Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. Story-based games in environmental education of preschoolers

“CHEST” for educators, parents and children

and children's development!

Quiz script for senior children
"What do we know about summer!"
Goals and objectives:
To consolidate the knowledge of preschool children about the season SUMMER.
To develop a respectful attitude towards nature, the ability to see and appreciate it
Develop thinking ability, resourcefulness, ingenuity; bring up
responsibility, organization.
Children enter with music
Dance composition using sports attributes, on
in the background is a video about how the children spent their summer. At the end of the composition the children
occupy pre-allocated seats.
Child 1
Where does summer come from?
Does anyone know this?
"He'll probably come by train."
"Read in the chat -
He'll ride on a scooter!"
"Summer will come
On an old bike!"
: “Well, you give it!
Summer is on the plane!"
Child6 "This time
Keep your eyes on him.
Me last year in May
I saw summer on the tram."
Child 7
- Not true! We're all used to it
By summer on a motorcycle.
Child 8
- I saw him being taken
In a white car.
Child 9
- Not true! It's in the carriage!
Child 10

Come visit us, we have a lot of interesting material for education and training
and children's development!

- In the carriage?.. Well, what can I say?
— I’ll tell those who don’t understand:
There's a yacht at sea in the summer!
And summer came on foot,
Spun barefoot in the meadows.
And everyone was surprised by this.
Hello summer!
Summer enters to the music.
Summer: Hello guys. How big and tanned you all are. Fine
did you relax in the summer?
Children: Yes!
Summer: Let's check if we know what SUMMER is? Shall we have a game quiz?
Children: Yes!
Music sounds, children are divided into two teams “Rose” and “Sunflower”
Leto takes a place on one of the teams.
Captains, introduce your teams:
Our sunflower is like the sun.
Happy to see yellow petals.
Looking at the seeds through the window
And they wink at us
Rose - a symbol of perfection
Wisdom and purity.
Recognize her supremacy
Among the colorful flowers.
Question-answer competition
Children take turns asking riddle questions to each other.
1. "sunflower"
Well, which one of you will answer:
It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
And not a baker, but a baker?
Answer: Sunny

It happens after the rain
covers half the sky.
The arc is beautiful, colorful,
It will appear, then melt away.
Answer: Rainbow

2. "sunflower"

“CHEST” for educators, parents and children
Come visit us, we have a lot of interesting material for education and training
and children's development!

Little fashion-girl
She sat on her palms.
Little red dress
With black peas
Answer: ladybug

Moved around the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off
And he took off and flew away
Answer: Butterfly

3. "sunflower"
These months are brothers
similar to everyone
very, too much.
And the heat and the rains,
and by their names.
Answer: June and July

The night is longer, the day is shorter,
The rain wets the ground more and more often,
Apples and pears are ripe,
The berries are boiled and dried -
Prepare for future use -
Summer is coming soon!
What month? Guess,
And then see September!
Answer: August

4. "sunflower"
Touches you a little with a gentle wave
And it will rock you and me.
It will allow you to swim to the buoy...
And we can’t go any further for now!
Answer: Sea

If you want, dive into the water,
If you want, play in the sand.
How many castles can you create here!
What kind of place is it? ...Answer: Beach

“CHEST” for educators, parents and children
Come visit us, we have a lot of interesting material for education and training
and children's development!

I am close to my native land
And I blush near the stump.
That's why they call it
People are kind to me.
Answer: Strawberry

Sometimes it's blacker than night.
The sky is blue blue.
Who wants to eat more -
It will be more decorated.
Answer: Blueberry

The relay is called “Pick the Berries”
Pictures (vegetables, berries, fruits) are laid out on the table.
The first child runs on command and puts down a picture with a berry and passes it on
basket and so on, the whole team takes turns.
At the end of the game, the presenter and parents check the correctness of the children’s choice.
In the summer I saw a rainbow:
“Oh yes beauty!
Who painted you?
in different colors?
In summer there is often a rainbow after rain.
"Collect the Rainbow"
Children use cardboard strips to assemble rainbows on tables.
Slide "Rainbow"
Slide quiz.
Here are the daisies, look
Lost petals.
Help, help
Collect chamomile petals.
And now the competition - the “Collect a daisy” relay race.
At some distance from the teams on the track there is a yellow circle -
chamomile core. Each participant holds a flower petal. On signal
Children take turns running up to the circle and placing their petal on it.
The first team to collect the flower wins and receives a chip.

“CHEST” for educators, parents and children
Come visit us, we have a lot of interesting material for education and training
and children's development!

Competition “I know many flowers”
The teams take turns naming flowers and throwing the ball to each other.
Our final competition for captains. It's called "Draw
Sun". But the task is complicated by the fact that it must be completed with
Competition: Homework - Story on the topic “Summer is a wonderful time”
Presentation of photographs of children.
Well done boys! I think it's time to summarize the quiz. Summer! Liked it
do you like our guys?
Summer: Yes! I prepared gifts for them.
Dance “This is what our summer is like”

“CHEST” for educators, parents and children
Come visit us, we have a lot of interesting material for education and training
and children's development!

Indian summer begins on September 14 (September 1, old style). For us, this means that autumn brings a little more summer warmth before the cold weather. What do we know about “Indian summer”?...

It is interesting that the concept itself exists in other countries, but it is dated to different times. In Poland and the Czech Republic, “Indian summer” refers to prolonged warm weather in the fall, regardless of the month. In Bulgaria there is an “Indian Spring” - the so-called “Indian Days” correspond to the end of March...

In some areas of Germany, at the end of the nineteenth century, there was one day or even several hours a year that were considered feminine. On this day, husbands had to obey their wives and unquestioningly fulfill all their desires and commands.

In Brussels there was also such a day - January 19, when a woman was considered the sovereign mistress of the house, and her husband was obliged to obey her in everything. In Ukraine, "Indian summer" begins from October 1 to October 8, old style. Why this particular time is explained by legend.

Once upon a time, there was a strong cold these days. Not all of the fruits in the gardens had been harvested yet, so they were bound to inevitably disappear. So the women, having gathered together, began to ask the Lord God to return warmth to them. The prayer was answered. And the warm time really returned, and the fruits were successfully collected. It was then that the first week after Intercession began to be called “Indian summer.”

Due to the fact that in the customs of different countries this time was considered a time when a man had to submit to his wife, the assumption arises that the expression “Indian summer” contains a remnant of the former dominance of women over men, and the word “summer” does not mean the time of year , and year, time.

In Russia, Indian summer has long been dedicated to the week from September 1 to 8, according to the old style. In this regard, there was an assumption that this time is called “Indian summer” because in September the constellation Pleiades, in other words, Baba, is visible in the sky.

Do you remember how at the beginning of September the thinnest cobwebs, barely visible to the eye, begin to fly? It is now known that it is woven by tiny spiders. And in ancient times, people did not know where the thinnest threads in the air came from. In pagan times, they believed that the appearance of cobwebs was the result of the work of the gods.

The pagan Slavs believed that one of the gods they worshiped entangled the entire world with invisible thin threads of a web. Later, after the adoption of Christianity, the origin of the threads began to be attributed to the Mother of God.

In the minds of the peasants, the threads of the web floating in the air meant that it was time to begin women’s work: weaving, spinning, sewing, knitting.

The time began for women at this time when they had to prepare fabrics and threads to sheathe and bind their entire family.

Indian summer begins on a day called Semin, or the day of Semyon the summer guide. On this day the Church remembers one of its great ascetics, Simeon the Stylite (IV-V centuries).

Since before 1700 the New Year began on September 1, many beginnings in peasant life are associated with this day. On Semyon's day, they usually extinguished the old fire, and in the morning they made a wood fire again by rubbing wood against wood. There was a tradition on Semin's Day to complete trade-related agreements and transactions. For many centuries, there was a custom on the day of Simeon to put a boy who had reached four years of age on a horse.

From that day on, women soaked hemp, dried and crushed flax, and dug potatoes. There was also an amusing custom of burying flies and cockroaches on this day so that they would not be found.

The anticyclone is to blame

Indian summer is not summer at all, which returned for a week or two in mid-September. Warm autumn days are the last waves of the Azores anticyclone, thanks to which the air and soil do not have time to cool quickly.

The Azores anticyclone is a huge area of ​​high pressure in the Atlantic. In summer it affects only the northern hemisphere, from 40° to 65° north latitude. The USA, all of Europe and the European part of Russia are under its influence. Therefore, Indian summer is a local phenomenon.

From May to September, anticyclones bring heat, and in the remaining months - cold. Since the weather changes according to a sinusoid, approximately once every 5-7 days a cyclone is replaced by an anticyclone and vice versa. In this regard, September in mid-latitudes is no different from other months. So “Indian summer” is just an anticyclone that has not yet had time to “cool down” for winter.

How trees help

Since a cyclone replaces an anticyclone approximately once a week, why does Indian summer last longer? It is believed that fallen leaves are to blame for this.

Indian summer comes to our country after the leaves begin to fall. Fallen leaves emit additional heat into the atmosphere, which does not allow the soil to cool quickly, and thereby delays the Indian summer for another couple of days.

Why doesn't Indian summer last longer?

In Russia, the arrival of Indian summer is traditionally expected by September 14th. But in Europe and the USA, Indian summer comes much later. In America, the “Indian summer” is expected from early October to mid-November, and in Germany from late September to early November.

By October, the air masses of the Azores anticyclone, which gives us Indian summer, weaken. They can no longer cross Europe and reach Russia, so continental cold comes into force in our country. But European countries will continue to enjoy the warmth brought from the ocean for several more weeks.

About spiders and cobwebs

In some countries, Indian summer is called “spider summer” or “Maryina yarn”. These names are associated with the fact that due to leaf fall, tree branches are exposed and previously invisible cobwebs become visible. Moreover, cobwebs often break off from trees and go flying.

Two Indian summers

Until the mid-20th century, it was believed that Indian summer came twice - at the end of August and mid-September. Each of them was associated with many signs, such as “if there is a lot of web in the air, then the autumn will be clear and the winter will be cold” or “Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.”

Today, only the “old” summer, which occurs in mid-September, is called Indian summer. “Young” comes in August, when it is still warm, so it often goes unnoticed.

Indian summer begins on September 14 (September 1, old style). For us, this means that autumn brings a little more summer warmth before the cold weather.

What do we know about “Indian summer”?...
It is interesting that the concept itself exists in other countries, but it is dated to different times. In Poland and the Czech Republic, “Indian summer” refers to prolonged warm weather in the fall, regardless of the month. In Bulgaria there is an “Indian Spring” - the so-called “Indian days” correspond to the end of March...

In some areas of Germany, at the end of the nineteenth century, there was one day or even several hours a year that were considered feminine. On this day, husbands had to obey their wives and unquestioningly fulfill all their desires and commands.

In Brussels there was also such a day - January 19, when a woman was considered the sovereign mistress of the house, and her husband was obliged to obey her in everything. In Ukraine, “Indian summer” begins from October 1 to October 8, old style. Why this particular time is explained by legend.

Once upon a time, there was a strong cold these days. Not all of the fruits in the gardens had been harvested yet, so they were bound to inevitably disappear. So the women, having gathered together, began to ask the Lord God to return warmth to them. The prayer was answered. And the warm time really returned, and the fruits were successfully collected. It was then that the first week after Intercession began to be called “Indian summer.”

Since in the customs of different countries this time was considered such when a man had to obey his wife, the assumption arises that the expression “Indian summer” contains a remnant of the former dominance of women over men, and the word “summer” denotes not the season, but the year, the time .

In Russia, for example, Indian summer has long been confined to the week from September 1 to September 8 according to the old style. In this regard, there was an assumption that this time is called “Indian summer” because in September the constellation Pleiades, in other words, Baba, is visible in the sky.

Do you remember how at the beginning of September the thinnest cobwebs, barely visible to the eye, begin to fly? It is now known that it is woven by tiny spiders. And in ancient times, people did not know where the thinnest threads in the air came from. In pagan times, they believed that the appearance of cobwebs was the result of the work of the gods.

The pagan Slavs believed that one of the gods they worshiped entangled the entire world with invisible thin threads of a web. Later, after the adoption of Christianity, the origin of the threads began to be attributed to the Mother of God.

In the minds of the peasants, the threads of the web floating in the air meant that it was time to begin women’s work: weaving, spinning, sewing, knitting.

The time began for women at this time when they had to prepare fabrics and threads to sheathe and bind their entire family.

Indian summer begins on a day called Semin, or the day of Semyon the summer guide. On this day the Church remembers one of its great ascetics, Simeon the Stylite (IV-V centuries).

Since before 1700 the New Year began on September 1, many beginnings in peasant life are associated with this day. On Semyon's day, they usually extinguished the old fire, and in the morning they made a wood fire again by rubbing wood against wood. There was a tradition on Semin's Day to complete trade-related agreements and transactions. For many centuries, there was a custom on the day of Simeon to put a boy who had reached four years of age on a horse.

From that day on, women soaked hemp, dried and crushed flax, and dug potatoes. There was also an amusing custom of burying flies and cockroaches on this day so that they would not be found.

The anticyclone is to blame
Indian summer is not summer at all, which returned for a week or two in mid-September. Warm autumn days are the last waves of the Azores anticyclone, thanks to which the air and soil do not have time to cool quickly.

The Azores anticyclone is a huge area of ​​high pressure in the Atlantic. In summer it affects only the northern hemisphere, from 40° to 65° north latitude. The USA, all of Europe and the European part of Russia are under its influence. Therefore, Indian summer is a local phenomenon.

From May to September, anticyclones bring heat, and in the remaining months - cold. Since the weather changes according to a sinusoid, approximately once every 5-7 days a cyclone is replaced by an anticyclone and vice versa. In this regard, September in mid-latitudes is no different from other months. So “Indian summer” is just an anticyclone that has not yet had time to “cool down” for winter.

How trees help
Since a cyclone replaces an anticyclone approximately once a week, why does Indian summer last longer? It is believed that fallen leaves are to blame for this.

Indian summer comes to us after the leaves begin to fall. Fallen leaves emit additional heat into the atmosphere, which does not allow the soil to cool quickly, and thereby delays the Indian summer for another couple of days.

Why doesn't Indian summer last longer?
If in Russia the arrival of Indian summer is traditionally expected by September 14, then in Ukraine, Europe and the USA, Indian summer comes much later. In America, “Indian summer” is expected from early October to mid-November, and in Germany - from late September to early November.

By October, the air masses of the Azores anticyclone, which gives us Indian summer, weaken. They can no longer cross Europe and reach Russia, because continental cold takes effect there. But Ukraine and European countries will enjoy the warmth brought from the ocean for several more weeks.

About spiders and cobwebs
In some countries, Indian summer is called “spider summer” or “Maryina yarn”. These names are associated with the fact that due to leaf fall, tree branches are exposed and previously invisible cobwebs become visible. Moreover, cobwebs often break off from trees and go flying.

Two Indian summers
Until the mid-20th century, it was believed that Indian summer came twice - at the end of August and mid-September. Each of them was associated with many signs, such as “if there is a lot of tenetnik (autumn cobweb) in the air, then the autumn will be clear and the winter will be cold”
or “Indian summer is dry - autumn is wet.”

Kyiv, Ukraine

Ontario, Canada


Paris, France





Autumn, "Indian summer..."

The poet Fyodor Tyutchev wrote about Indian Summer:
“There is a short time in the original autumn. But it’s a wonderful time. The whole day is like crystal and the evenings are radiant”...

“And it’s scary that this magical, colorful fairy tale is about to end, rain and slush will begin, and my intoxicating miracle - Indian summer - will go away.”

Photos of autumn in some countries

Essay Summer night (with the words quiet, wilderness, night, midnight, owl, reeds, rye, trembling)

What is a summer night? These are bright stars in the sky that can be seen in all their glory only in the wild. A summer night is a warm breeze that gets tangled in the hair and plays with it quietly, and they, in turn, enjoy a gentle embrace.

Essay Why I Love Summer

Summer is a wonderful time of year, isn't it? Nature shows its wonders in full force, dressing everything around in green (and many other) outfits. Animals are in full control of the streets, fulfilling their roles and tasks.

Essay Summer Rain

Rain is always the same, it doesn't change, but we look at it differently. Autumn rain brings sadness and thoughts, winter rain brings slush and swell, spring rain brings joy and thunder.

Today I will talk about my experience when I went to the sea for the first time. It was beautiful, bright, unforgettable. For those interested, read on.

Essay How I want to spend my summer

Holidays. This word evokes so many positive emotions, memories and new plans. We always look forward to them and cross out the remaining days on the calendar with a smile.

The last month of spring ends - May, and at the same time the next academic year. The long-awaited summer holidays are coming, where you can take a break from long classes and endless homework.

Essay Where would I like to go in the summer and why? 5th grade (at sea, to the village, to Paris)

I'm looking forward to the summer holidays. I really want to use them to visit my grandmother in the village. Last summer I spent almost three months with her.

Essay What do I expect from summer reasoning

Summer is the most wonderful time of the year. What do I expect from summer? First of all, I look forward to summer, like all those who study at school, college, and university, I look forward to the long-awaited summer holidays.

Essay My summer holidays

The long-awaited summer has arrived. Three months of rest. My parents decided to spend it not at the dacha, but to take me to the sea. So that I tan and improve my health. Because I can't handle heat well

Essay Summer is a little life

Summer is a special time. You can forget about school for three whole months. What to do in the summer and how to spend time profitably. Only in summer can you begin to harden your body. To do this, swim in a river, in a pond, under a shower with cool water or in a pool

Every summer is filled with bright events and pleasant memories. Last summer, my dad and I went to visit his brother. This trip was a real summer adventure

Essay Summer Country Nights

Summer village nights. Every person who is lucky enough to spend a night in the village at least once in his life will never forget these magical memories.

Summer is a wonderful time. I always look forward to this time of year, because in the summer it’s warm, you can walk longer, because it gets dark later. I love summer because at this time of year I have fun: I play with friends, go with my family to swim at the sea and relax

Essay on the most boring day of the holidays

Everyone says that the most boring days during the holidays are when it rains. But I don't agree with this. For me, the most boring day was the hottest one. When the stuffiness was unbearable

Like any child, I always look forward to summer. Life flies by quickly in summer, but you remember it more than anything else. My best day was the first time I visited the capital's amusement park

This summer I went to camp. The voucher was given to my mother at work. When I found out that I was going to the camp, I was very happy. I immediately started thinking about what I would need at camp. I decided that I would take a couple of toy cars

Essay How I spent my summer holidays

All schoolchildren love summer holidays: both those who do not really like school, and even excellent students

Summer is my favorite time of the year. Because every day of the summer holidays is filled with vivid impressions, new events, and interesting acquaintances.

This summer has been absolutely wonderful. I spent almost all my time at my grandmother’s dacha. She has a German Shepherd named Bars in her yard. Even though the dog is a guard dog, it turned out to be very kind towards me.

Summer is my favorite time of the year, a wonderful time full of joy and fun! I always spend warm summer days with benefit and pleasure.

Essay on the topic Park in summer or summer in the park

The long-awaited summer has arrived - the city has become stuffy, dusty and very hot. However, every town, even the smallest one, has its oases. These are parks and squares. When you run into such a place from the scorching sun, it’s as if you find yourself in another world.

One summer, as always, I was walking with a neighboring boy, Vaska, on the outskirts of the village not far from my grandmother’s house. We have our own small house there, built by us from branches and unnecessary boards. And suddenly I heard squeaking sounds somewhere not far away.

Every year, in the summer, I go to the village to visit my grandmother. I spend the whole summer there. It's very nice there. I have many friends there. And most of all I love spending time with my horse

Probably, each of us has certain memories that involuntarily make us think about something, reflect, or simply make us smile. This is exactly how I associate summer

What could be more beautiful than a summer walk in the forest? After all, many artists, poets and poems dedicate their paintings to this. Only at this time of year the forest is beautiful in its own way and it seems that it has its own secret.

Just recently, the sun shone so brightly that you had to close your eyes while walking around the city. More and more often, a cold breeze makes you shiver from the unpleasant feeling of autumn on your shoulders

I spent this summer in my hometown. Every morning I woke up at 8, or even 9 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast, the boys and I played football and other games in the yard for a long time, or simply ran races.

Summer in the village means fresh air, blue skies, the fragrant smell of the forest, a variety of delicious berries and mushrooms. I'm looking forward to the hot summer days to experience the unforgettable atmosphere of being close to nature.

Essay Summer at sea (trip to the sea)

This summer, the whole family will go on vacation to the Black Sea again, as every year we try to adhere to this tradition. I'm looking forward to this magical time

Hooray! It's summer. This is the most favorite time of the year, as you really look forward to it. I was really looking forward to these holidays, as in the summer there is an opportunity to relax and gain new strength for the next school year

I like Indian summer. Autumn has arrived, it's rainy and cold. Sad. And then it turns out that they will give you another piece of summer. It becomes warm and beautiful. The leaves have already turned yellow.

The weather in summer is very warm and sunny. You can go to the river, to the outdoor pool and swim there

What should be the style of communication to win an audience among representatives of generation Z - by 2020 they will make up 40% of the market.

To bookmarks

Before the media and analysts could catch up with millennials, representatives of Generation Z came under the marketing lens. Everyone born after 1996 is now under scrutiny. And they are no longer those annoying younger ones from the yard.

Why don't we understand them?

I'm only 28, but I'm no longer in the know. It’s hard not to think about this when you’re trying to make sense of youth values ​​in your news feed. It’s not clear why rap battles, game streams, and swearing vloggers suddenly became new trends. But you have to figure it out, because otherwise your articles and publications will stop working, and your clients will leave.

1. Lack of authorities and subcultures

In every class there is a student who understands computer science better than his teacher. Anyone can find on the Internet something that the teacher does not know. Zetas do not accept subordination, they build partnerships with parents, teachers and managers at work.

This generation is not characterized by the emergence of any subcultures or archaic tastes in music. Hobbies are no longer markers of belonging to a group. It's normal to listen to different music, wear different styles of clothes, and try new things all the time.

2. Quick success

Representatives of Generation Z want the quick success that everyone around them is talking about. There have been enough crises in Russia in recent years to convince them that their best efforts can come to nothing. Then why bother? They are looking for themselves.

It costs them nothing to graduate from Higher School of Economics and then take a place in a rock band on drums. At the same time, the lack of a simple and clear plan for achieving success is frightening - they lack independence, which often makes them ideal performers.

Enjoying life is the main criterion. If it is difficult, then this is not the right path. We need to look for a new one. Life should be varied, and recognition should be social.​

This generation has no stable preferences, no constant loyalty to brands. Trends change every second. Yes, these are no longer trends, but so-called “hype”. It’s cool to be on the wave of hype, it’s cool to be in the know. Hype spreads virally on social networks. This explains the success in SMM, for example, of Aviasales, which deals with situational marketing in a delicate manner.

A few more facts that help to better understand the Z-generation:

  1. They are always online: 86% constantly use their smartphone throughout the day.
  2. But 79% think people could pay less attention to mobile devices.
  3. 76% are puzzled by the impact of humans on the planet.
  4. 84% multitask on their smartphone at the same time.
  5. People are expected to work for at least four companies in their lifetime.
  6. 80% believe that they are more purposeful than their parents.
  7. 52% use YouTube or social media for studying.
  8. 66% say technology provides them with endless opportunities.
  9. 72% want to start their own business one day.
  10. 43% say their purchasing decisions are influenced by the opinions of friends (35%), friends of friends (23%) and celebrities (10%).

They don't have any problems with attention. From birth they are surrounded by so much information that they have acquired a superpower - to filter out everything unnecessary. This explains the emergence of the “eight seconds” rule, during which you need to have time to attract attention. That's why video is close to them. In eight seconds of a video, you can understand whether it will be interesting, whether you will like the presentation style or not.

How Generation Z consumes content

Mobile traffic has never been more important than it is now. If you still think that having a website is enough and mobile platforms are secondary, then you are dead. First of all, check how the content looks on a smartphone and tablet. Always go for the version that looks best on mobile.

However, it is hasty to draw clear conclusions that the Zetas prefer video. There are also pictures, interactive tests, games, infographics, comics, photo collections and memes. The text doesn't give up either. Of course, Gen Z reads less enthusiastically than Millennials, but they read nonetheless.

For videos, the changes were not in the amount watched, but in the source of the videos. If Generation Y watched more TV, this has moved almost entirely to the Internet.

Social networks are the main source of information, news, communication and entertainment. New media that appears and lives on the pages of social networks is perceived better by the Zetas. If only because it allows them to directly participate in the life of the publication: they left a comment, started a “holivar”, proved their point of view - and are happy.

What to do to make them like you

This is the first generation that had no problems accessing the Internet. They understand the value of their attention and do not want to waste it on something that is not interesting. They are allergic to openly sponsored projects. They do not like to feel barriers to information. They will not fill out unnecessary forms or register - instead they will simply go to another resource.

1. Create value

Don't worry about advertising and creativity, create value. Zetas no longer respond so well to vivid images. Despite what you may think, they are not magpies, attacking anything shiny. The ability to perfectly filter information helps them isolate useful content from information noise. Rejoice, fans of the information style, in which benefit and care for the reader are above all.

Be careful with celebrities in advertising - sometimes it is better to save your budget. 63% of respondents say they would like to see ordinary people who look like them in advertising, rather than celebrities. This is one of the reasons why vloggers are so popular on YouTube. Seemingly ordinary guys and girls are broadcasting things that are interesting for a generation. This inspires more confidence than a made-up Urgant. They care more about the content than the packaging.

2. Allergy to old age

If you have a cool “message” but an outdated website, they won’t understand you. You are automatically old and dull. They evaluate with their eyes first. It doesn't matter whether you are an industry leader or not. Plus, most likely, your first encounter will be through a smartphone, so if you have problems with the mobile version, I have bad news.

3. Don’t sell, but help and be equal

They know their strength very well. They know how to use social networks, they imbibed it from birth. Many people create accounts and websites on the Internet from school, attract an audience, and after receiving the first results, they immediately think about how to monetize their attention. To do this, they have the tools and beaten paths. They are independent and value those brands that give them great opportunities.

4. You must be everywhere

Their ability to multitask is to be envied. “Zetas” can do a dozen things at the same time, receiving information from different gadgets and sites. Your messages should be on all channels at the same time - social networks, YouTube, instant messengers, website, blog. Attention switches from the laptop to the TV, smartphone or tablet often and chaotically, so you have to be everywhere.

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