Tasks for students of type 8. A collection of adaptive correctional and developmental exercises on the development of mental operations for students of type VIII correctional schools

Corrective and developmental activity

for students of 3 - 4 classes of special / correctional /
secondary school 8 types

Target: Correction cognitive processes students with the help of specially selected games and exercises.

1) Teach students to work in a team of peers and follow oral instructions from an adult.
2) Introduce new correction games cognitive activity.
3) Develop the cognitive processes of primary schoolchildren with disabilities.
4) Teach children to work with a diagram - a map.

Preparation for the lesson:
1. Make cards according to the number of students with special tasks necessary for work.
2. Make envelopes for assignments - 7 pieces.
3. Make a map of the class in which the travel game will take place. Divide it into 7 equal parts and put it in envelopes.
4. Pick up a “treasure” for students (this could be a bag of candy)
5. Prepare assignments for students.
6. Prepare scarves for blindfolding.
7. Blank sheets of paper and simple pencils according to the number of students.


//The students are sitting in their seats in the classroom. All of them are divided into 2 game teams, since during the lesson they will have to participate in various competitions, completing tasks//

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we will go on a journey with you. The journey is not easy, but extremely interesting. Somewhere not far away, and next to us (you have become aware of this) a magical crow bird (Who among you remembers what this bird looks like?) left a TREASURE. And you and I, without leaving this office, will try to find him. Our journey is called “Treasure with seven seals”; the envelopes contain scraps of a map with which we can find it. Each envelope is sealed with a special seal, and in order to remove this seal, we need to complete some task.
SO, we have a lot to do, let's hit the road.
Let's check the readiness of all participants in the game. And for this, let's see how well you know each other and whether you can recognize your classmates among strangers.
Let's play the game "Frog" with you

Game "Frog"

Target: Development of auditory perception.

//The presenter explains the conditions of the game to the students//

Psychologist: Let's first learn the words that need to be spoken during the game.
SO: Here is a frog along the path,
Jumps with his legs stretched out,
She saw a mosquito and screamed:
"Kwa, qua, qua!"

//Students learn the words, then choose a leader who turns away from the participants in the game. All participants say the words of the learned rhyme in unison until the words “Kwa, kwa, kwa!” These words will be spoken by one participant. The driver must guess who said the word “Kwa, kwa, kwa!” If he guesses right, then the one named by the driver becomes the driver. The game is repeated several times //

Psychologist: You have all successfully completed your first test. let's open first envelope and let's see what's inside.

//Children find a piece of map inside the envelope, which shows part of the room where the treasure is hidden//.

Psychologist: We continue to prepare for our trip. The next test is this... Let's play another game. It's called "Find out by touch."

Game "Find out by touch"

Target: Development of kinesthetic perception

//The presenter explains the conditions of the game, the driver is selected. One of the participants in the game is blindfolded. There are several objects on the table. The participant must guess by touching the object what is on the table. The game is played several times so that everyone can try to guess.//

Psychologist: Each of you knows that when going on a trip, everyone usually takes with them everything they need. The time has come for you and me to take things and friends with us on the road. SO, let's play the game "What will we take with us on the road."

Game "What to take with us on the road"

Target: Development of imagination, mental operations, activation of vocabulary.

//The game “Who and what will we take with us on the journey” is being played. Participants in the auction game take turns naming items that can be taken with them on the road. The winner of the game will be the participant who is the last to name an object or thing. You can complicate the game and name objects with a specific letter. The most active participant in the game is selected and given the right to opensecond envelope with a piece of map.//

Psychologist: You have successfully passed all the tests and you are all worthy of going on a journey. SO, we hit the road! In order to open the first seal you need to complete the following task: it is called "Graphic Dictation"

Exercise "Graphic dictation".

Target: Correction of attention, arbitrariness of mental processes, ability to work under the dictation of an adult.

//The graphic dictation exercise is performed by each student on specially prepared pieces of paper under the dictation of a psychologist//

1) 1 cell to the right
2) 1 square up
3) 1 cell to the right
4) 4 cells down
5) 2 cells to the right
6) 1 square up
7) 1 cell to the right
8) 5 cells down
9) 1 cell to the left
10) 2 cells up
11) 2 cells to the left
12) 2 cells down
13) 1 cell left
14) 5 cells up
15) 1 cell left
16) 2 cells up

//After completing this task, the student who was the first to submit his work receives the right to openthird envelope , in which children find part of the class diagram //

Psychologist: So, you and I have successfully completed the first task, but this is only the beginning. We have to open 4 more envelopes before we find out where the treasure is hidden. Let's see, what is the second task we have to complete?

Exercise "COUNT HOW MUCH?"

Target: correction of visual perception, distribution of attention, mental calculation.

//The psychologist gives each student cards with images of several objects superimposed on one another. Students need to count how many objects are shown in the picture. The exercise is aimed at correcting perception, distribution of attention, and checks oral arithmetic //

Psychologist: Well done guys, everyone coped with this task, now let's open fourth envelope. The right to open the seal is granted (names the student) who was the first to complete the task,

//The student opens the fourth envelope//

Psychologist: Now we have to work orally. Let's solve simple problems. Be careful. Hear me howl.


Target: Development of thinking and mental operations.

Task 1. Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How many hours did each boy play? (ANSWER: 2 hours)

Task 2. Is it possible to throw a ball so that after flying for some time, it stops and starts moving in the opposite direction? (ANSWER: You can if you throw the ball up)

Task 3. There were 3 glasses with cherries on the table. Kostya ate one glass of cherries. How many glasses are left? (ANSWER: 3 glasses)

Task 4. Alyosha walks to school for 5 minutes. How many minutes will he spend if he goes to school with his sister? (ANSWER: 5 minutes)

Task 5. There were 7 old men walking, they had 7 sticks, on each stick there were 7 knots, on each knot there were 7 knots, on each knot there were 7 pies, on each pirogue there were 7 sparrows, on each sparrow there were 7 tails. How many old people were there? (ANSWER: 7 old people)

Problem b. The long-awaited January has arrived. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, and then 3 more plums and 2 cherries. How many trees have bloomed? (ANSWER: Trees do not bloom in winter)

Task 7. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 legs in back. How many legs does an animal have? (ANSWER: 4 legs)

Psychologist: The one who was most active in solving problems was (names the student) We give him the right to open fifth envelope with part of the map.


Goal: correction of cognitive processes.
Psychologist: Now I will give each student a card on which one example is written, in order to solve it correctly, you need to substitute numbers instead of icons.

5 + * + * + 5 = 15 * + * + 5 + 5 = 15 2 + * + * + 5 = 12

* + * + 2 + 1 = 10 * + b + * + 3 = 10 2 + * + 7 + * = 11

9 - * - 1 - * = 3 10 - * - 4 - 3 - O 10 - * - 2 - 5 = 1

7 - 3 - * - * = 2 6 - * - 1 - * = 1 9 - 7 - * - * = 0

Psychologist: Another obstacle is behind us, we have completed two more tasks and we can open sixth envelope. And the next guys will open them.

//Students open the sixth envelope. It also contains pieces of a map with a picture of the class diagram //

Psychologist: Now let's all work together. At the beginning of the travel game, you are divided into two teams. And now there will be collective competitions. The game is called "Make a Word".

The game is called "Make a Word".

Target: Correction of mental operations, enrichment of vocabulary.

// Students are given 2 pieces of paper on which syllables are drawn. They need to connect these syllables with arrows so that they form words //

Psychologist: Well, you are coping with all the tasks very well and we only have a few more envelopes left to open to find out where the magic crow left her treasure. Let's move on to the next task.

//Students openlast envelope . They put together a map from the pieces and find out where the treasure is hidden. All participants go in search of him. When the treasure is found, the final part of the lesson takes place.

Psychologist: Well done to all of you! The tasks were completed, the treasure was found. And now it's time to return home. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and say goodbye. Our lesson has come to an end. Until next time.

Description of work: The summary of the correctional and developmental lesson “Synchrony of work of both hands” is intended for the work of a teacher-psychologist with children (grades 1-2) with disabilities under the program “Development of psychomotor and sensory processes.” The material will be of interest to defectologists, educational psychologists and correctional psychologists educational institutions VIII species.
Target: Development and correction of gross motor skills in students.
1. Teach coordination of actions and movements different parts bodies.
2. Develop self-regulation in students.
3. Develop visual attention associated with the coordination of the auditory and motor analyzers.
Materials and equipment:
Sensory foot path, tactile floor paths, mats; tape recorder, magnetic board “Mood Flower”, ball, stringing kits.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Bringing children to the teacher-psychologist’s office, seating the children in their places. Mutual greeting.

2. Ex. "Flower of Mood"
Diagnosis of the emotional state of children at the beginning of the lesson.
Instructions: Guys, choose a petal of the color that matches your mood and attach it with a magnet.
Analysis of the mood of a group of children.

Photo “Flower of Mood”.

3. Game "Beads".
Game procedure. First, buttons of the same color are threaded onto a wire with the right hand, while the left hand holds the thread. Then string buttons of a different color onto the wire with your left hand. The winner is the one who collects the longest beads with both his right and left hands.

4. Ex. "Walking"
Children walk in a circle, one after another, according to the instructions of the teacher-psychologist:
▬ on toes;
▬ on the heels;
▬ with eyes closed.

5. Ex. “Walking the Sensory Foot Trail.”

Photo "Walking the sensory trail."
Procedure for performing the exercise. Each child, one at a time, goes through a route along tactile floor paths and a sensory path according to the instructions of a teacher-psychologist.
6. Relaxation “Magic sleep”.
Children take a comfortable position lying on the mats. Quiet music is playing. The teacher-psychologist gives the instruction: “Now, when I read poetry, you will close your eyes. You won’t really fall asleep, you’ll hear everything, but you won’t move or open your eyes.
Eyelashes droop...
Eyes are closing...
We rest peacefully (2 times)
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Our hands are resting...
Our legs are resting
Relax, fall asleep (2 times)
The neck is not tense
And relaxed...
Lips part slightly
Everything is wonderfully relaxing (2 times)
Breathe easily...Evenly...Deeply...
Long pause.
We rested peacefully
We fell asleep in a magical sleep.
It's good for us to rest!
But it's time to get up!
We clench our fists tighter,
We raise them higher.
Pull yourself up! Smile!
Everyone open their eyes and stand up.”

6. Ball game.
Game procedure. Each child is given a ball.
- throw the ball from one hand to another.
- tossing the ball different heights and catching the ball with both hands
- throwing the ball to different heights and catching the ball with one hand.

7. Ex. “Repeat the movement.”
Procedure. The teacher-psychologist shows a picture depicting movement and the children must depict this movement.
Photo “Repeat the movement.”


Target. Determining the child’s ability to act in accordance with instructions; consolidation of the concept of “size of objects” (large - small, larger - smaller).

Name it geometric figures, drawn in the squares on the left. “Move” them to the squares on the right as indicated by the arrow. Reduce larger figures and increase smaller ones.

Draw exactly the same shapes in the empty cells. What shapes do they consist of?


Target. Identification of the level of formation of shape perception, its ability to analyze the arrangement of figures in space. Development of stability of attention, purposefulness of activity. Activation of the dictionary.

    Look at and name the geometric shapes on the left side of the page. First name the smaller figure, then the larger one. For example, a circle in a square, a circle in an oval, an oval in a circle.

    You need to move each smaller figure to a new place - to the corresponding larger figures.


Target. Identifying children's ability to establish identity, similarity and difference in drawings. Development of visual analysis and observation.

Consider rugs. How are they similar? What is the difference? Draw the same rugs in the frames on the right.


Target. Identification of the level of formation of thought processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of visual and figurative representations, the ability to recreate the whole based on visual correlation.

“Repair” your pillowcase. From different pieces of fabric, choose one that suits the size, color and pattern.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns, the ability to retain instructions and control one’s actions during work. Development of attention and visual memory.

Find a pattern in the image of objects. What should be shown in the empty cell?

Name the mushrooms. Which one is poisonous? Which mushroom should be drawn in the empty cell? Remember the sequence of drawings in each row. Cover the table with a sheet of paper. Fill out the table on the right from memory.


Target. Identifying the ability to visually perceive and differentiate colors, correctly name colors and shades, recognize and name geometric shapes, indicate their color and size; count geometric shapes, indicate their number; write a descriptive story.

    Consider the clown. What shape is the patch on his suit?

    Compare patches of the same color. What is the difference?

    Compare patches of the same shape. What is the difference?

Write a story about a clown.

Target. Determination of the purposefulness of perception, the nature of emotional reactions. Formation of the ability to establish the identity of objects based on visual correlation. Development of attention, self-control, speech.

“Look at the picture. Find in it the objects drawn in the cells, create a story based on the plot picture.


Target. Revealing the ability to search for patterns in the arrangement of well-known letters and numbers. Development of stability and concentration.

Identify the pattern in the same way as you did in the first task with letters. Draw the desired number in the empty cell.


Target. Identification of the maturity of the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of the ability to reconstruct the whole based on visual correlation.

Consider a sample doll blanket. Ira collects the same blanket from scraps. What pieces of fabric should she sew onto it?

Choose markers of the desired color and fill the empty cells with drawings from the sample.


Target. Identification of features of visual perception, stability, concentration, attention span.

Friends went for a walk with their dogs, but the leashes got tangled. Determine whose dog is whose. Tell me the name of each boy's dog.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of drawings, retain instructions and control one’s actions during work. Observing the child’s activity (its pace, as well as dexterity and coordination of hand movements).

They lay out cards in front of the child, draw his attention to the alternation of drawings, and offer to continue the series.

Find a pattern in the arrangement of figures and objects and continue the series.


Target. Identification of the maturity of three-dimensional thinking, observation skills, and features of speech development.

The castle doors are locked with three locks. Help Puss in Boots find the keys for them. Remember the fairy tale. Tell us how the story ended for the Cat and his owner.


Target. Identifying the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of figures, determining the ability to retain instructions, and the characteristics of self-control. (The task is completed at a certain pace, the presence of errors is noted.)

Find a pattern in the arrangement of the figures and continue the series.


Target. Determining the level of development of imaginative thinking, understanding the absurdity of the situation.

Look carefully at the picture. She is funny? Does this happen or not? Did the artist draw everything correctly?


Target. Formation of techniques of correlative and spatial analysis (technique of identifying elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial arrangement), the ability to work in accordance with a model.

Draw a fox on the right, as shown in the example, and color the heroes of the fairy tale. What fairy tale are these characters from? Remember and tell the fragment of the fairy tale that is shown in the picture.


Target. Formation of the technique of combining two or more signs, development of visual-motor skills.

Find a butterfly that matches the color, shape and design in the empty square at the bottom of the page and draw it.


Target. Formation of techniques for analyzing observation and spatial analysis, development of the subtlety of analysis.

The student, while putting together a geometric pattern from individual squares according to the pattern, made mistakes. Review the student's work. Which squares are laid out incorrectly?

Choose from the proposed squares those that will allow you to correct the student’s mistakes.

Help: 1st type of help - divide the sample and the student’s work into four squares. To do this, connect the dots from top to bottom and from left to right.

2nd type of help - cut out the required squares and put them on the drawing in the place where the mistake was made.


Target. Formation of techniques for isolating the characteristics of an object and determining changing characteristics, developing the ability to arrange objects (objects) in a row according to any characteristic.

Look at the pictures. Name what changes from one drawing to another. Without breaking this condition, complete the row.

* Those signs that do not alternate, but change, children changearbitrarily, at your own discretion.


Target. Formation of the technique of correlative analysis, the ability to be guided in work by a model.

Find errors in the student's work. Trace them with a red pencil.

Look at the pictures. Complete the missing parts in each drawing so that they become the same. What did you get?*


Target. Formation of the technique of highlighting semantic supports in the task conditions, the ability to work according to multi-link instructions.

Color the flowers in the vase with different pencils so that in the middle of the bouquet there is a yellow flower, and the red one is between yellow and blue.

Draw the same figures below so that the square is between the rhombus and the triangle, and the circle is to the right of the rhombus.


Target. Formation of techniques for identifying and combining features.

Look at the rows of figures. In each row, some attribute changes from figure to figure. Name and write above the arrow the sign or signs that change.

Signs should be designated as follows: COLOR - C; SHAPE - F; SIZE - R; THICKNESS - T.


Target. Formation of the technique of perceiving an object as a whole, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, and understand the emotional states of people.

Determine the emotional state of the people in each picture. Choose the appropriate word and complete the sentence.

Change each sentence as follows:

“Because Misha...., he...”.

Words for reference: 1) happy, upset, angry, angry;

    happy, upset, angry, angry;

    joyful, angry, angry, upset.


Target. Formation of synthesis techniquesobject (filling in missing linkswhole), perception of the object as a whole.

Look carefully at the picture. Guess what is covered in the picture with a sheet of paper. Explain your answer.

Make up a story based on the picture.


Target. Formation of a generalization technique based on identifying the features of a presented object (concrete or abstract), distinguishing between essential and non-essential features, and combining concepts according to an essential feature.

From six pictures, choose two that can be combined into a group and give it one common name. Explain your answer.

From six words, choose two that can be combined into one group based on an essential feature.

    frost snow ice autumn rain skates

    root word subject ending adjective rule

    stop bus wheel tram ticket driver

    sweet cunning bright red beautiful kind


Target. Formation of the technique of synthesis, perception of an object as a whole.

Look at the pictures. They depict the beginning and end of the story that happened to the boys. Think about what happened to the boys on the river. Draw the two missing pictures.

Read the beginning and end of the story. Complete its content very briefly so that it turns out to be a story. Write the story in your notebook.

Sasha and Kolya agreed to go to the cinema this weekend.

Therefore, Kolya stayed with Sasha and helped his friend.


Target. Formation of techniques for isolating and combining features, development of the ability to arrange objects in a row according to any feature.

Consider the rows of volumetric figures. In each row, some attribute changes from figure to figure. Name which feature changes from figure to figure, and what remains unchanged in each of the rows.

To depict the thickness of the figure, the child can be asked to useits schematic designation;* JKs * - fat figure; A> - slim figure,

For example:


Target. Formation of the technique of highlighting semantic supports in the task conditions, formation of the ability to establish cause-and-effect dependencies.

Read the problem. Underline only those with a red pencil
data in the condition that will be required to answer
task question. Cross out the extra data with a blue pencil
from the condition.

Andrey, Igor, Seryozha and Vova participate in a running competition; Andrey runs after Igor. Igor runs slower than Vova. Seryozha runs quickly. Which boy is running ahead of everyone?

Using the drawing, solve the problem. Draw segments on the file,
showing how each of the boys ran. Remove from
file, a sheet of paper that covered the correct
answers and check your work.

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Target. Formation of the method of considering an object with different points vision, the ability to highlight the hidden meaning of an expression, to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs.

    Read the proverbs. In every three proverbs, two are connected by a common meaning, and the third does not fit them. Find the extra proverb.

    Look at the pictures. Connect with arrows the picture and the proverbs that suit its meaning.

    The outfit is like a falcon, and the gait is like a crow.

    The eyes are eagle, and the wings are mosquito.

    And the sparrow does not live without people.

    A bee stings with a sting, but a man stings with a word

    One bee doesn't make much honey.

    You can't cover the whole field with one horse.

    If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

    A wolf is a stump for a cowardly bunny.

    Chasing two birds with one stone will not catch either one.


Target. Formation of methods of analyzing observation and spatial analysis (technique of identifying elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial location), development of the subtlety of analysis.

Which parts in the picture on the right are located differently than in the picture on the left?

What squares should be used to replace the details in the pattern on the right so that the patterns become the same?

Help: divide the patterns into squares measuring 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm. Compare each element of the patterns separately and find the mismatched parts.


Target. Forming the ability to correctly use (use) prepositions denoting spatial relationships.

Show the kitten inside the closet, the dog behind the box and in front of the box, the lampshade above the table, the kitten under the chair, behind the closet, in the closet, on the chair, in the desk drawer.


    Where did the kitten hide? (In the closet, behind the closet, under the chair.)

    Where is the kitten sitting? (On a chair, in a drawer.)

    Where is the dog? (Behind the box, in front of the box.)

Make up phrases answering the question “Where is...?” For example: Kitty V closet.


Target. Formation of skills for isolating prepositions as independent separate words using a scheme.

I will read the prepositions, and you show me where the preposition man is (in box, under box, on box, behind box, comes out of the box).

Remember the preposition words “on”, “for”, “under”, etc. Make up a sentence with any preposition.

Target. Development of reading interest in six- to seven-year-old children in the process of global word reading, formation of interest in letters, development of memory, attention, preparation for analytical-synthetic reading. Consolidating the use of prepositions.

Help the bunnies hide from the fox. Draw a line from each bunny to the place where he wants to hide, according to the note he left.

PreliminaryJob. An adult reads the words on separate cards, having previously made photocopies of them from this picture. After reading the card out loud, the adult places it on the drawing, inviting the child to remember what is written on it. This is how each card is processed.

33 Target. Prevention of biography and dyslexia. youdrilling the correct image of the printed letter sredi pairs or rows of letters printed in mirror images.Activation of the lexicon.

Show the correctly typed letters by covering the mirror images with your finger in each pair or row. Come up with 2-3 words with each of these letters at the beginning of the word.


Target. Teaching children global reading of syllables and words. Development of memory, attention, interest in letters and syllables. Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Development of logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, spatial perception. Working with isographs. Reading words written in different fonts. Recognition of objects represented by letters. Look at the pictures in order. Read the highlighted words. Match each picture with a corresponding sentence.


Target. Learning to compose a story based on a series of sequential pictures.

Look at the pictures. You can make a story out of them. The pictures are mixed up. Think and determine the sequence of events. Place the required numbers in the small squares. Read the sentence cards and think about which pictures they relate to. For which picture is the card missing? Make a sentence based on this picture.

Target. Exercises in highlighting and clearly pronouncing the first sound of words of different syllable structures. Expanding the stock of species concepts on the topic “Birds and Insects”, differentiating these generic concepts. Exercises in eliminating the 4th extra object, independent grouping of images according to the categorical principle (birds - insects).

Look at the pictures in the top row. Three of them are possible

combine into one group and call it a generalizing (general) word, and

the fourth is superfluous. Give a general word. Which subject

extra? Why?

Name each picture. Try to pronounce the word so that

the first sound in it was clearly audible. How are these words similar? Write

in a small square the letter C.

Look at the pictures in the second row. Divide all the pictures into two

groups: insects and birds.


Target. Learning to construct statements. Consolidating knowledge of the names of job duties corresponding to various construction specialties.

Read each card and match it with the corresponding picture. Tell us about the work of the plasterer, tiler, fitter, glazier, painter, whom you see in the pictures. How can we call all these professions in a general word?

Make sentences by combining cards with the names of construction specialties and cards with descriptions of labor actions. Who should do what work?


Target. Learning to construct statements about the purpose of individual objects (from 2-3 sentences). Formation of the general concept of “medical supplies”, introduction of the exact names of objects into the active dictionary.

Look at the pictures. Tell us what medical supplies the doctor needs and what supplies the nurse needs.


The doctor listened to the patient's heart and lungs. I measured the pressure with a tonometer. Then he measured the patient’s body temperature. (What happened next?)

The nurse took cotton wool, a pipette and eye drops. (What happened next?)

The doctor looked at the patient’s throat, found out what his temperature was, and ordered the nurse to urgently bring a syringe. (What happened next?)

Target. Study of impressive speech (understanding the meanings of words denoting objects and actions). Exercises in recognizing the position of sounds in a word.

Find pictures for the following words (objects and actions).

Ice drift, den, leaf fall, autumn, starlings, winter, wind, winter crops, field, haystacks, seedlings, ice floes, mushrooms, birdhouse, spring, rowan bunches, new settlers.

Blowing, rising, arriving, sleeping, floating, plucking, hanging, melting, turning green,

chirping, circling, hibernating, crumbling.

Name words with the sound [l] ([l"]). Determine its place in the word.

Topic of the lesson: game of shopping.

Educational tasks. Formation of cultural behavior skills, consolidation of mental calculation skills, development of mathematical concepts.

Preparing for the game. An ethical conversation about the behavior of a schoolchild in public places, including in a store, the administration of which has been warned in advance about the purpose of the children’s visit.

Creating an imaginary situation.

A “Shop” poster at the entrance, imitation counters (tables placed on their sides), cash registers (these could be boxes covered with paper).

Game props. Paper, pencils, several toy scales, abacus jars with a capacity of 0.5 l, 1 l, 2 l.

Preparing game props.

Several factories begin work in advance - a sewing, toy, writing materials factory, as well as a bakery. Children, under the guidance of masters, cut out paper and paint clothes for dolls, sew small notebooks, albums (they are also useful for playing school), make them from plasticine and natural materials.

materials - cones, branches, leaves - various crafts, bake bread, rolls, cakes,

cakes, etc..

Then the factory game can be merged with the store game, then all the children will be engaged in a group game, and goods will be supplied uninterruptedly.

The beginning of the game and its progress. Before the start of the game, after assigning roles and discussing the game plan, the teacher once again reminds how the buyer should talk to the seller, and the seller to the buyer, and proposes one of the main conditions of the game: “be kind”, “please”, “thank you” goods will not be released. Then the creative play begins. The director announces the opening of a new store and warmly greets customers. There is brisk trade. All products have prices (but rounded to make it easier to calculate, within the framework of the program material studied at school). It’s a good idea to use small scales in the game to weigh products (sand, small pebbles, other natural material). It is advisable to sell milk

So that children become familiar with containers - 0.5 l, 1 l, 2 l. both will contribute to the development of mathematical concepts. After about half an hour, the children should be invited to switch roles.

It is advisable to play the store game several times at intervals of one to two weeks. Prices for goods are set by the teacher, taking into account the level of preparation of the children.

Topic of the lesson: playing school.

Educational tasks. The game is played in order to form collectivism and accustom first-graders to the routine of school life.

Beginning and progress of the game. Children distribute playing roles - teacher, student, director, technician; they agree that all roles will be played in turn. Then they discuss what lessons they will have today. The game begins. The teacher conducts lessons, gives grades, students fulfill all his requirements; the director is present in class,

monitors its progress, the behavior of the students and makes notes in his notebook; The technician cleans the corridor and rings the bell. After all the lessons are completed according to the schedule, the roles change. The game lasts approximately an hour. If children make mistakes when playing roles, they violate internal rules games, for example, the teacher yells at the children, often punishes them, the director and the nanny don’t know what to do in their play roles, the teacher just has a short discussion last game. It prompts children to think about more correct and interesting role behavior. But it is better if the teacher himself takes on the role of director. This will allow him to enrich the content of the game directly in an imaginary situation. He will call the teacher to his office and advise him to organize games and round dances with the children during recess; will help you create a lesson schedule correctly; invite subject teachers in physical education and music to work (so that many children can take active roles).

It is advisable to play school once or twice a week (at the request of the children).

Topic: Game of mail.

Target. To promote a sensitive attitude towards loved ones, an attentive attitude towards classmates and relatives.

Preparing for the game. Ethical conversation “We congratulate you!”, excursion to the post office, short conversation with postal workers, observation of their work. This game can take place in both an imaginary and a real situation. It's better to start by playing in an imaginary situation.

Equipment. P varnish "Mail", counters, mailbox, postcards, envelopes, paper, pens.

Game roles. Postal workers, visitors. So that all children can naturally feel themselves in an imaginary situation and play roles, the teacher advises those

Whoever is in the role of post office visitors, first organize a family game. Thus, two games are running simultaneously.

The beginning of the game and its progress.

Before the game starts, the teacher reminds the children that everyone, both postal workers and its visitors, speaks friendly, using “magic words.” Everyone who works at the post office creates an imaginary situation, equips the post office, preparing for its opening. The rest of the kids play family - preparing for the holiday: first they clean the apartment, while the children help the adults, then everyone writes congratulatory letters and postcards to their friends. Those who finish early go to the post office and buy envelopes (glued together by the children themselves from paper with a stamp drawn on them), sign them and put them in the mailbox.

Then the children change roles and the game is played again.

In the second version, the game is intertwined with reality. The game is usually timed to coincide with holidays - New Year, March 8 and February 23.

Preparing for the game. There is a poster in the classroom: “Attention! The mail is opening in our class! Don’t forget to congratulate your family, acquaintances and friends on the holiday!”

The next day, a new announcement appears nearby: “Holiday mail is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 to 3 o’clock. We are waiting for postcards and letters!” A “Holiday Mail” poster appears, several tables are pushed together, covered with brightly colored paper, on which envelopes and cards are laid out. Not far from the tables hang (stand) two mailboxes– for local (within the school) and long-distance (within a microdistrict or village) correspondence.

The most active guys are postal workers. They sell envelopes and postcards. Postmen - a blue cap with the word “School Post” written on the ribbon, a mail bag over the shoulder. Postmen are appointed to deliver letters and congratulations to distant correspondents. Thus, in this version, the game of mail merges with reality: some children actually perform the functions of postmen, the rest send holiday correspondence - they congratulate their relatives, teachers, technicians, and friends.

Theme: celebration of the game.

“Visiting Matveyka-Zateikin.”

Target. Create a joyful mood, give children the opportunity to express themselves in various games and tasks, develop attention, thinking, memory, and coordination of movements.

Equipment. For the “Merry Painters” attraction, make colored buckets, multi-colored caps, brushes - rays, two large and beautiful suns; for the winners, large medals with the inscription “Winner”, Matveyke’s costume; choose music decor; tambourine; ball; chalk.

Holding a holiday.

Matveyka - Zateikin enters to the sound of a cheerful, perky melody.


It’s not for nothing that I’m called Matveyka – Zateika!

And if you get bored,

I will dispel sadness in a moment!

I am the enemy of melancholy and boredom.

She can't come here

Happy fellow travelers to me

I'd like to find it!

Do you guys agree to be my travel companions?

(Guys answer)

Now let's get acquainted. The host approaches one or the other participant in the celebration:

If I get to know everyone like this, it will take us a long time. Let's do this. I'll say: one, two, three! Say your name! Remember your name. Do you remember? One two Three! Say your name! Children say their names.


Hello, dear children!

Hello girls!

Hello boys!

Everyone without exception

I invite you to our fun!

Come here, young friend,

Get in a circle faster!

Come, hurry up,

Dance with me!

Now we will play the game “Slam-top”.

Stand in a circle. I ask you to clap once and stomp once. I will clap with you (he alternates clapping, sometimes makes deceptive movements). The guys’ task is to do what Matveyka says.)

Those who have never made a mistake receive a prize for attention!


    You probably know a lot of rhymes. Well, name them (The guys prepared the rhymes in advance)


Music Wider the circle, wider the circle!

All friends of all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance.

Matveyka plays the game “Cheerful Tambourine”. General circle. The guys, passing the tambourine from hand to hand, say the words:

    You roll, merry tambourine,

Ringing, ringing hands,

He has a cheerful tambourine -

He will dance for us now.

(tells us)

"Hot potato".

They pass the ball around in a circle, just like in the previous game. Only this time, whoever has the ball when the music stops is out of the game. Whoever manages to stay in the circle gets a prize.


    I invite you to play one more game! It's called "Mail goes to all cities."

The players stand in a circle and disperse at arm's length, each marking their place with a circle. The postman stands in the center of the circle. All participants in the game are assigned the name of a city (including the postman).

The leader announces:

    Mail goes from Bologoe to Valdai.

The players whose cities are named quickly change places, and the postman tries to take one of the empty places. If he succeeds, then the one left without a place becomes a postman. If the postman cannot take his place for a long time, the manager announces: “Mail goes to all cities.” Then everything comes into motion and it is easier for the postman to take his place. (You can make a game with this option, consolidate your knowledge of the streets in your locality). The winner is the one who has never been a postman.

"Merry painters"

Music is playing.


Two cheerful painters

They took forty-two buckets

And we set off at dawn

Paint the sky blue.

They began to draw the sun,

Coat with different paints.

Two teams of “painters” are invited. The “painters” put on multi-colored caps and take a bucket and a brush (of the same color). At the presenter’s signal, the players take turns painting the “sun” (they run up and insert a ray of light - a brush).

The winning team is awarded medals.

“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”


Guys! Now I will ask you questions, you should answer, clapping your hands:

It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

Agreed? Attention! I'm starting!

    Who is a cheerful band

Plays school every day?

Which one of you comes to class?

An hour late?

Who is not afraid of frost,

Does he skate like a bird?

Which one of you keeps things in order?

Books, pens and notebooks?

Which of you, of the kids,

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

Who homemade their lesson

Executes on time?

Which one of you, say out loud,

Catching flies in class?

Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you is so good?

Did you wear galoshes to sunbathe?

Which of you through your labor

Decorates the classroom and home?

Who, I want to know from you,

Loves to sing and dance?

Guys: - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Matveyka invites you to a general dance “If you like it.”

The guys form a wide circle and sing along with the leader.

    If a piece of ice is brought into the room, then...

    The boy laughed merrily because...

    If it's winter severe frost, That…

    If you fly high like a bird, then...

    The girl stood and cried a lot because...

    The boy fell ill, he developed heat, because…

    When a birthday comes, then...

    If all the snow melts, then...

    The lights went out in the room because...

    If it goes heavy rain, That…

Analysis of results

If there is a clear correct answer, 1 point is awarded for each sentence.

For a vague answer that is not sufficiently substantiated - 0.5 points.

No answer – 0 points.

High level– 9–10 points.

Average level– 6–8 points.

Low level– 5 points and below.

Understanding cause and effect relationships

Continue with the following sentences:

    If a piece of ice is brought into the room, then __________________________________________

    The boy laughed merrily because___________________________________________

    If there is severe frost in winter, then ___________________________________________________

    If you fly high like a bird, then _____________________________________________

    The girl stood and cried very much because ______________________________

    The boy got sick and had a high fever because ________________________

    When your birthday comes, then_______________________________________________

    If all the snow melts, then______________________________________________________________

    The lights in the room went out because ________________________________________________

    If it rains heavily, then_________________________________________________


Lesson No. 2

Read the text. Cover the text with a sheet of paper. Answer the questions at the end of the text.

Wonderful Christmas tree

It was snowing lightly. Fluffy flakes lay on the ground, bushes and trees. A young Christmas tree stood alone in the clearing. The guys decided to decorate it. They hung rowan berries, three apples, an orange on the tree, attached a carrot to the lower branches, and put a head of cabbage under the tree. In the morning, a flock of bullfinches was already sitting on the tree, in the evening two hares came running, they treated themselves to sweet carrots and cabbage. Suddenly a fox appeared, circled around the Christmas tree and disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

Remember and write it down.

    Items that decorated the Christmas tree.

    Animals mentioned in the story.


    Number of vegetables, fruits.


Lesson No. 2

Exercise 1


Cross it out:

    - red,

     - yellow,

    - green

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Development of verbal and logical thinking

Exercise 1

    Can a table with 2 legs unscrewed still stand? Why?

    Can a tram go around a girl standing on the tracks?

3. Will 2 balls hold together if they are placed on top of each other?

    Can a cube roll? Why?

    Can a bicycle overtake a car? Why?

    If they show football on TV, can the ball fly out and hit the boy?

    You have a small bag and a large sack, both containing potatoes. Which is easier to carry?

    Who is hard to see in the forest? And who is easy?

    Who is easy to spot in the snow and who is difficult?

10. A black kitten was running around the room and fell into a jar of flour. Suddenly a white kitten appeared in the room. Where did he come from?

11. Mom looked out the window and said: “There is a strong wind outside!” (“It rained at night.”) How did she guess?

12. Can a subway train collide with a bus?

    Is it easier to walk or ski in deep snow?

    What happens if a boy gets into a bathtub full of water?

    Can you go skiing in summer? Why?

16. For the winter, the hare changes its fur coat from gray to white. Why?

17. How is a pillar different from a tree?

18. Why don’t the ice floes in the river stand still in the spring?

19. Dad bought his son ice cream, put it in his jacket pocket and forgot. When an hour later dad remembered the ice cream, it was not in his pocket. Where did it go?

    Dad lifts a heavy weight, but the boy can’t. Why?

    If a person jumps from a plane, it will crash. What about parachutists?

    If you throw a handkerchief and a stone from the roof of a house, which will fall to the ground faster?

    Why do people wear fur coats in winter?

    If you put a fur coat on the snow, the snow underneath will melt

Exercise 2

Finish the sentence"

Target: complete the sentence with one of the words given in brackets and repeat the resulting phrase in its entirety.

    The sailor saw a distant island because he picked up ( magnifying glass, binoculars, glasses)

    Masha pricked her finger with a knitting needle because she didn’t know how to (wash, knit, sew)

    The workers could not lift the piano into the apartment because the stairs in the entrance were (old, dirty, narrow).

    The water in the jar rose because the boy threw (a twig, stones, crumbs) into it.

    Katya pulled her hand away because she took hold of the hot (metal, wood, plastic) handle of the frying pan.

Exercise 3

"3rd wheel"

Target: select one extra one from 3 objects, taking into account the selected one
sign, and explain your choice in detail.

Color: chicken, lemon, cornflower

Cucumber, carrot, grass

Doctor's robe, tomato, snow

Shape: TV, book, wheel

Kerchief, watermelon, tent

Size: hippopotamus, ant, elephant

House, pencil, spoon

Material: jar, pan, glass

Album, notebook, pen

Flavor: candy, potato, jam

Cake, herring, ice cream

Weight: cotton wool, weight, barbell

Meat grinder, feather, dumbbell

Exercise 4

"Why did this happen."

Goal: complete the sentence by explaining the named event. Use a complex sentence construction with a conjunction because.

    Mom scolded her son because _________________.

    The boy decided to change clothes because ________________.

    The girl got up from the bus seat __________________.

    The boy quickly ran towards the school ____________________.

    Sasha’s eyes hurt ___________________.

    The teacher laughed cheerfully.

    Grandma turned off the TV

    The dog growled menacingly

    Mom cried

    The guests laughed loudly

    The dog wagged its tail happily

    The cat arched his back and hissed

    Mom opened the window

    Petya screamed loudly

    A flock of crows rose above the field

    The cars slowed down sharply

    The policeman whistled loudly

Exercise 5

"What doesn't fit"

Target: analyzing 3 logically related concepts, highlight one that differs from the others in some way. Explain the reasoning. Example: book - album - notebook. A book will be an extra item, since it contains a story, but the album and notebook do not contain a story, they are just stapled paper .

    Night light, floor lamp, candle

    Eyes, nose, eyebrows

    Bed sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase

    Pond, river, lake

    Plum, apple, peach

    Pants, shorts, skirt

    Table, shelf, chair

    Jacket, sweater, shirt

    Goat, pig, cow

    Potatoes, carrots, cucumber

    Christmas tree, birch, pine

    Tram, train, trolleybus .

    Frying pan, cup, saucepan .

    Rooster, goose, sparrow .

    Cow, horse, lion .

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Lesson No. 4

1. Look at the picture for a pyramid of cubes.

Write composite numbers in Arabic numerals.


Write the same composite numbers in Roman numerals.


2. Look at the picture for an example of writing Roman numerals into figures.


Write the numbers in the figures using Roman numerals according to the model.

Count and write down how many times there are numbers in Roman numerals.

did you see the number 20? _________________________________

3. Remember what a polygon is. Look at the triangle in the table.

A triangle has three vertices, three sides, three angles, so the Roman numeral Ш is written in its inner area.

Fill out the table according to the example:


three peaks;

three sides;

three corners.




4. Write the numbers in Roman numerals in the inner area of ​​the parallelogram

increasing each subsequent number by three.

5. Examples can be written using matches, for example,

example 2 + 5 = 7 would look like this:

Solve the examples and write down your answers in Roman numerals.

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Lesson No. 5

Exercise 1

In the village

This weekend we went to the village to visit grandfather Andrey. The village was not far, we got there quickly. A house appeared on the hill; from a distance it looked like a hut from a fairy tale. We drove into the yard, a calf was tied near the fence, a hen and chicks were walking nearby, and geese were strutting importantly. The dog Zhulka greeted us with a cheerful bark, and here was grandfather, he happily waved to us from the porch.

Answer the questions:

    What animals are found in the story?


    What names appear in the story


Exercise 2


makfshshfvrolchimtgshpfhoursbprocuthaolsdanceshshchrejusjjlopatagshkliuaroisteamerspaitzrovedrosgshtsushrpmpolkatsvfoliamonthsvshrutparachutegiylforestsvrialdiglatzdytsvravololirof feelvmizaborgrommtsfvlddoormoszcskrbeardukshshshshshorblizzardfuaschshyraft

Lesson No. 5

Exercise 3

Find differences.

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Lesson No. 6

Exercise 1

    Labor is a reward, laziness is...

    Joy is light, sadness is...

    Noise - crowd, silence -...

    Reading - books, singing - ...

    Wolves are the forest, people are...

    Peace - movement, captivity - ...

    Phone - ear, movie - ...

    Yard - gate, house - ...

    Spring - autumn, dawn - ...

    A man is a dress, a tree is...

Exercise 2

Lesson No. 6

Exercise 3


Exercise 4

    Soft, fluffy, cold

    Fragile, transparent, flat

    Tall, blue, clean

    Small, gray, nimble

    Winding, forested, narrow

    Juicy, green, prickly

    Distant, bright, flickering

Exercise 5

the sun is shining brightly, the mighty tree has thrown down its green branches

    How many nouns are there in the sentence?


    What time of year are we talking about?


    How many words are there in a sentence?


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Exercise 1.

Task: numbers 22; 35; 48; 51; 31; 45; 27; 24; 36; 20

divided into 2 groups: ____________ and _____________________.

On which line is the classification done correctly? ____

Write the numbers in the line _____________________________________________

    31; 35; 27; 45; 51; 22 48; 24; 20; 36

    31; 35; 27; 45; 51 27; 20; 24; 36; 22; 48

    27; 31; 35; 45; 51 20; 24; 22; 36; 48

4. 26; 31; 36; 35; 45; 51 20; 24; 22; 48

Exercise 2.

Task: numbers 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 12; 16; 24; 35; 48

divided into 2 groups: ______________ and ___________________

In which line is the classification carried out correctly?

    1; 2; 3; 5; 12; 8; 16; 24; 35; 48

    1; 2; 3; 5; 8 12; 16; 24; 35; 48

    1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 16 12; 24; 35; 48

    2; 3; 5; 8 24; 1; 12; 6; 16; 35; 48

Exercise 3.

Assignment: divide the words into groups by gender: TOWEL, FLOOR, SOAP, CEILING, FRAME, WALL, KNIFE, PORRIDGE.

Exercise 4.

Task: divide the words into two groups according to the number of syllables: DOOR, BROOCH, SUN, CINEMA, STAMP, NIGHTINGALE, PENCIL, BELL, MARCH.

In which table is the classification carried out correctly?


Task: on what basis are the words combined:IRON, BLIZZARD, STICK, CLOCK, LAMP, GLASS, SOFA?

Choose the correct answer:

    these words have the same number of letters;

    these words have the same number of syllables;

    these words are masculine;

    These words are feminine.


Task: three groups of words are given:





What was the basis for this classification?

Choose the correct answer:

    words are grouped by number of letters;

    words are grouped by gender;

    words are grouped by number of syllables.

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