The child's erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased. Increased ESR in the blood of a child

In modern medicine, determining a disease or its cause is impossible without laboratory testing of the patient’s blood. New types of tests appear constantly, but the good old proven methods also serve doctors well. An increased ESR in a child is one of the indicators of his condition, necessary for timely treatment.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a traditional blood test. The first observations of erythrocyte sedimentation in blood samples taken from healthy and sick patients were made at the end of the 19th century, and laboratory tests were introduced into diagnostic practice in the 20s of the last century.

This analysis is used to clarify the patient’s condition, regardless of age. The value of this blood test is very necessary and important - the doctor’s decision on the further course of treatment of the patient depends on it.

Why do red blood cells settle?

Red blood cells are blood cells whose mission is to deliver oxygen and nutrients tissues human body. In a normal healthy body, these cells actively move and only a small number of them settle on the walls of the capillaries. Why red blood cells lose mobility is not fully understood. The approximate scheme is this: the cell is negatively charged and when the body is not sick, the cell goes down on its own. Sometimes they cannot push off and fall down en masse, sticking together and forming “columns”.

Columns have more weight and sink down faster than single cells. This reaction is observed in the case of illness in the body.

It is this process that forms the basis for the analysis of erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Doctors adhere to the theory that the sedimentation reaction is caused by changes in the proteins in the blood plasma in which red blood cells float. When the plasma level of certain proteins, namely fibrinogen and immunoglobulin, is exceeded, they begin to bind red blood cells. The higher the concentration of proteins, the greater the sedimentation. What does it mean?

If we observe high level ESR, then we have reasons that cause an increase in fibrinogen in the blood.

There are nuances in the sedimentation reaction associated with the shape of red blood cells. With anemia, there are few red blood cells in the blood, the laboratory sedimentation rate will be high. Reasons: the red blood cell, falling, does not encounter obstacles. In sickle anemia, red blood cells have the shape of a defective moon and settle more slowly due to less plasma resistance.

How is ESR analyzed?

The technology for laboratory research of COE was developed at the beginning of the last century and has been preserved to this day. It schematically recreates the natural process in human blood. An analysis according to this scheme is called an analysis according to the Westergren method, where venous blood is analyzed.

A blood sample taken with an anticoagulant is transfused into capillary tube and is installed vertically. After some time, the liquid begins to separate into two layers - yellow upper and dark lower. Normally, after an hour, the distance between the upper edge of the plasma and the dark layer of blood is measured. We get an indicator measured in millimeters per hour.

The second analysis method bears the name of its author and is called the Panchenkov method (ESR according to Panchenkov). In this case, a capillary placed vertically with a measuring scale is used, blood diluted with an anticoagulant is analyzed as 4 to 1. Analysis time is an hour. There is also the Wintrobe method for determining the rate of subsidence.

Now the analysis can be performed by electronic analyzers, which will require only a few drops of blood.

Westrgren's method shows better results than Panchenkov's method when increased speed erythrocyte sedimentation.

The ESR indicator varies among people of different ages and gender. In children, due to the specific characteristics of the body, ESR varies even within the first year of life.

Normal indicators for children look approximately like this (at the upper limit):

Analysis of this indicator in pregnant women is a very special case and is considered the norm up to 61 mm/h.

Now in Europe, ESR analysis is not considered essential. It has been replaced by CRP (c-reactive protein).

The sedimentation rate returns to normal very slowly—on average, this process takes 2 months.


An analytical blood test for erythocyte sedimentation rate is carried out if there are the following reasons: complaints of poor health, increased body temperature, suspicion of a tumor or a systemic disease, in children - excessive moodiness and complaints of pain, the child may sweat excessively. It is advisable to analyze ESR during routine examinations. An ESR value above normal may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. This is due to the saturation of the blood with immune proteins.

An increased ESR in the blood of a child is typical for:

  • general systemic diseases - arthritis, asthma, lupus;
  • metabolic diseases - diabetes, thyroid dysfunction;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases with tissue breakdown - oncology, tuberculosis, heart attacks;
  • injuries.

In some inflammatory diseases, indicators react to the onset of the disease, while leukocytes appear normal.

But the calculated ESR value can be normal in some pathologies and high in relative norms. Such deviations are caused by:

  • excessive blood thickness;
  • anemia;
  • the presence of worms;
  • stress;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • recent illness.

In addition, the ESR is higher in the morning; with chronic inflammation it is also higher; for infectious diseases it is measured one day after the onset of the disease.

In addition to the above, the ESR can also be increased:

  • too fatty foods taken by a nursing mother;
  • medications, in particular paracetamol;
  • teething.

According to statistics, the frequency of subsidence rates can increase:

  • for infections - 39% of cases;
  • oncology - 20%;
  • systemic diseases - 16%;
  • anemia, ENT, endocrinology, trauma - 11%.

Specifics of the indicator in children

The reason for the high rates in children is the same as in adults. But when testing blood according to Panchenkov in children, the indicator is higher than normal. The small organism responded in this way to quite childish reasons - teething, failures in quality breast milk, taking medications.

So, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in a child is increased if:

  • there is blood thinning, there are fewer red blood cells in it;
  • there is an acute or latent inflammatory disease;
  • the child was injured with bruises;
  • over time there is stress and moodiness;
  • the body suffers from poisoning;
  • the child is infected with worms or is just recovering from an illness;
  • have diabetes or thyroid disease;
  • there are systemic diseases of the supporting apparatus;
  • immune disease;
  • very rarely - a feature of the body, almost unstudied.

If red blood cells are elevated and the doctor does not see obvious direct symptoms of the disease, an additional blood test is prescribed for protein, globulins, biochemical analysis, x-rays, ultrasound, general analysis of urine and feces.

If a high ESR in a child and a high level of leukocytes are combined, there is acute inflammation. If leukocytes are normal but ESR is high - viral disease or a sign of a recent illness. Increased platelets and ESR indicate an infection.

Some anemias can increase ESR. There are fluctuations related to the time of day or the first days of babies’ lives. Sometimes an ESR higher than normal can be a response to vaccination or the child being overweight.

It is also possible to test the child's blood for monocytes - young blood cells, and the leukocyte formula is calculated. An equally increased or decreased number of cells in a blood test is a pathology. An increase in the level is called monocytosis, the normal number of monocytes is 11% of the total number of leukocytes.

If there are few of them, it means there is a malfunction in the immune system, this is anemia, leukemia.

If there is a lot, tuberculosis and diseases of the lymphatic system can be diagnosed. Increased ESR and monocytosis, high platelets in the blood are a very serious reason for a complete examination of the child.


The rate of sedimentation is like a litmus test; it only helps to establish the true state of the body. With an ESR of 15 mm/h, we can talk about the occurrence of an infectious process in the body. If the indicator is 30-40 mm/h, this is evidence of a serious illness, and get ready for long-term treatment. In addition, careless analysis cannot be ruled out. There is a concept of a falsely elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, when, against the background of a healthy body, some features of the body act as an increasing factor. This is what prompted Western doctors to abandon ESR and replace it with SRP.

Parents, remember! Only a doctor can prescribe treatment and read test results. Look at your child - an indicator of his health will always be activity, lack of whims, appetite, interest in the world around him and not test results.

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You can get a picture of a person’s health status from the results of a blood test, and in detail from the amount of such an indicator as ESR. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a nonspecific indicator that is sufficiently sensitive to determine pathologies of a rheumatological, infectious, or oncological nature. An increased ESR in a child indicates the initial development of a pathological process in the body even before the appearance of a characteristic clinical picture of the disease.

High level in a child

Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate in a child indicates the presence of pathological processes that cannot be fully regarded as a harbinger of a serious illness without considering other blood test results (,). In other words, this indicator is not considered separately, but is an addition to a general blood test, indicating the presence of certain changes.

  • newborn children - from 2 to 4 mm/h;
  • 1-12 months – from 3 to 10 mm/h;
  • 1-5 years – from 5 to 11 mm/h (at 2 years, up to 17 mm/h is permissible);
  • 5-14 years – from 4 to 13 mm/h;
  • 14 years and older – from 1 to 15 mm/h.
If ESR is elevated in a child’s blood, this does not indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. To make such a diagnosis, additional diagnostic studies and comparison of the levels of other indicators in the blood are necessary.

The cause may be a change in blood pH levels, a decrease in the amount of albumin and blood thinning.

Indicators of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood help:

  • differentiate the diagnosis;
  • identify the body’s response to the treatment;
  • detect a hidden disease.

Reasons for the increase

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the blood is a fairly important criterion that has high medical and diagnostic value if you suspect the presence of any disease. Most often, an increase in this indicator occurs during bacterial infections, which makes it possible to determine the severity and picture of the inflammatory reaction. The reasons for high ESR are the presence of an infection that has a viral etiology.

In infants, an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation can occur due to teething, vaccination (against hepatitis), lack of vitamins and intake medicines(ibuprofen, paracetamol). It is recommended to take a blood test several times throughout the year, which will help rule out the presence of diseases.

The main reasons for increased ESR in the blood of a child:

An increase in ESR levels of more than 100 mm/h indicates the presence of infectious processes in the body such as influenza, ARVI, sinusitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. This may be a symptom of urinary tract infections, namely cystitis and pyelonephritis. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases with fungal infections and viral forms of hepatitis. Serious injuries to bone and soft tissues, as well as helminthiasis, are also the cause of an increase in the level of this indicator. If the ESR remains at a level above normal for a sufficiently long period, then we may be talking about the presence of an oncological process in the child’s body.

An increase in the level of ESR in the blood occurs 1-2 days after the onset of the infectious process and a rise in body temperature.

After complete recovery, this indicator may remain unchanged for several months, which should not be alarming only if there are no other changes in the blood.

An increased ESR in a child should not be perceived by parents as a sign of serious illness, as it may indicate minor changes in the body that do not require treatment. Despite this, after receiving “alarming” results, you should take a biochemical blood test, a urine test, and also conduct an external examination of the child. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a fairly serious indicator, so it is not recommended to ignore it.

Dear Oksana!

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an indicator indicating how quickly red blood cells - red blood cells - stick together, i.e. settle. If the ESR indicator is outside the normal range for age, this indicates that there is a reason that influenced this process. Typically, specialists analyze the overall picture, because ESR itself cannot indicate the development of any specific disease and cannot be a symptom of pathology. However, it cannot be excluded from the overall clinical picture.

ESR norms in children

The normal level of ESR in a child’s blood depends on age:

  • Newborns - 0 - 2 mm/h, maximum - 2.8 mm/h;
  • 1 month - 2 - 5 mm/h;
  • 2 - 6 months - 4 - 6 mm/h;
  • 6 - 12 months - 3 - 10 mm/h;
  • 1 - 5 years - 5 to 11 mm/h;
  • 6 to 14 years old - from 4 to 12 mm/h;
  • Over 14 years old: girls - from 2 to 15 mm/h, boys - from 1 to 10 mm/h.

Reasons for increasing ESR

If a child exhibits an increase in ESR, then most often experts assume the presence of some kind of infectious-inflammatory process. In this case, other indicators in the results of a general blood test must also be changed. The child’s behavior must also change, because any infection is accompanied by alarming symptoms and poor health.

In addition, erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases in some non-infectious diseases. It can be:

  • Autoimmune or systemic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus);
  • Endocrine diseases (hyper- and hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus);
  • Blood diseases, anemia, hemoblastosis;
  • Oncological diseases, tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs, myocardial infarction, etc.;
  • Injuries.

It should be noted that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate normalizes rather slowly after the child recovers, only after 4 - 6 weeks. Remember if your child had colds or other infectious or inflammatory diseases at the age of 1.5 - 2 months? If the answer is yes, then to make sure that the inflammation has passed, you can take a blood test for C-reactive protein, because the factor of unresolved infection in the case of pediatric diagnosis is most likely.

There are other, less dangerous reasons for increased ESR. For example, if you are breastfeeding, your blood test could be affected by eating fatty foods or taking certain medicines, in particular, paracetomol. ESR also increases during teething in children. This may also indicate a lack of vitamins or infection with worms. In case of an allergic reaction in children or heavy feeding before taking the test, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may also increase.

If we talk about statistics, then infectious diseases are responsible for an increase in ESR by 40%, oncological diseases by 23%, systemic diseases by 17%, anemia, inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas, intestines, ENT organs, etc. by 8%. .d., 3% - kidney disease.

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude a false result. Take a complete blood test again. If high ESR values ​​are observed over time, then you need to immediately consult a doctor, because the child may require in-depth diagnostics in order to exclude dangerous diseases. However, you should not worry ahead of time. Sometimes, although rarely, some children have a certain individual feature, manifested in an increase in ESR against the background of normal values ​​of other blood components.

Best regards, Ksenia.


Hello, Boris Leonidovich, the situation is this: At the time of illness, the child is almost 4 months old. Suddenly stood up heat, up to 39.6. There was a slight cough. Called ambulance, wheezing and no indications of pneumonia were found. They gave me an injection and took me to the infectious diseases hospital. In the evening of the same day, a blood test was taken and a high ESR was revealed - 53. Other indicators did not cause concern among the doctors. The next day the temperature dropped to normal. The doctor prescribed amoxicillin drops and an examination of doctors began. The ENT doctor detected slight redness in the throat and prescribed inhalations. High ESR was addressed to other reasons. Urine tests were done - normal. An ultrasound of the abdominal organs was done - normal. Electrocardiogram is normal. An x-ray was taken due to the possibility of hidden pneumonia. Pneumonia was not detected, but it was diagnosed in advance. diagnosis - obstructive bronchitis due to increased transparency of the lungs. This diagnosis was refuted by another doctor (apparently ENT), because... When listening, no wheezing was detected, and increased transparency of the lungs is typical for children of this age (4 months). At the moment, 3 days after admission to the hospital, the question of what inflammatory process occurs in the body has not been resolved. The child’s health is not bad; behavior is normal, active, not whiny, throat is almost better, temperature is 36.7-37.0, coughing is rare: a couple of times a day. The ESR the day after the illness was 50 (decreased by 3 units), all other indicators were normal. Please tell me what to do next? An ultrasound of the heart and brain is still to be performed. What else is worth paying attention to in this case? What concerns might be associated with such a high ESR?

Hello! Unfortunately, I cannot say whether the diagnosis is correct or incorrect, but I can say unequivocally that there is an inflammatory process that can be successfully treated with an antibacterial drug, and therefore this process is caused by bacterial flora sensitive to this drug and all you have to do is complete the treatment of the child and do everything in In the near future, the inflammatory process did not occur. this process, judging by your description, is somewhere in the upper or middle respiratory tract


Thank you very much for your prompt response. In our case, the disease came with lightning speed and goes away, but we are still looking for the answer and continue to be examined. As I understand it, is it still worth returning to considering the diagnosis of bronchitis and its follow-up treatment?


Sorry to ask again. We are very concerned. The child is on his 6th day in the infectious diseases hospital. The blood test was repeated today. ESR - 58, even higher than before. The presence of pneumonia or bronchitis is still excluded. By external signs the child feels fine. The throat has already healed. They did an ultrasound of the brain - it was normal. A urine test came back, which was done the next day after admission, and revealed the presence of staphylococcus and E. coli. Regarding the latter, the doctor suggested that hygiene was not very well observed when collecting the analysis. Regarding ESR, the doctor said “much more.” She prescribed a new antibiotic, Ceftriaxone, 2 times a day and the next blood test for ESR after 2 days. If this does not have an effect, then further examination by an Oncologist follows. Do you think that cancer is possible in this situation, despite the fact that other blood test parameters and ultrasound are normal? A blood test was also done from a vein for chlamydial infections, we are waiting for the result. Is it worth repeating the biochemistry for C-reactive protein? Thank you in advance for your answer and attention to my question.

Thanks to a child's blood test, you can determine whether the baby is healthy or has any diseases. This is especially important if the disease is hidden. To identify such hidden pathologies, all children are routinely sent for tests at a certain age. And increased attention is paid to blood tests in children.

One of the important indicators determined in the laboratory during blood testing is ESR. Seeing this abbreviation on a blood test form, many parents do not know what it means. If, in addition, the analysis revealed an increased ESR in the child’s blood, this causes worry and anxiety. To know what to do with such changes, you need to understand how ESR analysis is carried out in children and how its results are deciphered.

What is ESR and how is its value determined?

The abbreviation ESR abbreviates the “erythrocyte sedimentation rate,” which is found during a clinical blood test.

The indicator is measured in millimeters per hour. To determine it, blood combined with an anticoagulant (it is important that it remains liquid) is left in a test tube, allowing its cells to settle under the influence of gravity. After one hour, the height of the upper layer is measured - the transparent part of the blood (plasma) above the blood cells that have settled down.

Nowadays, in many medical institutions, ESR is determined using an automatic device.

Table of norm values

The normal ESR results are:

In a newborn in the first days of life

In an infant up to one year old

In children older than one year

An increase in the rate between the 27th day of life and two years is considered normal. In children of this age, ESR can reach 12-17 mm/h. In adolescence, the results differ for girls (an indicator of up to 14 mm per hour is considered normal) and for boys (an ESR of 2-11 mm per hour is considered normal).

Why is it below normal?

Deviations of ESR from the norm are often manifested by an increase in this indicator, and a decrease in the rate at which red blood cells are deposited is observed much less frequently. Most common cause Such changes are caused by increased blood viscosity.

A lower ESR occurs when:

  • Dehydration, for example due to acute intestinal infection.
  • Heart defects.
  • Sickle anemia.
  • Acidosis (lowering blood pH).
  • Severe poisoning.
  • Sharp weight loss.
  • Taking steroid medications.
  • An increase in the number of blood cells (polycythemia).
  • The presence in the blood of red blood cells with an altered shape (spherocytosis or anisocytosis).
  • Pathologies of the liver and gall bladder, especially manifested by hyperbilirubinemia.

Reasons for increasing ESR

A high ESR in a child does not always indicate health problems. This indicator can change under the influence of various factors, sometimes harmless or temporarily affecting the child. However, quite often an increase in ESR is a sign of illness, and sometimes very serious.


For such reasons it is typical a slight increase in ESR, for example, up to 20-25 mm/h. T What ESR indicator can be detected:

  • During teething.
  • With hypovitaminosis.
  • If your child is taking retinol (vitamin A).
  • In case of strong feelings or stress, for example, after a baby has been crying for a long time.
  • During a strict diet or fasting.
  • When taking certain medications, such as paracetamol.
  • If there is an excess of fatty foods in the diet of a baby or a nursing mother.
  • After vaccination against hepatitis B.

In addition, in childhood the so-called C syndrome of increased ESR. With it, the indicator is high, but the child does not have any complaints or health problems.


In diseases, ESR increases much more than normal, for example, to 45-50 mm/h and higher. One of the main reasons for faster erythrocyte sedimentation is an increase in the amount of protein in the blood due to an increase in the level of fibrinogen and the production of immunoglobulins. This condition occurs during the acute phase of many diseases.

Also, a common reason for a higher ESR is the appearance during inflammatory diseases immature red blood cells. All these changes lead to faster sedimentation of blood cells, resulting in an increase in ESR.

An increase in ESR is observed when:

  • Infectious diseases. An increased rate is often diagnosed with bronchitis, ARVI, scarlet fever, sinusitis, rubella, cystitis, pneumonia, mumps, as well as tuberculosis and other infections.
  • Poisoning, for example, caused by toxins in food or salts of heavy metals.
  • Helminthiasis and giardiasis.
  • Anemia or hemoglobinopathies.
  • Injuries of both soft tissues and bones. ESR also increases during the recovery period after surgery.
  • Allergic reactions. ESR increases both during diathesis and anaphylactic shock.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Tumor processes, for example, with leukemia or lymphoma.
  • Endocrine pathologies, for example, diabetes mellitus or thyrotoxicosis.
  • Autoimmune diseases, in particular lupus.

ESR in infections

The most common pathological cause of an increase in ESR is infectious diseases. In this case, the nature of the infection can be determined by the leukocyte formula, because leukocytes and ESR are elevated in a child with both a viral and bacterial infection. However, in case of infection with a virus, the leukoformula will show lymphocytosis. If the infection is bacterial, a white blood cell count will indicate an increased number of neutrophils.

It should be remembered that to diagnose an infection, not only changes in the blood are taken into account, but also clinical picture, as well as medical history. In addition, it is important to note that after recovery, the ESR remains elevated for several months.

About the ESR norm and reasons increased indicators watch in the next video.


In some cases, nothing bothers the child at all, and changes in ESR are detected during a routine examination. However, often a high ESR is a sign of illness, so babies will also have other symptoms:

  • If red blood cells sediment faster due to diabetes, the child will experience increased thirst, increased urination, weight loss, skin infections, thrush and other signs.
  • With an increase in ESR due to tuberculosis the child will lose weight, complain of malaise, cough, chest pain, headaches. Parents will notice a slight increase in temperature and poor appetite.
  • With such dangerous cause of increased ESR, such as an oncological process, the baby’s immunity will decrease, lymph nodes will increase, weakness will appear, and weight will decrease.
  • Infectious processes, in which the ESR increases most often, will be manifested by a sharp rise in temperature, increased heart rate, shortness of breath and other signs of intoxication.

What to do

Since most often a high ESR signals the doctor about the presence of an inflammatory process in the child’s body, a change in this indicator should not go unnoticed by the pediatrician. In this case, the actions of doctors are determined by the presence of any complaints in the child.

As a rule, the activity of the disease and the level of ESR have a direct relationship - the more extensive the inflammation and the more severe the disease, the higher the ESR will be. And therefore, indicators of 13 mm/h or 16 mm/h will not alert the pediatrician as much as ESR of 30, 40 or 70 mm/h.

If the child does not have any manifestations of the disease, and the ESR in the blood test is high, the doctor will refer the child for additional examination, which will include a biochemical and immunological blood test, chest x-ray, urinalysis, ECG and other methods.

If no pathologies are detected, and an increased ESR, for example, 28 mm/h, remains the only warning symptom, after some time the pediatrician will refer the baby to retake a clinical blood test. The child will also be recommended to determine C-reactive protein in the blood, which is used to judge the activity of inflammation in the body.

If an increase in ESR is a symptom of a disease, the pediatrician will prescribe medication.

As soon as the child recovers, the indicator will return to normal values. In case of an infectious disease, the child will be prescribed antibiotics and other medications; in case of allergies, the child will be prescribed antihistamines.

In any case, parents should understand that an increase in ESR is not an independent disease, but is only one of the symptoms. In this case, treatment should be aimed at the reason why red blood cells settle faster.

How to get tested

  • To avoid a false positive result (an increase in ESR without the presence of inflammation in the body), it is important to get a correct blood test.
  • ESR is influenced by quite a few factors, so when taking the test it is recommended to do it on an empty stomach and in a calm state.
  • You should not donate blood after an X-ray, eating, crying for a long time, or physical therapy.
  • It is advisable that the child eats no later than 8 hours before blood sampling.
  • Immediately before taking blood, the baby needs to be calmed down, because whims and worries provoke an increase in ESR.
  • It is not recommended to come to the clinic and immediately donate blood - it is better for the child to rest for a while after the street in the corridor and be calm.

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