberries,

Blueberries, strawberries,

  • A low shrub with bright red berries that grow in clusters on the bark.

  • Cranberries are a very valuable and healthy food product. This is a medicine, a vitamin complex, and an essential food product...

Elena Peregudova
Presentation for the educational activity “Children about mushrooms” for children of the preparatory group for school

Presentation to GCD on the topic:

"Children about mushrooms"

For preschool children"

Target: consolidate knowledge preschoolers about mushrooms.

Presentation You can use modeling from plasticine and appliques from paper and dried leaves in classes.

Conversation about mushrooms. Explain children about that, What mushrooms do not belong to plants or animals, but constitute a special group - kingdom of mushrooms. They grow in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

All mushrooms are divided into two groups: edible and poisonous. Some can be collected and used to prepare various dishes, while others are dangerous to even pick up. Titles mushrooms people did not come up with it by chance. When showing slides, give children the opportunity to think and guess why this or that is named so mushroom. Oiler - oil cap. Boletus - grows under a birch tree. Rizhik is orange in color. Volnushka - waves on the cap, etc. Next from 13 to 15 slides are poisonous mushrooms. The teacher explains the dangers of these mushrooms. From slides 15 to 21, children look at dishes that can be prepared using mushrooms.

Publications on the topic:

Formation of children's knowledge about safe and dangerous mushrooms in the forest. Presentation on life safety “Edible and inedible mushrooms” THE KING OF MUSHROOMS IS THE WHITE MUSHROOM Near the hillock on the path. The mushroom stands on a thick stalk. A little damp from the rain, the porcini mushroom is large and important. EDIBLE.

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  • Generalization and systematization of ideas about the changes that occur in the life of the forest in autumn, about forest mushrooms and berries, and their places of growth. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Improving the skills of sound-letter and syllabic analysis of words
  • Development of coherent speech, speech hearing, coordination of speech with movement, general motor skills, visual perception and attention, memory, logical thinking.
  • Fostering activity, emotionality, initiative, love and respect for nature.

Equipment:“Autumn Hall” (yellowed trees, shrubs, berries, mushrooms, dry leaves, stump), projector, slide presentation, baskets, mushroom caps, mushroom picker’s cane, boiled water, lingonberry jam, glasses.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Set up for class. Slide No. 1

2. Introductory conversation.

Speech therapist. Guess the riddle.

If the rain hits the roof
The leaves are falling silently
It's time for the birds to fly away -
This is knocking on our door.....

Slide No. 2

Speech therapist. Right. It's autumn. How did you guess that this is about autumn?

Children. Because in the fall it rains, leaves fall from the trees, birds fly away to warmer climes.

Speech therapist. Well done!

3. Report the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Guys, today in class we will go for a walk in the autumn forest. But first, let's remember how to behave in the forest. Listen to me carefully.

Slide No. 3

If you came to the forest for a walk, to breathe fresh air,
Run, jump and play, just don’t forget
That you can’t make noise in the forest, even sing very loudly.
The little animals will get scared and run away from the forest edge.
Don't break oak branches. Never forget
Remove debris from the grass. There is no need to pick flowers in vain.
Don't shoot with a slingshot: people come to the forest to relax.
There is no need to catch everyone, stomp, clap, or hit everyone with a stick.

Come on, who will tell me how to behave in the forest, what rules must be followed?

Children. You can't shout loudly in the forest.

In the forest, you cannot break trees, branches, or pick a lot of flowers.

You can't kill insects in the forest.

You cannot light a fire in the forest without adults.

You cannot leave trash behind in the forest.

Speech therapist. Well done! ...take the baskets. We'll need them.

3. Main part. Walk in the forest.

Speech therapist. To get into the autumn forest, let us sing our song.

Let's go for a walk in the forest, Children are marching.
Let's walk happily.
Let's go along the path They walk like a snake
One after another in single file. Between the bumps.
Stand on tiptoes They run on their toes.
And they ran to the forest.

Music is playing.

Speech therapist. Guys, where have we ended up?

Children. We found ourselves in the forest.

Speech therapist. Which forest?

Children. We found ourselves in an autumn forest.

Speech therapist. How did we know that this was an autumn forest?

Children. This is an autumn forest because the leaves on the trees are yellow and red, the ground is covered with gold.

Speech therapist. What changes in nature occur in the fall?

Children. In autumn it gets cold outside. It rains often. Strong winds are blowing. Birds fly away to warmer regions.

Speech therapist. What do we call the phenomenon when leaves begin to fall from trees? Slide No. 4

Children. Leaf fall.

Development of an air stream. Slide No. 5

Speech therapist. Let's arrange leaf fall ourselves. Here are some leaves for you. Now we will blow on them. When we blow, we remember - our lips are like a tube, we don’t puff out our cheeks.

Speech therapist. One, two, three, the leaves will begin to fall.

Children blow on dried birch leaves.

Speech therapist. Well done! We got very beautiful leaf fall. Who can tell me what grows in the autumn forest?

Children. Mushrooms and berries grow in the autumn forest.

Speech therapist. Let us collect them in our baskets. We will collect mushrooms in one basket and berries in another. Let's go.

Speech therapist. Guys, look here is our first mushroom. Who knows what kind of mushroom this is?

Children. This is a boletus. Slide No. 6

Speech therapist. How did you determine?

Children. The boletus grows under the birch tree. His hat is round, dark brown, and his leg is thin and high.

Speech therapist. Shall we take this mushroom?

Children. Yes.

Speech therapist. Why?

Children. Boletus is an edible mushroom.

Speech therapist. When collecting mushrooms, you should not pull them out by the roots, but carefully cut them with a knife, leaving the mycelium in the ground so that more mushrooms can grow from it. Let's put the boletus in the basket. Look what mushroom is hidden in the grass?

Children. This is a fox. Slide No. 7

Speech therapist. How did you find out?

Children. A chanterelle grows in the grass. It is yellow. She has a round hat and a thin stem.

Speech therapist. Why do you think this mushroom was named a fox?

Children. Because this mushroom looks like a fox.

Speech therapist. Shall we take a fox?

Children. Yes, she is an edible mushroom.

Speech therapist. But first we need to come up with a proposal about chanterelle mushrooms according to this scheme.

____ ____ ____ _____ . Slide No. 8

Children. A chanterelle grows in the forest. The fox looks like a fox.

Speech therapist. Well done! Let's take a fox. Look what a beautiful mushroom. Let's take it before anyone takes it. Slide No. 9

Children. This is a fly agaric. You can't take it, it's poisonous.

Speech therapist. What does poisonous mean?

Children. Poisonous means dangerous to health; you can get poisoned and die from it.

Speech therapist. What other poisonous mushrooms do you know?

Children. Pale toadstool, false mushrooms, gall mushroom.

Speech therapist. Now I'll see if you can identify inedible mushrooms. Let's play the game "Fourth Wheel". Look carefully, name the mushrooms, tell me which mushroom is the odd one out and why.

Fly agaric, porcini mushroom, boletus, milk mushroom. Slide No. 10

Oiler, toadstool, boletus, chanterelle. Slide No. 11

Speech therapist. Now let’s put together a family of words. What do we call the little mushroom?

Children. Fungus. Slide No. 12

Speech therapist. What do we call a very large mushroom?

Children. Mushroom.

Speech therapist. What do you call a person who picks mushrooms?

Children. Mushroomer.

Speech therapist. Guys, I think we have enough mushrooms. You should collect as many mushrooms as you need: do not forget that mushrooms are food for birds and animals. Now we will relax and play the game “Mushroom picker”. Want to?

Children put on mushroom hats, and the mushroom picker takes a cane.

Children move around the hall in a scattered stomping step.

I am a mushroom picker, and you are mushrooms.
Come on, hide behind the oak trees!
One two three four five.
I'm going to look for mushrooms!

Mushroomer. I liked the fly agaric mushroom, I choose it.

Speech therapist. Now we’ll check how attentive our mushroom picker is. Come on, mushrooms, lined up in one row. Mushroom picker, remember how our mushrooms stand. Now they will switch places. Remember? Close your eyes.

The mushroom picker closes his eyes.

Speech therapist. Find out which mushrooms have swapped places.

Speech therapist. Well done boys! We played and relaxed. Now we need to fill the second basket. What will we collect?

Children. We'll pick the berries.

Speech therapist. Where do the berries grow?

Children. Berries grow in the forest on high and low bushes.

Speech therapist. What wild berries do you know?

Children. Lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Speech therapist. We'll check now. Can you find these berries in the forest. ...they will find raspberries. ...they will find lingonberries. ...they will find blueberries. Whoever found the berry stands next to the berry.

Speech therapist. ... what berry did you find.

Children. We found raspberries. Slide No. 13

Speech therapist. Prove that it's a raspberry.

Children. Raspberries grow on tall bushes. Raspberry berries have a complex shape and are red in color.

Speech therapist. ...what kind of berry did you find?

Children. We found lingonberries. Slide No. 14

Speech therapist. Prove that these are lingonberries.

Children. Lingonberries grow on low bushes. Lingonberry berries are round in shape and red in color.

Speech therapist. ... what berry did you find?

Children. We found blueberries. Slide No. 15

Speech therapist. Well done! You have identified the berries correctly. But before we fill our basket with berries, let’s do a sound analysis of the word raspberries.

Slide No. 16

Speech therapist. Well, our baskets are full. It's time for us to return home.

Slide No. 17

They go home to the music.

5. Practical part.

Speech therapist. Here we are at home. Let's put our baskets down. What should you do with mushrooms and berries when you get home? Slide No. 18

Children. Berries and mushrooms need to be sorted, peeled and washed.

Speech therapist. What can you do with mushrooms, what can you cook?

Slide No. 19

Children. You can cook mushroom soup and roast from mushrooms. Mushrooms are salted, dried, pickled.

Speech therapist. What can you make from berries?

Children. You can make jam, jam, jam from the berries. You can make juice, compote, fruit drink, syrup. Slide No. 20

Speech therapist. If we make juice from raspberries, what kind of juice will it be?

Children. Raspberry juice.

Speech therapist. What if we make blackberry jam?

Children. Blackberry jam.

Speech therapist. What if we make lingonberry syrup?

Children. Lingonberry syrup.

Speech therapist. Well done! Now we will make lingonberry juice from lingonberry syrup. For this we need boiled water and lingonberry syrup.

Pour a little lingonberry syrup into the water, mix gently and we get lingonberry juice. Pour into glasses. Let's try. So how?

Children. Delicious.

Speech therapist. Guys, fruit juice is not only very tasty, but also very healthy, since the berries contain a lot of vitamins that our body needs.

6. Summary of the lesson. Assessment of children's work. Slide No. 21

Mushrooms Mushrooms September brought us a harvest of mushrooms. Salt, marinate and fry them in sour cream, make mushroom soup, cook them with potatoes, and add a little of them to the meat dish. String more mushrooms on a string, and dry them for winter supplies. The forest shares its wealth with you. Thank you for the joy of autumn miracles!

Poisonous mushrooms Poisonous mushrooms Poisonous mushrooms Poisonous mushrooms are mushrooms, the consumption of which can cause poisoning. Poisonous mushrooms are mushrooms, the consumption of which can cause poisoning. Precautions when collecting and using mushrooms The most common cases of poisoning are mushrooms that have an external resemblance to edible ones. To avoid such a mistake, you need to study well general signs mushrooms and know the characteristic differences poisonous species. You should only collect the types of mushrooms that you know. Unknown or questionable mushrooms should not be eaten. It should be remembered that characteristic features may be absent in some mushrooms, for example, white flakes on the cap of a fly agaric can be washed away by heavy rain, the cap of a toadstool, cut off at the very top, does not allow you to notice the ring.

Champignon The cap is pink on the bottom The cap is pink or purple on the bottom, there is no pouch on the stem at the bottom, there is no pouch on the stem. Edible. Pale grebe, the cap is white below, on the bottom of the leg there is a torn pouch, the cap is white below, on the stem below there is a torn pouch. Very poisonous!

False fox You can get poisoned! the cap is dark orange or brownish orange. It has a thinner stem and has virtually no taste or aroma. The flesh of the false chanterelle is white, soft, and viscous. You can get poisoned! Chanterelle Chanterelle The cap is yellow with curled edges at the end, the stem is 1.5-2 cm thick, the flesh is white, the smell is strong and pleasant. Edible.

First aid measures 1) In case of severe mushroom poisoning, you must call a doctor. 1) In case of severe mushroom poisoning, you must call a doctor. 2) Before the doctor arrives, the patient is put to bed, the stomach is lavaged: they give plenty of fluids (4-5 glasses boiled water room temperature, drink in small sips) or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by pressing a finger or a smooth object on the root of the tongue. 2) Before the doctor arrives, the patient is put to bed, the stomach is lavaged: they are given plenty of fluids (4-5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature, drink in small sips) or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by pressing a finger or a smooth object on the root of the tongue . 3) To remove poison from the intestines, immediately after gastric lavage, give a laxative and do an enema. 3) To remove poison from the intestines, immediately after gastric lavage, give a laxative and do an enema. 4) To clarify the diagnosis, save all uneaten mushrooms. 4) To clarify the diagnosis, save all uneaten mushrooms. First aid measures 1) In case of severe mushroom poisoning, you must call a doctor. 1) In case of severe mushroom poisoning, you must call a doctor. 2) Before the doctor arrives, the patient is put to bed, the stomach is lavaged: they are given plenty of fluids (4-5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature, drink in small sips) or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by pressing a finger or a smooth object on the root of the tongue . 2) Before the doctor arrives, the patient is put to bed, the stomach is lavaged: they are given plenty of fluids (4-5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature, drink in small sips) or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting by pressing a finger or a smooth object on the root of the tongue . 3) To remove poison from the intestines, immediately after gastric lavage, give a laxative and do an enema. 3) To remove poison from the intestines, immediately after gastric lavage, give a laxative and do an enema. 4) To clarify the diagnosis, save all uneaten mushrooms. 4) To clarify the diagnosis, save all uneaten mushrooms.

Deadly poisonous mushrooms 1) Panther fly agaric 2) Pale toadstool 3) Spring toadstool 4) Stinking fly agaric 5) Fringed galerina 6) Whitish caller 7) Mountain cobweb 8) Beautiful cobweb 9) Sulfur-yellow false honey fungus 10) Brick-red false honey fungus 11) Rod Lobed, or Helwella 12) Poisonous entoloma 13) Pressed entoloma 14) Patouillard's fiber 15) Rough umbel 16) Brown-red umbel 17) Chestnut umbel 18) Thyroid umbel 19) Comb umbel 20) Fleshy-reddish umbel 21) Ch Eurasian silverfish 1) Panther fly agaric 2) Pale grebe 3) Spring toadstool 4) Stinking fly agaric 5) Fringed galerina 6) Whitish caller 7) Mountain cobweb 8) Beautiful cobweb 9) Sulphur-yellow false honey fungus 10) Brick-red false honey fungus 11) Genus Lopastnik, or Helvella 12 ) Poisonous entoloma 13) Pressed entoloma 14) Patouillard fiber 15) Rough umbel 16) Brown-red umbel 17) Chestnut umbel 18) Thyroid umbel 19) Comb umbel 20) Fleshy-reddish umbel 21) Inflammatory silverfish

Raincoats are one of the most delicious mushrooms. In Italy they are considered the best mushrooms. In our country they are little known. In terms of the presence of useful substances, puffballs are superior to other mushrooms, in particular white mushrooms in protein content. They must be used on the day of collection. Very tasty in fried dishes and soups. From dried mushrooms they cook excellent aromatic broths. Edible puffballs have an inedible counterpart, the false puffball. It has a grayish-yellowish shell and a dense interior. The mushroom has a strong smell of raw potatoes.

The porcini mushroom is considered the king of mushrooms due to its taste and nutritional value. Another name for porcini mushroom is boletus. Porcini mushrooms can reach enormous sizes - caps up to 50 cm in diameter and stems up to 25 cm in height. Porcini mushrooms are valued for their taste and nutritional properties. When prepared correctly, it is a real delicacy. This mushroom belongs to the first category mushrooms. This means that it is absorbed by the human body better than other mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms contain more riboflavin than others, a substance responsible for the health and growth of nails, hair, skin and the health of the body as a whole. Dried porcini mushrooms contain the alkaloid hercedin , used in the treatment of angina pectoris. In Russian forests, the white mushroom is often found. It begins to be collected in the second half of August and lasts until the first half of September. The reason for their unpopularity is that mushroom worms are very fond of this particular mushroom, so it is recommended to soak the harvested crop in salted water so that all the worms come out. The porcini mushroom is considered the king of mushrooms due to its taste and nutritional value. Another name for porcini mushroom is boletus. Porcini mushrooms can reach enormous sizes - caps up to 50 cm in diameter and stems up to 25 cm in height. Porcini mushrooms are valued for their taste and nutritional properties. When prepared correctly, it is a real delicacy. This mushroom belongs to the first category mushrooms. This means that it is absorbed by the human body better than other mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms contain more riboflavin than others, a substance responsible for the health and growth of nails, hair, skin and the health of the body as a whole. Dried porcini mushrooms contain the alkaloid hercedin , used in the treatment of angina pectoris. In Russian forests, the white mushroom is often found. It begins to be collected in the second half of August and lasts until the first half of September. The reason for their unpopularity is that mushroom worms are very fond of this particular mushroom, so it is recommended to soak the harvested crop in salted water so that all the worms come out. Porcini mushroom is actively used in cooking, both fresh (fried, boiled) and dried, salted and pickled. Porcini mushroom is often used in soups. There are many folk and original recipes for dishes made from fresh porcini mushrooms. In addition to Russian cuisine, porcini mushrooms are very popular in French and Italian cuisine. Porcini mushroom is actively used in cooking, both fresh (fried, boiled) and dried, salted and pickled. Porcini mushroom is often used in soups. There are many folk and original recipes for dishes made from fresh porcini mushrooms. In addition to Russian cuisine, porcini mushrooms are very popular in French and Italian cuisine.

Safety precautions Do not taste a raw mushroom and do not trust the smell - you may be mistaken. If you're not sure you know the mushroom, throw it away. Do not pick mushrooms in industrial wastelands and garbage dumps, as well as along highways. Don’t taste a raw mushroom and don’t trust the smell—you might make a mistake. If you're not sure you know the mushroom, throw it away. Do not pick mushrooms in industrial wastelands and garbage dumps, as well as along highways.

Berries In the summer, the berries are ripe We managed to pick them all: Gooseberries and raspberries Plums, cherries and viburnum Sweet strawberries, Healthy lingonberries, And also blackberries, Golumika, wild strawberries, There are a lot of berries I can’t count them all For the winter we’ll make jam And roll up compotes !

When picking berries, do not confuse edible and healthy ones with poisonous ones! There are few poisonous berries. They are worth remembering so as not to harm yourself or your comrades. When collecting berries, do not confuse edible and healthy ones with poisonous ones! There are few poisonous berries. They are worth remembering so as not to harm yourself or your comrades. Signs of poisoning: convulsions, rapid pulse, rare breathing. Death occurs from suffocation. Signs of poisoning: convulsions, rapid pulse, rare breathing. Death occurs from suffocation. First aid: urgently give tannin, charcoal, laxatives and cardiac medications (caffeine), and chlorohydrate for convulsions; wrap the patient in a warm sleeping bag and call urgently ambulance First aid: urgently give tannin, charcoal, laxatives and cardiac medications (caffeine), and chlorohydrate for convulsions; wrap the patient in a warm sleeping bag and urgently call an ambulance.

Henbane The stem of henbane is thick, up to 150 cm high. The leaves are elongated, pinnately lobed. The flowers are large, dirty yellow with purple veins. The calyx is bell-shaped. During flowering, the plant gives off a rather unpleasant odor. The fruit is a capsule that opens with a spherical lid. Seeds by appearance they resemble small poppies, dark brown in color, appear at the end of the flight. The henbane stem is thick, up to 150 cm high. The leaves are elongated, pinnately lobed. The flowers are large, dirty yellow with purple veins. The calyx is bell-shaped. During flowering, the plant gives off a rather unpleasant odor. The fruit is a capsule that opens with a spherical lid. The seeds in appearance resemble small poppy seeds, dark brown in color, appear at the end of the flight. Henbane is a very poisonous plant. Moreover, all parts of the plant are poisonous. The most toxic thing about the plant is its seeds. Flowers become toxic in late spring. Henbane is a very poisonous plant. Moreover, all parts of the plant are poisonous. The most toxic thing about the plant is its seeds. Flowers become toxic in late spring.

Healthy berries Currants are one of the most delicious berries, and they are also very healthy. Due to its healing properties, black currant is often used in folk medicine. Black currant berries contain vitamins B, P, provitamin A, sugars, pectin substances, phosphoric acid, essential oil, tannins, vitamin K, carotene, it is rich in potassium salts, contains salts of phosphorus and iron. The leaves contain phytoncides, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, silver, copper, lead, essential oil and vitamin C. To meet the daily requirement for ascorbic acid, a person only needs to eat berries. Black currants have the ability to prevent cancer and protect against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Black currant has surpassed all berries in the amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances it contains. The beneficial properties of black currant are known to many: its leaves and berries are also used to treat kidney stones, liver and respiratory diseases. Eating currant berries is extremely beneficial for atherosclerosis. Black currant has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties; its juice is used to treat sore throat. Black currant prevents the development of a large number of diseases, including cancer. Currants are one of the most delicious berries, and they are also very healthy. Due to its healing properties, black currant is often used in folk medicine. Black currant berries contain vitamins B, P, provitamin A, sugars, pectin substances, phosphoric acid, essential oil, tannins, vitamin K, carotene, it is rich in potassium salts, contains salts of phosphorus and iron. The leaves contain phytoncides, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, silver, copper, lead, essential oil and vitamin C. To meet the daily requirement for ascorbic acid, a person only needs to eat berries. Black currants have the ability to prevent cancer and protect against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Black currant has surpassed all berries in the amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances it contains. The beneficial properties of black currant are known to many: its leaves and berries are also used to treat kidney stones, liver and respiratory diseases. Eating currant berries is extremely beneficial for atherosclerosis. Black currant has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties; its juice is used to treat sore throat. Black currant prevents the development of a large number of diseases, including cancer.

Cranberries Cranberries are a very valuable and healthy food product. This is a medicine, a vitamin complex, and an essential food product. The composition of cranberries includes: boron, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silver, phosphorus and other minerals. Cranberries are a very valuable and healthy food product. This is a medicine, a vitamin complex, and an essential food product. The composition of cranberries includes: boron, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silver, phosphorus and other minerals. Cranberries are rich in vitamins. Cranberries contain vitamins: B1, B2, C, K, PP. They are especially rich in vitamin C. Cranberries are also rich in vitamins. Cranberries contain vitamins: B1, B2, C, K, PP. They contain especially a lot of vitamin C. Cranberries contain organic acids: benzoic, citric, quinic, malic, etc. Due to the high content of benzoic acid, cranberries, not only It is stored for a long time, but is also actively used as a natural preservative. In Rus', cranberries have long been considered the berry of youth. Cranberry juice and cranberry juice prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Wounds and burns washed with cranberry juice heal instantly. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which is why in the old days they were called “rejuvenating” berries. The composition of cranberries includes organic acids: benzoic, citric, quinic, malic, etc. Due to the high content of benzoic acid, cranberries are not only stored for a long time, but are also actively used as a natural preservative. In Rus', cranberries have long been considered the berry of youth. Cranberry juice and cranberry juice prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Wounds and burns washed with cranberry juice heal instantly. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which is why in the old days they were called “rejuvenating” berries. Cranberries have the highest phenol content among all berries and fruits. Cranberries are used to make drugs that reduce the negative effects of increased doses of radioactive radiation. Cranberries have the highest phenol content among all berries and fruits. Cranberries are used to make drugs that reduce the negative effects of increased doses of radioactive radiation. Cranberries are a very valuable and healthy food product. This is a medicine, a vitamin complex, and an essential food product. The composition of cranberries includes: boron, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silver, phosphorus and other minerals. Cranberries are a very valuable and healthy food product. This is a medicine, a vitamin complex, and an essential food product. The composition of cranberries includes: boron, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, silver, phosphorus and other minerals. Cranberries are rich in vitamins. Cranberries contain vitamins: B1, B2, C, K, PP. They are especially rich in vitamin C. Cranberries are also rich in vitamins. Cranberries contain vitamins: B1, B2, C, K, PP. They contain especially a lot of vitamin C. Cranberries contain organic acids: benzoic, citric, quinic, malic, etc. Due to the high content of benzoic acid, cranberries, not only It is stored for a long time, but is also actively used as a natural preservative. In Rus', cranberries have long been considered the berry of youth. Cranberry juice and cranberry juice prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Wounds and burns washed with cranberry juice heal instantly. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which is why in the old days they were called “rejuvenating” berries. The composition of cranberries includes organic acids: benzoic, citric, quinic, malic, etc. Due to the high content of benzoic acid, cranberries are not only stored for a long time, but are also actively used as a natural preservative. In Rus', cranberries have long been considered the berry of youth. Cranberry juice and cranberry juice prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes. Wounds and burns washed with cranberry juice heal instantly. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which is why in the old days they were called “rejuvenating” berries. Cranberries have the highest phenol content among all berries and fruits. Cranberries are used to make drugs that reduce the negative effects of increased doses of radioactive radiation. Cranberries have the highest phenol content among all berries and fruits. Cranberries are used to make drugs that reduce the negative effects of increased doses of radioactive radiation.

Wild strawberry Strawberry is a very tasty and healthy berry. The leaves of the plant contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, organic acids (citric, quinic, malic), sugars, traces essential oils, flavonoids in amounts up to 2% (mainly rutin), tannins (up to 9%), salts of iron, manganese, cobalt. The fruits of the plant have been consumed by humans since ancient times. A water infusion of wild strawberry leaves is used as a diuretic for urolithiasis and gallstone diseases. Their use is also prescribed for diabetes and anemia.

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