Beautiful wishes for a man about unrequited love. An essay on love poetry and two poems on friendship

What could be sadder than unrequited love? Everyone has experienced this feeling at some point, and knows that few things are as painful as a feeling to which there is no and will not be an answer. At times like these, you want to disappear, isolate yourself from the whole world, and revel in your loneliness and rejection.

Last message
I am writing to you now
My dream, desire
And FATE doesn't care

Separation is a sick joke
I can not understand
My stupid mistake
I just wanted to hug

And driven into memory like a nail
All the memories
They pierced me through
Love, dream, suffering

Believe me, living your dream is not difficult
Flying in the skies
But it’s impossible to survive
With tears in my eyes

And the wound is deep
And the blood flows freely
My love is cruel
She's to blame for everything

I didn't cheat, believe me
I wouldn't swear so easily
And now my heart is torn
Won't confess anymore

I'll try to be happy
Against your fate
I didn't know how to be loved
I admitted this to myself

Maybe I'm not ideal
But you are my dreams
And if I only knew
What is all this suffering

Heart is beating, hands are shaking
My inexplicable feelings
My eyes want your image
They want it crazy

I love you, you know it
And there is nothing worse than this sadness
After all, by smiling you will answer,
I don't believe it, forgive me, let me go.

Forgive me for Love
And this is how life is now I know
I won't repeat the mistake again
I promise you this

Last message
I am writing to you now
Last wish
Keep the love for yourself

Are you still flickering?
- Yes, I’m flickering...
- And I’m getting used to you,
I look at those frozen in frost
The lights of the stars are silver-blue. - Are you still flying?
- Yes, I’m flying...
- And I’m leafing through our book
Flights of earth and heaven,
Days of bright, happy and insipid. - Do you still love?
- No, probably
This is painful and bad.
Do you love it the same way?
- I love,
But I won’t share my feelings with you...

Heart is pounding, hands are shaking

My eyes want to see you

When I could touch you

How much do I love you?

I can't change fate

Silently the morning eats up the dawn.
Dreams go away, taking away my strength.
You won't come again, I know
Not realizing that I loved you.

Quietly the snow melts underfoot.
I don't remember how it happened.
You won't come again, I know
My heart broke with a bang.

The wet wind bites the moon.
It falls apart all night.
You won't come again, I know
Holding my happiness in the palms of my hands.

And spring is different outside.
Every moment burns the soul.
You won't come again, I know
Continuing to listen to the emptiness.

Heart is pounding, hands are shaking
And I can’t convey all the feelings,
My eyes want to see you
But alas, your heart is empty. And you can’t get those moments back
When I could touch you
Why is this happening to me, why are you doing this?!
I want to fall asleep and not wake up! And in life you will not be able to understand,
How much do I love you?
And you can't help me here,
I can't change fate

Understand! Life without you seems empty to me
And without you I'm slowly going crazy
And everything I write sucks!
But know that I'm crazy about you!

Tears are quietly rolling from my eyes
From powerlessness, fear and pain...
I will dream of you more than once.
Well... Let me at least be near you in your dreams.

I'm so sad and there's rain in my heart,
And I tried for so long to forget...
Just someone whispers to me: “You wait,”
And I remained loyal again...

I'm writing letters to you again,
But I can’t decide to send it...
I love you, hear me, I love you!
And I fall in love with you more and more...

Sky is your star name
He draws on black velvet for me...
I can't find my place
And the soul endlessly yearns.

I'll have to let you go
To the one that has become dearer to you.
I just can’t stop loving...
Or rather, the heart cannot...


I'm sitting at work and I'm bored
I miss you again
and you read indifferently
my sms about love.

I love you very much
like I never loved anyone,
you will answer with a smile,
I don’t believe it, forgive me, let me go.

the hope of being together flickers,
weak fire ahead,
but every day it melts,
crashing on the rocks of love.

I love you that's for sure
but will we be together, baby?
I wanted to hear, yes, the sun
and the two of us go through life

I would like to become a free wind,
Fly away and forget
So that I don't think about him,
To not love him...

I would like to become a quiet river,
Keep silent, run away,
So that it’s like a boat,
Don't keep it...

I wish I could become a dark night
Darken and cool down
So that his bright image
Cover with dark film...

I would like to become a clear sky,
Drag the world with you,
So as not to notice him,
So that another one can be found...

I wish I could become wise in the morning
And let him go...
Only I don't care
I continue to love...

I hold the phone and hope

that I will hear a call from you.
this night seemed dreary,
because you are not around. the day passes, weeks pass,
I want to change everything, but not you,
Will you leave everything as it is, as before?
Why should I live then? It seemed to us that happiness was so close,
but again this stupid scandal.
do we want to make peace with you?
yes, I will say, looking into those eyes.

won't you change anything?
is it really all over again?
Is it really a breakup again?
Is it really sadness again?

but I wanted to start all over again,
come up and hug you tenderly,
ask you for forgiveness
and kiss you tenderly.

Do you remember, in the morning it seemed to us,
That yesterday was just a dream?
Do you remember how wonderful it seemed
Are our lives breathing in unison? But the time has come to wake up,
Plunge into evil everyday life.
We will not return to each other -
“We are too different people.” Quietly the tears rolled down,
Thoughts suddenly all disappeared.
The pain in my soul is incredible,
But I love...I love immensely.

This look, this smile,
These hands are all a mistake.
I hate, I despise this falsehood and this mask.
You do not love? I will not believe…
I won't believe in an evil fairy tale.

I screamed, I called as much as possible.
I wandered the deserted streets alone.
My soul was so disgusting and so sick,
That only the Moon alone saved.

Mom’s shoulder saved me too,
When I cried my eyes out all night.
I asked, begged, God,
Drive all thoughts away.

I asked you to be happy
To be safe and healthy.
To find the one who will share
His pain, love and shelter.

And recently I decided to tell a lie.
A little bit.
I said I didn't love you
You believed this nonsense.

Well, it will probably be easier,
It’s easier for us: you and me.
You will love as before
I'll wait in the darkness.

I don’t scream, I don’t call, I don’t cry,
I won’t come, I can’t, I don’t want to.
I don’t need anything except death!
I'm tired of it, I don't want to live!
You know, darling, but I loved you,
And now I love you very much,
Drops of blood fell to the ground,
The scarlet color covered the tear.
And don't be afraid, it won't hurt me,
Now I live only in pain,
You don't know anything about me
On the contrary, I only breathe with you.
That's all…
Goodbye, see you later
In the next life, or never,
I ask you for forgiveness
Sorry for loving me!!!

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.

The trembling sparks of dawn are extinguished,
Full of tears and silent sorrow,
And, as they shine, the lanterns mourn
About happiness split in two.
The night, like a flame, was dying with fire,
Spreading the day's melancholy with ashes.
The girl whispered something quietly
Into the heart of her fiance.
I wrung my hands, got a little lost,
A thunderstorm thundered in the minds of the insane.
And fatherly, and softly, and strictly,
Men's eyes looked into the soul.

Honey, you know, I'm not in love.
Happiness is mysterious, it happened that way.
I met someone else who is as beautiful as a dream,
And she settled in my dreams forever.
Don't be sad, it happens sometimes.
Apparently love didn't work out for us.
You know, I had a pleasure with you,
And only good things have been heard about you.
It just didn’t work out... Sorry if anything happens.
Yes, I love her, that's the reason.
Happiness lit up and left without a trace.
Maybe I flared up like any man
Maybe fate showed the way
Having created a happy crossroads of lives.
Honey, the pain will go away little by little,
Happiness to you in your beautiful life!

Cute! My dear! Listen to me!
I won't cry, I'll hold on!
The cold of your tears touched the fire,
But it’s not for you to get burned in it now.
I will remember you, I will lie,
That I finally stopped loving you.
But I will never, never become
Dear, because I didn’t reveal the secrets.
Don't stay, follow her
The cold hands caressing her heart.
Let in the burning flame of your nights
The burning will of the earth beats.
May my heart burn to the ground
And exposing me selflessly,
It will give warmth to your feeling,
And let your happiness be reciprocated.
Darling, goodbye! Show me to the door.
Do you see the star burning with my pain?
Bring it to your dear one.
We are parting with you forever.

The trembling sparks of dawn are extinguished,
Slightly illuminating the kiss of two lovers.
The girl looks and her tears
He hides from them between his dark eyelashes.
Whispers in fear: “So it didn’t work out,”
And doomedly wanders into the void.
And in muffled breathing you can hear
Something about pain and silence of the soul.
She shared with the night: “I’m just not the same.”
Happiness died, having decided fate.
It just didn’t work out... And with a stone from the bridge,
Broken against the dark waves.
The dawn goes out and still waits
Sounds of spring. We haven't heard from them for a long time.
He puts carnations on her grave
The guy who once didn't work out.

I gave love and forgave insults
I hid pain in my heart in anticipation of a miracle

You came again, you burst in like a bird
Making you love and afraid to say goodbye

I gave warmth, forgot about everything
I gave everything I have, you just didn’t notice

I have forgiven you more than once
I returned to you in the pool of tender eyes

You left again, leaving in return
Castle of pink dreams made of ruined walls

She loved him very much
But I couldn’t tell anyone...
She was afraid to open her heart to him,
I was afraid that I would be alone...
Didn't say anything to anyone...
Her feelings slowly went away...
There is a wound in my heart,
The wound of unrequited love...

I don't need love.
Why did this happen?
I love you.
Something changed in my heart.

No! I hate you!
No! I tell myself.
Why was I so loved?
Why do I need this love?

You hit me right in the heart
And your gaze was softer than the dawn.
I just passed by without noticing,
That I could love you.

And in a dream I will call you.
How much I love you.

I can't live without you.
And this could happen to me!
Oh! How strong is my love!
Why did I want to love you?

To fall in love. To fall in love with unrequited love.
To fall in love. To love until it hurts.
And in a dream I will call you.
How much I love you.

Russian music in her ears and she needs you even more.
tears from the cheeks and pain in the eyes
the rain outside the window pours into fear
that you will not come and command
in your heart, won’t you open the door for me
and you won't fill my empty heart
the clock is long past midnight
There's only darkness left on the street
and she still sits by the window alone.
everything paints a picture of events in my mind
about which there is no strength to forget.
but he’s still not there. They both have some kind of nonsense in their heads.
how so? she knows that he won’t come.
but his heart is all covenant.
no answer heard
there is silence all around.
and she still sits by the window alone...

The power of love - poems about unrequited feelings

Once upon a time in the silence of the night

we met you

From then on, be alone forever

fate predicted for me.

There will be other meetings,

dates in silence

but I only love you

in this life, one!

I won't see you

never ever,

but the memory of love is great

alive in my heart!

I will never forget

our nights and days,

I'm with you in my thoughts

forever I'm with you -

This is the power of love!

Time will heal the wounds,

my pain will subside...

Now I will never be the same again,

We can't get those days back,

and at night I cry quietly,

I live on memories

because I love you so much

in this life, one!

I know that I lost

you forever,

but I believe that one day

I'll see you again!

This is the power of love

Dmitry Merezhkovsky

Whether I love you or not, hopelessness is easy for me:
May I never be yours
And yet sometimes such tenderness
In your eyes, it's as if I'm loved.

It is not me you will live, it is not me you will suffer,
And I will pass like a shadow from the clouds;
But you will never forget me,
And my distant call will not fade away in you.

We dreamed of an unknown joy,
And we knew in a dream that this was a dream...
But still a painful sweetness
There is also the fact that I am not him.

Are you getting married? Has everything been decided yet?
You love each other? Lucky you.
You will soon call her wife.
How I would like to be called by this word.
I'm really happy for you. And here
I'm sorry, I won't be able to come to the wedding.
She will call you husband there.
Oh Gods, I would like to call you that.
I wish your love only to grow stronger.
And you wouldn’t know any troubles and adversities.
Or maybe “Bitter!” that's why they scream
that somewhere someone is so sad to the point of tears?

© Evgenia Gorina

But I didn’t get treatment from you,
I didn’t look for replacements in people I met.
But your heart didn’t ask for it.
There is a different place there - impeccable.

And I didn't run after you,
Over broken glass, heart to heart.
Let me die without you,
But there were no words: “I need you.”

And I didn't fight for you.
The other one didn’t arrange the war.
It’s not that I’m afraid of anything,
I just didn't think it was worth it.

And something broke in me.
There was chaos and chaos in my soul.
But I didn’t get treatment from you.
And you weren’t even sick of me.

© Alina Vasilchenko

I'm scared that you're just a friend,
Like her, I shouldn’t touch you,
Someday he will say to you: “My husband”
Before bed, when it’s time to undress.

I'm scared that it's not yours
That our friendship still dragged on,
That you're standing next to her at the altar,
And I choked with tears three times.

I'm scared that you're a stranger:
"Hi Bye". Well, let's talk.
It's like she's behind a stone wall
And here I am howling like the Baskervilles.

© Irisha Ershova

I groaned from a bad dream
And he woke up, grieving heavily;
I dreamed that you love someone else
And that he offended you.

I ran from my bed
Like a murderer from his scaffold,
And watched how dimly they glittered
Lanterns through the eyes of animals.

Oh, probably so homeless
Not a single person has wandered
On this night through the dark streets,
Like along the beds of dried up rivers.

Here I stand before your door,
There is no other way given to me,
Even though I know that I won't dare
Never enter this door.

He hurt you, I know
Even though it was just a dream,
But I'm still dying
In front of your closed window.

Nikolay Gumilyov

And the family hearth cannot be preserved.
Do not whisper: “My beloved man.”
You are not the only one to treasure.

I don’t think about marriage with you,
Don’t give love back like that.
Don't dream of a cozy manor.
And don’t judge your wife’s role.

I am with you as quickly as on a blade.
Everybody run, cutting off their legs to the point of wounds.
And walk on a tightrope over the abyss,
What contains lies and deceit.

And of course...the whole reason is me.
Betrayal is a callus on my soul.
I can't raise my son with you.
I need to bring up pain with you.

© Alina Vasilchenko

Alexander Kushner

To be unloved, my God,

Walking down the street home
With a lost and red face.

What torment, grace -
Sit with your lip bitten,
To die ten times a day,
And talk to yourself.

What sweet melancholy -
Like a shadow staggering around the room,
What a joy it is to wait for a call
You can't wait for months.

Who told us that the world is at our feet

He is indifferent and cruel
Truly beautiful though.

What should I do with my grief?

I would stop loving you, don't be afraid.

And build a dam in my soul,
So that rivers of pity do not flow out,
To make my feelings stagnant.

Extinguish the wick of happiness in your eyes,
Well, cover your lips with asphalt,
So that when fear is nearby
There was only peace left on the lips.

Wrap your legs and arms with ropes,
So as not to come to you anymore.
Please seal my heart
To not love like that anymore!

Alexander Kushner

To be unloved, my God,
What a blessing it is to be unhappy
Walking down the street home
With a lost and red face.

What torment, grace -
Sit with your lip bitten,
To die ten times a day,
And talk to yourself.

What sweet melancholy -
Like a shadow staggering around the room,
What a joy it is to wait for a call
You can't wait for months.

Who told us that the world is at our feet
Lies in tears, agrees to everything?
He is indifferent and cruel
Truly beautiful though.

What should I do with my grief?
Sleep, cover yourself in the night.
If only I were not happy with him -
I would stop loving you, don't be afraid.

I would like you to like me so much!
Such an irresponsible fool,
So that you teach what is good and what is bad,
To take him to Tibet someday,

And he told me how the monks live there,
Having mockingly set me as an example:
That, they say, I would have changed the schedule long ago
And a couple of my bad manners.

He invited me to drink coffee at the Winter Garden,
And I would listen to you, blushing,
Like a girl from a Disney cartoon
Afraid of saying something out of place,

And you would forgive me any whim,
And he pampered, and delighted, and cherished.
And your courage and outrageousness
They would have struck me down and overcome me.

And so that you envy yourself,
Slipping flowers under my doors...
I would like you to like me so much
I don’t even believe in the possibility of this.

© Anastasia Shekhovtsova

This section contains poems about unhappy love. Read, but remember, what happens to us is only the result of our own choice and we are able to change everything. I wish you happy and mutual love, love and be loved!

    I don't dream of love anymore
    I don't want to be in your arms anymore
    And for a long time there is no spring in my soul,
    It contains only angry curses.

    My love is an extinguished fire,
    Feelings and dreams burned to ashes...

    I'm tired of pretending
    And resist yourself
    I'm tired of running away
    I'm tired of waiting for you.

    I'm tired of living a dream
    Dreaming of happiness and you...

    What happened with me? Where are you from?
    I'm looking at everything, don't look away...

    Metal glitters in your eyes
    Cold, hard, black stone,
    Rocking on the night waves
    Disappears in a foggy haze.

    And you are as beautiful as a god,
    And as if God is unattainable...

    I'll forget you in three days
    This tenderness and this love,
    Ice-covered coals are eyes,
    A string of unfulfilled dreams.

    I'll go away and leave you in the distance,
    All thoughts and dreams are about you...

    Be in love. Want. Dream. Suffer.
    And dream quietly under the moon,
    And give my soul to the devil
    Here's to a night of love with you!

    Forget about everything, about duty and honor,
    Forget about reason forever...

    I saw a nightmare
    How you leave me
    I heard a long groan
    And I saw me cry.

    I whisper, I pray, I don’t want to
    After all, this is a dream, just a dream...

    In the first days of that November
    You said you don't love me
    You left, I was left alone,
    Having lost that love forever.

    You can never get that love back
    Bright, kind, naively vulnerable...

    Why am I still waiting for a letter?
    Why am I sad about you?
    Why do I say words?
    Which I won’t forgive myself?

    Why am I still waiting for an answer?
    Why am I speaking in the dark?...

    On that winter day I walked home with a smile,
    I knew I wouldn't see him again
    I remember how he waved to me
    Now I almost hate it all.

    And now it’s already autumn, and more than half a year
    My happy January is far away...

    I close my eyes,
    And I see the sunshine
    And a tear breaks out,
    But there is no more sadness.

    I see you like in a dream
    Your smile in reality...

    I really want to tell you
    That I love you,
    And fly like a bird in the sky,
    Welcome spring!

    You are far away, my dreams
    They're calling you again...

Poems about unrequited love

Love is a kind, bright feeling, but sometimes it happens that love causes us pain and suffering. Unhappy love - what is it? Why does unrequited love exist?

I know what it is, I myself was once caught in the web of unrequited love, but this is not a mistake, this is my own choice. At that time I wrote poems about unrequited love, the one that hurts and makes you suffer. Then I didn’t know much about life, and then I was looking for a way out.

I have no power over people, and I can’t force anyone to love me, but I can love and that’s wonderful. You need to love yourself and love life, be grateful for what you have now. It is very important to treat others kindly. And it is also important to understand that the choice is always ours, and all events are only the result of our choice, and only we have the power to change our lives.

Unrequited love is addiction, it is a lost battle. Poems about unrequited love are filled with pain and loneliness, but there are also those who heal, showing us the right path, the path to healing.

About unrequited love

Sweet pain has power,
I'm not tired of repeating:
Being unloved is not misfortune
The worst misfortune is not to love.
(O. Martynenko)

We choose, we are chosen,
How often this does not coincide.
I follow you as a shadow,
I'm getting used to the discrepancy.

(M. Tanich)

Don’t seek the happiness of being loved, -
learn to love when you are unloved.
(E. Yevtushenko)

There is nothing more enduring than hopeless love.

Mutual love can get boring.

Passionate love turns into friendship or hatred.

But unrequited love will never completely leave the heart,

resentment cements it so firmly.

(D. Yemets)

About unrequited love

Let it be unrequited
Just to love
Just don't leave a trace
Walk on the ground.

Herbs in thick infusion
Breathe in a hut
Just some downtime
The soul doesn't know.

Sky or land
Following your beloved -
The same as in the future
Get a ticket.

Live secretly, out of favor.
But any moment
Grow from under your feet
At her scream.

No grief for me
The fate of the boby,
It would smell like the sea - the sea,
And earth - earth.

I will live like a bird
Sing like a stream.
Just don't lose
Sleepless nights.

Let it be unrequited
Let it go, let it go!
Somehow with this one
I will reconcile myself with the burden.

I don't complain about anything
Just to love.
Give me unrequited -
So be it.

However, why willingly
Climb the fire?
We'll see later
There is time!

(A. Yashin)

I love another one

The summer evening is magnificent,
Summer evening again...
I can hear your voice:
"I love another one".

Hearts are in bitter trembling
Full of the charms of the past...
A quiet babble is heard:
"I love another one".

Shut up, idle murmur!
Be gone, reproach! Not a word!..
A whisper is heard, a whisper is heard:
"I love another one".

(V. Bryusov)

Oh, when I would call mine...

Oh, when would I call you mine
even your shadow!
But I don’t dare even your shadow
say: I love you.

You have passed beyond the reach of heaven
among the mirrors,
And your image above the ghostly abyss
trembled for a moment.

He left as if into an empty vastness,
Deep into the glass...
And again for me - hopelessness,
Melancholy and darkness!

(V. Bryusov)


We flew through bright alleys,
We were flying near the water
Golden leaves were falling
To the blue and sleepy ponds.

And whims, and dreams, and thoughts
She trusted me with hers,
Anything a girl can think of
About yet unknown love.

She said: "Yes, love is free,
And in love a person is free,
Only then is the heart noble,
That knows how to love forever."

I looked into her big eyes,
And I saw a sweet face
In a frame where the trees are golden
They merged with the waters into one ring.

And I thought: “No, that’s not what love is!
Like a forest fire, love - in fate,
Because even without an answer
From now on I am doomed to you.

(N. Gumilev)

I'm not sorry that I wasn't loved by you

I’m not sorry that I wasn’t loved by you, -
I'm not worthy of your love!
I’m not sorry that now I’m tormented by separation, -
I love hot when I'm apart;

I'm not sorry that I poured it and drank it myself
Humiliation cup to the bottom,
What about my curses and tears and prayers?
You remained cold;

I'm not sorry that the fire that boiled in the blood
My heart burned and tormented, -
But I'm sorry that I once lived without love,
But I'm sorry that I loved little!

(A. Apukhtin)

Come to you...

Come to you
so again
listen closely
in the voice;
and sit on a chair
hunched over
and don't say anything
knock on doors
freezing, wait
If you find out
then probably not
you'll believe it
then, of course,
if you want,
you say:
"This is stupid
You say:
“Me too - enamored!"-
and you'll see
and you won't sit on
There will be laughter

Well, okay.
Well, laugh.
I love you
like this.
(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Love begging - naivety...

Love begging - naivety,
That she is doomed to disaster.
Love, it is reciprocity,
But how rare is it!
(N. Dorizo)

... But if the girl’s heart is not dear

... But if a girl’s heart is not dear to you,
She loves someone else, and she is waiting for someone else, -
Whatever songs I dedicated to her,
Then the word of your love is powerless!
(G. Tsadasa, trans. N. Grebneva)

I knew that you would pass by these windows...

I knew that you would pass by these windows,
And I was waiting for you to look at least once,
And for a long time I admired alone,
How carelessly you continued on your way.
I looked, feeling more with my heart
The hair of familiar golden smoke.
And you passed without noticing me,
But she rewarded me with her profile.
(O. Martynenko)


But it’s worth staying with yourself tet-a-tet,
How, somehow, having put together hope,
Forgetting yourself, you have to rush
Into the overgrown pond of your retrospectives.
And runs away to nowhere today,
And burns the soul of this day
Such a fire of unrequited love,
Which only hate relatives.
But life began to warm up in the womb
And there is no straighter or more chosen path.
And I whisper to the only one to the grave:
“My love, forgive me,
(O. Martynenko)

I remember the day...

I remember the day
When we are tormented by illness,
I was on fire
And he was breathing heavily.
You came over
And she put her hand
On the forehead -
And the headache went away.

I was ready
Accept any torment
Give what I have
Subject to the Earth,
If only you
This is how I held my hand
All my life
On a fiery brow.

But you left
And never came back
And carried away
Hair curly smoke.
Love is gone
Unexpectedly, I woke up...
And there was no love.

She was,
I know this for sure
At least,
I loved you,
Yes and I love it
At least I hide it from others
Your heartbeat
And your spiritual fervor.
(O. Martynenko)


I'll be there for a long time
Drive a bike.
I’ll stop him in the deep forests.
Narva of flowers.
And I'll give you a bouquet
To the girl I love.

I will tell her:
- Alone with another
You forgot about our meetings,
And therefore in memory of me
Take these
Modest flowers! -

She'll take it.
But again at a late hour,
When the fog and sadness thicken,
She will pass
Without looking up,
Without even smiling...
Well, let.

I'll be there for a long time
Drive a bike.
I’ll stop him in the remote meadows.
I just want
To take the bouquet
The girl I love...
(N. Rubtsov)

What happened, happened...

What was, was:
the sunset turned red...
I fell in love with myself -
no one ordered.

I don’t scold my friends
I don’t blame my relatives.
I'm freezing in the warmth
and in the cold I burn.

What happened, happened...
I couldn't hide it.
I forgot my pride -
came up in front of everyone.

And he answered me:
- Don’t cry, I don’t tell you to.
It's not your fault
I love another...

What happened, happened!
And - there is nothing.
I love you the way I loved you
him alone.

I cry - I don't cry:
He doesn't tell me to.
And grief is not a sea.
It will pass. It will hurt.
(M. Agashina)

It's raining in our city

It's raining in our city,
He goes day and night
You are not waiting for my words, you are not waiting,
I love you silently.

The rain is knocking on the roofs,
So that all the roofs groan,
Everything is silent about me, everything is silent,
You won't hear me.

I love high
Widely, recklessly
Let this be all for you, this is all
Absolutely not necessary.

Will be in my life
So many meetings and goodbyes
There will be a lot, so much rain,
Maybe there will be sadness.

Everything will be beaten the same way
Rain on the roofs and willows,
I will love and love the same way,
Unchanging and true

High, high,
Widely, recklessly
Let this be all for you, this is all
Absolutely not necessary.

(E. Yevtushenko)

We studied together

We studied together. For ten whole years
Keeping in the shadows, embarrassed and timid,
I kept dreaming of telling you a secret,
I wanted to express all my tenderness to you.

It seemed to me that I was too pathetic:
The boy is clumsy and shaggy,
Even then I didn’t reveal the secret,
When they handed out certificates at school.

That day you looked at me too
It seemed like an important moment had arrived,
But I decided, keeping love in my soul,
Be silent until graduation.

I saw: I’ll come to you then
And I’ll tell you how the dreamer lived before,
Who were you in my cool destiny,
My love, my dream, my hope...

And yesterday, leaving the house in the morning,
I walked alone through a bright meadow across the river
And over the cliff I met you two -
You and your spouse.

Merry, you carried the child,
And I looked, pierced by aching pain,
How my dream went, taking flowers,
Happy with someone else's love.
(P. Misakov, trans. V. Gordeycheva)

unrequited love
I. Kvashe

Unrequited love is scary
but for those for whom the whole world is just a stock exchange, a fight,
unrequited love is funny
like a profile of Cyrano de Bergerac.
One of my busy fellow tribesmen
said to his wife at the Sovremennik Theater:
“Well, what did you find in your Cyrano?
What a fool! For example, I would never
I didn’t suffer like that because of some woman...
I would find another one - and all that."
In the haunted eyes of his wife
something widow-like peeked through.
From the husband pearl
- The seams were already cracking!-
mortal spiritual health.
Oh, how many of them there are, such big guys,
suffering from the absence of suffering.
For them there are women: there is no beautiful lady.
Am I not like that in some way?
Yawning, we play like cards,
into greasy, worn-out passions,
fearing tragedies, true passions.
Perhaps you and I are just cowards,
when we adjust our tastes
under what is more accessible, simply.
My inner scumbag has whispered to me more than once
from the dirty subconscious darkness:
"Eh, brother, this
- complex material..." -
and I cowardly slipped away into simplicity
and maybe a great opportunity
lost unrequited love.
The man who played it all smart
dishonored by the expectation of reciprocity.
Oh, the chivalry of sad Cyranos,
you have moved from men to women.
In love you are either a knight or you are
do not love. The law is inflexible:
in whom the gift does not have unrequited love,
there is no gift of God's love in that.
May God grant us the grace to know suffering,
and unrequited, but beautiful trembling,
and the sweetness of the hopeless to wait,
and the happiness of stupid fidelity to the unfortunate.
And, secretly reaching for rebellion
against your frozen soul,
entangled in half-love, I wander
with longing for unrequited love.

( E. Yevtushenko)

Whether I love you or not, - Hopelessness is easy for me...

Whether I love you or not,
- hopelessness is easy for me:
May I never be yours
And yet sometimes such tenderness
In your eyes, it's as if I'm loved.

It is not me you will live, it is not me you will suffer,
And I will pass like a shadow from the clouds;
But you will never forget me,
And my distant call will not fade away in you.

We dreamed of an unknown joy,
And we knew in a dream that this was a dream...
But still a painful sweetness
There is also for you that I - not him.

(D. Merezhkovsky)

To be unloved! My God!

To be unloved! My God!
What happiness it is to be unhappy!
Walking home in the rain
With a lost and red face.

What a torment, what a blessing
Sit with your lip bitten,
Die ten times a day
And talk to yourself.

What a life - going crazy!
Like a shadow, staggering around the room!
What a joy it is to wait for a letter
Months at a time - and I can’t wait.

Who told us that the world is at our feet
Lies in tears, agrees to everything?
He is indifferent and cruel.
But truly beautiful.

What should I do with my grief?
Sleep. Take cover in the night.
If only I were not happy with him,
I would stop loving you. Don't be afraid!
(A. Kushner)

Unrequited love

Unrequited love
- the quiet sound of dawn,
The real price has paid for everything.
Don't take care of yourself, give yourself,
This is how fate has destined you forever.

Hopeless love - sky on your shoulders
Why did you take it in full, how will you repay it in return?
I don't know why there is light and fear in my heart,
And why does the arrow fly into a golden mirage?

Unrequited love, hopeless,
Like a forest wilderness, roadless.
Hopeless love, unrequited,
And if she were your selfless one.
(R. Kazakova)

I don't need anything from you...

I don't need anything from you -

Let only the rain flow down like a stream

from the roof.

I'm happy that I can hear the sound of rain

I hear.

I don't need anything from you -

Let only the warm blow from the South


I'm already happy because

That you live somewhere nearby

in the world.

I don't need anything from you -

I am all your troubles and sorrows

I'll take it for myself - there's only one of you

Let them just pass.

And for me that's enough:

To know that you are happy that

you live, loving...

Just don't let your heart ache so much


I don't need anything from you!

(V. Antsiferova)

Now they don't die of love...

Now they don't die of love -
mocking sober era.
Only hemoglobin in the blood drops,
only for no reason does a person feel bad.

Now they don't die of love -
Only the heart is acting up at night.
But don’t call the ambulance, mom,
The doctors will shrug their shoulders helplessly:
“Now they don’t die of love...”
(Yu. Drunina)

Mismatch - bitter sentence!

Why does everything happen like this in life?
- bitter sentence!
- burns with just one thought,
In a different
- The fire doesn't light up...

You loved me - I knew it!
You whispered tender words to me,
There was so much warmth and light in them,
But still, my head didn’t turn.

I really wanted to be together then,
I was waiting for you to come into my dreams,
But I just couldn’t fall in love...
We turned out to be different, alas!...

And our summer flew away,
And with him love and tender words...
Only my eyes remain in sadness
And a wonderful dream where I reigned...

(E. Sherman )

Mismatches in love

Over defenseless hearts?
And those who are very sensitively in love with us,
They are sometimes unloved by us.

And those to whom you are attached with all your heart,
Hopes are crushed by indifference.
And it’s like a blizzard is blowing coldly
For restless souls.

And feelings are like tangled cards,
In an unassemblable solitaire game.
And the sun of happiness reaches towards sunset,
To the cry of a rainy romance.

Days and nights drag on sadly,
And hearts suffer in languor.
For hundreds of millions of solitudes
Like a sentence - a discrepancy.

Love is not subject to reason
It's hard to fight passions
Why does fate play a cruel joke?
Over defenseless hearts...???

(Dime Smiles )

Unrequitedly in love...

The rain knocks on my heart's window,
But it’s all in vain: you know they won’t let you in,
That being together is not given to you by God,
That the raft of hope will carry you into the vastness of sadness.

The rain is knocking on a closed window,
But this heart is wide open for someone else.
Understand: not yours... not destined!
He's not telling fortunes on you with daisies.

You kiss the closed window with rain,
With the claws of drops clinging to love in vain...
But looks like a black and white movie
Completed, alas, with unrequited love.
(N. Samonii )

Even if she doesn't need you at all

Even if she doesn't need you at all -
Know that your soul mate is not yours!
Why freeze your heart with cold
And shout “Mine!” into the void?

Leave - doesn't mean giving up at all
Which means
- find yours;
After all, if you don’t break up right away,
The crow will destroy your thoughts...

It’s better this way, even if it’s not needed -
Rather than being an unlovable husband all your life;
To know that you are not the essence of her life...
Stop loving and forget!

(N. Samonii )

Love has no expiration date

From afar, at a distance,
Without disturbing you,
I will love! And in advance
I resign myself to the fate of a passerby.

I will love you nonetheless!
Disregarding both time and conventions,
I will love with inspiration,
No expiration date or expiration date!

(G. Petrova )

You - My love

This sadness, this pain and tenderness,
Well, tell me, where did they come from?
I accept it as inevitable
Your inaccessible lips.
I accept it as a gift from God,
Like the shine of the moon in the night,
You are my love, touchless,
Either shout to you or don’t shout...
I am rejected by silent separation,
But I'm madly in love with you!
I'm a lifelong sweet torment
I will be richly rewarded!

(I. Fetisova-Mulerson)

equinox day

For this woman I am a friend,
Just a friend, nothing more.
Distant forest semicircle
The field is crowned.
In the sun of the temple dome
They burn like candles.
Thank you for what fate gave
I want this meeting!
The cool wind chills
And strokes the skin.
Tell me what's ahead
We both can.
We won't have a damn thing
I know exactly!
My love for you is pure
And immaculate.
Clouds in the autumn sky
They swim slowly.
And my head is light
And so sinless...
Alas, I am not the one who is destined
It is predicted for you!
So let me be with you
Only connected by friendship!
And the bird of prey soars
In a stream of light.
And the equinox reigns
Over the entire planet.
And time wants to rest,
Go into slumber
And continues on the eternal path
Toward the solstice.
(A. Volt )

I'm trying to stop loving you...

I'm trying to stop loving you
I reveal the flaws in you,
So that with painfully sweet pain
Suddenly forget everything in the world again!

To see when I'm on my way
Your image is in the skies above the road.
Heaven is not only for God!
You're almost a goddess too!

So that again, a second before sleep,
It seemed you're standing at the door...
And I will believe in a beautiful mirage.
And the whole room is illuminated...

And when I wake up, I realize again,
That I'm in love with you without an answer...
This thread did not connect us!
I can't break it!
(A. Volt )

All will pass. We will meet someday...

All will pass. We'll meet someday
Like simple good friends.
Is it your fault, Tanyusha?
Why did I go in love with you?

And that heart beat like a bird
It's not your fault either.
Because how can you not fall in love?
If you are beautiful and smart?

How can you not fall in love with these eyebrows?
In the tender sadness of beautiful eyes?
In an intelligent conversation without idle talk,
Whom have you conquered more than once?

Into a slight thoughtfulness of a smile.
Delicate cheekbones with a languid curve.
From which I almost fell into error,
Which almost killed me!

In humor an unexpected peppercorn,
What makes friends laugh so much sometimes.
And into a tiny devilry,
Hidden in the depths of my soul.

And I’m also a little guilty
Your thin waist...
All will pass. We'll meet someday
Like simple good friends.
(A. Volt )

This fall, this fall...

This fall, this fall

They suddenly began to disturb me.

We were friends trustingly
But suddenly I felt:
Friendship between a man and a woman
More dangerous than TNT.

Don't look at me worriedly.
I will remain a friend in the future.
But the poet, apparently, is supposed to
Burn in unrequited love.

And don't believe me for a moment
If I say: love is not needed!
After all, suffering for inspiration
Overall a small price!

This autumn, quiet autumn
The cranes fly, ringing with a cry.
And your eyes are brown with green
They suddenly began to disturb me.
(A. Volt )

unrequited love

I loved you for a long time, tenderly, passionately,
Undividedly, secretly, with all my soul.
How hard it is to remain silent and how dangerous!
I got sick, it seems, with you.
I was looking for you in other men.
You were nearby, like a ghostly ether.
I wrote poems for you at night,
Hoping that peace will come to your soul.
I loved you for a long time. Begged
Take love to heaven again!
Love is gone. And somehow it became empty,
She took away a piece of my soul.

(Nina Shester )

Unrequited love

Unrequited love
Divides the soul into two parts.
Blood oozes from one, up

An unrequited feeling always becomes a heavy cross for a woman, which she has to carry through her life. Sometimes it’s difficult to even express the depth of your feelings, the beauty of everything that languishes in a woman’s heart. That is why poems about unrequited love sometimes help a man express emotions and reveal the beauty of his feelings to the stronger sex.

Why do we need beautiful poems about unrequited love?

Finding suitable poetic lines can sometimes be very difficult, because everyone’s feelings are different, just like the romantic stories themselves. Why are poems about unrequited love necessary?

  • They help you admit your feelings on time, and do it beautifully.
  • Sometimes such works help to cope with depression, because the girl understands that many have experienced a similar personal tragedy.
  • Poetic works tell a beautiful love story, and therefore can become a source of inspiration.
  • Poems will help you stand out from the army of a man’s fans, attracting his attention.

It is very important to choose the right work here. If you send your lover the first poem you come across, it will not always be able to express the full depth of emotions, desires and feelings. All men are different, and some may like metaphorical poetry with a lot of different epithets. Another man will like a simpler verse, but one that has its own zest and depth. It is important that the girl also likes the work, because in a few lines she must eloquently declare everything that torments her heart.

That is why, in order to choose suitable poetry, there should really be a lot of poems about unrequited love for a man. After reading several poetic works, a woman will be able to choose exactly those lines that ideally reflect the depth of her feelings.

Our site offers the richest catalog of beautiful poems about non-reciprocal feelings. Here you can find romantic works with meaning, you can find lines of tenderness and expressions of boundless devotion. Non-reciprocal feelings do not necessarily have to be the source of depression. Sometimes such emotions become a source of inspiration, forcing a person to independently perpetuate his thoughts and romantic dreams in poetry. If you can’t create a beautiful poem on your own, our website is always ready to provide a huge variety of such works!

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