What to do if the person at fault left the scene of an accident. In what situations can you legally leave the scene of an accident?

A road traffic accident is in itself an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that can unsettle any person. And if the second participant in the accident fled the scene of the accident, then there is no need to talk about confusion, anger, a feeling of helplessness. Stop! The first thing to do is calm down.

And start acting, following certain rules - this will help you protect your interests. So, remember the order of your actions in case of an accident:

Mark the location of the accident.

Immediately turn on the hazard warning lights and post a sign emergency stop, which every driver should have in his car. If an accident occurred in a populated area, this sign must be located at least 15 meters from the car, and beyond it - at least 30 meters. If you ignore these actions, do not be surprised if employees draw up a report of administrative responsibility.

Call the traffic police and ambulance

If people were injured in an accident, immediately call an ambulance. And, of course, the traffic police, even if the accident was trivial - of course, if you want to receive the insurance payment due to you.

Don't confuse your tracks!

Neither the car nor any other objects that are even slightly related to the traffic accident should under any circumstances be moved from place to place - this will make it difficult to restore a complete and objective picture of what happened.

The only exception to this rule is when the machine completely blocks roadway and interferes with other participants traffic. If possible, it is advisable to clear the roadway. But do not forget to indicate the location of the car after the accident, as well as all other items. Moreover, it is best to do this in the presence of witnesses - then the traffic police officers will have fewer questions.

Search for witnesses

While you are waiting for the traffic police officers, do not waste time - try to find as many eyewitnesses of what happened as possible. If any of them cannot wait for the police, write down their contact information - last name, first name, patronymic, telephone numbers. And the more witnesses you find, the greater the chances that the hit-and-run driver will be found. Most likely, someone remembered the color of the car, the make, and if you are very lucky, the license plate number of the car.

In addition, recently many people have video recorders in their cars - and they very often become silent witnesses to many road accidents. By the way, you can search for witnesses even if you are very confused right away - place advertisements in the funds mass media your city. It is very possible that someone will remember your accident and respond.

Strictly speaking, searching for a driver who left the scene of an accident is the direct task of the traffic police - this is prescribed by law. However, in practice, the situation is completely different - the chances that all efforts will be thrown into searching for the driver - the “villain”, tend to zero. Therefore, remember that saving drowning people is primarily the work of the drowning people themselves.

Pay attention to the smallest details - the width of the wheels of the second car, pieces of headlights or glass, drops of oil, paint residues that can often be found in scratches on your car. Be sure to ensure that all this evidence is included and recorded in the report from the scene. Very often, an examination makes it possible to find out about a person who has escaped from the scene. Car accident a lot of details. And at the trial, this evidence with the conclusion will be very useful to you.

Legal aspect

The question that most worries car owners is who will compensate for the damage? After all, on insurance company there is no hope - if in the end the culprit of the accident is not found, you may not expect an insurance payment. The reason is simple - the culprit of the accident is unknown. What if this is completely your fault?

Moreover, even if you find the owner of the car, you should not rejoice - it may very well be that he was not driving at all. This means that you can’t count on compensation for damages - you need to find the exact driver who was driving at the time of the accident. If suddenly, for some reason, the owner of the car suffered from amnesia and forgot who he was transferring control to, there is no need to despair.

Go to the traffic police and submit a petition - you are required to provide all the information they have about this car: traffic violations, scheduled document check. The chances that the driver will be found sooner or later are very high. But only if you are persistent and periodically remind yourself! Otherwise, the case will be shoved onto a distant shelf, where it will successfully become covered with dust.

The worst option is that if the driver is still not found, we will not consider it. Everything is already very clear - the costs of restoring a damaged car will fall entirely on your shoulders. But let's not talk about sad things - if the culprit is found, we go to court with a lawsuit.

Compensation for damage

In order to demand monetary compensation, the court must present an expert assessment of the cost of restoration work. If the car has already been repaired at the time of the trial, present all the receipts - under no circumstances throw them away! If the court decides that the second driver is guilty, all your expenses will be compensated - this is required by law.

However, if the getaway driver manages to prove that the accident was caused by force majeure, the court may decide to reduce the amount you require. However, in practice, judges do not really trust drivers who fled the scene of an accident - such an act does not inspire confidence.

A road accident is a situation in which anyone can become a participant. Following some nuances and correct behavior during the process will help avoid troubles in the future. It is important to fill out all forms correctly, collect the necessary information, and provide all possible assistance to police officers. In this publication there is a conversation on the topic: “I got into an accident, the culprit fled with accident scene, what to do?" After studying the information provided, you will quickly resolve all issues and be able to forget about troubles.

It is worth analyzing the situation from the very beginning. What should be your actions if, after an accident in which you are a participant, the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what should the victim do? How to protect your rights?
The most important thing is not to panic, control yourself and try to do the following:

  1. Call the traffic police specialists.
  2. Show the location of the accident using special signs. Pay attention to their correct placement. In case of an accident that occurred within the boundaries of a populated area, signs should be placed no closer than 15 meters from the accident site. In case of an accident that occurred outside the populated area - no closer than 30 meters. If you do not comply with the approved parameters, you may face trouble in the form of a fine from the arriving traffic police specialists.
  3. Do not move the car and other things that are involved in the accident to other places. While you are waiting for the traffic police officers, try to draw the diagram yourself and, at least using your phone, take a few pictures.
  4. Try to find eyewitnesses to this incident. With their participation, it will be easier for you to prove the guilt of the escaped driver. Take contact information from people who are willing to give useful information. Pay attention around, perhaps near the scene of the accident, you will find video cameras that could capture the situation. Cars passing nearby with DVRs can also act as assistants.
  5. No one relieves traffic police officers of responsibility in finding a second driver, however, this is in your interests. Try to capture all the nuances. This can provide invaluable assistance during the investigation.

So, if the culprit of the accident fled the scene, you need to do everything described above. Try to help the employees who arrived at the scene of the accident in finding the person who left the scene.

Note!!! In most cases, recordings in video cameras are stored for no more than 10 days. Lost time in this situation can work against you.

What to do after the arrival of traffic police officers

After waiting for the specialists to arrive at the scene, try to describe the situation that has arisen as accurately as possible, describe all the facts known to you, and record that the second participant left the place. Based on your information, the traffic police specialist will draw up a report. Before putting your signature, carefully study it, re-read it, and only if you fully agree with its contents, sign it.

Now, after completing the documents at the scene of the incident, you need to go with the traffic police officers to the department and fill out an application to search for the person who fled the scene of the accident. The search for the culprit will be carried out directly by police specialists. Your explanations must be provided in writing.

The next step is for you to notify the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event and wait for specialists to find the culprit.

So, having described in detail your actions regarding what to do if the culprit of the accident fled the scene of the accident, you should deal with insurance.

The culprit fled the scene of the accident: what to do with the MTPL policy

Let's first figure out whether you are entitled to insurance if the culprit fled the scene of an accident? If you were able to find out or remember the coordinates of the car responsible for the accident. There will be no questions. The employees will find the driver, and if he has an MTPL policy, the company will make a transfer to you in accordance with the concluded agreement.

What if guilty person not found? In this case, the relevant authorities must carry out investigative measures in full. By helping specialists find the driver who left the scene of the accident, you can put up leaflets yourself and collect any information about this case. The search for the driver can last up to 60 days. If, as a result of all actions, the person responsible for the disaster is found, you are lucky. Otherwise, no payments under the MTPL policy will be made. According to the agreement, if the guilty person is not identified or found, if the car involved in the accident was stolen, no payments are due to the victim.

The question that “the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what to do if you have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy” has been addressed. Even if the culprit is identified and found, how long will it take to wait for the appropriate payments? Considering that search activities take about two months, payments will be made to you in about three months. According to the law, the insurer is given 30 days to process payments.

If you want to speed up the procedure, try helping specialists find a driver. Collect (if any) recordings from nearby cameras, talk to eyewitnesses of the incident.

Note! If the culprit is not found as a result of search activities, you will have to pay for the repair of the car at your own expense.

If the guilty person is found and he has issued compulsory motor liability insurance, you can apply for payment both to your company and to the company that issued the insurance to the guilty person.

Now it’s worth understanding in more detail the question “the culprit fled the scene of the accident, what to do if you have CASCO insurance?” Please pay attention to the fact that when you took out insurance from the company, you were given the rules, read them. The provisions provide an exact list of forms that must be provided to process payments.

As for the timing, basically, the insurer makes payments immediately after the provision of the required documents from the traffic police officers, where the culprit will be indicated and information about the termination of the case will be indicated.

Now you can focus on the amount. To confirm it, you need to provide results independent expert, if repairs have been made, attach all receipts and certificates you have. If the judicial authorities blame the other driver for the accident, the insurer will make payments to you.

Note! When considering your question, the court may reduce the amount of compensation if the second party can prove that the accident occurred for some insurmountable reason. But the very fact of leaving the place will play in your favor. Often the court does not trust the testimony of such drivers.

In order to find out what the punishment will be, it is necessary to determine the degree of guilt of the driver. If the driver drove away, this is not evidence of his guilt. However, the very fact of leaving the scene of an accident is an administrative offense.

If the guilty person leaves the scene of the accident, he may be subject to arrest for up to 15 days, or deprivation of the right to drive for up to 18 months.

In addition to administrative liability, the guilty person will also incur financial liability. The company that paid the insurance can file a claim against the culprit in order to compensate for material damage to the victim.
Often, people who fled the scene of an accident say that they did not notice the accident itself. The judicial authorities do not consider such clauses fair; the liability remains the same, the only difference being the amount of material compensation.

The only thing that the court takes into account is the occurrence of situations in which it is absolutely necessary for the driver to leave. But even in this case, the court very critically considers each specific option.

It was discussed above what to do if the culprit fled the scene of an accident, what the punishment for this omission would be. If his guilt is proven, and there are victims during the disaster, the driver may be subject to criminal penalties.

Video of what to do if the culprit of an accident escaped

Reading time: 7 minutes

It's good when a car trip goes without incident. But, unfortunately, no one is immune from unpleasant situations on the road. There are often cases when a driver, through whose fault an accident occurred, flees the scene of the accident in panic. Everyone has their own reasons for such actions: some simply get lost and leave in a state of shock, while others run away to avoid punishment. But no matter what the feelings of the culprit of the accident are, the victim ultimately needs to solve a difficult problem: how to receive payment under compulsory motor liability insurance if the culprit of the accident fled the scene of the accident.

What payments are due in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance?

In accordance with current legislation, every motorist in mandatory must have an MTPL insurance policy. According to its terms in case of an accident the insurance company pays compensation to the injured party to repair the vehicle, as well as to pay for treatment and rehabilitation. Thus, the state guarantees that after an accident the victim will not be left alone with his problems and will not have to restore his health and car at his own expense.

The insurer, in accordance with the terms of the policy, is obliged to make a payment within the insured amount. The amount of insurance compensation is regulated by the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” and is:

  • for harm caused to the health and life of each victim - no more than 500 thousand rubles;
  • for damage caused to the property of each victim - no more than 400 thousand rubles.

The validity period of the MTPL policy is 1 year, so drivers need it annually.

Procedure if the culprit fled the scene

Unfortunately, cases where those responsible for accidents run away from the scene are not uncommon. Therefore, every driver should know what to do if the culprit of the accident escaped. Firstly, do not panic - this way, the chances of minimizing the consequences of the accident will increase, as will the likelihood of finding the offender faster. Secondly, remember as much information as possible about the culprit of the accident: the make and model of the car, color, if possible - license plate number, some characteristic features. This will help the police quickly find the culprit and bring him to justice.

How and what payment can you receive under compulsory motor liability insurance if the culprit of the accident has not been found

Victims of an accident are often concerned with the question of how to obtain insurance if the participant in the accident fled the scene of the accident. After all, if the offender is not found, it is not known which insurance company should be contacted for compensation.

Of course, there are chances that employees law enforcement will still catch the offender, especially if the victim wrote down the car number or can at least describe it in detail vehicle. However, over time, the likelihood of this decreases. Typically, search activities are carried out within a month, in special cases they can be extended to two months.

In addition, one should take into account the possibility that the culprit of the accident does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy or is expired. In this case, the victim has the following options:

  • agree on voluntary payment of compensation;
  • go to court or the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA).

By the way, the last option also makes it possible to receive payments under compulsory motor liability insurance if it is not found.

However, it should be borne in mind that by contacting the RSA, the victim will not be able to receive compensation for damage to property. The union pays car insurance only in two cases: if the insurer goes bankrupt or its license is taken away.

However, the victim of an accident himself will be able to count on compensation:

  • lost earnings;
  • expenses for treatment, food and others related to the restoration of health.

The amount of payment provided to compensate for harm to health and life caused as a result of an accident depends on the nature of the injuries and cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles for each victim.

In order to receive compensation, the victim must contact:

  • an insurance company that is a member of the Union;
  • directly to RSA.

There he must write a corresponding application and provide:

  • documents confirming the fact of the accident: a certificate of an accident issued by the traffic police, a copy of the protocol on the administrative violation;
  • copy insurance policy the culprit of the accident (if any);
  • notification of an accident;
  • conclusion of an independent technical examination;
  • passport (for individuals) or constituent documents (for legal entities);
  • driver's license;
  • registration certificate for the car.

In addition, you must have with you documents confirming the costs of treatment and restoration of health.

Based on the received papers, the amount of compensation is calculated, which is transferred to the victims according to the details specified in the application.

In turn, RSA will recover the costs incurred from the violator if he is eventually found.

How to compensate for damage if the culprit is found

If the culprit of the accident turns up or is found and he admits his guilt, you can negotiate compensation with him directly. Otherwise, you will have to prove his involvement in the accident through the court.

By the way, the cost of a lawsuit can be included in the expenses incurred for the restoration of property, as well as for treatment and rehabilitation. But in order to receive payments, you will have to wait for the final verdict of the judicial authority.

After the culprit admits his guilt or his guilt is proven in court, you should contact the insurance company that issued the policy to receive compensation. There you will have to fill out an application for compensation for damage, provide all documents about the incident, as well as a court decision.

The insurance company pays compensation for damage within the limits of the insured amounts, established by law. However, before payment, an examination of the property must be carried out, which will determine the extent of damage and the cost of repairs. Based on the information received, the final compensation amount is calculated. If, during the accident, harm was caused to the health of the victims, then the amount of payment is determined based on the results of a forensic medical examination, which indicate the severity and nature of the injuries. Punishment for the driver for fleeing the scene of the accident, namely deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1 to 1.5 years or arrest for 15 days, provided for in Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Which of them will be applied depends on the court's decision.

By the way, the escape of the offender from the scene of the accident is the basis for the insurer to contact him with a demand for recourse to the insurance payment.

In addition to administrative punishment, the violator may be subject to criminal liability, but he did not provide first aid. In particular, Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides:

  • a fine of 80 thousand rubles;
  • compulsory work for up to 360 hours;
  • correctional or forced labor for a term of up to 1 year or imprisonment for the same period;
  • arrest for 3 months.

If the culprit of the accident first disappeared and then returned to the scene of the accident, he will be fined a maximum of 1,000 rubles.

It should be noted that there is only one justification for leaving the scene of an accident - taking the victim to the hospital. All other reasons will only worsen the situation.


In order for a person injured in an accident to receive compensation and pay for his treatment and restoration of damaged property, the state introduced. All vehicle owners must have this insurance policy. In the event of an accident, the insurance company that issued the policy to the person responsible for the accident is obliged to reimburse the victims for all expenses, which should not exceed the amount of insurance amounts established by law.

But is insurance paid if the perpetrator of the incident fled the scene? There are several options here:

  • If the offender is found and found guilty in court, his insurance company will make insurance payments.
  • If the culprit is not found, the only option to receive compensation is to contact the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. However, in this case, only the costs of treatment and rehabilitation of the victims, as well as their lost earnings, are compensated, while damage to property is not subject to compensation.

Both in the insurance company and in the RSA, the amount of insurance compensation for treatment, rehabilitation, etc. depends on the nature of the injuries received and the severity of the injuries, but cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles for each victim. Maximum size compensation for damage to property cannot exceed 400 thousand rubles.

To increase the chances of receiving compensation if the culprit of the accident escaped, the victim must follow these rules:

  • do not leave the scene of an accident;
  • try to remember the offender;
  • Periodically inquire with the police about the progress of the investigation.

What to do if the culprit of an accident escaped: video

Road accidents cause many negative consequences. An unpleasant situation requires a long wait for traffic police officers, investigation and investigation of all circumstances, and procedures related to obtaining insurance and subsequent repairs.

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Everything requires a lot of time and effort. The specified actions are applied if all participants in the accident are at the scene of the incident. What to do if the culprit of the accident escaped?

What to do immediately after an accident

After a car collision, the first thing to do is:

  • stay;
  • turn on the hazard warning lights on your car;
  • put up an emergency stop sign.

All of the above actions are specified in the traffic rules and are necessary to attract the attention of other road users in order to avoid a repeat collision.

  • provide first aid to injured people, if any. To do this you need to call ambulance or independently deliver the person to the nearest medical facility, and then be sure to return to the scene of the collision;
  • call the traffic police;
  • wait for the patrol crew on site traffic accident and take part in the investigation of the offense.

The described scheme is relevant for any situations related to car accidents.

If the culprit of the road accident did not stop with the damaged car, but for some reason fled the scene of the accident, then it is necessary to take action depending on the current situation, namely, based on the scene of the incident.

On road

If a traffic accident between cars occurred on a highway or city road, then after the above actions it is recommended:

  • take photographs or film the scene of the incident and all the smallest details that may help in finding the culprit;
  • if necessary, clear the roadway so as not to create obstacles for the movement of other vehicles. If the damaged car is the cause of a traffic jam, then a fine of 1 thousand rubles may be imposed on the driver;
  • find witnesses to the accident who can help find the at-fault vehicle. Situations often occur when one of the drivers saw the moment of the collision and can describe in detail the second car or, even better, remember the license plate number of the vehicle that caused the accident. Someone may have a video recorder running at the time of the accident, and the video recording of the car collision has been saved on the media;

If witnesses are found, it is necessary to write down contacts where you can contact them or ask them to wait for the State Traffic Inspectorate officers together with the victim.

  • Other CCTV cameras may be located within the city limits. For example, near banks, hotels, shops and so on. After the traffic police arrive at the scene of the incident, it is necessary to concentrate the attention of employees on these aspects.

In the parking lot

If the car was damaged by an unknown vehicle in the parking lot, then the first thing to do is call the traffic police.

Before the patrol crew arrives, you can make your own attempts to find witnesses. To do this, it is recommended to interview drivers of vehicles located in the vicinity of the damaged vehicle.

However, such actions may not bring the desired result.

If the collision occurred in a parking lot near shopping center, it is recommended to contact the store security guards to find out the location of the surveillance cameras.

If an accident occurs in one of the cameras, it will not be difficult to find the culprit, since the video recording will allow you to determine the make, model and number of the car.

A different situation arises when a car is damaged in a parking lot near the house. There are quite a few security cameras located in courtyards. Finding witnesses to the collision is also problematic.

It is quite possible that someone saw the moment of the collision from a window or balcony and will be able to help find the culprit.

After the arrival of the traffic police

After the traffic police crew arrives at the scene of the accident, you must:

  • describe the current situation as clearly as possible, indicating the approximate time of damage to the car (in a situation where the vehicle was left in the parking lot);
  • provide the coordinates of witnesses, if any;
  • draw up a protocol that must clearly indicate the time and place of the accident, the diagram of the incident, the damage caused and other important aspects.

The document must be signed only after fully reading its contents and if you agree with the specified facts.

If, in the opinion of the victim, some factor is distorted or indicated incorrectly, then this aspect must be brought to the attention of the traffic police officer with a request for clarification or changes.

After an on-site investigation, law enforcement agencies will carry out procedures to find the culprit.

To ensure that the case does not stand still, the victim is advised to constantly learn about new circumstances, thereby forcing employees to work.

It should be remembered that the owner of the damaged vehicle is primarily interested in finding the culprit of a road accident.

Law enforcement officials are obliged, upon request of the injured party, to provide all information about the progress of the investigation.

The next step is to notify the insurance company about the incident. What to do under compulsory motor liability insurance if the culprit of the accident escaped? The required monetary compensation will not be paid until the culprit is found.

In such a situation, repair motor vehicle You can use your own money, while keeping all payment receipts.

If the culprit of the car accident is subsequently found, then the amount spent can be recovered from him in court.

According to statistics, after conducting search activities, more than 90% of people guilty of causing material damage are found.

Actions when the culprit is found

So, the car was repaired at our own expense, but after a certain time the culprit of the road accident was found. What to do? File a lawsuit to recover damages caused.

To do this you will need:

  • correctly draw up a statement of claim, indicating the location of the damage, accompanying circumstances, and the amount of damage;

If it is difficult to draw up an application on your own, it is recommended to seek help from a lawyer. It should be remembered that a correctly drafted claim is more than 50% of success in litigation.

  • collect and attach the following documents to the statement of claim:
    • a report from the scene of the incident, drawn up by employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The document must indicate all the circumstances of the incident, the damage caused to the car, and also identify the culprit of the road accident;
    • documents proving the guilt of the defendant. After conducting search activities and finding the culprit, law enforcement officers are required to provide a conclusion indicating the degree of guilt of the suspect in committing the accident;
    • results of examinations of the damage received and estimates for restoration work. In most cases, such examinations are carried out with the participation of the insurance company, but the research can be carried out independently. These documents will indicate the amount of damage caused;
    • receipts and/or checks for payment for restoration work (provided in case of repairs at the expense of the owner of the damaged vehicle).
  • wait and personally participate in the court hearing, telling yourself about all the known circumstances of the road accident. Personal participation shows that the victim is not indifferent to the outcome of the case.

As a result of the trial, there can be two outcomes:

  • a participant in a road accident who fled the scene was found guilty on the basis of the documents provided. In this case, he is obliged to fully compensate material damage in the amount spent on restoring the damaged vehicle and documented;
  • the person is found not guilty due to insufficient evidence and incriminating factors. It is impossible to count on compensation for material damage in this situation.

The recognition of a person’s innocence is based in most cases on the insufficiency of factors indicating an offense.

If the injured party believes that the court made an incorrect decision, then within 10 days it has the right to appeal the verdict to a higher court.

When compensating for damage caused in an accident, many problems arise. One of them concerns payments under compulsory motor liability insurance if the culprit of the accident escaped. We will tell you below what the owner of a damaged car should do in this situation.

What to do when the culprit of the accident managed to escape

Compulsory auto liability insurance for motorists provides them with the opportunity to cover their costs of restoring a damaged car. However, in practice, difficulties often arise with paying for damages under insurance.

If the person at fault for the accident fled the scene, the question arises of how to obtain insurance. And what should you do in such a situation?

First of all, it is important not to lose your head and not chase the offender. The likelihood of catching up with him is small, and leaving the scene of a traffic accident will only worsen his situation. After all, even if the offender fled, it is important for the other party to stay in place, wait for the police and complete all the required documents about the accident. It’s good if the driver managed to see and remember the license plate number of the offender’s car. Many drivers today have a video recorder in their car, which helps record what is happening around them. Then the car owner can be found using this number.

Most often, the car disappears quickly, so its license plate number cannot be seen. If there are no records of the vehicle that left, all that remains is to look for eyewitnesses of the accident. But this does not always help to identify the offender. What should the owner of a damaged car do in such a situation?

Since the driver is unknown, it is impossible to find out the company with which he insured. Therefore, the question arises of who will compensate the victim for the damage suffered.

What you should not do is leave the scene of the collision, move the car, or arrange an independent pursuit of the offender. These actions can make the job of police officers more difficult.

Communication with the traffic police

If the culprit fled the scene of the accident, then paperwork will be carried out only with the participation of the injured party. After the incident, the owner of the damaged car should proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to call the traffic police to the scene. They will conduct an inspection, hear explanations from the driver and passengers, witnesses (if any), and draw up a report on what happened.
  2. Police officers draw up an accident diagram and a protocol on violations committed by drivers. Car owners on site are asked to sign the specified documents. Before doing this, you should read them carefully and make any comments regarding the protocol.
  3. After completing all the documents on site, the driver goes to the police office. There he can write a statement about searching for the escaped car owner.

Before the traffic police arrives, the car owner himself can take the following actions:

  • try to remember or record the license plate number of a leaving car;
  • take photographs of the damage caused to the vehicle and the scene of the accident;
  • find eyewitnesses of what happened and ask them to give their testimony.

Based on information received from the injured driver, eyewitness testimony, and other available materials, the police begin a search for the offender. If he can be found, the victim applies to the insurance company for payment of compensation. In other cases, you should not count on payments from the insurer of the violator.

Notification IC

If the culprit of the accident is identified, then the algorithm of actions of the second driver is clear. It’s another matter when he is hiding and his policy details are unknown. Without this information, it will be difficult to find the company that insured it. Regardless of the situation, you should notify your insurer of the incident. To do this you need to provide:

  • statement about what happened;
  • protocol and certificates from the traffic police;
  • notification of an accident;
  • applicant's passport.

You should not count on MTPL payments from your insurance company or repairs. No information about the culprit Road accident face Insurance payments are not provided.

Receiving insurance payment if the culprit left

It is possible to receive insurance payments if the offender left the scene of an accident. They can be carried out Russian Union auto insurers (hereinafter referred to as RIA). All organizations that provide insurance for car owners under MTPL are necessarily its members.

If the injured driver cannot receive payment from the insurer, he has the right to apply to the RSA for compensation.

Articles 18-19 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” dated April 25, 2002 establish the procedure for calculating compensation payments by the RSA.

Compensation from RSA can be paid both for damage to property and to human health (life). If the person who caused harm to the second driver is unknown, then only damage to the health (life) of the victim is compensated. In this case, the auto insurance company will not pay for damage to the vehicle. To receive compensation, you need to submit an application to the RSA, documents from the traffic police, documents for the car, and a copy of the applicant’s passport. The submitted application is considered within twenty days.

What if the culprit was later found

If the second driver returned to the scene of the collision before the police completed the paperwork, he participates in the preparation of all documents about the accident and resolves issues with the victim about paying for the damage. Payment can be made by agreement between the parties or through the insurance company. If the offender shows up later, he will have to answer for his actions. The insurer has the right to recover from the at-fault driver who fled the scene of the accident the amounts paid by way of recourse.

Once the identity of the culprit is established, the victim will be able to contact his insurer. This is possible if the driver in question is properly insured. Otherwise, it will not be possible to compensate for the damage through insurance.

When there is no insurance or the driver does not have the right to drive the car, then the issue will have to be resolved through the court. The victim will need to assess the damage, prepare a claim, pay the state fee, and present to the court all available evidence. After accepting the claim for proceedings, the court will consider the dispute at the appointed time. During the review process, the positions of all parties are heard, and if necessary, an examination may be appointed to determine the amount of damage incurred.

Of course, returning the guilty party to the scene of the accident is desirable, as it will significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining compensation, but you should not count on the consciousness of your “opponent.” It is better to immediately take all necessary actions so that during the proceedings, partial blame for the accident is not placed on the person injured in it.

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