Meaning of the name Lina (full). What does the female name Lina mean? What does the name Lina mean?

The versatility and uniqueness of this female name is expressed in its dual interpretation. On the one hand, the girl has the most simple and easy-going character, thanks to the first meaning of the words “linen” - flax. From another perspective, the meaning of the name Lina comes from the word “linos” - a sad song, which gives personal qualities a deeper and more multifaceted expression.

The meaning of the name Lina for a girl combines the masculine self-confidence inherited from her father and the gentle complaisance inherited from her mother. This little girl is straightforward, and can tell an adult straight to his face, without hesitation, about his mistake, or ask a very awkward question, putting the person in a difficult position.

During school years, the meaning of the name Lina for a child gives her almost a leadership position in the class. She has many friends and girlfriends, and she is more likely not a king, but a “gray eminence”, and significant events take place in the school community as a result of her indirect message.

The girl has a lot of talents, and she shows them without undue modesty - she dances, sings, and all because she attaches great importance to attention from her friends. Meanwhile, she is very vulnerable, and is always offended by criticism addressed to her, even fair ones.

This young lady is prone to all-consuming selfishness, although an outsider who doesn’t know her can say that he has never seen a more selfless person. But this is just a mask; there are sides to Linochka that many will not like in close contact.


With her original, sarcastic sense of humor and unique character, the girl often attracts men who need help, and even pity. This means that Lina does not like such personalities, but she does not immediately recognize the characterless type under the guise of confidence, and therefore is often disappointed in love.

She often changes partners, laying out a piece of her soul to each of them and can lose all her moral standards. But, if she’s lucky, she will meet a real prince who will be able to tame her narcissism and the desire to be needed by many at once.

Although Lina attaches great importance to her sexual attractiveness, the intimate part of love does not play a dominant role for her. Over time, she loses all interest in sex, which cannot but upset her chosen one. Although, a temperamental macho may well be able to rekindle the hidden sexual potential in her.


Marriage opens a new page in life for this woman, and this especially affects her internal experiences when children appear. Babies are distinguished by enviable stubbornness, which simply unsettles the new mother.

For her husband, she will be an ideal wife, always ready to receive numerous friends, and maintain warm comfort and perfect order in the house. And she herself is not averse to visiting guests and having fun, so her family life will be fun and full of positive emotions.

The spouse should not even worry about the family budget. This means that Lina’s natural practicality will always go hand in hand with her: the woman will make sure that even the most modest salary will be enough until the end of the month, and at the same time, her thriftiness and cleanliness can arouse the envy of even Cinderella.

Business and career

Linochka attaches great importance to work activity in her life. This means that, before finishing school, she can get a part-time job during the summer holidays - it is important for her to be independent, and even develop dependence in close people.

She will work like a bee, being punctual and disciplined even at her least favorite job. This attitude towards activities puts her in good standing with management, and her career growth depends entirely on how she can show herself.

She knows how to think freshly, so the most suitable profession for her would be one that combines intelligence and creativity. And Lina, who was born in the summer months, can easily go to church and devote herself to worship.

In the team, Lina tries not to show her negative qualities. She is always loyal with her colleagues, avoiding conflicting topics, thereby earning the respect of her colleagues. She may well open her own business, but most often she is simply lazy, and she freely goes with the flow, relying on the help of loved ones.

Origin of the name Lina

The origin of the name Lina is presumably from the ancient Greek male name Linos, which means “flax”. The secret of the name Lina is that, being completely independent, it is often short for others: Evelina, Angelina, Carolina.

On the other hand, where this name came from, its etymology coincided with the same root word, which means “sad song.” In ancient history, only men named so are indicated, and one of them was Lin Pope, whose name was remembered by Christians as a faithful stronghold of the true Faith.

Characteristics of the name Lina

Lightness, mobility, flexibility, tolerance - these are the main characteristics of the name Lina. She loves and knows how to communicate, adapt, and, on occasion, put on a mask of joy when talking with a necessary but unpleasant person.

She is quite secretive, but at the same time has a bright sense of humor, attracting everyone's attention. Her character, like everyone else, has its pros and cons. Its main negative quality is the accumulation of negative emotions, disappointment, and anger inside. She cannot immediately express her dissatisfaction openly, and by locking away her feelings she becomes unhappy.

She needs like air to feel important to others, and she does not attach importance to the fact that in pursuit of attention she may behave simply ugly and incorrectly. In appearance, she is powerful and independent, but inside she has a small, vulnerable child who can very easily be offended simply by a rude word.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Chalcedony, Onyx.
  • Name day - no.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Capricorn, Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Lena Headey is a famous actress originally from England.
  • Lina Milovich is a Russian singer, poet, and composer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Lina has a double meaning, and it can mean the word “linen” - from the ancient Greek word “linen”. The same can be said about how the name is translated from Latin about the designation “sad song.” In all languages ​​it sounds approximately the same, most often with minor changes in vowels and endings: Line, Liina, Lini, Linnel.

In Chinese, it can be translated transcriptionally, and the pronunciation will remain the same as in Russian, and the name will be written in Chinese characters as 丽娜. Due to the lack of an "r" sound, the name will be pronounced Rina in Japanese and written リナ.

Name forms

  • Full name: Lina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Linochka, Linushka, Linka, Linusya.
  • Declension of the name – Line, Lina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy exists only in the masculine form, so the girl will be named in tune with or after the birthday person on her date of birth.

Meaning of the name Lina

Lina - Tender (female). “Sad song” (Greek) Lina is an ancient Greek family name and it means “sad song.” From Greek mythology the name of the founder of this family is known - Lin (Linos), son of Apollo. The character is flexible; stubborn, like her father, and internally like her mother. She is very capable and achieves her goals through hard work. Treats people well; She subtly senses when she is being lied to. In terms of internal structure, it is direct and concrete; He thinks first and then acts. She behaves well in company, dances, sings well and amuses the guests whom she invites to her place, and she loves when she is invited to visit friends. Lina is lucky in her marriage, she gives birth to children of different sexes, she is a good housewife, and very clean. She loves children, but they make her mother's life difficult with their stubbornness. Lina often conflicts with her mother, gets into different stories and suffers because of this. He enjoys success among his boy peers. Kind, loves freedom of action, purposefully studies at the institute. Lina is very neat and tidy at work. “Winter people” don’t understand jokes and can get offended for no reason. “Summer” ones are not touchy, very kind and always meet people halfway. Some devote themselves to faith. “Autumn” can knit and decorate various products; they are prudent, they have a rich imagination, they are good leaders, and they love to travel. Adult Lina, born in December, will strive to subjugate her loved ones and acquaintances, no matter what the cost. She tries to ensure that her every action is carefully thought out and brings tangible results. Compared to many of her friends, she is more hardworking, disciplined and persistent in her work. Strict, reserved, reserved; knows how to collaborate, find a common language with colleagues, and attract their sympathy. When necessary, she skillfully adapts to the situation. Promotes well in his career due to professional inclinations and talent. The Lins work as pediatricians, teachers, nurses, television assistants, music teachers, tour guides, programmers, hairdressers, salespeople, telegraph operators, and secretaries. Wherever they work, their affairs are in order. Lina is characterized by sober reason and practicality, thriftiness, thrift and prudence. Sometimes she tries to find a compromise, not only for herself, but also for those who are close to her. She tries to avoid dead-end situations and tries not to come into contact with rude people. In a team, she is resourceful and capable of all sorts of innovations and reforms. Knows how to appreciate life in all its manifestations, whether it concerns work, free time or other business events. Lina Leonidovna, born in January, definitely needs only a “July” husband for family happiness; If she marries a “December”, the marriage may not be very successful and will lead to divorce. She will choose a husband to match herself, because she is truly happy only after her needs are fully satisfied.

Numerology of the name Lina

Soul Number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 1


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Black, olive grey, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, borax, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Lina as a phrase

L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lina

L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

There are many versions associated with the origin of the name Lina. In Greek mythology, the son of the god Apollo, called Linos, which means “flax,” founded the city of the same name. S Lina can be translated as “sad news.”

The meaning of the name Lina also has a Roman version. In Latin it means “siren”: a mythical woman-fish (bird) who enchants travelers with her beautiful singing. The female variation could come from the male name Lin, which was borne by a follower of the Apostle Paul, a Roman Christian. The name Lina is common all over the world:

  • in Arabic it means “tenderness”, “beautiful like a palm tree”;
  • in Scandinavian countries - “immaculate”;
  • in Italian it means “sunlight”.

And the formation of the League of Nations in the first half of the 20th century gave a new meaning to the name Lin, derived from the first letters of the name of this peacekeeping committee (League of Nations); such a practice was not uncommon among Soviet citizens.

Even in little Lina, those around her can see extraordinary kindness. The girl’s innate sociability and attractiveness quickly form a huge circle of friends and well-wishers around her. As a rule, Lin inherits his character from his mother and his appearance from his father.

Lina is very active, especially popular among members of the opposite sex, fans have been hovering around her from a young age - the girl uses her magnetic influence on them and her charm.

Since childhood, Lina has been quite capricious, often cries over trifles, and is sad for no reason. The girl’s innate pessimism does not go away over the years; the older Lina gets, the more irritable she becomes. The owner of the name Lina is very vulnerable, although she tries to hide it behind external determination and strong will. The girl is very stubborn, often quarrels with loved ones, and her temper often becomes the cause of major conflicts with others.

  • Lina, born in summer, has a difficult character: irritable, often offended for no reason.
  • Winter on the contrary, she has a cheerful disposition and is more open.
  • If the bearer of the name born in autumn, then he will be distinguished by good imagination, prudence, and authority.


The name Lina is an independent woman who does not tolerate any restrictions. She wants to be the first in absolutely everything and does not tolerate competition. Her life rarely fits into generally established rules. Such a girl has only her personal morals and standards of behavior, which often shocks those around her. He always tells his interlocutor to his face what he thinks, while trying not to spoil the relationship with him.

A woman named Lina carefully considers her actions every time. Lina is a rather pessimistic person who rarely sees her fate in rosy tones; sadness and melancholy are her eternal companions. The life of this woman cannot be called simple; she constantly faces misunderstanding from others due to her nonconformist character. But it is precisely these difficulties that help the owner of the name Lina get what she wants and not deviate from the goal.

This girl has an excellent memory, smart, inquisitive and literate. Such traits help her study well both at school and at college.

A woman named Lina is often biased, but only to protect her interests, since in general she is quite objective. Possessing a broad soul and incredible sociability, Lina will always find friends who are ready to do anything for her. The owner of this name is very contactable and tries to be as open as possible with people.


The girl named Lina is relaxed, has an innate sexuality and magnetism that attracts men. This woman is never alone. If she is truly in love, then the relationship is like a stormy river. The girl is very vulnerable, she experiences any difficulties extremely emotionally, often with scandals.

Successful relationships with men by , Nahum. But it’s better for her to stay away from Modest or Hippolytus.

Marriage and family

A woman named Lina is rarely unhappy in marriage.

Her family life is the envy of everyone: a loving husband, obedient children, a full house.

She brings up her children, often boys and girls, in strictness, and does not tolerate their stubbornness and quarrelsome character, which, as a rule, are inherited from her. Her home is always clean and cozy, Lina always keeps order. She often has guests at home, noisy fun.


A weak nervous system can lead to serious illnesses, so it is better for the bearer of the name Lina to monitor her emotional state and relax more often. Another weak point may be the ears.

Work and hobbies

The woman named Lina is extraordinary. Her work should be enjoyable and not monotonous or boring. The activities of such a girl cannot be limited by anything.

Lina Vladimirovna Krasnorutskaya (Russian professional tennis player, 2003 US Open mixed doubles finalist)

  • Professionally, it is best for Lina to devote herself to creativity: painting, sculpture, music - this is the area that can fully reveal her talents.
  • A woman named Lina can achieve great success in the medical field, especially when working as a surgeon.
  • Successful professions also include philologist and historian.
  • Lina climbs the career ladder quickly, because her bosses value her very much for her friendliness, diligence, and determination.
  • This is a very neat and precise person who can be entrusted with a responsible task.
  • Colleagues love Lina, with whom it is always easy to find a common language.
  • Lina’s insecurity can lead to financial ruin, especially if unscrupulous people take advantage of her talents, so it is important for a woman to carefully choose her business partners and listen to her intuition.

The owner of the name Lina may be interested in everything esoteric and mystical, but she herself is rarely superstitious. Faith is often of great importance in her life.

The girl loves to visit and attend social events. She often enjoys singing and dancing, which she is quick to remind everyone around her of.

Lina is a beautiful female Muslim name, common in our time among Arab peoples and among the Tatars. It is often used in countries such as Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Denmark.

Due to the rather rich history of its origin, the meaning of the name Lina is interpreted differently by many people. There are many versions of the origin of the name. In Latin, the name Lina means "siren". This was the name of sea creatures with magical voices that lured sailors to certain death.

Some argue that the Muslim name has its origins in Ancient Greece and is derived from the word "Linos". This was the name of the man who founded the city of the same name Linos and was the son of Apollo. In Greek, this word means “flax”; another translation is “sad news.”

Some linguists believe that it came from the name Lin. The New Testament mentions this male name. Another possible source of the name is the peacekeeping union League of Nations, founded in 1919. After its creation, many people gave a name to their daughters consisting of the first letters of the name of the union.

A very common version of the appearance of the name is an abbreviation for others. The full name, which includes “lina,” is very often simplified in conversation to just these four letters. For example, the full name for Lina is Carolina, Alina, Angelina, Polina, etc.

Lina has different translations from many languages. For example, in Arabic this Muslim name means "tender". From Italian the name Lina translates as “sunshine”, from Danish it means “pure”.

Since the name is Muslim, it is not included in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, unlike the related male Lin. Therefore, Lina does not celebrate Christian name days.

Temperament and fate

The many versions of origin and the different meaning of the name Lina for different peoples become the reason that from childhood the girl will have a multifaceted and unpredictable character. The child is very energetic, but at the same time he can sometimes fall into a state of despondency.

As a rule, a girl gets her character from her mother, but in appearance she looks more like her father. The baby is growing up very kind and sociable, which helps her make many friends and be the center of attention.

Sometimes the character of a girl named Lina can be quite inflexible. She is growing up as a stubborn child, it is very difficult to convince her if she has already made her decision. Parents sometimes find it difficult to cope with their daughter's whims.

The baby does not learn from other people's mistakes, which from time to time leads the girl into difficult situations. But on the other hand, such a valuable experience will teach her to get rid of problems in adulthood.

At school, Lina studies well, helped by her perseverance and hard work. The student likes both science and humanities subjects. Very often a girl takes on the role of leader in the class; she has many friends. Being a creative person, she loves to sing, dance, and draw. If parents encourage such hobbies, it will help develop the child's talents.

Adult Lina has a very kind character. She is sensitive, able to help others with advice or action. The girl is sociable and can easily find a common language even with unfamiliar people.

A girl named Lina is a very good friend, her loved ones appreciate her for this. Linochka's kindness knows no bounds, and some people can take advantage of this quality for selfish purposes. However, being a perceptive person, Lina will notice this and stop communicating with such a person.

Lina's overly sensitive nature means that she can be greatly hurt by the comments of others. Even if these judgments are fair, the girl may become upset and withdraw into herself. Therefore, close people try to be very gentle with her in order to avoid such mental trauma.

Such a girl should pay more attention to her psychological state. Lina tends to accumulate negative emotions in herself, which can sometimes cause sadness and a minor mood. Here the girl can be helped by her love of creativity - by splashing out her energy in her favorite activity, she will be able to get rid of the oppressive feelings.

Career and love

The main thing in work for such a woman is moral satisfaction. Possessing an analytical mind, excellent intuition and excellent memory, she often finds herself in the teaching or medical field. Despite her punctuality and accuracy, the girl does not tolerate monotonous work in one place. This type of activity can irritate her and make her sad.

When choosing a profession, Lina is rarely guided by the financial side of the issue. It is important for her to have an interesting job where she can develop. The love of creativity here often influences a girl’s fate. She often chooses professions such as actress, artist, singer, etc.

In love affairs, the fate of a girl named Lina is very favorable to her. From an early age, the young lady never stops seeing suitors. Capable of quickly falling in love, she is repeatedly burned in her youth. It is at this age that a girl is attracted to “bad boys” who, as we know, can break her heart. However, with age, having gained enough experience, the girl finally finds “the one.” Her chosen one is an intelligent, strong and caring man who can protect a woman from all adversity.

This woman is the standard wife for her husband. She knows how to take care of herself, is always well-groomed and sexy. At the same time, Lina is one of those few women who skillfully avoid empty insults and quarrels.

The hostess always keeps the house clean and comfortable, and loves to receive guests. For her husband, she is not only an ideal woman, but also her best friend. She loves and pampers her children, and treats her family very kindly and carefully.

Lina can be either an abbreviation of another name or used as a separate full name. The independent name Lina is Muslim, but is widely used among other peoples. Its owner is a sensitive, vulnerable and very kind person. The life of such a woman will definitely be happy.

This name has many advantages: it is sonorous, rare, feminine. But does it have any disadvantages? Will a mother who named her daughter that name regret it? Do women living with this name have a happy fate? Today you will find out!

  1. Greek version of origin. This name could come from the mythological founder of the city of Linos. Lin was the son of the god Apollo. Linguists are sure: his name means “flax”.
  2. Greek version No. 2. Translated from this language, the word “lina” means “sad, unhappy news.” It is likely that this particular word became the “great-grandmother” of the modern name.
  3. Greek Christian version. However, knowing about the great popularity of church names, we can assume that our ancestors called their daughters Lynes not in honor of the mythical Greeks, but in honor of more real historical figures mentioned in the Bible. Namely, in honor of the early Roman Christian Linus, who helped the Apostle Peter bring people the good news of God.
  4. Latin version. In ancient Greek mythology, there were sirens - half girls, half birds. With their beautiful singing they lured sailors to certain death. If you translate the word "siren" into Latin, you get "lina".
  5. Soviet version. After the end of the First World War, the victorious countries formed the League of Nations, organizing post-war Europe. Some Russian people were so happy about the victory that they even named their daughters Lin in honor of this organization (LEAGUE OF NATIONS). Of course, it cannot be said that the name Lin was invented in the USSR. But thanks to this version, you can find out what exactly your great-grandmother’s name means.
  6. And one more version. This is a shortened version of other names that has become a separate name. For example, (“angel” from Greek), (“life force” from Hebrew), (“solar” from ancient Greek), Peacock (“modest” from Roman), (“woman”, “queen” from ancient German), (“ “calm” from ancient Greek), (“full of life” from Roman), (“foreigner” from Latin).

Friends call Lina: Linusha, Linochka, Linchik, Linok.

In other cultures, this name is translated as follows: “pure” (Denmark), “light of the sun” (Italy), “gentle” or “beautiful palm tree” (Arabic), “Greek” from the word “eline” (Greece).

What character does it bestow on its owner?

Strengths: He is a friendly, kind person. Lina simply attracts men, so many bright romances can happen in her life.

She is very purposeful. If you set yourself a goal, you will definitely achieve it. This is a creative person who will succeed both in art and in a more mundane position (the main thing is that it is not monotonous).

Weaknesses: she can be a gentle whim, very vulnerable, and if something goes wrong, she bursts into tears. In life, Lina is a pessimist and melancholic; she only expects a trick from fate (fortunately, not always).

She cannot stand control over herself, she constantly strives for independence. It’s not enough for her to be like everyone else - she wants to be better, taller, brighter than others. This is a stubborn girl (this trait is especially evident in her early youth).

Lina's fate

  • Childhood. This is a kind, curious little girl, however, not without character. If she decides something, it will be difficult for her mother to argue with her: the girl simply does not hear any arguments, even the most logical ones.
  • School. She does well in class, and knowledge seems to penetrate her head on its own. Thanks to her innate curiosity, she loves to study, and she enjoys both mathematics and literature with equal pleasure. She can also be an active member of school amateur performances and successfully attend a handicrafts club.
  • Youth. This is a kind, honest, emotional girl. Her friends may not like her directness, because to the question “Have I gained weight?” Lina can directly say “Yes, a lot.” At the same time, the girl does not want to offend anyone, and the pouting lips of her friends surprise her. She is in no hurry to draw conclusions from her behavior.
  • Mature years. She's vulnerable. Although she can be strict towards others, she can take criticism from outside with hostility (and although she does not always show that this has hurt her, at home she can fall into deep melancholy). Lina often creates the image of a “boy-woman”, a strong woman, but inside herself she does not consider herself such.

All the talismans of this woman

  • Patron planet: Mercury.
  • The zodiac sign best suited to the bearer of this name: Gemini (birth period - from May 21 to June 20).
  • Name colors: orange and green.
  • Stone to wear in jewelry: jade.
  • Patron from the plant world: hellebore.
  • Totem from the animal world: mole.

Angel's Day (name day): it does not exist, since this female name is not in the holy books. Therefore, at baptism the girl will be given a different church name.

This is how Lina appears in different life situations

  • Family. Lina is considered a good housewife and a caring wife. She loves when guests come to her house. It is important for her to know that outside her home they speak of her and her home with admiration. In addition, she is a good mother who will always find time for her child.
  • Job. She should choose a creative profession, devoid of routine and framework (singer, writer, historian). However, she will also make a good doctor. For her, the main thing is not her career, but the joy of work. If the job does not bring pleasure, Lina will leave for another place, even if they can pay a relatively small salary there.
  • Friends. Lina is very relaxed and sociable. Finding herself in an unfamiliar company, she will not sit silently against the wall, but will immediately become acquainted with the entire team. Making many friends is not a problem for her.
  • Diseases. This girl's health is average. If you send her to a sports section during her school years, she will get sick less. Its weak spot is the nervous system. Although you can’t tell it from the outside, inside the girl is very worried about any of her mistakes, especially quarrels with her family. And, since “it’s all from nerves,” it doesn’t go away in vain.

Which man (name) should I plan my future with?

Very hot: Alexander, Gabriel, Igor, Nikita, Lavr, Ostap, Fedor, Julian. In general, she can start a family with almost any man with whom she has a good love relationship.

This girl can have many crushes. In love, she is easily vulnerable; she carries any bitter or offensive word from her partner (not to mention rash actions) for a long time, worrying about it.

Unsuccessful alliance: , Vilen,

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