A game for attention and reaction for children - “Earth, water, air. Card index of didactic games on environmental education for children of senior preschool age Tips for completing

The game “Earth, Water, Air” is an excellent group game for children. The advantage of the game is that it does not require a strictly defined number of people to play it. Playing “Earth, Water, Air” develops the fantasy and imagination of young players.

Rules of the game “Earth, water, air”

To start playing you need to choose a driver. All other participants stand in a line or form a circle around the driver.

The driver moves alternately from one participant to another. If desired, he stops near one of the participants and touches him with his hand. To the chosen person, the driver says one word of his choice: “air”, “earth” or “water”.

“Air” means that the player who is preferred by the driver must name a living creature that lives in the air. For example, a dove or a magpie.

If the driver says the word “earth” to the player, the participant responds by naming an animal that leads an earthly lifestyle. This could be, for example, a cat.

The word “Water” implies an answer associated with the name of an animal or fish that lives in water. For example, a whale.

Answers to the key words “earth”, “water”, “air” should not be repeated. And each player is given three seconds to answer. If the player has not come up with an answer during this time or such an answer has already been announced, he becomes the driver or drops out of the game.

There is another version of this game called “Edible-Inedible”:

For this game you will need a ball. Participants form a circle, in the center of which is the driver with the ball. The driver, at his own discretion, throws the ball to one of the participants, saying one of the key words: “beast”, “fish” or “bird”. The player to whom the ball was thrown must quickly, within 3 seconds, say the name of the corresponding animal. Anyone who fails to meet the deadline is eliminated from the game. The game continues. The last player to answer all keywords is the winner.

With this version of the game, the driver is not required. Players forming a circle can throw the ball to each other. And the one who named the word in response to “beast”, “fish” or “bird” throws the ball to any other player, calling any of these keywords.

The rules of the game are very simple. Even the youngest children who want to take part in the collective fun “Earth, Water, Air” will easily master it and have a lot of fun.


Perhaps one of the most beloved virtual online games, are adventure games in which each gamer can travel to various places that he has not only never been to, but will never be able to visit, since they are a figment of the imagination of game developers. Just imagine how interesting it is to find yourself in a magical city of fictional characters or to get acquainted with animals and other creatures that do not exist in the real world, as well as to spend your free time in other unreal worlds... In addition to the fabulousness of the places in which the actions take place, players In games of the Dodging and Running genre, you can test your ability to quickly respond to certain changes in the game, as well as develop attentiveness, observation, intelligence, accuracy, logical thinking, accuracy, imaginative thinking and other qualities.

We invite you to enjoy an entertaining flash entertainment for girls called Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Here you can visit the worlds of the four elements listed in the game's title and collect four magic spheres from each of them. But to achieve this goal you will need to work hard. the site wishes you an exciting game!

Tips for passing:

Once our free toy is fully downloaded, you can immediately begin playing through it. At the very beginning, you have to click on the Play button to go on a journey through the first element - earth. Here you will overcome various earthly obstacles, such as dodging falling rocks, jumping over gaps with the help of vines, and so on. At the end of this test, you will be able to see an orb with earthly power. Take it and go on your next journey through the air. Reach the air sphere and go in search of the water and fire magic spheres.

Don’t forget to collect glowing balls at each level, which help you earn bonuses and points. Try not to fall into the abyss or fall under falling objects, as well as other obstacles, otherwise your hero will die, and after all lives have expired, the level will have to start from the very beginning. You can control your hero by using the down, left and right arrows, and you can jump using the spacebar key.



Game "Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of the words: “earth”, “water”, “air”, “fire”. If the driver said “earth!”, the one who caught the ball must quickly name the person who lives in this environment; to the word “water!” the player answers with the name of the fish; to the word “air!” - the name of the birds. At the word “fire!” Everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Game "Birder"

The players choose the names of the birds whose calls they can imitate. They stand in a circle, with a blindfolded birdcatcher in the center. Birds circle around the bird catcher and chant:

In the forest, in the woods, on a green oak tree

The birds are singing merrily. Ay! The bird catcher is coming!

He will take us into captivity, Birds, fly away!

The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he finds imitates the call of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The one he guesses becomes the bird catcher.

Note: - Players should not hide and must stop in place immediately at the signal.

Before the game starts, the presenter teaches the children the voices of birds.

Game "Falcon and Fox"

“Falcon” and “Fox” are selected. The rest of the children are “falcons”. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He runs easily different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands. A flock of falcon chicks runs after the falcon and exactly repeats its movements. At this time, a fox suddenly jumps out of the hole.

The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

The appearance of the fox is determined by the leader's signal. The fox catches those who did not have time to sit down.


One of the players is the driver, he is called the lyapka. The driver runs after the participants in the game and tries to make someone look bad, saying:

You have a blooper, give it to someone else!

The new driver catches up with the players and tries to pass the slip to one of them.

Rules of the game. Participants in the game carefully watch the change of drivers.

Game "Frogs in a tub"

On an old tub

The frogs danced

Green ears,

Eyes on top of head.

I approached them -

They're splashing into the water!

And there is nothing more to tell me about them.

Hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of participants in the game. Each player is next to the hoop. The presenter recites the text of the poem. Frog children jump around their hoop. The text can be spoken by children not participating in the game. With the word “thump!”, the frog children jump into the hoop. The presenter tries to occupy the hoop of the gaping frog. The presenter with the words “Hey, green frogs, get out of the tub” gives a signal for new game the one left without a hoop skips a move or takes the place of the leader.


All the players are sheep, they ask the wolf to let them take a walk in the forest: - Let us, wolf, take a walk in your forest!

The wolf answers: “Walk, walk, but just don’t pinch the grass, otherwise I won’t have anything to sleep on.”

At first the sheep just walk in the forest, but soon they forget the promise, nibble the grass and sing:

We pinch, we pinch the grass, the green ant,

For grandma for mittens, for grandpa for a caftan,

A shovelful of dirt for the gray wolf!

The wolf runs across the clearing and catches the sheep, the one caught becomes a wolf, the game resumes.

Rules of the game. Walking through the forest, the sheep should disperse throughout the entire area.

Catch the ball.

The game involves three players. Two people stand at a distance of at least 3 m from each other and throw the ball. The third is between them and tries to catch the ball flying over him. If he manages to catch the ball, then he takes the place of the child who threw the ball, and he takes the place of the driver. A larger number of children can participate in the game, then they stand in a circle, and the driver is in the center. Children throw the ball across the circle, and the driver tries to catch it as it flies over the circle. After the driver catches the ball, he changes places with the child who threw the ball.

Ball school.

First group of exercises:

1) Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.

2) Throw the ball up and catch it with one right hand.

3) Throw the ball up and catch it with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands

5) Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with one right hand.

6) Hit the ball on the ground and catch it with one left hand.

If a child drops the ball while doing exercises, he passes it to another player and waits for his turn. If he completes all these exercises, he repeats them, but with clapping.

Ball school.

Ball school is a system of exercises selected and performed in a certain order. Exercises can be simple or more complex.

can be selected in accordance with the children's skills and abilities to handle the ball.

Second group of exercises (against the wall):

1) Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with both hands.

2) Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with one hand.

3) Hit the ball against the wall and catch it with one left hand.

4) Hit the ball against the wall; after it falls to the ground and bounces, catch it with both hands.

5) Hit the ball against the wall; after it falls and bounces, catch it with one right hand, then with your left hand.
All these exercises can be performed with clapping.

Ball school.

Ball school is a system of exercises selected and performed in a certain order. Exercises can be simple or more complex.

can be selected in accordance with the children's skills and abilities to handle the ball.

Third group of exercises:

1) Hit the ball with one hand and catch it with both hands.

2) Hit the ball against the wall, throwing it from behind, and catch it.

3) Hit the ball against the wall, throwing it from behind your head, and catch it.

4) Hit the ball against the wall, throwing it from under your feet, and catch it.

5) Hit the ball against the wall, turn 360° and, after it hits the floor and bounces, catch it.

You can invite children to perform these exercises with clapping, as well as catching the ball with their right and left hands.

P/I "Shaggy Dog".

Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws.
He lies quietly, either dozing or sleeping.
Let's go up to him, wake him up, and see if something happens.

P/I "Brave Mice".

One day the mice came out to see what time it was.
One, two, three, four, the mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound! Bom-bom-bom-bom!
The mice have run away!

(the cat catches up with the mice-children)

P/N “Run to me!”

Game material:flags of four colors.

Children take the flag of the color they like. The teacher has flags of all colors. The teacher shows 1 flag and says: “Run to me!”

(Only those children whose flags match the color of the teacher’s flag run up to the teacher).

P/I "Hares and the Wolf".

Children depict hares with the words:

The hares jump hop-hop-hop onto the green meadow.
They nibble the grass and listen to see if a wolf is coming.

At the end of the words, the “wolf” tries to catch the hares, and they run away into the “minks”.

P/I "Mice and the Cat".

Children dance in a round dance, with a cat “sleeping” in the middle.

The mice dance in circles. The cat is dozing on the bed.
Quiet, mice, don't make noise, don't wake up Vaska the cat.
When Vaska the cat wakes up, he will break up our round dance.

The cat wakes up and catches mice. The mice run away into the houses.

P/I "Rooster".

Knock-knock-knock! Knock-knock-knock! A rooster walks around the yard.
Himself with spurs, a tail with patterns.
It's under the window. He screams throughout the yard.
Who will hear. He's running!

P/I "Mice".

That's how tired the mice are. They gnawed everything, ate everything.
Beware, cheats, we will get to you.
As soon as we set the mousetraps, we’ll catch them the same hour!

P/I “Small Birds”.

We are small birds
We love to fly in the sky

Try to catch us!

P/I "Lounger Bear".

Teddy bear, couch potato
Stop sleeping, stop sleeping.
We want to play with you, little bear.
You catch up with the cheerful kids, catch up!


In good warm spring, summer or autumn weather, when children’s clothes and shoes are quite light and comfortable, a variety of jogging, dashing, and running games can be done in the free area.

Run at a calm pace as far and as long as possible.

Run along the edges of the area or along a flat path, raising your knees high.

Run, throwing your legs back, trying to touch your buttocks with your heels.

Run, stepping over the lines drawn on the ground at a distance of 1.5-2 m.

Run, stepping over sticks, slats placed on the ground or raised to a height of 15-20 cm.


Holding hands, the children walk in a circle and say:

Fast rockets are waiting for us
For walks on the planets.
Whatever we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!

As soon as the last word is said, everyone scatters to the “rocket launch sites” and tries to quickly take a seat in any of the pre-designated rockets. Up to 5 circles are marked inside each rocket. This is the place for the participant. But there are fewer circles in the rockets than there are participants. Those who are late for the rocket stand in a general circle.


The players stand in a circle. There is a rope lying on the ground, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right (or left) hand, walk in a circle saying:

Barely, barely
The carousel spun, and then around,
And then around and around,
Everything is running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the words “run” they run. At the leader’s command “Turn!” they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction.

Hush, hush, don't write it off! Stop the carousel.
One and two, one and two,
The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the ground and run around the court.

Fisherman and fish

The teacher stands in the center of the circle, holds the rope at one end - this is a fishing rod, the children - fish. Drawing a rope across the floor, circling, “catches” a fish. To avoid being caught, the fish jump when the rope approaches. Whoever did not have time to jump is caught and leaves the game.

Whose team is most likely to assemble?

Children are multi-colored and different in size. geometric figures. Symbols are placed in different places in the group. Children must determine their place (by color and size).

Find your place

Geometric shapes stand on chairs, children have cards with different shapes. At a signal, children take their seats at the appropriate chair.

Similarly, you can play a game to fix colors, classify animals, etc.

Flies - doesn't fly

Children move freely around the room: running, skipping, spinning. The presenter names any words (fish, plane, tree...). If what is named can fly, children imitate flight; if what is named can swim, they imitate swimming; If it doesn’t swim or fly, then the children stop. The most attentive is the one who has never made a mistake.

Round dance game Bunny

Children stand in a circle holding hands. There is a sad bunny in the center of the circle. Children sing:

Bunny, bunny! What happened to you?
You're sitting there completely sick.
Get up, get up, jump!
Here's a carrot! (2 times)
Get it and dance!

All the children come up to the bunny and give him an imaginary carrot. The bunny takes the carrot, becomes cheerful and begins to dance. And the children clap their hands. Then another bunny is chosen.

Round dance game Ogurechik

The teacher chooses Cucumber, who sits in the center of the circle. Children and their teacher walk in a circle and sing:

Cucumber, cucumber,
You're just like a human being.
We fed you

We gave you something to drink

They put him on his feet (they go to the cucumber and pick it up)

They forced me to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose whoever you want.

The cucumber dances, the children clap their hands. After the dance, Cucumber chooses another child to take his place, and the game continues.

Hen and chicks

Children, under the guidance of a teacher, place chairs at one end of the playroom. The number of chairs must correspond to the number of participants in the game. A cat driver is selected. The teacher acts as a mother chicken. The rest of the participants are her chicken children.

Mother hen invites all her chicks to join hands. Together they walk in a circle and say the following words:

A crested hen came out, with yellow chicks,

The chicken clucks: ko-ko, don’t go far.

The hen and chicks gradually approach the cat, sitting on a separate chair.

On a bench by the path, a cat lay down and dozed.

The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens.

After these words, the chickens scatter, each trying to take his own chair. Mother chicken is worried about them, flapping her wings. The caught chicken becomes a cat. The game restarts from the beginning.

Find the difference"

Children (or a child, respectively) make up some figure, then the driver turns away or goes out the door, the players change some detail of their figure, for example, two of the players change places or, if the child is alone, he can change the position of his hand, legs, head tilt and so on. The driver's task is to guess the changes


Hey, hey,
Blue snake!
Show up, show up
Spin the wheel!

The teacher invites all children to portray a snake. The children put their hands on each other’s shoulders and slowly move forward like a “snake” behind the teacher. Obstacles (cubes, arcs, etc.) may be placed in front of children, which the snake must go around without knocking over.

“I don’t see - I don’t hear”

The conditions of the game are very simple: when the leader says “I don’t see,” the kids run, jump and frolic; and when he says “I don’t hear,” the kids make noise and scream, but at the same time they are not allowed to move from their place, nor are they allowed to shout at the command “I don’t see.”


Place chairs in a row, one less than the number of players. The players sit on chairs, the presenter steps back a few steps (2-3 meters) and says: “those with blond hair (who are wearing a watch, a skirt, a sweater, etc.) change places.” Children who meet the stated condition must change places, and the leader’s task is to take the vacant seat (chair) at that moment. The baby left without a chair becomes the leader.

"Brownian motion"

The kids stand in a circle, and the leader gradually rolls tennis balls into the circle. The children's task is to prevent the balls from stopping or rolling out of the circle. You can push the balls any way your baby wants (with your hands, feet). The number of balls is not limited - the more, the higher the team's record.

Fishing game

The players are divided into two groups. They stand opposite each other at a distance of several steps. One group is “fishermen” (there are fewer of them), the other is “fish”. At the beginning, a conversation takes place between them: - What are you knitting? - the fish ask.

“Seine,” the fishermen answer, performing imitative movements.

What will you catch? - Fish.

Which one? - Pike.

Catch it!

The fish turn and run to the set line. Every fisherman tries to catch at least one fish. The game is repeated, but a different fish is called. You can only fish within the boundaries of the sea. The fish is considered caught when the angler touches it with his hand.

Ball through the net (rope).

Children (2-4) stand on both sides of the net (rope) at a distance of 1.5 m (the net is stretched at a height slightly higher than their raised arms). They throw the ball over the net to each other different ways: from behind the head or from below oneself. If there are four players, then one child throws the ball over the net to the other side, the one who catches the ball throws it to his neighbor, and he throws it again over the net. You can enter a score into the game. On which side the ball fell to the ground less, that side won.


Among the players, the “owl” stands out. Her nest is to the side of the site. The players on the court are located randomly. "Owl" - in the nest.

At the presenter’s signal: “The day is coming, everything comes to life!” - children begin to run, jump, imitating the flight of butterflies, birds, bugs, etc. At the second signal: “Night is coming, everything freezes - the owl flies out!” - the players stop, freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. "Owl" goes hunting. Noticing the player moving, she takes him by the hand and leads him to her nest. In one exit, she can kill two or even three players.

Then the “owl” returns to its nest again and the children again begin to frolic freely on the playground.
After 2-3 outings of the “owl” to hunt, she is replaced by new drivers from among those who have never come across her.

The rules prohibit the “owl” from observing the same player for a long time, and the caught one from breaking free.


The players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves in one direction, and the outer circle in the other direction. At the leader’s signal, both circles stop. Those standing in the inner circle raise their hands to form a gate. The rest either run into the circle, passing under the gate, or run out of it. Suddenly the leader gives the next command, and the players in the inner circle suddenly lower their hands. Players who find themselves inside the circle are considered trapped. They join those standing in the inner circle and join hands. After this, the game repeats.


At one end of the court, the players line up. At the other end, with his back to the players, the driver stands, covers his face with his hands and says: “Walk quickly, be careful not to yawn! Stop!" While the driver says these words, all the players begin to approach him as quickly as possible. But with the command “Stop!” they must stop and freeze in place. The driver quickly looks around. If he notices that one of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least a small movement, the driver sends him back beyond the starting line. After this, the driver again takes the starting position and says the same words. This continues until one of the players manages to get closer to the driver and stain him before he has time to look back. After this, all the players run behind their line, the driver chases them and tries to tarnish someone. The stained one becomes a driver.

Outdoor games

On one leg along the path

Children stand on the edge of the playground. They are asked to jump to the middle of the platform on their right foot (3-4 m). The children are running back. Then they jump on their left foot.

Traps on one leg

Choose a trap. At the teacher’s signal: “one, two, three! Catch it!” children run around the playground. Traps catch them by touching them with your hand. Those caught move aside. The game is repeated 3-4 times. You cannot catch someone who managed to stand on one leg in time and clasp his knee with his hands. When 3-4 children are caught, a new trap is selected.

Tulking on one leg

The children disperse around the playground, close their eyes, everyone’s hands are behind their backs. The presenter goes around them all and quietly puts a handkerchief in the hands of one. On the count of “One, two. Three! Look!" children open their eyes. Standing still, they look at each other carefully: “Who is the tag?” A child with a scarf suddenly lifts its top and says: “I’m a tag!” Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, try to get away from the tag. The one whom he touched with his hand goes to lead. He takes a handkerchief, lifts it up, and quickly says the words “I’m a salka!” The game repeats itself.
Rules: you can jump alternately on your right and left legs; When the tags are changed, the players are allowed to stand on both feet; The tag must also jump, like everyone else playing, on one leg.

Two Frosts

Two cities are marked on opposite sides of the site. The players, divided into two groups, are located in them. In the middle of the site are the Frost brothers: Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. They address the players with the words:

We are two young brothers,
Two daring Frosts: I am Red Nose Frost,
I am Frost Blue Nose.
Which of you will decide to set off on the little path?

The guys answer in unison:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.

And they begin to run from one “city” to another. Frost catches them. The one they manage to catch is considered frozen. He remains in the place where he was caught, and must, with his arms outstretched, block the path of the players during the next dashes. When there are so many frozen that it becomes difficult to run through, the game ends. The winners are those who have never been frozen.

Traffic light

Mugs (diameter 10 cm) are made in red, green and yellow, which are attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: when the signal is red they crouch, when the signal is yellow they stand up, when the signal is green they march in place.
While moving in a column one by one around the site, the exercises change: red - everyone stands still, yellow - they move forward in a squat, green - they jump on their toes.
For each mistake, players are awarded penalty points. The one who scores fewer penalty points wins.

Five Names (low mobility game)

Two players, a boy and a girl (representatives of two teams), stand in front of two lines. At the signal, they must walk forward (first one, then the other), taking five steps, and for each step, without the slightest mistake or hesitation (without breaking the rhythm), say a name (boys - the names of girls, girls - the names of boys). This is a seemingly simple task, but in reality it is not so easy to complete. The winner is the one who copes with this task or is able to name more names.
You can name five other words (by topic: animals, plants, household items, etc.). There are many such words, but not everyone can pick up 5 words and pronounce them one after another without delay in the rhythm of a step.

Traps and dashes

A group of children stands on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line was also drawn on the opposite side of the site. In the middle, between the two lines, there is a trap. After the words: “One, two, three - catch!” - the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the runner crosses the line is considered caught and moves aside. After 2-3 runs, those caught are counted and a new trap is selected

Simple traps.
The children are on the playground. The trap, assigned by the teacher or chosen by the players, stands in the middle of the court. At the signal: “One, two, three - catch!” - all the children run around the playground, dodge the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of the players and touch him with his hand (stain). The one whom the trap touched with his hand moves aside. When 3-4 players are spotted, a new trap is selected.

Feet off the ground!
The game is played in the same way, but with the condition: you cannot catch those children who managed to stand on some elevated object in time - a log, board, etc.

Give me the tape!

Children stand in a circle. Each of them has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt or collar. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal: “Catch!” - children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players trying to take a ribbon from one of them. A child who has lost his ribbon temporarily steps aside. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three—quickly run into the circle!” - everyone lines up in a circle. The catcher counts the number of ribbons taken and returns them to the children. The game continues with a new trap.

Trap in a circle.
A circle with a diameter of 3-4 m is drawn on the ground. Using a rhyme, a trap is selected. He stands in the center of the circle, the rest - behind the circle. After the signal: “One, two, three - catch!” - the children run in a circle, and the trap catches them. When he catches 3-4 children, a new trap is chosen.

Ball traps.
The game goes the same way as the previous ones, but the catcher must hit the runners with the ball.

Squat traps.
In this game you cannot catch the child who managed to sit down.


During the warm seasons of the year, when children are lightly dressed, various types of jumps can be performed on the playground.
1. Children stand all over the playground, freely, without interfering with each other. At the teacher’s signal, everyone jumps in place on two legs, trying to jump higher. To the clap or signal: “All around”! - everyone turns 180° when jumping, then 2. jump in place again and turn again at the signal.
Children line up along a line drawn on the ground. The teacher suggests jumping on two legs at the line at his count. At a clap or other signal, children jump over the line with a turn as they jump. It is important to have time to make the jump exactly on the signal.

3A line 5-6 m long is drawn on the ground. A group of children forms a columnone at one end of the line. At a signal, children begin to jump on two legs, moving forward, while jumping over the line from right to left and from left to right (zigzag).

Jumping 2
1. Jump, moving forward, while jumping over a line 4-5 m long on one leg (on the right and left alternately).
2. Jump, moving forward (at a distance of 5-6 m), with an object clamped between your legs (a bag of sand, a ring, a wooden block, etc.)
3. Jump on two legs over slats mounted on wooden blocks 30-25 cm high (the distance between the slats is 1 m).
4. Jump on one (right, left) leg.
5. Who's next? Run slightly, jump onto the log and jump from it to the other side.
6. Jump from the log into the circle drawn on the ground. You can jump into several circles drawn at different distances from the log.
7. Jump over a log using your hands.
8. Jump on two legs, moving forward, along a log with a diameter of 20-30 cm.
9. Jump on a log lying on the ground on one leg,
moving forward. Turn your toes slightly while doing this

Maria Balakireva

Outdoor game " Earth, water, fire, air"we chose from N.I. Gutkina's manual - , because in our work we try to contribute as much as possible to qualitative changes in physical and mental child development, have a diverse influence on the formation of the child’s personality, and therefore contribute to successful preparation children to the transition to the next level of education.

This game can be organized in a group, on a playground, in a park. Balls can be used different diameters and textures. But it’s more interesting to play it in a group of more than three people, then not only the physical, intellectual, but also the social side development The child's personality will be actively involved. Children really like it ball games. Therefore, together with the teacher middle group one of the pre-Gymnasium "Lomonosov School"- Epifanova Olga Evgenievna we decided modify this game. Added movements, changed the signal, conditions and name games.


Development of attention

The author attaches great importance to the content of games, since through them the most are developing effectivelymental functions of the child: thinking, memory, attention, speech, etc. In this game, the author pays great attention to animals as inhabitants of the earth, water and air environment. It seems to us from an educational point of view that fixation of attention is also true children on fire - as a huge danger for all animals.

They choose a driver, and the players stand around him. The driver throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: « Earth» , « water» , « air» , « fire» . If he said a word « Earth» , then the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. On word « water» The player answers with the name of a fish. On word « air» - the name of the bird. At the word « fire» Everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the driver.

Rules games. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from games.

Instructions for carrying out. Before the beginning games The group teacher tells the children about the inhabitants of the earth, water and air environments and shows them in pictures.

Age of participants: from 5 years old.



Development coordination of movements; ability to catch and pass the ball

Broadening your horizons and vocabulary child

We also change games We paid more attention to the content, since we are confident that less voluminous content will make the game accessible to children from 4 years old. We chose Transport. In our opinion, an interesting group of items for children 4-5 years old, and quite often causing difficulties in classifying species.

Changed the name games -“Freight is not passenger!”

Beginning children The driver is not chosen to introduce the game to the game; the teacher becomes the driver. The driver throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of five words: "ground", "underground", "water", « air» , "a pedestrian". If he said a word "ground", then the one who caught the ball must quickly name some ground transport etc. At the word "a pedestrian" everyone should quickly turn in a circle, then use their hands to depict "transition". Later in the game you can add a couple more words, for example, "passenger" And "cargo".

Rules games. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from games.

Instructions for carrying out. Before we meet children With the game, the teacher tells the children about types of transport and shows them in pictures.

Age of participants: from 4 years old.

Equipment: ball

Literature: N. I. Gutkina – “Psychological readiness for school”– series "Tutorial" 4th ed. St. Petersburg : "Peter Press"- Peter. 2009

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K. Fopel's outdoor games are quite popular today among teachers of preschool institutions, who create favorable conditions for development.

Outdoor games for the theme of the week

“Sun, air and water are our best friends”


Basic movement: Walking.

Game description:

Children walk in a circle and say the words together with the teacher:

“It’s quiet by the pond

The water doesn't sway

Don't make noise, reeds,

Go to sleep, kids."

At the end of the words, the children stop, squat, and close their eyes. The teacher checks that all children are sitting still. Then he says:

“The reeds rustled

And the kids woke up.”

The children get up and say: “We woke up and stretched.”


Basic movement: Run

Game description:

Children holding hands walk in a circle and say the words:

"Bucket sun,

Look out the window

Children are walking

They are waiting for you."

The driver in the sun hat comes out into the circle and says:

“Well, don’t yawn,

Run away quickly!”


Basic movement: Running, jumping.

Game description:

The driver is selected. They put on a “Veterka” cap. And he steps aside. The teacher says:

“Because of the Christmas tree at the edge

Someone's ears peeked out. (children sit down and show their ears)

The bunny's paws are freezing,

Bunnies' paws warm up (stand up, warm their paws)

They began to jump and gallop,

We started playing fun." (children jumping).

The teacher says: “

Come on, wind, don't yawn

And chase the bunnies!”

The driver catches up with the children.


Basic movement: Walking, running.

Game description:

The teacher says:

« What a nice weather!" Let's go for a walk soon.

Children go and say the words:

“The sun is looking out the window,

It shines into our room.

We will clap our hands

We are very glad to see the sun.”

“Now run around, wherever you want.” (Children run around the playground).

“Look, it’s raining. Come under my umbrella." Children run under an umbrella.“Look, the rain has stopped. Let’s go for a walk soon.”

The game is repeated several times.


The players stand in a circle, with the leader standing in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of the four words: Earth, Water, Fire, Air. If the presenter says the word "Earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. The player responds to the word “Water” with the name of a fish, and to the word “Air” with the name of a bird. When the word “Fire” is said, everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the leader. Rules of the game: the one who makes a mistake leaves the game.


The teacher throws the ball to the child and names an object of nature, for example, “magpie.” The child must answer “air” and throw the ball back. To the word “dolphin” the child responds “water”, to the word “wolf” - “earth”, etc.
Another version of the game is also possible: the teacher calls the word “air”. The child who catches the ball must name the bird. For the word “earth” - an animal that lives on earth: for the word “water” - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.


Number of players: any

The participants of the game stand in one line. When the leader says “land,” everyone jumps forward; when they say “water,” everyone jumps back. The competition is held at a fast pace. The presenter has the right to pronounce other words instead of the word “water,” for example: sea, river, bay, ocean; instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island. Those who jump at random are eliminated, the winner is the last player - the most attentive.


The teacher invites the children to play an interesting and magic game. But to do this you need to turn into small drops of rain. (Music sounds like rain) the teacher says the magic words and the game begins.
The teacher says that she is Tuchka’s mother, and the guys are her little children, it’s time for them to hit the road. (Music.) The droplets jump, run, and dance. Mama Tuchka shows them what to do.
Droplets flew to the ground... Let's jump and play. They got bored jumping around alone. They gathered together and flowed in small cheerful streams. (The droplets will form a stream, holding hands.) The streams met and became a big river. (The streams are connected into one chain.) Droplets float in a large river and travel. The river flowed and flowed and ended up in the ocean (children form a round dance and move in a circle). The Droplets swam and swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mother Cloud told them to return home. And then the sun just warmed up. The droplets became light and stretched upward (crouched droplets rise and stretch their arms upward). They evaporated under the rays of the sun and returned to mother Tuchka. Well done, droplets, they behaved well, they didn’t get into passers-by’s collars or splash themselves. Now stay with your mom, she misses you.

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