Tram driver courses. Tram driver training

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"Get to work!, tram drivers. Alexey BULATOV


It’s one thing to sit in an office and tap on a keyboard, and quite another to drive a multi-ton machine, being responsible for the lives of dozens of people. Even if a tram driver is not the highest paid job, it is certainly one of the most responsible and necessary.

– You have to take into account a lot of factors. And a professional driver does this on autopilot, without thinking,” shared Yakov Derbenev, tram driver of the Northern tram depot of EMUP “TTU”. – The body is in good shape all the time. You are like a service dog: always ready, always armed with your skills and knowledge.

Despite its apparent simplicity, driving a tram is quite difficult. Yes, there is no steering wheel in the cockpit. But on the other hand, in the carriage itself there are several doors that will definitely trap a passenger in an inattentive driver. There are also motorists who try to bump into the carriage. And we must not forget about the brake system. Stopping suddenly may cause standing passengers to fall. In general, not everyone can handle this technique. And if you are also someone who likes to sleep longer, then this profession is clearly not for you.

– The first tram leaves the city at 04.26 in the morning. That is, the driver must arrive at the park at 04.11 - with the first roosters, - said Yakov Derbenev. – On average, a driver’s working day lasts 7-9 hours.


There are several thousand tram drivers in Yekaterinburg. But despite this, new employees are required regularly. Enrollment into study groups occurs every three months.

– The training period for tram drivers is 5 months. Trolleybus drivers – 6 months. The average age now, both for the former and for the latter, is 30 years,” explained Elza Efimova, senior foreman of the training and production center of the EMUP “TTU”.

Trolleybus drivers in the capital of the Urals are trained on a special computer simulator: the student sits behind the dashboard, like a real trolleybus, and drives through the city drawn on the screen. Images of houses and the road are projected onto a large white canvas in front of the dashboard. This way, a student, under the supervision of a mentor, can practice those exercises that in real urban conditions would lead to traffic jams. Tram drivers have a real training car instead of a computer. In Yekaterinburg, its role is played by the Czech Tatra T3. And in Nizhny Tagil there is the Russian Spectrum.

“First, the student rides with an instructor on a training carriage without passengers for 200 hours,” said Svetlana Ivanova, driver of the Tagil Tram. - Only after this and after he passes all the exams, he trains with a tram driver in the city

Here's how the training works: the trainee sits in the driver's seat, and the mentor sits to his right. At first, the cadet is allowed to travel only within the depot area. Only after he gains experience will he be allowed to go to the city. In this case, the mentor will constantly keep his foot on a special pedal: as soon as the trainee makes a mistake, the mentor will immediately release the pedal, stopping the train. But driving skills alone are not enough. The tram driver also needs to have good theoretical training.

– A tram driver, in principle, must be a smart person. He must know a lot of instructions, must understand the basics of electrical engineering and how the tram works in general,” added Svetlana Ivanova.


If in Yekaterinburg a new group will be recruited only in October, then in Nizhny Tagil those interested are invited already now.

“At the moment, another recruitment for the group of tram drivers is underway,” said Alexey Arkhipov, deputy director for general issues of the Tagil Tram. – We have vacancies planned for the group that we send for training, that is, guaranteed jobs are provided to students. Usually lectures begin at four o'clock in the afternoon, so that candidates have the opportunity to work somewhere in their free time. In exceptional cases, we temporarily employ students at the enterprise as conductors.

In Nizhny Tagil, tram drivers receive about 14 thousand rubles. In Yekaterinburg - about 20. But the amount may be more. It is influenced by a huge number of different factors. A social package is provided. As a pleasant addition, one of the most interesting city professions. Some, getting a job as a tram driver only for a while, connect their entire lives with this.

Trams are so beautiful in the capital now! Probably comfortable not only for passengers, but also for carriage drivers? By the way, how do you become a tram driver in Moscow?

To do this, you need to contact the Mosgortrans company - the tram depot. Tram driver courses are organized at the depot.

In general, you can learn a lot of new things on the site. For example, that at the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans there are educational institutions that train workers for its enterprises and after which you can continue your studies at universities and get an engineering education

Also at the address Moscow, Krivorozhskaya street, building 6, there is a Training and Production Plant. Drivers of trolleybuses, trams and buses are trained there. They pay a stipend. The training lasts about five months. And then you need to skate for about 200 hours in a training carriage.

The job of a tram driver is very responsible. He gets up, perhaps, earlier than anyone else in Moscow. You should be in good shape all day. Even though the controls may not seem very complicated, and the size inspires respect from traffic participants, many people try to “offend” the tram. And you don’t always hear gratitude from passengers. But as they wrote on one forum, if I don’t go to work, no one will know, and if the tram driver doesn’t come out, many people will feel it.

Changing the switch manually with a crowbar is, alas, a necessary skill for a car driver. Although thousands of Moscow tram switches should be switched automatically. But either snow accumulates, or water floods - the automation fails (although there is a version that Mosgortrans saves on maintenance, but he replies that it was Mosvodostok that did not clean the drainage systems...).

So, the vacancy:
Tram driver on regular city passenger routes
Work schedule: Shift work
Date of publication: 05/25/17
Vacancy description:
Salary - from 35,000 rubles
Work schedule: variable
Annual paid leave - 28 calendar days + 12 working days
Requirements: Man Woman
Secondary/secondary vocational/higher education
Work experience from 3 years

On average, a tram driver earns about 45 thousand rubles. A pension is provided on preferential terms for work on regular city passenger routes to drivers of buses, trolleybuses and trams working on regular city passenger routes upon reaching the age of:

  • men - 55 years old (with 20 years of work experience);
  • for women - 50 years (with 15 years of work experience).
As well as providing hot meals, special clothing, free travel on public transport, medical care (and regular medical examinations), vouchers to boarding houses - free or for partial payment.

Welcome speech from the Director of the Training and Course Center

To ensure the transportation of passengers in St. Petersburg, the training of tram and trolleybus drivers is one of the most important tasks in St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelektrotrans". The city's first train driver training school was organized in 1920. Subsequently, the task of training drivers was assigned to the Separate structural unit “Training and Course Plant”. In 2007, the plant continued its work in new, specially equipped classrooms at 131 Grazhdansky Ave. Welcome to St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelektrotrans". We welcome everyone who wants to have a good and stable job.

Director of OSP Training and Course Center

Victoria Pavlovna Tolstikova

Study - Profession - Success

How to become a driver of a St. Petersburg tram or trolleybus?

To do this, it is necessary to undergo training at special courses organized by St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “Gorelektrotrans” within the framework of the Training and Course Center.

The school for training and advanced training of carriage drivers and conductors has been preparing personnel to work on the routes of St. Petersburg electric transport for more than 90 years. Currently, the “Training and Course Center” conducts training in ten classrooms on three floors of the administrative building of the Separate Structural Unit “Combined Tram-Trolleybus Park”.

Our graduates become third-class tram and fourth-class trolleybus drivers. In addition, thanks to the “Training and Course Center”, current drivers have the opportunity to improve their skills to work on new modern rolling stock purchased by the city for St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “Gorelektrotrans”. Those wishing to undergo training should contact the tram or trolleybus depot closest to their place of residence. Already from the parks, future students are sent to the “Training and Course Center”, where they undergo an interview and testing on a universal psychodiagnostic complex, then undergo a mandatory medical and psychiatric examination. Only after this is enrollment into the study group.

The full course of study consists of two stages - theoretical training with educational practice and internship. The implementation period for professional training programs for drivers of category “Tm” (tram) is 962 hours, (436 hours of theoretical training and 526 hours of industrial training). The implementation period for professional training programs for drivers of category “Tb” (trolleybus) is 1066 hours (432 hours of theoretical training and 634 hours of industrial training).

Training takes place according to approved programs, in specially equipped classes on traffic rules, rolling stock design, basics of traffic safety, etc. Six teachers work with novice drivers (Minina V.N., Evtushenko M.K., Semenovich-Semenchuk G.A., Nikolaev I.V., Fomichev Y.V., Kosolapova N.B.) and four masters (Rozanov A.V., Tyurina N.A., Murnykina O.A., Bolshakova M.A.), and qualified specialists from other divisions of St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise “Gorelektrotrans” are also invited.

Practical training is carried out on twelve specially equipped trolleybus vehicles and ten training cars under the guidance of mentor drivers from the “Training and Course Plant” and drivers of the fifth and sixth category of tram and trolleybus fleets. All current driver mentors have undergone special training and have a certificate for the right to train students.

During practical training, students master the park's routes. At the end of the theoretical course and practical training, students take exams at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and go on an internship. The internship takes place along a specific route of the park under the guidance of a driver-instructor, together with passengers, after which they receive the right to work independently on the line.

In order to become a driver, you must first obtain a driver's license. You also need to behave adequately on the road and be well versed in driving theory.

In many driving schools, before allowing a car enthusiast to get behind the wheel, he is asked to take one or two lessons on a simulator that simulates driving a car.

Although this simulator is a computer game, the controls are real.

After completing such classes, you will feel confident behind the wheel, you will know how to find the right seating position, how to operate the gearshift lever, operate the pedals, and adjust the mirrors.

How to become a professional driver

A good driver, while driving, must constantly be aware of the dimensions of the car. Here are some tips for those who want to become a professional driver.

  • You need to rely on your own strength when driving. It is difficult to predict what the other driver will do next. The same applies to pedestrians.
  • Develop attention, you need to see your surroundings at 180 degrees, you also need to pay attention to what is happening behind you. Before turning, turn your head and look to the side, making sure that the passage is open.
  • Stay alert while driving.
  • Avoid gambling. Leave the desire to drive for computer games.
  • For other drivers, remain predictable. When moving to another lane, turn on. It's better to be boring and slow on the road.

How to become a trolleybus driver

Transporting passengers in a trolleybus under high stress requires special training.

The driver must be able to cope with breakdowns that occur while the vehicle is moving.

Those wishing to become a trolleybus driver turn to specialized training centers available in almost any city.

Such centers enroll students who have a basic secondary education and have provided an opinion from a medical commission, which confirms the absence of contraindications to work, such as slow reaction, poor vision, being registered in a psychiatric hospital or in a drug treatment clinic.

When mastering this profession, you study, in addition to traffic rules, the design of trolleybus equipment, electrical, climate control, and mechanical. The theoretical training course is followed by a practical one.

But before driving a trolleybus for the first time, the student takes an exam on trolleybus operation, electrical safety, medical safety during traffic, and labor protection.

The first driving lessons are held in closed areas, then you are allowed to go on city routes. Students are accompanied by professional drivers with extensive experience.

As a result, at the end of the six-month training course, after passing the exams, the graduate receives a third-class driver qualification.

How to become a tram driver

There is no gender restriction for potential drivers. But there are restrictions on age and health. Only persons over 21 years of age are allowed to work.

Among other things, before undergoing a medical examination, it is advisable to make sure that your vestibular apparatus, blood pressure, hearing and vision are in order.

Then the enterprise where the training is carried out concludes the apprenticeship contract, which stipulates the conditions of training, as well as the conditions of further work.

The theoretical part of the training lasts about two months and includes

  • study of equipment, electrical, mechanical,
  • traffic rules lessons,
  • basics of medicine,
  • basic legislation,
  • control technology.

After theory comes training on simulators. A stipend is paid throughout your studies, the amount of which depends on your academic performance.

Then comes the practical part, for which students are sent to the trolleybus depot. Having received your license, you will be sent to an internship in a park, where you can work and transport passengers around the city.

How to become a bus driver

The position of a bus driver requires a lot of responsibility. In addition to the fact that you need to sufficiently know the rules of the road, you also need to have experience in driving a heavy vehicle like a bus. The ability to communicate with passengers is also important.

Then a resume is compiled. You must indicate your driving experience and the brand of vehicle you used. The resume is posted on the appropriate website that searches for vacancies in your region.

When applying for a job, the driver undergoes an internship under the supervision of a specialist. Since the driver sells tickets at bus stops, he must be able to use cash registers.

How to become a truck driver

Those wishing to become a truck driver will first need a license of the required category. Then you should complete an internship, which lasts three years.

Since there are often long-distance flights, you need to be well versed in the structure of your car so that, if necessary, you can deal with minor breakdowns.

How to become a truck driver

The first stage is, of course, obtaining a category E driving license. In order to be able to take courses for this category, you must have an open category C, as well as driving experience in a category B or C vehicle of at least one year.

Thus, after completing a month-long course at a driving school and passing exams, category E is opened for you. Now the main problem is the lack of practice.

The job is offered only to experienced professionals with 3 to 5 years of work experience. Experience can be obtained by getting a job with minimum wage and conditions. Then you should look for a larger company that will pay you more.

How to become a taxi driver

If you have a car, a license, driving experience and a desire to transfer passengers for payment, but do not have authority in the field of such services, you should contact the appropriate company as a potential employee.

Anyone who dares to move to work in St. Petersburg can get a free job as a tram or trolleybus driver if they wish. The main thing is that you are already 21 years old and in good health.

About the employer

St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Gorelektrotrans" is a monopolist in the field of transportation by urban ground electric transport. Its trams and trolleybuses carry about a million passengers every day, and the company itself employs 11 thousand people.

Despite such a large staff, the organization constantly attracts new employees. They are looking for people who want to work as tram or trolleybus drivers all over the country, including offering training and work to Amur residents. To get a new profession, you don't need to have a driver's license. The main thing is to know a few important points. Before you take action, call HR and let them know your intentions.

Step One: Check Your Health

There are no gender restrictions for this type of work. Almost half of the tram and trolleybus drivers in St. Petersburg are women. But in terms of age and health - yes. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Road Safety”, only those who are over 21 years old can be hired for such work. Is age not a barrier? Then you can act. First of all, get a certificate that you are not registered with a psychoneurological or narcological dispensary. It is also important to successfully pass a medical examination; it is organized by the company itself, already in St. Petersburg. But still, before the trip, make sure that everything is in order with your blood pressure, vestibular system, and whether your eyesight and hearing are good.

Step two: theory

After you have received medical certificates stating that you are fit for work, you enter into an apprenticeship agreement with the company, which spells out the conditions for training and further work. First, you need to gain theoretical knowledge for two to two and a half months at a training center. The theoretical training course includes lectures and classes on traffic rules, electrical, mechanical and pneumatic equipment, students also study the basics of medicine, legislation and, of course, the main subject of the course - control technology. In addition to pure theory, training is also carried out using simulators. They allow future drivers to learn the basics of driving.

“One of the models is a city traffic diagram,” says Director of the training center Dmitry Petrov.- It measures 2.5 by 5 meters. It includes tram-trolleybus intersections, railway crossings, stops, depots, etc. We also have simulators that simulate tram or trolleybus cabins. Before going to practice, students pass five exams (including the traffic police exam) and already generally understand HOW to behave on the road and HOW to drive.

By the way, a scholarship is paid during training - from 7400 to 9800 rubles. The amount of the scholarship depends on academic performance. A bed in a dormitory and free meals are also provided.

Step Three: Practice

In a trolleybus or tram depot, under the strict guidance of mentors, you first undergo practical training.

It lasts 18 - 26 days. After completing the educational practice, a driving test (practical) is taken, and then a driving test (theoretical), explains tram industrial training master Mikhail Okulov. - The driving test is entrusted to the specialists of the training center, who can fully evaluate all the skills and abilities acquired by the student in the process of theoretical and practical training. For example, what is a “contact network”, “track facilities”, “speed limits”, “distances”, etc. And at the traffic police only a theoretical exam is passed.

Step four: traffic police exam

Step five: internship

After receiving your license, you go on an internship to the park where you will later work: now you carry passengers around the city. Passenger practice on a tram lasts 205 hours, and on a trolleybus - 286 hours. You can already be called a young driver, although for now without the right to work independently. During this internship, you learn to drive a tram on a specific route under the guidance of a driver-instructor.

By the way, while you are still a “green” driver, your stipend increases significantly. Trainees - tram drivers receive up to 20,700 rubles, trainees - trolleybus drivers - up to 22,500 rubles.

Almost half of the tram and trolleybus drivers in St. Petersburg are women

Photo by RIA Novosti

After passenger practice, you take an exam from the certification commission of the tram or trolleybus fleet. You are assigned the qualification of a third-class tram driver or a fourth-class trolleybus driver. Now you become a full-fledged driver, get the right to transport passengers yourself and can improve your skills over time, and your salary will increase accordingly.

By the way, the average salary of St. Petersburg trolleybus drivers is now about 44 thousand rubles, tram drivers - 40 thousand rubles.


Alexey Smirnov, driver-mentor of tram fleet No. 1:

- The driver-mentor spends 80% of his time on the line and helps other drivers in a given situation. You help everyone with both word and deed. There can be many problems: unusual situation on the road, questions regarding rolling stock, and sometimes conflicts with passengers occur. You have to be a psychologist, a foreman, and a mechanic at the same time.

We constantly monitor drivers with up to three years of experience. When training young specialists, the first thing we do is talk about how to behave in different situations on the road, practice actions when foreign objects are detected on rolling stock, and explain how best to talk with hooligans. If I notice that a driver is committing some kind of violation, I will definitely go up to him and explain why this cannot be done and what the consequences are. Even a subtle violation, such as slight speeding, can cause a car to derail.

If you choose this profession, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a difficult and very responsible job. It is necessary to be punctual and monitor your health, as we undergo daily medical examinations and annual medical examinations. And, despite the schedule, you need to be able to rest properly.

Lyubov Pylaeva, future tram driver:

I’m in my second month of studying, and we’ll be going to practice soon. Of course, there are difficulties. The material is completely new to me, and I need to remember as much as possible in a short period of time. But in general, the teachers are excellent, they present knowledge in an interesting way. I am already mentally prepared for practical training. I would like to try it as soon as possible, to see the tram itself. We have a very good group, we all help each other. I’m not a St. Petersburg person at all, I’m from a small town in the Kaluga region. When I came here, I really liked trams, and I wanted to become a tram driver.

Oleg Pavlov, future tram driver

I have been living in St. Petersburg for about two years now, I came from Orel. I always wanted to transport people, and the tram is the most beautiful form of transport. You could say it was a childhood dream. So I decided to become a tram driver. For me, there was nothing difficult about studying the theory; anyone can master it. I am a process technician by training, maybe that’s why everything comes so easy to me. And the most exciting lessons for me were the lessons on electrical equipment - probably because I knew little about it.

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