Rice flake flour. Instant cereal porridge


As you know, historically, India, Thailand and Indochina are considered to be the birthplace of rice - countries where this cereal crop began to be cultivated more than seventy centuries ago. By the way, unlike Europe, where rice was brought only after the campaigns of Alexander the Great, in our country the first rice crops began to appear only in the seventeenth century on the orders of Peter I. The very word “rice” in Russia came into use at the end of the nineteenth century - before At that time it was called Saracen wheat or Saracen grain.

Today, the nutritional and beneficial properties of not only the grain itself, but also its derivatives - rice flour, paper, noodles, vinegar and, of course, rice flakes - are highly valued. Porridge made from healthy rice cereal has long become very important and healthy breakfast for many groups of people.

To cook rice flakes deliciously, while retaining most of their valuable properties, you need to boil water or milk, and then pour the hot liquid over the rice flakes. It is best to cover the steamed rice flakes with a lid, leaving them there for about ten minutes so that the porridge has time to cook well.

Rice flakes, along with all other cereals, go well with berries, fruits, and various types of nuts. Instead of sugar, when preparing rice cereal porridge, you can add natural honey or homemade jam. Calorie content of rice cereal (usually instant cooking) on average is about 360 kcal per hundred grams of this useful product.

Composition of rice flakes

Rice flakes can become a source of vitamins and minerals, as they contain: all the amino acids necessary for the human body, choline, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, A, E and PP, as well as useful minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese, iron, selenium, phosphorus and sodium.

Benefits of rice cereal

Undoubtedly, the nutritional value of rice flakes is not so small, but rice is recognized as a dietary product, since it contains easily digestible proteins. That is why, if you want to get a considerable part of what the body needs biologically active substances and vitamins, as well as a boost of energy and strength for the whole day, it is recommended to cook rice flakes in water. This way you can avoid adding calories to the finished dish, have a great breakfast and fully benefit from rice flakes.

This valuable product contains dietary fiber and saturated fatty acids, as well as a whole group of vitamins PP, B, E and choline that are important for human health. The benefits of rice flakes cannot be denied also because they are rich in elements such as iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium. All this makes rice cereal an important food item on many people's menus.

Why are rice cereal harmful?

The product should not be introduced into the diet of those people who suffer from colitis, enteritis and have erosions or ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, do not forget that long-term consumption and replacement of other foods with rice flakes can lead to constipation.

Calorie content of Rice Flakes 360 kcal.

Energy value of the product Rice flakes (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Protein: 7 g (~28 kcal)
Fat: 1 g (~9 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 77 g (~308 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 8%|3%|86%

Contraindications for rice cereal

It is also worth noting that grains can cause allergic reactions, so they should be introduced into the diet gradually and not with grain mixtures, but with “mono” porridges.

Rice flakes in cooking

You can make the most ordinary milk porridge from rice flakes; it will cook very quickly and will taste excellent, but it’s much more interesting to use your imagination (calorizer). By adding any, preferably seasonal, berries and fruits, nuts and honey, we get a nutritious breakfast that is good on its own, but you can add milk or yogurt.

Rice flakes are great for making desserts and baked goods, especially muffins made with kefir and sour cream, cottage cheese casseroles and cheesecakes, to which rice flakes can be added instead of semolina or flour. They are often combined with chocolate in recipes for brownies and light cakes. Also, rice flakes will make an original breading for tender fish.

Oat + Rice flakes in cooking

To prepare porridge from a mixture of oatmeal and rice flakes for the whole family (for example, 4 people), you need to add 2 cups of cereal to a boiling liquid (5 glasses of water, juice or milk). After cooking for three minutes, simmer under the lid. Season with salt and sugar if desired and to taste.

With these flakes you can please your family with curd and yogurt mousse. To prepare it you need:

  • Dissolve 4 gelatin plates in water according to the instructions, then add 100 grams of warm raspberry (strawberry) juice.
  • Mix 200 grams of cottage cheese, sugar and yogurt. Pour the gelatin mixture into them and stir.
  • Whip 200 grams of cream, 200 grams of cereal and 300 grams of raspberries.
  • Combine everything, place in molds and refrigerate for 2 hours. Decorate the finished dessert with fresh berries.

July 21, 2018

Rice is one of the most common grains in the world. Rice cultivation began in Asia 7 thousand years ago. Now, using a unique technology, rice grains are mechanically processed, flattened and turned into flakes that have not lost the properties and taste of whole rice. Today we will study rice cereal, its benefits and harm.

These flakes are quite nutritious - 360 kcal per 100 g of product, so consuming them in large quantities is unwise. But even if you are struggling with excess weight, rice cereal porridge should not be completely excluded from the menu, because, oddly enough, they are recognized as a dietary product. Why - let's figure it out together.

Rice flakes are a source of many beneficial substances: calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium and phosphorus. They also enrich the body with vitamins B, A, E and PP. In addition, flattened rice retains fiber and amino acids.

This composition makes rice flakes a product that:

  • strengthens bone tissue and teeth;
  • gives healthy shine and rapid growth to hair;
  • prevents nails from breaking and peeling;
  • increases working capacity;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps overcome depression and stress;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • cleanses the body of toxic compounds;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • corrects blood pressure readings;
  • relieves heart rhythm disturbances;
  • removes excess fluid and relieves swelling;
  • has a beneficial effect on kidney function;
  • eliminates unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

To get these benefits, you need to eat rice cereal regularly. Nutritionists advise paying attention to the fact that rice flakes contain easily digestible protein. This protein allows you to restore cell structure and feel more energetic without the risk of fat deposits.

It is best if the daily dose of cereal does not exceed 150 g. You should not add fatty dairy products to dietary dishes made from rice derivatives.

Only high-quality rice flakes have healing properties! When purchasing, make sure that the packaging of the product is intact and that no foreign impurities are found in the composition. Be sure to check if the cereal ingredients have been tested by toxicologists, as arsenic may be used in rice cultivation.

Secrets of using rice cereal

Rice flakes can be used in different ways - in cooking, cosmetology, and even to strengthen the body of a child who is only a few months old. Knowing a few nuances will convince you that a bag of processed rice is a real gift for the whole family.

  • Baby food.

Thinking that rice cereal is only suitable for adults is a mistake. Most cereals are high in gluten, a strong allergen that causes intolerance attacks in children. But rice cereal is gluten-free! Pediatricians believe that small portions of rice cereal are ideal as complementary foods for six-month-old babies.

  • Base for delicacies.

The most famous way to process rice cereal is, of course, porridge. The product is kept covered in boiling water for 10 minutes - this way you get a very simple and maximally healthy food. Yogurt, milk, condensed milk and nuts turn porridge into dessert. But this is not the only way to prepare cereal from the popular cereal! This product can replace flour in baking recipes. Rice flakes are also an excellent breading for fish or meat steaks.

  • Cosmetic product.

Rice flakes bring back beauty not only when eaten. If you add this ingredient to homemade face masks or lotions and hand creams, you will achieve amazing results: fine wrinkles will disappear, and the skin will become soft, moisturized and smooth.

Lose weight with...calories

Rapidly digestible protein, found in rice and cereal derivatives, is simply necessary in the “battle for slimness,” because no one wants to faint from hunger and exhaust their body. Rice cereal will help you lose weight without these sacrifices.

If you eat cereal in the form of porridge without additives for breakfast for 1-3 weeks, the absorption of fat obtained from food eaten during the day will worsen. But, of course, you shouldn’t put too much pressure on fatty foods, hoping for the miraculous properties of rice flakes.

Another option for losing weight using high-calorie flattened grains of rice is porridge with water before bed. A serving of porridge should not exceed 40 g, otherwise, instead of removing toxins, toxins and bad cholesterol, you will achieve weight gain, because after dinner you do not go to work to waste calories.

On a note! Salt, sugar, seasonings, and milk should not be added to rice cereal dishes intended for losing weight.

Super-healthy cereal sometimes turns bad

Despite the useful chemical composition rice cereal, in some cases they can seriously harm your health. First of all, you need to check whether you have an individual intolerance to this product. If you cannot tolerate rice or feel unwell after eating a spoon or two of high-quality, properly prepared rice cereal, it is better to exclude this product from the menu.

Also, do not forget that rice grains have the ability to fight diarrhea - excessive consumption of flakes from this cereal leads to severe constipation, which is difficult to respond to medications.

Rice cereal dishes are contraindicated for people suffering from:

Keep in mind that rice cereal contains less dietary fiber than whole rice, so if you are seriously thinking about deep colon cleansing, instant porridge is clearly not for you.

In modern kitchens, the use of rice is widespread. Cereals are endowed with the most valuable nutritional and beneficial properties. Therefore, most housewives around the world choose this cereal and its derivatives: rice vinegar, flour, noodles, and, of course, rice flakes. The translucent and fragile product is successfully added to various dishes.


Rice flakes - result of use modern methods processing and flattening of rice grains. With the help of innovative devices, the familiar taste and beneficial qualities of such a nutritious product are preserved.

Many people prefer to start their morning by preparing a delicious and satisfying rice cereal porridge. To avoid losing valuable substances during the cooking process, it is recommended to add boiling water or hot milk to the cereal. Finally, cover the dish with a lid for 10-15 minutes.

You can cook not only hearty porridge from cereals, but also prepare various desserts and puddings. The ingredient is ideal for breading when frying cutlets, chops and crispy fish. At home, you can even make a restaurant-quality rice dessert in combination with delicate marshmallow buttercream. Butter baked goods based on rice product, instead of the usual flour, will turn out light and airy.

Guests will certainly be surprised by a light dessert - delicious muffins made from rice flakes with kefir. A simple recipe will allow any housewife to prepare a delicacy. You just need to pour kefir over the flakes for a while. Next, add the pre-prepared mixture of rice flour, sugar and butter. Bake the muffins in the oven and serve with tea.

Composition, benefits and harm

In addition to being easy to prepare, the product contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body.

  • Rice flakes are quite filling and high in calories - 100 grams contain about 360 calories. In this regard, it is recommended to eat such food in small portions.
  • Significant calorie content does not prevent the product from being a complex carbohydrate containing easily digestible protein. That is why cereals are considered dietary, they the best option for food restrictions.
  • Calcium and phosphorus, which are contained in the composition, strengthen the skeletal system and teeth, and zinc improves the structure of the nail plates and hair.
  • Numerous minerals and vitamins contribute to the health of the body and energize it for active actions.
  • Rice is an excellent antidepressant. Regular consumption of cereal normalizes nerves, improves general condition and mood.
  • Dietary fiber contained in cereals helps the proper functioning of the digestive system, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, and normalizes metabolism. Fiber helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, so it must be included in the diet of diabetic patients.

  • Flakes have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, perfectly normalize blood pressure and cope with arrhythmia.
  • The product regulates the normal functioning of the kidneys and removes excess water from the body. And regular use prevents the appearance of edema in the future.
  • Cereal copes remarkably well with bad breath caused by many reasons.
  • This is the most valuable product for baby food. Rice flakes do not contain the allergen gluten. Infants can be given the product as their first complementary food starting from as early as six months.
  • Despite the fact that the flakes are still a derivative product, all useful substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) are preserved.
  • Starch, present naturally in cereals, can be significantly broken down as a result of processing. Therefore, rice cereal porridge is easily digestible even for a child’s body.
  • The porridge actually comes out “with a charge of energy.” From such food the body obtains the necessary energy and valuable substances without wasting energy on its breakdown.

It is necessary to understand that irrational use of such a useful product is fraught with constipation. In addition to its benefits, the rice product can be harmful to people with stomach ulcers and chronic colitis. Flakes are also excluded from the diet if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

And do not forget that any product should be consumed in moderation. If you eat cereal in large quantities, it can turn into centimeters on your waist.

Cooking for children

Considering that cereal porridges are very filling and dense, it is not advisable to completely fill your child’s diet with them. But it is quite recommended to pamper yourself with a delicious casserole, muffin and a small portion of porridge several times a week.

Modern parents never have enough time to fully care for their children. Even a mother on maternity leave does not have time to stand and prepare healthy dishes for hours. But it is still necessary to feed the child well. What if the baby has not yet cut his teeth, but variety in the diet is already needed? Cereals will definitely come to the rescue. They are quite light, so just brew the cereal in boiling water or hot milk, and excellent rice porrige served to the table. To keep your baby full and happy with breakfast, porridge must be cooked only with milk.

Weight: 400g

Rice Flakes are made from high quality whole rice grains, pre-hulled and crushed into fine flakes without the use of additives or preservatives. They make tasty and nutritious porridges that retain natural vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. But rice flakes are bought not only for porridges: they are suitable for baking cookies, pies, crispbreads, bread and baked goods, as well as as a dietary supplement to kefir, yogurt or jelly.

Appearance and color: A mixture of rice flakes of varying degrees of grinding, a small amount of broken flakes is allowed. White with various shades.

Taste: Peculiar this product, without foreign tastes, not sour, not bitter.

Smell: Characteristic of this product, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy.

Compound: rice flakes. The product may contain traces of gluten and lactose.

Storage: at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and a relative air humidity of not more than 75% in a place protected from foreign odors.

Best before date: 16 months.

The nutritional value

Proteins - 7.0g/3.0g/4.0%, Fats - 1.0g/0.5g/0.6%, Carbohydrates - 74.0g/30.0g/8.2%, Dietary fiber - 3, 0g/1.0g/3.3%, Energy value (calorie content) - 330.0kcal/1380.0kJ/130.0kcal/540.0kJ/5.2%.

For 1 serving – 40g: 1/3 cup (60 ml) rice flakes, 1 cup (200 ml) water, milk or juice. Boil water (milk, juice), pour the cereal into the boiling liquid. Cook for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Simmer for a minute under the lid. If you prepare rice flakes for savory dishes, you can add vegetables, legumes, and meat ingredients to them. For sweet porridges and baked goods, rice flakes are sweetened with sugar, honey, berries, jam and butter.

Rice flakes are a product made by flattening rice grains into thin sheets. It is a rich source of minerals and vitamins: rice flakes contain vitamins B, PP, E, as well as zinc, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, selenium, iron, sodium and phosphorus. Buy in Moscow at affordable price You can buy rice flakes in the Utkonos online hypermarket.

Do we need to talk about the health benefits of cereal and rice in general? Rice improves immunity, normalizes the activity of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. Cereals are a balanced dietary food that is often included in children's diets, as well as in the diets of vegetarians and diabetics.

The fiber contained in the flakes allows the product to be satisfying, absorb glucose and fats, thus preventing an increase in blood sugar and the entry of fats into the blood vessels. Fiber removes all harmful substances, so lovers of rice cereals do not complain about digestive problems. Flakes serve as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Rice flakes are a complex carbohydrate necessary for sports and maintaining good health.

What to cook?

This product serves as the basis for preparing regular milk porridge. The porridge cooks quickly and turns out tasty and healthy. You can use alternative ways to consume rice cereal for breakfast. For example, add any, preferably seasonal, fruits and berries, as well as honey and nuts to the porridge. Breakfast will be nutritious, especially if with milk or yogurt.

You can also make desserts and baked goods from the flakes:

  • cottage cheese casseroles,
  • syrniki,
  • cupcakes.

Rice flakes can be added to these dishes instead of flour or semolina. The flakes also act as an excellent breading for preparing tender fish.

The online hypermarket "Utkonos" sells and delivers quality products from well-known manufacturers across affordable price. Delivery in Moscow is carried out around the clock. Welcome to shop in our online hypermarket!

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