Police will receive a salary increase this year. How much does a police officer earn in Russia? The salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs over the past few years

Economist. Experience in management positions in the manufacturing sector. Date of: October 10, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

Police salaries will increase in October 2019 by 4.3%. The change will affect official salaries and allowances by rank, but will not affect the relative expression of allowances. As a result, the average salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 will be 39,000 rubles.

Will there be a salary increase for police officers in 2019?

Law enforcement officers experienced first-hand what reforms are. To strengthen the security forces, the requirements for police work were adjusted, the personnel and structure of law enforcement agencies were optimized, and recertification was carried out.

Everything changed except wages. In fact, since 2012, when salaries were increased by 2-3 times, the income of police officers has remained unchanged. The growth of average salaries was due to an increase in length of service and other allowances.

A 4% increase in salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in January 2018 actually neutralized the current price increase, but was unable to restore purchasing power, since over the past 5 years, police incomes have depreciated by 46%.

It is not surprising that the news about the gradual increase in salaries of law enforcement officers to 150%, compared to 2012, was received with caution. And, indeed, according to the May Presidential Decree, such a significant increase in salaries is planned, but it will occur in stages until 2024. But the new reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will start at the beginning of 2019 - preparations began in the last quarter of 2018. According to the new law, the following will happen:

  • merging of some structures;
  • transfer of some powers to other law enforcement agencies;
  • staff reduction;
  • refusal to release work units after the employee retires;
  • new certification.

Reference! There are no plans to raise the retirement age for military personnel and persons equivalent to them at this stage. However will increase to 25 years from 2019.

Is it possible that the new stage of reform will again affect most aspects other than monetary allowance? Definitely, in the coming months, salaries will not immediately increase by 1.5 times. But the draft budget already includes an increase in police salaries in 2019 and the next 2 years.

Moreover, not only the salary of police officers will increase, but also the pensions of former employees.

Latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the ongoing reform and salary increase in the video:

How much will the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased?

Initially, it was planned to index the salaries of police officers by 4% annually, which was supposed to cover the depreciation of salaries due to inflation. In August 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development issued a clarifying forecast for annual inflation. A level of no higher than 3.4% was indicated, which is 0.3 bp. higher than initial forecasts. It is these indications that the Ministry is guided by when drawing up the draft budget. How will the worsening economic situation affect the salaries of security forces? Will the government reduce the indicators to the level of inflation or, on the contrary, increase them against the backdrop of depreciation of income?

The exact plans became known from official sources after the country's draft federal budget was submitted for consideration. It reflects that military personnel and persons equivalent to them, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are scheduled to increase budget allocations for an annual increase in wages in 2019 by 4.3%.

If the draft budget is approved in this version, police salaries will increase by 4.3% in 2019.

For reference! The budget includes an increase in wages for law enforcement officers for 2020 in the amount of 3.8%, for 2021 - 4%.

Similar innovations are planned for salaries of employees of federal government agencies and.

Promotion deadlines

Ambiguous information is also being circulated in the press regarding the timing of the increase in wages - January, May and October are mentioned. When and to whom will payments be raised in 2019?

In January, only those police officers whose salary level is less than the minimum wage can qualify for an increase in payments. From the beginning of the year, this figure will increase by 1% to RUB 11,280. Therefore, ordinary entry-level employees, as well as trainees who earn less than the minimum wage, will receive additional payments up to this level automatically. In fact, their allowance will increase by 117 rubles. Other employees whose salaries are higher than these figures will not receive any additional payments in January.

For reference! The January increase will primarily affect public sector employees, namely , teachers and doctors.

There are no plans for a May increase in 2019. In the previous year, it was associated with a repeated increase in the minimum wage.

The main indexation of wages, which will affect the salaries of all police officers, will be carried out in October 2019. The same deadlines are indicated in the law for subsequent indexations.

What will be the average salary in the police?

The increase will only affect official salaries and payments for rank. However, this is only the basic part, on which various allowances are added. It is their indexing that will not be affected. For example, the bonus for length of service will not be indexed, but will increase due to the actual length of service.

Table 1. Changes in police salaries in 2019

Rank/position Salary 2018, rub. Salary from October 2019, rub.
Private 5 800 6 050
Sergeant 6 900 7 200
Lance Sergeant 7 200 7 500
Staff Sergeant 7 800 8 130
Sergeant Major 7 900 8 240
Ensign 8 300 8 660
Senior Warrant Officer 8 400 8 760
Ensign 9 600 10 010
Senior Lieutenant 10 700 11 160
Lieutenant 11 000 11 470
Captain 12 000 12 520
Major 12 500 13 040
Colonel 13 000 13 560
Major General 21 200 22 110
Lieutenant General 23 800 24 820
Senior investigator 25 000 26 075
Colonel General 25 500 26 600
General 28 500 29 730
Deputy head of department 31 000 32 330
Head of department 41 000 42 760
Deputy minister 45 300 47 250
Minister 50 000 52 150

When calculating the new salary of a police officer, not only wages for the rank will be taken into account, but also salaries for the position, which are also multiplied by a factor of 1.043. As for bonuses, they are calculated based on the salary. Therefore, in monetary terms they will automatically become larger.

The estimated average salary of a police officer in 2019 will increase to 37,500 rubles.

Dynamics of changes in police salaries over the past 10 years

A significant change in the amount of police pay was recorded in 2012.

Over 5 years, salaries have not increased, but the average salary has fluctuated, which is due to the introduction of new allowances and the redistribution of responsibilities. The latest 4% indexation also had a slight impact on the salaries of law enforcement officers.

Table 1. Dynamics of police salaries in 2011-2019

Year Salary amount, rub.
2010 14 000
2011 14 000
2012 35 000
2013 35 000
2014 37 000
2015 35 000
2016 36 000
2017 35 000
2018 36 000
2019 37 500

Considering that the “cost” of police salaries over the past 6 years has depreciated by 46%, and prices in the country have increased by 60%, the total indexation of 8.3% (for 2018-2019) will not provide a decent level of income for security forces. In fact, wage growth will be only 2.38%, since current inflation has “eaten up” a 5.92% increase over 2 years.

As a result, over the period from 2018 to 2021, salaries will increase by approximately 16.1%, which is far from the promised 50% salary increase. However, the actual figures for 2020-2021 are will become known only after the approval of the relevant budgets, and it remains to be seen what innovations the Government plans to introduce in relation to the salaries of security forces in 2022-2024.

Education: Higher economics, specialization – management in the production sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
October 10, 2018.

The May 2012 decree promised an increase in salaries for employees of government agencies, its implementation period is coming to an end, and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as representatives of the public sector, are wondering how police salaries will change in 2018? The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation confirms the salary increase, but the amount of the increase has not yet been disclosed.

In recent years, the power structures of the Russian Federation have been transformed and are experiencing both external and internal reforms. The changes affected the very name of the unit; the requirements for employees became more stringent. Management is also experimenting with the size of the team, trying to come to the optimal solution. The goal of the reforms is to ensure peace and reliable protection of the country's citizens. To fulfill their main task, police officers will be equipped with new equipment and technology. They also promise that police salaries will be increased in 2018. Thus, this profession is being popularized, and work in law enforcement agencies can be considered prestigious. Based on the statement made by Russian President Vladimir Putin about police salaries in 2018, at the beginning of the coming year they will almost double.

What is the salary of police officers?

Before making predictions about whether police salaries will increase in 2018, you need to understand how the final salary amount that is paid to law enforcement officers is formed.

Formation of the salary of an employee of a law enforcement agency is very similar to accrual and consists of several parts.

  1. Basic fixed salary. This part is subject to recalculation depending on annual inflation, so due to it, the salaries of police officers will definitely increase, but the amount of the increase due to indexation will be insignificant.
  2. Cash payments for the assigned title.
  3. A coefficient, the amount of which depends on the region of service.
  4. Increase depending on length of service.
  5. An increase due to the complexity of the work, irregular work schedule and an increased risk of injury and disfigurement. Will this figure affect the increase in police salaries in 2018?
  6. Additional payments for state awards.

It is worth noting that the payments from which a police officer’s income is formed are calculated individually for each employee depending on length of service, position held, etc., with the only exception being a fixed salary.

Name of payment 2012, rub. Salary of a police lieutenant* in 2018, rub. 2012, rub Police captain** salary in 2018, rub.
Salary for special rank 10000 25000 11000 27500
Salary according to position 15000 37500 15500 38750
Additional payments
Percentage bonus for length of service


= 3750,00

15% of salary


= 9375,00


= 5300,00

20% of salary


= 13250,00

Premium for class

15000X0.05= 750,00

5% of the salary for the position (for a 3rd class specialist)

37500X0.05= 1875,00

15500X0.1= 1550,00

10% of the salary for the position (for a 2nd class specialist)

38750X0.1= 3875,00

Allowance for special conditions of service***

15000*0,2= 3000,00

Up to 40% of salary for position

37500*0,2= 7500,00

Up to 40% of salary for position

15500*0,2= 3100,00

Up to 40% of salary for position

38750*0,2= 7750,00

Award for conscientious performance of official duties


= 6250,00

25% of monthly salary


= 15625,00

25% of monthly salary


= 6625,00

25% of monthly salary


= 16562,60

Total accrued 38750,00 96875,00 43075,00 107687,60
Personal income tax 13% 38750X0.13 = 5037,00 96875.00 X0.13 = 12594,00 43075.00 X0.13 = 5600,00 107687.60 X0.13 = 13999,00
For delivery
33713 84281 37475 93688,60
Increase in monetary allowance by 2.5 times

What is the situation with salaries today?

What will the salary of police officers be in 2018, if, according to data obtained for last and current years, the work of a police officer was far from prestigious professions? The reason for this was the relatively small salary: ordinary employees with five years of service received about 25,000 rubles, and the salary of officers was approximately 36,000 rubles. If we talk about fifteen years of service, then during this time remuneration for work can rise to 42,000 rubles. Along with such indicators, the monthly income of department heads can be no more than 100,000 rubles. However, indicators can vary significantly depending on the region, the coefficient of which significantly affects the final amount of the salary paid. For example, the average remuneration for the work of a metropolitan ordinary employee is 52,000 rubles, which is significantly different from the all-Russian one. How much will the salary of police officers be in 2018?

Sad news for police officers was the recent abolition of the annual thirteenth salary and partial privileges.

If you look at it, the national average is 32,000 rubles, which excludes any risk to life and health. Comparing this indicator of the level of income of police officers with their risks and work intensity, the conclusion arises that an increase in salaries for police officers in 2018 is simply necessary.

Interesting! It becomes a shame for our defenders of order even when studying the incomes of employees of similar positions in other countries. So, for example, US police officers receive about 120,000 monthly when converted to rubles. And they have free travel.

The “May” laws of the head of state promised an increase in police salaries in 2018 by 150%, starting in 2012. However, the situation is unlikely to change so dramatically. The current crisis, which has affected all spheres of the country's economy, will hardly allow us to allocate the necessary amount to fulfill the assigned tasks. The chance of increasing indicators without taking into account the indexation of part of the basic salary exists only on the condition that the optimization of personnel policy for internal affairs employees will lead to a significant reduction in their number. Despite the above facts, a small number of experts still believe that an increase in salaries for police officers will still occur in 2018, but their opinion is also based only on the possibility of a reduction in personnel. After all, the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs has already introduced new requirements for the certification of employees, as well as recording work achievements, which will significantly affect their material support.

Forecasts from the police themselves

Police officers themselves are not very confident in the global change in their salaries for the better and believe that police salaries in 2018 can only rise by a small amount. They attribute this to increased control over law enforcement officers.

  1. If a police officer is absent from work for more than four hours without proof of a valid reason, he may completely lose the bonus part of his salary and a certain amount of his fixed salary.
  2. Additional payments for the complexity of the labor process will depend on the decision of the direct supervisor of the employee of each department.
  3. Without passing certification, work in law enforcement agencies is impossible. Based on this, employees who refuse to take the assessment or receive an insufficient result will be fired.

According to the police themselves, such conditions can significantly thin out their team and lead to an increase in police salaries in 2018. But there are also positive aspects.

  1. Police officers now have the opportunity to receive free housing according to the waiting list.
  2. Security forces were also given the opportunity to receive free, expensive medical care or unique intervention from a surgeon.
  3. An additional ten days were added to their annual leave.
  4. Now they have the opportunity to relax for free in a sanatorium with their family.

Another positive development was the government’s announcement to ensure working conditions for police officers by renovating buildings allocated for police stations and providing the required equipment. They also promise to conduct free courses aimed at improving the level of professionalism of employees. But let’s look at the actual amount of police salaries in 2018.

Since 2016, a number of positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been cut, after which the number of police officers should not exceed 900 thousand people, although this is not viewed positively by everyone.

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Primarily through personnel optimization, it is planned to allocate resources to increase the salaries of police officers in 2019, but everything is not clear.

What did the reform lead to?

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has existed for many years, includes a revision of salary levels. At this time, the amount of remuneration for an ordinary police officer is calculated on the same principle as the salary in the Russian Armed Forces.

It consists of:

  1. Base rate.
  2. Increases that are associated with the difficulties of serving.
  3. Increasing coefficients for the region.
  4. Increases for rank. Another increasing factor may be length of service.

The new state program will come into force instead of the previous one, which was adopted in 2012. Much has been said about whether police salaries will increase in 2019.

The salaries of police officers may increase by one and a half times from the salaries of 2012. Each year, payments are expected to increase by 4%.

But the government is discussing an upward revision of the premium. The budget for 2019-2020 promises indexation of salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in recent years.

Police officers will also receive basic benefits and privileges. Police officers are provided with high-quality medical care, rest in a sanatorium, queues for free housing and additional leave.

The state program for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will lead to a reduction in the number of employees. Such actions by the government of the Russian Federation are aimed at improving the prestige of the profession.

The certification required for police officers will become more stringent. Workers who do not pass the certification will be fired. So the ranks of the police will be filled with more qualified employees.

The general working conditions of police officers will not change in general. The management will establish the division of allowances in their department.

A system of fines and rewards is being introduced. An employee's absence from work for 4 or more hours without a valid reason threatens him with financial punishment.

When calculating the amount of a police officer's salary, attention will be paid to his personal achievements.

Features of remuneration for service employees (table)

The salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the following parameters:

  1. The salary itself.
  2. Increase for rank.
  3. Assigned regional coefficient.
  4. Increases for length of service.
  5. Increases for difficulty and stress of work.

All parameters, except salary, are personal in nature, that is, they are determined depending on the specifics of the service, the place where it is performed, and the risk to life.

Subsequently, a local police officer usually receives a salary higher than a traffic police officer who is busy only with working with documents.

At the same time, an additional financial reward is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are awarded state awards.

Police salaries:

But these figures are inferior to the salaries of ordinary police officers in developed countries of the world. If we take the USA, then the average salary of a police officer there is no less than 120 thousand rubles every month without taking into account raises.

The monthly bonus, which is added to the salary based on length of service, ranges from 10 to 40%, its certain amount is determined according to the employee’s length of service.

The amount of the monthly increase for the qualifying rank will be from 5 to 30%, the specific amount depends on the class of the employee.

Due to special conditions of service, the allowance may amount to 100% of its amount. The increase for working with data that provides state secrets can be up to 65% of its size.

Additional payments and official salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are established by orders of the heads of the relevant departments, who can assign them to the disposal or appoint them to a position.

These orders must specify the basis for the calculation and what amount of salary is due to a particular employee.

Additional payments include:

  1. Payments to reward due to special achievements in service.
  2. Bonuses for good performance of official duties.
  3. Percentage increases that are prescribed in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.
  4. An increase that is added to the salary based on the performance of tasks that are characterized by great danger.
  5. A monthly increase that is added to the financial salary based on length of service.
  6. A monthly increase, which is added to the official salary with data that provides state secrets.
  7. A monthly increase that is added to the salary for the title.
  8. A monthly increase that is added to the salary due to special conditions of service.

Accrual of additional benefits

Despite the fact that there will not be a large increase in wages for police officers, the department still has a list of benefits that can partially compensate for financial losses.

This list includes:

  1. Additional days for vacation.
  2. Queuing for housing.
  3. Receiving treatment in a sanatorium for yourself and your family.
  4. Possibility of free medical care.

In addition, police officers are provided with separate housing in dormitories upon employment. That is, the department must provide him with a separate room.

Bonuses for good work performance are calculated at the rate of 3 salaries per year. They are paid in the amount of 25% of the salary that is established for the employee on the first day of the month in which payment is made.

Its size is considered proportionate to how much time it took the employee to perform his work duties in the corresponding month.

Salary indexation

According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, in 2017, officials will consider a law according to which all police salaries will be indexed by 5.5%.

Increasing salaries in the police will help overcome the negative results of inflation, which experts estimate at 5-6%.

The Ministry of Finance expressed its judgment to direct funding to improve working conditions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The money will be used to renovate premises, purchase necessary equipment, and improve the skills of employees.

For fifteen years of service, remuneration for work can increase to 42 thousand rubles. Along with this, the income of department heads can be no more than 100 thousand rubles.

But the parameters can vary greatly depending on the region, the coefficient of which greatly influences the final salary.

Increasing the salaries of police officers is of interest not only to the employees themselves, but also to potential applicants within this profession. Young people planning to enroll in law faculties of universities, as well as future graduates graduating from faculties in 2018, are interested in the features of police service, as well as the amount of remuneration for work.
If in 2017 the issue of increasing salaries for police officers already has certain solutions, in particular, such issues as the deadline for increasing salaries and the percentage of increase. But the question of what the police salary increase will be in 2018 has not yet been fully answered.

What do promotions depend on?

In many ways, the increase depends on the characteristics of professional activity, as well as on the increase in the base rate - official salary. As a rule, when officials talk about increasing the salaries of workers in public sector professional activities, they mean an increase in the salary part.
The latest news has not yet spoken about what the increase in police salaries in Russia will be. Only the possibility of salary growth is mentioned. Often in the news, it is suggested that this expected growth will occur simultaneously with the restructuring of law enforcement agencies. It is possible that optimization of professional activities and changes in the work of structural divisions will be associated with a reduction in the number of employees.

Reform and employee salaries

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been going on for several years now; all citizens note one fact among the changes - this is the renaming of the police into the police.
And, a sign that this is not just a renaming, but a personnel reform, is the fact that police officers can become police officers only after passing certification.
True, many still do not understand what its meaning is. But many experienced employees were never able to pass it. Accordingly, the question of whether there will be a reduction in the police force in 2018 is resolved by itself.
And since the structure is new, the salaries must be new. In general, the reform completely affects the financial issue - from wages to pension payments. The question of what would happen to police salaries arose at the beginning of 2016. In addition, a big reduction is coming this year. Thus, according to the Presidential decree, by the end of this year the number of internal affairs officers should be about 900 thousand people. It already began in October 2016 and will continue for exactly a year.

According to the same decree, the reduction should mostly affect management structures. But it will not affect three federal entities at all - Yamalo-Nenets, Chukotka and Crimea.

Such a massive staff reduction should automatically lead to an increase in police salaries in 2018 in Russia. AND should be approximately:
For police officers with at least 5 years of experience – at least 25 thousand rubles;
10 years of experience – 28 thousand;
Experience from 15 – 30 thousand;
Junior officers with 5 years of experience will have a salary of at least 32 thousand;
And senior officers, for example, a major with 15 years of experience, will receive no less than 40 thousand.

There will be another increase in police salaries in 2018 in Russia:

  • For work with the so-called “secret” (secret documents). For operatives, it is quite significant, but for almost the same work, district police officers receive significantly less;
  • For the intensity and complexity of their activities;
  • In addition, there are various types of financial assistance and bonuses.

Employees of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate have a so-called 10% Moscow bonus.
At the same time, police officers lost the following benefits: 13 salaries, no compensation to pay for kindergarten. Also, money for travel by rail is not refunded. Plus, employees can receive financial assistance only once a year.
Free medical care can also be counted as benefits, however, only if the employee suffered health problems during the performance of official duties. Plus additional leave to the main one due to difficult working conditions.
As for the annual indexation of police salaries, according to the previously existing norms of relevant laws, it was carried out by the amount of inflation based on the results of the previous year. That is, the amount of indexation was determined taking into account inflation. Now the Ministry of Finance’s bill has excluded this concept from all relevant laws. Now the annual increase in wages is determined when the budget for the next year is adopted by the corresponding bill.

What else affects police salaries?

  • ​ Salary. It is its value that is subject to annual indexing;
  • The employee's total length of service;
  • ​ Merit for service in the authorities. As already mentioned, the larger it is, the higher the salary;
  • The employee’s rank (the same, the higher it is, the more the employee will receive);
  • Regional coefficient. Each subject has its own, the value of which is multiplied by the salary according to the tariff schedule.

It’s worth immediately “calming down” those who want to join the police and make a career there. It’s very difficult to become a police officer now, because previously it was enough to have any higher education, but now it doesn’t work. What is needed now is legal education and mandatory military service.
No one can say for sure whether employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect their wages to increase. According to the management, the notorious crisis, which everyone refers to, is to blame for everything.

But, in any case, indexation is included in the draft budget and it is planned for next year at around 5%. And the state can afford to increase the salaries of public sector employees, which include police officers, by such an amount. Indeed, despite the continuation of the crisis, the economy, albeit at a slow pace, is still recovering. And this means that The budget is gradually filling up, and additional funds can be safely spent on the above purposes.
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