Requirements for installing technical means of traffic management. Technical means of traffic management

GOST R 52289-2004


National standard of the Russian Federation

(abbreviated as amended by Rosstandart orders up to No. 2221-st dated December 9, 2013)

Standard information

1. Developed by the State Enterprise "ROSDORNII" Rosavtodor together with the Research Center of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

3. Approved and put into effect by Order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated December 15, 2004 No. 120-st

4 The standard is fully compliant with the requirements of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals (Vienna, 1968) and the European Agreement supplementing this Convention (Geneva, 1971), as amended (1995)


This standard establishes the rules for the use of technical means of traffic management: road signs in accordance with GOST R 52290, road markings in accordance with GOST R 51256, traffic lights according to GOST R 52282, as well as road barriers and guide devices on all streets and roads (hereinafter, except for section 8, roads).


The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

3.1 technical means of organizing traffic: Road sign, marking, traffic light, road fence and guide device.

3.2 road sign(hereinafter - sign): A device in the form of a panel of a certain shape with symbols or inscriptions informing road users (hereinafter - traffic) about road conditions and traffic patterns, the location of populated areas and other objects.

3.3 main sign: A sign, the need for installation of which is determined by road conditions in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

3.4 duplicate sign: A sign installed in the same cross-section of the road as the main sign, which serves to increase the reliability of the perception of information by road users.

3.5 preliminary sign: A sign installed before the main sign and warning drivers of an upcoming traffic change or object, information about which is contained on the main sign.

3.6 repeated sign: A sign installed behind the main sign and confirming its information.

3.7 sign additional information(plate): A sign that limits or specifies the effect of other signs with which it is used.

3.8 road markings(hereinafter referred to as markings): Lines, arrows and other markings on the roadway, road structures and elements of road equipment, serving as a means of visual orientation for road users or informing them about restrictions and traffic modes.

3.10 traffic light object: A group of traffic lights installed on a section of the road network, the order of movement of conflicting traffic flows or traffic and pedestrian flows is regulated by a traffic signal.

3.11 road fencing: A device designed to prevent a vehicle from leaving the side of the road and a bridge structure (bridge, overpass, overpass, etc.), crossing a median strip, colliding with an oncoming vehicle, hitting massive obstacles and structures located on the side of the road and in the lane road diversion, on the dividing strip (retaining fence for cars), falls of pedestrians from a bridge structure or embankment (retaining fences for pedestrians), as well as to regulate the movement of pedestrians and prevent animals from entering roadway(boundary fence).

3.12 guide device: Signal post, cabinet, guide island, safety island, designed for visual orientation.


4.1 Technical means of traffic management may be used in cases not provided for by this standard, if the need for their use is justified by specific traffic conditions.

4.2 It is not allowed to place posters, posters, install devices in the road right of way, or make markings that could be mistaken for road signs or other technical means of traffic management or could reduce their visibility or effectiveness, or dazzle road users or distract their attention , thereby creating a danger to traffic.

It is not allowed to place posters, banners and other devices on signs (on their front side, on the back side of signs (warning, priority, prohibitory, prescriptive, special instructions, service and additional information)), on traffic lights and the supports on which they are located. , not related to the organization of traffic.

4.3 Signs and traffic lights are placed in such a way that they are perceived only by the traffic participants for whom they are intended, and are not obscured by any obstacles (advertising, green spaces, outdoor lighting poles, etc.), ensure ease of use and reduce the likelihood of their damage.

4.4 On sections of roads where the markings defining the traffic mode are difficult to distinguish (snow, mud, etc.) or cannot be restored in a timely manner, signs corresponding in meaning are installed.

4.5 Technical means of traffic management, the use of which was caused by temporary reasons (road repair work, seasonal road conditions, etc.), must be dismantled after the specified reasons have been eliminated. Signs and traffic lights may be covered with covers.

4.6 It is allowed, in agreement with the federal governing body of the State Traffic Inspectorate, for experimental purposes to use technical means of traffic management that are not provided for by current standards. If necessary, road users are informed about the purpose of such a technical device and banners are installed to explain the meaning and significance of the experiment being carried out.


5.1. General requirements

5.1.3 The effect of signs extends to the roadway, roadside, bicycle or pedestrian paths near or above which they are installed.

5.1.4 The visibility distance of the sign must be at least 100 m.

5.1.5 Signs are installed to the right of the roadway or above it, outside the curb (if there is one), except for the cases specified in this standard, as well as to the right of or above a bicycle or pedestrian path.

5.1.6 On roads with two or more lanes in a given direction, signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.20.1-1.20.3, 1.25, 2.4, 2.5, 3.24, installed to the right of the roadway, are duplicated.

Duplicate signs are installed on the dividing strip.

On roads without a dividing strip, duplicate signs are installed:

To the left of the roadway in cases where oncoming traffic is carried out in one or two lanes;

Above the roadway in cases where oncoming traffic is carried out in three or more lanes.

If necessary, it is allowed to duplicate other signs in the same way.

On roads with one lane for traffic in each direction, it is allowed to duplicate signs 3.20 and 3.22, on roads with three lanes for traffic in both directions - sign 5.15.6. Signs are installed to the left of the roadway.

On two-way roads with two or more lanes for traffic in a given direction, as well as on roads with one way traffic with three or more lanes, sign 5.19.1 is duplicated above the roadway.

5.1.7 The distance from the edge of the roadway (if there is a shoulder - from the edge of the roadbed) to the nearest edge of the sign installed on the side of the roadway should be 0.5-2.0 m,

To the edge of special regulations signs 5.23.1, 5.24.1, 5.25, 5.26 and information signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1-6.12, 6.17 - 0.5-5.0 m.

5.1.8 The distance from the bottom edge of the sign (excluding signs 1.4.1-1.4.6 and plates) to the surface of the road surface (installation height), except in cases specifically specified by this standard, must be:

From 1.5 to 3.0 m - when installed on the side of the roadway outside populated areas,

From 2.0 to 4.0 m - in populated areas;

From 0.6 to 1.5 m - when installed on raised guide islands, raised traffic islands and on the roadway (on portable supports);

From 5.0 to 6.0 m - when placed above the roadway. Signs placed on the spans of artificial structures located at a height of less than 5.0 m from the surface of the road surface should not protrude beyond their lower edge.

The installation height of signs located on the side of the roadway is determined from the surface of the road surface at the edge of the roadway.

The order of placement of signs of different groups on one support (top to bottom, left to right), except in cases specified by this standard, should be as follows:

Priority signs;

Warning signs;

Mandatory signs;

Signs of special regulations;

Prohibition signs;

Information signs;

Service signs.

Along one road, the height of signs should be as uniform as possible.

5.1.9 Signs are installed immediately in front of an intersection, a turnaround point, a service facility, etc., and, if necessary, at a distance of no more than 25 m in populated areas and 50 m outside populated areas in front of them, except in cases specified by this standard.

Signs introducing restrictions and regimes are installed at the beginning of sections where this is necessary, and those canceling restrictions and regimes are installed at the end, except as otherwise provided by this standard.

5.1.10 Installation of signs on the roadsides is permissible in cramped conditions (near cliffs, rock ledges, parapets, etc.). The distance between the edge of the roadway and the edge of the sign closest to it must be at least 1 m, and the installation height must be from 2 to 3 m.

5.1.11 Signs installed on the median, raised traffic islands and guide islands, or on the side of the road in the absence of road barriers, are placed on impact-resistant supports.

5.1.12 In places where work is being carried out on the road and during temporary operational changes in traffic organization, signs on portable supports may be installed on the roadway, roadsides and dividing strip.

Signs on one support, extending their effect to different roadways of the same direction of travel, are located above the corresponding roadways or as close as possible to them, taking into account technical capabilities and the requirements of this standard.

5.1.14 In one cross-section of the road, no more than three signs are installed, excluding signs 5.15.2, duplicate signs, additional information signs, as well as signs 1.34.1 - 1.34.3 in places of road work.

Signs, except those installed at intersections, bus stops Vehicle, in places where artificial unevenness is installed and road work is being carried out, they are located outside populated areas at a distance of at least 50 m, in populated areas - at least 25 m from each other.

5.1.17. ...On boards with yellow-green reflective fluorescent film, signs 1.22, 1.23, 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 are used. It is permissible to use other signs on such boards in places where traffic accidents are concentrated and to prevent their occurrence in dangerous areas.

5.1.18. Road signs 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.18 - 1.21, 1.33, 2.6, 3.11 - 3.16, 3.18.1 - 3.25, made on a yellow background, are used in places where road work is being carried out. In this case, signs 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.18 - 1.21, 1.33, 2.6, 3.11 - 3.16, 3.18.1 - 3.25, made on a white background, are covered with covers or dismantled.

5.2. Warning signs

5.2.1 Warning signs are used to inform drivers about the nature of the danger and the approach to a dangerous section of the road, driving along which requires taking measures appropriate to the situation.

5.2.2 Warning signs, except for signs 1.3.1-1.4.6, 1.34.1-1.34.3, are installed outside populated areas at a distance of 150 to 300 m, and in populated areas - at a distance from 50 to 100 m before the start hazardous area depending on the permitted maximum speed movement, visibility conditions and placement possibilities.

It is allowed to install warning signs at a different distance, indicated in this case on plate 8.1.1.

5.2.3 Repeated warning signs with plate 8.1.1, except for signs 1.4.1-1.4.6, may be installed between the intersection and the beginning of a dangerous section in cases where the distance between them is 20-150 m outside populated areas and 20-50 m - in populated areas. Repeated signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.9, 1.10 are required.

A warning sign with a plate 8.1.3 or 8.1.4, if the distance between the intersection and the beginning of the dangerous section is less than 20 m, can be installed on the crossing road at a distance of 50-60 m from the intersection, in this case signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.9, 1.10 are installed Necessarily.

5.2.4 Signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.9, 1.10, 1.21, 1.23, 1.25 are reinstalled outside populated areas, and signs 1.23, 1.25 - also in populated areas. A repeat sign outside populated areas is installed at a distance of 50-100 m before the start of the dangerous section, and in populated areas - according to 5.2.25 and 5.2.27.

5.2.5 Signs 1.1 “Railway crossing with a barrier” and 1.2 “Railway crossing without a barrier” are installed in front of all railway crossings, respectively equipped or not equipped with barriers. Signs are duplicated on roads with two or more lanes for traffic in one direction, and on roads with one lane if the visibility distance of the crossing outside populated areas is less than 300 m, and in populated areas - less than 100 m.

If the distance between railway crossings is 50 m or less, signs are installed before the first crossing, and if the distance is more than 50 m, before each crossing.

5.2.6 Signs 1.3.1 “Single-track railway” and 1.3.2 “Multiple-track railway” are installed in front of all railway crossings without a barrier, respectively, across a railway with one or two or more tracks. If there is a traffic light signal at the crossing, the signs are installed on the same support as the traffic light, and if there is none, at a distance of 6-10 m from the nearest rail.

5.2.7 Signs 1.4.1-1.4.6 “Approaching a railway crossing” are installed outside populated areas on roads with two or more lanes for traffic in both directions before each crossing, and on roads with one lane - when the visibility distance of the crossing is less than 300 m.

Signs 1.4.1-1.4.3 are installed on the right side of the road, and signs 1.4.4-1.4.6 - on the left.

5.2.8 Sign 1.5 “Intersection with a tram line” is installed before crossing a road with tram tracks outside an intersection, as well as before intersections (squares) through which tram tracks pass, when the visibility distance of the tracks is less than 50 m.

5.2.9 Sign 1.6 “Intersection of equivalent roads” is installed at the approaches to the intersection of equivalent roads, from which the visibility distance of the intersection outside populated areas is less than 150 m, and in populated areas - less than 50 m.

5.2.10 Sign 1.7 “Intersection with in a circular motion» are installed in front of intersections marked with signs 4.3, outside populated areas - in front of each intersection, in populated areas - in front of intersections whose visibility distance is less than 50 m, as well as in front of intersections where there is no artificial lighting.

5.2.11 Sign 1.8 “Traffic light regulation” is installed outside populated areas before each intersection, pedestrian crossing or section of the road, except for railway crossings, the traffic at which is regulated by traffic lights, in populated areas - when the traffic light visibility distance is less than 100 m, as well as before the first after entry into a populated area through an intersection or pedestrian crossing with traffic lights.

5.2.14 Signs 1.11.1 and 1.11.2 “Dangerous turn” are installed in front of horizontal curves where the value of the safety factor*(2) is less than 0.6, as well as before horizontal curves where the visibility distance of an oncoming car at speed , characteristic of the road section preceding the curve, is less than the minimum visibility distance ensuring traffic safety (Table 3).

*(2) The ratio of the speeds of travel of the dangerous and previous sections.


1. For roads under construction, a speed corresponding to 70% of the design speed is accepted, and for roads in operation - a speed that does not exceed 85% of vehicles in a given section.

2. The visibility distance of an oncoming car should be considered the distance at which from a height of 1.2 m (eye level of the driver of a passenger car) you can see an object located at a height of 1.2 m above the level of the roadway.

3. The visibility distance for stopping should be considered the distance that, from a height of 1.2 m (eye level of the driver of a passenger car), ensures the visibility of any objects with a height of at least 0.2 m located in the middle of the lane.

5.2.15 Signs 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 “Dangerous turns” are installed in front of two or more consecutive curves in the plan, if the distance between them is less than 300 m and if in front of the first of them, according to 5.2.14, a corresponding sign must be installed 1.11.1 or 1.11.2.

Signs 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 with plate 8.2.1 are installed for three or more consecutive curves in the plan.

5.2.16 Signs 1.13 “Steep descent” and 1.14 “Steep ascent” are installed:

If the length of the road section on a descent or ascent is greater than that indicated in Table 4 with a corresponding slope;

If on vertical convex curves the visibility distance of an oncoming car is less than those indicated in Table 3 at a speed characteristic of the road section preceding the curve.

If descents and ascents follow one another, signs (without plate 8.1.1) may be installed immediately before the start of the descent or ascent.

5.2.19 Sign 1.17 “Artificial bump” is installed in front of the artificial bump to force a speed reduction.

In cases where the distance between successively located bumps is no more than 100 m, the sign is installed in front of the first artificial bump.

5.2.23 Sign 1.21 “Two-way traffic” is installed in front of sections of the road (carriageway) with two-way traffic, if they are preceded by a section with one-way traffic. The sign is installed regardless of the use of sign 5.6.

5.2.24 Sign 1.22 “Pedestrian crossing” is installed outside populated areas in front of all unregulated ground pedestrian crossings, and in populated areas - in front of crossings whose visibility distance is less than 150 m.

The sign may not be installed in front of crossings located at intersections.

5.2.25 Sign 1.23 “Children” is installed in front of sections of roads passing along the territories of children's institutions or frequently crossed by children, regardless of the presence of pedestrian crossings.

A repeat sign is installed with plate 8.2.1, which indicates the length of the road section that runs along the territory of the child care facility or is often crossed by children.

5.2.27 Sign 1.25 “Road Works” is installed in front of the road section within which any type of work is being carried out.

If other signs are used in front of the road section where road work is being carried out, sign 1.25 is installed first in the direction of travel, except in cases where sign 6.19.1 is used outside populated areas.

5.2.33 Sign 1.31 “Tunnel” is installed in front of tunnels in which there is no artificial lighting, as well as in front of tunnels whose entrance portals are visible from a distance of less than 150 m due to the terrain.

Sign 1.31 with plate 8.2.1 is used if, when entering a tunnel, its opposite end is not visible.

5.2.34 Sign 1.32 “Congestion” is used as a temporary sign in the event of a congestion on a section of the road or on signs with a variable image and is installed in front of the intersection, from where it is possible to bypass the section of the road on which the congestion has occurred.

5.2.35 Sign 1.33 “Other hazards” is installed in front of dangerous sections of roads, the type of hazard on which is not provided for by warning signs in accordance with GOST R 52290.

5.2.36 Signs 1.34.1 and 1.34.2 “Direction of turn” are installed on sections of roads with a curve in terms of a small radius, if when approaching the curve it is difficult to determine the direction of the turn.

Signs are installed on the outside of the curve on the continuation of the axis of the lane (lanes) along which movement towards the turn is carried out.

At a roundabout, sign 1.34.1 is installed on the central island, opposite the corresponding entrance. It is permissible not to install a sign if there is artificial lighting at the intersection.

Signs with two arrows are allowed to be installed in cramped conditions.

Signs with one arrow are installed along one curve; their number must be at least four, and the distance between them must not be more than 20 m.

5.2.37 Sign 1.34.3 “Direction of turn” is installed at T-shaped intersections and road forks if there is a danger of driving in the forward direction.

At T-shaped intersections, the sign is installed opposite the road that does not have a continuation, at road branches - directly behind the place where the roadways branch. A sign with two arrows can be installed in cramped conditions.

5.2.38 Signs 1.34.1-1.34.3 may be used in areas where road work is being carried out to additionally indicate the direction to bypass a fenced area. In this case, signs may be placed on fencing devices.

5.3. Priority signs

5.3.1 Priority signs are used to indicate the order of passage of intersections, intersections of individual roadways, as well as narrow sections of roads.

5.3.2 Sign 2.1 “Main Road” is installed at the beginning of a section of road with priority right of passage at unregulated intersections.

In populated areas, the sign is installed before each intersection on the main road.

Sign 2.1 with plate 8.13 is installed before intersections where the main road changes direction, as well as before intersections with a complex layout. In populated areas, sign 2.1 with plate 8.13 is installed in front of the intersection, and outside populated areas - first at a distance of 150-300 m before the intersection and in front of the intersection.

At intersections of roads with several carriageways, the sign is installed in front of the intersections of carriageways where there may be an ambiguous determination of the primacy of the roads.

5.3.3 Sign 2.2 “End of the main road” is installed at the end of the section of the road where it loses its main status.

5.3.4 Signs 2.3.1 “Intersection with a minor road”, 2.3.2-2.3.7 “Junction of a minor road” are installed outside populated areas in front of all intersections on roads marked with sign 2.1. Signs are not installed at intersections with complex layouts or at intersections where the main road changes direction.

Outside populated areas, signs 2.3.1-2.3.7 are installed at a distance of 150-300 m, in populated areas - at a distance of 50-100 m from the intersection. If necessary, it is allowed to install signs 2.3.1-2.3.7 at a different distance, indicated in this case on plate 8.1.1.

5.3.6 Sign 2.4 “Give way” is used to indicate that the driver must give way to vehicles moving on the road being crossed, and, if there is a sign 8.13, to vehicles moving on the main road.

Sign 2.4 is installed in advance with plate 8.1.1 on roads outside populated areas, with the exception of dirt roads, at a distance of 150-300 m before the intersection, if sign 2.4 is installed in front of the intersection, or with plate 8.1.2, if sign 2.5 is installed in front of the intersection.

If there is an acceleration lane at the points of exit onto the road with priority right of way through intersections, the sign is installed before the beginning of this lane.

5.3.7 Sign 2.5 is installed instead of sign 2.4 if visibility of vehicles approaching along the road being crossed is not ensured.

The sign is installed in front of railway crossings without an attendant, not equipped with traffic lights, at a distance of 10 m to the nearest rail in cases where, at a distance of 50 m from the nearest rail, the visibility distance of the train is less than the value specified in Table 5.


1. The maximum speed of the train set at the approaches to the crossing is taken as the speed of movement.

2. When designing newly constructed and reconstructed roads at crossings, the driver of a car, located at a distance to stop before the crossing not less than that specified in Table 3, must be provided with visibility of a train approaching the crossing, which is located at a distance of at least 400 m from the crossing.

5.3.10 Signs 2.6 “Advantage to oncoming traffic” and 2.7 “Advantage to oncoming traffic” are used to organize traffic in places where oncoming passing of vehicles is impossible or dangerous.

Signs are installed in front of bridge structures that carry two-way traffic when the roadway width is less than 6 m.

On sections of roads with a longitudinal slope, priority is given to vehicles moving uphill.

5.4. Prohibition signs

5.4.1 Prohibition signs are used to introduce or lift traffic restrictions and are installed in accordance with 5.1.9.

5.4.2 Sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited” is installed:

On sections of roads or carriageways with one-way traffic to prohibit the movement of vehicles in the opposite direction. On roads with several carriageways separated from each other by a boulevard or dividing strip, a sign is installed for each one-way carriageway;

On roads marked with sign 5.11, to prevent vehicles from entering towards the general flow, and with sign 8.14 - into the lane allocated for route vehicles;

To organize separate entry and exit points at vehicle parking areas, rest areas, gas stations, etc.;

To prohibit entry into a particular lane or section of the road.

A sign prohibiting entry into a separate lane is installed with plate 8.14.

If the main sign is installed on a section of road between intersections, a preliminary sign 3.1 with plate 8.1.1 is placed at the beginning of the section.

It is not allowed to use sign 3.1 with plates 8.3.1-8.3.3 and 8.4.1-8.4.8.

5.4.7 Sign 3.10 “Pedestrian movement is prohibited” is installed in places where pedestrian movement is prohibited due to their safety conditions (artificial structures that do not have sidewalks, sections of roads under repair, etc.). The sign is installed on the side of the road where the ban is imposed.

The sign is used to prohibit crossing at controlled intersections where any direction of pedestrian movement is prohibited. The sign is installed on the edge of the sidewalk facing pedestrians, whose movement should be prohibited.

5.4.10 Sign 3.13 “Height limitation” is used to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose overall height (with or without cargo) is greater than that indicated on the sign.

The sign is installed in cases where the distance from the surface of the road surface to the bottom of the span of an artificial structure, utilities, etc. less than 5 m.

5.4.11 Sign 3.14 “Width limitation” is used to prohibit the movement of vehicles whose overall width (with or without load) is greater than that indicated on the sign.

The sign is installed in front of the passage if its width is in a tunnel, between the supports of a bridge structure, etc. less than 3.5 m.

5.4.12 Sign 3.15 “Length Limitation” is used to prohibit the movement of vehicles (vehicle trains), the overall length of which (with or without load) is greater than that indicated on the sign, on sections of roads with a narrow carriageway, close buildings, sharp turns and etc., where their movement or passing with oncoming vehicles is difficult.

5.4.13 Preliminary signs 3.11-3.15 with plate 8.1.1 are installed behind the intersection at the beginning of the road section where the main signs 3.11-3.15 have introduced corresponding restrictions.

5.4.15 Sign 3.17.1 “Customs” is used to prohibit travel without stopping at a customs checkpoint.

Preliminary sign 3.17.1 with plate 8.1.1 is installed at a distance of 500 m before the checkpoint.

5.4.21 Sign 3.20 “Overtaking is prohibited” is used to prohibit overtaking of all vehicles, except for low-speed vehicles, horse-drawn carts, mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles without sidecars, and sign 3.22 “Overtaking of trucks is prohibited” - to prohibit overtaking of trucks with the permitted maximum weighing more than 3.5 tons of all vehicles.

Sign 3.20 is installed on sections of roads with poor visibility of an oncoming vehicle (Table 3); the coverage area of ​​the sign in this case is determined by the length of the dangerous section.

5.4.22 Sign 3.24 “Maximum speed limit” is used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles at a speed higher than the specified one.

If a maximum speed is set on a given section that differs from the maximum speed on the previous section by 20 km/h or more, a stepped speed limit is applied in increments of no more than 20 km/h by sequentially installing signs 3.24 at a distance of 100-150 m from each other .

Sign 3.24 with plate 8.2.1 in front of the artificial hump is installed together with sign 5.20 on the same support. The speed indicated on the sign must be consistent with the design of the hump.

Signs 3.32 and 3.33 are used to prevent vehicles carrying dangerous, explosive or flammable cargo from leaving their designated routes, as well as to prohibit the entry of these vehicles onto roads or into areas where they pose a particular danger to people.

5.4.29 Signs 3.2-3.9, 3.32 and 3.33 are installed at each entrance to a section of road or territory where the movement of the corresponding types of vehicles is prohibited. Before side exits onto the road, signs are used with one of the plates 8.3.1-8.3.3.

5.5. Mandatory signs

5.5.1 Mandatory signs are used to introduce or cancel traffic modes and are installed in accordance with 5.1.9, except in cases specified by this standard.

5.5.2 Signs 4.1.1 “Move straight”, 4.1.2 “Move right”, 4.1.3 “Move left”, 4.1.4 “Move straight or right”, 4.1.5 “Move straight or left”, 4.1 .6 “Move to the right or left” is used to permit movement at the nearest intersection of roadways in the directions indicated by the arrows on the sign, and signs 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.6 are also used to permit a U-turn.

If both mandatory signs 4.1.1-4.1.5 and prohibitory signs 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 can be used to regulate traffic at an intersection, mandatory signs should be used.

5.5.3 Sign 4.1.1 “Move straight” is also used to prohibit turns in breaks in the dividing strip on road sections between intersections. In this case, the sign is installed only on the dividing strip.

If necessary, sign 4.1.1 may be used to duplicate markings 1.1 or 1.3 separating oncoming traffic flows, while the sign is installed directly at the beginning of the road section. In this case, the effect of the sign extends to the nearest intersection.

5.5.6 Sign 4.3 “Roundabout” is installed at each entrance to an intersection (square) where a roundabout is organized. The sign is not used if, simultaneously with the roundabout, cross traffic of vehicles, with the exception of rail vehicles, is allowed.

5.5.7 Sign 4.4.1 “Cycle path or lane” is used to designate a path on which only bicycles are allowed, and in the absence of a sidewalk or pedestrian path, also pedestrians, as well as a roadway strip on which bicycles and mopeds are allowed. .

The sign is installed:

To the right of the bicycle path or lane, if it is separated from the roadway by a curb, barrier, lawn, etc.;

Above the lane for bicycles and mopeds with sign 8.14, if it is separated from the lanes intended for the movement of motor vehicles by marking 1.1.

The main sign is installed at the beginning of a bicycle path or strip, the second sign is installed after each intersection with a road, pedestrian or bike path.

5.5.7a. Sign 4.4.2 “End of a bicycle path or lane” is installed at the end of the path or lane indicated by sign 4.4.1.

5.5.8 Sign 4.5.1 “Pedestrian path” is used to designate paths intended only for pedestrian traffic.

The main sign is installed at the beginning of the pedestrian path to the right of it, the second one is installed after each intersection with the road.

5.5.8a. Signs 4.5.2 “Pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic”, 4.5.4 and 4.5.5 “Pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation” are used to designate paths intended for the joint movement of pedestrians and bicycles:

Sign 4.5.2 - in cases where pedestrians and bicycles are not separated into separate flows;

Signs 4.5.4 and 4.5.5 - when the flows of pedestrians and bicycles are divided into independent flows.

The main signs 4.5.2, 4.5.4, 4.5.5 are installed at the beginning of the path, repeated ones - after each intersection with a road, pedestrian or bicycle path, as well as a path for the joint movement of pedestrians and bicycles.

Signs 4.5.3 “End of a pedestrian and bicycle path”, 4.5.6 and 4.5.7 “End of a pedestrian and bicycle path with traffic separation” are installed at the end of a path intended for the joint movement of pedestrians and bicycles.

5.5.9 Sign 4.6 “Minimum speed limit” is used to introduce a speed limit on a road or a separate lane, in which traffic is permitted only at the specified speed or higher (for example, on long ascents of roads with two or more lanes in a given direction).

The effect of the sign extends from the place of installation to the nearest intersection behind the sign, and in a populated area, in the absence of an intersection, to the end of the populated area.

A minimum speed limit across the entire width of the roadway is permissible if there is a backup road for vehicles that cannot move at the speed indicated on the sign.

5.6. Signs of special regulations

5.6.1 Signs of special requirements are used to introduce or cancel special traffic modes.

5.6.2 Sign 5.1 is installed:

At the beginning of the motorway;

With sign 8.1.1 in front of the turnaround point or intersection closest to the beginning of the highway;

With sign 8.1.3 or 8.1.4 before exits to the motorway at intersections at different levels, before the intersection closest to the motorway with the road that goes on to the motorway;

With sign 8.3.1 before exiting the motorway at the junction at one level;

With signs 8.3.1, 8.3.2 before entering the highway starting at the intersection at the same level.

Repeated 5.1 signs may be installed after entering the highway.

5.6.3 Sign 5.2 “End of the motorway” is installed at the end of the motorway, at the beginning of exits from the motorway and previously with plate 8.1.1 at a distance of 400 and 1000 m to the end of the motorway.

5.6.4 Sign 5.3 “Road for cars” is installed:

With a sign 8.1.1 in front of the turnaround point or intersection closest to the beginning of the road marked with sign 5.3;

With a sign 8.1.3 or 8.1.4 before exits onto a road marked with a sign 5.3, at intersections at different levels before the intersection closest to the road marked with a sign 5.3 with a road that turns into a road marked with a sign 5.3;

From one of the signs 8.3.1-8.3.3 before the intersection with the road marked with sign 5.3.

5.6.9 Sign 5.8 “Reverse traffic” is used to designate sections of roads on which, with the help of reversible traffic lights or signs 5.15.7, the movement of vehicles is regulated along separate lanes of the roadway with alternately granting the right to move in the opposite direction.

Repeated sign 5.8 is installed after each controlled intersection, as well as after an unregulated intersection with a complex layout.

5.6.16 Signs 5.15.1 “Driving directions along the lanes” and 5.15.2 “Driving directions along the lane” are installed above the roadway at such a distance from the intersection that drivers have the opportunity to make the necessary lane changes in a timely manner. Signs are installed at the beginning of the division of traffic lanes with markings 1.1.

Each of the signs 5.15.2 is located above the middle of the strip for which it is intended.

Preliminary signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 are installed on roads that have three lanes in front of the intersection, sign 5.15.2 - three lanes or more for traffic in a given direction. On other roads, preliminary signs may be installed if necessary.

Sign 5.15.1 outside populated areas on roads that have no more than three lanes in front of an intersection, and no more than two lanes in a given direction in populated areas, may be placed to the right of the road, and a preliminary sign 5.15.1 is also installed.

Preliminary signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 are placed at a distance of 50-150 m from the installation site of the main signs.

If signs 5.15.1 and 5.15.2 are present, signs 4.1.1-4.1.6 are not used.

5.6.17 Sign 5.15.3 “Start of lane” with the image of sign(s) 4.6 is used in cases where it is necessary to set the minimum permissible speed on the left lane(s) leading uphill.

The sign indicates the minimum permissible speed for the left lane, which exceeds 50% of vehicles moving uphill in two lanes, or the minimum permissible speeds that exceed 50% (for the left lane) and 85% (for the middle lane) of vehicles moving uphill in three lanes.

Speed ​​is measured at the end of the climb. The resulting value is rounded down to a multiple of 10.

5.6.18 Sign 5.15.4 “Start of lane” is used to indicate the beginning of a section of the middle lane intended for traffic in a given direction, on three-lane roads, with alternate markings marking two lanes for each direction, and the sign is installed at the beginning of the transition marking line .

The sign may be used to designate a lane intended for turning left or making a U-turn.

5.6.21 Sign 5.15.7 “Direction of traffic along lanes” is used to indicate the number of lanes and the direction of traffic in each of the lanes when organizing traffic in one direction in a larger number of lanes than in the oncoming direction, and is installed behind each intersection on a section of the road with such an organization of the movement.

The sign may be used to organize reverse traffic. In this case, the sign is installed behind each intersection along the entire section of the road.

5.6.22 Sign 5.15.8 “Number of lanes” is used to indicate the number of lanes in a given direction and traffic modes along the lanes.

The sign is installed outside populated areas at a distance of 150-300 m, in populated areas - at a distance of 50-150 m from the beginning of the road section on which lane traffic modes are introduced by appropriate signs with signs 8.14.

5.6.23 Signs 5.16 “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”, 5.17 “Tram stop” and 5.18 “Taxi parking” must be double-sided. One-sided signs may be used outside populated areas on sections of roads with a dividing strip where there is no pedestrian traffic along the roads.

Signs 5.16 are installed at the beginning of the landing site. If there is a pavilion at a stopping point, it is allowed to install signs on the pavilion above its nearest edge in the direction of travel or on an independent support.

Sign 5.17 is installed to the right of the roadway when tram tracks are located in the middle of the roadway or to the left of a one-way roadway.

Duplicate sign 5.17 is installed:

If there is a raised landing area located along the tram tracks - at the beginning of this area;

Without a landing pad on roads with two or more lanes in a given direction - above the left lane.

If it is necessary to indicate the length of one or several stopping points located one after another, it is allowed to use sign 5.16 with plate 8.2.1. The sign is installed at the beginning of the first stopping point.

5.6.24 Signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 “Pedestrian crossing” are used to designate places designated for pedestrians to cross the road.

Sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road, sign 5.19.2 - to the left. Sign 5.19.1 is installed on the near border of the crossing relative to approaching vehicles, sign 5.19.2 - on the far border.

Signs at a marked pedestrian crossing are installed at a distance of no more than 1 m from the border of the crossing.

Sign 5.19.2 may be placed on the reverse side of sign 5.19.1.

At intersections at marked pedestrian crossings, provided that the border of the crossing closest to the center of the intersection coincides with the edge of the roadway, signs may be installed only at the far border of the crossing.

5.6.28 Signs 5.23.1 and 5.23.2 “Beginning of a populated area” are used to indicate the beginning of a populated area, within which the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules, which establish the procedure for traffic in populated areas, apply.

Signs are installed at all entrances to a populated area on the actual border of residential development.

Sign 5.23.2 is installed in cases where the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules regulating the rules of traffic in populated areas must be introduced on a section of the road with buildings that are not part of any populated area (holiday villages, detached enterprises, objects under construction, etc.). P.).

Sign 5.23.2 may be installed:

At secondary entrances to the populated area;

At the beginning of residential development in cases where the road repeatedly crosses the boundaries of the same settlement;

At the boundaries of residential development, when within the administrative boundaries of a populated area the development is interrupted at a distance of more than 500 m.

5.6.30 Sign 5.25 “Beginning of a populated area” is used to indicate the beginning of a populated area in which on a given road, due to traffic safety conditions, it is not advisable to introduce the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules establishing traffic rules in populated areas.

5.6.33 Signs 5.27 “Zone with limited parking”, 5.29 “Zone with regulated parking” and 5.31 “Zone with limited maximum speed” are used to designate the territory (section of the road) within which parking is regulated or the maximum speed is limited.

Signs are installed at all entrances to the territory (road section).

A maximum speed limit for an entire populated area is not permitted.

Information about the types of vehicles that are subject to the corresponding restriction, the duration of validity, the method of parking the vehicle, its duration, etc. placed on plates under signs or at the bottom of signs 5.27, 5.29, 5.31 using images of plates in accordance with GOST R 52290.

5.6.34 Sign 5.33 “Pedestrian zone” is used to designate an area (section of the road) where only pedestrian traffic is allowed.

The sign is installed in places where vehicles can enter the territory (road section).

5.6.35 Signs 5.28, 5.30, 5.32, 5.34 may be placed on the reverse side of signs 5.27, 5.29, 5.31, 5.33, respectively.

5.7. Information signs

5.7.1 Information signs are used to inform traffic participants about the location of settlements and other objects along the route, as well as about established and recommended traffic modes.

5.7.2 Sign 6.1 “General maximum speed limits” is used to inform vehicle drivers about the general speed limits established by the Traffic Rules on the roads of the Russian Federation.

The sign is installed at the entrance to the territory of the Russian Federation at checkpoints.

5.7.5 Sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” is used to designate areas intended for parking vehicles, with one of the signs 8.6.1-8.6.9 - to designate sidewalk parking.

The effect of a sign indicating sidewalk parking extends to the nearest intersection or is limited by plate 8.2.1.

On roads outside populated areas, preliminary sign 6.4 with plate 8.1.1 is installed at a distance of 400-800 m from the area intended for parking.

Sign 6.4 with plates 8.21.1-8.21.3 is installed at the entrances to the parking area at a metro station, bus and (or) trolleybus stop, tram and previously with plates 8.1.1, 8.1.3, 8.1.4, 8.3.1 , 8.3.2 to indicate the direction and distance to such a site.

5.7.6 Sign 6.5 “Emergency stop lane” is used to inform vehicle drivers about the location of the emergency stop lane on a steep descent.

The sign is installed before entering the emergency stop lane.

Preliminary sign 6.5 with plate 8.1.1 is installed with sign 1.13 at the top of the descent. During the descent it is allowed to install preliminary signs 6.5 with plate 8.1.1.

5.7.9 Sign 6.9.1 “Preliminary direction indicator” is installed outside populated areas at a distance of 300-500 m before the intersection or the beginning of the deceleration lane, in populated areas - at a distance of 50-100 m.

On highways, a preliminary sign 6.9.1 is installed at a distance of 800-1000 m before the intersection or the beginning of the braking lane.

The sign may be installed above the roadway and on the dividing strip.

5.7.10 Sign 6.9.2 “Preliminary direction indicator” is used for preliminary information about the direction of movement to populated areas and other objects. The sign is installed above the roadway with two or more lanes in one direction immediately before the start of the braking lane, and in its absence - at a distance of 100-300 m in front of the intersection outside populated areas and 50-100 m in populated areas.

Signs 6.9.2 are installed instead of sign 6.9.1:

On sections of roads where placement of sign 6.9.1 is difficult (high embankments, deep excavations, presence of buildings, etc.);

Before an intersection when distributing traffic flow on a straight line, left- and right-turn in separate lanes. For each of the possible directions of movement at the intersection, an independent sign 6.9.2 should be used. In this case, they are placed above the corresponding stripes;

On roads that have four or more lanes for traffic in a given direction, and are placed above the corresponding lanes.

5.7.11 Sign 6.9.3 “Traffic pattern” is used to indicate a detour route if traffic in certain directions is prohibited at an intersection, or traffic directions at an intersection with a complex layout.

The sign is installed immediately before the intersection.

Preliminary sign 6.9.3 may be installed in populated areas at a distance of 50-100 m, outside populated areas - at a distance of 150-300 m from the intersection.

5.7.14 Sign 6.12 “Distance Indicator” on roads outside populated areas is installed at exits from cities and other large populated areas, after intersections at different levels, after complex intersections, and on sections of roads between them - at least every 20 km.

In populated areas, the sign is installed after crossing highways.

5.7.16 Sign 6.14.1 is installed at the beginning of the road (route) and repeated after 10-15 km.

Sign 6.14.2 is installed in front of the intersection to indicate the direction and number of the road (route), as well as to indicate the number of the road (route) of the road being crossed, if signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1, 6.10.2 are not installed in front of the intersection .

5.7.19 Sign 6.17 “Detour diagram” is used to indicate the route to bypass a section of the road temporarily closed to traffic.

The sign is installed outside populated areas at a distance of 150-300 m, in populated areas - at a distance of 50-100 m from the intersection where the detour route begins.

5.7.20 Signs 6.18.1-6.18.3 “Detour direction” are used to indicate the direction of movement along the detour route of a road section temporarily closed to traffic.

If the detour route runs along a network of existing roads, then signs are installed in front of each intersection on the route.

5.7.21 Signs 6.19.1 and 6.19.2 “Preliminary indicator of changing lanes onto another roadway” are used on roads with a dividing strip to indicate the direction of movement to bypass a closed section of the roadway and the direction of movement to return to the roadway intended for traffic in this direction.

Sign 6.19.1 with plate 8.1.1 is installed at a distance of 50-100 m, outside populated areas - and previously 500 m before the break in the dividing strip along which the crossing is carried out onto the roadway intended for traffic in the oncoming direction.

Sign 6.19.2 with plate 8.1.1 is installed on the dividing strip at a distance of 50 to 100 m before the gap along which the crossing is made to the roadway intended for traffic in this direction.

5.7.22 It is allowed to place information about objects of attraction for traffic participants (service word, name, direction of movement, distance to the object, pictogram or symbol) together with signs 6.9.1, 6.9.2, 6.10.1, 6.12, in this case:

It is placed on a separate board directly under the individual design sign;

The shield must be structurally connected to the individual design sign;

The width of the shield must be equal to the width of the sign;

Information is placed on a yellow background.

5.7.23. Signs 6.20.1 and 6.20.2 “Emergency exit” are used to indicate the place in the tunnel where the emergency exit is located.

Signs 6.20.1 and 6.20.2 are installed to the left and right of the roadway.

Sign 6.20.1 is installed to the left of the roadway if the emergency exit is located to the left in the direction of travel.

Sign 6.20.2 is installed to the right of the roadway if the emergency exit is located on the right in the direction of travel.

5.7.24. Signs 6.21.1 and 6.21.2 “Direction of movement to the emergency exit” are used to indicate the direction of movement to the emergency exit in the tunnel and the distance to it. The signs are installed at a distance of no more than 50 m from each other at a height of 1.0 m to 1.5 m on the side walls of the tunnels.

5.8. Service marks

5.8.1 Service signs are installed at facilities.

Preliminary service signs outside populated areas are installed 400-800 m, and, if necessary, 15-20 km and 60-80 km before the object, at turning points to them (intersections), if they are located away from the road. Preliminary service signs indicate the distance to the object. When indicating distances on preliminary service signs informing about objects located away from the road and installed 15-20 km, 60-80 km away, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the turn point (intersection) to the object.

Preliminary service signs in populated areas can be installed 100-150 m before the object and at the turning points closest to it (intersections).

When placing additional information on service signs (addresses, phone numbers, types of services provided, etc.), the distance to the facility and operating hours are indicated on the additional information signs.

5.8.2 Sign 7.14 “International road transport control point” is used to inform traffic participants about transport control points where international road transport is controlled road transport carried by trucks and buses.

5.8.3 Sign 7.15 “Reception area of ​​a radio station transmitting traffic information” is used to indicate the beginning of a section of the road on which radio station broadcasts are received at the frequency indicated on the sign.

The sign is installed at the beginning of such a section and repeated throughout the section every 20 km.

5.8.4 Sign 7.16 “Radio communication zone with emergency services” is used to designate a section of the road on which a radio communication system with emergency services operates in the civil range of 27 MHz.

The sign is installed at the beginning of such a section and, if necessary, repeated along its length.

5.8.5. Signs 7.19 “Emergency telephone” and 7.20 “Fire extinguisher” are used to indicate places where a telephone for calling emergency services or a fire extinguisher is located.

If necessary, outside populated areas, signs can be installed in advance 400 - 800 m.

5.9. Additional information signs (plates)

5.9.1 Additional information signs (plates) are used to clarify or limit the effect of other road signs, as well as to communicate other information to traffic participants.

Plates are placed under signs, except as otherwise provided in this standard.

With one sign, with the exception of sign 6.4, it is allowed to use no more than two plates.

5.9.2 Table 8.1.1 “Distance to object” is used with warning signs if the distance from the sign to the beginning of the dangerous section is less or greater than the distances specified in 5.2.2, 5.2.3, as well as preliminary signs other groups, with the exception of signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2, 6.9.3, 6.15.1-6.15.3, 6.17, 7.1-7.18 (except in the case of 5.8.1).

5.9.3 Table 8.1.2 “Distance to object” is used with sign 2.4 outside populated areas if sign 2.5 is installed in front of the intersection.

5.9.4 Plates 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 “Distance to object” are used with warning signs installed in accordance with 5.2.3, and with signs 5.1, 5.3, 6.4 in places of turn to indicated objects.

5.9.5 Table 8.2.1 “Area of ​​Effect” is used:

With signs 1.12.1-1.19, 1.23, 1.25-1.33 to indicate the length of the dangerous section; if there is a repeated sign, the sign is installed under it;

With signs 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 to indicate the sign's coverage area. The coverage area of ​​the sign indicated on the plate must not exceed the area established for these signs in 5.4.31;

With sign 5.16 to indicate the length of one or more stopping points located one after another;

With sign 6.2, except when it is installed together with a warning sign, if the effect of sign 6.2 does not need to be extended to the nearest intersection;

With sign 6.4 installed with sign(s) clarifying or limiting its effect, while sign 8.2.1 is placed under other sign(s) if the effect of the sign does not extend to the nearest intersection.

5.9.6 Plates 8.2.2-8.2.6 “Area of ​​Operation” are used only with signs 3.27-3.30:

Table 8.2.2 - to indicate the coverage area of ​​the sign, if it does not extend to the nearest intersection;

Table 8.2.3 - to indicate the end of the sign's coverage area;

Table 8.2.4 - to inform drivers that they are in the area of ​​the sign;

Plates 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 - to indicate the coverage area of ​​the sign, to the right and (or) to the left of it, when stopping or parking is prohibited along the edge of the roadway of the square, the facade of a building, etc.

When placing signs on posts, the signs are placed under the sign. When placing signs on cantilever supports or above the roadway, shoulder or sidewalk, plates 8.2.2-8.2.4 are placed on the side of the sign (right or left) so that the sign is closer to the middle of the roadway.

5.9.7 Plates 8.3.1-8.3.3 “Direction of action” are used with signs 3.2-3.9, 5.3, as well as with sign 1.32.

It is allowed to use plates 8.3.1 and 8.3.2 with sign 6.4 to indicate the location of the parking area relative to the road if it is no more than 10 m from the edge of the roadway.

5.9.8 Plates 8.4.1-8.4.8 “Type of vehicle” are used to indicate the type of vehicle to which the sign applies.

Signs extend the effect of the sign:

8.4.1 - for trucks, including those with a trailer, with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons;

8.4.2 - for trucks or tractors with a trailer or semi-trailer of any type, as well as for vehicles towing motor vehicles;

8.4.3 - for cars, as well as trucks with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 3.5 tons;

8.4.8 - for vehicles marked identification marks(information tables) “Dangerous goods”.

5.9.8a. Plates 8.4.9 - 8.4.14 are used to indicate the type of vehicle that is not covered by the sign.

Plate 8.4.14 does not apply the sign to vehicles used as passenger taxis.

5.9.10 Plates 8.6.1-8.6.9 “Method of parking a vehicle” are used with sign 6.4 to indicate the method of parking vehicles in a sidewalk parking lot.

Plaque 8.6.1 indicates that all vehicles must be parked on the roadway along the sidewalk.

Plates 8.6.2-8.6.9 indicate that the parking area is intended for cars and motorcycles, which must be parked in the manner indicated on the plate.

5.9.16 Plate 8.12 “Dangerous roadside” is used with sign 1.25 if repair work is carried out on the roadside or the roadside is used for storing construction materials and (or) placing construction equipment.

5.9.25 Plates 8.21.1-8.21.3 “Type of route vehicle” are used with sign 6.4 to indicate the parking area for vehicles at a metro station, bus stop and (or) trolleybus, tram.

5.9.26 Plates 8.22.1-8.22.3 “Obstacle” are used with signs 4.2.1-4.2.3 for better orientation of drivers when avoiding obstacles.

Table 8.22.1 with sign 4.2.1 is used:

At the beginning of the fences separating traffic flows opposite directions;

At the beginning of the central dividing strip;

Plates 8.22.1 and 8.22.2 are used, respectively, with signs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 in front of obstacles located on the roadway or close to it and posing a danger to a moving vehicle.

Table 8.22.3 with sign 4.2.3 is used:

At the beginning of fences separating traffic flows in one direction;

At the beginning of the side dividing strip;

On raised guide islands;

On raised traffic islands.

If signs 4.2.1-4.2.3 are installed on pedestals with artificial lighting, signs 8.22.1-8.22.3 are not used.

5.9.27. Table 8.23 ​​“Photo and video recording” is used with signs 1.1, 1.2, 1.8, 1.22, 3.1 - 3.7, 3.18.1, 3.18.2, 3.19, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.27 - 3.30, 5.14, 5.21, 5.27 and 5.31, and also with traffic lights to inform about the possible recording of violations of the Traffic Rules by stationary automatic means on a given section of the road (territory).

5.9.28. Plate 8.24 “A tow truck is operating” may be used in conjunction with prohibitory signs 3.27 - 3.30 to inform about the possible detention of a vehicle and its placement in a specialized parking lot.


6.1. General requirements

6.1.1 Road markings establish modes and traffic order, are a means of visual orientation for drivers and can be used either independently or in combination with other technical means of traffic management.

6.1.2 Markings applied to improved road surfaces and elements of road structures must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51256.

During operation, the markings must meet the requirements of GOST R 50597.

6.1.3 When marking roads, the width of the traffic lane is taken into account the categories of roads in accordance with the requirements of current building codes and regulations. On roads whose cross-section elements do not comply with the requirements of current building codes and regulations, the width of the marked traffic lane must be at least 3.00 m. It is allowed to reduce the width of the lane intended for the movement of passenger cars to 2.75 m, subject to the introduction of the necessary restrictions driving mode.

The width of a traffic lane is determined by the distance between the axes of the marking lines marking its boundaries.

6.2. Horizontal marking

6.2.2 In populated areas, horizontal markings are used on main roads and streets, local roads and streets, and in rural settlements - on roads and streets along which route vehicles move.

Outside populated areas, horizontal markings are used on roads with a carriageway width of at least 6 m with a traffic intensity of 1000 vehicles/day*(3) or more.

*(3) Here and below, the dimension av./day (aut./h) is applied to intensity measured in natural (physical) transport units, dimension units/day (units/h) - to intensity, measured in given transport units. Reduction coefficients are taken in accordance with current building codes and regulations.

Markings may also be used on other roads when necessary to ensure road safety.

6.2.3. Marking 1.1 is used in the following cases:

1) To separate traffic flows moving in opposite directions (center line) on roads with two or three lanes for traffic in both directions:

On sections of roads where areas with visibility of an oncoming vehicle are less than acceptable *(4) (Table 3) overlap each other;

*(4) On a section of road with limited visibility of an oncoming vehicle, there may be two zones where visibility is less than acceptable (Table 3), one of which is observed when driving in one direction, and the other when driving in the opposite direction.

Throughout curves in plan, the radius of which does not exceed 50 m, as well as in adjacent areas with a variable radius. On roads with two lanes, markings are applied so that the ratio of the width of the inner lane to the outer lane is maintained in accordance with Table 8;

On and under bridge structures, as well as in tunnels.

On roads with three lanes, this ratio is taken for the outer lanes, and middle lane in this case it can be used as a median or for traffic in the direction for which the outer lane is intended;

Before intersections when the traffic intensity on the intersecting road is at least 50 cars/day. The markings are applied over a distance of at least 20 (40) * (5) m from the edge of the intersecting roadway;

Before railway crossings - within 100 m from the nearest rail;

On sections of roads where the visibility distance of an oncoming vehicle is not ensured - in accordance with Table 3;

In front of an obstacle (overpass support, traffic island, curb, etc.) located closer than 0.3 m from the boundary of the lane, or narrowing the lane, as well as when the number of lanes in a given direction decreases with an inclination to the road axis of no more than 1: 20 (1:50) (transition line). On roads with three lanes for traffic in both directions, it is allowed to draw two parallel transition lines at a distance of at least 20 (40) m;

Before pedestrian crossings, intersections with bicycle paths - at a distance of 20 (40) m;

On sections of roads with three lanes for traffic in both directions. The length of road sections with the ratio of the number of lanes in oncoming directions (2:1 or 1:2) is determined taking into account the longitudinal and transverse profiles of the road, the organization of left turns at intersections, taking into account the possibility of ahead of passing vehicles;

On sections of roads with a lane for route vehicles moving towards the general flow of vehicles.

2) To mark the boundaries of traffic lanes on roads with two or more lanes for traffic in one direction:

Before intersections, pedestrian crossings and railway crossings - no less than 20 (40) m from markings 1.12 or 1.13;

On sections of roads with a lane for route vehicles moving in the same direction as the general flow of vehicles.

3) To mark the boundaries of sections of the roadway to which entry is prohibited (safety islands, guide islands, etc.).

4) To mark the boundaries of parking spaces in areas intended for parking vehicles, or in sidewalk parking lots.

The minimum dimensions of one parking space when cars are placed sequentially along the edge of the roadway or the edge of the parking area must be at least 2.5 x 7.5 m (2.5 x 6.5 m)* for cars and 3.0 x 11.0 m - for trucks without trailers, with parallel placement of vehicles relative to each other - respectively 2.5 x 5.0 and 3.5 x 8.5 m.

*Allowed with a minimum passage width of at least 3.0 m.

6.2.4 Marking 1.2 is used to indicate:

The edges of the roadway (edge ​​line);

The left border of the lane for bicycles, allocated along the right edge of the roadway

6.2.5 Marking 1.3 is used to separate traffic flows in opposite directions (center line) on sections of roads that have four or more lanes in both directions, including transitional express lanes and additional lanes.

It is allowed to apply 1.3 markings on roads with two or three lanes for traffic in both directions with a lane width of more than 3.75 m.

6.2.7 Marking 1.5 is used for:

Separation of traffic flows in opposite directions (center line) on roads with two lanes in both directions, on sections of roads where areas with less than acceptable visibility of an oncoming vehicle (Table 3) do not overlap each other, except for the cases specified in 6.2.3 and 6.2.13;

Markings of the boundaries of traffic lanes when there are two or more of them for one direction, except for the cases specified in 6.2.3 and 6.2.13.

6.2.8 Marking 1.6 is applied at a distance of at least 50 (100) m before marking 1.1 or 1.11.

6.2.9 Marking 1.7 is used to mark the boundaries of traffic lanes within an intersection in cases where it is necessary to show the trajectory of vehicles or indicate the boundaries of a traffic lane.

6.2.13 Marking 1.11 (barrier line) is used to separate the flow of vehicles in opposite or similar directions when it is necessary to prohibit changing lanes of vehicles.

To separate the flow of vehicles in opposite directions, markings are applied on sections of roads with two lanes in both directions with poor visibility of an oncoming vehicle (Table 3), where zones with visibility less than permissible do not overlap each other. The marking should be directed as a solid line towards the lane on which there is an area with less than permissible visibility in this area.

It is allowed to use markings to separate the flow of vehicles in opposite directions instead of line 1.1 at a distance of at least 20 (40) m in front of pedestrian crossings, crossings for cyclists, intersections with a traffic intensity of less than 3000 units per day, as well as in front of railway crossings at a distance of 100 m from the nearest rail. In this case, the marking with a solid line should face the lane along which traffic is carried out in the direction of the specified sections of roads.

Markings to separate the flow of vehicles in passing directions are applied:

On sections of ascents, where movement towards the ascent is carried out in two lanes, at a distance of at least 50 m from the top of the ascent and 30 m beyond it. In this case, marking 1.11 with a solid line should face the extreme right lane;

In other cases, when it is necessary to exclude the possibility of changing lanes to the nearest right or left lane traffic, mark the points of entry into and exit from the adjacent territory, as well as places for turning around.

The lengths of the stroke and the space between the strokes of marking 1.11 must be the same as that of the approach line 1.6 preceding it, and if it is absent, they can be reduced to 0.9 and 0.3 m, respectively.

6.2.14 Marking 1.12 (stop line) is used before an intersection if there is a sign 2.5 “Moving without stopping is prohibited”, in places where traffic is regulated by a traffic light, and before railway crossings.

The markings are applied in front of the intersection if there is a 2.5 sign at a distance of no more than 1 m from the border of the intersecting roadway.

Marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of 10-20 m from the traffic light when the traffic light is located above the roadway and 3-5 m when located on the side of the roadway to ensure the visibility of their signals.

If there is a pedestrian crossing, markings are applied at a distance of at least 1 m in front of the crossing.

At railway crossings, marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of 5 m from the barrier or traffic light, and in their absence - at a distance of 10 m from the nearest rail in one alignment with sign 2.5.

6.2.15 Marking 1.13 is used to indicate the place where vehicles stop when there is a sign 2.4 “Give way” and is applied as close as possible to the border of the roadway being crossed.

6.2.16 Markings 1.12 and 1.13 may be applied across the entire width of the carriageway in a given direction of travel or on each lane.

Markings 1.12 and 1.13 are applied at right angles to the axis of the traffic lane.

6.2.17 Markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 are used to designate places allocated for pedestrians to cross the roadway.

The width of the marked pedestrian crossing is determined by the intensity of pedestrian traffic at the rate of 1 m for every 500 pedestrians/hour, but not less than 4 m.

Marking 1.14.1 is used on pedestrian crossings whose width does not exceed 6 m. If the width of the pedestrian crossing is more than 6 m, marking 1.14.2 is used.

Between marking lines 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 it is allowed to paint the roadway surface with yellow road marking paint or install a yellow anti-slip coating.

6.2.19 Markings 1.16.1-1.16.3 are used to indicate guide islands:

1.16.1 - in places where traffic flows in opposite directions are separated;

1.16.2 - in places where the flow of vehicles in the same direction is separated;

1.16.3 - in places where vehicle flows merge.

On islands with a large area, markings 1.16.1-1.16.3 can be made at the end sections of the island and at a distance of 1.0 m from its border. If the island area is small, painting its entire surface is allowed.

Marking 1.16.1 may be used to mark safety islands at pedestrian crossings. The width of the traffic island must be at least 1.5 m, and its length must be equal to the width of the passage. The distance between the edge of the roadway and the border of the island must be at least 7.0 m.

6.2.20 Marking 1.17 is used to mark stops for route vehicles and parking for passenger taxis. The length of the marking is determined taking into account the number of simultaneously stopping or standing vehicles, but not less than the length of the landing area.

6.2.21 Marking 1.18 is used to indicate the permitted lane directions at the intersection.

Two (three) or more arrows are placed sequentially with a distance between them of 20 to 30 m. The base of the arrow closest to the intersection should be at the level of the beginning of marking 1.1 separating the flow of vehicles in the same direction.

Markings depicting a dead end are applied before intersections of roads with roadways separated by a boulevard or a dividing strip when turning onto the nearest roadway is prohibited. Markings are not applied if the width of the boulevard or dividing strip allows the placement of arrows within the intersection in accordance with the conditions given in this paragraph.

6.2.22 Marking 1.19 is used to warn of approaching the end of the lane, and in combination with marking 1.6 - of approaching markings 1.1 or 1.11, separating the flow of vehicles in opposite directions, when limited visibility oncoming car. In this case, two (three) or more arrows must be fired sequentially with distances between them of 15, 30, 45 m, etc. (30, 60, 90 m, etc.). The distances are indicated between the bases of the arrows, starting from the last arrow in the direction of travel. The distance between the base of the last boom in the direction of travel and the beginning of the transition line or the beginning of the acceleration lane should be 20 (40) m.

6.2.23 Marking 1.20 is used to warn of approaching marking 1.13 on roads with a traffic intensity of more than 3000 cars/day and is applied on each lane.

The distance between the base of the triangle marking 1.20 and marking 1.13 should be from 2 to 10 m (from 10 to 25 m).

6.2.24 Marking 1.21 is used to warn of approaching marking 1.12 on roads with a traffic intensity of more than 3000 cars/day, if sign 2.5 “Driving without stopping is prohibited” is installed, and is applied on each lane.

The distance between markings 1.21 and 1.12 should be from 2 to 10 m (from 10 to 25 m).

6.2.25 Marking 1.22 is used on roads with a traffic intensity of more than 3000 cars/day to indicate the number of the road (route) approved in the prescribed manner.

The markings are applied in the middle of each lane corresponding to the direction of the road (route), before the intersection and behind it, when the route changes its direction at the intersection with another road.

6.2.26 Marking 1.23.1 is applied on roads marked with sign 5.11 “Road with a lane for route vehicles.” At the beginning of the strip, at a distance of 10 m from the border of the intersection of roadways, the first marking is applied, and after 20 m - the second.

The markings are repeated after stopping places for route vehicles and every 200 m on the stretch. Depending on the length of the stretch, this distance can be reduced.

Markings may be applied on the braking lane and on the stopping area of ​​stopping points for route vehicles.

6.2.27 Markings 1.24.1 and 1.24.2 may be used to duplicate road signs:

1.24.1 - for duplicating warning signs;

1.24.2 - for duplicating prohibition signs.

Marking 1.24.1 is applied 20-30 m after the installation site of the corresponding warning sign, marking 1.24.2 is applied in the same cross-section of the road as the corresponding prohibitory sign.

On multi-lane roads, markings 1.24.1 and 1.24.2 are applied on each lane intended for traffic in a given direction, with the exception of images of signs 3.27-3.30, which are applied on the extreme right lane.

Marking 1.24.1, duplicating road sign 1.23, is used in children's institutions. At the same time, it is allowed to put the words “Children” or “School” on the roadway between the repeated road sign 1.23 and the beginning of a dangerous section or a pedestrian crossing.

6.2.28 Marking 1.24.3 is used to designate sections of roads, parking areas (parking spaces), entrances, exits, etc., intended for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people.

Marking 1.24.4 may be used to duplicate the additional information sign (plate) 8.23.

Marking 1.24.4 is applied in the same cross-section of the road with sign 8.23. On multi-lane roads, markings 1.24.4 are applied on each lane, with the exception of cases when the fixation is carried out along a dedicated lane.

Marking 1.24.4 is applied in the middle of each lane intended for traffic in a given direction, with the base facing the vehicles moving along it.

6.2.29 Marking 1.25 is used to indicate artificial bumps intended to force a reduction in speed.

The markings are applied at the beginning and end of the unevenness on an inclined area.

If artificial hump has a width insufficient to apply markings on its surface; the markings are applied to the roadway on both sides of the unevenness.

6.2.30 It is allowed to apply inscriptions that are not provided for by GOST R 51256 and are an additional means of information that does not introduce any restrictions (names of settlements, tourism sites, etc.).

6.2.31 The width of marking lines 1.1-1.7, 1.9-1.11 is taken in accordance with Table 9.

For cases not listed in Table 9, the width of the marking lines is taken to be 0.1 m.

Note - The permissible widths of marking lines in populated areas are given in parentheses.

6.2.32 Temporary markings are removed simultaneously with the removal of temporary signs and the dismantling of fencing and guiding devices.

6.2.33 Lines 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3 are prohibited from crossing.

Line 1.2.1 may be crossed to stop a vehicle on the side of the road and when leaving it in places where stopping or parking is permitted.

Lines 1.5-1.8 are allowed to be crossed from any side.

Line 1.9, in the absence of reversible traffic lights or when they are turned off, is allowed to be crossed if it is located to the right of the driver; when reversing traffic lights are on - on any side, if it separates lanes on which traffic is allowed in one direction.

Line 1.9, separating traffic flows in opposite directions, is prohibited from crossing when the reversible traffic lights are turned off.

Line 1.11 is allowed to be crossed from the side of the broken line, and when completing overtaking or detour - from the side of the solid line.

Marking 1.18, which allows turning left from the leftmost lane, also allows turning from this lane.

In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs and marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the signs.

If temporary and permanent marking lines conflict with each other, drivers must follow the temporary marking lines.

6.3. Vertical marking

6.3.1 Vertical marking lines and symbols are applied to spans and supports of bridge structures, end surfaces of tunnel portals, fences, parapets, curbs and other elements of road equipment to improve their visibility by road users.

6.3.2 Markings 2.1.1-2.1.3 are used to mark vertical elements of bridge structures, lighting supports, trees, buffer devices, etc. obstacles located within the curb at a distance of less than 1 m from the edge of the roadway, in the absence of a curb, as well as in other cases when these obstacles pose a danger to moving vehicles.

6.3.3 Marking 2.2 is used to mark the lower edge of the spans of bridge structures and tunnel portals located at a height of less than 5 m. The marking is applied above the middle of each lane along which movement is carried out towards the structure.

6.3.7 Marking 2.5 is used to mark the side surfaces of road fences installed on straight sections of roads (for at least 10 m from their beginning), as well as along the entire length of fences at intersections at different levels, curves in plan with a radius of less than 50 m , steep slopes, in places where the roadway narrows.

6.3.8 Marking 2.6 is used to mark the side surfaces of road barriers in cases not specified in 6.3.7.

It is allowed not to apply markings 2.5 and 2.6 on fences made of galvanized metal.

6.3.9 Fencing and guiding devices, marked with markings 2.4-2.6, are equipped with reflective elements in accordance with GOST R 50971.

Sizes of marking elements 2.7 black and white flowers accordingly, the following should be taken: for guide islands and safety islands - 0.2 and 0.4 m, for curbs - 0.5 and 1.0 m (1.0 and 2.0 m).


7.1. General requirements

7.1.1 Groups, types, designs of road traffic lights (hereinafter referred to as traffic lights) must comply with the requirements of GOST R 52282, Appendix E. During operation technical condition traffic lights must meet the requirements of GOST R 50597.

7.1.2 Traffic lights are used to regulate the order of passage of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as to indicate dangerous sections of roads.

The intersection of traffic and pedestrian flows in one phase of the traffic light control cycle is not allowed.

7.2. Conditions for using traffic lights

7.2.1 Traffic lights T.1 and T.1.g are used at intersections in the case of simultaneous passage of vehicles in all permitted directions from a given approach to the intersection and at controlled pedestrian crossings located between intersections.

It is allowed to use these traffic lights before railway crossings in populated areas (in agreement with organizations that maintain railway crossings), road intersections with tram lines, before intersections of a bicycle path with a roadway, and in places where the roadway narrows to alternately pass oncoming traffic flows.

7.2.2 Traffic lights T.2 are used to regulate traffic in certain directions in cases where the traffic flow moving according to their permitted signal does not have intersections (merges) with traffic flows in other directions within the intersection.

Traffic lights T.2 may be equipped with a white plate measuring 400 x 400 mm with the image of a black arrow(s), duplicating the image of the arrow(s) of the traffic light.

7.2.3 Traffic lights T.1 with additional section(s) are used for separate passage of vehicles in certain directions at a given approach to the intersection, if intersections (mergers) of traffic flows in different directions are provided within the intersection, as well as for constant passage transport stream to enable signal additional section.

7.2.4 Traffic lights T.1 of any design and T.2 with lenses with a diameter of 300 mm are installed:

On roads outside populated areas;

On highways with high-speed and controlled traffic and city streets and squares;

On city streets and roads of other categories with a permissible vehicle speed of more than 60 km/h.

Traffic lights T.1 of any design and T.2 with lenses with a diameter of 300 mm (red signal) and 200 mm (yellow and green signals) are installed on secondary roads and streets before intersections with the listed roads and streets.

Traffic lights T.1 of any design and T.2 with lenses with a diameter of 200 mm are installed in all other cases.

7.2.5 The joint installation of traffic lights T.1 of any design and T.2 on the same approach to an intersection is permitted when traffic flows regulated by traffic lights T.1 are separated by raised guide islands, traffic islands or dividing strips from flows regulated by traffic lights T.2 .

7.2.6 T.3 traffic lights of any design may be used as signal repeaters of T.1 traffic lights of the same design if their visibility is difficult for the driver of a vehicle stopped at the stop line on the outermost lane of the roadway in a given direction. T.3 traffic lights of any design are installed on the same rack with T.1 traffic lights of the same design.

7.2.7 Traffic lights T.4 of any design are used to regulate traffic on individual lanes of the roadway when organizing reverse traffic.

Entrances to tunnels with artificial lighting are equipped with these traffic lights if the tunnel has a length of more than 300 m or is located on a horizontal curve, as well as according to traffic safety conditions.

7.2.8 Traffic lights T.5 are used only for conflict-free regulation of tram traffic, as well as shuttle buses and trolleybuses moving along a specially designated lane.

7.2.9 Traffic lights T.6 of any design and traffic lights T.10 are used to regulate traffic through railway crossings. The necessity and procedure for their placement is determined by the relevant regulatory and technical documents.

Traffic lights T.6 of any design are also used to regulate traffic across drawbridges and at ferry piers. It is allowed to use them in places where emergency services vehicles enter the road.

7.2.10 Traffic lights T.7 are used to indicate unregulated intersections and pedestrian crossings.

7.2.11 Traffic lights T.8 may be used to regulate traffic in the internal territories of enterprises and organizations, as well as when the roadway is temporarily narrowed to organize reverse traffic in one lane.

7.2.12 Traffic lights T.9 are used to regulate the movement of cyclists at the intersection of the bicycle path with the roadway or a controlled pedestrian crossing.

7.2.13 Traffic lights P.1 and P.2 are used to regulate the movement of pedestrians across the road at signalized intersections and pedestrian crossings outside intersections.

Traffic lights with lenses with a diameter of 300 mm (size 300 x 300 mm) are installed on roads with four or more lanes for traffic in a given direction, traffic lights with lenses with a diameter of 200 mm (size 200 x 200 mm) - on roads with fewer lanes.

7.2.14 Traffic lights T.1 of any design, T.2, P.1 and P.2 are used to regulate traffic at intersections and other places where traffic flows intersect at the same level, as well as traffic and pedestrian flows. These traffic lights are used if at least one of the following four conditions is present:

CONDITION 1. The intensity of traffic of vehicles in intersecting directions during each of any 8 hours of a working day of the week is not less than the values ​​​​specified in Table 10.

CONDITION 2. The intensity of vehicle traffic on the road is at least 600 units/hour (for roads with a dividing strip - 1000 units/hour) in both directions during each of any 8 hours of the working day of the week. The intensity of pedestrian traffic crossing the carriageway of this road in one of the busiest directions at the same time is at least 150 pedestrians/hour.

In settlements with a population of less than 10,000 people. the traffic intensity values ​​of vehicles and pedestrians under conditions 1 and 2 are 70% of those indicated.

CONDITION 3. The traffic intensity values ​​of vehicles and pedestrians under conditions 1 and 2 simultaneously amount to 80% or more of those indicated.

CONDITION 4. There have been at least three traffic accidents at the intersection in the last 12 months that could have been prevented by the presence of traffic lights. In this case, conditions 1 or 2 must be met by 80% or more.

7.2.15 Traffic light regulation using a call phase for the movement of pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing is introduced on a road with two or more lanes in each direction, if condition 2 is not met in terms of the intensity of pedestrian traffic.

Traffic light regulation at the intersection of a road with a bicycle path is introduced if the intensity of bicycle traffic exceeds 50 bicycles per hour in the absence of a controlled pedestrian crossing in this direction.

7.2.16 Traffic lights T.1 of any design, T.2, T.9 (or T.3 of any design), P.1 and P.2 are also allowed to be used in cases not provided for in 7.2.14 and 7.2.15, in in particular, if the distance between adjacent signalized intersections included in the coordinated traffic control system exceeds 800 m.

7.2.17 Reverse control using T.4 traffic lights of any design is introduced on roads with three or more lanes for traffic in both directions with an appropriate feasibility study.

7.2.18 Traffic lights T.7 are used in cases where:

The traffic intensity of vehicles and pedestrians is at least half of its values ​​for conditions 1 and 2 according to 7.2.14;

Visibility to stop a vehicle moving at the speed permitted on the section of road in front of an intersection or pedestrian crossing is not provided;

The pedestrian crossing is located on the road running along the territory of children's institutions;

For technical reasons, it is impossible to use traffic light regulation according to 7.2.15 to indicate a pedestrian crossing.

7.2.19 In areas of narrowing roads, traffic lights T.8 are used if there is only one lane for traffic in both directions and traffic cannot be organized using signs 2.6 and 2.7 according to 5.3.10 due to limited visibility.

7.2.20 T.8 traffic lights are installed in front of bridge structures if the bearing capacity of these structures does not allow the simultaneous passage of traffic flows in opposite directions.

7.3. Rules for installing traffic lights

7.3.1 When installing transport traffic lights (except for T.3 of any design, T.9, P1 and P2), visibility of their signals must be ensured from a distance of at least 100 m from any lane of traffic to which they operate. If this condition impossible to fulfill, install sign 1.8 “Traffic light regulation” according to 5.2.11.

The signals of the additional section of traffic lights T.1p, T.1l, T.1pl and the traffic light signal T.9 must be recognized at a distance of at least 50 m.

To improve the visibility of the additional section, traffic lights T.1.p, T.1.l and are equipped with white rectangular screens with rounded corners protruding 120 mm beyond the dimensions of the traffic light. A screen shape that follows the contours of a traffic light is allowed.

7.3.2 When installing traffic lights T.3 of any design, visibility of their signals must be ensured for the driver of a vehicle stopped in front of the 6.16 “Stop Line” sign or marking 1.12 “Stop Line” on the outer lane closest to this traffic light.

7.3.3 Traffic lights T.4 of any design are installed before entering the lane and throughout the entire section of the road above each lane with reverse control. At the same time, from the installation site of each traffic light, visibility of the signals of the next traffic light in the direction of travel must be ensured.

If T.4 traffic lights are used in tunnels, they are installed at the beginning of the tunnel above each traffic lane.

7.3.4 Traffic lights P.1 and P.2 are installed on the sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, and if there is a dividing strip or a raised traffic island - also on them, if the number of traffic lanes in one direction is more than two.

When installing pedestrian traffic lights, it must be ensured that their signals are visible to pedestrians on the opposite side of the roadway.

All pedestrian crossings located at a controlled intersection are equipped with pedestrian traffic lights.

7.3.5 The installation height of traffic lights from the bottom edge of the housing to the surface of the roadway is:

1) for transport traffic lights (except T.3 of all versions, T.5 and T.9):

When installed above the roadway - from 5 to 6 m. It is allowed to install traffic lights above the roadway at a height of 6 to 8 m to comply with the requirements of 6.2.14;

When installed on the side of the roadway - from 2 to 3 m;

2) for traffic lights T.3 of any design, T.9 - from 1.5 to 2.0 m;

3) for traffic lights T.5 - from 2 to 4 m;

4) for pedestrian traffic lights - from 2.0 to 2.5 m.

Traffic lights of various types, installed on the same support and facing traffic participants in the same direction, are placed relative to each other vertically in the sequence (from bottom to top): T.3 of any design, P.1 (P.2), T.1 (T. 1.p, T.1.l, or T.2, T.5.

Along one road, the installation height of traffic lights and their distance from the roadway should be as similar as possible.

7.3.9 Traffic lights are installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the contact wires of a tram or trolleybus to any point on the traffic light body.

7.3.10 Transport traffic lights (except T.1.d) are installed on the side of the roadway in front of the intersection or above the roadway (except T.3, T.6, T.10). Traffic light T.1.g is installed only above the roadway.

If the operating mode of a traffic light object provides for different durations and (or) sequence traffic lights for each of the traffic lanes, then T.2 traffic lights are installed above the corresponding traffic lanes.

Traffic light T.5 is installed on the right or above a specially designated lane for route vehicles. When regulating the movement of trams, it is allowed to install T.5 traffic lights between the tracks.

It is permissible to install T.7 traffic lights on a raised central island, traffic island or above the center of an intersection.

T.7 traffic lights are installed above the roadway for each direction of traffic.

7.3.11 Traffic lights T.1 of any design and T.2 installed on the side of the roadway are duplicated.

A backup traffic light is installed at the intersection or directly behind it, taking into account the best visibility of the traffic light signal by the driver.

If there are dividing strips, guide islands or traffic islands, duplicate traffic lights (except T.1.p, T.2 with a “right” arrow) are installed at the intersection, behind it between roadways or to the left of the intersection.

Traffic lights T.1.p and T.2 (with a “right” arrow) are duplicated if a right turn is made in two rows or more.

Traffic lights located above the roadway may not be duplicated.

7.4. Traffic light operating modes

7.4.1 All traffic lights installed at one traffic light facility (except for T.4 traffic lights of any design) must operate in mutually agreed modes.

Any traffic light object included in the coordinated traffic control system must be able to operate in an individual (backup) automatic mode, regardless of the operation of other traffic light objects.

7.4.2 For traffic lights T.1, T.3 of any design, T.2 and T.9, the signal activation sequence is observed: red - red with yellow - green - yellow - red... In this case, the duration of the signal is “red with yellow” should be no more than 2 s, the duration of the yellow signal in all cases should be 3 s.

The sequence of signals switching on is allowed: red - green - yellow - red..., if the traffic light object is not included in the coordinated traffic control system.

7.4.3 The operating mode of traffic light signaling using traffic lights T.1, T.3 (any design), T.2, T.8 and T.9 may include flashing of a green or red signal for 3 s immediately before it turns off at a frequency 1 blink/s, for traffic lights P.1 and P.2 this mode is mandatory.

To inform drivers and pedestrians about the time remaining until the end of the green signal, it is allowed to use a digital display.

At pedestrian crossings that are regularly used by blind and visually impaired pedestrians, in addition to traffic light signaling, sound alarm, operating in a coordinated mode with pedestrian traffic lights.

7.4.4 During the period when traffic intensity decreases to values ​​less than 50% for conditions 1 and 2 according to 7.2.14, traffic lights T.1 and T.3 (any version), T.2 and T.9 are switched to the yellow signal flashing mode.

According to the conditions for ensuring traffic safety, it is allowed to leave these traffic lights in three-color signaling mode throughout the day.

7.4.5 The sequence of switching on the signals of traffic lights T.4, T.8 is the alternate switching on of red and green signals, and for traffic lights T.4.zh - red, green and yellow signals in accordance with the regulatory regime.

The sequence of switching on the T.5 traffic lights is determined by the traffic management scheme.

Traffic lights T.6, T.6.d, T.7 and T.10 must provide alternate activation of two signals or blinking of one signal with a frequency of 1 blink/s.

7.4.6 When regulating traffic with traffic lights T.1.p, T.1.l and, the constant operation of any combination of signals (for example, a red signal with an additional section signal) is unacceptable.


8.1. Road barriers

8.1.1 On highways, streets and bridge structures, road barriers are used that are approved for use in the prescribed manner.

On the sides of highways;

On the lawn, the strip between the sidewalk and the edge of the roadbed, the sidewalk of a city road or street;

On both sides of the roadway of the bridge structure;

On the dividing strip of a highway, city road or street, bridge structure.

8.1.11 On the sides of a city road and street, fences are installed on the lawn between the roadway and the sidewalk, and if it is impossible to install a fence on the lawn or if there is no fence, between the edge of the roadbed and the outer edge of the sidewalk. If such an opportunity is not available - on the sidewalk adjacent to the roadway.

8.1.13 On the lawn, the barrier fence is installed at a distance of 0.05-0.10 m from the side stone to the front surface of the fence beam.

8.1.14 On the sidewalk, the barrier fence is installed at a distance of 0.05-0.10 m from the side stone to the front surface of the fence beam.

8.1.15 The barrier fence on the bridge structure is installed at a distance of at least 0.4 m from the edge of the slab to the fence post.

8.1.26 Retroreflectors are installed along the entire length of the fence at intervals of 4 m.

8.1.27 Retaining pedestrian barriers (railings) are used at the outer edge of the sidewalk on a bridge structure or on an embankment more than 1 m high.

Restrictive pedestrian barriers are used:

Railing type or mesh on dividing strips at least 1 m wide between the main roadway and the local passage - opposite public transport stops with underground or overground pedestrian crossings within the length of the stopping area, for at least 20 m in each direction beyond, with the absence of restraining barriers for cars on the dividing strip;

Railing type - at all regulated ground pedestrian crossings and unregulated ground pedestrian crossings located on sections of roads or streets running along children's institutions, on both sides of the road or street for at least 50 m in each direction from the ground pedestrian crossing, as well as on areas where the intensity of pedestrian traffic exceeds 1000 people/hour per sidewalk lane when stopping or parking vehicles is permitted and 750 people/hour when stopping or parking is prohibited.

Restricting pedestrian fences are installed:

Railing type or mesh - on the dividing strip between the main roadway and the local driveway at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the edge of the roadway;

Railing type - at the outer edge of the sidewalk at ground pedestrian crossings with traffic light regulation, at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the front surface of the side stone.

8.1.29 The height of pedestrian restraint barriers (railings) must be at least 1.1 m.

The height of railing-type limiting fences should be 0.8-1.0 m, nets - 1.2-1.5 m.

Railing-type fences with a height of 1.0 m must have two crossbars located at different heights.

8.1.30 Fences made of nets or gratings are installed to prevent animals from entering the roadway of categories I and II roads laid through (along) nature reserves and (or) along pastures.

Fences are installed on both sides of the road along the border of the right of way, with the exception of intersections with automobile and railways, as well as with water barriers (rivers, canals, etc.).

8.2. Guide devices

8.2.1 The design of signal posts must comply with the requirements of GOST R 50970.

8.2.2 Signal posts are installed on roads without artificial lighting under conditions that do not require the installation of retaining barriers:

Within curves in the longitudinal profile and on the approaches to them;

Within the curves in the plan and on the approaches to them;

On straight sections of roads with an embankment height of at least 2 m and a traffic intensity of at least 1000 units/day - after 50 m;

On curves of junctions of intersections and junctions of highways at the same level - after 3 m;

At railway crossings - on both sides of the crossing in the area from 2.5 to 16.0 m from the outer rails - every 1.5 m;

Culverts have three posts on each side of the road every 10 m before and after the pipe;

8.2.3 Signal posts are installed on the side of the road at a distance of 0.35 m from the edge of the roadbed, while the distance from the edge of the roadway to the post must be at least 1.00 m.

8.2.4 It is allowed to install signal posts of types C2 and C3 in accordance with GOST R 50970:

On roads with four lanes for traffic in both directions along the axis of the roadway together with markings 1.3 with a step of 2.0 - 3.0 m;

At junctions and roundabouts to mark islands at exits and entrances together with markings 1.16.1 - 1.16.3 in increments of 1.0 - 1.5 m.








Official publication

Form standards

GOST R 51256-2018


1 DEVELOPED by the Limited Liability Company “Center for Engineering and Technical Research “Dorkontroly”* (LLC “CITI “Dorkontrol”)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committees for Standardization TC 278 “Road Safety” and TC 418 “Road Maintenance”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated February 20, 2018 No. 81-st

4 INSTEAD GOST R 51256-2011

The rules for applying this standard are set out in Article 26 Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 No. 162-FZ “On standardization in Russian Federation" Information about changes to this standard is published annually (as of January 1 of the current year) in the information index “National Standards”. and the official text of the changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology ()

© Standardinform. 2018

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated or distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST R 51256-2018

1 area of ​​use............................................... ..................1

3 Terms, definitions and designations................................................... ......2

4 Classification of road markings.................................................... .......4

5 Technical requirements..............................................................4

6 Control methods................................................................... ....................10

7 Rules of use......................................................... .................10

Appendix A (mandatory) Shape, color, dimensions of horizontal markings.................................11

Appendix B (mandatory) Dimensions of certain types of horizontal markings..................................22

Appendix B (mandatory) Shape, color, dimensions of vertical markings....................................34

Appendix D (mandatory) Dimensions of certain types of vertical markings................................36

Bibliography................................................. ......................37

GOST R 51256-2018


Technical means of traffic management


Classification. Technical requirements

Traffic control devices. Road markings

Classification. Technical requirements

Date of introduction - 2018-06-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to the marking of public highways, streets and roads of cities and rural settlements (hereinafter referred to as roads) and establishes a classification and technical requirements for it.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 32753 Public automobile roads. Colored anti-slip coatings. Technical requirements

GOST 32757 Public automobile roads. Temporary technical means of traffic control. Classification

GOST 32758 Public automobile roads. Temporary technical means of traffic control. Technical requirements and rules of application

GOST 32830 Public automobile roads. Materials for road markings. Technical requirements

GOST 32848 Public automobile roads. Products for road markings. Technical requirements

GOST 32866 Public automobile roads. Road reflectors. Technical requirements

GOST 32945 Public automobile roads. Road signs. Technical requirements

GOST 32952 Public automobile roads. Road markings. Control methods

GOST 32953-2014 Public automobile roads. Road markings. Technical requirements

GOST 33220 Public automobile roads. Requirements for operational condition*

GOST R 50597 Highways and streets. Requirements for operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety. Control methods

GOST R 52289 Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices

GOST R 52290 Technical means of organizing traffic. Road signs. General technical requirements

Official publication

GOST R 51256-2018

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for the current year. If an undated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a dated reference standard is replaced, it is recommended to use the version of that standard with the year of approval (adoption) indicated above. If, after the approval of this standard, a change is made to the reference standard to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms, definitions and designations

3.1 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

road markings (hereinafter referred to as markings): Lines, inscriptions and other markings on the roadway, artificial structures and road infrastructure elements, informing road users about the conditions and traffic patterns on the road section.

Note - Road construction is one of the types of technical means of organizing traffic.

(GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.1)

vertical road markings: Markings located on the vertical surfaces of artificial (engineering) structures and elements of highway construction and curb surfaces.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.2)

horizontal road markings: Markings located on roadways, bicycle and pedestrian paths, parking areas and sidewalks with improved surfaces.

(GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.3)

temporary horizontal road markings: Horizontal road markings used on sections of highways with temporary changes in traffic organization.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.4)

3.1.5 horizontal road markings with a structured surface: Markings made of individual fragments, the degree of filling of the lines when applied is from 25 to 75% and a thickness of at least 1.5 mm.

Note - The degree of line filling is the ratio of the coverage area with marking material to the marking surface area at its outer boundaries, expressed as a percentage. In 8 cases where appropriate materials and technologies are used, it is allowed to apply markings with a structural surface on a line with a solid surface, subject to the requirements of this standard.

horizontal road markings with a profile surface: Markings with alternating protrusions of various shapes, the degree of filling of the lines when applied is 100%.

Note - Horizontal markings with a structural and profile surface provide a vibration (noise) effect on vehicle drivers, informing them of a collision with this marking.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.6)

GOST R 51256-2018

road marking class: Characteristics of markings that determine its properties according to a standardized parameter.

Note niv - The road marking class consists of a letter designation and numbers that define a group of requirements for a given parameter.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.7]

chromaticity coordinates of the road marking surface: Parameters characterizing the color of the marking surface and determined in the 1931 CIE colorimetric system.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.8]

specific coefficient of retroreflectivity of road markings: The ratio of the brightness of the marking surface in the direction of observation to the illumination of this surface in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the incident light.

Note - The specific coefficient of retroreflectivity of road markings is established for dry and wet surfaces.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.9]

Specific coefficient of light reflection for diffuse daylight or artificial lighting of road markings: The ratio of the brightness of the marking surface in a given direction to the illumination of this surface by diffuse lighting, established for a dry surface.

(GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.10]

road marking brightness coefficient: A parameter set when the pavement (marking) is dry and characterizing the visibility of the marking during daylight hours when observed in the same direction. perpendicular to the plane of location of road markings from a limited area, and being an intermediate coordinate of the color Y. expressed as a percentage.

[GOST 32953. clause 3.1.11]

design position of road markings: Position of markings on the carriageway of highways, bicycle and pedestrian paths, parking areas and sidewalks, artificial (engineering) structures on them and elements of highway development in accordance with the road traffic management project approved in the prescribed manner.

[GOST 32953. clause 3.1.12]

functional durability of road markings: The period during which the markings meet technical requirements.

[GOST 32953. clause 3.1.13]

improved coating: A coating made from asphalt concrete or cement concrete mixtures, crushed stone, gravel, slag and other mineral materials treated with organic or mineral binders, as well as piece materials: paving stones, cobblestones. clinker, mosaic.

[GOST 32953. paragraph 3.1.14)

3.1.15 demarking: Removing road markings using various methods.

GOST R 51256-2018

3.1.16 restoration of markings: Carrying out work to bring marking parameters to regulatory requirements.

3.1.17 yellow filling of the marking: a coating applied between the pins 1.14.1 of the horizontal marking, made with paint (enamel) in accordance with GOST 32630. or an anti-slip coating in accordance with GOST 32753.

3.2 Notation

This standard uses the following designations for photometric and lighting parameters of horizontal road markings:

p, - marking brightness coefficient. %;

O d - specific reflectance coefficient in diffuse daylight or artificial lighting, mkd ■ lux -1 ■ m~ 2:

R l - specific coefficient of retroreflectivity of markings with a dry coating, mkd lux - "m -2;

R w - specific coefficient of retroreflection of markings on wet surfaces, mkd lux - "■ m -2;

xy y - chromaticity coordinates.

4 Classification of road markings

4.1 By location on highway Road markings (hereinafter referred to as markings) are classified into groups into horizontal and vertical.

4.2 According to shape, size and color, markings are classified into types. Each type of markup is assigned a number consisting of digits (numbers) separated by a dot, which indicate:

The first digit is the number of the group to which the marking belongs (1 - horizontal marking, 2 - vertical marking);

The second digit or number indicates the serial number of the markup type in the group;

The third digit or number (if available) is a type of marking.

4.3 According to the nature of application, horizontal markings are classified into permanent and temporary.

Note - Temporary horizontal markings refer to temporary technical means traffic organization according to GOST 32757.

4.4 According to surface properties, horizontal markings are classified:

For horizontal markings without a structural and profile surface:

Horizontal markings with a structural or profile surface.

4.5 Based on the thickness of application, horizontal markings made with thermoplastics and cold plastics are classified:

For horizontal markings with an application thickness of 1.5 mm or more;

Horizontal markings with an application thickness of less than 1.5 mm.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Technical requirements for horizontal markings

5.1.1 For permanent horizontal markings (including duplicating the image of road signs), the following colors are established: white, yellow, red, blue, black, green. Temporary road markings are set to orange (except for markings 1.4,1.10,, 1.26). The shape, dimensions, and color of the types of permanent horizontal markings are given in Table A.1 (Appendix A).

5.1.2 Materials and products for horizontal markings Permanent horizontal markings are made with paints (enamels), thermoplastics and cold plastics in accordance with GOST 32830, polymer tapes and piece forms in accordance with GOST 32848. Temporary horizontal markings are made with paints (enamels) in accordance with GOST 32830 and polymer tapes in accordance with GOST 32848. Application of temporary horizontal markings is allowed

GOST R 51256-2018

thermoplastics and cold plastics with appropriate justification (planned duration of functional durability and operating conditions).

Note - When choosing materials, products and appropriate technologies for applying temporary horizontal markings, appropriate work on its demarking should be provided after the end of the events that led to the need to change the organization of road traffic. To impart retroreflective properties to horizontal markings (permanent and temporary) made from paints (enamels), thermoplastics and cold plastics, microglass beads are used in accordance with GOST 32848.

Note - The anti-rotation properties of polymer tapes used for horizontal road markings are formed during their production.

5.1.3 Deviation from the design position of the horizontal markings should not exceed:

In the transverse direction (relative to the axis of the roadway) - 0.05 m;

In the longitudinal direction (relative to the axis of the roadway) for the initial and final position of the marking - 1.00 m (except 1.12,1.13,1.25). For,1.25 - 0.10 m.

5.1.4 Permissible deviations of horizontal markings from the established geometric dimensions The deviation of the linear dimensions of the horizontal markings from those established in Appendices A and B should not exceed permissible deviations given in table 1.

Table 1 The deviation of the angular dimensions of the horizontal markings from those established in table A.1 (Appendix A) and Appendix B should not exceed 2\

5.1.5 When applying continuous single and double lines of horizontal markings located along the axis of the roadway with a thickness of 1.5 mm or more, it is allowed to use technological breaks no more than 0.05 m long with a distance between them of at least 20 m.

Note - the distance between technological breaks is determined by the need for drainage.

5.1.6 Excess of horizontal markings above the surface on which it is applied

Horizontal markings should not protrude above the surface on which they are applied by more than 6 mm. including the height of the marking protrusions with the profile surface and in the case of applying new horizontal markings on the old one.

Notes - This provision does not apply to road reflectors in accordance with GOST 32866, which can be used in conjunction with horizontal markings.

5.1.7 Color coordinates of horizontal markings

The color coordinates x and y of the horizontal markings (applied with materials in accordance with GOST 32830 without surface coating) are given in Table 2.

table 2

GOST R 51256-2018

End of table 2


Coordinates of the corner points of color areas

chromaticity coordinates


5.1.8 The brightness coefficient of the horizontal marking surface Р у in a dry state, depending on the class assigned to the marking, must correspond to the values ​​indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Brightness factor



road traffic. ru, K. no eeeee

Not standardized

Asphalt concrete

Not standardized

Cement concrete.

piece materials

Not standardized

Not standardized



cement concrete.

piece materials

Not standardized


1 The asphalt concrete type of coating includes coatings made from crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete mixtures, as well as wear layers made without the use of cement.

2 Coatings made from piece materials include coatings made with paving stones, cobblestones, and clinker. mosaic.

3 For horizontal markings with a structural or profile surface, the brightness coefficient £y is not standardized.

4 Highest classes markings according to the brightness coefficient and the specific coefficients of fresh return for a dry coating R L and for a wet coating R^. The carbon reflectance coefficient of horizontal markings with diffuse daylight or artificial lighting O 0 cannot be achieved simultaneously.

GOST R 51256-2018

5.1.9 The specific coefficient of retroreflectivity of horizontal markings with a dry coating R t, depending on the class assigned to the markings, must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in Table 4.

Table 4

Marking color

Specific coefficient of grid return for horizontal markings

for dry coating ykd lux m, not less

Not standardized

Not standardized

Not standardized


Not standardized

Note -

The highest

marking classes by brightness coefficient (3 specific coefficient

There, retroreflections with a dry coating R L and with a wet coating cannot correspond to the specific coefficient of light-reflection of horizontal markings in diffuse daylight or artificial lighting Q a

achieved simultaneously.

5.1.10 The specific coefficient of retroreflectivity of horizontal markings on wet surfaces R w, depending on the class assigned to the markings, must correspond to the values ​​indicated in Table 5.

Table 5


1 The highest marking classes in terms of brightness coefficient and specific coefficients of fresh return for a dry coating R l and for a wet coating Rtf. The specific coefficient of reflection of horizontal road markings under diffuse daylight or artificial lighting Q tf cannot be achieved simultaneously.

2 The highest classes in terms of the specific retroreflectivity coefficient of horizontal markings on wet surfaces R w are assigned for horizontal markings made using technology and using materials and products that provide the required indicators.

GOST R 51256-2018

5.1.11 The specific coefficient of network reflection for diffuse daylight or artificial exposure of horizontal markings Q rf in a dry state, depending on the class assigned to the markings, must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in Table 6.

Table b

Specific horizontal reflectance coefficient


Eonthalma road raeeetsh with diffuse


daylight or artificial lighting Od.

mkd lux* 1 m" 2. not less

Me is normalized

Asphalt concrete

Not standardized

Cement concrete.

piece materials

Asphalt concrete,

Not standardized 80


cement concrete.

piece materials

Red, blue, green, black

Asphalt concrete.

cement concrete.

Not standardized

piece materials


1 The highest marking classes by brightness coefficient 0^. the specific coefficients of retroreflection for a dry surface R l and for a wet surface R w and the specific coefficient of reflectance of horizontal road markings with diffuse daylight or artificial lighting Q a cannot be achieved simultaneously.

2 The asphalt concrete type of coating includes coatings made from crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete mixtures, as well as wear layers made without the use of cement.

3 Coatings made from piece materials include coatings made with paving stones. cobblestones, clinker, mosaics.

5.1.12 The requirements for the brightness coefficient specified in 5.1.8-5.1.11. the specific reflectance coefficient for diffuse daylight or artificial lighting Q 0 and the specific reflectance coefficients for dry coating R L and wet coating R w must be maintained for:

For markings made with paints (enamels), thermoplastics and cold plastics with an application thickness of less than 1.5 mm - at least one month of operation;

For markings made with thermoplastics and cold plastics with an application thickness of 1.5 mm or more, piece forms and polymer tapes - at least three months of operation.

During further operation of horizontal markings during the period of ensuring functional durability, it is allowed to reduce the values ​​of the brightness coefficient of the specific light reflectance coefficients for a dry coating R L and for a wet coating R w and the specific reflectance coefficient for diffuse daylight or artificial lighting Q rf given in Tables 3-6, not by more than 25%.

5.1.13 The following duration of functional durability of horizontal markings is established:

Functional durability of permanent horizontal markings made with thermoplastics. cold plastics with an application thickness of 1.5 mm or more, piece forms and polymer tapes - at least one year:

Functional durability of permanent horizontal markings made with thermoplastics. cold plastics with an application thickness of less than 1.5 mm - at least six months;

The functional durability of permanent horizontal markings made with paints (enamels) is at least three months;

GOST R 51256-2018

The functional durability of temporary horizontal markings is in accordance with the requirements for permanent ones. At the end of the events that required its application, temporary horizontal markings are demarcated.

5.1.14 Destruction and wear of horizontal markings over the area should not exceed the following values:

For markings made with thermoplastics, cold plastics with an application thickness of 1.5 mm or more, polymer tapes, piece forms. - 25%:

For markings made with paints (enamels), thermoplastics and cold plastics with an application thickness of less than 1.5 mm (with the exception of markings that duplicate the image of road signs). - 50 %:

For markings that duplicate the image of road signs - 25%, regardless of the materials (products) used.

5.1.15 After applying new permanent horizontal markings, traces of the old horizontal markings (in plan) should not exceed the permissible linear dimensions given in Table 7.

Table 7

5.2 Technical requirements for vertical markings

5.2.1 For permanent vertical markings, white and black colors are installed. The shape, dimensions, and color of the types of permanent vertical markings are given in Table B.1 (Appendix B).

5.2.2 Materials and products for vertical markings

Vertical markings are carried out with paints (enamels) in accordance with GOST 32830 and retroreflective materials in accordance with GOST 32945. The use of other materials and products for vertical markings is permitted, subject to the requirements of this standard.

5.2.3 Permissible deviations of vertical markings from the design position

The deviation of the actual position of the vertical marking from the design position should not

exceed 0.10 m for angular dimensions from those established in table c.1 (Appendix 8) and Appendix D no more than 2*.

5.2.4 Permissible deviations of vertical markings from the established geometric dimensions The deviation of the linear dimensions of the vertical markings from those established in Table B.1 (Appendix B) should not exceed the permissible deviations given in Table 1. The deviation of the angular dimensions of the vertical markings from those established in Appendix D should not exceed 2*.

5.2.5 The chromaticity coordinates x and y of vertical markings made with paints (enamels) in accordance with GOST 32830 must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in Table 2 of this standard. The chromaticity coordinates x and y of vertical markings made with retroreflective materials must comply with the requirements of GOST 32945.

5.2.6 Brightness coefficient of the surface of vertical markings made with paints (enamels). depending on the class assigned to the marking, it must correspond to the values ​​indicated in table 3. The brightness coefficient of the surface of the vertical marking made with reflective materials must comply with the requirements of GOST 32945.

5.2.7 The specific coefficient of retroreflection of vertical markings made with light-emitting materials, depending on the class assigned to the marking, must comply with the requirements of GOST 32945.

Note - The specific coefficient of retroreflection of vertical markings made with paints (enamels) is not standardized.

GOST R 51256-2018

5.2.8 The requirements for the brightness coefficient of vertical markings specified in 5.2.6 must be maintained throughout.

For markings made with paints (enamels). - at least three months of operation;

For markings made with reflective materials. - according to GOST 32945.

During further use of vertical markings made with paints (enamels), during the period of ensuring functional durability, a reduction in brightness coefficient values ​​by no more than 25% is allowed.

5.2.9 Technical requirements for chromaticity coordinates, brightness coefficient and specific retroreflection coefficient of vertical markings made of non-reflective materials (in addition to paints and enamels in accordance with GOST 32830). similar to the technical requirements for the specified parameters of vertical markings made with paints (enamels).

5.2.10 Functional durability of vertical markings made with paints (enamels). must be at least one year. The functional durability of vertical markings made with reflective materials is in accordance with GOST 32945.

5.2.11 After applying new vertical markings, traces of the old vertical markings should not exceed the permissible linear dimensions given in Table 7.

5.3 Technical requirements for marking during operation

During operation, road markings must comply with this standard. GOST 33220 and GOST R 50597.

6 Control methods

Methods for marking control - according to GOST 32952.

7 Rules of application

Rules for using markings - according to GOST R 52289 and GOST 32758.

GOST R 51256-2018

Appendix A (mandatory)

Shape, color, dimensions of horizontal markings Table AL -Shape, color, dimensions of horizontal markings


Shape and dimensions, m


Solid single pine (with the exception of pine trees used along the edge of the roadway)

Continuous single line located along the edge of the roadway

Line width a = 0.10, or 0.15, or 0.20

Solid double pine

GOST R 51256-2018

Continuation of Table A. 1


Shape and dimensions.m


Broken single line with a ratio of stroke length to break length (distance between strokes) of 1:3

Line width a = 0.10 or 0.15

Broken single line with a ratio of stroke length to break length (distance between strokes) of 3:1

Line width a = 0.10 or 0.15

White, Intermittent single

blue line with ratio

stroke to the distance between them 1:1

Pin width a = 0.10 or 0.15. Length of strokes and breaks. / = 0.50

GOST R 51256-2018

Continuation of Table A. 1


Shape and dimensions, m


Wide broken single line with stroke length to stroke spacing ratio of 1:3

Line width a = 0.20 or 0.40. stroke length /, = 1.00. length of breaks / 2 = 3.00

Line width a = 0.10 or 0.15 or 0.20, Length of strokes and breaks / = 1.00

GOST R 51256-2018

Continuation of Table A. 1


Shape and dimensions.m


White, Solid combination

yellow pine tree and pre

a jerky single line with a ratio of stroke length to distance between strokes of 3:1

8 places of turn, entry and exit from the adjacent territory / 1 = 0.90. / 2 = 0.30

Line width a = 0.40

t t ▼

Strip of isosceles triangles

GOST R 51256-2018

Continuation of Table A. 1


Shape and dimensions, m


Line width a = 0.40. distance between lines c = 0.60. line length P- 4.00-6.00

U|. ,|ь|. From the International Lighting Dictionary. 3rd iod., common to MKO and IEC. M.: Russian language. 1979

GOST R 51256-2018

UDC 625.745.6:006.354 OKS 93.080.30

Key words: road markings, classification, technical requirements

Editor A.A. Bolshakova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector E.R. Aroyan Computer Verstha L.V. Sofeychuk

Handed over for recruitment 02/21/2016. Signed and stamped 03/14/2016. Format 60x84 1 f>. Arial typeface. Uel. oven clause 4.65 Academic ed. clause 4.21. Circulation 120 approx. Hall. 436.

Prepared based on the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Publishing House "Jurisprudence"<16419, Москва. ул. Орджоникидзе, 11

Published and printed by EO FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123001. Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4. www.90stinro.1u mfog^oslmloru

We have one GOST, which regulates the rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices - GOST R 52289-2004. I don’t think many people have had to refer to it, but if you write to state and municipal authorities, then you should read it, because, at a minimum, it regulates the minimum width of the sidewalk.
In addition, this GOST is popular because it stipulates the rule for installing fences along the sidewalk:

In general, there is a lot of interesting things there. And I decided to write about it because it is being changed, so I propose to look at the most significant amendments.

And so, as for the poisonous yellow frames around the signs

In the previous edition:
"5.1.17 On roads in populated areas with six or more lanes, as well as on highways and sections of roads outside populated areas with four or more lanes, signs made using type B or B film according to GOST R 52290 are used.
Signs made using reflective film type B or B are preferably used on curves in plan with a radius less than permissible, at intersections with railways at the same level, intersections and junctions of roads at the same level, areas with visibility distances in plan (profile) less than minimum values ​​(Table 3), on bridge structures with a carriageway width equal to or less than the width of the carriageway, and in places where road work is being carried out.
Signs made using type B reflective film are preferably used on roads with artificial lighting outside populated areas and on roads in populated areas with six or more lanes.
Signs located above or to the side of the roadway at a height of more than 3 m should preferably be made using type B reflective film.
On sections of the same road with the same number of lanes, it is preferable to use signs made using the same type of reflective film."

It's a lot of letters and it's not clear. Now such framing will be mandatory for signs ahead of the pedestrian crossing, attention children, pedestrian crossing. At discretion, it will be possible to apply to other signs in areas where accidents are concentrated.

Thus, instead of solving the problem at the root by creating normal roads and pedestrian crossings (where drivers will not be able to drive under 100 km/h), they will simply cover up poisonous signs. I don't understand why they thought this would help. Maybe they think that if the driver drives at high speed, he will notice this yellow frame? I think that when these amendments were written, no one even asked the traffic police for information about accident rates at certain crossings before and after the installation of such signs, and I am sure that there are no changes there.

Also, now “No Pedestrian Movement” signs will appear at many intersections, namely where any direction of pedestrian movement is prohibited. Previously, such a sign was optional, and therefore it was possible to cross. Thank you very much for ruining the pedestrian infrastructure, you freaks...

The good news is that the gap in the legislation regarding pedestrian paths has been eliminated. This looked especially funny in Moscow, where there are city bike rentals and bike parking on pedestrian areas. Now there will even be new signs - “pedestrian and bicycle path with combined traffic” and “pedestrian and bicycle path with separate traffic.”

In addition, it will now be possible to make bicycle paths on the roads (although they will be directed towards the flow). Before this, all bike paths had to be physically separated from the road by a strip of about 0.5 meters (or so, I don’t remember exactly).

The video recording sign can now be used in conjunction with a large number of signs (beginning with a crossing sign and ending with a right turn prohibited sign). As I understand it, this was done to develop photographic recording of violations not only of parking and speed limits, but also of other offenses.

Unfortunately, traffic lights have also suffered from insanity... It was "7.1.2 Traffic lights are used to regulate the order of passage of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as to indicate dangerous sections of roads."
It became: “7.1.2 Traffic lights are used to regulate the order of passage of vehicles and pedestrians, as well as to indicate dangerous sections of roads. The intersection of traffic and pedestrian flows in the same phase of the traffic light cycle is not allowed.”
Something tells me that there will only be more casualties among pedestrians - people will simply run across the road without waiting for the green light.

Traffic lights of type T2 can now be additionally equipped with a white plate with an arrow. It definitely won’t be superfluous, I think.

Now you will definitely need a button to call a green signal for pedestrians on roads with 2 or more lanes in each direction, this is definitely good news!

Also, if the intensity of the bike path is more than 50 people/hour, and there is no controlled pedestrian crossing, then you will also need to install a traffic light.

Fences along the streets. Earlier:
"Pedestrian limiting barriers are used:
- railing type - at ground pedestrian crossings with traffic lights on both sides of the road, for at least 50 m in each direction from the pedestrian crossing, as well as in areas where the intensity of pedestrian traffic exceeds 1000 people/hour per sidewalk lane with the permitted stopping or parking of vehicles and 750 people/hour - when stopping or parking is prohibited."

Now they are mandatory for unregulated pedestrian crossings (50m before and after), as well as along children's institutions. About the intensity we left it as it was.
Well, there are two news, so to speak, good and bad. The bad news is that this insanity remains. Good - it will be a little less.

Well, the navigation will be expanded a little. Now you can indicate additional information on it:

This is rather sad news. We cannot live in a comfortable and beautiful city as long as there are such GOSTs. Although I thank you for the bike paths and buttons on traffic lights (I’ve come to the point, I say thank you for something that has been available in all normal countries a long time ago...), the need for them is long overdue.

You can view all changes.

Well, not exactly news according to this GOST, but on topic:
Rosstandart will adopt changes to GOST standards in February, so that the width of a parking space will now be shortened from 7.5 meters to 6.5. Moscow has been asking for this for a long time, and they even said that they would do everything by the end of 2013, but they didn’t have time. As for me, it would be necessary to introduce parking spaces for small cars (such as Smarta), but, apparently, not everyone thinks so.



List of conventional abbreviations……………………………………………………….3

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS………………………………………………………………………………...4

1.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….4

1.2. Classification of technical means………………………………………………………..4

2. ROAD SIGNS………………………………………………………………………………...6

2.1. Classification of road signs……………………………………………………6

2.2. Individual design signs………………………………………………………7

2.3. Requirements for the design of road signs……………………………………….8

2.3.1. Externally illuminated signs………………………………………………………8

2.3.2. Signs with internal lighting……………………………………………………………...9

2.3.3. Retroreflective signs………………………………………………………..9

2.3.4. Controlled signs……………………………………………………………...10

2.4. Road sign supports…………………………………………………………….12

2.5. Rules for installing road signs………………………………………………………13

2.5.1. Installation location………………………………………………………………………………13

2.5.2. Methods of installing signs………………………………………………………...14

3. ROAD MARKINGS………………………………………………………......17

3.1. Types of road markings and their purpose……………………………………17

3.2. Materials and equipment for applying markings…………………………......25

3.2.1. Materials used………………………………………………………..25

3.2.2. Marking machines…………………………………………………………...26


4.1. Rules for the use of road barriers………………………………………28

4.2. Rules for the use of guide devices…………………………………...30


5.1. Arrangement of pedestrian crossings……………………………………………...32

5.2. Rules for the use of artificial unevenness………………………………...33

6. ROAD TRAFFIC LIGHTS………………………………………………………………………………..36

6.1. Types of traffic lights and their purpose……………………………………………..36

6.2. Design of traffic lights and requirements for parameters………..41

6.2.1. Lighting parameters……………………………………………………..41

6.2.2. Traffic light design………………………………………………………......42

6.2.3. Light sources………………………………………………………………………………42

6.2.4. Light filters…………………………………………………………………………………43

6.2.5. Reflectors…………………………………………………………………………………44

6.2.6. Anti-phantom devices……………………………………………………….45

6.3. Rules for installing traffic lights………………………………………………………...45

7. ROAD CONTROLLERS……………………………………………………….47

7.1. Purpose and classification of road controllers…………………………...47

7.2. Block diagram of the controller and operating modes…………………………….48

7.3. Operating principle of the control unit……………………………………………………………48

7.4. Operating principle of a microprocessor controller………………………………49

7.5. Design and technical characteristics of controllers (using the example of DKS-D)...51

7.6. Adaptive control. Basic algorithms…………………………………....55

8. TRAFFIC DETECTORS………………………………………………………57

8.1. Purpose and classification………………………………………………………..57

8.2. Detector placement…………………………………………………………………………………58

8.3. Design and main characteristics of detectors……………………………59

9. TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT ASUD……………………………………………………………61

9.1. Classification of systems and technical means of automated control systems……………………………61

9.2. Technical characteristics of automated control systems………………………………………61

9.2.1. Devices of the MCC ASUD………………………………………………………………………………61

9.2.2. District center controller (RCC)………………………………………………………..63

SDA – traffic rules;

TVP – pedestrian call display;

TSODD – technical means of organizing traffic;

TU – technical conditions;

UDS – street and road network;

UZN – controlled road sign;


1.1. Introduction

TSODD are intended for the engineering arrangement of traffic roads in order to ensure a given traffic safety system (traffic patterns, traffic modes, modes of behavior of traffic participants) and ensure traffic safety.

Historical reference:

The first installation for regulating traffic noise was installed in London in 1868 (semaphore installation);

1914 Cleveland - the first electric traffic light;

1920 introduction of traffic rules in the USSR;

1926 The first specifications for remote sensing were developed in the USSR;

1930 Moscow and St. Petersburg the first traffic lights in the USSR (switch type);

1935 DR began to be used in the USSR;

The end of the 30s, the introduction of “green wave” management abroad;

1949 Protocol on road signs and signals was adopted at the Geneva Conference;

1952 introduction of ASUD in Toronto.

Despite the desire to unify signs on an international scale, the diversity of local conditions has led to differences in the remote control of different countries. So by the beginning of the 50s there were several sign systems:

2 – a system based on the use of signs with text content (USA, Australia, New Zealand);

3 – mixed system based on a combination of symbols and text (Asia, South America).

1.2. Classification of technical means

According to their intended purpose, TSODD are divided into two groups:

1 – technical means that directly influence transport and pedestrian flows in order to form their necessary parameters (remote protection, DR, traffic lights and guiding devices);

2 – means that ensure the operation of group 1 means according to a given algorithm (DC, DT, means of processing and transmitting information, equipment for control points of an automated traffic control system, dispatch communication means, etc.).

The structural diagram of the general classification of TSODD is shown in Figure 1.

According to the nature of the impact on the control object, TSODD of the 1st group are divided into:

a) ensuring a constant order of movement (DZ, DR, DO, NU);

b) providing a variable order of movement (traffic lights, UZN), their work is associated with the use of TSODD of the 2nd group.

Figure 1 – General classification of TSODD

Remote control – used on roads and streets for traffic safety and traffic safety; they establish a certain order or inform drivers and pedestrians about traffic conditions.

DR – lines, inscriptions and other designations on the roadway and elements of road structures that establish traffic order or inform drivers and pedestrians about traffic conditions.

NU – designed to ensure visibility of the edge of the roadside, dangerous obstacles and separation of traffic and pedestrian flows.

DO – designed to prevent vehicles from leaving the roadway, as well as uncontrolled pedestrians entering the roadway.

Traffic lights are designed to allow traffic participants to alternately pass through a road section, as well as to indicate dangerous sections of roads.

UZN – changes remote control symbols depending on changes in traffic conditions.

DC is a device designed to switch traffic lights and UZN symbols in accordance with the current algorithm.

DKLU - they control traffic light signaling only taking into account the traffic conditions in a given section of the road network; information exchange with the DC of other traffic light objects and the control center is not provided.

DKSU - switch traffic light signals according to commands from the Control Center or any controller included in the system and acting as a coordinator.

MCC is the central control point.

DT – designed to detect vehicles and determine the parameters of traffic flows.

TV surveillance tools – designed to visualize information about the parameters of the control object.

TSODD of both groups have their own classification (for example, dividing remote control into groups, etc.).


2.1. Classification of road signs

Remote control is classified according to its information and semantic content, as well as according to a number of other characteristics related to the features of its design. Our country has adopted 8 groups of road signs:

1 gr. – Warning;

2 gr. – Priority;

3 gr. – Prohibiting;

4 gr. – Prescriptive;

5 gr. – Special regulations;

6 gr. – Informational;

7 gr. – Service;

8 gr. – Additional information (plates).

For the purpose of quick and reliable perception, remote sensing is characterized by a certain shape, size and background color, recorded in GOST R 52290-2004 “Technical means of organizing road traffic. Road signs. General technical requirements".

Warning signs(with rare exceptions) – triangular shape, white background, red border, black symbol.

Prohibiting And mandatory signs- round form.

Signs of special regulations, information and service– square or rectangular shape.

Regardless of the design of the sign, time of day, weather and road conditions, timely perception by the driver of the information transmitted by the sign must be ensured. Therefore, the standard provides four standard sizes for road signs of the same group (except for plates) (see Table 1).

Table 1 – Standard sizes of road signs

Type and size of signs

Terms of use of signs

Triangle side, mm

Circle diameter, square side, mm

Sides of a rectangle, mm

outside populated areas

in populated areas

One lane roads

Local streets

Roads with two and three lanes

Main streets

Roads with four or more lanes


Sections of highways where repair work is being carried out, as well as dangerous areas on other roads

In accordance with GOST R 52290-2004, each DZ has its own number, consisting of two or three digits (numbers). The first digit means the group number, the second – the number of the sign in the group, the third – the number of the sign variety.

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1. Technical means of organizing traffic

While the implementation of architectural and planning measures requires, in addition to significant capital investments, a fairly large period of time, organizational measures can lead to a temporary, but relatively quick effect.

In some cases, organizational measures act as the only means to solve the transport problem. We are talking about organizing traffic in historically established neighborhoods of old cities, which are often architectural monuments and cannot be reconstructed. In addition, the development of road networks is often associated with the elimination of green spaces, which is not always advisable.

When implementing measures to organize traffic, a special role belongs to the introduction of technical means: road signs and road markings, traffic light control devices, road barriers and guide devices. At the same time, traffic light regulation is one of the main means of ensuring traffic safety at intersections. The number of intersections equipped with traffic lights in the largest cities of the world with a high level of motorization is continuously increasing and in some cases reaches the ratio: one traffic light object per 1.5-2 thousand city residents.

In recent years, in our country and abroad, work has been intensively carried out to create complex automated systems using control computers, automation, telemechanics, dispatch communications and television to control traffic on the scale of a large district or an entire city. The operating experience of such systems convincingly demonstrates their effectiveness in solving the transport problem.

Road network (RDN) is a set of city highways, roads, streets, driveways, including the main roadway, lawns, sidewalks, outdoor lighting and other landscaping elements, as well as road surfaces of engineering structures (bridges, overpasses, overpasses, tunnels).

Technical means of traffic management (TSOD) are the most important element of road safety organization (RTS), as they allow the implementation of developed traffic safety schemes and traffic control.

According to their purpose, they are divided into means that directly influence traffic and pedestrian flows in order to form their necessary parameters (road markings, road signs, traffic lights) and means that ensure the operation of the first group of means in a given mode (road controllers, vehicle detectors, processing tools and information transmission, equipment of control points of automated traffic control systems (ATMS), etc., Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 General classification of technical means of traffic management

Proper organization of traffic is ensured through the development of roads by TSODD.

Technical means of organizing traffic:

· Road signs;

· Road barriers;

· Road traffic lights;

· Artificial road roughness;

· Guide cones;

· Guide posts;

Road signs- means of traffic regulation in the form of shields of a certain shape, size and color with applied conventional images and signs. Installed on highways and determine the restrictions and features of traffic organization on a given section of the road, and also inform road users about objects, settlements and dangerous places located along the route.

In accordance with their functions, road signs are divided into 7 groups: warning, prohibitory, prescriptive, informational, priority, service, additional information.

Permanent road signs are installed on the right side of the road, outside the roadway, and signs that are temporary in nature (repair work, smoke, ice, etc.) are installed directly on the roadway, on a portable stand.

If the requirements of permanent and temporary signs are in conflict, road users must be guided by the requirements of the temporary sign, which takes into account the characteristics of the specific road situation.

All signs must be illuminated or covered with reflective materials, ensuring their reliable recognition in the dark from a distance of at least 100 m. If the main signs may not be noticed by drivers, then duplicate ones are installed above the roadway, on the dividing strip or on the left side of the road signs.

The layout of road signs in a populated area and outside the city must be made in accordance with GOST R 52289-2004“Technical means of organizing traffic, Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices.”

When designing, appropriate road signs are used GOST R 52290-2004“Technical means of organizing traffic. Road signs. General technical requirements". One of the most important components in the design of traffic roads is the road marking scheme on roads of any category, as well as above-ground and underground parking lots.

Road marking scheme must be carried out in accordance with GOST R 51256-99 “Road markings. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements". This standard establishes the shape, color, size and technical requirements for the marking of streets and roads under construction and in operation, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

Road barriers - devices related to technical means of traffic management in accordance with #M12291 1200038798GOST R 52289#S.

Road Restraint Barriers: Devices designed to prevent a vehicle from leaving the roadbed and bridge structure (bridge, overpass, overpass, etc.), crossing the median strip, colliding with an oncoming vehicle, hitting massive obstacles and structures located on the median strip , on the side of the road and in the right of way of the road (holding a car), as well as devices designed to prevent pedestrians from falling from a bridge structure and roadbed (for pedestrians). See fig.

D guardrails: Devices designed to regulate the movement of pedestrians (restrictive fence for pedestrians) and prevent animals from entering the roadway or right-of-way (restrictive fence for animals).

TO classification (fencing): A system of subordinate concepts in the field of road barriers, used to establish connections between these concepts. The main classification feature that allows road barriers to be classified into a particular class (subclass) is the purpose of the barriers. In addition, the following signs are used:

· location of the fence (defines groups and subgroups);

· the principle of operation of the fence (determines the type of construction of the road fence);

· varieties according to design (determine the types of structures).

According to their purpose, road barriers are divided into two classes - restraining (for cars and pedestrians) and limiting (for pedestrians and animals).

Road restraint barriers for cars are divided into two subclasses according to purpose - side and front. Side guards hold the car and correct its trajectory during a side impact at an acute angle to the axis of the guard.

Front guards hold the car and absorb the energy of the vehicle's movement in the event of an impact either from the side or into the end of the guard at an angle close to 90°.

According to the location conditions, road barriers are divided into groups (subgroups). Side restraint barriers for cars are divided into two groups according to the conditions of their location - road and bridge, each of which consists of subgroups:

· a one-sided fence that holds a car, the impact of which may be on the fence on one side, is installed on the sides of the road or dividing strip;

· a double-sided fence that holds a car that can hit the fence from both sides is installed along the axis of the dividing strip.

Frontal restraint barriers for cars are also divided into two groups according to the conditions of their location - road and bridge, each of which consists of subgroups:

· a one-way fence that holds back cars moving before impact in lanes of one direction of travel is installed when dividing the flow of cars;

· double-sided barriers that hold back cars moving in lanes of different directions before impact are installed at the beginning and end of the dividing strip.

Road restraint barriers for pedestrians are divided into two groups according to the conditions of their location:

· road, installed on the edge of the roadside;

· pavements installed at the edge of the sidewalks of bridge structures.

Fences for pedestrians must prevent a pedestrian from falling into the fenced area and be designed for the impact established by #M12291 1200038798GOST R 52289#S. Road barriers for pedestrians are divided into four groups according to the conditions of their location:

· group 1 - located along sidewalks and side dividing strips;

· group 2 - located at overhead or underground passages;

· group 3 - located on lawns and other areas that need to be protected from damage by pedestrians;

· group 4 - located at the supports of overpasses, supports of information signs, as well as at the supports of power lines in order to prevent a person from entering the danger zone.

Road limiting fences for animals are divided into according to the conditions of their location into two groups:

· group 1 - fences located along the border of the right-of-way along the road;

· group 2 - fences located in front of passages and in special passages for animals under roads (cattle runs).

According to the principle of operation, road restraint barriers are divided into types:

Type 1 - side guards for cars:

b barrier (impact energy is absorbed due to elastoplastic deformation of the material of the elements - beam posts, consoles, etc.),

b curb (impact energy is absorbed due to the resistance of the wheels and vehicle suspension, which ensures correction of the trajectory of movement),

b parapet (impact energy is absorbed due to the lifting of the wheels, which reduces the overturning moment, and the friction of parts of the car on the fence),

b cable (impact energy is absorbed due to the tension and deflection of the cables),

b combined designs, the principle of energy absorption of which is a combination of the principles mentioned above,

Type 2 - other types of structures with other principles of energy absorption;

Type 3 - front guards for cars:

b telescopic (impact energy is absorbed mainly due to friction when one structural element enters another), elastoplastic (impact energy is extinguished mainly due to elastic, elastic and elastoplastic deformations of the material),

b liquid (impact energy is absorbed due to the resistance of containers with water or other liquid or viscous substance),

b combined structures, which are a combination of the types mentioned above, other types of structures;

Type 4 - pedestrian restraint barriers:

b parapet railings (non-deformable structures),

b barrier railings (external design impact causes elastic deformation of structural elements - posts, handrails, filling, etc.),

b post railings (the external design impact causes mainly elastic deformations of the posts),

b combined structures, other types of structures.

According to the operating principle Road barriers are divided into types:

Restrictive barriers for pedestrians:

Guidelines indicating the direction of pedestrian movement

Protective, protecting the territory from damage by pedestrians, warning pedestrians of danger; - restrictive fences for animals:

Repellent action (light, sound),

They are an obstacle and represent a mechanical method of protection from animals (walls, fences and other obstacles).

Bounding structures are most often made in the form of shields, nets, barriers, etc.

Rice. 2 Classification scheme

road transport bus

Road traffic lights designed to allow traffic participants to pass through a certain area one by one street and road network(UDS), as well as to mark dangerous sections of roads.

Depending on the conditions, road traffic lights are used to control traffic in certain directions or along separate lanes in a given direction:

* in places where there are conflicting traffic flows, as well as traffic and pedestrian flows (intersections, pedestrian crossings);

* in lanes where the direction of movement can change to the opposite;

* at railway crossings, drawbridges, piers, ferries, crossings;

* when special services vehicles drive onto roads with heavy traffic;

* to control the movement of route vehicles.

In accordance with GOST R 52282-2004“Road traffic lights. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods" traffic lights are divided into two groups: T - transport and P - pedestrian.

Road traffic lights are installed on columns, brackets attached to existing supports or walls of the building, on special cantilever supports and guy wires.

To prevent collisions with supports, they are located outside the roadway or protected road barriers. An intersection or part of a street served by several traffic lights is called traffic light object.

The traffic light layout is carried out in accordance with GOST 52289-2004“Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices.”

Artificial road hump is an artificial elevation of the road, designed to encourage car drivers to slow down on a given section of the road. Very often, artificial road humps can be seen near schools, playgrounds and other places where children can run out onto the road. Speed ​​bumps can also be installed where there are dangerous turns or other places with an increased likelihood of traffic accidents(road accident).

Artificial road roughness is often made of rubber that is resistant to mechanical abrasion and the effects of chemical elements present on the roads in winter.

The IDN is fastened to the road surface using anchor bolts through holes reinforced with metal washers. Differences in height depend on how safe a given place is. The more the traffic flow needs to be slowed down, the higher the artificial road humps become.

Guide cones refer to fencing means and are a necessary element of traffic management at road work sites. They easily move when cars hit them, and are resistant to overturning by the air flow created by passing vehicles.

Guide posts are designed to ensure visibility of roadside boundaries and dangerous obstacles at night and under adverse weather conditions. Guide posts are installed on roads without artificial lighting, when the use of barrier fences is not required.

Road signal posts are used in the construction of roads for visual orientation of road users, designation of parking areas near houses in the investment construction of residential and commercial facilities.

Flexible posts are used in places where traffic lanes are divided together with road markings, before starting road fence , in places where traffic intensity decreases, at roundabouts, at airports, at road intersections, to organize traffic in parking lots, near shopping centers.

Flexible bollards allow you to avoid accidents when a car hits them.

After the collision, the columns will return to their original position, which means they will not need to be replaced, as would be the case with rigid structures.

LED road reflectors- intended for application to asphalt concrete or cement concrete road surfaces in order to increase the visibility of traffic lanes at night.

2. Sequence of placing road signs

When developing a scheme for placing road signs, it is necessary to take into account the scheme of transport connections, in particular transit, in the whole region (settlement) and the adopted organization scheme as a whole along the road, region, settlement, etc.

In this case, the possibility of using traffic lights, road markings, road barriers and guide devices to organize traffic should also be taken into account. Therefore, the choice of sign type and sign placement scheme should be made taking into account the engineering equipment of the road.

It is recommended to carry out the work on drawing up a scheme for placing road signs in several stages:

1) Providing information to the driver about the entire route and the location of traffic service areas.

2) Identification of areas with characteristic traffic conditions, detailed analysis of the transport and operational characteristics of the areas, drawing up a preliminary scheme for placing signs.

3) Clarifying the types of signs and their locations at junctions: adjacent sections, finding opportunities to reduce the number of signs, assessing the need for speed limits along the entire road, choosing the standard size of signs, installation locations and coverage areas, eliminating signs with conflicting information, correcting the preliminary sign placement scheme .

At the first stage of work, the task is to place information and service signs along the entire length of the road, informing drivers about the main directions of movement, the length of the road, the location and names of points on the route.

In accordance with the conditions of use, kilometer signs, route numbers, signs with the names of settlements, rivers, passes through which the road passes, signs for the direction of travel to travel points located away from the road (settlements, railway stations, crossings, elevators, marinas, river and sea ports, urban facilities, etc.).

At the same time, the need to repeat inscriptions in the national language is taken into account, and on the roads along which it is planned to open the movement of foreign tourists, the need to repeat inscriptions made in Latin letters conveying the pronunciation of names in the corresponding national language.

On all roads, entrances to attractions and traffic service points must be marked with signs. At this stage, the location and content of images of preliminary signs of directions and distances are tentatively outlined, taking into account the need to primarily inform visiting drivers who are not familiar with the road, as well as establishing an advantage in the movement of vehicles at intersections. At the second stage, the work conditionally divides the entire road into two groups of sections: settlements and stages.

Then, within each section, the following elements are identified: intersections, bridges, overpasses, tunnels, railway crossings, horizontal and vertical curves, narrowings, ascents, descents, straight sections, roadside service complexes, rest areas, bus stops, parking lots, places of busy pedestrian traffic. Some elements can be analyzed together. For each element or their group, a detailed diagram of the road engineering equipment is drawn up.

Within each element or group of elements, conflict zones should be identified where speed changes or vehicle congestion often occur:

1. areas of busy pedestrian and bicycle traffic along or across the roadway and areas of possible crowds of people;

2. bus stops, places, short-term stops and long-term parking; areas where overtaking and lane changes occur frequently; areas of intersection, branching and merging of traffic flows, vehicle turns and changes in traffic trajectories; zones in which the speed of free movement changes sharply; zones where the speed of vehicle flows sharply decreases due to increased traffic density or the presence of slow-moving tractors, horse-drawn carts, and agricultural vehicles in the flow;

3. areas in which the width of the roadway, number of lanes, height dimensions or permissible load from the mass of vehicles is less than in adjacent areas;

4. areas with limited visibility in plan and profile;

5. areas in which there are dense fogs, ice, strong side winds, uneven surfaces, and there is a danger of falling stones and animals walking onto the road;

6. zones with traffic light regulation, one-way traffic, with the organization of priority movement of public passenger transport, reverse traffic, etc.

Having identified conflict zones in dangerous areas, measures should be taken to establish the causes that give rise to this danger. Having analyzed in detail the traffic conditions and statistical data on road accidents in sections and in individual zones, the need to use various signs is assessed and they are applied to the sign placement diagram.


Basic literature and normative documents:

1. GOST 52290-2004 Road signs. General technical requirements;

2. GOST 52289-2004 Rules for the use of road signs, markings, traffic lights, road barriers and guide devices;

3. GOST 51256-99 Road markings. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements;

4. GOST 52282-2004 Road traffic lights. Types and basic parameters. General technical requirements. Test methods;

5. GOST 50970-96 Road signal posts;

6. GOST 52605-2006 Artificial unevenness;

7. GOST R 50970-96 Technical means of organizing traffic. Road signal posts. General technical requirements. Rules of application.

8. GOST R 50971-96 Technical means of organizing traffic. Road reflectors. General technical requirements. Rules of application.

9. GOST R 52607 Road side restraint barriers for cars. The procedure for the development and approval of traffic management projects (currently in force).

10. Klinkovshtein G.I., Afanasyev M.B. Organization of road traffic. Textbook for universities. - 5th edition revised and expanded. - M..: Transport, 2001 - 247 p.

Additional literature:

11. Ambartsumyan V.V., Babanin V.N., Gudzhoyan O.P., Petridis A.V. Road safety. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2000.

12. GOST 25869-90 Distinctive signs and information support for rolling stock of passenger ground transport, stopping points and passenger stations. General technical requirements. Highways and streets. Requirements for operational condition acceptable under the conditions of ensuring road safety.

13. Kocherga V.G., Zyryanov V.V., Konoplyanko V.I. Intelligent transport systems in road traffic. Tutorial. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house. RGSU, 2001. - 108 p.

14. Abovsky N.P., Babanin V.B., Deruga A.P. and others. Neurotraffic lights: Creation of intelligent traffic control systems. Ed. IN AND. Zhukova. - Krasnoyarsk: 2002. - 260 p.

15. Guidelines for the course project for students of all forms of study in the specialty “Traffic Management (motor transport)

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