Measures to protect the Amur tiger. Project "Tigers Ask for Protection"

As part of the charity program, special debit and credit cards are issued, when used, the bank transfers a certain percentage of its profits to measures to save and preserve one of the rarest and most beautiful predators on the planet - the Amur tiger. At the same time, cardholders themselves do not pay anything, but simply use the card to pay for their purchases.

Predator percentage

The payment card with the image of touching tiger cubs is part of a joint information and educational project of the Amur Tiger Center, established by the Russian Geographical Society in 2013, and Rosselkhozbank. The goal of the project is to draw the attention of as many Russians as possible to the problem of conserving the Amur tiger and the need to take care of the environment. Residents of the country who have joined the program can help the defenders of the most beautiful predator not only morally, but also financially. Every time the owner of the card pays with it, Rosselkhozbank, from its own funds, allocates a certain percentage of the cost of each purchase to promote the center’s projects, which include studying the rare predator, preserving and increasing its population in Russia, as well as creating a culture of harmonious relations between humans and predators.

Currently, there are about 520 Amur tigers living in Russia, and this is the largest population in a single continuous range. What do you need to protect these beautiful and brave animals from? The main threat to Amur tigers in our country is direct destruction. According to research, in 80% of cases tigers die due to the fault of people and only in 20% due to natural factors. Most often, the big cat becomes a victim of poachers, who smuggle its skins, paws and other body parts into China. Due to their fault, up to 30 big cats die annually.

The funds of cardholders are not spent on charity - Rosselkhozbank directs part of its own profits to finance projects to strengthen the fight against poaching, technical equipment for hunting supervision services and protection services for specially protected natural areas of the Far East. The second direction is financing activities aimed at fostering a culture of respect for nature in society. If today's poachers cannot be re-educated by persuasion, then with the help educational programs you can prevent new ones from appearing.

Pleasant surprises

Participating in the Amur tiger conservation program is very simple. To do this, just apply for an “Amur Tiger” card by contacting any office of Rosselkhozbank and use it to pay for your everyday purchases. To open a card, you can also leave an application on the official website of Rosselkhozbank on the Internet at:

A grace period for lending is provided for Amur Tiger credit card holders. That is, if you buy something on credit using a card and return the money to the card during the grace period, you will not pay any interest - in fact, Rosselkhozbank will provide you with a free loan. If you fail to meet the grace period, you will be charged a percentage for using the loan. The interest rate on the Amur Tiger card is from 25.9 to 27.9%, and the maximum credit limit is up to 250 thousand rubles. The first year of card service will be free for you. This year, the partners of the bonus program “Their Fate is in Our Hands” became the association for the development of the tourism market “Union of Travel Agencies”, which included three large networks of travel agencies - “Last Minute Store”, “Hot Tours” and “TBG Network” , as well as the Perekrestok chain of stores, part of the X5 Retail Group. Details about the bonus program, as well as how to become a participant, can be found at any branch of Rosselkhozbank.

Paying with this credit card is a pleasure. Benefit both yourself and people. Or rather, animals. Photo: RosselkhozBank

Civic duty

"Security environment and the protection of animals on the verge of extinction is the civic duty of socially responsible organizations in Russia, which includes Rosselkhozbank, the bank’s press service told AiF. “The information and educational campaign in the media implemented by the Amur Tiger Center made it possible to effectively combine the resources of business and non-profit organizations to achieve maximum results in saving the predator listed in the Red Book.”

Since the beginning of the program, about 165 thousand people have become Amur Tiger card holders. Famous personalities also consider it their civic duty to save tigers. Last year, the faces of the campaign to protect the endangered predator were Candidate of Geographical Sciences and NTV TV presenter Alexander Belyaev, TV presenters Elena Vinnik And Timur Kizyakov. This year the program is presented Alexander Belyaev And Oksana Fedorova“I am glad to participate in the project for the second year in a row,” says Alexander Belyaev. - I believe that we will not allow the tigers to be offended. The Amur tiger should not disappear from the map of Russia. Their fate is in our hands."

The presenter also joined the program Good night, kids! Oksana Fedorova. The favorite children's program is expecting a new hero - an Amur tiger cub named Moore, and the beautiful presenter, of course, is not indifferent to the fate of his relatives. “I would like to take an active part in the protection of Amur tigers and the activities of the Amur Tiger Center in general,” admits Oksana. “It is necessary that as many people as possible learn about the problems of this rare animal and participate in its fate. After all, only by uniting can we stop the process of its disappearance.”

In 2015, the partners of the “Their Fate in Our Hands” program became the union of three large travel agency networks - “Last Minutes Store”, “Hot Tours” and “TBG Network”, as well as the “Perekrestok” chain of stores.-

White tiger according to feng shui

The strong and brave white tiger in Feng Shui is the hero of many legends and myths of China. One of them talks about ancient times when a certain woman lived. She gave birth to a child, but did it illegally, which was a great shame in those days. Therefore, she had to throw the baby into the field, but he survived. All because a tigress found him and raised him on her milk. The child grew up and became a famous person - the prime minister of the country.

According to another legend, the white tiger is associated with Confucius. It is believed that the master was born very ugly. The parents could not bear this and decided to leave the baby to die on the mountain. They simply believed that neither they nor anyone else needed him like that. And again the tiger acted as a savior, giving life to the child.

Another legend speaks of two brothers. They lived together on the same mountain. Sometimes they fought, and each time the white tiger got “food.” From this legend we can conclude that the white tiger is related to the manifestation of the forces of evil. This is partly true, but only if you treat this animal with a very difficult character incorrectly.

What does Feng Shui say about this?

Talisman of protection - tiger

Chinese art often uses the image of a tiger, it is very popular. There are many images depicting a white tiger that have come down to us from ancient times. To this day, this image is used very often. It is depicted in paintings, transferred to paper, embroidered, sculptures and talismans are created.

First of all, the White Tiger is one of the four main animals in Feng Shui that surround our house and according to which this house should be built. The most favorable location of the house is where the White Tiger is on the right when facing the house.

The protective function of the tiger image is very well known to feng shui masters. It is used as a guardian of home and family, and manifests itself as a symbol of good luck. As soon as it comes New Year, A tiger in the form of an image is placed above the door in order to bestow the family with its patronage and protection for the whole next year. This is the only way to live this time in peace. In China, the subject of painting “The Tiger Who Guards the House” is very popular.

In addition, the Tiger can help in a successful marriage and the birth of children. For example, in the Shankhxi province there is a tradition: when the bride enters the house, she takes two tigers with her. They are made from dough and hung over the newlyweds' bed. In another province, Henan, in the third lunar month of the Chinese calendar, a temple fair is held where feng shui images of the tiger are sold in various variations, created from a variety of materials.

Talisman power

The White Tiger Spirit is very strong, so you need to use its power carefully. Only in this case will it provide better protection from evil forces. In Feng Shui, tiger symbols are used very often. But only the correct placement and activation of the talisman will make it favorable. To do this you need:

  • Placement of the mascot. The ideal place is in the west or to the right of the front door. It must be made of metal, glass, stone or wood. In a simplified way, you can imagine it in the form of a cat, for example, made of white ceramics or in the form of a flowerpot on a western window.
  • Activation. There is no special need for activation, since the talisman itself is self-sufficient. But there is one rule. For proper protection of the house, the balance of the difficult nature of the Tiger can be achieved if a figurine or image of a dragon is placed next to it. Moreover, the tiger itself should be lower than the latter.
  • Other options. You can also use a tiger head made of fabric. She hangs herself on the gate. It's easy to make a paper image of an animal and hang it on the window as a curtain. Simply depict a tiger on pillows, blankets, shoes and children's toys. You don't have to use the White Tiger to tap into its power. You can, for example, paint a gazebo at your summer cottage in White color or a large boulder resembling a cat. In the spring, a flowering bush of lilac or viburnum can also act as a Tiger.

Important Warning

The white tiger is your protector

As already mentioned, the Feng Shui tiger is a very strong and sometimes even dangerous talisman. You can't just use it like that. Before installing the figurine, check if there are people in your house who were born in the year of the Boar, Rabbit, Rooster and other animals that may represent “food” for the Tiger. In this case, using the talisman is strictly prohibited. The warning is very serious, since even mothers of sons born in these years, according to Chinese belief, must actively resist if their sons want to marry girls born in the year of the Tiger. In this case, it is believed that the wife can cause the premature death of her husband.

In any case, this talisman is very strong and, if there are no contraindications, can be used to protect the home, improve the interior space, and make it more saturated with life-giving energy. It is ideal to use it in the form of figurines and small sculptures. And luck will never leave your home, and all affairs will have a wonderful ending.

Amur (Ussuri) tiger. The safety of these animals is the task of all Russians!

“Today no one will reproach us for doing nonsense,” Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said today about the conservation of tigers on our planet.

Currently, the Ussuri (Amur) tiger is under close attention of the Russian government.

I will not retell the horrors that television demonstrates and talks about.

We have reached the point where it is heard everywhere: the preservation of royal cats directly affects the preservation of humanity!

But these calls do not reach the consciousness of poachers! Just now there was a story on television about how one would-be hunter shot a tigress, as he says, “by accident” - he pulled the trigger and killed it! And the punishment is a 150 thousand ruble fine and 500 thousand rubles - legal costs. They say that the punishment will be toughened - up to execution...

The Amur tiger is a rare, endangered subspecies, listed in the Red Book of Russia, in the IUCN Red Book, and listed in Appendix 1 of the CITES Convention.

The tiger has long become a symbol of the wealth and grandeur of Russia's untouched nature. Now 90% of the total population of Amur tigers is concentrated in our country, and that is why Russia is responsible for the conservation of the Amur tiger on a global scale. Over 60 years, the number of Amur tigers has increased 10 times, and this is a little encouraging.

Currently, there is no direct threat of extinction for the Amur tiger, but its future continues to cause concern.

Leonardo DiCaprio, who arrived in St. Petersburg, allocated $1 million to protect these wonderful animals.
And Russia allocated 350 million dollars! This makes me happy too!
Until recently, the tiger was considered an enemy of man, an evil and cunning predator, and was exterminated mercilessly. The next Year of the Tiger will come in twelve years. Will the tigers manage to survive?

I have already written about the painstaking work the employees of the Safari Park in Gelendzhik do to care for and preserve local tigers.
I watched a story about Ussuri tigers in the news on the Russia-1 channel: the experts talked very interestingly about these amazing animals! They work with passion and great enthusiasm. I would like to wish these people good luck!

MOSCOW, July 29 – RIA Novosti. The Special Fund for the Protection of Amur Tigers was created in Russia on the initiative of President Vladimir Putin; it will be financed from extra-budgetary sources, the press service of the head of state reported.

“The fund was created in the form of an autonomous non-profit organization - the Amur Tiger Center, its founders were the Russian Geographical Society, the chairman of the board of trustees of which is Putin and which traditionally takes part in a large number of projects for the conservation of rare species of animals,” the press noted. Kremlin service.

They reported that the work of the tiger fund would be supervised by presidential assistant, head of the Kremlin Control Directorate Konstantin Chuychenko - he headed the organization’s supervisory board.

“The organization’s activities will be financed from extra-budgetary funds, including grants from the Russian Geographical Society,” the Kremlin assured.

The press service emphasized that the foundation will be engaged in preserving and increasing the Amur tiger population. “The experience of similar funds has shown that this form of activity makes it possible to solve the problem of preserving rare species of animals effectively,” the Kremlin believes. As an example, they cite the experience of the Leopard Conservation Fund, which is supervised by the head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Ivanov. Thanks to the efforts of this organization, the population of Far Eastern leopards has increased by one and a half times in recent years.

“The Tiger Fund was created to fulfill the obligations that Russia assumed following the results of the fund, organized on the initiative of the Russian side,” the press service said. The summit participants, 13 tiger range countries, set a goal of doubling the number of tigers in the wild within 12 years. The law recently signed by the President of the Russian Federation on tightening liability for the killing and trafficking of rare animals is also aimed at solving this problem.

The forum was attended by heads of government and representatives of countries where tigers remain: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, North Korea and Russia. For the first time, the fate of a rare species was discussed at such a high level.

Endangered and extinct tiger species. ReferenceCurrently, the tiger is preserved in the north of Iran, the north of Afghanistan, Hindustan, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, Java, Bali, some provinces of South and Northeast China, and the north of the Korean Peninsula.

Objectives of the organization

The activities of the ANO will be aimed at solving a number of priority tasks, including the fight against poaching, a comprehensive study of the Amur tiger and its habitat, and coordination of activities scientific organizations, ensuring a reliable accounting system; promoting the functioning and development of specially protected natural areas in the habitat of the Amur tiger in the Far East federal district; ensuring the work of mobile monitoring groups for the state of the forestry complex and wildlife.

Among other things, the fund intends to involve the Russian and international community in the practical implementation of projects for the conservation of the Amur tiger.

What has already been done

Endangered: The World's Rare and Unusual TigersFrom November 21 to 24, the International Forum on issues related to the conservation of tigers on earth is taking place in St. Petersburg. Due to constant persecution by humans and unfavorable changes in habitat conditions, the number of tigers is continuously falling and the distribution area is shrinking.

In order to preserve and increase the Amur tiger population, Russia has adopted a number of laws. The president also signed a law that toughens penalties for killing and trafficking (storage, transportation and sale) of rare cats, including Amur tigers. If previously both administrative and criminal liability were established for these acts, now exclusively criminal liability is introduced. Another document expanded the powers of rangers in the fight against poaching. In particular, now hunting inspectors can now inspect vehicles, tools and hunting products, draw up reports on the presence of signs of crimes in the relevant area.

Since March 31, by order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, cost standards for calculating the amount of damage caused to rare animal species have increased significantly. The cost standard for calculating the amount of harm to the Amur tiger and the Far Eastern leopard, for example, increased from 500 thousand rubles to 1.1 million rubles. Along with measures of criminal and administrative liability, compensation for damage according to increased standards will make it possible to further counteract criminal attacks against endangered species.

In October last year, a state nature reserve of regional significance “Sredneussuriysky” was created in the Primorsky Territory, which is designed to provide a corridor for seasonal migrations of tigers to China - the created reserve connected the population of the Amur tiger in Sikhote-Alin with a limited group of tigers on the Wandashan ridge in China. Without this step, it is impossible to restore the Amur tiger in China and ensure its normal existence in the north of Primorye.

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