What does an owl mean as a symbol when given as a gift. Owl amulet: what does it mean, what zodiac sign is it suitable for?

The information space in which a city resident is placed today is oversaturated. News, advertising, volumes of work information - all this is forced to process our consciousness and subconscious. We control consciousness at the very least. But, as a rule, “our hands don’t reach the subconscious.” This is dangerous because not all information that is perceived by the eyes and ears is as innocent as it seems at the first tired and blinkered glance. Meanwhile, bringing some of the information that we routinely receive from the subconscious to the level of consciousness, and analyzing it will allow us to better understand what is happening around us and, perhaps, protect ourselves, our family and friends from danger. An example is the symbol of an owl, which is used today very often in various fields. In some places it is completely “sterile”, and in others it can be a warning sign of real danger.

Ancient World and Middle Ages

In Sumerian hymns, the owl was used as a symbol of grief and oblivion: “bird of despondency,” “bird of ruined cities,” “bird of sleep,” “bird of heartfelt sadness.”

The 4th century AD author Horapollo (Horus-Apollo), one of the last Egyptian priests who wrote about Egyptian hieroglyphs and served near Alexandria, reports that “the night owl means death, since it attacks crows in the night as suddenly as death finds on a person."

In Ancient Egypt, the owl hieroglyph was used, which had the following meanings:

  • She who mourns (mourning)
  • Grieve, grieve
  • She who sees
  • See, watch

The hooting of an owl in the darkness of the night is really easy to interpret as cry despair. As for the meaning of “see, look,” it is quite understandable, because the owl sees well in the dark. Perhaps this is the beginning of the common meaning of “wisdom”, which is associated with the owl - the one who sees the hidden, secret.

In general, the word “owl” sounds very similar in different ancient and modern languages, for example:

Ukuku - Sumerian
Uluka, alu, aluna - Sanskrit
Ulu - Hindi
Oyle - German
A(v)ul - English
O(v)ah - Hebrew
Owl - Russian

Such similarity of the word in the languages ​​of different peoples, so different in time and space, means that this “term” was very significant from ancient times and related to something important. What could be more important than religion? The preservation of the word over thousands of years also indicates a connection with religion - the most inert part of human culture: ritual traditions are usually kept very carefully and do not change for thousands of years.

And indeed, at the turn of the unwritten and written periods of human history, the owl was one of the important symbols of the female half of the stereotheistic pair of Father-Creator and Mother-Matter (the Creator creates the world from (through) matter(Great Mother)). The owl stood among such attributes of the Great Mother Matter as darkness, night, Moon, sleep, witchcraft, earth, mountains, caves, water, cold, snake, reptile serpent (dragon), etc. The stereotheistic couple was the source of all late pagan deities of one or another more or less closed cultural and religious community. Therefore, all female goddesses of all nations have the features and ancient symbolism of the Great Mother Matter.

When stereotheism, which may have been a more or less essentially unified religion, in the context of the expansion of the cultural space of ancient urban civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Harappa, Greece, etc.), in the conditions of a kind of ancient globalization, began to transform into polytheism (then there are different stereotheistic pairs under different names began to coexist in conditions of political unity of large communities), the owl became an attribute of female goddesses, “successors” of the Great Mother. Pagan goddesses of the Mediterranean and Middle East had the owl as their symbol.

Inanna, Astarte, Lilith


The owl as a symbol is most clearly and clearly shown to us in Mesopotamia by Inanna, Astarte, Lilith, in Greece by Athena, and in Italy by Minerva. All of the above goddesses have ancient iconography that includes the owl and the snake (sn e I, dragon). snake I- this is the oldest symbol of matter (earth, water). The snake is adjacent to the dark earth, creeping along it. The images of ancient monsters from the abyss of the watery depths, from the watery darkness, had the features of reptile snakes. The owl is a symbol of airy darkness and the ability to see in the darkness. The owl also enjoys eating snakes.

In Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, polytheism was put an end to monotheism, which appeared successively in the form of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Monotheism was characterized by the fact that it took the feminine principle completely beyond the boundaries of worship (only Christianity timidly returned the feminine principle in the image of the Immaculate Mother of God, inextricably linked with the masculine principle of God the Father and God the Son). This ignoring of the feminine principle was due to the fact that at the end of polytheism, people extremely vulgarized the ancient couple of the Father-Creator and the Great Mother-Matter, turning worship into drunken depraved orgies, temple prostitution and human sacrifices. At the same time, the feminine principle of the Great Mother in these cults greatly prevailed over the masculine principle, and in some places it was an independent religious category, which did not even assume the presence of a paired masculine principle.

Monotheism, having drawn out everything bright and positive from polytheism, gave oblivion to the independent feminine principle in religion. On the one hand, the images of female goddesses, leaving themselves a dull negative, moved into the area of ​​underground occultism, marginal witchcraft and heresy, on the other hand, Christians diligently destroyed the memory of pagan cults, guided by the best pedagogical motives. Therefore, when monotheism began to weaken due to the widespread victory mothers ral rationalists of the commercial and usurious bourgeoisie over the spiritual idealists of the aristocracy and clergy, the feminine began to return again to the area of ​​spiritual-mystical culture, but in a greatly changed (and very embittered towards the masculine) form. Centuries of marginal underground have imprinted on it the imprint of ominous vice, and the gaps of the destroyed elements of culture were filled with the almost fantasy synthetic neo-paganism of the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age.

New time and modernity

This was the time of the violent and widespread flowering of Freemasonry, which, in a creative impulse, piled up various pagan female deities and mixed them, bringing to light the combined image of the Mediterranean Astrata, Kabbalistic Lilith, Egyptian Isis and Greek Hecate, consciously or subconsciously referring to the image of the Great Mother-Matter. With the light hand of the English Freemason artist William Blake, the owl became the symbol of Hecate (Painting “Hecate. Night of Joy Enitharmon” 1795).

After this “masterpiece,” all occultists and mystics around the world began to steadily regard the owl as a symbol of Hecate, the all-seeing (turning her gaze to all directions) goddess of darkness and witchcraft.

Many of the modern depictions of Hecate include an owl. Why is it important?

The fact is that the American Statue of Liberty (created by the French Freemasons Bartholdi and Eiffel) is a reflection of this particular Masonic “neopagan” image, with an emphasis on Hecate (the rays from the head and the torch are recognizable symbols of this goddess).

And on the opposite coast of the United States is the infamous Bohemian Grove. In this park with the oldest huge trees on earth (sequoias), a secret society, which includes businessmen, show business figures, scientists and the political elite of the American state, including presidents, conducts its rituals. Names associated with the Bohemian Grove secret society include Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, James Baker, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller and others.

In the Bohemian Grove, rituals are performed in front of a ten-meter statue of an owl. These rituals were recorded on video from afar by the famous American anti-globalization journalist Alex Jones, who was able to get into the carefully guarded territory of the elite park. The ritual included or imitated (the filming was carried out from afar; it is impossible to assert that the victim was not a dummy) human sacrifice. Alex Jones' film about Bohemian Grove with a video report can be easily found on the Internet. The emblem of Bohemian Grove Park is an owl against the background of the night sky and the moon.

If we go back in history, the formation of the US state is associated precisely with the Freemasons, who openly were many representatives of its bourgeois ruling elite from the very founding of the country. One of the most important elite American Masonic societies is the society called "Skull and Bones" or "Yale Illuminati" (created in 1832). This society was the American successor to the very famous European society of Adam Weishaupt "Bavarian Illuminati" (created in 1776). The Illuminati or literally the Enlighteners (Illumináre - “to enlighten” in Latin) of Adam Weishaupt had the owl as their symbol.

Masonic, near-Masonic and para-Masonic organizations were widespread in Europe. The rise of their popularity occurred at the end of the Middle Ages, and the peak of activity in the New Age, when the main bourgeois revolutions were carried out, as a result of which merchants and moneylenders removed the Christian aristocracy and clergy from power in Europe. After the bourgeoisie came to power in Europe, the Freemasons lost their importance as underground subversive groups. People who used the Freemasons became legalized in power, moving their social projects into the area of ​​open culture, economics and politics. Since then, ritual Masons themselves have lost their mass appeal and gone into the depths of occult clubs (like the Bohemian Grove) or have become a network of relatively open legal organizations for those who are still nostalgic about the days of former “military” glory.

The Masons do not have a single canon and rituals; the ritual part was left to the creative imagination of individual societies. But the main goal of all Masons remained the aversion of the masses of people from Christianity with the help of “Enlightenment” (that is, illumination) of people through the popularization of scientific knowledge based exclusively on material experience with absolute ignorance and disdain for the non-material component of human life. But what does the owl have to do with it?

The fact is that the owl, as a symbol of wisdom, personifies secret knowledge hidden by darkness (the Masonic veil of Isis). The Owl sees what is hidden in the darkness of the night, just as the enlightened (Illuminati) sees the Truth in the darkness of the mass “ignorance” of monotheism. This is a continuation of the ancient pagan understanding of religious ritual as a secret mystery, within the framework of which very indecent things can happen (orgiastic drunken rituals with human sacrifices and temple male and female prostitution).

Thus, people who use the owl symbol perceive monotheistic religiosity (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) as darkness of ignorance from which people need to be saved. But, since they consider themselves special and do not intend to share deep secret knowledge, only a certain part of the knowledge that is connected with the material world is brought to the masses. For the broad, driven masses - atheism. For leading special, selected enlightened initiates (Illuminati) - occultism and secret mysteries. At the same time, in order to reproduce an enlightened managerial elite at different levels of the social pyramid and in different spheres, new people are required who are recruited through various projects. This entire system is supported by the Western education system from kindergarten and many projects that have the guise of popularizing scientific knowledge. The dense use of this occult symbol has led to the fact that it has become firmly established in the social archetype and has become so widespread that today a huge number of schools, universities, educational and scientific projects have an owl or an eagle owl as their symbol.

However, the owl symbol continues to be a sign of direct or indirect danger. If you see an owl, then perhaps you are undergoing targeted and uncompromising atheization through emphasis mothers ism and/or you are seen as a candidate to move up the ladder of the bourgeois managerial elite to control the masses in the manner required by the supreme enlightened ones.

At the same time, it is important to remember that monotheism is the light and joy of the Creator Father at a time when occultism and atheism ( mater ialism) is darkness, despondency and death in the power of the Great Mother Matter, the symbol of which from time immemorial until the present day has been and remains the owl.

According to Feng Shui, an owl is usually used in the form of a figurine with a bird sitting on a small pedestal and looking forward; the meaning of the owl symbol is wisdom and knowledge. There is a light burning in the eyes of the owl - the light of the soul that has embodied in this world for self-awareness. It is also believed that this wise bird is able to protect and increase the wealth of the family. The action of the talisman is to warn owners against interacting with bad people and unnecessary spending.

Types of owl mascot

You can meet this talisman in many homes, especially in those where the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui is revered. It is made from a variety of materials, but the most popular are porcelain, glass, plaster, metal and ceramics. Thus, the talisman belongs to the element of Earth in all its main characteristics. Therefore, it is often recommended to use it to activate the north-eastern zone of the home.

  • The owl mascot comes in the following types:
  • A money tree with an owl sitting on it means a symbol of the financial well-being of the family. This figurine simultaneously contains two symbols that attract capital. It is believed that the money tree itself attracts money, but it should be protected from the views of envious people. This is precisely the role played by the owl sitting on a branch.
  • An owl or an owl holding an open book in its claws means the desire to comprehend knowledge and wisdom. This figurine would be perfect for a child’s room.
  • Three owls sitting next to each other symbolize protection from negative influences from the outside.

Place for a mascot in your home and office

In accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, it is recommended to place an owl figurine where people most often visit and where money is stored. Owls really like attention and the more it receives, the more positive energy they will give to the inhabitants of the house. First of all, the owl figurine should be placed in the sector responsible for wisdom and the acquisition of knowledge. It is important not to place the talisman in dark corners or rooms where people often quarrel.

An owl placed on your desk will bring a stable increase in wages and income for the company. This talisman will also come in handy in the office where important decisions are made, especially those related to money.

The owl figurine will be a good neighbor to other Feng Shui talismans, which are also aimed at attracting money to the house. She may be standing next to a three-toed toad holding coins in her mouth or near a money tree.

In the room of children and teenagers, an owl figurine will also be an excellent activator. Here she will not only contribute to school education, but also teach them how to spend money wisely.

In general, the owl is considered an ambivalent symbol. On the one hand, it is a bird of wisdom, on the other, death and darkness. The owl is one of the main attributes of the goddess Athena and brings knowledge and wisdom. These birds have the ability to see at night and turn their heads 360 degrees. Eyes glowing in the night, silent flight and unusual cries created an image of the owl associated with occult forces and death.

In India, Ancient Egypt, Japan, China, North and Central America, it remained a bird of death. In many traditions, the owl is associated with an approaching threat or misfortune. Evil spirits, sorcerers and witches can turn into owls. In early times, the owl symbolized the ability not to be afraid of the dark, as well as to know secrets hidden from the eyes of mortals. But during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, superstition gave the bird a demonic meaning.

It is also interesting that the Indians of North America have always considered the owl a symbol of prophecy and wisdom, and also called on it for help in trouble. Therefore, they used feathers in their headdress as protection from evil eyes.

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It so happened over the course of many centuries that people assigned special significance to those representatives of the animal world whose habits were incomprehensible. A striking example of such an animal is the owl. This amazing nocturnal bird can fly without making noise, see in the dark and turn its head 360 degrees. These and other amazing abilities of this animal did not fit into the laws of conventional understanding, so our great-grandmothers saw in the owl signs of werewolves and witchcraft, wisdom and divination. In ancient times, the owl was considered a sign of debauchery, loneliness and imminent death. Currently, figurines and images of owls can increasingly be found in houses and apartments. What meaning does such a souvenir carry in our crazy age and what is this bird considered a symbol of now?

The owl is especially respected according to Feng Shui. The meaning of such a symbol in Chinese philosophy is very diverse.

How does an owl help with finances?

Often a figurine of a night bird is purchased for the house as a talisman to attract money. It is believed that an owl, which is located in the house near the place where money is stored, will help the owners spend financial income economically and income will always be greater than waste.

A strong talisman that attracts finances to the family is the owl that sits on the money tree. Such a figurine in the house has a double meaning: the money tree is a symbol of prosperity, and the wise night owl bird protects the well-being of the family from envy and carelessness.

The Slavs have long considered the owl to be the keeper of treasures and valuable treasures hidden underground.

Feng Shui advises placing a figurine of a night bird near a money toad that holds money in its mouth. Such symbols will enhance each other’s effects and take care of the well-being of the family.

An owl in a children's room teaches the younger generation to spend money economically.

According to Feng Shui philosophy, the owl should be on the side of the room that faces northeast. To enhance the effect of this amulet, it is recommended to place a group of three owls. Such a trinity will protect the house and its inhabitants from all evil.

The color of a nocturnal bird matters. Thus, according to Feng Shui, the white polar owl is considered the guardian of family life, and its figures and images are placed where the whole family most often gathers - in the guest room or bedroom. The figurine of this amazing night bird has the ability to accumulate good or bad energy and then transmits it to household members. It is completely undesirable to sort things out and swear next to a figurine of an owl - the bird will absorb all the energy of negative emotions and in due time return it to people. You cannot place this mysterious symbol where it is empty and cold.

The owl symbol is good to place in the office on the desktop. Here, as in the house, the owl helps in resolving any financial issues, especially those related to investments and profits.

An owl in the workplace will speed up salary increases. A night bird with spread wings or a white owl is a symbol and talisman of quick promotion, which is why it is often installed in office premises.

The owl is a wise little head

The ancient Greeks considered the bird one of the guises of the patroness of wisdom, Athena. This tradition has strengthened in our area. Often the figurine of a bird is placed on folded books - here it personifies knowledge, abilities for erudition and wisdom. The figurine of an owl with an open book has the same meaning. Often such a sign can be seen on the emblems and coats of arms of educational institutions of various levels.

Among the Indians of North America, this night bird was revered as a totem of wisdom and prophetic gift. Owl feathers were considered a powerful talisman in these places; desperate warriors used them to decorate their headdresses.

It is good to place an owl figurine on the students’ (schoolchildren or students) desk. A photograph or drawing depicting a night bird would not be out of place in a children's room - in the presence of such a talisman, the thirst for knowledge will increase and academic performance will improve. As a talisman, you can take a small figurine of an owl (or a toy in the shape of this bird) with you to the exam.

An owl with an open book or on books will be needed even when no one in the family is studying anymore. Such symbols will help bring order to the acquired knowledge and direct it for good and prosperity.

A white owl (a figurine or image of a bird) will help deal with those children who do not obey their parents and do not show diligence in their studies. A talisman in the form of this bird promotes perseverance, makes knowledge accessible and interesting. This figurine can be worn as a keychain, pendant or bracelet, which will be beautiful and useful.

Amulet against evil spirits

The mysterious bird of the night, the owl, has aroused fear and respect among people since ancient times. She was considered a symbol of the other world, mysteries and secrets.

In the countries of the Middle East, Egypt, America and Japan, the owl is considered a bird that brings death. On the European continent, this nocturnal bird is considered the patroness of sorcerers and hermits.

Modern traditions consider the owl to be a talisman against the evil forces of the other world. The large eyes of a bird with a mysterious glow give such a talisman special power - this speaks of the pure light of the soul, which drives away all evil spirits.

They believe that the night bird develops intuition and allows one to guess the bad intentions of another person and the motives of his actions. The owner of such a talisman better understands his desires and habits (including negative ones). Such a talisman develops clairvoyance abilities and allows you to accurately sense untruths.

Shamans of the peoples of the north use the white owl in the treatment of human ailments. A figurine of a night bird made of oak wood in these parts is considered a talisman against all sorts of ailments. She gives strength to everyone who touches her at least once a day.

Owl - female mascot

In many countries, the owl is considered a women's amulet. A figurine of a night bird can often be seen as an element of women's jewelry.

In Slavic culture, the owl was considered a symbol of a lonely woman, an old maid or a widow. Sometimes an owl meant a woman of easy virtue or an unfaithful wife.

The heard cry of an owl indicated to a woman the birth of a child; if an unmarried woman heard the owl, she should have expected the birth of a baby out of wedlock.

French women believe that if a pregnant woman hears the voice of a bird of the night, she will certainly give birth to a daughter.

Ukrainian folklore sees marriage symbolism in the image of an owl. In ancient wedding songs sung before the wedding night, the bride is called an owl.

Today, the owl figurine, as a female amulet, has almost lost its original meaning and is considered a sign of feminine energy, cunning and sexuality. For such a sign to really help the owner, it must be constantly nearby - like a pendant on a chain, a hair clip or a ring on a finger.

In the crazy pace of modern days, people are increasingly turning to all sorts of symbols and talismans, hoping for their support. But before you purchase any amulet, you need to know its meaning.

There are many unknowns in this world that excite the minds of modern people. This also applies to representatives of flora, fauna and predators, which include the owl. As a representative of the animal world, the owl is a nocturnal bird, capable of seeing in the dark. Therefore, she is probably credited with a connection with the other world. In the world of magic and witchcraft, these formidable birds were feared and personified not only with wisdom, but also with the mystical secrets of the “other” world. The image of the night owl bird was applied to various decorations, which are still popular today. We will try to figure out what such artifacts mean and why talismans in the form of an owl are still in demand.

In many countries, pendants, earrings, other jewelry and talismans with the image of an owl are very common. They mean not only solitude and wisdom, but also connect a person with the world of spirits.

Owls are truly amazing wild animals. Throughout their acquaintance with this bird, people revered it and at the same time feared it, because they believed that it was a harbinger of death. Such inexplicable talents of birds, such as the ability to turn their heads 360 degrees and the ability to see in the twilight, at night, only confirm fears about inherent demonic abilities.

While owls are considered symbols of detachment and solitude, in some countries they also represent death. For example, residents of America, India, Japan and Egypt consider the sign of an owl as a prophecy of witchcraft and approaching death.

In the world of the Christian religion, these representatives of the animal world are depicted as a sign of hermitage.

On many icons the presence of an owl is a sign:

  • grief and suffering;
  • cleansing from dirt and defilement;
  • focus on the spiritual world.

What does an artifact in the shape of a bird promise?

People who purchase the “Owl” talisman can learn a lot of new and unknown things. This artifact will reveal the secrets of the future. A talisman will also help you to lift the veil and find out what fate has in store for us in a particular area.

But you can not only tell fortunes with the help of a talisman in the form of a night owl. According to ancient legends, using such a magical object, you can protect yourself from troubles and problems, sorrows, and induced witchcraft. In general, jewelry in the shape of an owl will be an excellent amulet that can ward off evil spirits and ward off the wishes of ill-wishers.

However, the main thing that owls symbolize is wisdom. Therefore, the use of the “Owl” talisman will be especially relevant:

  • children studying in schools, lyceums, universities, etc.;
  • students undergoing practical training to implement all acquired knowledge;
  • people in the business sector - to implement projects and their rational implementation;
  • those who want to increase their money.

Types of talismans

In order for this or that talisman in the form of a mystical bird to become a reliable and effective protector, assistant and companion in accomplishing your plans, it is necessary to activate it correctly. This is especially true for things purchased in souvenir shops, or donated by someone close to you. Read on to find out how to charge talismans and how to use them correctly.

To find out the secrets

The owl mascot will help you find out the answers to the questions that most interest a person. So, for example, to tell fortunes for your betrothed whether he loves you or not, you need to prepare a talisman. A few days before the ritual, put the item under your pillow at night, and always carry it with you during the day. Thus, the magical thing will be charged with the energy of the owner, which it will then use in fortune-telling rituals.

For a talisman to dispel ignorance regarding the reciprocity of your lover’s feelings, take:

  • charged talisman;
  • an ordinary deck of cards.

Start the ritual at sunset. Take three cards from the deck:

  • ace and 7 of hearts;
  • 7 peak

Hold the cards together with the amulet. Then turn them face down and stir, placing them on the table as well. After this, say the words of appeal to the “Owl” talisman:

“Just as you are filled with wisdom, owl, give me knowledge - show me whether you love me or not!”

Take out one of the three cards laid out on the table. If the ace of hearts comes across, it means that the intended person is experiencing strong feelings. If you take out the seven of hearts, this means the object is indifferent to you. If the inverted card turns out to be the 7 of spades, it means that the person only feels hostility.

Amulet from trouble

It happens that a person is disturbed by thoughts of impending disaster. In this case, to ward it off or minimize the consequences, use a talisman in the form of an owl’s head or a whole bird. Made from natural materials (clay, wood, natural stone, etc.), such a talisman will be a strong protection against impending disaster.

For a simple thing to be filled with magic, you will need to hold the talisman in your hands at sunset. After this, you need to ask the talisman for help. Words must come from the heart and be sincere. Then, having voiced your wish, thank the owl for her attention. The main thing is not to think about the bad and negative during the ritual.

Amulet for students

For the owl to become an assistant in the fight for the granite of science, buy your child a figurine with the image of a mystical midnight bird. You can place the craft on the desktop near the books so that the accumulated knowledge is preserved.

It is advisable to place such a figurine in the house in the northwestern corner of the room. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, in this place the streams that are responsible for wisdom and teaching intersect. An owl mascot can also be useful for teachers. It will help to reveal not only the secrets of the acquired profession, but also the hidden talents of a person.

The owl is a mysterious bird that is nocturnal and can navigate well in the dark. The forest dweller is wise and elusive. Only an owl can appear unnoticed and disappear just as quietly. The mysterious bird is revered as a symbol of wisdom and the owner of secret knowledge. But what does the owl talisman actually symbolize, and what effect does it have on a person?

The meaning of the talisman

Some peoples consider the bird of prey to be a messenger from the other world. It is believed that she serves demonic forces and is a conductor of human souls from the kingdom of the living to the kingdom of the dead. Therefore, a bird flying to the window or house of a sick person is considered a bad omen and prophesies death.

It is also considered a bad sign if an owl lands in the yard of an unmarried woman. Knowledgeable people interpret such a visit as a sign of the young lady’s unenviable and lonely lot.

  • In Slavic culture, the owl was considered a traditional female talisman and amulet. The night bird symbolized an old maid, a widow or a dissolute girl.
  • It was believed that if an owl flew over the house of a lonely woman and screamed, the girl would quickly give birth to an illegitimate child.
  • In Europe, it was believed that if a pregnant girl heard the cry of an owl, she would certainly give birth to a girl.

In Ukrainian wedding rituals, the bride was called “owl” and songs were sung to her on the evening before the wedding night. To this day, the owl figurine has retained its feminine energy of the Moon, symbolizing grace, sexuality and wisdom.

Now many Old Slavonic prejudices have sunk into oblivion, and the symbol is no longer considered something vicious. And in order to preserve their femininity, girls must definitely have such a talisman with them. It does not have to be a large and voluminous figurine. A small metal clip on your hair or a wooden keychain on your purse will be enough.

From time immemorial, the owl has been considered the embodiment of wisdom. In modern esoteric science, the symbol of this bird is often used to attract good luck to the home, increase wealth, or as an amulet against evil forces.

Symbol of knowledge

In ancient times, alchemists and magicians used a stuffed owl. It was believed that the mummified owl helped to open the door to the unidentified world of spirits. Many healers also kept an owl in their home as a pet in order to gain secret knowledge and develop intuition.

To improve memory and observation, small ceramic or wooden figurines were made and placed under the pillow. The amulet was also placed on a book that had been read, so that the knowledge from it would be remembered for a long time.

Nowadays, many students preparing for exams use a small pendant with the image of a night predator. They say that the talisman helps to better assimilate educational material.

The talisman will also come in handy in houses where schoolchildren live. Many parents note that an owl figurine on the desk helps their children learn. Children show greater diligence and interest in knowledge and science. They begin to memorize poems and formulas better.

Owl as a protective amulet

The owl figurine is also used as a talisman against bad eyes, bad thoughts and evil spells. The bird's large luminous eyes act like a mirror, and with their magical glow they reflect all sorts of dirty tricks from a person.

When choosing a protective amulet, you should give preference to a bird with open eyes. It would be good if the patroness’s eyes were made of semi-precious or precious stones. You don’t have to worry too much about the shape of the bird itself.

If there is a dark streak in a person’s life, the owl is able to dispel the dark clouds over the head of its owner. The bird is very wise and perspicacious and will definitely show the owner the best way out of the current circumstances.

But in order for the talisman to start working, it is necessary to perform a ritual:

  1. In the evening, when the moon has already appeared in the sky, hold the amulet in your palms and ask the winged helper for protection.
  2. There is no need to read prayers. Ask for help in your own words, the main thing is to put as much energy into the request as possible.

But what is important is the material from which the figurine is made. The most powerful are talismans made of metal, wood or ceramics. But plastic figures can become only decorative elements. Unfortunately, such owls do not have protective functions.

Three owls sitting nearby will be able to protect your home from evil spells and all evil spirits. However, you need to know that birds do not like quarrels and scandals in the house. And in order for the amulet to fulfill its functions, try to minimize all family squabbles.

Symbol of wealth and prosperity

To save your family budget and not waste your money in vain, place the owl next to the place where your savings are located. The wise bird will take care of your savings, and not a single coin will be wasted.

In Eastern teachings, the owl is revered as one of the symbols of wealth. But the most powerful amulet for attracting and maintaining wealth is considered to be an owl sitting on a money tree or wooden platform.

And also to preserve and increase wealth, you can put a pendant in the shape of an owl or a coin with the image of a night bird in your wallet.

Symbol of fortune and good luck

In the offices of successful people you can often see a figurine of a flying owl. This is because the figurine of a night predator with spread wings symbolizes climbing the career ladder and success in business.

  • With her widely spaced wings, the feathered helper seems to push away all indecision and fears.
  • And at the same time, it helps to make the wisest decisions and not make hasty conclusions.
  • To attract good luck into your life, you should always carry the owl symbol with you or place it near your workplace.

However, this amulet cannot be presented as a gift. Of course, an owl will bring prosperity to its owner, but the giver can suffer all kinds of failures and misfortunes.

By the way, in some nationalities it was customary to put the owl symbol on the body in the form of a tattoo. It was believed that, in this way, a person takes upon himself all the wisdom and insight of the mysterious bird.

How to predict the future with an owl amulet

The mysterious bird is able to look into the future and predict what a person's married path will be. It is believed that an owl figurine helps its owner to comprehend secret knowledge and develop the gift of clairvoyance.

  • To look into the unknown, you need to put an owl figurine under your pillow, after asking it a question that worries you.
  • On this night, be extremely careful, because the secrets of the future will be revealed to you.

It is also important where you place the forest dweller. The owl does not respect dark corners, so it is better to place the talisman in a visible place in the house. In addition, the owl mascot needs constant attention. From time to time the amulet needs to be stroked and thanked for any assistance.

The fortune teller owl will also help in amorous matters. To do this, the bird must also be placed under the pillow, having previously asked the question of interest.

For example: “Does this or that person love or not, and is it worth spending time on her?” The next day, when the sun has already hidden behind the horizon and the moon begins to dominate the sky, take the figurine and a deck of cards.

Hold the talisman and the deck of cards in your palms for a while and begin the ritual:

  1. Remove the 7 of spades, 7 of hearts and the Ace of hearts from the deck.
  2. Take the cards in your hands and hold them in your palms along with the amulet for several minutes.
  3. Then shuffle the cards and turn them face down.
  4. Lay the cards out on the table and turn to the amulet and say the following words:

“Just as you are filled with wisdom, owl, give me knowledge - show me whether you love me or not!”

  • Ace of Hearts - the intended person has sincere feelings for you and can be trusted.
  • Seven of Hearts - indicates a lack of special affection for you; you will not succeed in anything serious with the person you have in mind.
  • Seven of Spades - the person you are bewitching experiences complete indifference towards you, bordering on hostility.

"Owl" signs

Both everyday and weather signs are associated with the night bird:

Despite the fact that progress has stepped far forward, and numerous ancient symbols have sunk into oblivion. The talisman in the form of an owl has come to us through the centuries and has not lost its sacred meaning.

People are increasingly beginning to reach out to their origins and traditions. Of course, we can no longer afford to worship any symbol in public, and we probably no longer need it. But we can easily afford to put an owl figurine on the table to attract success or buy a protective keychain in the shape of a miracle bird.

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