How to make processed cheese at home. Homemade cottage cheese

Today I would like to offer a recipe for making homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese. Such products are probably not prepared so often at home, but in vain. Processed cheese prepared at home turns out to be very tasty, delightfully tender, and if you add spices and additional ingredients during the cooking process, its taste will become piquant.
I would like to note that the most common “ingredients” that can be purchased at a store near your home are perfect for preparing this product.
Homemade processed homemade cheese is much healthier than store-bought cheese, since it is natural, you know that various E-stuffs, preservatives and other fillers are not added to it. You can make soups from homemade processed cheese, grease sandwiches, pita bread, and add it to salads and various snacks. It is better to use homemade, fatty cottage cheese for processed cheese; the taste of the prepared cheese depends on its quality.

Taste Info Various snacks


  • milk (fat content 3.2%) – 1/2 l;
  • cottage cheese – 350-400 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • baking soda – 1/2 tsp;
  • any vegetable oil – 1/2 tsp;
  • salt (preferably fine) – 1/2 tbsp. l.

How to make homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese

Pour the milk into a small saucepan or ladle and place over medium heat.

Heat until bubbles form, but do not let it boil. As soon as bubbles begin to form on the surface of the milk, add the curd.

From this moment on, you cannot be distracted from the process; constantly stir the contents of the saucepan.
The curd will begin to curdle in 4-5 minutes.

As soon as the curd has curled and whey has formed in the saucepan, turn off the heat.
Pour the curd and milk mixture into a colander, previously lined with two layers of gauze, then hang the mass, allowing excess liquid to drain.

Melt the butter in a saucepan or saucepan or frying pan.

Add salt, soda and mix thoroughly, carefully add cottage cheese.

The process of cooking processed cheese lasts 13-15 minutes, all this time you need to continuously stir the contents.

After some time, the mass will begin to thicken, when it ceases to resemble cottage cheese, it’s time to remove the saucepan from the heat. Cool the cheese a little, and then transfer it to a prepared form, which is recommended to be lightly greased. Gently smooth the surface with a spatula or tablespoon

Let cool slightly and put in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Homemade processed cheese is ready and can now be eaten.

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Homemade processed cheese "Yantar"

Whatever sandwich cheese you pick up from a store shelf, regardless of the price, the ingredients will scare you at worst, and confuse you with a lot of incomprehensible words at best. And homemade cheese - here it is, made from natural curd (you can melt it yourself from farm kefir), plus soda, which your mother used to bake cookies for you when you were a child... Simply a wonderful product: such homemade cheese can be spread on a bun for children at school, and add to cheese soup. And how your husband will appreciate it! In general, the recipe is simple - read, memorize and cook!

You need:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese (fermented milk, without “chemistry” - this is important),
  • 1 teaspoon of soda,
  • a pinch of salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon of “Provencal” or “Italian herbs”.

Amber type cheese recipe step by step

Prepare cottage cheese (in this case it was heated at home using kefir). The cheese should not be too watery, so before “melting” it hung in a metal sieve for about 20 minutes to allow the whey to drain.

Now build a water bath device. As a rule, two pans are taken: one larger, the other smaller. Water is poured into the first one, and another pan is placed in this water. Place the cheese in a second saucepan, rubbing it a little with a spoon to remove any lumps. Add soda.

Place the pots on the fire. When the water in the lower container boils, the curd will begin to melt. Don’t go far, stir it - and at the same time, keep an eye on whether everything is fine with it and whether there are any lumps left in the cheese. If you have already boiled homemade “Yantar” for about 10 minutes, but grains and grains of cottage cheese are still present in it, add another pinch of soda.

The processed cheese should have approximately this consistency.

When the cheese seems homogeneous to you, that is, it reaches the desired melted consistency, add salt to it and add aromatic herbs.

That’s it, now you can remove it from the water bath and quickly (it will immediately begin to harden) transfer it to the prepared tray.

Well, when it has cooled down completely, take the tray into the refrigerator - there it can be stored for up to five days... If it “lives” that long, of course.

This is not only an excellent option for sandwiches, but also a whole field for experimentation. Yes, for example, instead of “Italian herbs” you can add to the cheese: pieces of red hot pepper (fresh or dried); dill, salt and garlic; mushrooms fried with onions; finely chopped ham... But this cheese is not very suitable for baking - it melts too quickly, and instead of an appetizing crust, it burns (unless you add it five minutes before the dish is ready).

Good luck! And have some delicious sandwiches!

Many products that are in demand among consumers may not provide any particular health benefits. They are manufactured on an industrial scale from questionable components using a variety of chemicals. These products include a wide variety of sausages and frankfurters, store-bought sauces and processed cheese. But they can be prepared on your own at home from proven products. Let's talk on the about how to make processed cheese at home, we will provide a proven recipe for this.

Homemade processed cheese - recipe No. 1

To prepare this version of homemade processed cheese, you need to prepare half a kilogram of high-quality, high-fat cheese). You will also need a teaspoon of soda, some salt, spices and herbs (depending on your taste preferences).

Prepare a couple of saucepans of different diameters, since processed cheese needs to be cooked in a water bath. Fill a large saucepan with water and place it on medium heat.

Place cottage cheese and soda in a second saucepan. Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork so that there are no lumps in it, and also so that it mixes well with the soda.

Once the water in the large saucepan begins to boil, you need to reduce the heat. Place a saucepan with cottage cheese in such a water bath.

After about a minute, the cottage cheese will begin to melt little by little, changing its consistency to a more liquid and homogeneous one. It needs to be stirred constantly so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
At a certain stage of cooking, the cottage cheese will become completely liquid, but small grains will be visible in it. Keep this mass in a water bath with constant stirring until it becomes completely liquid and its specific smell (sour and curd) disappears.

After the cottage cheese becomes a dense liquid, colored milky, the processed cheese can be considered ready. Without removing from the water bath, salt it, pepper it and add spices and herbs (depending on your taste preferences). Then pour the prepared cheese into a mold and leave until completely cool. Next, put it in the refrigerator. Please note that this cheese can be stored for no more than five days.

How to make homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese (recipe No. 2)

To prepare this version of the dish, you need to prepare half a kilogram of cottage cheese (fat, homemade), one hundred grams of high-quality butter, one fresh egg and half a teaspoon of salt and soda.

Combine cottage cheese with butter (pieces), egg, salt and soda. Grind this mixture using a blender until it becomes homogeneous. Place the curd mass in a water bath (how to organize it is described in the previous recipe) and cook with constant stirring until it is completely melted.

Grease the cheese mold with butter. Pour the cheese mixture into it and set aside until completely cool. Store prepared processed cheese exclusively in the refrigerator.

Processed cheese at home recipe No. 3

To prepare this version of processed cheese, you need to prepare half a kilogram of cottage cheese, half a glass of milk, a couple of tablespoons of butter. You will also need some salt (depending on your taste preferences) and half a teaspoon of soda.

First of all, mash the cottage cheese with a fork so that there are no lumps in it. Next, add soda to it and stir. Then pour in the milk and stir until smooth.

Place the prepared mass in a water bath. Cook with constant stirring. After the cottage cheese begins to melt, add butter and spices to it. To make homemade processed cheese, you can use ground pepper, garlic (passed through a garlic press), herbs, paprika, cumin, etc. You can also add chopped ham or salami to the mixture. Pour the hot mixture into containers and cool.

Homemade processed cheese with mushrooms

To prepare such a delicious dish, you need to prepare two hundred and fifty grams of soft cottage cheese, one hundred grams of butter, half a teaspoon of salt and soda. You will also need one egg, two hundred grams of champignons and three tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, combine it with the egg, salt, soda and butter at room temperature. Grind with a blender until smooth. Place the container with the resulting mass in a water bath and boil for fifteen to twenty minutes with constant stirring.

Chop the mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil, adding a little salt. Stir the prepared mushrooms into the hot cheese mixture. Transfer the prepared mixture into a suitable container and leave until completely cool.

Homemade processed cheese is an excellent alternative to the store-bought product. It can be used to prepare a wide variety of snacks, regular sandwiches and delicious soups. This cheese can also be given to children, because it is made from completely safe products.

Homemade cottage cheese is quite easy to prepare. But in order for such a dairy product to be truly tasty, you must strictly follow all recipe requirements. That is why we decided to devote the presented culinary article to this topic.

General information

Eating healthy and natural food is a completely natural desire for absolutely any person. But, unfortunately, in our time it is quite difficult to find such products. In this regard, experienced chefs recommend preparing some ingredients yourself. In this article we will talk in detail about how to make cheese at home. In addition, you will be presented with several recipes for different varieties of this tasty and nutritious product.

Step-by-step making of homemade cottage cheese

It is no secret that the preparation of the mentioned product requires special culinary knowledge. After all, without experience and skill, you are unlikely to make delicious cheese, even with a detailed recipe. But if you do not have the proper knowledge, then we will try to simplify its preparation method as much as possible. This is the only way you can please your family with the most delicious creamy product you made yourself.

So, to make homemade cottage cheese, we will need:

  • cow's milk (it is advisable to purchase full-fat country milk) - about 500 ml;
  • coarse fatty cottage cheese (you should take country cottage cheese) - approximately 500 g;
  • butter - approximately 50 g;
  • salt, as well as table soda - ½ dessert spoon each.

Cooking process

Where to begin? As you can see, a homemade cheese recipe does not require the use of a huge variety of ingredients. And to prepare it, you don’t have to make a special trip to the hypermarket. After all, you can purchase all of these products at the nearest market. It would be good if these components were exclusively of rural origin. After all, as you know, it is from such products that the most delicious, aromatic and healthy cheeses are obtained.

To make your own homemade cheese from cottage cheese, the mentioned coarse-grained ingredient should be placed in a large container and thoroughly ground with a tablespoon. Next, you need to add boiling milk to it, and then put it on low heat and, stirring regularly, cook for about 10 minutes. If you want the finished product to be as hard as possible, then the specified time can be increased slightly (by about 4-6 minutes).

After the specified period, the contents of the dish must be placed in a colander or sieve, onto which a two-layer gauze must first be placed. After all the liquid has drained (after about 1 minute), the edges of the fabric must be lifted and the resulting mass must be strongly squeezed to remove all remaining moisture.

After all the steps described, the semi-finished homemade cottage cheese must be placed in a clean pan, salt, soft butter and table soda added to it, and then kept on low heat for about 2 minutes. In this case, the mass should be constantly stirred.

When the cheese begins to move away from the walls of the dish, it must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool at room temperature. Finally, the finished milk mass should be given the required shape, placed in a glass or ceramic container, pre-oiled, and then placed in the refrigerator for 50-80 minutes.

How to use it correctly?

The presented recipe for cheese at home will allow you to make a solid milk product that can be used when preparing various dishes. So, it makes pizza and sandwiches very tasty. It should also be noted that such a product melts remarkably well in the oven.

Processed homemade cheese: cottage cheese recipe

There are probably few people who are indifferent to store-bought processed cheese. But, unfortunately, this product, produced by various companies, is very often flavored with all kinds of thickeners and preservatives that negatively affect the human body. In this regard, we recommend that you make your own homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese. It should be especially noted that this product is quite simple to manufacture. Moreover, not only you, but also your children will like it.

To make homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese yourself, you need to purchase:

  • coarse-grained country fat cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • butter - approximately 100 g;
  • country chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt, as well as table soda - 1 and ½ part of a dessert spoon, respectively.

How to cook?

How to make this dish? We talked above about how to make homemade hard cheese from cottage cheese. But in order to prepare a processed milk product, you will have to act a little differently. To do this, you need to take a small saucepan, place all the above ingredients into it one by one and beat well until smooth using a mixer.

After the described steps, the resulting mixture must be placed in a water bath. For those who do not know what this is, we will describe this process in more detail: you need to take a large enamel basin, pour regular drinking water into it (fill it about 1/3 full), and then place a metal bowl with the cheese mixture on it.

Turn on high heat so that the water in the large container boils, and the contents of the small container must be stirred regularly. It is advisable to carry out this procedure for about 5-7 minutes. Next, you need to generously grease a glass or ceramic container with butter and pour homemade processed cheese into it.

It is advisable to leave the finished dairy product in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time it should harden completely, but remain a little soft.

How to present it correctly?

Now you know how processed homemade cheese is prepared. The cottage cheese recipe presented above may include not only the mentioned coarse grain product, but also other ingredients. For example, home-made cheese, to which fresh herbs, ham or mushrooms are added, turns out very tasty. You can use this product in any form. Very often it is added to pizza, salads and other hearty dishes that need to be baked in the oven.

Making low-fat cheese at home

Homemade cheese from low-fat cottage cheese is recommended for those who suffer from obesity, but cannot refuse such a dairy product. Moreover, the recipe below can also be used by those beautiful ladies who want not only to preserve their sophisticated forms, but also their own health. After all, as you know, fatty foods negatively affect the entire human vascular system.

So, the homemade cheese recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • skim milk - about 2 liters;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - ¼ cup;
  • fine sugar - a small pinch;
  • medium-sized salt - ½ dessert spoon.

As you can see, all products are available to everyone.

Quick cooking method

Homemade cheese from cottage cheese, the calorie content of which does not exceed 200 energy units per 100 g, is prepared very quickly and easily. To create such a product, you need to take a large saucepan and pour all the skim milk into it. Next, you need to place the dishes on low heat and heat the contents to 80°. At the same time, boiling the dairy product is highly not recommended.

After the liquid becomes warm, you need to add sugar and salt. After mixing the ingredients, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. These ingredients will help the milk product curdle. So, white flakes should appear in it. After this, the saucepan must be removed from the heat and left aside (at room temperature) for about 30-35 minutes.

To make homemade cottage cheese, the contents of the dish should be placed on multi-layer gauze and all the liquid should be allowed to drain. Moreover, the less moisture there is, the harder the product will be. After all the described steps, the head of homemade cheese should be placed in a bowl or bowl and placed in the refrigerator.

Proper serving at the dinner table

How to serve low-fat homemade cheese correctly? The cottage cheese recipe that we presented above includes a minimum of inexpensive products. This means that you can prepare dietary cheese at least every day. After it hardens in the refrigerator, it should be cut into thin slices and presented to the table along with pieces of dark bread. By the way, this product can also be used to prepare delicious dietary salads from fresh vegetables.

Making goat cheese at home

Homemade goat cheese is considered the healthiest. After all, the mentioned product contains a huge amount of proteins (more than cow’s milk), and is also better absorbed and easier to digest by the body. It should be especially noted that it is quite difficult to find pure goat cheese in stores. That's why we suggest you do it yourself. But for this you will need to purchase the following products:

  • natural goat milk - about 2 l;
  • table vinegar - 4 large spoons;
  • cumin - add to taste and desire;
  • medium-sized salt - about 40 g.

Cooking process

Making delicious and healthy cheese using natural goat milk is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. However, it should be noted that such a process requires special care.

So, first you need to remove the top layer of heavy cream from the dairy product, and then pour it into a saucepan and put it on medium heat. After the milk begins to boil, the temperature must be immediately reduced to the minimum value. Next, add table vinegar to the liquid. This should contribute to the rapid curdling of the dairy product, that is, the preparation of goat's cottage cheese.

As soon as a lot of white flakes form in the pan, the dishes should be immediately removed from the heat. Subsequently, the resulting cottage cheese must be transferred to cheesecloth and allowed to drain completely. For this procedure to be effective, it is advisable to hang the gauze bag over some dishes or sink.

Exactly after 24 hours, the cheese mass needs to be removed, salted, flavored with caraway seeds and kneaded well, like dough. Next, you need to form a flat cake from the resulting mixture and place it in a frying pan. In this case, the dishes should be placed on a fairly low heat. This way, the cheese will gradually begin to melt and then become thick again. After the dairy product acquires the required consistency, it needs to be cut into pieces. While the cheese has not cooled, it should be given any desired shape.

Making delicious cheese using spices

As you can see, making homemade cottage cheese is not very difficult. But if you want this product to be as tasty and aromatic as possible, it is recommended to make it using various spices.

So, to make this cheese ourselves, we will need:

  • natural goat milk - approximately 2 l;
  • thick sour cream - about 350 g;
  • country eggs with rich-colored yolk - 3 pcs.;
  • fine salt - 3 large spoons;
  • dried basil - 2 dessert spoons;
  • dried garlic - 1 dessert spoon;
  • dried dill - 1 dessert spoon.

Cooking spicy cheese

As you noticed above, the preparation of various cheeses takes place in several stages. First, you should strain the goat's milk through a strainer in order to rid it of any possible dirt as much as possible. Next you need to break all the chicken eggs and mix them together with sour cream. To make the mixture as homogeneous as possible, we recommend using a mixer.

After these steps, add salt to the sour cream-egg mixture and add it to the milk. Without stopping stirring for a second, all ingredients must be gradually brought to a boil. As a result, you should end up with a mass of large flakes.

After heat treatment, the contents of the pan must be poured into a colander, which should be lined with multi-layer gauze in advance. After straining the product, you need to add dried herbs (dill and basil) and garlic. Finally, the cheese mass must be tightly tied in gauze and hung so that the remaining milk completely glass.

After a few hours, when you have a dry curd curd left, you should put it in a deep bowl (directly in the fabric), and place some heavy object on top (for example, a three-liter jar filled with water). In this position, the cheese must be placed in the refrigerator, where it is advisable to keep it for about 12-14 hours.

It should be especially noted that such a flavorful product can be made not only from goat’s milk, but also from cow’s milk.

Cooking cheese at home

Brynza is perhaps the only cheese that goes perfectly with fresh vegetables and herbs. To prepare it we will need:

  • cow's milk with fat content 3.2% - 1 l;
  • thick sour cream 20% - 3 large spoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - about 2 large spoons;
  • fine salt - dessert spoon.

Step-by-step description of the cooking method

In order for you to get delicious homemade cheese (brynza), you must strictly follow all the described requirements of the recipe. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase village products. The ingredients can also be purchased at a regular store.

So, to prepare this cheese, you need to pour milk into a saucepan and then put it on high heat. Next, you need to put thick sour cream in the bowl and mix everything thoroughly. After about 7 minutes the liquid will begin to heat up. At the same time, flakes should form in the pan. As soon as the curdling process begins, freshly squeezed lemon juice should be poured into the milk. After mixing the ingredients with a spoon, they should be boiled for another minute. During this short time, the whey should completely separate.

After the described steps, the resulting product must be filtered. To do this, you need to discard it in a colander, on which you should first place multi-layer gauze. As soon as all the moisture has left the cheese mass, it must be salted to taste, put in a bowl and placed under pressure. Moreover, the heavier the weight, the better the cheese will turn out.

After one hour, the product should be removed from the press. Next, you need to put it in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator. Homemade cheese is ready.

Proper use of homemade product

As mentioned above, homemade cheese should be kept under pressure for no more than one hour. This is due to the fact that your final product should not be hard, but soft and with a small amount of salty moisture. After a short time in the refrigerator, the cheese should be cut into small cubes. Next, they need to be beautifully placed on a freshly prepared salad of raw vegetables. By the way, for juiciness, some housewives additionally soak such a product in salty brine. However, we do not recommend doing this, since the cheese can quite easily fall apart and turn into a liquid pulp.

In order for you to get the most delicious and nutritious homemade cheese, you must follow all the requirements of the recipes described above. Moreover, we recommend that you listen to the following advice.

  1. The milk used to make cheese should be as fresh as possible.
  2. The ingredients that you plan to add additionally to the cheese mass should be prepared in advance.
  3. To obtain a hard cheese that will cut well on the board, you should use the heaviest possible pressure.
  4. Homemade cheeses can be used to prepare any dish, including salads, pizza and various sandwiches.

Processed cheese is rightfully considered a universal dish. It is often added to salads and used as an independent snack. Store-bought products are full of artificial additives and flavor enhancers. After reading the composition of processed cheese, the consumer will often lose the desire to consume it. Having decided to make such a product themselves, many housewives clutch their heads, not knowing where to start. However, in practice, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Processed cheese from cottage cheese: a classic of the genre

  • butter - 95-110 gr.
  • soda - 20 gr.
  • Quail eggs - 4 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  • cottage cheese - 500-600 gr.
  • seasonings - at your discretion
  • dried or fresh herbs - to taste
  1. To prepare the base for cooking cheese, place a pan on the stove and fill it halfway with water. Take a container of a smaller diameter in advance, which will be placed in the main pan when using a water bath. Place cottage cheese in it. The cream cheese mixture is made quickly.
  2. Add lightly melted butter to the cottage cheese, then mix eggs and soda into the total mass (can be replaced with baking powder). Do not add oil to the ice cream, otherwise you will not be able to avoid the unevenness of the product.
  3. Take a meat grinder or food processor and pass the curd granular mass through the device. If you have a blender in your kitchen, it is best suited for this process. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass, eliminating lumps and graininess. If you wish, you can use a fork or a whisk, depending on the circumstances.
  4. When the water in a large saucepan boils, reduce the burner to medium power and place the curd mixture in a water bath. Do not forget to stir the composition, do not allow the first container to touch the bottom of a large pan. After 4-5 minutes, the curd mass will look like processed cheese (sticky paste).
  5. Stir the mixture until smooth so that the curd eventually disintegrates into grains no larger in size than grains of table salt. Remove the cheese mass from the steam bath, add spices and salt to taste.
  6. You can make a unique cheese by adding various flavoring spices and additives to the prepared composition. To improve the taste, add finely chopped champignons, as well as herbs and garlic. Processed cheese can be supplemented not only with a side dish, but also with sweeteners, such as jam or grated berries.
  7. Before use, stir the prepared mass and package it in containers for long-term storage. Leave the cheese in the refrigerator for several hours to thicken and finally set. The shelf life of the finished product usually does not exceed 5 days.

Cottage cheese does not melt: what to do

Don't be upset if the cheese doesn't turn out right the first time. You may encounter a difficulty in which the cottage cheese does not want to melt under any pretext. Let's consider possible solutions to the problem.

  1. The curd mass may not melt completely and leave noticeable lumps among the homogeneous paste, in this case you should add a little more soda. If the mixture particles are small, leave the cheese to cool at the end of cooking; they will dissolve on their own.
  2. The melting of cottage cheese directly depends on its quality. It doesn't matter how much fat it contains. The main thing is that the product should not be diluted or frozen; only completely natural composition is welcome. If the cottage cheese is of good quality, its melting will begin in the first minutes. In cases where, after a quarter of an hour, the consistency of the composition remains unchanged, we can assume that everything is lost. It is impossible to make cheese from cottage cheese that cannot be processed.

Some housewives are faced with a problem when all the cottage cheese, with the exception of small grains, has melted. Even an extra dose of baking soda doesn't help. In this case, do not suffer, remove the composition from the heat and proceed to further manipulations. Otherwise, you risk irreversibly damaging the product.

  • butter - 120 gr.
  • milk with fat content from 3.2% - 1 l.
  • salt - 20 gr.
  • soda - 20 gr.
  • cottage cheese - 0.9-1 kg.
  1. Place the pan on the stove, pour milk into it and leave over medium heat until the first bubbles appear. At this time, pass the cottage cheese through a kitchen sieve so that it breaks down into small grains.
  2. As soon as the milk reaches the required boiling temperature, reduce the burner to low power. Pour in the curd product and knead the mixture with a wooden spatula.
  3. After 3-5 minutes, you will notice that the composition begins to disintegrate. You will end up with two sections that consist of whey (a liquid with a yellowish tint) and individual curds.
  4. Continue stirring the product until the whey becomes almost clear. As practice shows, these manipulations will take about 5 minutes. Next, remove the container from the heat and proceed to the next step.
  5. Prepare a wide container and a sieve; utensils will be needed to separate the whey and curd mass. Some housewives prefer to place the mixture in a colander, having previously lined it with gauze.
  6. Pour the product into the filter and wait until all the liquid has drained. Press the curd a little with your hands and tie the gauze edges, making a bag. Hang it over the basin and leave for 1 hour.
  7. Chop the butter into cubes and place in a deep glass or ceramic bowl. Place in the microwave on the edge of a turntable. Melt the product completely and add to the cottage cheese.
  8. Add salt, soda, beat the finished mixture with a mixer or use a blender. The main thing is to bring the mass to complete homogeneity. There should be no lumps in it, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out to be of poor quality.
  9. Next, melt the composition in a convenient way. You can pour it into a thick-bottomed pan and then put it on the stove. Or make a water/steam bath, with the help of which the simmering will take place safely.
  10. When the mixture dissolves, it will resemble a sticky paste. It’s easy to check if it’s done: put a fork in and remove it. If you see threads extending from the total mass, the cheese is ready.
  11. Remove the product from the stove and pour into heat-resistant containers. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for storage. The holding period should not exceed one week.
  12. If you follow the instructions, you will get 750 g at the end. processed homemade cheese. Grease a crispy bun with it, prepare a salad, after mixing the product with paprika, herbs, ham or pickles.

Sweet processed cheese based on cocoa

  • soda - 8 gr.
  • cottage cheese - 175 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 10 gr.
  • honey (can be replaced with cane sugar) - 25 gr.
  1. Sift cocoa powder through a fine kitchen sieve and grind the curd. Mix the listed components, add soda to them. Bring the mixture as smooth as possible. Leave the composition for a quarter of an hour to partially infuse.
  2. Choose 2 pans of different sizes (large and medium). Mark the infused mixture into the smaller diameter one, and pour water into the larger one. Place one container in another, bring the liquid to a boil over medium heat.
  3. As a result, you will have a water bath in which the cottage cheese will begin to melt. Simmer the mixture for 8 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. As soon as the granules dissolve, pour in the melted honey and soak for another 2 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture into a heat-resistant mold; a food container with a lid will do. Some housewives prefer to pour the cheese into ice cells and then leave the mixture to harden. Before serving, the cheese is pricked with toothpicks and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

It's not difficult to make processed cheese at home if you have an idea about basic technologies. Consider a traditional recipe based on cottage cheese, try making a viscous product from full-fat (preferably cow's) milk. Pamper your ancestors with sweet cheese made from cocoa powder. Add additional ingredients as desired (paprika, horseradish, mushrooms, ham, smoked sausages, etc.).

Video: homemade processed cheese

There is a huge selection of processed cheeses on store shelves, and often your hands naturally reach for a box of delicious buttercream. However, after looking at the impressive composition of the product, interest in it quickly fades away. We suggest you study a recipe that will tell you how to prepare processed cheese at home. For some, such a procedure will seem extremely difficult, but believe me, it is not difficult to do and does not take long, so let’s understand the intricacies of preparing this dish.

What, what, what is our processed cheese made of? The name of this product speaks for itself - yes, to get it, the raw materials that make up the base of the cheese simply need to be melted. This is what happens in industrial production.

The most common cheese, for example, Tilsit or Emmental, is melted, butter, milk powder, salt melters (E additives that scare us so much) and water are added.

And this is the composition of a good quality product made at the enterprise of bona fide manufacturers. One can only imagine what kind of powders and E-shells are added to cheeses that are cheaper and produced by no one knows who and where.

But even a small child can eat processed cheese made with his own hands without fear, because it contains only natural and even very healthy ingredients.

At home, we simply do not have those additives that are so necessary for factory-made cheese to enhance the taste, increase production volumes, and even not stick to foil!

So, homemade processed cheese consists of the most banal, but very healthy product - cottage cheese or milk with the addition of cottage cheese! And soda is used as a melting agent. It’s all so simple to the point of genius.

The production of this product, for sure, has always seemed like a complex technological process that can only be carried out in production workshops with a bunch of automated equipment and dosing equipment.

But we assure you that every housewife has everything needed to prepare it in her kitchen. And the process itself takes about half an hour, taking into account all the culinary procedures. Our step-by-step recipe will tell you how to easily and quickly get delicious processed cheese.

Homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese


  • — 100 g + -
  • — 500 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • 1 pinch or to taste + -
  • Soda - 1 tsp. (or 5 g) + -

Homemade cream cheese recipe

First, let's prepare the kitchen equipment.

We will need:

  • blender or mixer;
  • a saucepan with boiling water on the stove - for melting cheese in a water bath;
  • container for whipping all ingredients. It should be taken into account that this container should be conveniently placed on the pan over the water bath;
  • heat-resistant containers for the finished product.
  1. Place the cottage cheese in a container and break it up with a blender so that a situation does not arise where the curd grain in the homemade cheese does not melt. You can, however, rub it through a sieve or mince it, why not. Whipped cottage cheese turns out to be very thick in consistency, almost like plasticine.
  2. Add butter and eggs to the cottage cheese. Add baking soda and a pinch of salt, as well as spices if desired. Beat with a blender until smooth.
  3. Now place the container with the resulting mixture over boiling water in a saucepan and stir constantly. Melting time takes about 5 - 10 minutes. When the mixture is completely melted and looks like liquid processed cheese, pour it into the prepared container.

After cooling, the product is ready for use. In total it turns out to be about 700 g, which is not so little, you will agree.

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare processed cheese at home, the main thing is that you have plenty of crispy bread at home on which all this splendor can be spread. And as soon as the cheese runs out, you can easily cook it again.

Processed cheese: milk recipe

If for some reason your family doesn’t eat eggs, you can make cheese for your family from milk, provided that you can’t do without cottage cheese in this recipe. We will tell you how to make this product at home with your own hands.


  • Butter at room temperature – 100 g;
  • Full fat milk – 1 l;
  • Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) – 1 kg;
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;

Of course, there are also special features for gourmets. You can add any seasonings to this cheese to your liking: paprika, dried garlic, ground black or red pepper, finely chopped herbs. Yes, even finely chopped ham, pickles or fried mushrooms. In general, everything your heart desires.

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