Who rules the world on earth. Who really rules the world? "The specter of communism rules our world"

This question worries many. And many are still confident that responsibility for what is happening must be placed on secret organizations. Many of them have been around for centuries, but little is known about them, which makes them even more attractive to conspiracy lovers.

Here is a selection of 10 secret societies that rule our world.

Order of the Illuminati

The order, created in 1700 by Professor Adam Weishaupt, aimed at comprehensively improving the position of the church and achieving general prosperity. It sounds quite harmless and even noble, but the ruler of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, did not think so. He was sure that the Illuminati was nothing more than another branch of the Masonic order that must be destroyed. It would seem that in 1787 the history of the order came to an end, but many are still confident that it exists and has direct influence. For example, some link the Kennedy assassination to the Illuminati.

Opus Dei

Quite a young organization, by the standards of secret societies. It was founded in 1928 by Catholic priest Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer. This organization gained fame after the publication of Dan Brown's book "The Da Vinci Code". Officially, it helps anyone to “come to God” and does not require them to renounce earthly life. But due to the closedness of the community, many are confident that in fact it is a sect, with its characteristic problems.


This name is on everyone's lips. The official name is quite difficult to understand: “The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.” Modern organization has nothing to do with its historical counterpart, except that to join you also need to be a Christian and undergo several special church rites.

Black hand

Perhaps many have not even heard of the existence of this organization, but despite this, it managed to seriously influence world history. This South Slavic secret nationalist organization appeared in 1911. Its main goal was the liberation of the Serbian people from the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And it was the members of this organization who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was the reason for the outbreak of the First World War. In 1917, by order of the King of Serbia, it was liquidated.


Many associate them with hired killers who, when ordered, are ready to kill everyone indiscriminately. But in reality, everything is somewhat more complicated. This neo-Ismaili Nizari society formed in the 11th century. And for their time they had completely revolutionary views, and were inherent in anti-feudal and national liberation ideas. In 1256, it officially ceased to exist after the capture of the fortresses of Alamut and Meymundiz. But there are rumors that some managed to escape and settled in the north of India. Now their ideas are often used by some terrorist organizations such as Jihad and Hezbollah.

Thule Society

This society has become the heart for Hitler's Germany. It was engaged in studying the question of the origin of the Aryan race. In their opinion, Thule was the capital of the ancient Germans, who lived during the time of Atlantis and who became the descendants of the real Aryans. Founded by a closed society in 1919, it gained crushing proportions and by 1933 simply ceased to exist due to its uselessness. All of Germany already adhered to these views.

Knights of the Golden Ring

American organization established in the Midwest in the 1850s and 1860s. Most of its supporters came from the southern states, who advocated the permission and official legalization of slavery. True, it was covered up quite quickly, and the organizer and main leaders were arrested.

Sons of Liberty

Another American organization. True, it was created a century earlier in 1765 by Samuel Adams. She advocated self-determination for the North American colonies. They fought with the British authorities and opposed their taxation system. After the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766, the organization dissolved itself.

Skull and Bones

This is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. It arose in 1832 at the instigation of Yale University Secretary William Russell, who decided, together with 14 like-minded people, to create a secret fraternity. They accepted into their club only people from the American aristocracy, Anglo-Saxon origin and Protestant religion. Rumor has it that the only requirement for entry these days is that the candidate must be a leader in his or her own campus. The society included US presidents, senators, judges Supreme Court, because of which it began to be considered a kind of underground group uniting the political elite. Society meetings are held twice a week, but what is discussed and done at them remains a closely guarded secret.


The official date of the emergence of Freemasonry is considered to be 1717, but there are documents dating back to 1300 years in which Freemasons are already mentioned. Masonic meetings are held in a ritual form, and candidates for regular Freemasonry must believe in a Supreme Being. The Masons themselves say that their goal is moral improvement, the development and preservation of fraternal friendship and charity. It is believed that the community strives to achieve political influence throughout the world. The most famous members of the society were Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, James Buchanan, Bob Dole, Henry Ford, Ben Franklin and many others. In total, about 5 million people around the world are members of the society.

Almost half of Russians believe in a secret world government! More precisely, 45 percent. This is data from a recent survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM). It is curious that the degree of belief in a secret omnipotent body grows along with the level of education of the citizens surveyed.

True, opinions about the composition of this “government” in Russia vary. Some believe that the planet is ruled by oligarchs, others blame the Americans, others blame the Freemasons, Jews, “some world politicians,” or specifically Obama, George Bush and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The confusion in the answers is understandable - the government is secret! A third of the Russians surveyed do not believe in him, and a quarter found it difficult to answer.

“These 45 percent of our fellow citizens are essentially right, but they are wrong in form.” There is no such form as a “secret world,” says historian Andrei Fursov, who has been studying the world’s elites for many years. — But closed supranational structures of global coordination and governance are a reality. These structures often dictate their will to governments, parliaments, individuals. But they in no way represent a single body of the world elite.

What is the world's elite? — I ask the historian with hope. What if this is the very clandestine government of the planet. I really don’t want to part with the beautiful conspiracy theory that almost half of my compatriots believe in!

— The world elite is a collection of families of monarchs (not all, of course), the old European aristocracy, bankers and industrialists. They are connected with each other by business, family and occult ties, organized into closed lodges, clubs, commissions, etc. A kind of family-business web that has existed in its current form for 150-200 years.

Is the Queen of Great Britain entering there?

- Of course. Like the royal family of the Netherlands, a number of ducal and count families of Italy, Germany, and Austria. These are not at all decorative figures, relics of the Middle Ages, as they are often depicted, but one of the segments of what British Prime Minister B. Disraeli called “masters of history”, and our wonderful writer O. Markeev - “masters of the world game”.

And Obama?

- God forbid! If Clinton said that the only thing Obama was good for was bringing coffee to bed for him and his wife, then in relation to the world elite, Barack is something like taking out the chamber pot. What are presidents and prime ministers in the West? High-ranking clerks whom the world's elite hired to serve their interests and placed in high chairs. Moreover, as a rule, special forces from the world elite look after the clerks. Like, for example, Colonel House under US President Wilson and the “assistant” of British Prime Minister Lloyd George, Lord Lothian. In reality, it was the president and prime minister who were with their “assistants.”

A rare exception is Bush Sr. and his underage son as US presidents. The Bushes are part of the world's elite, they are distant relatives of the British Queen, they run the Skull and Bones society (an offshoot of the Illuminati) in Yell. But, I repeat, this is an exception. As a rule, presidents and prime ministers come from the middle class, which is looked down upon by the elite, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries. Let's remember the story when Thatcher announced the name of the fifth member of the Cambridge Five (high-ranking Englishmen - Soviet agents - Ed.) - Blunt, who, apparently, was the illegitimate son of George V, i.e. uncle of the current queen. The Windsors of Thatcher did not forgive this. The bourgeois woman (as another representative of the “gentleman class”, who then lived in Moscow, described her) eventually had to resign - also because of the attack on her owners.

The British Royal Family is among the world's elite

But most Western politicians, including David Cameron and Barack Obama, are unlikely

- Well, of course not, like all other representatives of “young money”, including Russian-speaking oligarchs. For all of them, the world elite has one phrase, according to Moidodyr: “Go home and wash your face.”

But why is the myth of world government so persistent?

— This myth did not arise out of nowhere. Swiss and Jewish bankers and the Illuminati spoke about the need to create a world government at the end of the 18th century. In the twentieth century, this was stated as a specific task by such representatives of the world elite as Warburg, N. Rockefeller, the ideologist of mondialism J. Attali and many others. And although a world government has not been created, the leadership has moved in this direction.

Will it work?

- I think no. The world is too big and complex to be controlled from one center. This is the first. Second: the world elite is not united. Clans compete with each other, and in the post-capitalist world there is not enough room for everyone. However, the top two or three dozen Families will come to an agreement. However, this is not enough to create a world government. Something else is needed. For example, reduce the world population from the current 7 to 2 billion; devastate a large part of the planet with wars, epidemics and famine; chip the majority of the population; standardize, level out national cultures; destroy the existing education system and all types of identity - national, family, racial, gender, human-species (transhumanists deal with the latter).

In the West, the destruction of identities is in full swing. But there is Russia, China, India, the World of Islam, Latin America, where all these “stunts” will not work, where civilizational (self-)murder in the spirit of the modern West, headed by the United States, is flying into the abyss of History is impossible. In this regard, it should be noted that behind the current confrontation between Russia and the United States/supranationals in Ukraine, among other things, lies a conflict between two projects for the future, two world orders: human and anti-human. After all, it is the Russian Federation, with its nuclear power, that still guarantees a certain Equilibrium in the world, Balance, and serves as a military shield for BRICS. But this is a separate topic.

What about the “golden billion”?

— To a large extent, this “thing” is like the hearth painted on the canvas in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. About 30-40 years ago it was assumed that the inhabitants of the North (USA, Western Europe), numbering no more than a billion, would lock themselves in the “North” fortress (on both sides of the North Atlantic) and from there they would rule the world. However, the neoliberal counter-revolution of the 1980s-2000s, with its pursuit of maximum profits, buried the “golden billion” project in its original version. The dollar clouded the mind, and masses of people from the South were sent to the North in order to exploit cheap labor: Latinos in the USA, Africans, Arabs, Turks in Western Europe. Now the South has firmly established itself in the North, where an acute, fraught terrible explosion contradiction.

On the one hand, there is an aging, non-poor, declining and de-Christianizing population, a significant part of which is mired in vices and perversions (drug addiction, homosexuality). On the other hand, there is a young, poor, socially angry, family-values-oriented Muslim (in North America - Latino-Catholics) population. Sooner or later, between these two “blocs” the Leninist question of “who will win” will arise, and a “great hunt” will begin. And then instead of the “golden billion” there will be “golden millions” who will try to live either in impregnable floating cities, or in mountain fortresses, or somewhere else. The “golden billion” as a strategy of the world elite is a thing of the past.

John Rockefeller - the first dollar billionaire in human history

Other conspiracy theorists reduce all events in the world, up to the civil war in Ukraine, to a confrontation between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Whichever one of them wins will rule the world!

- Indeed, in Lately They are actively promoting this line of confrontation between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Such a confrontation really exists. It played a big role in the twentieth century, running like a red thread through it major events, including world wars, where the winning side was on the side of the Rockefellers. It is interesting that this confrontation began in the Russian Empire - in the Baku oil fields. There, the Rockefellers “sponsored” strikes by workers in the “zone” owned by the Rothschilds. And the strikes were organized by the Bolsheviks of the Fioletov group, where Koba-Stalin played the most active role. Russian empire with its Baku oil, or rather, the Western owners of “black gold”, was the main competitor of Rockefeller’s Standard Oil at the beginning of the twentieth century. As a result of the revolution of 1917, Standard Oil (more precisely, the cluster of companies into which it was formally divided in the USA) became the absolute leader. The Rothschilds directly “entered” the USSR only after Stalin’s death, although the USSR was in constant contact with companies associated with them (for example, De Beers of the Oppenheimers). Stalin's USSR worked very actively with the Rockefellers, especially in the first half of the 1930s, but after the death of J. Rockefeller in 1937, the intensity decreased. The second coming of the Rockefellers (and with them the Warburgs) in the USSR took place in earnest in 1973, almost coinciding with the election of Yu.V. Andropov a member of the Politburo.

Very interesting! Well, what about the current stage of the struggle between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers?

- Everything is more complicated here. Firstly, in addition to the struggle, there is cooperation: both clans are represented in almost all any serious behind-the-scenes structures, although on the issue of world currency, the contradictions, at least for the moment, are essentially irreconcilable. Secondly, the playground of the world elite is not limited to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers - there is the City of London, the Vatican, Arab and East Asian “houses”. I'm not even talking about the symbioses of clans, large states and transnational companies, which dramatically complicates the picture. Finally, thirdly, something tells me that just as the “right” and “left” were manipulated by the same individuals and groups, the same may be true with the “Rothschild-Rockefeller” couple according to the principle of “a Nanai boy fighting a bear” "

Maybe someone who is even richer than them?

“This or these “someones” are not necessarily richer. Money is just a function of power, which is based on one or another system of ideas - secular, and more often occult. Information and energy are more important than matter, and metaphysics are more important than physics. Sapienti sat.

Many people believe that the world is ruled by Freemasons. They are the ones who killed Peter III, carried out the October Revolution and destroyed the USSR, they are the ones who rule the world.
The compass and square are the most recognizable symbol of Freemasonry.

- Well, Freemasonry really played a big role, especially in the 18th century - 19th centuries. The “Freemasons” educated the human material that played a leading role in the era of revolutions of 1789-1848. in the West and came to power. However, the nationalization of Freemasonry created a number of problems. Since the end of the 19th century, new forms of organization of closed supranational structures have been required, more adequate new era global struggle for power, information and resources. We are talking about the “Group” (or the “We” society), which was created by S. Rhodes and developed by A. Milner, and other structures. Nobody canceled Freemasonry; it continued to play a certain, sometimes significant role, but ceased to be the only and dominant form of conspiracy structures. So, in the Russian revolution, the Freemasons of the Grand Orient of France lodge acted very actively (through Kerensky), but there were other forces associated with British intelligence, the Rockefellers, the Americans, the German General Staff and, of course, Russian counterintelligence, which bet on the imperially oriented Bolsheviks . The resultant of these forces is the October Revolution.

After the Second World War, a need arose for a new “generation” of closed organizational structures, and they appeared: Bormann’s Fourth Reich, the Bilderberg Club, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission... Many of their members remained Freemasons, Illuminati, Bnaibritites, etc., but the structures were fundamentally new, “tailored” for new tasks.

Well, what about the worldwide Jewish conspiracy, which not so few people believe in?

— The basis of the “worldwide Jewish conspiracy” legend (Scottish Rite Freemasons made a major contribution to its development) is the fact that since the middle of the 19th century, Jews have been very active in financial sector, in the media, science, have largely taken a leading position in these areas. Moreover, it was Jewish capital that connected Great Britain and the United States, which had been at odds for a hundred years before, at the turn of the 20th centuries. The Jewish world diaspora is indeed a serious force, but it is far from the only one.

All major forces have their own long-term plans. Some call it a conspiracy, I prefer the term “project”. World history- this is a battle of Projects, their resultant.

Unfortunately, Russia, with the exception of the Stalin period, did not have its own Project.

— The Comintern, which was allegedly dissolved in 1943 (since 1936, Stalin had been leading the matter towards this and towards establishing control over the assets of this left-wing globalist organization) is not a Russian project. In general, it must be said that from the very beginning, many foreign elements were built into the “USSR project”, realizing the interests of various powers and structures (primarily closed ones). As history has shown, Stalin managed to suppress this artificiality only for a while, but after his death it gradually regenerated. Coupled with the interests of the degenerated Soviet nomenklatura, this factor played a big role in the liquidation of the project, or rather the totality of projects (which never became a system) of the USSR.

What can you say about reptilians, Andrei Ilyich? This topic is very popular now in America. Although he is already walking in Russia. Two serious doctors of science assured me that power on the planet was seized by aliens from the planet Draka or Nibiru, who took on human form. All Western presidents are reptilians. But they can be recognized by their characteristic special features. The Internet is full of videos of these reptilians in the White House, etc.

— I love science fiction and fantasy. But I don’t want to comment on the version launched by the American Ike. I think such versions are deliberately spread in order to divert attention from the real secret control structures. And to compromise the very search for hidden mechanisms of the historical process as a whole, including ancient history and the mystery of human origins.

- Then let's talk about very real structures, for example, the Bilderberg Club. Many people call it the secret government of the Earth. Once a year, high-ranking Bilderberg members gather in Rockefeller or Rothschild hotels, discuss the current problems of humanity behind closed doors, and make their decisions.

- Real power is secret power. And the Bilderberg Club is visible, they even have a website. Bilderberg is a facade organization of the world elite. The club was created in 1954 to reconcile the old European elite, both those that supported Hitler (“Ghibelline line”) and those that fought against him (“Guelph line”) with the Anglo-Saxons and their integration into their project in general and “European Union” in particular. Today, the Bilderbergs are testing those questions that are posed in a really closed, often informal mode.

A sad anniversary awaits us in December. 25th anniversary of the “historic” meeting between Bush and Gorbachev in Malta. Formally, it marked the end of the Cold War. In fact, Gorbi and his team shamefully surrendered the USSR and the entire socialist camp there to the West. Soon the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century happened - the Soviet Union. The place of betrayal was clearly not chosen by chance: the island is the patrimony of the powerful Order of Malta. The two main bestsellers of the early 21st century, clearly promoted on a global scale by some very influential forces, also give rise to vague suspicions. Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is about the Knights Templar and Opus Dei. JK Rowling's Harry Potter saga openly advertises the Order of the Hospitallers. There is a strong opinion that it is the orders, founded many centuries ago, that secretly direct the course of world development.

- They don’t guide - they just try. Moreover, both in conflict with each other and in the fight against the Anglo-Saxons. The name of the new Jesuit pope “Francis” is a kind of gesture-symbol of the reconciliation of old opponents, the Jesuits and Franciscans in the face of pressure from the Anglo-Saxons. An ally of these two orders is the Order of Malta, whose long-standing specialization is mediation between the Vatican and MI6, the CIA. The Order of Malta is an element of the Vatican system. Yes, the surrender of the socialist camp and the USSR to the Americans and supranationals in the person of Bush Sr. took place in Malta, but Gorbachev flew to Malta from a meeting with Pope John Paul II, who blessed “Gorby” for the surrender of the social system and the country. The hierarchy is obvious.

An attempt to convince people that some separate structure is the Bilderbergs, the Maltese, the Freemasons, the Rothschilds, etc. they rule the world alone, taking them away from the real mechanisms of global governance, from the Network as a whole, replacing it with private cells. Another trick is to hide entire structures (corporations, banks) behind specific individuals or parties. Thus, National Socialism is presented to us as an act of the NSDAP and Hitler and Co. In fact, the creators of National Socialism and the Third Reich project were primarily Anglo-American bankers and industrialists, corporations such as I.G. FarbenindustrieAG.

You can read more about how these structures created the first form of the European Union—Hitler’s “Third Reich”—in Dmitry Peretolchin’s very interesting book “World Wars and World Elites.” It was released in the series “Games of the World Elites. Andrey Fursov recommends reading" (Book World publishing house) We conceived this series specifically for the publication of works about the world elite and its structures.

— Works by Alexander Shevyakin about how the USSR collapsed, Alexander Ostrovsky about Stalin and perestroika, and Vladimir Pavlenko about the Club of Rome. All three authors are excellent. I also highly recommend the novels of Oleg Markeev and Alexander Gera, which clarify the picture of the world. By the way, Hera and Markeev died under unclear circumstances...

And the last question: what awaits us? Victory for the organizers of the world government?

- Hardly. There are clan, ethno-civilizational and - still - state interests that are difficult to reconcile. So that the Chinese or Muslims would go under a world government? And the Russians won’t go either. It is realistic to reduce the number of closed supranational structures, each of which will control its own macro-regional bloc. And this is far from the realities of world government. Moreover, when the world collapses - and the world of capitalism collapses! - Although they are saved not alone, they are not saved all together, but in packs. We are waiting for the struggle of “packs” - very different. And old, very ancient, and relatively young.

Closed societies, once they arise, as a rule, do not disappear, they are transformed, be it the priestly organizations of the ancient Middle East, the Triads, the Templars, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Anglo-Saxon clubs, the Comintern, the Fourth Reich and many others. Matter (people), energy (money) and information (ideas), having united, acquire suprahuman, suprasocial qualities and begin to exist on their own, carefully protecting themselves, their boundaries and convincing the world is that they do not exist as organizations. Another thing is that over time they transform, take on new forms (“the snake” sheds its old skin and bites its own tail), and enters into bizarre relationships with each other and façade structures.

But the day comes when, in a crisis, the decisive battle for the Future is approaching, and closed structures come to the surface and (or) make themselves known. I think this is precisely why the sharply increased volume of printed materials about secret societies is connected. The future is coming, and the one who grabs the trump cards will win. Therefore, when asked what currency to store money in, I answer: in “Kalashnikov assault rifle” currency. Or at least in good set throwing knives.

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    Who really controls our world? Political scientists and conspiracy theorists put forward one version after another. Secret societies, political clans or individuals are suspected of trying to take power over the planet into their own hands. But what motivates them in the struggle for power and wealth of our world. A definitive answer could not be found for many years.

    And in 2018, a unique historical work, which sheds light on many questions. So who is really trying to control our human world, here on Earth? The Epoch Times offers a detailed answer with real facts and evidence. We think this book will not leave you indifferent. After all, it talks about each of us and concerns absolutely everyone.

    The specter of communism rules our world

    The evil specter did not disappear after the collapse of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe

    Listen to the Preface


    Although the communist camp in Eastern Europe has collapsed, the specter of communism has not disappeared. On the contrary, this ghost already rules our world. Humanity must not fall into optimism by mistake!

    Communism is not just some trend, doctrine or failed attempt by people to find a way out. This is the devil. He is also called the evil spirit of communism. It is created from hatred and various corrupted matter low levels. Initially he was in the form of a snake, and in surface space he appears in the form red dragon. He stands on a par with the devil, who is hostile to the righteous Gods. At the same time, he uses various low spirits and evil spirits to create chaos in the human world. The ultimate goal of this evil ghost is precisely to destroy humanity. So that when God comes to save people, people will not believe in God. So that people's morality will deteriorate to such an extent that they will renounce God and traditions, will not understand God's instructions, and will eventually be eliminated.

    The evil ghost has a lot of evil plans, and they are very diverse. Sometimes he uses the most cruel methods to intimidate people who do not want to follow him. Sometimes he deceives people by using concepts like "science" and "progress", painting beautiful pictures and thus inducing people to follow him. Sometimes he creates the illusion that communism is a deep science, making people believe that this is the future direction of human development. Sometimes under the slogans “ democracy", "equality", "social justice", etc. it penetrates into the spheres of education, media, art, law, etc. and gradually quietly attracts people under its flags. Sometimes he puts on the misleading mask of "socialism", "progressivism", "liberalism", "neo-Marxism" and various left wing parties. Sometimes he acts under the flags of “pacifism”, “environmentalism”, “globalization”, “political correctness”, etc. that claim to be true and righteous. Sometimes he supports avant-garde art, sexual permissiveness, legalization of drugs, homosexuality, etc., in order to people indulged their desires and mistakenly believed that this was a social trend. Violence and drastic measures are not the only forms of manifestation of an evil ghost. Sometimes he takes on the guise of a guardian for everyone's well-being. However, his fundamental things do not change - this is the desire to destroy everything traditional by any means, including faith, religion, morality, culture, the institution of family, art, education, laws, and so on. He seeks to deprive people of morality and plunge them into an abyss from which there is no return.

    This evil spirit in all its diversity not only did not disappear after the collapse of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe, but, on the contrary, is currently widely moving around the world. Not only China, Cuba and other countries that openly call themselves communist, but even the United States, which is believed to be at the head of the free world, has also almost completely capitulated under the onslaught of the evil spirit of communism. What can we say about Europe, which is becoming socialist, as well as Africa and Latin America, which are under the control of communist forces. This is a terrifying reality that humanity faces - the plan of the evil spirit of communism has already been practically realized.

    All people instinctively strive to gain benefit and avoid harm. This forces them to avoid disasters, try to stand out from the masses, create grandiose enterprises or simply enjoy life, and so on. This is not wrong. But as soon as one day people move away from God, these desires of theirs will become a hook for the evil spirit of communism, which will aggravate and strengthen them. In this way people will be in his power. At the same time, the extravagance of the evil spirit of the Communist Party, which goes against the will of Heaven and makes those whom it controls just as extravagant. They begin to uncontrollably strive for power, money, knowledge, in order to play the role of the supreme ruler, in order to command the lives of the people under their power, as well as the course of history, creating a certain social trend.

    God created people. IN human nature good and evil are inherent. If a person rejects evil and follows goodness, then he can return to God. And if it’s the other way around, it moves. This choice depends entirely on the person himself.

    We noticed that many people who had not yet lost their natural kindness gradually and imperceptibly became representatives of the evil spirit of communism or “useful idiots,” as Lenin called them, manipulated by the evil spirit of the Communist Party. Despite the fact that society as a whole, succumbing to the temptations of the evil spirit of communism, is sliding down and is already on the verge of destruction - those who at will gave his soul to the devil and deliberately destroys humanity, yet very, very little. For most people, the natural kindness remaining in their hearts still gives them a chance to get rid of the influence of the evil spirit. This is our purpose in writing this book. We will try in simple words reveal this difficult and deep problem. So that people can recognize all the tricks of the evil spirit of communism. And the most important thing is that when in the future the moral criteria, culture, art and other traditional things established for them by God are revealed to people, people do right choice between God and the evil spirit.

    As soon as a person has a good thought, the Gods will immediately help him get out of the control of the devil. In the process of recognizing the devil's tricks, the reader must think deeply and clearly discern them. We will try from a completely new point and from a different angle to replay and examine in detail the last few hundred years of human history and analyze in detail how the devil under different masks and different ways captured our world. Awakening and active deliverance from evil, as well as a return to the traditional path and form of life established by people by the Gods depend on the person himself.

    God will certainly defeat the devil. And what the eternal refuge of our life will be depends on which side we stand on.

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    Who owns America's economy?

    In the Soviet Union, Lenin’s biting phrase was in vogue: “politics is a concentrated economy.” The point was that politics cannot exist without economics, and whoever controls the state’s economy determines its policy.

    Based on this thesis, we will determine who owns the economy in the United States (according to American sociologist Michael Parenti)

    The richest 10% of American families own 98% of tax-exempt state and local industrial bonds, 94% of business assets, and 95% of trust assets.

    Of the 2,000 largest public companies, 540 are .

    In the USA, of course, it’s not like in Britain: if there are 160,000 families running everything there, then in the USA there are only a few dozen of them. Back in 1937, the American economist and sociologist Ferdinand Landberg published the book “60 Families of America.” The title shows who, according to the sociologist, owned power in the United States. Another left-leaning American sociologist, Charles Mills, in his book “The Power Elite” concludes that America is ruled by no more than 50 families that unite in their hands power over the economy, politics and military sphere of the country.

    “All talk about democracy in the United States sounds like a sophisticated mockery,” American political scientist Charles Mills categorically stated more than half a century ago.

    Let's take a closer look at the most influential families in America


    The founder of the dynasty, John Davison Rockefeller, was born in 1839 and became known as the first dollar billionaire in history. Traded grain, steel and oil. However, only the grandchildren of the founder of the dynasty were able to secure a place for themselves in the political establishment - for example, Nelson Rockefeller was the governor of New York from 1959 to 1973 and vice president under Gerald Ford in 1974-1977, his brothers also entered politics - Winthrop was elected Republican governor of Arkansas; the second, David, received the post of director of the US Council on Foreign Relations.


    They made their fortune by speculating on alcohol during Prohibition.

    The peak of their political influence occurred in the 60s. John Kennedy became president in 1960, Robert became attorney general and minister of justice under his brother-president, Edward became a senator. After the assassination of John in 1963 due to his attempts to limit the influence of the Fed, they largely lost their position. Nevertheless, they occupy a strong place in the country's elite.


    This family gave America two presidents - George Sr. and George Jr., in addition, Jeb Bush, was the governor of Florida from 1998-2006. In our country, Bush Jr. is known mainly as an idiot with his unforgettable pearls at various speeches, but few people know that the family amassed its wealth by trading with the German Nazis. George Jr.'s grandfathers, Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker, financed Adolf Hitler's Walker Union Banking company, with its help the Nazis “laundered” treasures looted from Europe. Both of Bush's grandfathers sat on the boards of this company. The US government investigated their activities and concluded that they were acting in the interests of Nazi Germany. However, the company was finally liquidated only in 1951, but Prescott received $1.5 million as compensation. Bush’s grandchildren were also involved in trading with the enemy. For example, the same terrorist number 1 - Osama bin Laden - is a business partner of the Bush family. They are connected by the Carlisle Group, which is one of the ten largest companies in the American military-industrial complex and manages a portfolio of shares worth $12 billion.


    Coming from Dutch emigrants, they are a fairly old family (the family has existed since the end of the 17th century) and gave America two presidents - Nobel Peace Prize laureate Theodore Roosevelt, who led the United States from 1901-1909, and Franklin Delano, the only American president to be elected for four consecutive terms. , as well as the savior of the United States from the Great Depression. It was under him that the United States became an almost absolute world power and the leader of the capitalist world, eliminating all rivals except one - the Soviet Union.


    A classic industrial family that made its fortune in the oil industry. They are the ones who finance the main libertarian think tank, the Cato Institute, and they are called the main grant givers for the neocons and the Tea Party Movement.


    One of the oldest capitalist families in the United States. The Morgans' ancestors were English pirates, and the founder of one of the greatest capitalist dynasties, John Pierpont Morgan I, gained his wealth by selling weapons to both northerners and southerners during Civil War in USA. His case was considered in court, but he came out unscathed. Today they own JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the world by assets.

    Who really runs the USA?

    American sociologist Michael Parenti identifies several organizations that govern the US “state”.

    Council on Foreign Relations(Council on Foreign Relations, CFR), created in 1918

    The Council consists of about 1,450 people, it unites bankers, financiers, industrialists and government representatives. The Rockefellers, Morgans and Duponts play the main role in the Council. Representation ruling circles in the council is colossal. As Parenti himself writes, it included US presidents, secretaries of state, secretaries of defense and other members of the White House cabinet and other senior officials, members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CIA directors, federal judges, heads of the Federal Reserve System *, dozens of US ambassadors, key members of Congress.

    He participated in the development of the Marshall Plan, the creation of the IMF and the World Bank, spurred the development of a strategic nuclear arsenal, advocated active US intervention in the affairs of other countries, and contributed to the increase in military spending in the 80s directed against the USSR.

    In addition, many members of the Council are also members of the so-called. Tripartite Commission, a group of the most influential businessmen involved in the defense of capitalism and coordinating the actions of the heads of the largest capitalist monopolies. Founder: David Rockefeller.

    Assistance Committee economic development (CED) is another policy-making organization in the United States. It includes most of the leadership of American business. Develops ''recommendations'' for the implementation of foreign and domestic policies, which, as a rule, are the so-called. ''US Presidents'' are strictly followed.

    In general, in the USA there are quite a lot of associations of businessmen, heads of corporations and TNCs who are engaged in protecting their interests and in fact manage the entire American “democracy”

    Another similar organization is Business Council, which includes, in addition to the ubiquitous Morgans, representatives of companies such as General Electric and General Motors.

    Parenti shows how US presidents introduced representatives of these associations of businessmen, etc., into their administrations. Thus,

    President Ford appointed fourteen members of the Council on Foreign Relations to positions in his administration. Seventeen of the top officials in President Carter's administration were from the Trilateral Commission, including President Carter himself and his Vice President Mondale. President Reagan's government included senior executives of Wall Street investment firms and New York bank directors, at least a dozen of whom served on the Council on Foreign Relations, as did thirty-one of his top advisers. Most of President George W. Bush's Cabinet members came from corporate positions that also served as members of the Council on Foreign Relations, and some were members of the Trilateral Commission. President Bush himself was a former member of this Commission.


    The US Constitution does not impose many requirements for presidential candidates - 35 years of age or above, birth in the United States and residence there for at least 14 years. In fact, the real requirements are different.

    1) Belonging to one of the clans (see above)

    2) Getting the “right” education.

    Higher educational institutions There are not many people training the elite - no more than one and a half dozen. The most promising ones are in the table below

    3) Be at least a millionaire and be involved in the circles that determine state policy

    4) Will appeal to American moneybags, who in fact control the entire “democracy”

    As Parenti writes about how Clinton was chosen as a presidential candidate

    At a private meeting in New York in June 1991, several senior Wall Street executives associated with the Democratic Party held a series of conversations with presidential hopefuls in what one organizer called "an elegant cattle show." They questioned Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton, who "impressed them with his stance on free trade and free markets." Clinton became the candidate and was immediately heralded by corporate funds mass media leading Democratic presidential candidate


    But maybe the profanation of democracy and the taking of power in the States by corporations into their own hands is recent years fifty, and before that there was true democracy? However, it shows that out of 44 presidents, only 8 had wealth less than 1 million, the rest were at least multimillionaires. Parenti concludes that 90% of American presidents in their own way social status far superior to the average American.

    An excerpt from the book by Eduard Khodos “At the edge of the grave, or Wild Khazar dances. An open book to the President of Ukraine.”

    From time to time I will have to visit the Russian State Duma, in particular in the International Affairs Committee, of which my old acquaintances are $CUT$ members. So, during my next visit, an employee of the Commission on Geopolitical Issues under the Committee, corresponding member Russian Academy Natural Sciences and the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Konstantin Sokolov provided me with a printout of a conversation with one of the most active participants in the world Anti-Globalist movement, American journalist, a correspondent for several news agencies accredited to the UN, a Russian by birth, Valery Gerasimov.

    The accompanying text said that the sensational interview that Gerasimov gave to the editor of the St. Petersburg newspaper “Society and Ecology” took place at the Moscow Research Information and Analytical Center “Strategy of the Future” in the presence of the President of the Center M. Ivanov, Vice President G. Brodyuk, nuclear scientist Y. Maksimov, editor-in-chief of the Moscow newspaper “Knowledge - Power!” V. Zaderey and also a number of representatives of other organizations. The conversational interview lasted approximately three hours. The newspaper “New Petersburg” (No. 46, November 15, 2001) published an excerpt from it. And this publication, even in a very truncated form, created a lot of hype. In the printout that was given to me in the State Duma, the interview with Valery Gerasimov was presented in full. And I want to introduce you to some points of the conversation that relate to the topic that we are considering.

    The Anti-Globalist Front is becoming more active all over the world. The movement that arose in opposition to the formation of the world power of bankers is a rather serious phenomenon, and it is no longer possible to ignore it.

    You are an active participant in this movement. Tell us about your New York organization.

    It's called International Action Center. I have been in it virtually since the day it was founded. From the beginning we didn’t even know what we would succeed. We had ideas and we started to act. By 1995, we had already formed a movement.

    I want to make a small correction. Participants of the International Action Center do not accept the term “anti-globalists”. Anti-globalists are not our term, it was invented by the media, we, on the contrary, consider ourselves globalists, but only in the sense of global opposition to the forces of evil. That’s why we are “International Action Center”. The organizers of the movement are idealists themselves. For example, Ramsay Clark, one of the main persons, is a former US Secretary of Justice, a former US Chief Justice, and an experienced lawyer. What was he missing? But he voluntarily gave up all his privileges in order to establish justice. And he learned in practice how injustice happens when he held responsible positions. We are not just against devaluation, not just against war, but against the world government, against the order that they are trying to establish in their own interests. We imagine the world as a bouquet of flowers, where each flower is beautiful in its own way, each has the right to life. We are for a normal way of being and coexistence on our small planet. Our ideas are supra-class, supra-racial, but we are for nationalism. We believe that without healthy nationalism, society cannot develop normally. Nationalism in our understanding is not racism, not chauvinism. We have our own formulation of nationalism.

    Bankers in America sit in the shadows, they are practically invisible, they are practically not talked about. In addition, interestingly, several symbolic names are being thrown around. And not so much the Rothschilds as the Rockefellers. And the Rockefellers are court puppies in a big kennel compared to those people who lead not only America, but the rest of the world. For example, I met with Treasury Secretary Jackie Rubin shortly before his release (he didn’t care anymore). We met with him at the International Monetary Fund. Where they have gold bars are stored (under New York, apparently, there are more than in Fort Knox; even the magnetic field there is unhealthy). He gave me an uncut piece of printed one-dollar bills with an autograph, and I was afraid to take it out, but that's not what we're talking about. So, Rubin, about three years after that, showed me the already printed bills: they were larger than ordinary ones - a thousandth denomination, a five-thousandth one and ten thousand dollars each. These banknotes no longer contained portraits of presidents. Presidents - only up to a hundred dollars. He said: “These are the serfs, and here are the slave owners.” Who was there? Schiff, Leiba, Kuhn, Baruch. Their ancestors wear wigs. Yes, on the banknotes that are distributed among people there are already printed portraits of those who really lead the world. They sit in the shadows and the treasures of the whole world belong to them. They really rule not only America, but the whole world.

    How did it happen? in 1913 President Wilson created federal system and liquidated the state bank. We got the original term: Federal Reserve System. That is, a group of these rich Jewish bankers took upon themselves obligations state bank. It was as if they had merged into one. And a paradoxical system emerged: the whole world owes America, every American, as soon as he was born, already owes America about 60 thousand dollars. Why? There is no National Bank. This Federal Reserve System, which operates here, controls not only the United States, but all countries of the world. Consequently, the dollar, this green, unsecured piece of paper, controls the world. An unsecured piece of paper since the days of Johnson, he has no gold, no land, no jewelry - and he controls the world! Only because it is a medium of exchange. For this system, America is one of the subjects, but not the only one. As, for example, for Baruch, Costa Rica, or France, or Russia is one of the objects of his personal interests. These richest people in the world do not store their wealth in banks. You know, there is such a term “taplisted bank” - the 100 most important ones, and then the list goes on. Try to find the Standard Charter Bank there - a bank that has been around since 1613. Since it is no coincidence that the plane first crashed into the tower where the headquarters of Standard Charter Bank, or rather its “international diplomatic office,” is located. It is no coincidence that billions of dollars burned there and tens of tons of gold melted. What kind of bank is this, whose headquarters are in London, and which has existed since 1613? What does this mysterious bank do? I found out what he does. There is such a comic actor in America, Lionel Brian, a close friend of mine. So, his brother got a job through an acquaintance in information system control over global transfers. "Standard Charter Bank" is a bank of banks of the world's leaders. It is no coincidence that the first plane dived there. This was a blow to the crown of the world leadership, to the soul of Koshchei. If people did not know this, they would choose a different object. This was not an accidental blow. This bank is not on any list of world banks, but it controls all payments in the world. Tracks and controls all global financial transactions at a rate of $20 billion every minute. Therefore, as soon as Mr. K. “blew” 8 billion 200 million dollars through the private bank “Sabr”, I thought that tomorrow there would be a murder. The next day, Sabra was killed while he was taking a shower. I had a transcript of where this money went, how it was listed, where it was transferred, but the reason seemed to have disappeared. The information was no longer needed. Why then were they not exposed? Why isn't Interpol investigating this? Do you think they don't have the evidence that I have? Eat. However, they have owners. They want to fragment Russia: give the Kuriles to the Japanese, Karelia to the Finns, and East Prussia to Kaliningrad. Why do they need St. Petersburg - a window to Europe? Why a window, just one crack is enough to peek. But behind all this is the shadow of those whom no one talks about. Rockefeller and Rothschild are presented as errand boys. But they are silent about the real ones, for example, Baruch. It's like they don't exist.

    Are there bankers more influential than Baruch?

    No. This is a trillionaire. And he puts up a prince in his place. They laugh at us.

    And Oppenheimer?

    Oppenheimer, yes. He belongs to the richest, but still not the upper echelon.

    The entire financial pyramid is snapped onto Baruch. What is Baruch's power based on? What is his concept of management, because he is not a product of the 20th century? Apparently an ancient root?

    Not as ancient as medieval. This was a special family associated with the mystical teachings of Judaism. Since then they have been in the shadows. Through funding of Jewish societies, through patronage to all kinds of figures. Most importantly, I wanted to draw attention to the fact that they really lead America. They are not even part of the so-called world board - the Bilderberger club, which consists of 63 people. By the way, the leader of Russia, Chubais, is among them. I heard that he was offered the position of minister in the Russian government, to which Chubais just smiled (I understood him): “No, no, I don’t need it.” Of course, why be a minister of some peripheral government if he himself is a minister of the world government - figuratively speaking! This is his inaccessibility. And all this is orchestrated by Baruch, Leiba, Schiff, Kuhn, and their families, who became related to each other. At the same time, they preside over the world freemasonry.

    I wonder if you thought that under such a government a world imbalance would begin and it could all end in a cataclysm of global significance? Or do they not care about anything for the sake of their own interests?

    They probably don't understand. They firmly believe that the Jewish Messiah will come, and they, as kings of kings, will enter world rule and divide all the property of the planet among themselves.

    After the attacks on New York, the world was gripped by euphoria: even America experienced destruction! But the more you think about it, the more you doubt whether this is the idea of ​​the powers that be. And you also correctly noted that the blow was dealt to their central financial structures, to the office. And as if everyone should be happy. But aren’t they trying to hide the loose ends here by bombing their office, thus hiding the statistics of the numbers, who owes what to whom, and, starting from a new page, plunder the world? This way they kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps the system is outdated, there are too many dollars and they decided to derail everything old. Perhaps there is already a backup?

    Since they are global “friends”, their counterpart is the euro. America is doomed. She is globally playing the last role of the world dog, and as soon as Russia is destroyed, America will be derailed. The world center is moving closer to Jerusalem. And now, as in Gaidar’s story “Timur and His Team,” they have pulled all sorts of strings of wires between houses, are maintaining contact, and are preparing for the appearance of the Messiah. This already happened in 1666. Then it seemed to them that the time of the Jewish Messiah was approaching. The Jews began to sell their property, cast gold crowns for themselves, and move towards Jerusalem. We reached Istanbul. Emperor Suleiman looks: “What is it? Clouds of people are moving towards Jerusalem to rule the world. The main one asks: “Who are you?” He replies: “I am the king of kings!” What kind of emperor would like such an answer? He put him in the tower. The next day, the “king of kings” forgot all his intentions, accepted Mohammedanism, and appropriated for himself all the treasures of his fellow believers. They walked like a flock. They are subject to a strange and terrible mysticism, they believe that they must rule the world.

    Consequently, anti-globalists report that the perpetrators of the New York attack are not Islamists, but secret banking structures. This needs to be made clear to ordinary Americans.

    No, the Americans will not understand this and will not accept it. They were told that the Arabs were enemies. The question needs to be transferred to a different plane: why is America the world's gendarme? Isn't the bombing of skyscrapers a second Pearl Harbor? At present, documents have already been declassified that President Roosevelt, Allen Dallas, and the Masonic and banking elite knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor organized by the Japanese. But they committed treason and destruction of the fleet, to kill thousands of their fellow citizens, so that the Barukhs, Schiffs, Leibs, Coons would get what they deserved from participating in the Second World War. This also led to the strengthening of the position of the American banking system, dollar, revival of the American economy. America was dragged into the war at the cost of this provocation. Americans are now horrified, since Roosevelt was an ideal for many. Of course, the real documents were not particularly disclosed. However, they were declassified, and those who made them public were found. America is shocked: Roosevelt, who was considered the benefactor of the nation, is a murderer and provocateur.

    What can you say about Bin Laden?

    He is a student of those teachers who now condemn him. By the way, in New York the day after the attack, a 1 billion fund was organized to search for Bin Laden. The founder of the fund is anonymous. Here's how much stunts cost and how no expense is spared when it comes to camouflaging Pearl Harbor 2.

    What is Bush's current position in America, does the population support him? And is it good or bad that he was chosen and not Horus? Perhaps Gore would be more intellectually suited to this position?

    In Russia there is a proverb: “Horseradish is not sweeter than radishes.” In America, there has been a system of pocket presidents for more than a century. And finally, there is the humiliating custom of being initiated into the presidency even before the start of the election campaign. 13 days before the start of the election, both presidential candidates go to the central synagogue of New York. Whoever comes out wearing a black cap automatically leaves the arena, and whoever wears a white one becomes president. This has been the case for several elections since Reagan. This year there was a glitch: the rightists got fed up with these ceremonies and burned the synagogue. The candidates need to go, but it burned down - it’s a mess. They tried to organize this meeting again and again the synagogue burst into flames. No one knew who to vote for, and great confusion ensued. Therefore, Bush won by almost one vote. That is, candidates have already been secretly elected, and it is impossible to publish the result in order to synchronize the process. Neither Bush nor Gore are leading America, because there are people like Baruch, Schiff, Belderberger.

    Do you think that the power of bankers over America is that powerful?

    Not only over America, but over the whole world. What is happening in the financial world of Russia, Armenia, Georgia, and some Latvia is all under the paw of Baruch and people like him. However, they are mysterious and mystified.

    Isn’t mystical ideology an element of the Baruchs’ control over ordinary Jews in order to drag them into the net?

    It's hard to open their eyes to this. But probably. And there are plenty of examples in history.

    Are there Jews who understand where civilization is heading?

    Yes, they were and are. Remember the Belgian Jew Spinoza, who gave up his wealth and was cursed by the Jews, but he did not renounce his beliefs.

    Are there any Muslims in the anti-globalization organization?

    Certainly! A lot of. For example, El Kasi, the former Iranian ambassador to Russia, worked as a representative of Iraq at the UN. Experienced diplomat. A kind person. Muslim.

    How does ordinary America feel about Putin's image?

    In my opinion, no way. Although some people praise it. Their favorite is Gorbachev. A Masonic complex is currently being built for him in San Francisco. He was prophesied a position Secretary General all religions. Gorbachev received two Tsar David Prizes. There are not even Jews who can receive two prizes at once. And the non-Jew Gorbachev received - “for services to the Jewish people.” All this was done as part of the Harvard Project."

    In this regard, I would like to remind you: “If we do not know what is happening now, we will lose all control over what will happen to us in the future.”

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