The change in the traffic rules is the main thing. Rules for driving roundabouts and fines for violating them

They have their own nuances and subtleties, which are very difficult for a novice driver to notice, grasp, and then put into practice. One such situation in which you should be particularly careful is when driving around a roundabout. From the outside it seems that there is nothing complicated about it - I drove onto it, drove in the general flow, and took the right turn. However, this is not entirely true. Before starting a roundabout, it is worth understanding the nuances of driving around the ring. After all, you need to enter/exit it correctly, as well as occupy a certain lane and not become an obstacle to other vehicles. How to get around the ring?

with a circle

In our country, traffic flows on the right side. Therefore, the section of the road on which driving is carried out counterclockwise in a circle is called driving in a circle. Traffic regulations inform that driving in a circle is completed only after the vehicle leaves this place on the roadway.

Signs and markings

Regulation at intersections of this type occurs without the help of a traffic light. The "Roundabout" sign is installed at the entrance to the roundabout. Pedestrian crossings located on the circle are always unregulated. And signs and markings determine priority movement around the ring. The traffic regulations have a clear list of all road elements that are allowed to be installed at and in front of the intersection. Signs that can be installed in front of: “Roundabout”, “Main Road”, “Give Way”, “No Stopping”. The last two indicate that vehicles located on the ring have priority. That is, a car approaching a roundabout must stop and let other vehicles already moving through it pass, and only then enter. Otherwise, the driver will violate traffic rules, which may lead to a traffic accident.

The “Main Road” sign allows you to move without stopping, without allowing other vehicles from the secondary road to pass. Consequently, drivers entering the roundabout do not have priority according to traffic regulations.

Entrance to the ring

In order to be on the circle, you need to know which lane you can enter it from.

First, find out if traffic around the ring is a priority. The elements of the road will help you with this. If the “Roundabout” sign is not accompanied by another (“Give way”), then the roundabout is the main one, and you have no right of way before entering it. So, you've let the vehicles pass, and there's a gap you can take advantage of. The rules teach us that the turn is made from the appropriate outer lane. However, this does not apply to roundabouts. Therefore, entry is made from any row. And also at the roundabout you occupy the same lane as before the intersection. You cannot enter from the left lane and take the far right lane. This is a gross violation.

In some cases, the ring has fewer lanes for traffic compared to the previous section of the road. In these circumstances, the driver should change lanes in advance, according to traffic rules.

Movement around the ring

Turn signals are devices that many drivers forget about when crossing this section of the roadway. This is a serious violation, because driving around the roundabout may involve many maneuvers, of which other drivers must be warned.

As already mentioned, it is very important to monitor the technical means of traffic management before entering. There will definitely be a “Roundabout” sign installed there. In addition to it, there may be “Give way”, “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, as well as other signs indicating which direction is the main one.

For the most part, the roundabout almost always takes priority, but not always the other roads are secondary.

When driving around the ring, the driver of the vehicle must follow his lane and not become an obstacle to other road users. And when making a maneuver, be sure to use turn signals. Otherwise, there is a high probability of creating an emergency situation.

Many drivers do not turn on their turn signals when driving in circles, thereby misleading other road users. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with traffic rules. When a passage is made, it must be observed by each driver.

There are often other roads adjacent to the roundabout intersection. The driver must think in advance what maneuvers he will perform.

For example, direct movement along a ring. Traffic regulations do not contain this information, but experienced drivers recommend sticking to the middle lane on a three-lane roadway. Even though your direction has priority, you still need to make sure other drivers see you and let you pass. So, when driving directly through the roundabout, it is more convenient to stay in the right lane. However, this may impede the movement of other vehicles. Therefore, if it is impossible to occupy it, then you can change to the middle one.

One of the nuances that you should pay attention to is on the ring. After all, it is allowed at a roundabout intersection. During its execution, it is also necessary to turn on the turn signals. This way you will protect yourself and others from accidents.

Turns on the ring

Circular traffic allows you to turn right or left. The driving rules for the first and second turns are different. The right one is much easier to do. To perform it, you will need to change lanes to the outer lane as you move, without interfering with other vehicles. Be sure to use your turn signals. It would also be a good idea to reduce your speed.

Turning left is a little more challenging, especially for novice drivers. However, having dealt with it once, you will not experience any difficulties in the future. Turning is carried out only in accordance with the Rules of the Road. Therefore, first you need to take the extreme left position on the roadway. As you already remember, the lane change maneuver necessarily involves turning on the appropriate turn signals.

In the case where the road has two lanes, you should start driving from the left, and upon reaching the exit you need to change lanes to the right and complete the movement along the ring by leaving it and turning.

In a three-lane circle, turning left is essentially done by performing the same maneuver as described earlier (with two lanes). But in this case, you will simply need to change lanes to the right not once, but twice. Maneuvering must be done carefully and correctly, since you are not the only participant in the circular movement and must remember that any mistake or carelessness of yours can cost you a decent amount.

Exit from the roundabout

When leaving a roundabout, the driver must learn one basic rule. Exit is only allowed from the far right lane. Before this, if you were moving in a different lane, you let cars pass, and then move out.

Pedestrians and their movement around the ring

As already mentioned, crossings for individuals outside of vehicles on the circle are unregulated. Therefore, they must be passed in accordance with traffic rules. The roundabout is quite difficult for motorists to navigate, but pedestrians are also often afraid of it. However, this fear is not justified. Since people can quite easily cross the roadway at an unregulated crossing, the main thing is to wait until the vehicles slow down and then stop to let you pass.

Traffic rules, driving around the ring: fines

Since there are rules, there are also penalties for breaking them. They depend on the traffic rule violation. Roundabouts won't put a dent in your wallet if you faithfully follow all traffic rules.

The most common driver mistakes:

  • Directions
  • Ignoring the right of priority of vehicles traveling on the main road.
  • The turn signals were not turned on when maneuvering.
  • Leaving a roundabout in any lane other than the required one on the far right.

The exact amounts of fines can be found in regulatory documents. So, for example, for driving clockwise, a driver will be deprived of his driver's license.

The driver of a vehicle entering the ring during a red traffic light will receive a fine of about one thousand rubles. In case of repeated violation - five or deprivation of the right to drive a car for up to six months. Parking is allowed only five meters before the intersection, that is, before leaving the roundabout. Otherwise, the driver is obliged to pay about five hundred rubles to the state treasury.

The most important thing is to choose the right lane correctly when moving around the ring. Traffic regulations are updated regularly, so it’s worth keeping an eye on the changes. Also, carefully study road signs, even though you follow the same route every day. After all, driving by inertia, you may not notice a new installed element of the road and, as a result, cause an accident. And of course, don’t forget to let pedestrians pass at the crossing before the roundabout.

Every driver, while on the highway, must follow the rules of the road so as not to create dangerous situations and not put themselves and others at risk. In particular, you need to be familiar with roundabouts, how to exit the roundabout correctly, and how to choose the right lane. Also, all motorists should be aware of the procedure to follow in the event of an accident on this section of the road. You need to keep up to date with the latest changes to the Rules because they are constantly changing and it becomes very easy to miss something.

This section of the roadway is a kind of island, which is surrounded by the roadway. The direction of travel (clockwise or counterclockwise) depends on the type of road.

For a highway with traffic on the right side, cars move counterclockwise, for a left-hand side, on the contrary, clockwise. This means that a vehicle moving on the left side to pass through the intersection will have to change lanes and take the direction of travel clockwise.

Roundabouts are not controlled and have no traffic lights.

Motorists on them are guided by only two rules:

  1. Priority is given to drivers located at the roundabout. Anyone who needs to enter it must give way. The regulation came into force on November 8, 2017.
  2. It is not necessary to turn on the turn signals. This is only necessary when the motorist wants to change lanes from one lane to another.

However, if there are traffic lights or signs on the roundabout, the driver must drive in accordance with them. Usually there are only “Roundabout” and “Give Way” signs.

In 2017, on October 31, the state published new Rules for driving roundabouts, according to which vehicles in the circle are always the main ones. On November 7th of the same year, a new amendment was immediately issued.

She talked about the following:

  • the main intersection is the one marked with sign 4.3;
  • A driver entering a roundabout must give priority to the vehicle located there.

This designation allows you to move in the direction shown on it.

The first turn should be to the right. If necessary, a turn can be made only after going around the entire arc. Otherwise it will be considered a violation. In especially dangerous places, unlucky drivers may be ambushed by traffic police officers or photo and video cameras.

The traffic rules consider the possibility of entering the intersection from any lane into the far right lane of the ring on a multi-lane roadway, and then you can change lanes into any lane. If it is not possible to get into the right lane due to some obstacle that prevents you from getting into the right lane upon entry, then you are allowed to drive straight into another lane. However, it is important to remember that you need to choose the lane from which you will not find yourself in the lane with oncoming traffic. If the intersection has only one lane, you should enter while being closer to the edge on the right, only in the rightmost lane at the roundabout. After this you can change into the left lane. You must also exit from it from the far right lane.

The sign is installed only before a roundabout intersection.

So, are all roundabouts major intersections and give priority to vehicles moving through them? No. If this sign is not there, then the motorist must use the usual traffic rules at the intersection.

Although entry can be made from any lane, it still matters. If a driver needs to turn right from an intersection, then they should enter from the right lane. If you go to the left, then you need to change lanes to the left. The same rules apply to those who need to make a U-turn.

When performing a maneuver, the motorist must pay attention to all the signs that stand in front of and on the roundabout. In normal situations, priority goes to those moving in a circle, but this does not always work. If a driver does not comply with traffic rules and breaks the lane while driving, then he can not only interfere with others, but also create an emergency situation.

The following are provisions that must be observed in certain situations:

  1. When turning left, you need to change lanes. On a multi-lane roadway, you should take the far left lane. You also need to turn on your turn signal and reduce your speed.
  2. When turning right, the speed also decreases and the turn signals turn on. But now we need to occupy the far right row.
  3. If there are only two lanes on the roadway, the maneuver should begin in the left lane. But, when the first two exits have been overcome, you need to change into the right lane. At intersections with three lanes, the same rules apply. Note: if signs on the road indicate a different process of overcoming, it is worth following it.
  4. If you are driving straight and there are more than two lanes at the intersection, you should choose the middle one. This way, when leaving this lane, you will not interfere with others who want to turn. When there are only two lanes on the ring, you need to continue driving based on your assessment of the situation on the highway.
  5. If a driver enters an intersection with , he needs to be sure that all vehicles are ready to let him through.

However, you can stay in the lane on the right, but in case someone wants to swerve, it will create some interference. It is also worth remembering that when entering a roundabout, you must first let all pedestrians through. When exiting, this driver needs to let everyone in front pass.

There are situations when several cars want to enter at the same time. Then drivers should take the same row in the ring as they occupied before the race. For example, if a person was driving along the highway in the left lane, then he needs to occupy the corresponding lane, but only when several vehicles want to enter at once. This is the safest way to help prevent an emergency.

How to exit the roundabout

After you drove onto it and chose a lane, the question arose: how to get out of the roundabout? To do this, you need to refer to the traffic rules. To make a turn, you must change lanes to the right. Otherwise the same rules apply.

Another feature of such a section of the road is the possibility of overtaking or stopping a vehicle, but not less than five meters from the meeting point of the entrance and the intersection.

It is obvious that on this section of the road there are penalties for incorrect driving. As on a regular section of the highway, the amount you have to pay depends on the severity of the violation.

If a driver enters a roundabout at , he may be given a fine of one thousand rubles. If this incident happens again, the motorist will be required to pay five thousand rubles. Otherwise, the citizen may be subject to a proportionate punishment in the form of deprivation of driving privileges for a period of four to six months. All fines and charges are reviewed by the court.

Below is a list with some more violations:

  • the driver did not exit from the rightmost lane;
  • the car's turn signal was not turned on when changing lanes from one lane to another;
  • the vehicle was moving towards other vehicles;
  • the car is just standing at the intersection;
  • the driver did not give right of way to another vehicle on the roundabout;
  • a car driving along a secondary lane did not give way to a vehicle located on the main road.

A motorist is subject to a fine of one thousand rubles if he does not give way to vehicles already at the intersection. If he continues to disobey the rules of the roundabout, he will be deprived of his driver's license.

Typically, designations 2.4 and 2.5 are installed with this sign. These signs indicate that the motorist will need to stop and give priority to others in the roundabout.

This section of the road requires maximum attention and concentration from the driver, as many problems and difficulties arise there, such as changing lanes, turning on turn signals and correct exit and entry. It is always worth assessing what is happening on the road, remembering all the rules and trying to avoid an emergency situation.

Pedestrian movement around the ring

Pedestrian crossings should only be crossed following the rules of the road. Driving in a circle seems very difficult for drivers, but pedestrians also sometimes walk along this section of the road with fear.

Nevertheless, the ring does not pose any danger to individuals, because the highway in this place can be safely crossed via a transition. The same rules apply here as on a regular road - you need to wait and start crossing when you are sure that all cars have reduced their speed to a complete stop and are ready to let you pass.

Sometimes, on these sections of the road there are special markings that separate the circle from adjacent roads. There are no intersections on the ring, like a T-junction with a ninety-degree angle. Here, all adjacent roadways are more like confluences of streams than their intersections.

The outermost central strip, which is located around the “island,” is a strip two meters wide, which is designed to allow large vehicles, such as a bus, to drive over them with their rear wheels when making a maneuver if they do not have enough space.

In some places you can find small intersections where driving on the island is allowed. This small roundabout island has only one lane. It allows passage for large vehicles if necessary.

There is a lane that is designed to relieve excessive traffic flow of cars traveling to the right. This row is located adjacent to the roundabout, and sometimes not touching it.

You can only move along it along its trajectory without the possibility of driving into the ring. It is distinguished by continuous markings or a separator. There are also difficult moments when the markings on this lane are erased. It becomes unclear whether it is combined with the circle or separated. Then you should always assume that it merges with the ring and allows entry.

There are also large roundabouts. They are as close as possible to the standard concept of a roundabout. The same rules apply to them. Entry is allowed from any line to the right, then movement in a circle and exit from the rightmost lane.

The radius of the island of this kind of intersection is in the range from fifty to sixty meters. Basically there are three or more lanes. There are also smaller intersections. Their radius varies from twelve to forty meters. Usually there are only two rows.

The radius of the arc roadway on the outer side should not exceed fifteen meters. The guide island, located in the middle, usually has a radius of about ten meters. The stripes themselves should be approximately five and a half meters wide in total.

At such road intersections, it is possible to organize an additional lane to relieve traffic.

Such rings are usually located on roads in order to reduce traffic in residential areas. As a rule, on such sections of the road the speed of cars is no more than thirty kilometers per hour.

There are also ordinary nodes with an island with a diameter of four to ten meters. They are located in conditions of limited space. The center is marked with markings or slightly raised to allow large vehicles to pass through it.

Also, do not forget about the existence of areas for transport with roundabout traffic. They defy the usual rules of classification. Here you need to proceed from different data about this section of the road. They are not subject to the normal rules of arc movement.

Unusual roundabouts

There are intersections where it is impossible to drive the entire circle on the far right side. This is prevented either by markings or dividers, so the driver will have to choose another lane.

For example, to get to the third exit, the vehicle must make two extra lane changes. This will take extra time. However, nothing will change if the driver needs to exit the second exit. When changing lanes, the driver will have to give way to other vehicles that are moving in the same direction and do not change their trajectory. If several vehicles moving at the same time are changing lanes at the same time, then it is worth giving priority to the one who is on the right side.

Types of intersections

In addition to roundabouts, there are a number of other road intersections.

To begin with, it is worth noting that they are all divided into types:

  1. Crossing equivalent roadways without adjustment. Here the traffic flow is not controlled by traffic lights or traffic controllers.
  2. Crossing uneven roadways without adjustment. This is the same thing, only here there is one main road and one secondary road. Both are marked with appropriate road signs.
  3. Regulated intersection. There is something on it that can control the flow. This could be a traffic light or any other traffic controller. According to their structure, intersections are divided into several types:
  4. T-junction. It consists of a track that intersects another in the shape of the letter “T”. That is, the same merger occurs as at a cross-shaped intersection, only one of the roads is interrupted.
  5. Multi-way road intersection. These are several tracks meeting in one place and at the same level. While on these sections of the road, the driver should take care of his safety, as there is a high chance of creating an emergency situation.
  6. Cross-shaped intersection. This is the most common type. The two routes intersect at a ninety-degree angle at the same level.
  7. Roundabout intersection. We must not forget that if there is a traffic jam in front of an intersection, you cannot drive through it.

There are rules that do not depend on the situation or type of road section. For example, a driver must always give way to pedestrians before turning or driving on.

This situation remains the same regardless of whether the roadway is regulated or not. For such a violation, the traffic rules provide for a fine from the violator in the amount of one and a half thousand rubles.

On the road you should always be guided not only by the rules of the road, but also by common sense. Since there is always a tense situation at roundabouts, the driver must think with a “cool head”, because both his life and the lives of others depend on it.

Roundabouts make it easier to navigate through intersections with heavy traffic flow, and therefore are often found on highways and in cities. And therefore, even a novice car owner should know how to drive around the ring correctly. Let's figure out what requirements are established by the traffic rules here.

When do traffic rules require roundabouts?

A common cause of accidents on the roads is the collision of two (and sometimes more) cars at intersections. To improve safety and increase traffic capacity, various methods are used, and one of them is roundabouts. For them, an “island” is created in the center of the intersection - a piece of land not intended for traffic. Along the edge, the “island” is bordered by a road along which vehicles travel strictly in one direction.


In this case, you can drive without limiting the number of laps. For example, a driver who missed the right exit or did not have time to change lanes can drive around the intersection and try again.

Traffic around the ring according to traffic regulations is not currently specifically described - there are general travel rules and regulations regarding markings and installed signs, which need to be considered in more detail.

Road sign "Roundabout" and additional signs

According to the current traffic regulations, traffic around the ring is carried out in the same way as at ordinary unregulated intersections. As a result, the rules for driving roundabouts provide an advantage for those entering the intersection over those already moving through the intersection. This is precisely the option provided if there is a “Roundabout” sign at the intersection.

However, changes were made to the traffic rules not long ago. The following additional signs can now be installed at roundabouts:

  • 2.4 – requirement to give way;
  • 2.5 – prohibition to move without stopping.

The combination of these signs will mean that those cars already at the intersection will have priority over those trying to enter there.

However, you need to remember: this situation is allowed only where there are signs 2.4 or 2.5! Otherwise, the traffic rules have not changed - and the driver does not always enjoy the advantage. Unfortunately, erroneous explanations that were given back in 2010 are remembered by drivers - and often this leads not only to disputes, but also to accidents.

Correct trajectory and direction of entry

Let's figure out how the driver should enter the ring. This question is not so simple, since usually there are several lanes on the ring, and there are also multi-lane tracks adjacent to it. In addition, in some cases, the number of traffic lanes at the intersection itself and at its exits may differ. What rules apply here?

How to get to the traffic circle from the right lane?

You can enter the roundabout from any lane, but the easiest way to drive through roundabouts is on the right. In this case, the driver must act as follows:

  • approach an intersection, slow down;
  • enter the right lane of the roundabout;
  • if necessary, change lanes to the left or middle lane if you do not plan to turn right at the nearest exit.

How to start driving around the ring from the left lane?

Traffic regulations require that when turning, the driver must change lanes to the left. However, if a car is moving in a circular path while turning, this requirement does not apply to it: you don’t have to change lanes, but drive straight into the ring.

But at the same time, the roundabout rules indicate that you can only enter the intersection in the equivalent row of the circle. If a driver driving in the left lane enters the right lane of the roundabout, he will thereby cross the trajectory of those already moving in the right lane of the adjacent road.

Which turn signals should I turn on?

Driving through the traffic circle requires the driver to use turn signals. Motorists usually forget about them - but in vain: in this regard, the circle is no different from a regular turn at an intersection.

Therefore, in order not to violate traffic rules, you need to turn on the turn signals as follows:

  • when entering a circle, the right one works;
  • changing lanes - left or right, depending on the direction of the maneuver;
  • When leaving the circle, you must also use the right one.

In a word, the old rule “where you turn the steering wheel, you turn on the turn signal” also applies to those driving along the ring.

Preparing for departure and care rules

A driver wishing to leave a roundabout must take precautions in advance. First of all, he must move into the right lane. Driving through the roundabout according to the new rules does not change anything here: even if the roundabout has priority over those entering, you cannot go to the right from the left lane. In this case, it is necessary to let both those who are moving in the far right lane and those who are going to enter the lane in which the car is already moving pass.

Approaching the exit, the driver must use the right turn signal to indicate to other road users that he is about to carry out a maneuver. Violation of this rule may result in a collision. It must be remembered that if there are no special signs or markings, you need to let those entering the roundabout pass.

Which car has priority according to traffic regulations?

Since priority has been mentioned, it is worth bringing together all the conditions that the roundabout has according to the traffic rules. So here are the priority rules in brief:

  • If there is only a 4.3 sign, then the advantage is on the side of those who enter the ring.
  • Signs about stopping (“Stop”) or about the requirement to let pass – priority goes to those who are already on the roundabout.
  • If part of the circle or the whole of it, according to the signs, is the main road, then here you also need to let those who are already driving under it pass.
  • If there is a traffic light on the roundabout, you need to follow its signals.

Fines for traffic violations

Typical violations when driving in a circle are the following:

  1. Entering the intersection through the stop line. This violation is punishable by a fine of 800 rubles.
  2. Driving on red if there is a traffic light in front of the circle - a fine of 1000 rubles for the first time. The second time you will have to pay 5,000, or lose your rights for up to six months.
  3. Violation of the rules on priority - a fine of 1000 rubles.
  4. A turn signal not turned on will cost 500 rubles.
  5. A turn that violates the lane rules will cost the same amount.
  6. Parking closer than 5 m from the road being crossed costs 500 rubles.
  7. Moving against the flow means deprivation of rights.

In addition, on the circle you can receive a punishment for those violations that do not specifically relate to the rules of travel. For example, driving a faulty vehicle, drunken driving, etc. are also prohibited there.

Driving directions in pictures and typical driver mistakes

The easiest way to show how to drive around a roundabout is using diagrams. So here's how to move around the ring:

It is easy to notice that on a three-lane road the rule applies: the later you leave, the closer you need to stay to the “island” in the center.

The driving rules are also clearly visible on this diagram, where permitted trajectories are highlighted in green, prohibited ones in red, and it also shows who and where should turn on the turn signal:

The driver should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Turn from the second or third row to the right. It is necessary to move into the right lane in advance. If this cannot be done before the turn, it is better to make a second circle.
  • Activating a left turn when entering a circle. This is not required: you only need to turn it on when changing lanes to one of the inner lanes.
  • Drive only on the right side. This is acceptable according to traffic rules, but in practice this habit interferes with other drivers. If a motorist does not plan to leave at the nearest turn, he should change lanes closer to the center of the circle.


When participating in a roundabout, as elsewhere on the road, you need to remember the rules and carefully look around. Then you will be able to avoid both accidents and fines.

Prime Minister Dmitry.

“Even in one city there can be different schemes, depending on what kind of intersection it is,” the head of government explained the need to introduce new rules. — Because of this, conflict situations arise that could be avoided if these rules were uniform. Now priority for passage is given to those who move around the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. This practice exists in almost all European countries and has proven its effectiveness.”

According to the adopted changes, the driver of a car, when entering a roundabout intersection of equivalent roads, indicated by the “Roundabout” road sign, is now required to give way to other vehicles already moving in a circle.

At the same time, there is an important caveat - if priority signs or traffic lights are installed at such an intersection, then the movement of vehicles along it is carried out in accordance with their requirements.

From a legislative point of view, from November 8, a new clause 13.11 note 1 appears in the Russian Traffic Regulations: “When entering an intersection at which a roundabout is organized and which is marked with sign 4.3, the driver of a vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving along such an intersection.”

At the same time, the third paragraph of clause 13.9 was declared invalid, which read as follows: “If sign 4.3 is installed in front of a roundabout intersection in combination with sign 2.4 or 2.5, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has priority over those entering such an intersection vehicles."

The government's initiative was previously supported by the Traffic Management Center (TCOC) in Moscow. “Currently, there are already about 54 roundabouts on the capital’s roads, 40 of them have a scheme with priority on the circle, so the Data Center supports the decision that at all roundabouts there should be priority on the circle itself by default,” said the Deputy Head of the Directorate TsODD.

By the way, on the same day as the decree on roundabouts, Medvedev also signed another decree that introduces diagonal “waffle” markings throughout Russia. Previously, it was applied as an experiment only at a number of metropolitan intersections. Such markings can be applied to busy intersections where congestion often occurs. This often happens due to the poor culture of drivers and the “waffle” will make them more disciplined, and at the same time better navigate a difficult intersection.

Commenting on the introduction of waffle markings, the First Deputy Prime Minister noted that such markings are widely used all over the world.

According to him, seeing such markings, the driver must understand that traffic jams often occur on this section of the road and he is obliged to complete the maneuver without creating obstacles for other road users.

In order to “help” drivers be more careful in such areas, it is planned to install photo recording systems for traffic violations at such intersections.

It turned out that under the current legislation it was almost impossible to achieve real deprivation of liberty for them.

In this regard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs wants to raise the maximum level of punishment so that the crime provided for in Article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation moves into the category of medium gravity. This, in turn, will allow the judge to much more often send hard-drinkers not to compulsory labor, but to jail.

Attention! The material is NOT relevant!!! .

Good afternoon, dear car enthusiasts!

Despite the fact that roundabouts are designed to facilitate traffic at road intersections, drivers still have a lot of questions about driving through such intersections. When driving through roundabouts, very little attention is paid, which is why some difficulties arise.

First mention in maneuvering rules:

8.5. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver is obliged to take in advance the appropriate extreme position on the roadway intended for traffic in this direction, except in cases where a turn is made when entering an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

Second in the rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections:

13.9. At the intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement. At such intersections, a tram has an advantage over trackless vehicles moving in the same or opposite direction on an equivalent road, regardless of the direction of its movement.

If sign 4.3 is installed in front of a roundabout in combination with sign 2.4 or 2.5, the driver of a vehicle located at the intersection has priority over vehicles entering such an intersection.

In the first case, the rules for entering the intersection are determined, in the second, priority.

There are no other explanatory rules for driving through a roundabout, and the general rules should be followed. What is a roundabout?

The first thing to understand is that a roundabout is one intersection with multiple roadways crossing. The roadway on the “ring” is not a separate road, but is intended for exiting from one road to another. (Just like, for example, a section of the roadway at the break in the dividing strip intended for a turn, but not being a road and not forming a separate intersection)

According to clause 8.5 of the rules, if you make a turn when entering an intersection with a roundabout, you do not need to take the extreme position, that is, you can enter the intersection from any lane. Please note, this rule only applies to entering the intersection; when leaving the intersection, you must take the extreme right position on the roadway. Turning from the second lane when leaving an intersection is prohibited.

Now let’s look at a more complex option, which occurs quite often - one of the roads of a roundabout intersection runs along the tangent of the circle

In this situation, the intersection also has a roundabout, let's look at how traffic occurs straight along the second lane on the road.

Despite the fact that the turning maneuver is not carried out, nevertheless, entry into the roundabout occurs and, in the case of straight traffic, exit from it occurs at the same time. It turns out to be a kind of contradiction: on the one hand, we can enter the ring in any lane, but we must exit only from the far right lane. We move straight, without making any maneuvers, but when crossing a “circular traffic”, for some moment we become participants in the traffic along this “ring” and occupy the second lane on it. To exit the roundabout we are forced to cross the far right lane of the roundabout.

Thus, formally, three maneuvers are performed simultaneously

  1. Entering a roundabout
  2. Changing lanes to the far right lane
  3. Exiting a roundabout

This formal division of maneuvers is necessary to determine priority between vehicles that are moving in the traffic circle and those that are only “grazing” it.

If priority signs are not installed at the intersection, then at the intersection of trajectories “1” the red car must give way, guided by paragraph (tip:: 13.11. At the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right. The same rule must tram drivers should be guided by each other.) 11/13(/tip) rules. And at the intersection of trajectories “2”, both cars are in a circular motion and the white car must let the red car pass, as it leaves the lane and crosses the lane of the red car.

There are an infinite number of configurations of roundabout intersections and they are unfairly given too little attention in the traffic rules.

In order to avoid getting into such difficult situations, you need to plan your movement through the intersection in advance, and if you plan to exit the roundabout quickly, it is better to take the far right lane in advance before entering.

Dear you without obstacles!

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