What is the best quality vodka? Vodka: quality rating. The best vodka in Russia: Chistye Rosy

Until recently, no one compiled a ranking of the best vodkas in the world. Only in 2011, a company supplying vodka to the United States held a similar competition. Thanks to her efforts, we can name the best vodka in the world according to American consumers and experts. There are many Russian manufacturers on the list, but the French brand takes the lead.

The experts in this competition were representatives of the wine industry, professional tasters and ordinary consumers. Each brand was evaluated by 30-40 people. Points were awarded based on the following criteria: taste, aroma, clarity, mouthfeel and bottle appearance. The results of the competition will seem strange to many Russians, but do not forget that American experts and consumers were involved in compiling the rating, and their taste preferences differ in many ways from ours.

15 best vodkas in the world:

1. Gray Goose(France) – the winning vodka is made from selected grains from the French province of Cognac and water from the famous Gente spring. The drink undergoes a natural limestone purification process and distillation five times in small batches. Experts believe that due to its high quality, in a few years the Gray Goose brand will become the best-selling vodka in the world.

Gray Goose

(Russia) – a delicate vodka taste is achieved thanks to special additives. Only luxury alcohol and a specially developed Alcosoft carbohydrate module are used in production. Malic acid acts as an acidity regulator.

vodka crystal

(Poland) – the best grains and water in Poland allowed the Krolewska brand to take third place. This vodka impressed experts with the exquisite design of its bottle.

4.Youri Dolgoruki(Russia) – prepared according to the classic recipe for making vodka. It contains only the best ingredients and special additives to improve and soften the taste.

vodka Yuri Dolgoruky

(Finland) is a high-quality Finnish vodka with a balanced taste that has long conquered the American market.

vodka Finland

6. Jewel of Russia(Russia) - made from the alcohol of wheat crackers, also contains microscopic pieces of gold foil, fructose and lactose. The non-traditional production technology was highly appreciated by experts.

Jewel of Russia

(Holland) – this vodka is made only in small batches from wheat and barley. It goes through two stages of distillation, which softens the taste of the alcohol.

vodka Vincent

8. Rain(USA) - made from corn. Diamond dust and carbon are used for filtration. This vodka has virtually no taste.

Vodka Rain

9. Ketel One(Holland) – Dutch vodka of the traditional method of preparation.

Ketel One

10. 3 Olives(England) – the top 10 best vodkas are closed by an English brand that showed good results.

3 Olives

11. Russian Standard(Russia) – selected grain and water from lakes allowed the Russian Standard brand to take a high place in the ranking.

vodka Russian Standard

12.Vox(Holland) – high-quality vodka based on the best alcohols.

Vodka Vox

13. Stolichnaya(Russia) - almost all of our compatriots know about this brand of vodka; it does not need a separate introduction.

There is probably no person in the world who does not know what vodka is. The rating of this product among other strong alcoholic drinks is quite high.

Who drinks how much?

It is human nature to compare certain facts and draw parallels. Thus, the famous British magazine The Economist conducted interesting studies a couple of years ago that were devoted to the most popular strong alcoholic drinks, such as gin, rum, tequila, scotch and vodka.

Research has confirmed that the most popular type is still vodka. The ranking of its consumption by country was also quite expected. No one was surprised by the fact that most people drink vodka in Russia. It turns out that on average 13.9 liters of this drink are consumed per person per year. This is a significant number, and it’s worth thinking about. Indeed, in other countries this figure is much lower. For example, for Ukraine it is 7.7 liters, for Poland - 7.0, for Kazakhstan - 5.9, and for Germany - 0.9 liters.

Level of harm

Many people mistakenly believe that vodka is the most harmful drink. In reality, everything looks completely different. It turns out that there are drinks that hit the human body much harder than vodka. Their danger rating on a ten-point scale of hangover level is as follows:

  • Whiskey, brandy - 8.
  • Red wine and champagne - 7.
  • White wine - 6.
  • Beer - 4.
  • Vodka - 3.

Unusual picture? It turns out that everything is very simple. Scientists have determined that brandy and whiskey over a long period of aging accumulate a large amount of harmful substances that can poison the human body. And ethanol, contained, for example, in whiskey, is rapidly absorbed into the blood and reaches its maximum level within an hour. If you don’t follow the norm, the hangover will be simply cruel.

Beer, according to scientists, creates problems for the heart, intestines and, of course, the figure. In addition, it can create a hormone imbalance. Vodka is the purest product. It contains no impurities, flavors or dyes. And if you don’t overdo it with the quantity and don’t mix it with anything, then the consequences will be minimal.

Which vodka is better

Until 2010, international expert commissions did not conduct research into which of the vodkas produced in different countries of the world is better. American experts decided to fill this gap. They aim to establish a rating for vodka. As a result, the ten best brands of this drink were identified, which, according to the method of decreasing quality, were arranged in the following sequence:

  1. Gray Goose made in France.
  2. Crystall. Products of the Russian plant "Crystal".
  3. Krolewska made in Poland.
  4. Youri Dolgoruki, Russia.
  5. Finlandia made in Finland.
  6. Jewel of Russia - from Russia.
  7. Vincent. Vodka from the Netherlands.
  8. Rain made in USA.
  9. Ketel One, Netherlands.
  10. 3 Olives made in England.

The compiled vodka rating confirmed the unconditional leadership of France. Although many believe that this is an original Russian product, in this case the ideal selection of raw materials and five-fold purification using limestone make the quality of Gray Goose undeniable and currently unattainable.

What do Russians like?

Yes, foreign goods, of course, are good, but the average buyer still focuses his choice more often on the domestic manufacturer. This could be due to price differences or general trust. After all, our country is rich in first-class raw materials and good specialists who are capable of producing products of decent quality. According to studies conducted in 2013, according to consumers, the rating of vodka in Russia is as follows:

  1. "Stolichnaya".
  2. Finlandia.
  3. "Count Ledoff"
  4. "Five lakes".
  5. "Husky."
  6. "Double gold"
  7. Saimaa.
  8. "Firewood. Cleaned with birch charcoal."
  9. "Talka".
  10. "Baikal".

Positions were distributed between products depending on positive and negative customer reviews. The difference between these indicators became the starting point in determining the leader. The results show that the most popular is vodka produced in Altai. Everything is clear here, because the famous region has always been famous for its huge reserves of pure water and first-class grain.

Something that anyone can afford

Of course, not everyone can afford vodka like Gray Goose. Its price ranges from 1500 to 1860 rubles. per bottle with a capacity of 0.75 liters. Therefore, in 2014, Russian specialists from Krasnoyarsk conducted a tasting of vodka products of their own production and foreign factories, the cost of which does not exceed 600 rubles.

12 samples were presented to the jury, from which a rating of the best vodka in the specified price segment was compiled. The local vodka “Yarich” was recognized as the best. She scored 9.63 points on a ten-point scale. The second was vodka from distant France “Aristoff”, which received 9.54 points. In third place of honor were two contenders: “Russian Standard” from St. Petersburg and “Saimaa” from Finland. Both of them received 9.43 points.

The experts paid special attention to such indicators as color, transparency, taste and aroma of the product. True, ordinary buyers do not entirely agree with their opinion. Most ordinary people do not consider Yarich the best vodka. But experts probably know better.

Competition "Vodka of the Year"

Recently, it has become a good tradition to hold “Product of the Year” competitions in various areas of industry. That is why leading experts from the CIS countries came together to determine what is the best vodka in Russia. The ranking of candidates for the title “Best Vodka of 2015” identified 10 winners.

The undisputed leader was Sibalko vodka. She received a gold medal and a Grand Prix as a multiple winner. Next in order of priority are “Imperial Trust” and “Honey with Lemon”. These first three winners are truly worthy of all praise.

Then, starting from fourth place, the products were arranged in the following order: organic vodka “Chistye Rosy”, “Black Diamond”, “Gulfstream”, “Radamir”, Selecta Lux, Haoma White, and “Gradus Gold” completes the top ten. The drinks were evaluated based on organoleptic indicators and greatly pleased the jury. For example, everyone liked the original taste of “Radamir”. And the reason for this is the addition of raisin infusion, which is a proprietary feature of the product.

Down with fakes

Typically, experts determine quality based on approved organoleptic indicators. These include color, appearance, taste and aroma. In addition, there are also physical and chemical criteria, which include strength, as well as the presence of accompanying alcohols, oils, esters and other elements in the product under study. But all this requires a real laboratory. But what about a simple buyer who makes a choice every day, standing in front of multi-tiered store shelves lined with numerous types of products? After all, it’s no secret that there are a lot of fakes on sale that you can’t tell apart at first glance. What to do in this case?

For starters, don't look at the price. The number of zeros does not at all indicate the quality of the product. If there is no familiar name among the rich assortment, then it is best to perform the simplest operation: pick up the bottle and turn it sharply counterclockwise. In this case, there can be two results:

  1. Small bubbles form, settle on the surface and quickly disappear.
  2. Large bubbles remain on the surface of the liquid for a long time.

For the right choice, the first option is preferable. And in the second case, you should not make a purchase. You need to remember this brand and never buy such a product again.

Reading time: 13 min.

Almost any vodka is a native Russian drink, but not every one can claim the status of national pride. Buying a cheap counterfeit or low-quality, inexpensive vodka is harmful to health, but expensive vodka is pointless, since such an alcoholic drink is very often inferior to most products in the budget segment. The price range of a good product ranges from 250-2000 rubles per 0.5 liter, but price, as you know, is not an indicator of quality. For those who do not want to make a mistake in their choice, the Big Rating magazine has prepared an article “The Best Vodka in Russia, 2018 Rating,” which includes the best examples of the alcohol industry according to the Russian Quality System.

  • Manufacturer: Omskvinprom LLC
  • Approximate cost: 405 rubles

Filtration of “Husky” at low temperatures gives the drink a purity of aroma and softness of taste. The aftertaste is pleasant, slightly sweet. To complete the entire palette of taste sensations, it is recommended to drink “Husky” vodka chilled. The drink is ideal as an aperitif for hot dishes, as well as as a complement to meat, poultry or fish.

  • Manufacturer: Saransky Distillery LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 349 rubles

“Smirnov No. 21” is an alcoholic drink made according to a unique family recipe of the Smirnov Trading House using modern technologies. The characteristic design of the bottle and the quality of the drink itself indicate that it belongs to a famous brand.

Vodka “Smirnov No. 21” is distinguished by its crystal purity, soft taste and absence of alcohol odor, which makes it an indispensable ingredient in many cocktails. In its pure form, the drink is suitable for pickles, meat and fish dishes.

  • Manufacturer: JSC Moscow Plant Kristall
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 325 rubles

Vodka “Stolichnaya” is a legendary alcoholic drink, whose taste characteristics have remained consistently excellent for more than half a century. The secret to the quality of vodka is adherence to the classical technology of purification with quartz sand and birch charcoal.

Thanks to its velvety taste, delicate aroma and the absence of foreign aftertaste, Stolichnaya vodka is easy and enjoyable to drink. A soft, pleasant drink with a refined aftertaste will ideally complement traditional Russian cuisine.

  • Manufacturer: SORDIS LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 259 rubles

Another native Russian product that has not lost its popularity since 1993. Vodka “Old Moscow” combines high quality and affordable price.

Although the alcoholic drink has a pungent, vigorous taste, it is surprisingly easy to drink. Vodka does not have a sweet taste, and instead of a pronounced vodka smell, there is the aroma of fresh bread crust. A chilled bottle of Old Moscow vodka will perfectly complement a menu of hot and cold dishes, meat and fish, mushrooms and pickles.

  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 345 rubles

Vodka “Myagkov Silver” is one of the leaders in the Russian vodka market. Consumers appreciate it for its extraordinary softness, pleasant classic vodka aroma, and the absence of dyes and food additives. The product owes its first-class organoleptic properties to the presence in its composition of natural raw materials, pre-softened natural water and a unique dynamic filtration technology.

Thanks to its purity and softness, Myagkov Silver vodka can be used to make cocktails or consumed neat with snacks and salads.

Vodka “Tsarskaya original”

  • Manufacturer: LLC "Group "LADOGA"
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 508 rubles

This crystal-clear alcoholic drink is easily recognized by the original corporate design of the bottle with heraldic symbols on it. The use of cosmetic glass for the manufacture of vodka containers prevents chemical reactions inside the bottle and preserves the organoleptic properties of alcohol.

Vodka owes its mild taste, delicate and pleasant aroma to a complex system of silver and charcoal purification. “Tsarskaya Original” tastes incredibly good, especially when combined with salmon, trout and caviar.

  • Manufacturer: Russian North LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 310 rubles

Combining modern technologies and centuries-old folk traditions, Pervak ​​Homemade Wheat Vodka remains one of the few alcoholic drinks whose slightly cloudy color and pungent odor are the main advantages, not disadvantages.

The tart, fresh taste of the alcoholic drink will be appropriate in combination with meat dishes and snacks.

  • Manufacturer: Moscow Plant Kristall JSC
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 248 rubles

Vodka “Putinka” is a truly soft and noble drink with an exceptional taste and pure vodka aroma. Created in 2003, the vodka brand initially relied on the popularity of the current president of the Russian Federation. At the moment, “Putinka” has already managed to earn its own status and is positioned as an alcoholic drink for intimate gatherings in a friendly company.

Like most domestic alcoholic drinks, Putinka vodka is ideal for feasts with traditional Russian cuisine.

  • Manufacturer: Georgievsky LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.5 points
  • Approximate cost: 251 rubles

A transparent drink in an elegant bottle with protective signs will be the best decoration for a holiday table and will harmoniously fit into any company. Belenkaya Lux vodka contains only natural products, and a 13-meter carbon filter and quartz sand bring the alcoholic drink to its ideal state. The product is environmentally friendly and does not contain GMOs.

The subtle sweetish flavor of Belenkaya Lux vodka will help highlight dishes of traditional Russian or Ukrainian cuisine.

  • Manufacturer: JSC "Bashspirt" Russia
  • Approximate cost: 230 rubles

Vodka "Belebeevskaya Classic" boasts a soft, fresh taste, crystal purity and a delicate vodka aroma. High purity ethyl alcohol “Alpha” and mineral water from natural sources add a special sophistication to the taste of the alcoholic drink.

“Belebeevskaya Classic” is a classic example of vodka in the middle price segment and, having a fairly mild taste and moderate alcoholic smell, will help create a cozy, friendly atmosphere at a feast of any kind.

  • Manufacturer: JSC Mariinsky Distillery
  • Average tasting score: 9.6 points
  • Approximate cost: 775 rubles

The exclusive alcoholic product of the Mariinsky Distillery and one of the most successful and popular brands, Beluga vodka, has gained wide popularity not only in Russia, but also in most European countries. The alcoholic drink is produced from natural ingredients in the ecologically clean region of Siberia, therefore Beluga vodka is positioned by the manufacturer as a natural product.

Having undergone repeated filtration and “resting” for some time, “Beluga” acquires a subtlety of taste and a fresh aroma, similar to a sea breeze. It is clear that vodka of this quality should be drunk only with the most exquisite delicacies.

  • Manufacturer: Russian Standard Vodka LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.6 points
  • Approximate cost: 373 rubles

Russian Standard vodka is an alcoholic drink whose recipe has remained unchanged since 1894 and was developed by D.I. Mendeleev. Modern technologies have simplified and improved the process of its manufacture. “Russian Standard” once again confirmed the status of standard vodka, being in demand in the markets of more than fifty countries.

Glacial water, selected winter wheat and repeated filtration with birch charcoal are the basis of the secret of creating a crystal clear drink with a characteristic vodka aroma and the taste of freshly baked bread. Although Russian Standard vodka is included in many cocktails, it is better to drink it in its pure form.

  • Manufacturer: LLC "Ruzsky Blending Plant"
  • Average tasting score: 9.6 points
  • Approximate cost: 297 rubles

Classic vodka “Five Lakes” is created from the healing lake waters of the Siberian taiga and high-quality alcohol. The legendary “living” water is saturated with oxygen and silver, so it is carefully filtered, trying not to lose its unique properties. Even the vodka bottle has a wavy surface, symbolizing the lake waters.

Vodka “Five Lakes” with its classic vodka taste and delicate aroma goes perfectly with hot and cold appetizers, pickles, meat and caviar.

  • Manufacturer: Georgievsky LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.6 points
  • Approximate cost: 255 rubles

Despite its status as a product in the budget segment, Gosudarev Zakaz vodka is not inferior in quality to more expensive products on the Russian alcohol market. Selected raw materials, having gone through a complex system of purification, silver filtration and freezing, turn into a clear alcoholic drink with an elusive vodka aroma.

Gosudarev Zakaz vodka is drunk easily and naturally, as it has a soft, rich taste with sweetish notes. There is no shame in putting such alcohol on the table even in front of the most demanding guests.

  • Manufacturer: LVZ Kristall-Lefortovo LLC
  • Average tasting score: 9.6 points
  • Approximate cost: 305 rubles

“Winter Road” - vodka with a traditional recipe and classical production technology - consists of natural raw materials and is distinguished by high organoleptic characteristics. The unique taste of the alcoholic drink is due to the addition of malt, which is clearly felt in the aftertaste of the drink.

In the world? It is unlikely that a definite answer can be given to this question. But you can name the most popular one based on the volume of its production and consumption.

The well-known industry magazine Drinks International annually presents its ranking of the largest alcohol brands in terms of sales volume - Millionaires Club. According to research, the list of the fifteen most popular brands of vodka is as follows.


4. Green Mark

Fourth place in the ranking of the largest vodka brands is occupied by the Russian Green Mark. Over the past year, more than 9.30 million decalitres classic and flavored vodka "Green Mark".

It is worth noting that almost the entire volume is sold on the domestic market.

3. Gift of grain

Ukrainian vodka “Khlebny Dar” entered the top three. In 2012, she also received the “Best Eco-Friendly Vodka” prize at the “Best Drink 2012” competition.

2. Absolute

Swedish Absolut vodka has achieved incredible popularity largely thanks to a creative advertising campaign. Over the past year, the volume of production of Absolut vodkas and liqueurs amounted to more than 11.21 million decalitres.

1. Smirnoff

Almost twice as large as its closest competitor in terms of the number of vodkas sold per year, Smirnoff has been leading the ranking of the most popular vodkas in the world for many years.

Today the brand is owned by Diageo, which also owns Jonnie Walker, Baileys, Guinness and other well-known alcohol brands.

The annual production volume of Smirnoff vodka is continuously growing and in 2012 amounted to 24.7 million decalitres.

Vodka from the Directive company

In our catalog you will find more than 160 brands of vodka of Russian and foreign production. All drinks can be purchased wholesale and retail.

This spring, the winners of the 9th annual tasting competition of alcoholic beverages were determined in Moscow - they were traditionally selected by an international expert commission from the many submitted samples.

What is best vodka of 2016? Read about “Vodka of the Year 2016” - a competition that selected more than 70 of the best vodkas, liqueurs and other alcoholic drinks.

The organizers of this significant event for the industry were traditionally the State Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Food Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences” and the “MACRO event Communication Agency”.

The tasting of the drinks was carried out in a blind manner; vodkas were presented in a number of segments: superpremium, premium, subpremium, mid-price, folk and in the segment of special vodkas. Separate awards were given to alcoholic beverages obtained by distillation, as well as tinctures, liqueurs and balms. And another traditional nomination is “Discovery of the Year”.

In total, in 2016, according to the results of the competition, experts noted 74 drinks, including 49 vodkas, 6 drinks based on distillates, 18 tinctures and liqueurs, 1 balm. Based on the results of the competitive events, gold and silver medals, as well as the Grand Prix, were awarded.

Discovery of the year

Let's start with the “Discovery of the Year” nomination; this year, two drinks received gold medals in it: Krasnoyarsk vodka “Kholodny Raschet” (LLC Distillery “SIBALCO”) and Nizhny Novgorod vodka “Three Rivers Zolotaya” (LLC “Sordis”). “Russian Peppers” vodka (United Penza Vodka Factories LLC) was awarded “Silver”.

Super premium segment

In the super-premium segment, 6 awards were presented, all gold: one went to SIBALCO vodka, another to organic vodka “Chistye Rosy” from the Saransky distillery, the third to “Yarich” vodka produced by the “Krasnoyarsk Vodka Plant”, the fourth to “Russkaya” vodka. squadron" from the company "Standard" LLC, the fifth - Imperial Trust vodka from the "Rus" wine and cognac plant from Stavropol, the sixth - "Talaya Natural" vodka produced by the JV LLC "AFSAR Company LTD" (Uzbekistan).

Premium segment

In the premium vodka segment, the most awards are 18. The gold medal and Grand Prix in this category were won by the Belarusian vodka “Selecta Lux” (JSC “Gomel Distillery Radamir”), two more drinks from the same company also received “gold”. : vodka “Radamir” and “Black Swan”.

The Permalko company won two gold medals for its Gradus Premium and Gradus Platinum vodkas, and one silver medal went to its Gradus Gold vodka.

In the same segment, five more Russian vodkas received gold awards: “Asyador Gold”, “Beloboka”, “Matrioshka Lux”, Almaz Arctic Night, “Russian Squadron Zolotaya”, as well as two imported ones: “Minskaya-Kristall” and “Karatau Zolotoy” "

“Silver” of the competition was awarded here to the vodkas “Conchita” (Krasnoyarsk) and “Darkhan Premium” (Yakutia), as well as three Belarusian vodkas: “Tsarskaya Polyana Imperatorskaya”, “Glubina” (both Brest) and “General” -Governor" (Vitebsk).

Sub-premium segment

In the sub-premium segment, only 2 awards were given out in 2016: a gold medal for Vseslav Charodey Premium vodka (Minsk Kristall OJSC) and a similar one for the Highest Class Original Export vodka (Urzhum Distillery OJSC). .

Mid-price segment

In the mid-price segment, 11 awards were presented, incl. 10 gold. Thus, the “gold” went to the vodkas “Winter Road” (GK Kristall-Lefortovo) and “Golden Joker” (United Penza Vodka Factories), as well as vodkas “Golden Dali”, “Yaritsa”, “White Grove Elite” , “White Guard Elite”, “Winter Village on malt alcohol “Alpha”, “Katyusha Classic”, “Karatau Exclusive”, “Aidabul Vodka “A”. There is only one “silver” here - Vologda vodka “Cherepovchanka Ladnaya”.

Folk vodkas

In 2016, gold medals in the popular segment were awarded to the vodkas “Aidabulskaya special” and “Aidabulskaya Posolskaya” produced by Natur Product LLP (Kazakhstan), another vodka of the same company, “Khrustalnaya”, received “silver”. Gold medals were also awarded to Voevoda vodka (Rusimport-CIS LLC) and Men`Sheriff (Aroma beverage joint stock company).

Special vodkas

In the segment of special vodkas, the best vodkas were “Matrioshka Klyukvennaya” and “Matrioshka Medovaya” from OJSC Moscow Exhibition Hall “KiN”, vodka “Honey with Lemon” from the Uzbek company “AFSAR”, as well as vodka “Men`Vodka” (all four drinks - “gold”) ").


Among the distilled spirits, six samples from two companies were noted. Thus, LLC “Russian Original Beverages” received three gold medals for the strong alcoholic beverages “Karavai. Rye-oats-barley”, “Loaf. Wheat-oats-barley" and grape vodka "Legend of Uchan-Su Original", as well as a silver award for grape vodka "Legend of Uchan-Su". Two more samples received “Gold” in this nomination: the strong alcoholic drink “Sam Fire Rye” and the original strong fruit drink “Apple” produced by Minsk Crystal OJSC.

According to information from the website www.vodkagoda.ru

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