What is the name of the browser developed by Google. Google company: history of creation

It is simply impossible to be an Internet user and not know what this is, because this search engine is one of the most popular in the world. But not all users know that it grew out of an ordinary student project. It is interesting that those who created Google did not initially count on any kind of profit, but set up a kind of experiment, which then grew into a full-scale and very profitable project.

Who invented Google?

When it comes to who is the creator of the Google system, advanced users most often remember one name - Sergey Brin, completely forgetting about his partner Larry Page. Probably the reason for this neglect is the great media activity of Sergei, who appeared mostly on TV and in the media, trying to promote his brainchild, while his co-author delved into Scientific research and study. But, be that as it may, the Google system was really created by two people, so when talking about the history of both the search engine itself and the company of the same name, the contribution of both partners to the common cause should be fairly highlighted.

It all started back in 1996, when both future billionaires studied at Stanford University and had to pass an annual scientific project. It became the Back Rub search engine, which a year later grew into the Google search engine itself, and a year later became the Google corporation. It is noteworthy that the birthday of the new system is celebrated on September 15, but sometimes it is celebrated a week earlier or later. The creators came up with a brand name for their product using a play on words: they took the English name 10 to the hundredth power, which is written as googol, and distorted it a little, making it unique and recognizable.

After receiving a patent for the Google.com domain, the partners thought about creating their own company in order to be able to develop their brainchild. To do this, we had to look for investors, and as soon as the first financial injection of $100 thousand was received, the new enterprise immediately received permanent residence and official registration in a garage in the town of Mento Park, which belonged to one of Sergei and Larry’s friends. However, a year later, the partners moved to Palo Alto to the Mountain Beau complex and since then this place has been called nothing less than Googleplex. The head office of a world-famous corporation is still located here.

How do the creators of Google live today?

Currently, 43-year-old US citizen Sergei Brin lives in California, in the town of Los Altos. It is noteworthy that his homeland is the USSR, from where his parents took him at the age of 5. In 2006, he married Ana Wojcicki, a biologist by profession, they had a son and a daughter, but the couple divorced in 2013. In 2016, the authoritative Forbes magazine named Sergei 13 in the TOP of the richest people on the globe, but the young billionaire does not boast of his wealth and lives quite modestly, donating huge sums to charity and scientific projects. He actively publishes in American and foreign academic periodicals and willingly takes part in various scientific and technical forums, and also appears on television.

Another Google creator, Larry Page, also recently celebrated his 43rd birthday and was ranked by Forbes as the 14th richest person in the world. He is happily married to Lucy Southworth, has two children and lives in a large house in Palo Alto. He also actively spends money on charity and various research projects, for example, on developing a way to blow up asteroids approaching the Earth, and also finances the publication of books for children.

One of the founders of Google is a Muscovite

Few people know that the slightly sloppy co-owner of Google, whose last name is Brin, is actually not just Sergey, but Sergey Mikhailovich. When he was 5 years old, his family moved from Moscow to Maryland, where his father Mikhail Izrailevich Brin became a teacher at the University of Maryland.

By the way, Sergei even now, after almost 40 years, speaks Russian quite well. If you wish, you can easily find his interview with the federal government on the Internet. Russian channel, in which Brin not only shows good spoken Russian, but also uses terms.


Google was created as a student project

Sergey Brin and his friend Larry Page created Google while studying at Stanford University. Unlike other search engines, their project was able to analyze connections between different sites. This system eventually received the name PageRank and became the headache and bread and butter of all SEO optimizers for many years.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page, 2004

As a result, Brin and Page successfully defended their dissertation on this project, and later became multi-billionaires thanks to it. So, Brin is in 13th place in the Forbes ranking, Page is in 10th.


The name Google Incorporated is an accident

When Sergey Brin presented his project to one of the founders of Sun Microsystems, Andy Bechtolsheim, he became interested. But he hastily wrote out a check for $100 thousand in the name of Google Incorporated. In order for them to be removed, a legal entity with exactly that name was needed.

Actually, it was 20 years ago that Brin and Page created a company that would allow them to receive their first investment. This is how a formal legal organization emerged, which later grew into one of the largest corporations in the world.


The names of Android versions were supposed to be a tribute to famous robots

Each a new version The Android operating system receives the name of the dessert in alphabetical order. Right now the current one is Android Oreo, which will be replaced by Android Pie within a few weeks. Before that there was Nougat, and in 2016 there was Marshmallow.

However, this was not always the case. The first two versions of the operating system were named Astro Boy and Bender - after famous cartoon robots. But in order to avoid copyright issues when using these names, the company had to abandon such names and keep them for internal use only. The first version of Android ready for a wide range of users was called Cupcake.


Google will soon abandon Android

The company said that Android is running out of steam - it is already a somewhat archaic system into which it is becoming more and more difficult to integrate new functions, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence. As a result, within five years the company plans to replace the Android veteran with its new OS, Google Fuchsia, which has been in the works for the past few years.

First the company plans to integrate new system into smart home devices. This will happen very soon, no later than 2021. In another two years, Google will replace Android on smartphones and tablets.


Artificial intelligence cools Google data centers

Data center (DPC) cooling is one of the key cost items for maintaining these structures. Giant buildings containing tens and hundreds of thousands of cabinets with equipment generate enormous amounts of heat, the removal of which costs enormous amounts of money.

The cooling systems in them are so complex that only very experienced engineering teams are involved in design and maintenance. However, Google data centers decided to try to configure these systems using artificial intelligence. As a result, the machine was able to select such parameters that the efficiency of the cooling system in one of the data centers increased by 40%. This allows the company to save several million dollars a year.


Google wanted to buy Yandex

15 years ago, in 2003, Brin and Page were in Moscow and visited their colleagues. After the meeting, they corresponded for about a year and offered Yandex to become part of Google. Initially, there was talk of a contract of $30 million, but by the end of negotiations this amount had grown to $130 million.

When Google's lawyers finally came to Russia to finalize the agreement, it turned out that the American company wanted to make an acquisition, not a merger, and make Yandex's founders employees. Obviously, after such a turn, the negotiations were stopped and Google could not make its search engine friendly with the Russian language for a long time.


Google's sleek design comes from ignorance

Despite the fact that Brin and Page are brilliant programmers, the HTML layout was theirs. weak point. As a result, Google's start page from the very beginning only had a search box and a Find button.

Given that in those days, websites were trying to outdo each other in terms of information content on the home page, such a concise approach really set Google apart from the general background. At some point, the company made an alternative start page that users could customize, but Google eventually closed this project.


Google has developed six instant messengers

None are successful

Perhaps the only niche in which Google fails is creating its own messenger. Right now, the company is in its sixth attempt at creating a messaging app. Most likely, like previous experiments, you have not heard anything about it.

Here are the previous five: Google Talk (Chat), Google+, Hangouts, Duo and Allo. The new messenger will be designed to replace the outdated SMS/MMS standard, and right now Google is actively trying to negotiate with operators so that they begin supporting a new protocol called RCS.

Two of the company’s key projects – Google search and YouTube video hosting – top the website popularity rankings and are the most visited resources in the world according to Amazon Alexa.

We are talking about the global address google.com, which works everywhere. In addition to it, all regional domains are considered separately in the ranking: for example, the Indian version of google.co.in is in 12th place in the world in popularity (ahead of Instagram, for example), the Japanese google.co.jp is in 24th place, and on the 28th and 29th - Hong Kong google.co.hk ​​and Brazilian google.co.br. Russian google.ru is in 37th place, ahead of the German and French versions (38th and 39th, respectively), but behind yandex.ru, which is in 20th position in the world.

The history of the creation of Google is very instructive and interesting. Two American graduate students form a small company, which in 6 years turns into a reputable company with a public offering of shares on the stock exchange.

Today, the IT industry giant Google Inc. is an integral and main part of the huge corporation Alphabet Inc. Its founders were the same Stanford graduate students Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

The conglomerate's market capitalization exceeds $650 billion, which is the second highest in the global economy. The holding employs over 72 thousand employees.

Market capitalization is the value of an asset, which is calculated based on current stock prices.

Google Inc. called the most successful Internet company in the world. The current corporation has amazing statistics. According to the Statista portal, 90.4% of requests from personal computers falls on Google. Its share in the search services market is about 60% of the global volume, and in the mobile search market – 93.8%.

Google receives over 40 billion queries every month. Since its inception, the system has indexed more than 60 trillion pages. Google has developed and supports a number of world-famous services and products, such as Search, Maps, Ads, Gmail, Android, Chrome and YouTube. The search engine has become so firmly established among users all over the world that even a special term has appeared: “Google.”

Where it all started

The history of the creation of the giant began in 1996, when Sergey Brin and Larry Page, graduate students at the prestigious Stanford University, enthusiastically worked on an Internet search project, later called “BackRub”.

Stanford University

In the process of research, they managed to develop a way to rank web pages by the number of backlinks - the PageRank algorithm. To put it briefly, it allowed all pages found by request to be arranged by the number of links to them. As a result, the most popular ones ended up at the top of the list.

The new search engine quickly gained popularity. Within two years, more than 10 thousand users accessed it daily. The service began to take almost half of the university’s entire Internet traffic, which caused dissatisfaction among the management and teaching staff. The threat of closure loomed over it.

How Google came to be

To continue the work of their brainchild, friends began searching for investors. They were helped by businessman Andy Bechtolschmain, who handed his friends a check for $100 thousand, but made out to the corporation. I had to urgently establish a company. Thus, in September 1998, the history of Google Inc., registered in the town of Menlo Park, California, officially began.

At first it employed 4 people, but the simple interface and speed of the search engine quickly began to make the company widely known. By the end of this year, the number of indexed pages was already about 60 million. The number of users of the system has increased several times. Google ended the year in PC Magazine's top 100 sites, above its competitors at the time. Almost all American news publications have written about the company and its magical product.

How Google Evolved

In the spring of 1999, the young team moved to the city of Palo Alto, where by that time many innovative startups in Silicon Valley were located. The company now has a full-fledged office with 8 employees. The number of search queries on Google servers increases to half a million per day.

Google office

Successes at the first stage of the history of the creation and development of Google contributed to the emergence of the first partner. In the summer of 1999, Page and Brin began negotiations with two large venture partners. Discussion of the terms of the contract lasted more than a year. Young Brin and Page defended their rights to the main roles in their company. A compromise solution was the introduction of a person from partners to the position of financial director into Google management. This is how Eric Schmidt appeared in the history of Google, who later became one of its leaders. Google received $25 million from new partners.

Eric Emerson Schmidt

Financial investments were used to strengthen the company with first-class specialists, increase capacity and infrastructure.


In 2000, the history of development continues. The company, contrary to the original position of its founders, began selling text advertising. Advertisements played a big role in the company's subsequent success story; they were and are to this day Google's main source of income.

Of great importance in the history of Google was the development of a network of partner sites, which, in exchange for royalties from clicks on commercial links, hosted its advertisements. Revenue from advertising on partner sites today accounts for approximately 50% of the company's sales.

Growing income allowed the company, which significantly increased its staff, to rent 4 buildings in Mountain View (California) in 2003, where its headquarters are located today. The company gradually and powerfully entered the emerging Internet market.

Google headquarters in Mountain View

Google is recognized as the brand of the year according to the British Interbrand, ahead of Coca-Cola and Apple in this ranking.


The auction was held on August 19, 2004. The initial share price was set at $85. In a matter of days it reached $136. Google managed to earn $1.67 billion, the issue is considered one of the 25 largest in American history.

The first offering in Google's history sold 20 million shares. Its founders become billionaires, and about a thousand employees of the corporation become millionaires.

Since the advent of Google Inc. shares. on the stock exchange their price is steadily growing, along with financial indicators corporations.

Business expansion

Google executives initially realized that their advantage was a powerful computer base and new technology search can quickly be lost if the company does not stay ahead of the competition. Along with the improvement of search technology, active development of services and applications for the search system and the acquisition of promising start-up innovative companies begin.

In the summer of 2001, an image search service appeared, which was preceded by a huge amount of work on indexing an array of images. Further releases include Google News, Google Alerts, Google Desktop Search, Gmail mail service, translator, built-in calculator, explanatory dictionary and much more.

In the fall of 2006, Google Inc. acquires the company JotSpot, which develops wiki technologies, and in November conducts the largest deal to purchase video hosting YouTube, which cost the company $1.65 billion.

Convenient and practical online services are being developed. The most popular among them are Google Maps, Docs, Earth and others.

The Chrome browser was released in September 2008. 5 years later it became the most used browser in the world.

In 2011, Google specialists developed operating system Chrome OS.

A breakthrough in the mobile device market was the provision of the free Android platform, which has now become popular and in demand around the world. A browser version was specially created for it.

Google has achieved remarkable success in a short period of time. By the end of 2014, the corporation had its representative offices in 41 countries. Market price it amounted to more than 400 billion dollars.

Following the developed tactics of diversifying their business, Page and Brin in 2015 created the Alphabet Inc. holding company, the main asset of which is Google.

Where did the name come from

A name was needed for the new search engine. His friends chose the number Googol for him, which in writing has one and one hundred zeros after it, which, in their opinion, symbolized the vast information sea on the World Wide Web.

The spelling of the word was slightly corrected for euphony. In the fall of 1997, the google.com domain was registered.

There is also a version that the name change happened by accident when their first investor mistakenly indicated the non-existent Google Incorporated on the check. The friends had to register their company under this name.

History of the logo

The first logo was created by Sergey Brin using a regular graphics program. In his opinion, the logo should have displayed a distorted word Googol, which would characterize the endless possibilities of the created search system. It existed in various variations from 1997 to May 30, 1999.

Logo evolution

When the company gained popularity, it was decided to update its branding. Ruth Kedar, a design teacher from Stanford, took up this task at Sergei’s request. It was necessary to create a logo that would attract attention and distinguish the new search engine from a number of competitors.

The version of the Google logo created by the designer was approved and began to be used on May 31, 1999. The logo turned out to be colorful, successfully combining clean geometric shapes with simple, childish letters from a school ABC book. It was he who soon became recognizable throughout the world.

The next 3 versions of the logo are based on the design of Ruth Kedar.

In 2011, the logo was patented by Google.

The current Google logo has been in use since September 1, 2015. It was changed due to the reorganization of the company. At the same time, the previous logo continues to remain trademark companies.

Like the previous ones, the modern logo is made in beautiful bright colors. What's new is the rotated "e", signifying that Google will always be unusual. There are points for interactive and transitional moments.

During major events such as Olympic Games, on holidays, Google uses doodles instead of a logo - drawings, animations on the topic of current events.

A look into the future

Today Google is a transnational corporation, part of the international conglomerate Alphabet Inc. since October 2015. The company invests billions of dollars in various projects in the field of IT and communications, but, as before, its main focus is improving search and advertising on the Internet.

Google office from the inside

Work will continue to increase the capabilities of the Google Assistant voice assistant. It will receive support for new languages, including Russian.

The main focus is now not on mobile technologies, but on developments related to artificial intelligence. Part of this work has already included the introduction of “smart” replies in Gmail.

Work on speech recognition and computer vision will continue. Google Assistant will include a service for recognizing various objects using the camera.

Android will have support for the Kotlin programming language, developed with the participation of JetBrains from Russia.

The “light” version of the system, Android Go, will be introduced. It will improve performance on inexpensive smartphones and reduce traffic consumption.

The translator's capabilities are expanding. It is currently available in 116 languages, with plans to expand this list.

Financial stability

Alphabet's financial indicators are now consistently showing dynamic growth. Thus, the company’s revenue in the third quarter of 2014 increased by 24%, net profit by 33%.

At the same time, the revenue of Google's subsidiary increased by 23.4% to $27.5 billion. All experts express positive forecasts for both Alphabet and Google. The company's shares are steadily rising in price, and experts value their growth potential very highly.

The company continues its history, guided by its declared mission: to improve the world information system, make it more accessible and useful for all people.

    • Android operating system for mobile devices.
    • Google Play is an application server for the Android system.
    • Gmail is an email client.
    • GoogleDrive – cloud storage.
    • Picassa is a photo editing platform.
    • Blogger is a platform for creating blogs.

The concern, which is currently called Alphabet, includes the following companies:

    • Google Inc. – Internet services, applications, gadgets, etc.
    • Google Fiber is a broadband Internet access provider.
    • NestLabs – smart homes and housing technologies.
    • Calico is a life extension program.

    • Google Capital is an investment company.
    • Google Venture is a venture fund.
    • Google X is a software developer.
    • Google Verily is a health research center.

In 2014, Google officially became part of Alphabet Inc., which united under its leadership other assets managed by the same founders. Consolidation of all services, projects and subsidiaries carried out for transformation and convenience in management, as well as minimizing the possibility of a raider takeover. As of the end of 2016, Alphabet became the most valuable company in the world. The company's market capitalization has exceeded half a trillion dollars. General Director Alphabet Inc. Sundar Pichai was appointed. Sergey Brin and Larry Page retained their rights as CEOs of the conglomerate and own the majority of the company's shares.

Google/Alphabet shares

By the middle of 2007, the price of Google shares increased from 85 to $300, in 2013 the price was already more than $500, and at the moment, at the beginning of 2017, the mark of $850 per share was reached, which is ten times more initial cost 13 years ago.

Since the reorganization of Alphabet, new shares have been introduced to the exchange, which can be viewed using the ticker GOOG. Legacy shares under the ticker GOOGL are also available on the exchange. Both types of shares are traded on the NASDAQ exchange. There are currently 515,912,000 shares outstanding.

After the introduction of the ALPHABET concern and the structural reorganization, several types of shares were introduced into the company.

  • The first type - shares that are traded under the ticker GOOGL, are standard securities that provide voting rights to its holder and receive standard dividend payments. These shares are referred to as type A.
  • Type C shares are always a little cheaper because they are purely speculative and do not provide any voting power to their holders. They are also publicly traded and trade under the new ticker symbol GOOG. The company rewards its employees with such shares, gives them as gifts to partners, and is used as a payment instrument when acquiring startups.
  • There is also a third type of shares, which is designated type B. They are not listed on the stock exchange and there are an order of magnitude fewer of them than type A and C shares combined - only 52 million type B shares are issued. However, these shares have the same weight and even slightly more, like the total share of all A and C, since they are equal to 10 votes. Shares of this type are concentrated in the hands of the founders Brin and Page in predominant quantities, as well as certain shares in some friends and partners, including Schmidt and Pichai.

Such division of shares is protection against raider takeover and transfer of the controlling stake into the hands of one shareholder or group of shareholders. Thus, Page and Brin retained more than 60% ownership of the company, as well as decisive voting rights in all projects.

If some large investor begins to buy up type A shares, then even after completing what he started to the end, he will not be able to compete with shareholders who own type C securities.

In general, A and C shares are fairly similar, especially for speculative purposes. Both options have high liquidity with daily volume of just over 2 million shares and average earnings per share of $28. That is why most speculators prefer to purchase new shares of type C. They have the same properties, are quite liquid and at the same time cost a few dollars less.

Benefits of Google Stock

Investors around the world continue to buy and invest in the company, because the directors and CEO have proven in practice that they know how to manage such a corporation and know where they are heading. Since the company entered the stock exchange, the price for shares has not fallen below the initial level, and there have been no significant drops in value. At the same time, quotes continue to grow every year.

Taking into account the thoughtfulness and caution of the company's owners, one can be confident in eliminating the possibility of takeovers or other problems in the company's administration. Active sponsorship of programmers and startups, as well as the constant implementation of new projects ensures constant growth in the company's profits.

Despite the fact that Google shares are already worth 10 times more than since its IPO, investors and analysts believe that the value will continue to rise and long-term investments In any case, joining the company is the right decision.

How to buy Google shares?

To purchase Google shares, you need to open a brokerage account with a company that provides brokerage - access to a limited list of shares of American markets. There are many brokers in the Russian Federation that have this functionality. You can also open an account with an American brokerage company and buy shares directly on the NASDAQ exchange.

In any case, you should understand that opening an account is a very long and routine procedure, especially in foreign companies. You will need to prepare and provide a lot of documents. You also need to understand that purchasing Google shares will require an impressive amount of funds, given the high price of the shares.

The mobile version of Google Docs has received a text editing function.

Company Google Inc. founded in 1998 (date of registration - September 4, 1998) by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Brin and Page met at Stanford University and began working together on a project that later became Google. According to the company's founders, "Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful to everyone."

Today the company has more than ten thousand employees worldwide. Brin is President of Technology and Page is President of Products.

Eric Schmidt, chairman and chief executive officer, joined Google from Novell in 2001. Under his leadership, Google significantly expanded its infrastructure and product portfolio. His extensive work experience has prepared him well to lead the development of user-centric technology solutions. Together with the company's founders and other members of the management team, Schmidt is responsible for the company's technical and business strategies.

Google's headquarters are located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.

One of the most important areas of the company’s activities is the delivery of search results (and other information) in real time.

In addition to the search engine, Google provides users with various online services. Among the most popular are Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps and others.

The company owns a popular video hosting service YouTube and the online photo editor Picasa, which allows you to process photos and create web albums from them.

Google's email service with virtually unlimited message storage, internal search, and smart anti-spam protection. It has a standard mode and a basic HTML version, which switches to automatically when logging into Gmail using a browser that is not fully supported.

Google Docs

Online application for remote collaboration on documents. Google Docs allows you to add Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, HTML or plain text files, create documents from scratch, and upload your own Internet documents; edit documents online simultaneously with any users you choose and invite other people to view those documents; publish documents on the Internet; Send documents via email as attachments.

Google Docs also allows you to work with tables, presentations and illustrations.

Google Maps

A Google service that offers user-friendly map search technology and local business information including address, contact information and driving directions. You can work with maps in three display options: satellite photographs, schematic maps, and a hybrid of the first two maps. Searching for a point by latitude and longitude is supported.

The service also includes the Google Traffic service, Google Places, mobile versions of maps, a custom map designer, etc. Using Google Street View, you can explore 3D panoramic images of various locations around the world.

Google Earth

Google Earth is a client installed on the user's computer. It lets you travel the world using a virtual globe and view satellite photos, maps, landscapes, 3D buildings and more. Google Earth also allows you to virtually explore the sky, dive into the ocean, walk on the Moon and fly to Mars.

What is Google?

A googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was first described in the book Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman.

The material was prepared based on information from the official website

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