Lesson on mathematical development of children “Magic chest. Didactic game “Magic beads”

Do-it-yourself didactic manual for the younger group

Description of material: Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are a powerful means of maintaining the tone and performance of the cerebral cortex. Thanks to them, children improve their attention, memory, auditory and visual perception, speech, and develop perseverance. Their future successful learning depends on how dexterous and developed children’s fingers are by the age of 5-6 years. To develop fine motor skills of your fingers, you don’t have to buy expensive toys in the store; they can be made at home from scrap materials. The material will be useful for teachers and parents.

I created a teaching aid “Smart Beads” from waste material.
The colorfulness and novelty of the book attracts children's attention and stimulates the desire to play with it. I tried to develop educational games in such a way that they could solve several educational problems. Such as consolidating knowledge of colors and the ability to use generalizing words in children’s speech. The manual is multifunctional.
The manual production process:
1. Take containers from Kinder surprises.

2. Open them and cut off the excess part on one of the halves so that the lids are the same size.

3. Cut circles from the ceiling tiles of a size equal to the diameter of the container lid.

4. Insert the mugs into the lids.

5.Make holes on opposite sides.

6. Find pictures on various lexical topics on the Internet. Reduce them to the size of circles and glue them with double-sided tape. Choose colored laces for the manual.

Didactic game “Collect beads on the topic”

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the ability to select subject pictures on a lexical topic / “Pets”, “Wild Animals”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Toys”/, consolidation of color knowledge.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to collect beads and determines a theme for each. Children complete the task independently.

To check whether the beads are assembled correctly on the topic, the teacher suggests turning the beads over to the other side (if the beads are the same color, then the task was completed correctly. If not, then a bead of a different color will signal an error that needs to be corrected)

Didactic game “Stringing beads of a certain color”

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers, consolidation of color knowledge,
ability to select a generalizing word.
Progress of the game: The teacher asks the child to put, for example, red beads on the cord.

Then he offers to turn the beads over and look at the pictures. The child lists the names of objects. Then the teacher asks to name the pictures in one word.

Didactic game “Find the extra bead” (by color or by lexical topic)

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, attention,
logical thinking;
consolidation of color knowledge.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the child to carefully examine the beads on the cord and determine which bead is different from the others (different in color). Then he asks to correct the error.

Didactic game “Alternating beads by color”

Target: the ability to alternate beads by color, identifying a pattern;
development of attention and fine motor skills of the fingers.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the child to continue stringing the beads, alternating them by color. The child comments out loud with the help of the teacher: “First a red bead, then a white one. Then red, again white. I take the red one again, and then the white one.”

Didactic game “Match the lace by color”

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, attention;
consolidation of color knowledge.
Progress of the game:(beads lie with the colored side up)
The teacher invites the children to select the cord of the desired color and string beads on it.
Then everyone checks together.
-What color are the beads? (red)
-What color is the lace? (also red)
- Well done. This means the task was completed correctly.

Didactic game “Pick up a number”

Target: the ability to correlate the number with the number of beads within 5;
development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to independently collect beads on any topic. Children agree among themselves which topic they choose. The teacher is interested in what topic each child’s beads are collected on, and together they check the correctness of the work.
Then the teacher asks how many beads each child has on the cord and asks to match the number of beads to the required number.

Didactic game "Riddles"

Target: development of fine motor skills of the fingers;
the ability to solve riddles and select a generalizing word.
Progress of the game:(lexical topic is chosen at will, for example, a game on the topic “Pets”). The teacher asks the child to guess the riddle, choose a bead with the answer and put it on a cord.
1.Pig nose, hooked tail.
Who is this?

2.I'm pounding my hooves
I'm jumping very fast.
The mane curls in the wind,
I can't resist

3. Hungry-moos,
He's full and chewing.
To the little guys
Gives milk

4. The muzzle is mustachioed,
The fur coat is striped.
Washing frequently
But I don’t know about water.

5. Beard and horn
Running along the path
Then the teacher may offer to answer additional questions.
-What one word can you use to describe who this is? (Pets)
-Which animal is first? (horse)
-Who is last? (goat)

I developed a didactic game "Magic Beads" . The set includes multi-colored salt dough beads of different colors, different shapes and sizes, as well as cards with tasks.

Exercises contribute to: the formation of sensory standards, the development of hand motor skills, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the development of imagination, attention and memory, improving concentration, the development of arbitrariness, the development of perseverance and the ability to achieve a goal, the formation of logical thinking.

1. "Repeat the chain"

Cards are laid out face down in front of the children. The child chooses any card and lays out a row of beads in accordance with the given pattern. Both self-test and peer-test can be used to check the correctness of the task.

2. "Continue the pattern"

The card depicts a series of geometric shapes. We invite the child to continue this pattern himself, observing the regularity of the series.

3. “Name the extra item”

The teacher lays out a line of shapes, for example, 3 circles and 1 square. Assignment: find out from the child what is unnecessary. You can make such dependencies by shape, size, and color.

4. “Find the same card as mine”

The children have cards in front of them that depict three or four different geometric shapes. The teacher shows his card (or names, lists the figures on the card). Children must find the same card and pick it up.

5. "What changed?"

(car or house). Ask the child to turn away and change some part (for example, use wheels of a different color or shape). Let the child name what has changed. You can simplify the task by completing two buildings with 1-2 differences, and ask the child to find the differences between them.

6. "Name and count"

Lay out a row of beads from 3 or 4 shapes. Ask the child to name which figure is depicted first, which is second, which is last. Ask the child to name which figure is depicted between, for example, a square and a triangle. To begin with, the child should put the finger of one hand on one figure - a square, the finger of the second hand on a figure - a triangle, so it will be easier for the child to understand and determine which figure is between these two figures.

7. “Make beads for mom”

It is possible to assemble beads according to a given pattern, and sometimes the guys themselves string beads onto a cord and get individual beads.

8. "Build according to the model"

Build with geometric shapes (car or Christmas tree). The child will repeat after you according to the model, and in the future, without a model, from memory.

9. “Call it in one word”

4 cards with images of geometric shapes of the same type are laid out in front of the child. The child must name the figures in one word.

10. "Make a Pair"

The teacher places two circles on the table. Children place large figures near the large circle. Near the small circle - small ones. A task focusing on color and shape is also performed.

11. "Wonderful bag"

The child examines the figures, feels and names the figure he wants to show. You can complicate the task if the presenter gives the task to find a specific figure in the bag. In this case, the child sequentially examines several figures until he finds the one he needs. This version of the job runs slower. Therefore, it is advisable for every child to have a wonderful bag.

12. "Imagine and build"

Invent and build any object.

13. “Guess who has more”, “Find the same amount” “Which row has more”

Arrange the figures in several rows, the child must determine where there are more, where there is less, etc.

14. “Choose the lace by color”

The teacher invites the children to select the cord of the desired color and string beads of the corresponding color onto it.

Didactic game.

Topic: “Let’s collect beads.”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about color.


Learn to correctly identify and name primary colors (red, yellow).

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness and a desire to help others.

Material: fairy-tale character, beads (red, yellow), laces of different colors.

Progress: Knock on the door.

1. Educator: - Children, a fox came to visit us. Look, she's sad, she's crying. Let's find out what happened?

Chanterelle: - My favorite beads are torn. Please help me collect them.

2. Educator: - Guys, let's see what kind of beads the fox had. What color are the beads? Children's answers: ()

Educator: - That's right, it's a red bead. Let's all say it together - red!

But what color is this bead?...... yellow. Children's answers…………

Educator: - That's right, it's yellow! Let's all say it together - yellow!

Let's collect beads for the fox. Look, I take a red bead and put it on a string, now I take a yellow bead and put it on a string again.

Come here…….., let’s put the next bead on the string. What's the next bead?...... That's right, red. Which bead are you wearing – that’s right,……….yellow. Did the beads turn out beautiful?....Are you happy, little fox?....Yes......

Let's collect beads for our dolls!

3. Fizminutka (finger game)

(Fingers clenched into a fist)
- Thumb boy
Where have you been?
(thumb extends)
- I went to the forest with this brother,
(index extends)
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
(middle one unbends)
I ate porridge with this brother,
(nameless man unbends)
I sang songs with this brother.
(little finger extends)

Continued work with children.

4. Educator: - Look, guys, what beads we made. They are very beautiful.

(The teacher and the children examine the finished work.)

Educator: - Guys, our dolls are very happy about the gift! they became cheerful, they smile! Well done!

Let us always be so kind and help people!

Now let's say goodbye to the fox and invite her to visit us again.

Result: we fixed the fox’s beads, she thanks you for your help!

We collected beads for our dolls!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Didactic games “Collect beads for the doll”, “Dress a sundress for the doll”

Objectives: To form an idea of ​​the shape and color of objects. Introduce the six colors of the spectrum (yellow, green, blue, red, orange and purple), white and black. Development of small...

Goal: To strengthen children’s ability to recognize and name a cube, ball, brick; determine the size of objects, shape; color red, yellow, blue, green; group objects of similar shape and size...

Master class for preschool teachers “Use of the teaching aid “Beads” as a means of comprehensive development of preschool children

The master class shows the possibilities of using the teaching aid “Beads” in educational activities...

Type of lesson: intellectually - developing.

Type of lesson: mathematical development.

Educational objectives: continue to learn to distinguish and name geometric shapes; main features of objects; color, shape, size. Learn to establish correspondence between sets. Strengthen counting skills up to 4.

Developmental tasks: continue to master the ability to distinguish between the right and left hands, to form a whole from parts. Develop memory, imagination, logical thinking, intelligence.

Educational tasks: cultivate interest in the activity, hard work, accuracy, and develop friendly relationships.

Methodical techniques:

  • Verbal - conversation, questions, explanation. Visual - demonstration of games, manuals.
  • Gaming - holding games “Find which one?”, “Collect beads”, “Collect a picture”.
  • Practical - actions with didactic material.

Materials: chest, doll, butterflies, bunny, keys, bead samples, set of geometric shapes, clearing with flowers, stream, cut pictures.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and greet the guests. Music starts playing.

Educator: Look, children, what a beautiful chest there is. Want to know what's in it?

Educator: Let's open it. Look how big the lock is, but we have three keys. What shape are they? Children: Triangle, square, circle.

Didactic game “Find which one?”

The chest lock and keys have a certain geometric shape. Children pick up each key. The selection is determined by applying a shape to the image. A correctly completed task allows you to open the lock. There will be a doll in the chest.

Educator: Look who was in this chest. This is a Tanya doll. Is it big or small?

Children: Little.

Educator: Look, what mood is the doll in? What is she like?

Children: The doll is sad.

Educator: Let's find out what happened to her. She was going to visit us. She put on a beautiful dress and colorful beads. But on the way, the string broke and the beads scattered. Let's help collect them.

Didactic game “Collect beads.”

The teacher shows the children part of the string of beads and says that they have fallen apart. They need to be collected using circles of two colors. Each child has a set of geometric shapes and a pattern (the beginning of a string of beads, circles alternate in color). The child collects as shown at the beginning of the thread, selecting shapes by color.

Educator: Look, children, what is the doll like now? Why?

Children: Cheerful. Because they collected beads.

Finger gymnastics.

One two three four five!
Let your fingers go for a walk!
One two three four five!
They hid in the house again.

Educator: Let's see what else is in our magic chest (takes out butterflies). Look, children, what beautiful butterflies. What color are they?

Children: Red, blue.

Educator: Do you want to play with them?

Children: We want.

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: What do butterflies do in winter?

Kids are sleeping.

Educator: And our butterflies are from a magic chest. In our hands they will now come to life and fly to the clearings, looking for beautiful flowers, the same color as themselves.

Counting activities.

Educator: What do you think? Do all blue butterflies have enough blue flowers?

The children answer.

Educator: How can you check this?

Children: You need to find out the number of butterflies and flowers.

Educator: Let's count. How many flowers are there in the meadow?

Children: One, two, three, four. Four blue flowers.

Educator: Let's count how many butterflies? (Ask one child).

Children: One, two, three, four. Four blue butterflies!

Educator: What can you say about the number of butterflies and the number of flowers? That there are as many butterflies as there are flowers. Same amount, equally. Now let's look at the second clearing. How many red flowers are there on it?

Children: Three flowers.

Educator: How many butterflies?

Children: Four red butterflies.

Educator: What do we have more? Flowers or butterflies?

Children: More butterflies. One flower was missing.

Educator: How many flowers are there fewer than butterflies?

Children: For one flower.

Educator: What needs to be done so that each butterfly has enough flowers.

Children: We need one more flower.

The teacher takes out another flower from the chest.

Physical education minute.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
He moved, stretched,
He soared up and flew.
The sun will just wake up in the morning,
The butterfly circles and curls.

Educator: Do you guys hear someone shouting “Ay-ay”? Let's go have a look.

The children and the teacher are about to go see who is calling for help, but on the way they meet a river.

Educator: Guys, what is this?

Children: River.

Educator: How wide do you think this river is?

Children: Wide.

Educator: How can we cross the river?

Children: On the bridge.

Didactic game “Pick up a bridge.”

Educator: Guys, let's now select a bridge so that its length is no less than the width of the river. Show the length of the bridge. Show the width of the river. Attach and select the desired bridge.

Educator: Children, look, what is this?

Children: Brook.

Educator: How wide is it if you compare it with a river?

Children: Narrow.

Educator: Can we cross it?

The teacher and children find a bunny.

Educator: Children, who is this?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: Let's get to know him and ask why he shouted “AU-AU!”

Children: Bunny, what is your name?

Bunny: Stepashka. I'm lost and really hungry.

Educator: Guys, can we help the bunny?

Puzzles "Cut pictures".

Children make pictures from four parts.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Educator: Look, Stepashka, what kind of carrots we collected for you.

The teacher treats the bunny with a carrot (fake).

Bunny: Thank you guys.

Educator: Let's say goodbye to the bunny, guys. We helped the bunny.

Children: Goodbye, Stepashka.

Educator: Guys, did you like helping our friends? What did you like most? What games have you played?

The teacher thanks the children.

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