Ripe and sweet melon: how to choose the right one. When do melons ripen and how to determine the ripeness of the fruit? How to tell if a melon is ripe

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a great time when we begin to eat plenty of melons. Melon is the leader among them, according to consumers (as, indeed, are watermelons).

Pleasant sweetness, juiciness, a whole range of useful properties, satiety - all these are signs of a good melon. How to choose the right ripe melon that will delight us with its taste and bring exceptional benefits? This will be discussed in our article.

We start choosing a delicious melon with its appearance. It should be intact, of a beautiful natural shade (depending on the variety), without dents from impacts, rotten areas, cuts or other damage. We pay attention to the smell emanating from the melon: it should be spicy, honey, with notes of vanilla, sometimes pears, pineapple. If there is no smell or a weak one, similar to the aroma of greenery, then the melon is, accordingly, green, and it will not have the necessary sweetness. The stalk of a ripe melon is dry.

We take the melon in our hands and feel it: it should spring. This means the ripeness of the fruit. The hard surface of unripe melons, soft, on which marks remain - overripe, has lost its taste and beneficial features. When you tap a ripe melon, you will hear a dull sound. If she “sounds” loudly, then she should have finished singing more.

Let's summarize the main signs of a ripe, tasty melon:

  • It has a pleasant honey smell - you won't confuse it with anything else. Good sign, if you approach a tray of melons and clearly smell their fragrance.
  • Elastic - when you press your finger on the surface of the fruit, you feel how it springs.
  • The surface is without greenery or dents - most varieties have a yellow peel.
  • When struck, there is a dull sound rather than a ringing or “sinking” sound.

When setting the task of choosing a good melon, take into account: it must be safe and sound! Stains, dents, cracks are places favorable for the spread of bacteria. By purchasing melons with such surface defects, you risk developing gastrointestinal diseases.

For the same reason, buying halves of melons, cut in advance for ease of sale, is also dangerous. Follow the same principle when refusing to taste a piece of melon that a helpful seller at the market may offer you. Pathogenic bacteria accumulate both on the tasting fruit and on the knife.

When we intend to buy a melon, we look for the sweetest one, since it will be the most delicious for us. The taste qualities of this fruit depend not only on the degree of ripening, but also on the variety. So, how to choose a sweet melon in principle, let’s take a little look at the varieties.

The sweetest, and also the most common, are melons:

You can plant the variety you like in your own garden bed. By creating acceptable conditions and caring for it, you will get your own harvest of this crop.

To taste self-grown melons in their best time, they should be removed from the bush in time. How do you determine the ripeness of a melon in the garden before picking it?

  • The peduncle is dry or very sluggish.
  • The fruits no longer grow.
  • The color of the peel characteristic of the variety (remember that the side warmed by the sun ripens first).
  • A clear pleasant aroma (in some varieties it happens if you lightly rub the skin).

When you cut a melon from the garden, don't be alarmed if there are some greenish areas in it. The fruit cannot ripen evenly at the same time, but the taste does not suffer from this.

There is such a tradition among people: to buy several melons at once, moreover, with green herbs. They do this for the purpose that the fruit, after lying on the balcony for several days, for example, will ripen and there will be no need to go to the store again. It would be more rational to first figure out: does the picked melon ripen? The situation is as follows.

As the practice of melon growers says, a melon that is just a little unripe can easily reach the desired condition at home in a warm place.

This applies only to those cases when the melon is not quite ripe. However, such a fruit will taste slightly different from those that ripen in the garden.

The ripening of picked melon is influenced by the variety, growing conditions and subsequent storage, and other factors. Traders take advantage of this property of melon so that it does not reach the buyer overripe, having hopelessly lost its wonderful taste.

Storage and transportation conditions are important when it comes to melons. Better conditions are created in stores, supermarkets, trading platforms - places of licensed trade in products. Your best insurance in such cases is a sanitary inspection of retail locations and conditions of sale of goods.

It is strictly forbidden to purchase melons from street vendors near the roads! Exhaust gases and dust settle on the product, and harmful substances are absorbed into the fruit through microcracks in the peel. Such melons become unfit for consumption very quickly, even if they were initially of excellent quality.

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to overeat melons. This delicacy is a storehouse of essential vitamins and microelements. Approach the choice of fruit responsibly and with preparation, then it will not disappoint you.

We are all looking forward to the coming of the melon season. After all, we have the perfect desserts at our disposal - sweet and healthy. When people talk about melon, the first thing that comes to mind is “Collective Farmer” and “Torpedo”. We know and love these melons well. But they are not the only ones that are sold in our markets. Melons are brought to Russia from Morocco, from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, even from distant southeastern countries. For example, on the shelves you can find the beloved Thai melon.

Our infographics will help you understand the varieties of melons and easily determine whether they are ripe and sweet.

Drawing: AiF

"Collective farmer"

A small round melon, the most juicy and fragrant. It grows in the Volga region. The skin is scaly, like many melons, yellow, with gray grooves. And the flesh is light yellow, sometimes almost white.

To determine juiciness, you need to run your hand over the melon: the grooves should stand out clearly.


Uzbek long melon. Its shape really resembles a torpedo, which is why it got its nickname. At home, this melon is called Mirzachul melon. It is also scaly and hard to the touch. But the flesh is dense, white, very juicy and sweet. And very fragrant.

A ripe melon should have yellow skin and stripes, not green. The peel gives off a strong aroma.


There are several varieties of this melon, they may vary slightly in shape and color. But they all have smooth skin. Shape - variations of round and oval, but not elongated. The pulp is light, maybe with a greenish tint. The taste is a little vanilla, very sweet.

A ripe melon weighs more than its size would suggest.


This melon from Europe and Morocco can be either dark brown or slightly lighter. Sometimes even green stripes appear on it. Its flesh is bright orange. The taste of melon is not very sweet, but it is very aromatic and tasty.

To determine the degree of ripeness, you need to scratch the skin of the melon with your fingernail; if green skin appears without difficulty, the melon is ripe

Green or avocado melon

An exotic melon from Thailand has a peel of different colors from dark yellow to brown and light green flesh, which is where its name comes from. But the second name was given not by the color of the pulp, but by the taste - melon is similar to avocado.

To check for ripeness, you need to press: soft means ripe.

We are all looking forward to the coming of the melon season. After all, we have the perfect desserts at our disposal - sweet and healthy. When people talk about melon, the first thing that comes to mind is “Collective Farmer” and “Torpedo”. We know and love these melons well. But they are not the only ones that are sold in our markets. Melons are brought to Russia from Morocco, from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, even from distant southeastern countries. For example, on the shelves you can find the beloved Thai melon.

Our infographics will help you understand the varieties of melons and easily determine whether they are ripe and sweet.

"Collective farmer"

A small round melon, the most juicy and fragrant. It grows in the Volga region. The skin is scaly, like many melons, yellow, with gray grooves. And the flesh is light yellow, sometimes almost white.

To determine juiciness, you need to run your hand over the melon: the grooves should stand out clearly.


Uzbek long melon. Its shape really resembles a torpedo, which is why it got its nickname. At home, this melon is called Mirzachul melon. It is also scaly and hard to the touch. But the flesh is dense, white, very juicy and sweet. And very fragrant.

A ripe melon should have yellow skin and stripes, not green. The peel gives off a strong aroma.


There are several varieties of this melon, they may vary slightly in shape and color. But they all have smooth skin. Shape - variations of round and oval, but not elongated. The pulp is light, maybe with a greenish tint. The taste is a little vanilla, very sweet.

A ripe melon weighs more than its size would suggest.


This melon from Europe and Morocco can be either dark brown or slightly lighter. Sometimes even green stripes appear on it. Its flesh is bright orange. The taste of melon is not very sweet, but it is very aromatic and tasty.

To determine the degree of ripeness, you need to scratch the skin of the melon with your fingernail; if green skin appears without difficulty, the melon is ripe

Green or avocado melon

An exotic melon from Thailand has a peel of different colors from dark yellow to brown and light green flesh, which is where its name comes from. But the second name was given not by the color of the pulp, but by the taste - melon is similar to avocado.

To check for ripeness, you need to press: soft means ripe.

Watermelon and melon are indispensable attributes of the outgoing summer. However, each of us has our own preferences: some people passionately love watermelon, while others cannot live a day without the sweet aroma of melon. We have already talked about how to choose the right watermelon in one of the previous articles. How to choose the right ripe melon? After all, there are many wisdoms and secrets on this score.

There are many different types of melons, but the most popular in middle lane The varieties “kolkhoznitsa” and “torpedo” are considered in Russia: they tolerate transportation and storage better than anyone else. And in the homeland of this aromatic berry, the South of Russia, there is a whole range of varieties: “Galileo” with greenish and sweet flesh, cantaloupe melon with a striped skin and a bright orange core, aromatic “Altai” melon and others.

Apart from its incredible taste, melon, among other things, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves immunity and improves skin. There is even a special melon diet that helps fast weight loss without the painful feeling of hunger. However, such miraculous effects are available only to those who know how to choose a ripe melon.

Let's reveal a few tricks that will definitely come in handy when buying melon:

The aroma of ripe melon. The ripeness of a melon can be easily determined by its smell. Sweet and ripe melon exudes a delicate aroma. If the melon has no odor at all or, worse, smells of greenery, it is better to put the fruit aside;

The right melon sound. As with watermelon, you can check the ripeness of the melon by lightly slapping it with your palm. A ripe melon produces a dull pop, not a sonorous one like a watermelon;

Peel. Another little secret of how to choose a melon lies in its peel: the peel of the fruit should spring back with slight pressure. And if the melon peel turns out to be too soft, and fingerprints remain after pressing, it means that the berries are overripe and it’s time for them to go to the trash heap, and not to the buyer’s hands.

Another significant observation that should definitely be followed by those who do not know how to choose a torpedo melon is the color of the fruit. There should be no dark spots on the melon, the color of the fruit should be uniform regardless of the variety. Pay attention to the “tail” of the melon: it should be slightly dried. But the “nose”, the trace from the flower, on the contrary, should be slightly soft.

Avoid buying melon near roads or in unsanitary tents. Fruits should not lie on the ground! In this case, they may be damaged, and pathogens of botulism or other dangerous infections can enter the melon through the cracks.

Be careful when choosing a melon - this way you will protect yourself from poisoning and be able to fully enjoy this sweet and aromatic fruit.

Watermelon is adored for its sweetness, because this berry gets rid of thirst and removes toxic substances from the body. How to determine the ripeness of a watermelon in a garden is of interest to summer residents who planted this crop for the first time, because an unripe fruit is tasteless.

Although its pulp consists of more than 90% water, it contains vitamins and microelements such as phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Folic acid, present in watermelon, strengthens the immune system, lycopene prevents cell degeneration, and tocopherol protects them from aging. Riboflavin helps convert carbohydrates into energy.

How to tell if a watermelon is ripe - main points

You can find out whether a striped berry is ripe by paying attention to certain signs. The fruits of some varieties of melons reach a weight of 20 kilograms, but if they stop growing, you can pick a watermelon after 20 days.

It is worth paying attention:

  • crusty appearance;
  • on the color of the spot on the side;
  • for the presence of sound.

When the berry ripens, the matte skin begins to shine and the stripes become clear. You should not cut a cube from a fruit in the garden to check its ripeness - the product will rot after a few days.

The tail of watermelons dries out when the weather is dry and hot, and the plant experiences a lack of moisture, so its appearance does not depend on whether the berry is green or ripe.

If the tendril, which is located in the same axil of the leaf with the tail, begins to dry, the striped fruit can already be cut off. The diameter of the watermelon depends on the variety. Only gardeners who have been growing it for a long time can determine ripeness.

By the appearance of the crust

To find out whether the fruit is ripe and has gained sweetness, you need to carefully examine its peel. When the berry stops receiving moisture from the plant, the rind becomes hard. In a ripe watermelon, dents and cracks cannot be felt on it, and the skin is not covered with a matte purine coating. The top layer of the fruit can be easily removed with a fingernail.

Almost black stripes clearly appear against the light background of the crust. When the berry ripens, the synthesis of chlorophyll, which gives the watermelon rind a green tint, stops.

When a melon crop grows in warmth and in the sun, when it ripens, its fruits acquire a contrasting color, shine appears, and a spot on the side turns yellow or becomes orange. The ripe berry has a slightly elongated shape.

On a dry stalk

Before cutting a watermelon, you need to carefully examine its tail. If it is dry, then most likely the berry has rotted or is overripe. Products with a green stalk are not suitable for consumption. For such a watermelon to ripen, it needs to grow in the garden for at least 2 weeks.

By sound

Unripe berries not only lack sweetness, but also contain harmful substances and can easily be poisoned. Although tomatoes and melons, which also belong to melon crops, ripen at home, some gardeners believe that it is better to pick watermelon earlier, but their opinion is not confirmed. There is another way to check the ripeness of the fruit. The product is suitable for use when a slight cracking sound occurs when squeezed, and when tapped, not a dull sound, but a ringing sound.

What should be the size and color of the earthen spot?

A watermelon that is grown in a garden bed does not turn on its own, so it constantly lies, touching the same side. A stain appears in this place. In ripe fruit it has an orange or yellow tint. If this “cheek” occupies a significant surface, the size exceeds 10 centimeters, has an uneven color or a pale color, it is better to wait until harvesting. When the berry ripens, the entire peel becomes covered with small spots that are much lighter than the peel itself.

Optimal weight

Breeders have developed different varieties of watermelons that are more adapted to a particular area, differ in size and weight, and ripen at different times. Skorik appears on the shelves first retail outlets. There are no stripes on the surface of the fruit; the rind is dark green in color. Weight ripe watermelons rarely reaches 7 kilograms.

Photon matures quickly. The skin of this berry is lighter and painted with stripes.

The Crimson Gloria variety is characterized by:

  • excellent transportability;
  • very thick crust;
  • huge in size.

One such fruit weighs 15-17 kilograms. The weight of Kherson watermelons is somewhat less. You can recognize them by their light stripes, thin peel, and elongated shape.

The hybrid variety Kholodok, although it ripens by the end of August, is valued for the fact that it does not spoil for a long time and retains its characteristics.

Astrakhan watermelon is different:

  • smooth surface;
  • the presence of dark stripes;
  • bright green skin.

A sweet berry of this variety weighs up to 10 kilograms and is not damaged during transportation. This hybrid was bred at the end of the last century by Russian breeders.

What should be the color and structure of the pulp?

It is not recommended to eat watermelons if the concentration of nitrates in them exceeds the norm. Those gardeners who grow melons for their family, and not for sale, like farmers, do not stuff the fruits with harmful substances so that they ripen faster. When buying watermelons at the market, you need to learn some rules.

The presence of a large amount of nitrates is indicated by:

  • uneven color of the pulp;
  • the presence of cracks and yellowish fibers on the cut;
  • Uneven seed color.

If a juicy piece of fruit is placed in a glass of water and the solution becomes cloudy, you can safely purchase it for consumption; It is better to discard watermelon if the liquid has acquired a reddish tint.

To determine whether a berry is ripe, it is not necessary to taste the fruit, just look carefully at the pulp.

If it has a pink tint and a porous structure, it means that the fruit is already ripe and has acquired a sugar content. The red color of the insides of a watermelon indicates that the berry contains a lot of nitrates or is overripe, and such a product is unsuitable for consumption by either children or adults.

How not to determine ripeness

Some methods used to find out whether a watermelon can be cut from a garden bed are not always effective. It is impossible to accurately determine whether the fruit is ripe by the average ripening period of the variety, because melons always react to the weather. If the days are cool, it rains, the harvest time is delayed, and it is not a fact that the fruits will become sweet.

The development of melon crops is influenced by the characteristics of the soil on which it grows.

It is impossible to say for sure that a watermelon is ripe if its tail is dry. This often happens in extreme heat and in the absence of moisture in the ground. To understand what sound occurs when knocking, whether a cracking sound appears when you press on the peel, you need to hear very well. It is difficult to determine its ripeness by the weight and diameter of the fruit. Such parameters rarely correspond to annotations and specially designed tables.

If a gardener has been growing the same variety of sweet berries for a long time, based on its size, he can begin harvesting. Such methods give the correct result only in half of the cases. Many people say that “girl” watermelons with a dense, large spot are more tasty, but “boys”, if chosen well, also delight with sweetness and juiciness.

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