Sewage systems for country houses. Sewerage for a country house: what to choose from the many options? Biological treatment systems – the best is always expensive

Nowadays, it cannot do without a well-equipped sewer system designed for the discharge and disposal of human waste. In this article we bring to your attention, we will try to talk about how sewerage is installed. country house with your own hands, taking into account all the requirements for its arrangement.

Despite the abundance of offers on the market for such services, many users prefer to install the sewer network themselves. Indeed, the technique for manufacturing an extensive system for collecting waste and sewage is quite simple, which allows it to be mastered by anyone who is not involved in this professionally. This approach makes it possible to do without the involvement of third-party workers, which naturally reduces the costs associated with its arrangement.

Waste collection system design

A modern sewer system is a whole complex of equipment, which includes not only devices for collecting sewage, but also pipelines and special waste storage tanks (septic tanks).

The main functional purpose of such complexes is the collection of human waste (including waste water) at the points of their formation and subsequent transportation to the place of final or partial disposal.

The installation of a sewer system in a country house must take into account basic technological and environmental requirements. The sewerage system must contain the following mandatory elements:

  • special trays for collecting waste;
  • an extensive network of pipelines or channels through which waste is transported towards the settling tank;
  • the sump itself, designed in the form cesspool or septic tank.

The installation of sewerage in your own household must be carried out according to a clearly designed plan, since any deviations from the standards can lead to disruptions in its operation (the formation of blockages, for example). In this case, there is a danger of contamination of areas with fecal waste, which is unacceptable if there are sources of drinking water near the house.

External contour

The so-called external sewerage circuit includes a system of pipelines that ensures the natural movement of waste from the point of collection (tray) towards the cesspool or septic tank. This method of organizing sewage collection is called drainage. In some cases, waste is transported through pipes under pressure (pressure) created using special pumping equipment included in the system.

Based on the above, even at the design stage it will be necessary to clearly determine how the waste will be delivered to the settling tank (natural drainage or under pressure). The choice of location for the sump (drainage well), as well as its depth, will depend on this circumstance.

It goes without saying that when using the first of these options, the level of the cesspool (septic tank) is selected below the level of the pipeline route, which provides the required slope towards the prefabricated fixture. In the second option of delivering wastewater to the sump, carried out by means of a pump, the level of installation of the sewerage system (including its individual components) is not of decisive importance.

The location of the pipe laying route in this case is practically unlimited, so the latter can be selected based on the convenience of the organization earthworks. The only technological requirement for laying pipes is that their bending angle always exceeds 90 degrees. Compliance with this requirement significantly reduces the likelihood of blockages. When choosing the optimal location for a waste collection facility, the previously noted requirement must be met (no closer than 5–7 m from a residential building).

Installation of drainage system

The installation of a drainage system on a suburban area usually begins after the construction of the walls and roof of the main residential building is completed.

When carrying out work, the following sequence of installation operations must be observed:

  1. First of all, a trench is dug at the site for pipes laid from trays or other waste collectors towards the sump. At the same time, the possibility of natural movement of wastewater through the pipeline is ensured by its slight slope (2–2.5 cm per 1 linear meter).
  2. Then the bottom of the prepared trench along its entire length is covered with a sand cushion.
  3. After this, it will be possible to begin laying the pipe line, at the final section of which the junction of the pipeline with the sump must be sealed. For these purposes, you can use sealant.

When laying pipes made of various materials, the following recommendations will need to be taken into account:

  • Installation of polypropylene pipes should be carried out in special concrete boxes that protect the products from mechanical damage. But pipes made of polyvinyl chloride can be laid directly in the soil (without using a special protective casing).
  • The depth of the pipe sewer is selected based on the known requirement for laying sewer lines, which must be located above the freezing point of the soil in a given area. For central Russia, this indicator is selected from the range from 1.2 to 1.4 meters.
  • If the winters in your region are very cold, you will need additional insulation of the pipeline using any insulating material suitable for these purposes.
  • Now all that remains is to connect the entire system together.

Construction of a cesspool

The most common type of autonomous waste collection facility is a conventional cesspool. The principle of operation of such a sump is very simple and is as follows. In the process of accumulation of sewage entering the pit through the sewer system, the light fractions contained in them are gradually utilized by seeping into the soil. After some time, when only heavy fractions remain in the pit, the latter are removed from the settling tank using appropriate equipment (as a rule, special sewage disposal machines are used for these purposes).

A low-lying area is most convenient for placing such a waste collector, which greatly facilitates subsequent installation. drainage system. When selecting a suitable location for it, it is also necessary to provide for the possibility of preparing a small access area for a sewer truck.

Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of epidemiological standards regulating the permissible volume of sewage pits (as a rule, this indicator is selected at the rate of 0.6–0.7 m³ per person), as well as the distance from residential buildings and sources of drinking water. In addition, certain restrictions are imposed on the materials used to construct such structures.

When choosing these materials, most users proceed from the availability and reasonable cost of the products used to form the walls of the cesspool. In this case, preference is most often given to ready-made industrial structures, such as reinforced concrete rings, for example (diameter - about 2 meters, height - about 1.2 meters).

When carrying out excavation work, you must remember the following details:

  1. The preparation of the pit for reinforced concrete structures is carried out taking into account a small allowance in diameter, which ensures ease of installation of the rings, as well as the possibility of placing a layer of waterproofing on them.
  2. During the work, the calculated depth of the well can be slightly adjusted, which is explained by the requirement that the cut of the upper ring be located just below the soil level (this allows the use of a standard concrete slab with a hatch as a ceiling).
  3. Before laying the first ring, the bottom of the pit is first reinforced and then concreted. The rings are fastened together using special fittings, after which the gaps between them are sealed with mortar.

You can watch a video on arranging a sewer system below.


This video is about the installation of a sewer system in a country house:

Local sewerage - this is one of the systems that must be equipped when arranging modern country houses. Its presence will ensure compliance with hygiene and sanitation requirements, and will also create additional comfortable conditions in the home.

The construction of a local sewage system can be entrusted to specialists, or you can do it yourself after studying special recommendations. The simplest option for local sewerage is a buried metal caisson or drainage pit. Read about the technology for constructing such a structure in our article.

Construction of sewerage yourself

Preparatory stage

In order for local sewerage for a home to be completed quickly and meet the requirements for objects of this kind, the following parameters must be determined:

  1. where will the sewer collection be located?
  2. what wastewater treatment system to choose;
  3. what materials will be used in the construction of the facility;
  4. what is the cost of the necessary materials;
  5. which performer needs to be hired to carry out the work.

Choosing a location for a waste storage tank

The installation of local sewerage must include measures to prevent contaminated wastewater from entering the ground - high-quality waterproofing. The overflow holes should be located opposite each other. Ventilation pipes equipped with caps to protect against precipitation are placed in the ceilings. The large surface area of ​​liquid waste facilitates its slow flow through the partitions.

Currently, more advanced autonomous local sewage systems have appeared, allowing for high-quality wastewater treatment through the use of several treatment methods, for example, filtration and sedimentation. The excellent quality and high performance of such stations have ensured their growing popularity among consumers. To purify wastewater, bacteria are used, filters, aerators and other special equipment are installed. The quality of wastewater treatment allows it to be used for watering plants.

As an example of a local sewerage system, we can name Astra installations (). Depending on the model, this system processes up to 1600 liters of wastewater per day, retaining up to 98% of contaminants. Undoubtedly, local sewerage will make life in a country house more comfortable and safer!

If the house does not have the opportunity to connect to the central sewer, you have to solve the problem yourself by installing a septic tank on the site. This technical structure must comply with a certain number of rules and regulations. It has several types, some of which are purified and produce clear water, which can be used for irrigation and even discharged into natural bodies of water without disturbing the biological balance in them.

Wastewater treatment system for a private home

Autonomous sewage system for the home is the main topic of today’s article. We will analyze all the important points, the possibilities of its organization, and also give practical advice on installation and selection of materials.

The cesspool is lined with brickwork
  • This type of septic tank (although it is difficult to call a pit such) belongs to storage systems (filtration is purely conditional). It is suitable for a summer house, a small country cottage.
  • The effectiveness of the system depends entirely on the density of the soil on which it is installed, and now you will understand why.
  • The operating principle of the device and operation is as follows. A hole of a certain depth is made in the ground. The larger its volume, the more users it will be designed for. A layer of crushed stone is poured at the bottom of the pit, which will serve as drainage. The common sewer pipe from the house is connected to the well.
  • When waste gets inside, the liquid passes through the crushed stone and is absorbed into the soil - this is the entire cleaning system. Dirty wastewater penetrates the soil and reaches groundwater.

Attention! If groundwater flows on a hill in your area, making a cesspool is strictly prohibited, since the soil can be contaminated within a radius of up to 50 m.

  • Therefore, it is necessary to maintain indentations to the main water bodies. If the correct distance is maintained, the soil will act as a natural filter that purifies the water.

Distances from the septic tank to the main objects on the site
  • Solid parts of the waste will accumulate in the main container. When filling a septic tank, the contents must be pumped out using sewage disposal equipment.

When surface waters lie high, they try to insulate the walls of the cesspool. For this purpose, reinforced concrete rings, bricks and other materials are used. The first option will provide the best protection, but concrete is still hygroscopic.

Interesting to know! After some time, the bottom of the cesspool silts up, and the drainage practically stops working. And then it begins to fill up very quickly and requires major cleaning.

Cumulative closed septic tanks

This septic tank option has pros and cons compared to the previous one.

Autonomous sewage system at a dacha of storage type
  • From a technical point of view, it is practically no different from a cesspool, except for the fact that the liquid in it is not filtered, but accumulates along with solid waste.
  • Therefore, when high level groundwater - there will be no contamination of the soil, since the container is completely sealed - although this can only be said about models made of plastic and steel. Monolithic reinforced concrete structures can allow drainage to pass through pores, and in the version made of reinforced concrete rings, leaks are also possible at the seams.
  • Low price - this largely depends on the material of manufacture. Nowadays they are mainly made of plastic, although more recently the most common solution was rings on a monolithic slab. Plastic containers are lightweight and easy to install with your own hands.

Storage septic tank is inexpensive
  • Most main drawback storage septic tank - fast speed filling. Even having installed a large model with 7-8 cubic meters, the owners will have to pump it out at least once a month - it depends on average daily consumption water and the number of people living in the house. Therefore, such solutions are used as temporary ones, or in small summer cottages where people do not live permanently.
  • If someone is thinking about saving money and installing such a septic tank as the main one, then think about how much money you will have to spend on its maintenance - sewer trucks charge from 500 to 1000 rubles for pumping. With the price of such a septic tank being 25,000 rubles, an additional quarter to half of its cost will be spent per year.

Autonomous sewerage systems - storage septic tank with sump

We gradually complicate the sump scheme. The next option will take much longer to fill and the drained water will be cleaner.

The first version of a septic tank with overflow

Simple and efficient systems cleaning are septic tanks with overflows. What does a sump device look like?

  • It is a sealed storage container, which from the inside can be divided into several chambers.
  • A sewer pipe from the house fits into the top of the tank. From the other edge there is a drain pipe installed in the letter “g”. A mechanical or biological filter can be installed inside the pipe - we will discuss the second option in a separate chapter.
  • When the water reaches a certain level, it begins to move into a pipe, which can simply go into the ground (a hole or discharge), be connected to a filtration field or a second chamber. A filtration field is a drainage pipe or a network of pipes laid from the septic tank at a slope. They lie at shallow depths, on a bed of sand, gravel and crushed stone. This allows the settled water to be distributed over a large area and prevents the drainage holes from becoming clogged.

Filtration field for septic tank

The degree of wastewater treatment in such a septic tank largely depends on the settling time and the type of filters installed along the way. However, the system pollutes the soil many times less than a cesspool.

Multi-chamber septic tanks with overflow

Multi-chamber septic tanks show much better performance. Their meaning lies in the fact that the runoff through the overflows described in the previous case does not enter the ground, but additional chambers in which sedimentation also occurs, and only after that the water is discharged.

A three-chamber septic tank is one of the best sewers for a private home
  • Only the last chamber has an open bottom, the first ones are always sealed - the bulk of solid waste accumulates in them.
  • Due to the increase in the number of chambers, the useful working volume of the septic tank increases. Filling the system will take a very long time - pumping may be necessary every few years.
  • Among the disadvantages, we highlight the large area that needs to be allocated for the system - for installation you will have to dig up the entire yard, which will reduce the density of the soil and is fraught with finishing materials, for example, paving slabs, which will sag.

Read also

Grounding connection in a private house

Attention! To save space, the cameras can be arranged in a triangle, as shown in the photo below.

Autonomous sewage system for a country house - successful arrangement of cameras
  • Septic tanks with two chambers are not much different from those connected to a filtration field.
  • The overflow is made from plastic pipes in the form of a U-shaped structure. This is required so that the surface crust of fat does not clog the system. A coarse mechanical filter must be installed at the inlet.
  • The main part of the sludge will settle in the first chamber. Smaller waste fractions will fall into the second, where they will collide with a fine filter. So only clean, settled water will flow into the third chamber. Of course, it is not suitable for irrigation, but the soil will be contaminated to a much lesser extent.

Inspection hatches are installed on each chamber - the last one may be an exception, but it is better to play it safe in case of blockages.

The three-chamber septic tank has an additional connection to the filtration field

Such septic tanks are made from standard materials - from concrete to plastic.


Biological septic tanks provide reliable wastewater treatment. Inside them are bacteria that process human waste into peat, which can be used as organic fertilizer.

Water purified by such a septic tank can be 95% pure. This is a very high figure. It can be safely poured into the garden or into natural bodies of water. For this reason, in areas where there are problems with water delivery, additional containers are installed and such water is used for technical purposes. It has no smell.

Option with biofilter

There are two types of such settling tanks - with biofilters and aeration tanks. Different bacteria live and work in them, the structure of the structures and their price are different.

  • The picture below shows the option with a biofilter. It is a storage tank that can be divided into sections.

Autonomous country sewerage system with biofilter
  • An additional tank is installed inside, which is a filter. Inside it there is a filler that is chemically inert and resistant to rotting - usually coke, nylon threads, polystyrene foam or shell rock. This filler is a “home” for anaerobic bacteria. These organisms do not require an active supply of oxygen to function.
  • The bacteria look like a slippery coating. It is very convenient that they can be put into the septic tank in any way, for example, flushed down the toilet - they themselves will attach to the filler and begin to multiply.

Autonomous sewerage septic tank with biofilter
  • The biofilter can be located in the main storage tank. This is not very convenient, since it will have to be dismantled to pump out the sludge. More practical are multi-chamber systems, where the bulk of the waste accumulates at the entrance to the container. A separate hatch is provided for access to them.
  • Water through the filter can go into the ground, additional post-treatment chambers or filtration fields.
  • Filling such a septic tank occurs more slowly than a simple overflow station, since bacteria significantly reduce the volume of sludge and make dense sediment softer.

Septic tanks with aerobic bacteria

Aerotanks or aerotanks are compact autonomous systems that provide the most high quality purification (if a biofilter provides an average of 80% purification, then these devices are close to 90%).

Autonomous sewage system bio

The main difference between these models is the use of bacteria living in a saturated oxygen environment. They work more efficiently, so a septic tank with a total volume of 3-4 cubic meters can serve up to 20 people. From the outside, such a septic tank looks like a plastic box or cylinder, but inside you will find a complex system of passages and electrical equipment, namely:

  1. Airlifts are devices that, due to compressed air lift the masses to pump them through the system’s tanks.
  2. Compressor is a pumping equipment connected to airlifts.
  3. Can be installed for automatic sludge removal.
  4. Aerators are devices for saturating water with oxygen.

Autonomous sewage system - aeration tank in operation

How this scheme works:

  • The septic tank is filling with water. The first chamber contains the main sludge mixed with living bacteria.
  • Through the airlift and aerators, the compressor pumps oxygen into this part of the tank, thereby actively mixing the contents.
  • Thanks to the influence of oxygen, an active process of oxidation of harmful substances in water begins.
  • The effluent flows into the next section, in which the water settles - all the sludge settles at the bottom and returns to the first compartment.
  • Purified water flows through overflows into the following compartments.

Combined bioseptics perform best. They contain both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. An example of such a design is shown in the picture below.

The principle of operation of an autonomous sewage system - a combined septic tank

How to choose an autonomous sewer system

Now let's sum up the intermediate results and define a septic tank for a private house.

Choosing a septic tank is primarily about material possibilities
  • Bioactive models are good septic tanks, but their price stops many people.
  • In cottage developments, which are now growing across the country, single-chamber septic tanks are still actively used, which are no different from a cesspool.
  • Where the developer approaches the issue wisely and knowledgeably, three-chamber structures are chosen. But they may not be enough if many people live in the house, so we don’t regret 70-100 thousand rubles and install a bioseptic tank.
  • Both of these options are good in their own way. Aerotanks have high productivity, but are difficult to maintain and require connection to an electrical network. If they are on for a long time left without work (a week is enough), the bacteria inside may die, and the colony will have to be restored.
  • Options with biofilters purify water worse, but are more affordable and easy to maintain. Installation and maintenance of an autonomous sewage system of this type is not difficult, and consists of cleaning the filters from microbes, since they can multiply too actively. They can also die, but this happens extremely rarely.

The best manufacturers

Now there are many models of septic tanks with different capacities. Among the general mass, the following companies have recently proven themselves:

  • Topas.
  • Aster.
  • Unilos
  • Volgar.
  • Poplar.

Septic tank Topol

By purchasing products from well-known manufacturers, you protect yourself from many troubles and difficulties with maintenance.

Which is better, central sewerage or septic tank

If it is possible to use the central sewer system, it is better to use it. The cost of drainage services is extremely low, you do not need to maintain a septic tank, plus it can handle huge loads.

However, the disadvantage of this solution is that not all streets have central branches, even in large cities, let alone the provinces and towns. In this case, an autonomous sewage system will be the only possible solution.

The volume of the storage tank must correspond to the daily water consumption

Since it takes some time for filtration, settling and draining, care must be taken to ensure that the septic tank can cope with high loads. If its volume is not enough, it will overflow and water may rush back into the room. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to draw up a project that takes into account two main parameters - salvo discharge and the number of users.

  • The average displacement per person per day (based on water consumption) is 200 liters. This value is multiplied by the number of residents. If you use more water, you can make a reserve, or measure everything accurately with a water meter.
  • The resulting data is then compared to pivot tables like the one below.

Table of septic tank parameters
  • Regarding salvo discharge, to calculate it you will need to know the maximum throughput all plumbing fixtures in the house, including household appliances.
  • Sandy and sandy loam soils are suitable for any type of septic tank. They have a low density, so water flows freely, being cleaned along the way. It will take a very long time for a septic tank to fill, even if it is a simple cesspool.
  • If the soil is clayey, then water does not seep through it well, for this reason silting will occur very quickly. In order not to constantly pump out water, it is necessary to install a system with overflow and additional cleaning so that clean water goes into the ground. It is recommended to install a filtration field, as this allows you to increase the area of ​​water absorption.

Installation of autonomous sewerage in loamy soils

If previously a toilet on the street was considered commonplace for a suburban area, now even in dachas, where people come to relax on weekends, homeowners strive to create comfortable conditions. And a lot depends on whether the sewage system was correctly selected, designed and installed. Which treatment plant choose how to make a septic tank yourself, when it is better to install one VOC for several houses, how to install a sewer system, what pipes to use and how to properly lay them in the house and around the site - we discuss these and other questions about organizing sewerage outside the city in this week’s topic.


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Vladimir43 presented to the attention of readers new system drainage system, the basis of which is a conventional septic tank with a wide neck, which is complemented by a composting module consisting of a composting (storage) container and a grease trap. Topicstarter talks about the advantages of the system, and you can also find out how the tests are carried out.

Sewerage for a country house is an integral part of construction. It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without the usual amenities: a bathroom, a toilet, a kitchen. Therefore, the presence of such engineering systems as a heating system, cold and hot water supply has become an integral attribute of a modern country house.

But in the absence of another equally important system - sewerage - the problem of draining used water will inevitably arise. And only the installation of local sewerage equipment will help solve the problem of wastewater treatment in a country house

IN basic equipment and the price of any of our standard projects already includes the internal wiring of the sewerage system pipes, wiring to plumbing equipment and removal from the house.

The configuration of individual sewerage systems and treatment facilities for a country house depends on many factors: terrain features, soil type, groundwater level, depth of soil freezing, volume of wastewater and nature of pollution, mode of residence, environmental requirements of the local administration, wishes and financial capabilities of the customer etc.

Of course, sewerage in a country house should be easy to operate, as simple as possible to use and meet a favorable price/quality ratio. Our specialists will assist you in making the optimal decision on the choice of treatment equipment, septic tanks for your country house, as well as on the installation and maintenance of a wastewater treatment system.

Let's consider and compare two main options for local sewerage.

The most modern and promising wastewater treatment system is an aeration station for deep biological treatment of domestic wastewater with complete oxidation TOPAS.

The operation of the station is based on a combination of biological treatment and the process of fine-bubble aeration (artificial air supply) in order to oxidize the components of wastewater, which helps to accelerate biological processing and increase the degree of wastewater treatment.

Biochemical processes of oxidation of organic substances change chemical composition wastewater, as a result of which the latter lose their tendency to rot and become transparent, while bacterial contamination is significantly reduced. The installation works in two stages:

First, wastewater enters the receiving chamber, which equalizes its flow, and here its mechanical and preliminary biological treatment takes place. Partially purified wastewater is evenly pumped by airlift into the aeration tank, in which the final decomposition of organic compounds occurs through oxidation with activated sludge. Activated sludge is a biologically active medium, including colonies of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria that form in a mixture of wastewater and air.

Next, the mixture of activated sludge and clean water, using a recirculation airlift, is sent to the “pyramid” - a secondary settling tank, in which, under the influence of gravity, activated sludge is separated from clean water. Purified water is removed by gravity through a special clean water outlet, and the separated sludge, after settling in the lower part of the secondary settling tank, again enters the aeration tank and, after several cycles, is sent to the sludge stabilizer using a recirculation airlift. The spent stabilized sludge accumulates in the stabilizer for some time, after which it is periodically removed through a hose using an airlift. The frequency with which sludge removal is required largely depends on the volume of the aeration station, as well as the activity of its use.

The advantages of this type of sewage system for a country house:

The absence of an unpleasant odor makes it possible to install installations near buildings (since during cleaning, the release of methane and sulfur dioxide is much less than in septic tanks);

High level of wastewater treatment - up to 98%. Purified water can be reused for technical purposes in your own area (for irrigation, washing paths, etc.). Unlike a septic tank, an aeration station cleans rather than accumulates wastewater;

Using excess activated sludge as fertilizer;

Long service life (the unit body is made of polypropylene, which is not subject to corrosion);

No special equipment (vacuum truck) is required to service the installation;

No additional concreting is required during installation.

Capacity ranges from 1000 l/day to..., depending on the model used.

Another local treatment facility for domestic wastewater, used in individual sewage systems of country houses, dachas, and cottages, is a septic tank.

The operating principle of a septic tank is as follows:

Cleaning occurs in two stages, the first is the settling of solids in a septic tank (an underground settling tank consisting of three sedimentary chambers A - large fractions are deposited in the first chamber, the process of separating organic suspended matter occurs; B, C - separation of smaller fractions occurs. Thus , in the septic tank there is a process of sedimentation of organic suspension, separation of large and small fractions, and then the process of decomposition of organic matter occurs. After this, the clarified, still untreated water is sent either to an absorbent platform or to a filtration platform, where further purification occurs in the crushed stone layer and the surrounding soil layer As a result, soluble substances are released into the soil along with water, and insoluble sediment is stored in the septic tank and removed by a sewage disposal machine.

Wastewater disposal can occur not only from one house, but also from several houses, in the case of one common system cleaning.

Advantages of a septic tank:

Stable operation of the septic tank under unfavorable external factors: power outages, long interruptions in the flow of wastewater, peak flows of pollution;
- low installation cost (compared to aeration stations).

The disadvantages of a septic tank include the insufficient degree of wastewater treatment (after a septic tank, it is impossible to discharge the effluent into a reservoir).

Dear customers, if you are planning long-term operation of the sewer system, prefer quality that has been proven over years of operation. Don't buy exotic new items.

Cost of work

The average cost of installation of an autonomous suburban sewer system using a septic tank is about 50,000 rubles. This includes: installing a septic tank, creating an aeration field, laying pipes from the house to the septic tank, connecting the sewer system to the house. Without the cost of a septic tank.

The average cost of installation of an autonomous suburban sewer system using TOPAS is about 65,000 rubles. This includes: installation and configuration of the TOPAS sewer system, laying pipes from the house to the septic tank, connecting to the house. Without station cost.

An example of installing a cottage sewer system

Vacation home

Number of people living: from 3 to 10 people.

Number of appliances used: shower, toilet, sink, sink

List of work performed:

Installation of space for a septic tank.

Installation and connection of a septic tank.

Pulling a sewer pipe (from the house to the sewer).

Connection to water consumers (sink, toilet, shower, sink).

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