Vitya is short for the name. The meaning of the male name Victor

Linguists claim that the name Victor is derived from the Roman family names Victor, Victorinus and Victorianus. They, in turn, come from the Latin word victor, which means “winner”. So, following logic, we get The meaning of the name Victor is “winner”. The name Victor also has a female cognate name - Victoria.

It is worth noting that many popular names originated from Roman personal and family nicknames. These are, for example, such male names as Vitaly (Vitalis), Camille (Camillus) and Maxim (Maximus). Many female names also have a similar origin. These are names such as Albina (Albinus), Claudia (Claudius), Emilia (Aemilius) and many others.

The meaning of the name Victor for a child

Little Victor is a mischievous and cheerful child. He is restless and has an irrepressible imagination. He always comes up with new games, and in design he has no equal. His strong imagination can serve both positively and negatively. Once a certain logic and consistency of reasoning is instilled in him, otherwise jumping from thought to thought can become his habitual behavior in life. This can lead to the fact that he will dream a lot, but will never begin to implement his plans.

The boy is an average student. He does well in many subjects, but there are not enough stars in the sky. I am more inclined to the exact sciences, and especially to physics. Languages ​​and literature are quite difficult for him, although the boy loves to read. He just doesn’t understand Dostoevsky and Tolstoy at the age at which they are taught. It is worth noting Victor’s accuracy and responsibility. The boy knows how to be collected, and his strong-willed qualities have been noticeable since kindergarten.

Victor’s health is very good, although he cannot be called a hero. He rarely gets sick, which unfortunately leads to a neglectful attitude towards preventive measures. The child grows up athletic, and his metabolism is even increased. Often, until the age of 18, he is even inclined to be thin, but then he gains weight to normal. It may begin to gain weight closer to forty, but this will depend on the type of activity and home diet.

Short name Victor

Vitya, Vitka, Vitek, Vityukha, Vitakha, Vityakha, Vishechek, Vityasya, Vitasik, Vik, Viko.

Diminutive pet names

Vitechka, Vityushka, Vitenka, Vityasha, Vityosha, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vityusha.

Children's middle names

Viktorovich and Viktorovna. It has no established folk forms of pronunciation.

Name Victor in English

In English, the name Victor is spelled Victor and pronounced Victor.

Name Victor for international passport- VIKTOR.

Translation of the name Victor into other languages

in Belarusian - Viktar
in Bulgarian - Victor
in Hungarian - Viktor
in Greek - Βίκτωρ
in Danish - Victor
in Spanish - Victor
in Italian - Vittorio
in German - Viktor
in Norwegian - Viktor
in Polish - Wiktor
in Portuguese - Vítor
in Romanian - Victor
in Serbian - Victor
in Ukrainian - Viktor
in French - Victor
in Finnish - Vihtori
in Czech - Viktor
in Swedish - Viktor

Church name Victor(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Victor. Of course, when baptizing a boy, you can choose another church name.

Characteristics of the name Victor

Adult Victor can be described as an impetuous and even impulsive person. If some idea comes to his mind, then he can completely immerse himself in it, and then one can only envy his hard work and perseverance. Victor is overly narcissistic, which affects his relationships with others. His conceit often becomes close to narcissism and causes negative emotions in his interlocutors. One can also say about Victor that he has a broad outlook, which allows him to make a pleasant first impression. He often uses this.

Victor can work successfully in various professions. The range of his interests is quite wide, but he always wanted to do interesting things. He is completely unsuited for monotonous work. His choice is usually distinguished by a certain originality, although more originality lies in his presentation. Often, when choosing a job, Victor will choose one that, in his opinion, will impress others. The effect on others is the main thing he strives for.

Victor treats the formation of a family with trepidation, although he often gets married a little hastily. He is a good family man, which is evident from his relationship with his loved ones. He often chooses an active and caring woman as his life partner. He is neat in everyday life and knows how to do a lot around the house. He is quite strict with children, which does not exclude the warmth of the relationship. She pays quite a lot of attention to education, and especially tries to instill in children respect for work.

The mystery of the name Victor

Victor's secret can be called his lack of independence. He does a lot in his life to impress others. This could be, for example, the choice of work or any of his other actions. Often one action done without an inner impulse requires it to be continued. This can lead to quite negative consequences. Victor should remember this peculiarity of his.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Horse.

Name color- Green.

Tree- Birch.

Plant- White carnation.

Stone- Selenite.

Name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: differences, similarities in names

Vitya, Victor, Vitaly, Vitalik - do you think these are the same names? Agree, there are similarities. However, the similar spelling and sound of names does not mean that they can be considered the same.

Today we will talk about this topic and figure out whether these names are the same, different forms of the same thing, or completely different names.

The name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: are they different names or not, their similarities and differences?

Just by listening to the names or looking at their spelling, it is difficult to say whether they are different or are forms of the same name. But the meaning of these names will make it clear whether they are synonyms. However, first things first.

  • Victor– translated from Latin as “winner”
  • Derivative forms of the name Victor are the names Vitya, Vityusha, Vityunya and many others, but more on that a little later
  • Based on this we can conclude that Victor and Vitya are the same name

Now let's talk about Vitaly:

  • Vitaly - translated from Latin as “the one who gives life, long-lived”
  • As a short form you can use the names Vitalik, Vit, Vitasya, Vitya
  • Having analyzed this name, the conclusion we get is very ambiguous. Vitaly, Vitalik and Vitya are also essentially one name
Names Victor and Vitaly

The similarity of these names is that both Victor and Vitaly can be used in their abbreviated form as Vitya. The difference between these names is in their meaning, sound and, of course, in the fact that their bearers have completely different characters.

Despite the fact that both Victor and Vitaly can in principle be called Vitya, practice shows the opposite. As a rule, people generally believe that Vitya is still Victor, but Vitalik is Vitaly. We, continuing the conversation on this topic, will also adhere to this opinion.

The name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: origin of names

We have figured out the meaning of the names, now let's talk a little about their origin.

  • Vitya, Victor– male names that are considered Russian, Greek, Catholic Orthodox
  • The name is of Latin origin
  • As for the Slavs, their name Victor is associated with Byzantium, since it came from there and gradually gained enormous popularity
  • An interesting fact is that the exclamation “Hail, Victor!” (Long live the winner) in Ancient Rome they greeted generals who returned home with victory
  • The name has always symbolized firmness, determination and focus.

Let's look at the most famous representatives of the name Victor. Despite the fact that the name has lost its relevance today, we still have someone to remember:

  • Victor Hugo - hardly anyone has not heard of this person, because Hugo is a truly outstanding writer
  • Viktor Vasnetsov is an equally famous person who has made a huge contribution to the artistic sphere of the country
  • Viktor Nekrasov - great Russian writer
  • Viktor Tsoi - vocalist of the famous and truly legendary group Kino

Well, how are things going with Vitaly? Let's get a look.

  • Vitaly and Vitalik, respectively, are also male names
  • The origin of the names is also Latin.
  • It must be said that the name has many European analogues, for example, such as Vital, Vit, Vitalian

Celebrities named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Shafranov - famous physicist
  • Vitaly Solomin is an outstanding Soviet actor who played in the famous film “Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson”
  • Vitaly Bianki is a famous children's writer who gave the world more than 300 different fairy tales, stories and stories

Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

The correctness of addressing a person and the choice of form used depends on what name the person was originally named by.

  • Of course, addressing a person can be considered correct if you use the name you introduced yourself to.
  • If for some reason you don’t know what to call a person or doubt that this form fits his name, then ask him directly - there is nothing shameful in that.
  • Generally speaking, after naming a child Viktor, he can be called Vitya. When you name your baby Vitaly, you can use the form of the name Vitalik or Vitya. However, calling Victor and Vitya Vitaly or Vitalik is unacceptable.

  • As for the passport, everything is very simple. A passport is issued to a person on the basis of a birth certificate and, accordingly, all data from the previous document is transferred to the passport. Therefore, when registering a birth certificate, you need to be extremely careful.
  • Victor and Vitya are recorded in the birth certificate and, accordingly, in the passport - Victor.
  • Vitalik and Vitaly - Vitaly.
  • It is not customary to write diminutive forms like Vityusha and Vetal in documents.

Full and abbreviated name, as will be from the name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly

Victor is the full form of this name. The following can be used as diminutive and abbreviated forms:

  • Vityusha
  • Vityunya
  • Vitka
  • Vitek
  • Vitasya

The following names are synonyms of this name:

  • Victorin
  • Vikhtor
  • Victoras

In the case of Vitaly, this form is the full name. As abbreviations it is customary to use:

  • Vitalik
  • Vitalya
  • Vitalka
  • Vitasya
  • Vitaha

The following names can be called synonymous:

  • Vidal
  • Vial

When addressing a person, you must understand that not only the subjective permissibility of addressing a person in this way is important, it is important that the bearer of the name himself agrees to address himself in such a way.

Is it possible to call Vitya and Victor Vitalik, Vitaly and vice versa?

In principle, based on the above information, the answer to this question is obvious.

  • Vitya, Victor and Vitaly, Vitalik are completely different names that have their own meaning and origin
  • Victor and Vitya cannot be called Vitalik or Vitaly
  • Vitalik and Vitaly can be called Vitya only as a shortened form
  • It must be said that in practice it now very rarely happens that Vitaly is called Vitya
  • However, you need to check with the bearer of the name, because sometimes a person can be recorded as Victor in the passport, but position himself as Vitaly - in this case, of course, using this form is appropriate

What middle name is suitable for a boy named Victor, Vitaly?

When choosing a name for a child, future parents pay attention not only to its meaning, but also to how it will be combined with the middle name. There are several explanations for this: firstly, because the combination of a first name and patronymic also affects a person’s fate, and secondly, because parents want the last name, first name and patronymic to sound melodious and beautiful.

The following middle names are most suitable for a boy named Victor:

  • Vasilevich
  • Viktorovich
  • Ivanovich
  • Tarasovich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Fedorovich
  • Vladislavovich
  • Olegovych
  • Filippovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Petrovich
  • Stepanovich
  • Danilovich
  • Efimovich

The following middle names are suitable for Vitaly:

  • Arkadyevich
  • Andreevich
  • Sergeevich
  • Ivanovich
  • Grigorievich
  • Evgenyevich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Vasilevich

Character named Victor and Vitaly

Let's start with the name Victor:

  • Since childhood, Vitya has been growing up as an attentive, caring and sensitive child, who is ready to help anyone who needs it at any moment.
  • Most often, a baby named by this name is very fair
  • Literally from birth, Victor is very attached to his family and friends. By the way, this kind of love and affection does not disappear with Vitya even over the years. Even at 40, if possible, he will still live with his parents, because separation from them is stressful for him
  • As a rule, representatives of this name have a strong character. However, they have one distinctive feature - a predilection for spontaneous, thoughtless actions. Just a second ago our Victor was serious and strong-willed, but now he is behaving like a capricious child who simply demands what he suddenly wants to get.
  • Very often, Vitya is overly hot-tempered and this pretty much ruins his life. After all, sometimes a man with that name simply cannot control himself and his actions, which greatly hurts his family and friends.
  • Victors are very capricious people. Even if such a man understands that you are telling him the right advice, he will still do it his own way
  • We must pay tribute to Victor’s enterprise and hard work. He likes to complete all his undertakings, because he receives true pleasure from the result of his work
  • The man named Victor is moderately witty, knows how to joke funny and defuse the situation

It would also not be amiss to name character traits of Victors who were born at different times of the year:

  • Vitya, born in winter, is very stubborn, willful and honest
  • Representatives of the name born in autumn can boast of the following qualities - responsibility, seriousness, sociability
  • Those who were lucky enough to be born in the summer are very delicate, vulnerable natures. Victors born in summer often have problems with alcohol
  • Well, the spring Viti is characterized by frivolity, short temper and quick-wittedness.

Characteristics Victor and Vitaly

Let's move on to Vitaly:

  • As a child, Vitaly can be a very shy kid. Tries not to attract too much attention to himself, both adults and his peers
  • In the family circle, he gives preference to his mother, which is why he is often undeservedly considered a “mama’s boy.”
  • In fact, the baby is growing up as a very sensitive, kind and obedient child who, even at such a young age, knows how to listen and understand
  • Despite his shyness, Vitaly grows up as a stubborn child and if he really wants something, he is unlikely to back down without getting it.
  • As a teenager, Vitalik becomes more cunning and thoughtful
  • A man named by this name is rarely the life of the party, because some qualities of his character repel his friends. Despite this, Vitaly is a very sociable man who knows how to make friends and values ​​friendly relationships

Now let's see how do the seasons affect Vitaly’s character:

  • “Winter” Vitalik boasts his attention to detail and ability to analyze
  • Those born in autumn are amorous and romantic
  • Those men who bear the name Vitalik and were born in the summer are real hard workers and careerists. Have a heightened sense of ownership
  • “Spring” Vitaly knows how to joke, is very sensual and vulnerable

Victor and Vitaly: sexuality, love, marriage, family life, profession

All people behave completely differently in different areas of life. Our behavior directly depends on our character, preferences and principles.

So, let's see how the owners of these names manifest themselves in family and sexual life.

  • Sexuality. Victor is extremely sexy
  • Very often he chooses experienced women as partners, because he loves high-quality sex and experiments
  • Despite such a passionate nature, Vitya can also boast of romance and tenderness

What is our Victor like in family relationships and in love?

  • Victor does not experience an acute shortage of women and their attention. Representatives of the fair sex often pay attention to generous, kind, sympathetic and charming Victors
  • Vitya knows how to look after beautifully, does not forget about gifts and compliments for his beloved
  • However, despite such dedication, Victor expects the same from his partner. He also loves to receive gifts and attention from his beloved. But who doesn’t love that, right?
  • Generally speaking, such a man is extremely demanding of his partner. In addition to the well-groomed appearance, Vitya pays attention to the girl’s good manners and education
  • It’s not easy for Vitya to decide to take a responsible step, but despite this, more than one marriage often happens in his life
  • As for family life, Victor should be given his due. He is an excellent family man, an exemplary husband, a caring father.
  • His wife and children are his pride and joy
  • The only thing that can destroy this fairy tale is Victor’s baseless jealousy. In this regard, Vitya’s wife needs to be patient

Now let's talk a little about professions for Victor:

  • Men named by this name are distinguished by responsibility, hard work and determination. Therefore, as a rule, any work is easy for Vita
  • Victor is most suitable for those professions in which he can reveal himself as a leader or manager. Natives of this name are excellent at organizing work and managing people and resources
  • Since our Vitya is a hot-tempered person, he needs work that is not monotonous or routine. It's best if the situation is always changing, just like the tasks
  • If desired, Victor can easily build his own business. He has a good understanding of people, which gives him the opportunity to organize an excellent team and easily establish a work process in it

Attitudes to the family life of Victor and Vitaly

Now let's talk about Vitaly:

  • Vitalik can also boast of his sexuality and temperament. In sex, he behaves quite freely and loves to be a leader. However, despite such qualities, sex for the bearer of this name is not only physical pleasure, it is also an opportunity to show their feelings and emotions
  • Vitaly is very sensual and gentle in intimate relationships. He loves to please his partner
  • Like Vitya, Vitalik gives preference to experienced women

Love and marriage, family life:

  • Vitaly really loves the process of winning his beloved. At this stage, he is the most romantic, gentle and reverent man in the whole world. Flowers, movies, songs under the balcony and even stars from the sky - all this will be easily given to you by Vitaly in love
  • However, as soon as the partner reciprocates, such manifestations of feelings will disappear
  • Representatives of this name rarely experience a lack of female attention, but despite this it is difficult to call them ladies' men. Ideally, Vitaly is looking for a relationship that would be the only one for life
  • She takes marriage extremely responsibly and seriously. Most often, people decide to take this step when they are already an accomplished man.
  • Such a guy takes only faithful and strong girls as his wife.
  • In family life, Vitaly values ​​comfort, coziness and silence. Therefore, neither he himself, nor his children, nor his wife ever shout or swear.
  • Vitalik always tries to be honest with his wife and he succeeds very well. He believes that trust and mutual understanding are what strong and happy relationships are built on
  • We must give this man credit for raising children. Children for Vitalik are happiness; it is not difficult for him to work with them, raise them, teach them and, of course, play


  • Vitaly primarily values ​​comfort and high wages, which is why when choosing a job he bases himself on these criteria
  • He rarely becomes a boss or leader, because such work requires constant control and participation, while our Vitalik wants to work his shift and go to his family
  • He always gives preference to working in a team, because he is afraid to make independent decisions at work.
  • A job as a journalist or teacher would be a good fit for Vitaly
  • In general, it must be said that such a man is a very good worker. Responsibility, diligence - this is what he can definitely boast of

Names Victor and Vitaly: compatibility with female names

Let's talk a little about women with what names are most suitable for bearers of the names Vitya and Vitalik.

Let's start with Victor:

  • Victor and Ekaterina. This couple has excellent compatibility. These two understand each other very well and know how to surprise. Moreover, Katya and Vitya have very good sexual compatibility, and this definitely has a positive effect on the couple’s relationship
  • Victor and Natalya. Another happy union. In this couple there is no place for restrictions on the partner’s personal space. Natasha knows how to appreciate Vitya, and he, in turn, rewards her with his care and love
  • Victor and Anastasia. The views of these people are very similar, however, Nastya’s independence and excessive independence sometimes bores Victor and most often this ends in a break in relations
  • Victor and Elena. Most often, the relationship between these two ends in a happy marriage. Lena always supports her lover’s endeavors, which is very important to him, and he, in turn, appreciates her for her desire for self-development
  • Victor and Irina. Ira most often turns out to be too strong and ambitious for Vitya. It is very difficult for him to get along with a woman who constantly strives to take the place of leader. Irina doesn’t like the fact that Victor doesn’t strive for development and improvement.

Now let's look at Compatibility of the name Vitaly with a female name:

  • Vitaly and Marina. Not the best option for family life. Marina is used to getting everything at once, while Vitaly believes that “it’s better to go slowly, but far.” On this basis, most often these relationships end
  • Vitaly and Christina. Both he and she look at life the same way. They have common goals, plans and dreams - this is what helps them create an excellent, friendly and strong family
  • Vitaly and Daria. These people have excellent compatibility. Both Dasha and Vitalik are in no hurry to burden themselves with marriage; they need time to think and decide everything. However, if they start a family, then it will definitely be strong and happy
  • Vitaly and Ekaterina. This case once again confirms that opposites attract. Slightly flighty and cheerful Katya brings bright colors and new impressions to the life of the responsible and serious Vitaly
  • Vitaly and Elizabeth. They have absolutely the same views on family life and everyday life. They say about such people that they “look in one direction.” As a rule, their family is always cited as an example

Victor and Vitaly are not very popular names today, but that doesn’t make them any worse. When choosing a name for your baby, pay attention to the origin of the name and its meaning, in which case you certainly won’t go wrong with your choice.

Video: The meaning of the name Vitaly

The name Victor has a lot of history. It is widespread both in our country and in European countries. In foreign countries it may be pronounced a little differently - the stress falls on the second syllable rather than the first. Recently, the name Victor has been losing its popularity in Russia; parents are calling their sons this name less and less often.

Origin of the name

The name Victor is derived from the Latin word “victor”, which means “winner”. In the Christian faith, this name is a symbol of the victory of Jesus Christ over sins and death. In the myths of Ancient Greece, Victor was a representative of such gods as Mars and Jupiter.

The name Victor is translated from Latin as “winner”

Your guardian angel knows
Victor means "winner".
Victor, like a victory flag,
Any enemy will retreat in an instant!


Name forms

Shortened versions of the name: Vitya, Vika, Vik, Thor, Vita.

Vitya is the most popular abbreviation of the name Victor.

Diminutive versions: Vitenka, Vityusha, Vityusik, Vityasha, Vityunya.

Related names: Victorin, Victorino, Vittorio, Vitur, Vikhtor, Guitir, Victoras.

Church name: Victor.

What middle names are obtained from the name Victor: Viktorovna, Viktorovich.

Transliteration of the name: VIKTOR.

In the international passport the name Victor is written as VIKTOR

What middle names are most successfully combined with the name Victor: Andreevich, Alexandrovich, Vladimirovich, Genadievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Ivanovich, Mikhailovich, Olegovich, Petrovich, Robertovich, Sergeevich, Yakovlevich, Yuryevich.

Table: the name Victor in foreign languages

Arabفيكتور Victor
ArmenianՎիկտոր Victor
Georgianვიქტორ Victor
Gujaratiવિક્ટર Victor
Hebrewויקטור Victor
Yiddishוויקטאָר Victor
Kannadaವಿಕ್ಟರ್ Victor
Chinese维克多 Wei kè duō
Korean윘톨 bigteo
Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, FinnishVictorVictor
Persianویکتور Victor
Slovak, SlovenianVictorVictor
Thaiวิคเตอร์ Victor
Hindiविक्टर Vikṭara
Croatian, CzechVictorVictor
Japaneseビクター Bikutā

Name day dates and patron saints

The name Victor is present in the Orthodox calendar. A person baptized under the name Victor is under the protection of one of the saints:

  1. Victor of Damascus, martyr. The saint was a warrior under Emperor Marcus Aurelius the Philosopher. In those days, Christians were persecuted, and all soldiers had to prove their devotion to the emperor through sacrifice to the pagan god. Victor refused this, so he was subject to torture and then execution.

    Holy Martyr Victor of Damascus was beheaded for his faith in Christ

  2. Victor of Corinth, martyr. The saint was crushed alive in a large stone mortar for his faith in Jesus Christ.

    Victor of Corinth was killed during the persecution of Christians that occurred in the 3rd century

  3. Victor (Fotin) of Rome, martyr. The saint was a warrior who fought against barbarian troops, preached the Christian faith, for which he was subjected to torture.

    Victor (Fotin) Rimsky suffered martyrdom for preaching the truth of the Christian faith

  4. Victor Mesukeviysky, Georgian, martyr. He was born into a pagan family, but later believed in Christ and converted to Christianity. Together with other Christians, he was crucified on earth and burned.

    Victor of Mesukevia, Georgian was killed for his faith in Jesus in 130

  5. Victor of Nicomedia, martyr. The saint believed in Jesus Christ after he saw the courageous and persistent behavior of St. George the Victorious, who was martyred by the pagans. After this, Victor and many others said that they believed in Jesus, for which their heads were cut off.

    Victor of Nicomedia was beheaded immediately after his adoption of the Christian faith

  6. Victor of Thracia, martyr. For professing Christianity, the saint's hands and feet were cut off and burned in an oven.

    Victor of Thracia suffered martyrdom in 304 in Philippopolis of Thracia from Emperor Diocletian

  7. Victor of Chalcedon, martyr. The saint was a pagan and served the Emperor Diocletian. During the martyrdom of the Christian Euphemia, Victor and other soldiers saw Angels and themselves believed in Jesus Christ. For their faith, they were also subjected to torture and given to animals to be eaten, but they did not touch the bodies of the saints.

    During the execution, Victor and other martyrs appealed to God’s mercy, so that the Lord would accept them into the Kingdom of Heaven; hearing the heavenly Voice calling them, they departed to eternal life

Among the saints with the name Victor there are many new martyrs who were canonized not so long ago:

  • Victor Usov, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Krasnov, martyr;
  • Victor Evropeytsev, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Morigerovsky, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Kiranov, martyr, archpriest;
  • Victor Karakulin, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Nikiforov, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Ostrovidov, confessor, bishop;
  • Victor of Ellan, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Basov, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Frolov, martyr;
  • Victor Klimov, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Ilyinsky, martyr, priest;
  • Victor Voronov, martyr, priest;
  • Viktor Smirnov, martyr, archpriest;
  • Victor Matveev, martyr.

Vitya celebrates his name day on the day of remembrance of one of Saint Victor, the one that is closest to the date of his birth

Victor will celebrate his name day on one of the following dates:

  • in January: 21, 30;
  • in February: 13;
  • in March: 3, 7, 23, 30;
  • in April: 2, 28;
  • in May: 1, 2;
  • in June: 1, 20;
  • in July: 1, 19;
  • in September: 2, 8, 15, 24, 29;
  • in October: 10, 21;
  • in November: 11, 19, 22,24, 27, 29;
  • in December: 8, 31.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Victor is responsible and reliable, you can always rely on him, he does not let you down and is responsible for his words. This kind of person copes with any responsibilities, sometimes he takes on too much, thereby allowing him to sit on his neck. The whole point is that the guy wants to be needed and in demand, he is happy when someone needs him. The man is kind, not afraid of difficulties, and hardworking. He loves to learn something new, tries to improve himself throughout his life, loves to read and watch documentaries.

Victor never lets anyone down, is responsible and punctual, always ready to help

Vitya is a sociable and open person. It is not difficult for him to make new acquaintances, but the trouble is that the guy does not understand people at all, so he often becomes a victim of deceivers. The young man does not become depressed because of this, but he also does not learn anything. ABOUT n can become a good friend, always ready to come to the rescue of his comrades. Victor will never offend anyone, and does not transfer his misfortunes to others. It is important for him to have success among his comrades, so sometimes he can neglect the norms of morality and behavior.

What does Victor mean? - Winner.
He is kind, polite and smart.
Like a lion, strong and like a teacher,


Victor is a good friend who always comes to the rescue

Victor's disadvantages can be considered a tendency to laziness and lack of initiative. A man always follows the beaten path and does not like innovations. It is important for him to be in his own comfort zone. But in critical situations, a guy can pull himself together and make a serious decision or perform an outstanding act. In ordinary life, this person is inclined to feel sorry for himself, to show that fate is unfair to him. In addition, he is very slow, but this can be attributed to his desire to understand in detail any matter.

To feel happy, Victor needs to constantly be in his comfort zone

Closer to old age, Victor's character may become more difficult and scandalous. It is important that at this moment there are close people with him who know how to soften and smooth out the situation. Then the man will quickly calm down and begin his normal life.

Closer to old age, Victor’s character can become complex and quarrelsome

How does a name affect a child's character?

Already as a child, Victor shows determination and perseverance. Having started something, the child will try with great zeal to bring it to the end. The child loves to explore the world around him, he likes to touch unknown objects, taste new tastes, and check properties. A boy may become interested in inventions and make or craft something with his own hands. If Vitya’s father knows a lot, he can pass on his knowledge to his son - the boy will definitely use it. At school he is a good student, receiving only positive grades and helping his classmates. Mom and dad don’t have to be upset about their son’s academic performance and behavior.

Through the attic window
Dad is an amateur astronomer,
Watching a star movie
Vitya is looking for a gift in it.
He's been searching for years
Unknown planet.
Finally, through the telescope,
I looked at this planet!


Little Vitya quickly learns about the world, he likes to touch, taste, and check for various properties.

Little Victor is active in the team and easily makes new acquaintances. He is prone to hooliganism, but never treats anyone with anger. The boy always tries to act according to his conscience, has a hard time withstanding failures both of himself and of his comrades, and always comes to the aid of his loved ones. The child is easily offended and upset, but quickly recovers from the shock. Vita needs to constantly feel approval from adults, their love and care. He does not have his own opinion on everything, so it is important that there is a person nearby who will set the right example for the child.

Victory is in the name!
Victoria! And now the fanfare thunders!
She came to you through thorns,
Through thunderstorms and landslides and fires.
You are a winner, Victor!
This is the essence of life.
And your name corresponds to victory.
May your future journey be happy
To the glitter of praise and orchestral brass!


Vitya needs the approval of adults, their love and care

This is who is covered in the bed
Blankets on cotton wool?
Who lies on three pillows
In front of the food table
And, barely dressed,
Without making my bed,
Gently washes cheeks
Boiled water?

Take a good look -
It's just a boy, Vitya,
Mom's Vitya,
Papin Vitya
From apartment number six.

Sergey Mikhalkov

With age, Victor's character changes, but responsibility and discipline will always remain in him. He strives for self-development and self-improvement. Sometimes he likes to daydream, wandering into imaginary worlds. The teenager makes a huge number of plans that never become reality. The point is not a lazy and unhurried attitude to reality, but the fact that the guy is unsure of his own skills, although he has many natural talents. The young man needs serious support from friends and parents, which will help him get out of his comfort zone and start taking action.

In his youth, Victor makes many plans that are never destined to come true due to the guy’s lack of confidence in his own abilities.

In his youth, Victor often faces disappointment in those around him. He begins to understand that he cannot trust everyone. This is a sociable person who can both have unbridled fun and work fruitfully. A teenager has a large supply of energy that just needs to be channeled in the right direction.

Victor has enough energy for everything - all that remains is to direct it in the right direction

Hobbies and talents

Victor loves to create something new. He can independently build a house, make furniture, design some kind of mechanism. The guy has a good imagination, he is inclined to write poetry and draw.

Victor’s flight of thoughts is all right

In addition, the man is quite passionate about sports. He tries to be the best in everything, so he chooses a hobby that has an element of competition. These could be sports or computer games, various martial arts or chess.

Victor likes to compete with someone for the right to be the best

Profession and career

Victor is a real winner, so he can achieve success in any field of activity. The greatest predisposition is observed for those professions where you constantly need to demonstrate your skills. Salesperson, builder, engineer - these are the areas that suit this guy. An equally good choice would be the activity of an author or scientist. In addition, a man is endowed with the ability to skillfully drive any vehicle, so he can realize himself as a driver or pilot.

Victor achieves great success where he needs to show his skills, but not think about projects for very long

He's always kind
And tactful.
He is a democratic colleague.
Intelligent, honest,
Naughty -
He cares about people with his soul!


Victor rarely starts his own business, as he does not have the necessary qualities. He definitely needs a partner who will provide support and become the main leader in the enterprise. A man is capable of earning big money, but only when fate itself helps him in this. He himself will not make his way to the top.

Victor rarely owns a business alone, since he must do business with the support of a person with more pronounced leadership qualities


Victor is a happy owner of good health; he almost never gets sick, so he tends to neglect preventive measures. The guy has been passionate about sports since childhood and has developed muscles. At a more mature age, he may begin to gain weight; to avoid this, he should begin to lead a more active lifestyle. Throughout his life, a man struggles with bad habits. The most common of these is alcohol addiction. It is inherent in Victor, who has not achieved success in life, so he tries to drown out his resentment and disappointment.

Alcohol is the main enemy of Victor’s health

Love and sexuality

Victor definitely needs someone close to him. Without mutual understanding and spiritual closeness, the guy feels inferior. If a man does not have a lover, then he tries with all his might to find her. This man values ​​faithful and devoted women, he will never forgive infidelity, he is very jealous and suspicious. Vitya will pursue the girl he likes to the last, like a true winner. He is confident enough in himself, so he always tries to achieve his goals.

Without a lover, Victor feels inferior

Being in a relationship, Victor excludes flirting with other ladies. He is ready to give the role of leader to his beloved, but does not become an infantile henpecked man, but is simply ready to compromise and find a common language with his soulmate. Support and approval from the woman he loves is important to him.

In intimacy, a man shows himself as an attentive and caring partner. He is gentle and affectionate, trying to give the girl the highest pleasure. But still, spiritual intimacy and love are more important to him than sex.

Family and marriage

Victor marries only for love. For him, marriage is a sacred union of two loving hearts. He can get married both at a very young and at a fairly late age. But in any case, he will never marry for convenience or without love. A man takes care of his household, they will always come first for him. He loves and appreciates his wife, becomes an excellent father for children, is responsible for his every step, tries to provide comfort and coziness to each family member.

Victor will only marry the woman he loves

For you only my lines
I will pour my soul into them
For me you are the cutest of all
Your name is Victor!
What can I do, I fell in love?
And now I write poetry
About your love
I'll tell you openly
For the whole world.
That I love you madly
You are my ray of light in the darkness.
And my love is mutual,
How affectionate and gentle you are.
And I promise to be faithful
Only you love me.
And on the wedding day,
You're with love
Carry it in your arms!


Victor will remain faithful to his chosen one and try to build strong and lasting relationships. He will never let a stranger into the marriage; he even asks his own parents not to interfere. The guy respects himself and his choice, which means he won’t cheat. A man listens to his wife’s opinion, but makes the final decision on his own. He does not like conflicts, all quarrels that happen in the family are organized by his partner, and he tries to nullify any misunderstanding. Victor gets very upset if he loses contact with his beloved. For his children, this person will always be a support and reliable protection. He does not hesitate to show love and care, but at the same time he can become a strict father. Everyone in Victor's house must live by generally accepted rules.

Victor's family life can be called happy

Table: name compatibility

Female nameCompatibility percentageNature of the relationship
Anastasia59% This union benefits only one of the partners. Victor is childish, slightly unsure of himself, he likes Anastasia’s resilience in life, her ability to overcome difficulties and deal with troubles. The guy wants to start a relationship with this girl, because she will help him get on the right path and make him a successful person. A woman does not share such a consumer attitude towards herself, so if a breakup occurs, then she is the one who initiates it. The family life of these people can last a very long time if Vitya becomes more active and purposeful. With the advent of children, a man should devote more time to raising them so that the marriage does not crack.
Galina45% These partners find it difficult to enter into relationships. Victor is fascinated by this mysterious woman and is ready to wait for her consent as long as he wants. Galina likes a handsome, persistent and independent man, but because of her fears she often refuses him. If a guy falls deeply in love, he wins the girl’s favor, and she gives in under his pressure. However, there is no need to wait for a family idyll. After the wedding, lovers face hardships and disappointments. Victor does not understand the extraordinary thoughts of his wife, he does not even try to do this, since the couple has a lot of disputes and scandals that prevent the partners from coming to an understanding. In order to preserve the family and find harmony in it, these people should work hard on themselves.
Daria77% A happy romance can begin between Dasha and Vitya. It all starts with the emergence of passion between partners, which gradually develops into deeper feelings. Next to this woman, the guy becomes caring and gentle, always ready to help and please in every possible way. He likes this bright and extraordinary lady, who is able to brighten up his boring and gray existence. The lovers are unable to fully understand each other's emotions, as a result of which disagreements arise between them. Often this romance leads to marriage. Victor and Daria create a friendly family that is not afraid of everyday problems. However, the wife should be more realistic about life, less in the clouds and spending time in imaginary worlds, then family life will be filled with harmony and happiness.
Elena35% Partners are not capable of becoming an ideal couple. The relationship between them begins very quickly, but ends at the same speed. Just having met, Victor and Elena begin an affair. Each of this couple idealizes his beloved, so at first he does not pay attention to the shortcomings of the other. But every day the man and woman realize more and more that they made a mistake in their choice. They part, but both take the separation hard; the memory of each other will forever be kept in their hearts. Rarely do these partners get married. Most often this happens when lovers are too young and inexperienced. Family life brings nothing but disappointments, spouses begin to get angry and hate each other, which ultimately leads to divorce.
Irina45% Irina and Victor are unable to become a strong couple. The girl has high demands on her partner, so it is difficult for her to find a person suitable for a relationship. If there are many fans around her, she is unlikely to turn her attention to Victor. The man, on the contrary, is very impressed by this woman, he likes her dreaminess and originality. To start an affair with this lady, the guy needs to be higher in status than her, otherwise all the courtship will be in vain. There is no harmony in the family life of these people. Irina lacks tact and unpredictability in her husband. He is not delighted with his chosen one’s desire to lead a social life. Without reaching a compromise, the lovers file for divorce.
Olga93% These people are perfect for creating a romantic couple. Everyone sees in their chosen one the ideal partner they imagined in their youth. For Olga, this man serves as support and support; she is fascinated by his respectability and desire for recognition in society. Victor falls in love with the dreaminess, naivety and attentiveness of his chosen one, for her sake he is ready to do any act. Even marriage does not frighten this freedom-loving and fickle man. Spouses love to spend time together, go on trips, and learn something unknown. Lovers almost never quarrel, although troubles may occur between them due to everyday problems.
Tatiana95% An ideal relationship can develop between these people. Thoughtful and sensitive Tatyana needs support and protection, and it is in Victor that she finds what she needs. He is the ideal man for a girl, because the guy is smart, courteous, and tactful. Victor is flattered by the fact that this woman idealizes him, so he tries to become even better, more responsible and wiser. The family life of lovers begins after several years of romantic meetings. The two of them are never bored; they both try to make their life together more enjoyable. The birth of a child will bring even more harmony to marriage.
Julia24% The romance between Julia and Victor is very rare. These people take a long time to get acquainted; each partner is afraid of being rejected and humiliated. If feelings become stronger than pride, then communication begins between a man and a woman. Getting to know the beloved better, irritability and dissatisfaction with one’s own choice grows in everyone’s soul. They break up when they can no longer stand the shortcomings of their “other half.” Marriage between these people is possible only in the case of the mercantile benefit of one of the partners. In the family of Vitya and Yulia there are many disputes, disagreements, illogical actions and stupid decisions. In addition, neither spouse tries to remain faithful. All this ultimately leads the union to separation.
Yana92% The union can become strong and romantic. Yana does not pay attention to Victor’s aggressiveness; she likes to spend time with him and fulfill his whims. The man is impressed by this timid, cautious and attentive girl, next to her he feels like a real man. Life after marriage is filled with peace and happiness. Victor provides for his family and creates comfort in everyday life; his wife skillfully manages finances. If a girl devotes more time to housework, the marriage will become close to ideal.

Table: matches for the name Victor

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

The letters that make up a person’s name give his personality additional characteristics:

  1. Letter V. The guy loves to communicate, loves and values ​​his life, feels a special connection with nature. Such a person has many talents and skills, all his actions are directed towards the future.
  2. Letter I. A man has a spiritual, sensitive, kind and peaceful nature. But he tries to hide his romantic nature under the guise of a practical person.
  3. Letter K. This is a strong-willed, resilient and insightful nature. The guy knows how to keep other people's secrets, tries to get the best in life. His motto is the slogan: “All or nothing!”
  4. Letter T. Intuitive, sensitive, creative person, in an eternal search for the truth. Sometimes desires are not commensurate with capabilities. Such a man needs to remember that life is not endless and can end at any moment, so you cannot waste time on inaction, you need to do what is necessary here and now.
  5. Letter O. The young man knows how to love, knows the value of money. To be realized in life, a man should find his life purpose. When setting goals, Victor needs to listen to his intuition.
  6. Letter R. This young man is not deceived by appearances, but tries to understand the essence of the issue. He is a self-confident, efficient, courageous person. The guy is prone to rash risks and dogmatic judgment.

Victor is a strong and spiritual person, capable of deep feelings

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Victor, who was born in one of the winter months, has an emotional, sophisticated, sociable character. He is an ideal interlocutor, knows how to listen and delve into any conversation. It’s easy to establish contact with him, but you shouldn’t count on complete trust. The man is slightly withdrawn and fearful, afraid of being betrayed. This person is constantly in search of adventure and new emotions; he considers the day wasted if he has not experienced a feeling of adrenaline and freedom.

Winter Victor knows how to listen and support, but keeps his experiences to himself

Spring Vitya was awarded with a purposeful and hardworking disposition. He has tremendous willpower, never gives up in the face of difficulties and tries with all his might to achieve his goals. The guy has an emotional, active and active personality, who never spends a day without moving. The man loves to communicate and educate himself.

Under the influence of the summer months, Victor is born independent and self-centered. He has the character of a loner, the guy is unsure of himself, often makes mistakes in those around him, and tries not to show his feelings and experiences. The person is erudite, sociable, but tries to stay in the shadows, as he does not like excessive attention to his personality. However, summer Victor is pleased to receive compliments and praise.

year-old Victor is used to being in the shadow of others

Autumn rewards Victor with an extraordinary and cheerful character. Such a guy is always happy to communicate, does not tolerate loneliness, and values ​​​​friendship. He is especially popular with women, who fall in love with his sense of humor and persistent nature. Autumn Vitya loves to have fun and have fun, he lives to receive positive emotions.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signPersonality characteristics
AriesUnder the sign of Aries, Victor is born, with a purposeful, hardworking and persistent character. This is a true winner who always achieves his goals; he is not afraid of difficulties, enemies, or envious people. The guy is used to seeing only the good in people.
TaurusVictor-Taurus is active, active, but weak in spirit. The guy sets many goals for himself, but often gives up halfway, before achieving them. This man’s mood is very changeable and can change several times a day.
TwinsThis person has had an overly cheerful and active character from an early age. His life is pure fun. Victor-Gemini never has important or serious activities; he lives for joy and entertainment. The guy is popular with girls, but does not try to build a serious relationship, often falls in love, changes his goals and desires.
CancerVictor, born under the sign of Cancer, is suspicious, fearful, and cowardly. This person doubts everything, is afraid of being betrayed or deceived. As a result, the man has no friends, he has a hard time making contact with new people, and avoids large crowds of people. It is difficult to build any kind of relationship with this person.
a lionA man is a reasonable, intellectual, erudite, sociable and intuitive person. Victor-Lev has many positive qualities, but he never flaunts them and tries to be modest and inconspicuous. He is capable of becoming a leader, but prefers a quiet and secretive life.
VirgoThe influence of the Virgo sign makes Victor independent and responsible. The guy loves to work and tries to learn something new every day. He likes strong and persistent girls, but it is quite difficult to please this man - he demands a lot from his chosen one, but he himself cannot give the same.
ScalesThis young man has a romantic, gallant, polite, tactful and delicate nature. It's always a pleasure to talk with Victor-Libra, he is a good friend, an amazing lover. The guy has a lot of different novels behind him, but he is always in search of pure and sincere love.
ScorpionThe sign of Scorpio gives Victor a fierce, selfish, strong and aggressive character. This is a self-sufficient person, but too proud and does not tolerate criticism. A man does not take jokes directed at himself and often becomes the instigator of conflicts. He has a very complex character, but he is a guy who always stands behind his words, is responsible and persistent in business.
SagittariusThe personality is lively, cheerful, positive, optimistic. Victor-Sagittarius becomes the soul of any company and can cheer up even the most boring people. He loves women very much, has many novels on his list, which all become short-term. This man is not created for a serious relationship, as he is very afraid to part with his freedom and independence.
CapricornThe guy is often lonely because he does not know how to trust people and does not admit his own shortcomings. Victor-Capricorn suffers from lack of attention, is in an eternal search for love, dreams of a big family, but he himself will never dare to take the first step towards his dream. It's boring to spend time with such a person.
AquariusUnder the auspices of Aquarius, Victor is born, endowed with impressionability, sociability and eloquence. A man is versatile, loves adventure and travel, is in search of new experiences, and does not want to sit idle. The guy is prone to frivolity, making rash decisions, and superficially assessing others.
FishEmotionality and sensitivity are the main character qualities of Victor the Pisces. It’s nice to talk to someone like that; he becomes a good friend who knows how to support you in a difficult situation. The guy will always listen and understand his friend, but he is used to keeping his experiences to himself. The person is secretive, a little withdrawn, tries to stay in the shadow of leaders, avoids deceivers and traitors.

Photo gallery: famous personalities in history with the name Victor

Viktor Tsoi - leader and vocalist of the legendary rock band "Kino" Viktor Sukhorukov - theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Viktor Hugo - outstanding French romantic writer Viktor Vasnetsov - Russian artist, master of painting on historical and folklore subjects Viktor Gusev - sports commentator Viktor Dragunsky - writer Viktor Nekrasov - Russian writer Viktor Maigurov - Belarusian and Russian biathlete, Olympic champion Viktor Korchnoi - Soviet and today Swiss chess player, international grandmaster Viktor Onopko - football player, defender and midfielder Viktor Erofeev - writer, author and host of the "Apocrypha" program "on the channel "Culture"
Victor Fleming - American film director, author of the film "Gone with the Wind" Viktor Avilov - theater and film actor Viktor Chernomyrdin - Soviet and Russian statesman Victor Pelevin - Russian writer Victor Astafiev - Soviet and Russian writer Viktor Khorinyak - Russian theater and film actor Viktor Zinchuk - Russian guitarist, composer, arranger, Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Faizulin - Russian football player, Zenit midfielder Viktor Loginov - Russian actor and TV presenter Viktor Drobysh - Russian composer and music producer, Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Yanukovych - Ukrainian statesman and political figure, prime minister Minister and President of Ukraine Viktor Saltykov - Soviet and Russian singer Viktor Vasilyevich Tikhonov - Soviet hockey player and hockey coach

Victor's fate is complex and ambiguous. His happiness depends on decisions made at a young age. In no case should a guy give up his dream, he needs to go towards its realization, engage in the type of activity that he likes. Having given up his dreams, a man may never find himself and live his whole life in regrets. The young man does not expect major shocks on his life's path, but he tends to perceive even minor troubles as something global.

A person's name plays an important role in life. It can influence or even determine fate. Therefore, parents always think long and hard about what to name their child. The name Victor has a very interesting meaning of name and destiny. Firstly, it is very energetically strong and rich. It contains a great driving force, which is characteristic exclusively of a winning man. Victor goes well with different surnames, patronymics and has a large number of different forms. For example, Vitya or Vityusha.


Victor comes from the Roman family name Victorinus or Victorianus, which means winner in Latin. That is, the man Victor always strives to win. He will clearly and clearly understand how to achieve this in his life.

It came to Rus' along with Christianity in the 12th * 14th century. Initially, only the sons of church ministers could be called Victor. Several centuries later, nobles began to call their children this way, and then ordinary people. Today it is quite common, but parents are still interested in what the name Victor means.


The meaning of the name Victor for a boy. From childhood, the child has a mischievous and cheerful character. He has a rich imagination, which helps Vityusha come up with new games and fun. To channel this energy into a peaceful channel, parents must help their child develop logic and consistency in their actions, since at an early age there may be restlessness and a desire to do several things at once. If this is not done, then in the future Victor’s thoughts will constantly jump from one to another, and he will never get to the point of concrete action. The meaning of the name Victor says that children are dreamy. While making certain plans and ideas, they rarely manage to finish what they started.

At school, Vitya is an average student. He prefers exact sciences, of which physics can be singled out. There will also be no particular problems with literature and languages, the boy is just very lazy to read. He doesn’t quite understand the works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, since they are taught at school too early for little Vityusha. But he has such positive qualities as accuracy, responsibility, composure, which will greatly help in school and university.

The meaning of the name Victor for a boy speaks of good health. He rarely gets sick and loves sports very much. He can engage in one type of activity with ecstasy, unless he suddenly switches his attention to the absolutely opposite one.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Victor shows that he is a sociable, generous and witty man who wins women's hearts. This man takes beautiful care and knows how to surprise. The secret of the name Victor is a romantic and a ladies' man. But he will also demand attention, care and courtship from his chosen one. The woman who will be next to Victor must not only be visually beautiful, have a sharp mind, but also hide a certain mystery within herself. A man will never look at frivolous and eccentric girls, much less choose one as his wife.

The meaning of the name Victor shows that, most likely, a man will have more than one marriage. The first usually happens due to youth and great love, and therefore without thought. The second marriage occurs only after carefully selecting your companion and analyzing mistakes in previous experience.

Victor's wife is an active, sociable, attentive and caring woman. She must have a calm and flexible character. This woman becomes a reliable support figure who will always support her husband in everything and put her interests below the interests of her husband.

If a girl decides to get married, she must know what the name Victor means for the family. Firstly, he will become a wonderful and caring husband who will treat his wife, children and all family traditions and values ​​with trepidation and respect. But he will definitely establish a strict daily routine in his house and everyone must strictly adhere to it. The meaning of the name Victor says that he will always help his significant other with housework and household chores. Therefore, in his family there are practically no quarrels and scandals due to everyday problems. Victor's main problem in family relationships is impulsiveness and jealousy. If the wife shows due patience and feminine wisdom in this matter, then marriage with Victor is doomed only to success and a happy life.

Talisman stone

The meaning of the name Victor, character and destiny is reflected in talisman stones. These include:

Business and career

In order to choose the right profession and occupation in life, you need to know what the name Victor means for a business person. He will always be interested in the very essence of any work. That is, he rarely pays attention to various details or minor factors, focusing entirely on the main thing.

The secret of the name Victor speaks of such character traits as responsibility, determination, and diligence. Therefore, the man is very hardworking, he can cope with any task or work. Victor, the chosen profession should satisfy not only financially, but also morally. It is very important for him that his decisions influence the final result as a whole.

The meaning of the name Victor states that a man will quickly move up the career ladder, unless the work is too routine or creative. Victor is a winner who will always strive for leadership positions; he simply cannot be in simple subordination. He knows how to quickly and competently organize a work process of any complexity. The main thing at this moment is to take control of all emotions and use exclusively a cool mind.


The meaning of the character of the name Victor depends on what time of year the child was born.

  • Winter. The man will become the owner of such character qualities as integrity and willfulness. The main thing for him will be to organize all his affairs. He loves consistency, which will help Victor cope with his favorite life obstacles. From the outside, Winter Vitya looks more like an indestructible rock that will remain in its place, despite all the winds and storms. But few people know how much this person longs for big, pure and sincere love. Therefore, he approaches marriage and creating a family especially carefully.
  • Spring. Children born at this time have a sincere and creative character. They may be plagued by frequent mood swings not only in childhood, but throughout their lives. Spring Victor is distinguished by his assertiveness, stubbornness and great ambitions. If they fail, they experience it for a very long time. This person appreciates such qualities in people around him as sincerity, responsiveness, and kindness. He will most likely take a calm and gentle woman as his wife, for whom he will sacrifice himself.
  • Summer. At this time of year, the modest Victor is born, who to some extent even becomes a reclusive person. He will not let every person into his harmonious and ideal inner world. From the outside, it seems to many that the summer Victor has a tough and tough character, but not many know about his real vulnerable soul. A man dreams of a quiet family comfort, where his wife and children are always waiting for him. Therefore, he marries very late and chooses as a companion a strong, wise and energetic woman who will surround Vitya with tenderness and care.
  • Autumn. The man is distinguished by self-confidence with notes of vanity. He can defend his point of view for a long time. The character contains obstinacy and assertiveness. Victor is not afraid of any trials that fate has in store for him. He will solve them with great pleasure and a sense of self-worth. Autumn Vitya will always be the center of female attention, but in relation to his soulmate he will become a real owner. He just wants to hide her at home from prying eyes. Only a woman who is ready to forgive him always and in everything, and who also constantly sacrifices herself, will be able to build a real and strong family with the autumnal Victor.


“What does the name Victor mean, which zodiac sign is most suitable?” - the main questions of parents who want to name their son this way. This name suits Taurus and Virgo most of all. Taurus will not allow the child to develop the naturally occurring narcissism and aggressiveness. Victor will have an even character, characterized by hard work, responsibility, and perseverance. Virgo will make Vitya a calm skeptic who loves his job. He will become a loyal and devoted friend, an excellent family man and a sincere person.

It is better not to give the name Victor to a child born in the sign of Leo. He can become a tyrant and despot.

Today we will talk about one of the most charming and regal names. For those called Victor: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its bearer

Victor: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a boy, guy, man with that name?

The origin of the name is Latin, from the word “Victoria” - victory. From here we get the meaning of the name - winner.

The name encourages the fight for justice; it contains a victorious spirit.

Forms of the name: Vitechka, Vityushka, Vitenka, Vityasha, Vitesha, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityusya, Vityusha.

Female form: Victoria

Known carriers:

  • Hugo, French novelist, poet and playwright
  • Vasnetsov, Russian artist (1848-1926)
  • Merezhko, film director, screenwriter, playwright and actor
  • Korchnoi, international grandmaster

What kind of character can a boy have?

Victor is a lively and very funny child, a fidget, a dreamer, constantly coming up with games, and as a young designer he is unique. He has a powerful imagination that can lead him in both good and bad directions.

He needs to develop logic, validity and sequence of reasoning, otherwise in the future jumping from idea to idea will become his usual pattern of actions in life. This may cause him to wish and dream a lot, but never fulfill his plans.

By calling your son this name, you will be sure in advance that he will not grow up to be a vengeful person. He will easily trust everything that is presented to him, but in a short time he will justify liars, calling them to prudence for a long time. And, of course, he will be very upset by what is happening. Victor always stands up wholeheartedly to protect his loved ones and relatives, and puts their interests first.

How the origin of the name Victor influenced its meaning

What fate awaits him?

It seems that from birth Victor knows what he needs. He does not rush to conclusions, but comes to a conclusion after studying the issue in detail. It's safe to say that he is a workaholic.

The name Victor imparts such qualities as punctuality, patience, determination, as well as fairness, honesty, reliability and emotionality. On the other hand, there is excessive simplicity and obvious trust in everyone, the ability to see everything around in rosy color. They are driven by emotions that are difficult to cope with, so they must learn to exercise control over them, especially during outbursts of anger.

The adult Victor's personality includes impetuosity and impulsiveness. If he decides to implement any idea, then he is completely immersed in implementation, and in this case one can only envy his persistence. He is overly narcissistic, sometimes to the point of narcissism, which affects his relationships with people, causing negative feelings. But he has a broad outlook, and this makes it possible to make a very good impression at the first meeting, which he often takes advantage of. He likes to joke, but in moderation; awareness of his own importance is more suitable for him.

Fate often pushes Victor to fight for justice. He will call on those around him who do wrong to correct their actions, taking the path of sanity and wisdom.


Life gives Victor the opportunity to successfully apply his strength in different directions. The range of hobbies is quite wide; he will be able to choose an exciting activity for himself, discarding an unsuitable monotonous activity.

Often Victor chooses work that is original, but rather according to his ideas. But it is more important for him to make an effect on those around him. Victor is capable of being an excellent electrician and driver, but creative work will be boring for him, and if fate forces him to become a painter, to paint pictures, in this case, for example, he will find something more specific, for example, graphics. But with physical education, everything is fine with him: Vitya can make an excellent football player, so he, if desired, freely goes into professional sports.

Marriage and family

The royal will encourages him to take building a family very seriously, despite the fact that he often decides to get married somewhat hastily. He is a wonderful family man and often takes an enterprising, caring girl as his wife.

He is clean and knows how to do almost everything around the house himself. He is quite harsh towards children, but at the same time there is warmth in relationships. Shows interest in their upbringing, especially strives to instill respect for work.

Negative traits

Often Victor can be called dependent. He does a lot in life to impress others, and often one such act forces continuation, which leads to negative results. Victor must control himself so that one day he does not reach a dead end.


Characteristics of the name Victor, character traits and fate

Victor has an active type of temperament, he is sanguine, he has a balanced and mobile nervous system, but his intuition is poorly developed. It is important for Victor to pay attention to nutrition and, if necessary, go on a diet, since there is a chance of being overweight and also likely to develop osteochondrosis. Having a huge supply of energy at his disposal, a person takes on solving several problems at the same time, and, of course, he does not care about his own health.

What will the child named Victor be like?

Victor is a sonorous name, but, unfortunately, there is a tendency for it to become rare. By naming your child Victor, you can be sure that he will grow up to be very active and inquisitive. He will have difficulty accepting worries and difficulties, as he is receptive to them, finding peace at home. A child can develop a strong will; parents just need to help it develop. Since childhood, he has been able to see and predict the situation as a whole, and the need to delve into the details only makes him nervous.


Creative activities, such as learning to play a musical instrument, will always be a hobby for Victor, since emotional images do not affect the child; give him specifics and facts. The boy will be happy to read books about scouts, adventures full of dangers, they will inspire him. He can take his best friend and go on a hike, making a decision quickly and without even really packing everything he needs into his backpack.

Success at school

At school, the boy is most often a good average student, copes with most subjects, although he does not show extraordinary results. He has a penchant for exact sciences, especially physics. It is more difficult for him to master languages ​​and literature, despite the fact that reading books is very attractive to him. It is necessary to highlight Victor’s neatness, commitment and reliability. The boy can be very organized, with developed willpower, which is noticeable in him from preschool age.


The name Victor suggests the boy's excellent health, although he cannot be called a strongman. He doesn’t get sick often, which, unfortunately, leads to a lack of attention to disease prevention.

Victor is growing up to be a fit, athletic guy, and his metabolism is even increased. Often, up to the age of eighteen, he looks thin; with age, body weight reaches normal. But after forty, you may begin to gain weight, although this depends on the type of work and the food accepted in the house.

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