Import into 1C from a bank client. Making a backup copy of the database

In the process of work, in each organization, there is interaction with other companies (organizations). Payments must be made for outstanding goods, works, services, taxes and other payments. Currently, this process occurs through the Client-Bank system. This program is installed by bank employees on the computer of a company employee to make payments and load payment orders into the program in which the maintenance is carried out. accounting. Let's look at how bank statements are loaded into 1C.

Uploading statements from the Client-Bank program

In order to download an extract from the Client-Bank program, you must:

  • Generate a statement for the required period;
  • Export it to a text file to transfer data.

Export occurs when you click on the “Export”, “Export” or something similar button; in different Client-Bank programs this button is called differently. The generated file is uploaded for export to the desired folder, along a predetermined path.

In front of the tabular part of the document in the right corner we find the “More” button, click on it, a window appears with a list of functions, select the “Exchange with bank” item in it.

  • Organization by which the downloads will be made money orders;
  • Organization bank account.

Click “Download” at the bottom of the document and after that, in the tabular part, all statements from the bank will be loaded into the “1C: Accounting” program. After this, we review the report on the uploaded file and proceed to processing payment orders.

You can set up automatic processing of payment documents upon receipt and debit. To do this you need to configure.

You can select the “Setup with Client-Bank” document:

  • By clicking the “Settings” button at the bottom of the “Exchange with the bank” document;

  • In the journal " Bank statements» select the “Set up exchange with bank” item from the list when you click on the “More” button.

In the settings, fill in the fields:

  • We indicate the bank account from which statements will be downloaded;
  • The name of the program is selected from the list provided by the developers - this is the program you are working with. After this, the fields “Upload file from 1C Accounting” and “Download file from 1C Accounting” open. “Upload file from 1C Accounting” only if outgoing payment orders are generated in the 1C database and then uploaded to Client-Bank;

The condition that must be met is the name of the download file in 1C, it must match the name of the download file from the Client-Bank program.

  • At the bottom of the settings, two fields open, the left one shows upload data, and the right side shows download data.

In the “After loading automatically post” field, it is advisable to indicate two checkboxes on the positions “Receipt to the current account” and “Write off from the current account”, in this case payment orders will be automatically processed, which in the future only need to be double-checked without going into each of them.

After downloading payment orders, you should carefully check the “Type of transaction” and the created accounting entries, if errors are found, make corrections.

Uploading statements from a banking program into 1C is a very convenient procedure that significantly facilitates the work of the accounting department, significantly saving employees’ time.

How to load a bank in 1C 7.7 is a question that you can figure out. However, this will require a significant investment of working time. Perhaps the only way out will be to contact specialists or write a processing that will make this process automatic.

Loading a bank in 1C 7.7
The necessary details are not always already in the program list. In this case, you need to look at when the bank classifier was updated. If there is no update for a long time, the necessary information may indeed not be available. If you have just started working with 1C, then you may need to load the bank classifier into 1C 7.

There are two options for downloading it: from the 1C: ITS disk or from the website. For the first option, from the “Directories” menu you need to go to the “Banks” item. Then click the “Add banks from bank classifier” button. And when choosing a place from which information will be downloaded, select the item: from the “Information and technological support” disk.

If it is more convenient to download the 1C 7.7 bank classifier from the website, then you need to select this particular position. If you have access to the Internet, the process will begin immediately after pressing the button. After the download is complete, the program will display a form in which you need to indicate whether there is a need to update existing data. Banks for which there are no details will be loaded into 1C 7.7 after selecting them in the list.

The classifier installed from the disk will prompt you to select a bank region at the end of the setup. After this action, a form for selecting a direct organization will be displayed. You can load the bank into 1C 7.7 by clicking the “Select” button. All new information will be reflected in the directory and will be grouped by region.

Setting up exchange with a bank in 1C 7.7
The first thing that is required to carry out such operations is to load the client bank into 1C 7.7. This module is intended for:
data encryption and decryption;
data control;
electronic signature;
exchange of data with banks.

Also, the client-bank module is useful for direct and indirect downloading of statements from the bank into 1C 7.7. This setting will help with unloading them. But before starting work, it is necessary to carry out some operations. Without preliminary configuration of the system, information exchange will not be possible.
Setting up a client-bank in 1C 7.7 is carried out in the following way: “Service” - “Data exchange” - “1C Enterprise-Client-Bank” - “Exchange setup”. Already at this point, the database files for importing and exporting data are selected. After completing these steps, you will be able to download the bank statement into 1C 7.7.

It is important to pay attention to the features of the statements. First of all, they must be in text format. The structure of the bank statement itself is no less important. She has clear design rules that an accountant should definitely know.

Previously, you had to download bank statements into 1C 7.7 manually. Now this process is automated; it is only important to correctly specify the paths to the files. There are some difficulties associated with the specific features of the bank.

Then you need to solve directly with technical support the question of how to upload a bank statement to 1C 7. They will be required to provide all the necessary data to complete the operation. But if this does not help, then there is a direct path to specialists in this field, who will definitely find the problem that does not allow the work to be done.

Settings in 1C 7.7 bank client may differ depending on the bank. The first thing you need to clarify is whether it supports exchange with 1C or not. If yes, then you can continue with the setup. One of the banks with which the exchange procedure is most often established is Sberbank. To set up a client bank for Sberbank in 1C 7.7, you need to correctly enter the current account and program data.

Loading and setting up banks in 1C 7.7: difficulties
Difficult moments can arise even in the seemingly easiest work. Loading a bank into 1C 7 will not be an exception. And if you can deal with some of them yourself, then with some you will have to turn to specialists. Working with the classifier in older versions may not be the easiest. Quite often, loading bank classifiers into 1C 7.7 brings difficulties to the accountant.

If you suddenly encounter problems with any type of configuration in 1C, it is important to immediately begin solving them. Any delay in accounting work can delay payments or even the operation of the enterprise. It may be impossible to load a bank statement into 1C 7.7 due to an incorrect database file for export and import or incorrectly entered bank data.

When such problems arise, it is necessary to immediately find their cause. If you can do it yourself and, for example, you just need to load the jars into 1C 7.7, then nothing complicated. But if it's not enough own strength- you need to turn to programmers for help. Perhaps in the process of work they will identify many more errors and correct them all at once.

In 1C 7.7, the bank client settings are more complex than in newer versions, so updating the software may be a solution to the problem. Not all organizations agree to this for various reasons, so it is always necessary to deal with the specific case. If specialists handle the update, then you should not be afraid of data loss; they will solve this issue too.

Setting up the bank in 1C 7.7 will be done by professionals
No matter how difficult the situation may seem, you cannot give up. If you cannot complete the work in 1C yourself, you can always turn to Setbi specialists for help. Our company has been working with this software for more than 10 years, and therefore knows exactly how to load jars into 1C 7.7.

The company's website provides a detailed list of services that the company's programmers can provide. No less important is the fact that along with the cooperation agreement you also receive a guarantee. This means that even if there are errors in setting up the 1C 7.7 bank client for your organization, they will be corrected in a short time. You can also leave a request for a call if it is not possible to make one.

How to set up a Bank-Client connection - 1C: Enterprise 7.7.

1. Go to 1C settings in Client-Bank: Communication with BS -> Setting up a connection with BS "1C Enterprise":

2. Make sure that the settings are set like this:

3. Open the 1C program. Select from the menu: Journals -> Payment documents

4. At the bottom of the “Payment documents” table, click the button

5. The “Import / Export of payment documents” window appears.

6. Go to the exchange settings tab. Here we set the settings for the export file name and the import file name in accordance with the settings shown in the figure:

In field " Setting name» dial « AK Bars". If you want this setting to be used by default, check the " Use when opening" Then click " OK»." width="336" height="247">

Click on the button" width="333" height="149">

The unloading process begins after pressing the button. " Unload» window “Import/export of payment documents”

The upload result can be viewed by clicking the " View» window “Import/export of payment documents”.

8. Go to the Client-Bank application. Let's go to payment orders. Click on the button " Import from 1C»

The import result will be displayed on the screen:

9. Now you can edit the imported document, sign and send to the bank.

To do this, check the box next to the “Details” parameter, look at the bottom of the window “ Message from the bank».

Opening payment order, make the necessary changes, save. The document will then take the status new.

Now you can sign it and send it to the bank.

How to download statements from a client bank into 1C Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0)


It’s the 21st century and I’m surprised to learn that some accountants still enter bank statements into 1C: Accounting manually, although in all programs of the 1C family (starting with 7) this process is automated.

And if in 1C 7.7 there were still complaints about it, then the mechanism for loading bank statements for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0) truly deserves all praise.

I’ll tell you step by step how to download statements from your client bank (using the example of the iBank system as the most common now) into 1C: Accounting 8.3.

1. Launch the client bank. From the main menu, select "Settings" - "General".

2. In the settings that open, go to the "Export" tab. Check the box in section 1C and uncheck all other sections. As an exchange file in section 1C, enter any path to a file with the extension ".txt". Click the "Save" button.

3. Now get statements for the required date, select them all (key combination Ctrl+A) and select the down arrow next to the button in the panel Out. From the list of commands that opens, select "Export to 1C...".

4. Half the battle is done! The statements were uploaded to the same file that we specified in the client bank settings.

Making a backup copy of the database

Loading from a file into the database

5. Now launch 1C and go to the “Bank and Cash Desk” section. And then select "Bank Statements" in the panel on the left.

6. In the statement log that opens, click the “More” button and select “Exchange with bank” from the drop-down list:

7. An exchange window with the bank has opened. Select the "Load from Bank" tab.
Specify the bank account and the file into which statements from the client bank were downloaded:

8. In the bottom panel, click the "Download" button. And all extracts from the file will be uploaded to 1C.

9. Done! All that remains is to view the “Load Report”.

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer).

Before loading/uploading documents in the 1:C system, you need to make settings.

Processing of loading/uploading documents can be called from the “Service - Data Exchange” submenu by selecting the “1C:Enterprise – Bank Client” item or from the “Payment Documents” journal by clicking the “1C:Enterprise – Bank Client” button.

To configure document exchange, in the dialog that opens, click the “Exchange Settings” tab.

In the window you must specify the following parameters:

  • “Payment document export file name” is the name of the text file into which payment documents will be exported for loading into
  • “Name of the import file for transactions on current accounts” - the name of the text file into which payment documents will be uploaded for downloading from to 1C.
  • It is recommended to leave the “Program Name” field – banking client empty.
  • “Encoding” – the encoding in which exchange files are written. 1C:Enterprise can exchange files in DOS and Windows encoding. It is recommended to leave the value Windows.
  • “Documents for current accounts are being uploaded” – in the list of current accounts, you must mark the accounts that are serviced in
  • Attention! The exchange mechanism does not allow uploading and downloading transactions on foreign currency accounts.
  • “Types of payment documents are being uploaded” – in the list of document types, mark “Payment orders”.

The parameter settings can be saved by selecting “Save Settings” from the “Actions” menu of the program’s main menu. The use of the setting saving mode is described in detail in the user manual for the 1C: Accounting 7.7 program.

If you use several different Bank Client programs, and you need to create separate upload files for them, then you can create a separate setting for each program. Then, during subsequent processing calls, it will be possible to select the desired exchange parameters setting; one of the settings can be restored automatically when opened.

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