When will the federal law on renovation be adopted? Law on renovation

This Law establishes additional guarantees for housing and property rights physical and legal entities when carrying out renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow, the procedure and conditions for ensuring the specified guarantees.

Article 1. Basic concepts used in this Law

1. For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) renovation of the housing stock in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as renovation) - a set of measures carried out in order to prevent the formation of emergency housing stock in the city of Moscow, ensure the sustainable development of residential areas, create a favorable living environment, public spaces and landscaping of the territory and provide for a comprehensive renewal of the environment residence of citizens;

2) renovation program - a regulatory legal act of the Moscow Government that defines the list of apartment buildings in respect of which renovation is carried out. Such a list may include apartment buildings of the first period of industrial housing construction, apartment buildings similar to them in their design characteristics, the residents of which, in accordance with Article 3 of this Law, supported the inclusion of the corresponding apartment building in the draft renovation program, renovation program.

2. Other concepts used in this Law are applied in the meaning in which they are defined in federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

Article 2. Legal basis for providing additional guarantees of housing and property rights of individuals and legal entities when carrying out renovation

1. The legal basis for providing additional guarantees of housing and property rights of individuals and legal entities during renovation is the Constitution Russian Federation, generally accepted principles and norms of international law, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

2. Other laws of the city of Moscow regulating relations in the field of ensuring housing and property rights of individuals and legal entities are applied to the extent that does not contradict this Law.

Article 3. Guarantees of taking into account the opinions of residents when forming and implementing a renovation program

1. Only an apartment building can be included in the draft renovation program if the residents of which, by a majority of at least two-thirds, supported the inclusion of such an apartment building in the draft renovation program. Forms and procedure for identifying and taking into account the opinions of residents of an apartment building, including through general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building are established by the Moscow Government.

2. At any stage of the formation of the renovation program and its implementation (before the day of concluding the first agreement providing for the emergence of ownership rights to the provided residential premises), a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building can be held, at which a decision can be made to exclude such an apartment building from project renovation program, renovation program. If such a decision is made, the apartment building is excluded from the project renovation program, renovation program.

Article 4. Provision of equivalent residential premises during renovation

1. Owners of residential premises in apartment buildings subject to renovation, and citizens occupying residential premises in apartment buildings subject to renovation, under social tenancy agreements vacating such residential premises, in order to ensure their housing rights, equivalent residential premises are provided free of charge in exchange for such residential premises.

2. In this Law, equivalent residential premises means residential premises that simultaneously meet the following requirements:

1) the living area and the number of rooms in such a residential premises are not less than, respectively, the living area and the number of rooms in the vacated residential premises, and the total area of ​​such residential premises exceeds the total area of ​​the vacated residential premises;

2) such residential premises meet the standards of improvement, established by Law of the city of Moscow dated June 14, 2006 N 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises”, and also has improved finishing in accordance with the requirements established by the legal act of the city of Moscow;

3) such residential premises are located in the same area of ​​the city of Moscow in which the corresponding apartment building subject to renovation is located, except for the case if such an apartment building is located in the Zelenogradsky, Troitsky or Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow. In this case, equivalent residential premises are provided within the boundaries of the administrative district of the city of Moscow in which the corresponding apartment building subject to renovation is located.

3. A citizen occupying residential premises in an apartment building subject to renovation under a social tenancy agreement, in exchange for the residential premises vacated by him, is provided free of charge with equivalent residential premises on the right of ownership or on the basis of a written application of the specified person - under a social tenancy agreement.

Article 5. Guarantees of the rights of citizens to receive equivalent compensation for vacated residential premises during renovation

The owner of a residential premises in an apartment building subject to renovation has the right, on the basis of a written application, to receive preliminary and equivalent compensation for the vacated residential premises in cash or in the form of an equivalent residential premises on the right of ownership instead of the provided equivalent residential premises. The amount of such compensation and the procedure for its provision are determined in accordance with federal legislation, including legislation on valuation activities.

Article 6. Additional guarantees for extraordinary improvement of housing conditions during renovation

1. The owner of residential premises in an apartment building subject to renovation, members of his family, a citizen with whom a social rental agreement has been concluded for residential premises in an apartment building subject to renovation, members of his family who are on the housing register, have their living conditions improved by providing residential premises according to the provision rate per person established by the Moscow City Law “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises”, out of turn in the manner and on the conditions established by the Moscow City Law “On ensuring the right of Moscow residents to residential premises”.

2. If the citizens specified in Part 1 of this article refuse to improve their living conditions, as well as in case of non-compliance with the conditions established by the Moscow City Law “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises,” they are provided with equivalent residential premises in accordance with federal legislation and by this Law. These citizens retain the right to be on the housing register until they receive residential premises or until the grounds provided for by housing legislation are identified for removing them from the housing register.

The authorized executive body of the city of Moscow, in the manner established by the regulatory legal act of the city of Moscow, when carrying out renovation, provides assistance in organizing and implementing the resettlement of veterans, single and (or) citizens living alone who have reached retirement age, disabled people, low-income citizens, large families, and as well as other categories of citizens established by the regulatory legal act of the city of Moscow.

Article 8. Guarantees of the rights of owners non-residential premises in apartment buildings to receive equivalent compensation when renovation is carried out

The owner of a non-residential premises in an apartment building subject to renovation is provided with preliminary and equivalent compensation in cash or in the form of an equivalent non-residential premises on the right of ownership. The amount, procedure and conditions for providing the said compensation are determined in accordance with federal legislation, including legislation on valuation activities.

Article 9. Exemption from payment of contributions for major renovation when carrying out renovation

From the moment the renovation program is approved, owners of residential premises in apartment buildings included in the renovation program are exempt from paying contributions for major repairs, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation.

Article 10. Additional guarantees for creating a comfortable living environment for citizens during renovation

1. The territory for the construction of apartment buildings intended for the relocation of citizens during renovation (hereinafter referred to as apartment buildings intended for relocation) is provided primarily within the boundaries of the block in which the apartment building included in the renovation program is located.

2. The Moscow Government approves, taking into account the provisions of this article, the requirements for the preparation of urban planning documentation for the purpose of renovation, including requirements for:

1) the formation of a road network and parking space;

2) the formation of sidewalks in the front area (placement of entrance lobbies, information structures and areas of seasonal (summer) cafes), pedestrian zone (organization of transit of pedestrians, including people with limited mobility, placement of short-term recreation areas), landscaping zones (implementation of sanitary-protective and aesthetic functions, placement of lawns, trees and shrubs), technical area (maintenance of the roadway, organization of landing areas for stops public transport, accommodation technical means traffic organization);

3) organization of courtyard and intra-block green areas, which should be formed in the form unified system, including areas of green space along pedestrian and transport communications (lawns, row plantings of trees and shrubs), green areas outside courtyard areas (recreation areas, children's, sports, sports and playgrounds), recreational facilities (inner-block squares, boulevards, gardens) .

3. Indicators of the minimum provision of residents of apartment buildings intended for resettlement with social infrastructure facilities, as well as indicators of the maximum territorial accessibility of social infrastructure objects for residents of these apartment buildings are determined in accordance with regulatory standards legal acts Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, as well as taking into account the existing shortage of these social infrastructure facilities in a specific territory.

Article 11. Requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions of apartment buildings intended for relocation

1. The Moscow Government approves the requirements for architectural and urban planning solutions for apartment buildings intended for relocation, taking into account the provisions of this article.

2. In order to resettle citizens during renovation, the construction of monolithic apartment buildings, apartment buildings from modern panel structures with high energy efficiency is carried out, and in compliance with modern standards for adapting such apartment buildings for people with limited mobility.

3. The internal planning organization of residential premises in apartment buildings intended for relocation should provide for the possibility of layout variability or openings in the interior walls.

4. To place the outdoor unit of the air conditioner in apartment buildings intended for relocation (except for apartment buildings with centralized systems air conditioning), specially designated structural and engineering elements must be provided.

5. When forming a residential development, it should be provided for the placement of entrances to the residential part of apartment buildings intended for relocation from the courtyard and from the street, and to non-residential premises in the specified apartment buildings - only from the street side.

6. When organizing entrance groups in apartment buildings intended for relocation, in order to ensure access for people with limited mobility and create a barrier-free environment, the following must be simultaneously provided:

1) a single floor level without level differences between the lobby-entrance group and the entrances to the elevators;

2) minimized difference between the entrance level from the sidewalk and the floor level of the entrance lobby.

Article 12. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law comes into force on the date of entry into force of the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of the Capital of the Russian Federation" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding the establishment of features of renovation of the housing stock in the capital of the Russian Federation - a city of federal significance Moscow", with the exception of provisions for which this article establishes a different date for their entry into force.

2. Articles 1 and 3 of this Law regarding identifying and taking into account the opinions of residents when forming a draft renovation program come into force from the date of its official publication.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

Document overview

It has been established that only an apartment building can be included in the draft renovation program if at least 2/3 of the residents of which supported the inclusion of the apartment building in the draft renovation program. At any stage of the formation of the renovation program and its implementation, a general meeting of owners can be held, at which a decision can be made to exclude such a house from the renovation program project.

Owners of housing in an apartment building subject to renovation, and citizens occupying housing under social tenancy agreements that vacate residential premises, are provided with equivalent residential premises free of charge in exchange for such residential premises. Equivalent are residential premises, the living area and the number of rooms in which are not less than the area and number of rooms in the vacated premises, and the total area of ​​the residential premises exceeds the total area of ​​the vacated residential premises; the provided residential premises meet the standards of improvement and have improved finishing; the residential premises are located in the same area in which the house subject to renovation is located, with the exception of houses located in the Zelenogradsky, Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts. In this case, equivalent residential premises are provided within the boundaries of the administrative district in which the house subject to renovation is located.

A citizen who occupies housing in a house subject to renovation under a social tenancy agreement, in exchange for the vacated residential premises, is provided free of charge with equivalent residential premises on the right of ownership or under a social tenancy agreement.

Instead of being provided with equivalent residential premises, the owners of housing in a building subject to renovation have the right to receive compensation for the vacated housing in cash or in the form of equivalent residential premises on the right of ownership.

From the moment the renovation program is approved, premises owners are exempt from paying contributions for major repairs.

The law comes into force on the date of entry into force of the Federal Law on Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of the Capital of the Russian Federation” and other laws in terms of establishing the specifics of renovation of the housing stock in Moscow.

The rules on identifying and taking into account the opinions of residents when forming a renovation program come into force from the date of official publication of the Law.

In accordance with the final text of the document, it is established that owners of apartments in apartment buildings included in the renovation program are provided with equivalent residential premises. In this case, equivalent housing means residential premises that simultaneously meet the following requirements:

  • the living area and number of rooms in the new apartment must be no less than in the vacated residential premises, and the total area of ​​the housing must be larger than the vacated one;
  • apartments must comply with the improvement standards established by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 14, 2006 No. 29 "";
  • have an improved finish;
  • the houses in which housing will be provided must be located in the same area of ​​the city of Moscow as the apartment building subject to renovation, with the exception of the case if the house planned for demolition is located in the Zelenogradsky, Troitsky or Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow (the boundaries are determined by as of January 1, 2017). In this case, equivalent residential premises are provided within the boundaries of the administrative district of the city of Moscow in which the house subject to renovation is located.

In this case, the owner of the residential premises, on the basis of a written application, has the right, instead of the provided equivalent residential premises, to receive equivalent compensation in cash or equivalent housing. The owner must make a decision on alternative compensation within 30 days from the date of receipt of the draft agreement on the transfer of ownership of the residential premises, subject to the provision of an equivalent one. However, if minors, incapacitated or partially capable citizens live in the apartment together with the owner, providing compensation in cash is not allowed.

Meanwhile, owners have the right to purchase from the city an apartment of a larger area or with more rooms for an additional payment. Moreover, for these purposes it will be possible to use funds from maternity capital, housing subsidies and social payments and other sources not prohibited by law.

Tenants of residential premises will be able to receive equivalent residential premises in return for the vacated housing under a social tenancy agreement, and if they have a written application, they will be able to take ownership. And residents of communal apartments will be able to get a separate apartment, not a room.

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Owners of residential premises are exempt from paying contributions for the overhaul of common property included in the renovation program from the date of its approval. It is clarified that the contributions previously made by the owners will be used during the implementation of the renovation program.

It is also stated that the program will include apartment buildings with no more than nine floors, built according to standard designs developed in the period 1957-1968, using standard wall and ceiling products.

Those houses that will be voted on before the day the law comes into force will be able to enter the renovation program.

MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. The State Duma adopted in the third and final reading a bill on the renovation of Moscow's outdated housing stock. 399 deputies voted for the adoption of the law, two voted against, and one parliamentarian abstained.

After being adopted in the first reading, the renovation bill underwent significant revision.

Thus, more than 130 amendments were made to the second, main reading from deputies and the government, most of which were adopted. In addition, important amendments were developed and adopted after parliamentary hearings on renovation took place in the State Duma, in which residents of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings took part.

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin is confident that the law on the renovation of Moscow's housing stock effectively protects the rights of citizens.

“During the finalization of the bill, we made a large number of amendments, and today we can say with confidence that the issues of those who would like a residential building to participate in the program have been resolved, all citizens’ rights are protected very effectively,” the speaker emphasized.

“You and I have linked the deadline for including a house in the program with the technical condition of the house: if the house is old and wear and tear is high, then it needs to be included in the resettlement program as quickly as possible, and if the house is in good condition“Then this can be done in 10-15 years,” he added.

In addition, the law contains a provision that removes “the fears of many Muscovites about being included in the program for no apparent reason.”

“We adopted an amendment that draws a line under the inclusion of residential buildings in the program with the date of entry into force of this law, if it is signed by the president, we have found the answer to this question,” the speaker said.

“We will consider the law at a meeting to be held on June 28. Most likely, it will be approved,” said a representative of the Federation Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Policy, Local Government and Northern Affairs.

The committee approved the concept of the project for the renovation of the capital's housing stock, making a number of comments, back in early April.

Guarantees for owners

According to the law, citizens who live in communal apartments will have to receive separate housing. The order of inclusion of houses in the renovation program is determined by the level of their wear and tear and technical condition. Owners of non-residential premises are provided with a guarantee of preliminary compensation for premises that will be seized during demolition.

The law also spells out a rule according to which the inclusion in the list of houses included in the program will be terminated until the law is signed by the president.

The document gives a clear definition of the concept of “renovation”: “a set of measures aimed at updating the living environment of citizens in order to prevent the formation of an emergency housing stock in Moscow and in order to ensure the development of residential areas, the creation of a favorable living environment, public spaces and landscaping of territories.”

The characteristics of houses that can be included in the renovation program are being clarified: apartment buildings with no more than nine floors, built according to standard designs developed in the period 1957-1968, using standard wall and (or) ceiling products.

The law notes that apartment owners will be able to receive a choice of equivalent or equivalent housing, as well as monetary compensation. The new housing will be located within the same area. The exceptions were Zelenogradsky, Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts: there apartments will be given within the same district, not the region.

In addition, Muscovites will be able to get apartments with more area or with more rooms for an additional fee. It is noted that this can be done using maternity capital funds.

Residents will be exempt from paying contributions for major repairs immediately after a decision is made on demolition for a particular house.

According to the law, owners and tenants of apartments in buildings subject to demolition cannot be evicted until they are given new housing or paid monetary compensation.

Voting regulations on renovation and guarantees for mortgage holders

The law contains information about guarantees for residents who purchased apartments in houses subject to demolition with a mortgage. It is noted that the mortgage loan will be transferred to new apartments that will be provided as part of the renovation program.

At the same time, the law states that renovation norms do not apply to dilapidated housing. These houses will not be included in the renovation program, since their demolition and guarantees to residents are regulated by existing laws.

Later it was decided to change the vote recording system. According to the document, the votes of the silent ones will be distributed in proportion to the results of those who voted. In order for the house to be demolished, the support of two thirds of its residents will be required.

The law also states that residents, within 90 days from the date of the decision on renovation until the day of signing documents on ownership or a social tenancy agreement for new housing, or before payment of compensation, will be able to hold a meeting of premises owners to exclude their house from the draft program.

To do this, it is necessary to collect more than one third of the total number of votes of all owners of premises in such a building. If the appropriate decision is made, the house will be excluded from the program.

The law also stipulates the rights of entrepreneurs renting premises in buildings subject to demolition. Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses can enter into a lease agreement for equivalent premises while maintaining all available benefits and without holding a tender.

News, 13:41 09.19.2018

A bill on the renovation of the housing stock in the Russian Federation has been submitted to the State Duma


MOSCOW, September 19 – RAPSI. The chairman of the A Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, and the head of the Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, Galina Khovanskaya, submitted a bill on the renovation of the housing stock in the Russian Federation to the lower house of parliament for consideration. The text of the document was published in the electronic database of the legislative body.

The draft law, as deputies note, is aimed at preventing the emergence of emergency housing stock. It grants the right to government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement housing renovation programs at the expense of the regional budget and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to the document, the concept of renovation of the housing stock is introduced. Renovation of the housing stock means the reconstruction or demolition of housing facilities that are not subject to major repairs, and housing construction on the vacated territory, providing the renovation area with utilities, transport, and social infrastructure, as well as carrying out measures for the improvement of residential areas.

State authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local governments are vested with a number of powers, in particular, on issues of financing, procedures and conditions for improving the living conditions of citizens. Regional authorities will make decisions on renovation of the housing stock based on decisions of general meetings of owners of premises in apartment buildings. In addition, they are given the right to create a fund to promote the renovation of housing stock to implement the renovation program.

The draft law also establishes guarantees for citizens to ensure their housing rights. Thus, tenants are provided with equivalent living quarters, which must meet a number of requirements. The possibility of providing a room to a citizen living in a communal apartment is excluded. From the moment the housing stock renovation program is approved, owners of premises in apartment buildings included in the short-term program stop paying contributions for major repairs. At the same time, funds from capital repair funds, which were formed by the owners of premises included in the housing renovation program, are directed towards the implementation of this program.

The inclusion of apartment buildings in the renovation program can only be carried out if the owners of residential premises at a general meeting make such a decision. The bill regulates in detail the procedure for holding such a general meeting and the consequences of making this decision.

“The adoption of the bill will help improve the urban environment, living conditions of citizens, increase the comfort and performance of the housing stock, and preserve the architectural value of the urban environment,” the authors of the document note in the explanatory note.

As previously reported, on August 1, 2017, a housing renovation program in Moscow was adopted. Prior to this, on July 1, the law on the renovation of obsolete housing stock in Moscow came into force.

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The chairman of the A Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, and the head of the Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services, Galina Khovanskaya, submitted a bill on the renovation of the housing stock in the Russian Federation to the lower house of parliament for consideration.

Renovation of outdated housing stock (for example, old five-story buildings), as well as the accompanying law, was adopted in the summer of 2107. Amendments were made to it on July 1 of the same year. This process was started by the mayor of Moscow, which subsequently received approval from the President of the Russian Federation.

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Initially, the demolition of old and dilapidated housing was supposed to take place with the obligatory relocation of each resident to a new apartment. However, during the implementation of the law and the program, problems and inconsistencies appeared related to the unclear regulatory framework. As a result State Duma There was an emergency adoption of various decrees and laws, which, due to their haste, were completely incomprehensible to the ordinary citizen.

In total, there were nine different laws, acts and codes that were changed during the meetings. The law in its original form is very different from what exists today.

The essence of the program

In order to understand the essence, it is worth making an analysis of all the adopted changes, acts and codes, after which certain results can be drawn according to this law:

  • the provided residential premises must be located on the same territory as the old dwelling, no less in area, and sometimes larger, finished and suitable for habitation;
  • those citizens who need improved housing requirements and conditions are considered out of turn;
  • a citizen whose home falls under the renovation law may express a desire to receive equivalent housing or buy it on his own, receiving a sum of money;
  • citizens who live in communal apartments must receive separate housing;
  • it is allowed to choose larger housing with the use of additional payment or maternity capital;
  • houses considered new cannot be included in renovation;
  • If a contract for the purchase and new housing is not concluded, forced eviction occurs through the court.

Law on renovation

The Law on Renovation states that housing renovation is considered a series of actions aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens living in the city of Moscow, in order to eliminate emergency and dangerous situations and ensure the development of certain areas that are intended for residence.

All this implies the creation of favorable circumstances for the life and capacity of citizens.

The law stipulates the indicators of housing that can be admitted to the renovation program. This category may include homes built using a standard design from 1957 to 1968. Buildings should not have more than nine floors.

Citizens living in housing included in the renovation program are exempt from paying contributions for major repairs. Citizens are allowed to live in their old housing until the due amount is paid or new housing is provided.

The renovation program does not include buildings that are considered emergency or dilapidated housing due to the resettlement of citizens under another state program.

The program applies only to buildings located in the city of Moscow and is considered a metropolitan project.

Laws governing the program:

  • “On the status of the capital”;
  • "On additional guarantees."

Which houses will be demolished?

Houses that will be built must be in the worst condition. Responsibility for identifying such houses lies with the Moscow authorities, who must compile a list of housing suitable for this program.

Is owner consent required?

The renovation program requires consent from the majority of residents. Therefore, the state, taking the side of the majority, legislatively justified the conclusion of the agreement as mandatory.

What kind of housing will people get in return?

Citizens whose housing will undergo a renovation program should receive equivalent apartments:

  • identical indicators of area and number of rooms;
  • the resulting housing must have improved finishing;
  • the location of the new apartment must coincide with the area where the previous housing was located (district, district).

The Moscow Government website has an approximate design of the housing provided.

The assumption that the provided housing will be much better than the previous apartment is justified by higher technical indicators.

After concluding an agreement under the housing renovation program, a citizen can leave the previous apartment and move into a new living space.

This housing agreement will be identical to the agreement for the previous apartment. Let's say that if the previous apartment is in shares, they will be stored in the same parts. Joint ownership will remain unchanged.

Area of ​​provided apartments

Based on the fact that the apartment provided must be of equal size, the area of ​​the new premises cannot be less than the area of ​​the old housing.

Allowed upon filling out the appropriate application and making a certain additional payment.

Resettlement of residents of communal apartments

A citizen living in a communal apartment whose housing falls under the program will be moved to a separate apartment.

The law does not provide for the provision of a room for a communal apartment. However, it is worth understanding that this only applies to those cases that fall under renovation.

If the apartment is not privatized

A social rental agreement is concluded with residents who are not the owners of the housing that is subject to renovation.

However, such citizens can be provided with housing on a property basis. To do this, the tenant needs to fill out an appropriate application.

Housing with a mortgage

People who live in housing purchased with borrowed money from outside credit organization, like other residents, receive equivalent housing. The only difference in this case will be the encumbrance, which is issued immediately after registration of the right to new housing. If the “old” apartment is seized, the new one also receives the same encumbrance.

It is worth noting that in this situation it is not necessary to obtain consent from the credit institution and the tenant himself. There is no fee for issuing new papers; information in the mortgage note is entered automatically.

Mortgage indicators (conditions, rates, payments, amount of debt obligations) remain in the same state.

If, when taking out a mortgage, insurance was taken out for the home being purchased, it will be transferred automatically.

In this case, an appeal must be made to insurance company that the citizen received new housing through the renovation program. It is allowed to send documents by Russian Post without visiting the company's office.

If residents with such apartments refuse to move to new housing, the law provides for an appeal to the court, which must force the citizen to leave the apartment.

Is additional payment required?

When receiving equivalent and equal housing, citizens should not make any additional payment, and demanding money for this is considered illegal and implies proceedings with the involvement of the prosecutor's office.

At the request of the tenant and when drawing up the appropriate application, it is implied that housing will be provided larger than the previous one. The requirement for additional payment in this case is considered acceptable and legal. Additional payment can be made using maternity capital, subsidies, and various certificates.

What will owners of non-residential premises receive?

When renovating non-residential premises, owners receive equal payments. At the same time, the property is seized for government needs. When renting a premises that is being prepared for demolition, you are given the opportunity to rent an equivalent premises with the same conditions. And also the preservation of the term and benefits will apply. Participation in the auction is considered inappropriate in this case.

At the end of the lease agreement, the contract is concluded for 10 years. If there is a right of first refusal, it is retained, with information indicated in the new agreement during the period of validity of the renovation program.

If the house is in disrepair

If you own dilapidated or dilapidated housing, the renovation program does not apply. occurs based on a different state project.

If the housing is recognized as unsafe, it will simply be demolished, and the tenant living, say, in a communal apartment, will be provided with housing in the form of a room. Moreover, the housing provided may be located in another district.


People in the city of Moscow are assumed to be in 2019, after the development of all urban planning documentation.

Before this period, the design and construction of housing will take place, which will subsequently be presented to residents moving under the program. Small relocation is allowed, which could begin as early as 2019.

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