Rules of conduct when releasing an aircraft. Rules of conduct when terrorists hijack an airplane

Any person, by coincidence of circumstances, can end up as a hostage to criminals. At the same time, they can achieve political goals, obtain ransom, etc.

In all cases, your life becomes a bargaining chip for terrorists.

Seizure can occur in transport, in an organization, on the street, in an apartment.

The main rule is to avoid actions that could provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to casualties;

Endure hardships, insults and humiliation. Do not look criminals in the eyes, do not behave defiantly;

If necessary, comply with the demands of criminals, do not contradict them, and do not risk the lives of others and your own. Try to avoid hysterics and panic;

To perform any actions (sit down, stand up, drink, go to the toilet) ask permission;

If you are injured, try not to move, this will reduce blood loss.

Remember - your goal is to stay alive.

Be careful, try to remember the signs of the criminals, the distinctive features of their faces, clothes, names, nicknames, possible scars and tattoos, peculiarities of speech and behavior, topics of conversation, etc.

Remember that upon receiving the message about your capture, the special services have already begun to act and will take all necessary actions for your release.

During the operation for your release by the special services, strictly comply with the following requirements:

Lie face down on the floor, cover your head with your hands and do not move;

Under no circumstances should you run towards or away from security officers, as they may mistake you for a criminal;

Security measures in case of threat of terrorist attacks

Be extremely attentive to suspicious objects around you. Don't touch them. Report these items to the competent authorities.

If you find a forgotten or ownerless item in public transport, interview the people around you. Try to establish whose it is or who left it. If the owner has not been identified, immediately report the find to the driver (driver).

If you find a suspicious object in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors to see if it belongs to them. If the owner is not identified, immediately report the find to your police department.

If you find a suspicious item in an institution, immediately report the find to the administration.

In all of the above cases:

Do not touch, open or move the find;

Record the time of discovery of the find;

Make sure that people move as far away from the dangerous find as possible;

Be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational investigation team.

Remember appearance an object may hide its real purpose. Ordinary household items are used as camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

Explain to children that an object found on the street or in a hallway can be dangerous.

If you receive information about the threat of a terrorist attack, secure your home:

Remove fire hazardous items - old supplies of paints, varnishes, gasoline, etc.;

Remove flower pots from the windows (place them on the floor);

Turn off the gas, put out the fire in stoves and fireplaces;

Prepare emergency lighting sources (lanterns, etc.);

Create a supply of medicines and a 2-3 day supply of drinking water and food;

Draw the curtains on the windows to protect you from damage from glass fragments.

When receiving a message from government or law enforcement officials about the start of an evacuation, remain calm and strictly follow their commands.

If you are in an apartment, follow these steps:

Take personal documents, money and valuables;

Turn off electricity, water, gas;

Assist in the evacuation of elderly and seriously ill people;

Be sure to lock the front door - this will protect the apartment from possible entry by looters.

Avoid panic, hysterics and haste. Leave the premises in an orderly manner.

Return to the abandoned premises only after permission from the responsible persons. Remember that the life and health of many people will depend on the consistency and clarity of your actions.

Explosive items

The danger of an explosion can be judged by the following signs:

The presence of an unknown package or any part in the car, on the stairs, in the apartment, etc.;

Stretch wire, cord;

Wires or electrical tape hanging from under the car;

Someone else's bag, briefcase, box, any object found in a car, at the door of an apartment, in the subway, on a train.

If you notice an explosive object (improvised explosive device, grenade, shell, bomb, etc.), do not go close to it, immediately report the find to the police, do not allow random people to touch the dangerous object and neutralize it.

When traveling on public transport (especially on a train), pay attention to abandoned bags, briefcases, packages and other unattended items that may contain improvised explosive devices. Immediately report this to the driver, train driver, or any police officer. Do not open them, do not touch them with your hands, warn people standing nearby about the possible danger.

Use unfamiliar objects found at the place of work;

Move and roll explosive objects over the body and fuse;

Pick up, carry, put in pockets, briefcases, bags, etc.;

Place ammunition in a fire or light a fire over it;

Collect and hand over ammunition as scrap metal;

Bury them in the ground or throw them into bodies of water;

Step on or run over ammunition;

Break or pull wires or wires extending from objects, and attempt to neutralize them.

When entering the entrance of a house, pay attention to strangers and unfamiliar objects. As a rule, explosive devices in a building are placed in basements, first floors, near garbage chutes, under stairs.

If an explosion is nearby

What should the population do if an explosion occurs near your home?

a) Calm down and reassure your loved ones. Call the police and clarify the situation.

b) In case of necessary evacuation, take documents and emergency supplies.

c) Move carefully, do not touch damaged structures and exposed wires.

d) In a destroyed or damaged room, due to the risk of explosion of accumulated gases, do not use open flames (matches, candles, torches, etc.).

e) When you see a person in burning clothes, throw a coat, cloak or some kind of blanket over him. Apply bandages to the burn site and send the victim to the nearest medical center.

f) If the staircase in a damaged building is filled with smoke, it is necessary to open the windows located on the staircase or break out the glass to release the smoke and provide an influx of fresh air, and close the doors of the rooms from where smoke enters the staircase tightly. Do not try to exit through a smoky corridor or staircase (smoke is very toxic); hot gases can burn your lungs. In this case, you should go out onto the balcony or go to the window and signal for help, after sealing the door through which smoke can penetrate as much as possible with a wet cloth. Rescue should be carried out on balconies, external stationary, extension and retractable ladders. Going down water pipes and risers, as well as using tied sheets, is extremely dangerous and these techniques are possible only in exceptional cases. It is unacceptable to jump from the windows of a building, starting from the third floor, because... Injuries are inevitable.

REMEMBER! Out of fear, small children often hide under beds, in closets, or hide in corners.

If your clothes catch fire, lie down on the ground and roll over to knock out the flames.

If the electrical wiring is on fire, first remove the plugs or turn off the switch, and then start extinguishing the fire.

Leave the fire zone in the windward direction, that is, from where the wind is blowing.

g) In case of smoke, protect your respiratory organs with a handkerchief or towel moistened with water.

h) Act in strict accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations and rescuers who arrived at the scene of the emergency.

Under the rubble

Try not to lose heart. Calm down. Breathe deeply and evenly. Tune in to the fact that one hundred rescuers will save you. Use your voice and knock to attract people's attention. If you are deep under the rubble of a building, move any metal object (ring, keys, etc.) left and right so that the echo direction finder detects you.

If the space around you is relatively free, do not light lighters. Save oxygen. Move carefully, trying not to cause a new collapse, be guided by the movement of air coming from outside. If you have the opportunity, use available items (boards, bricks, etc.) to strengthen the ceiling from collapse and wait for help. If you are very thirsty, put a small pebble in your mouth and suck on it, breathing through your nose.

1. RGD-5 grenade at least 50 meters

2. F-1 grenade at least 200 meters

3. TNT block weighing 200 grams 45 meters

4. TNT block weighing 400 grams 55 meters

5. Beer can 0.33 liters 60 meters

6. Mine MON-50 85 meters

7. Suitcase (case) 230 meters

8. Travel suitcase 350 meters

9. Zhiguli type car 460 meters

10. Volga type car 580 meters

11. Minibus 920 meters

12. Truck (van) 1240 meters


Law enforcement agencies will be greatly assisted in preventing the commission of crimes and searching for criminals by the following actions:

Try to remember the conversation verbatim and record it on paper.

As the conversation progresses, note the gender, age of the caller and the characteristics of his (her) speech:

Speech rate: fast/slow;

Pronunciation: clear, distorted, stuttered, hissed, with an accent or dialect;

Manner of speech: cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions.

Be sure to note the sound background (the noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television and radio equipment, voices, etc.).

Note the nature of the call - local or long distance.

Be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

In any case, try to get answers to the following questions during the conversation:

Where, to whom, what phone number is this person calling?

What specific demands does he/she make?

Does he/she make the demands personally, act as a mediator, or represent some group of people?

Under what conditions does he (she) or they agree to give up the plan?

How and when can I contact him/her?

Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to get the caller to give you the maximum possible amount of time for you and your management to make decisions or take any action.

If possible, during the conversation, report it to the management of the facility; if not, then immediately after its completion.

Do not talk about the fact of the conversation and its content. Limit the number of people who have information as much as possible.

If there is automatic identification of the Caller ID number, write down the determined phone number, which will avoid its accidental loss.

When using sound recording equipment, immediately remove the cassette (minidisc) containing the recording of the conversation and take measures to ensure its safety. Be sure to install another one in its place.


1. After receiving such a document, handle it with the utmost care. If possible, place it in a clean, tightly resealable plastic bag, and place it in a separate hard folder.

2. Try not to leave your fingerprints on it.

3. If the document arrived in an envelope, open it carefully by cutting off the edges with scissors.

4. Save everything: the document itself with the text, any attachments, envelope and packaging, do not throw anything away.

5. Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the contents of the document.

6. Anonymous materials are sent to law enforcement agencies with a covering letter indicating the specific characteristics of anonymous materials (type, quantity, in what way and on what they are executed, with what words the text begins and ends, the presence of a signature, etc.), as well as the circumstances associated with their distribution , detection or receipt.

7. Anonymous materials should not be stitched, glued together, it is not allowed to write on them, underline or circle certain places in the text, write resolutions and instructions, and it is also prohibited to crumple or bend them. When executing resolutions and other inscriptions on accompanying documents, no crush marks should be left on anonymous materials.

8. The registration stamp is affixed only to cover letters of organizations and applications of citizens who submitted anonymous materials to the authorities.

Types of suicide bombers

Terrorism in any of its manifestations is one of the most dangerous, destructive and violent acts directed against humanity.

The tragic events of recent years indicate that kamikaze terrorists can be both male and female. An analysis of cases of terrorist acts shows that “kamikaze” terrorists are mainly young people aged 18-35, of different nationalities. There are cases of terrorist acts committed by minors and even teenagers.

Usually, in order to penetrate the target of a terrorist attack, a terrorist dresses and behaves in such a way that he does not stand out in any way from the people around him. Therefore, special attention should be directed to identifying external psychophysiological manifestations of his intentions (through hidden external observation and direct communication with him), including gestures, postures, facial expressions, and features of spoken language.

Analysis and assessment of terrorist acts committed in the world and in Russia over last years allows us to identify the 6 most common types of “kamikaze” terrorists:

1) “zombie” terrorists;

2) revenge terrorists;

3) terrorists “patriots” (militants for “faith”);

4) terrorists for money;

5) terrorists “involuntarily”;

6) terrorists are “maniacs” (those with delusional ideas).

1. Terrorist “Zombie”. Zombification (psychoprogramming) means such mental processing of a person (usually using hypnosis and psychotropic substances), in which he receives a “setting” for a specific action (in this case, he is programmed to commit a terrorist act). Thus, a terrorist act is committed by a person who does not realize what he is doing; his behavior is controlled by another person. In this case, both mentally healthy persons and persons with varying degrees of mental disorders can be subjected to zombification. The distinctive features of a terrorist are a “zombie”: an indifferent (soulless, lifeless) face and a cold gaze; monotonous movements; expressionless gestures; contacts with other people are absent or random. The more a person has been zombified, the more these distinctive features appear outwardly.

When an unprogrammed obstacle arises, he becomes lost, looks for support “from the outside,” and a feeling of restlessness and anxiety appears. At the same time (attention!) it may be programmed to “self-destruct.”

2. Terrorist “avenger”. Revenge can be directed at objects of state power or only at law enforcement agencies, at a specific person. An observant person can identify such a terrorist by manifestations of emotional coldness (or even negative emotions towards others) and high self-control. If you turn to him, there is an inadequate emotional response, an increase in anxiety and aggressiveness, especially in women. At the same time, the terrorist does not want to answer questions (and does not understand these questions), and strives to immediately escape from the “obstacle” that has arisen on the way to the goal. Thus, his behavior does not in any way correspond to the behavior ordinary person who finds himself in a similar situation.

3. Terrorist “patriot”(“militant”, “for the faith”). This is the most common type of terrorist. Under the influence of experienced instructors, he develops a fanatical conviction in his faith, ideas and the image of an enemy in the form of representatives of another faith, another nationality. He perceives the commission of a terrorist act as “jihad” against the “infidels,” as a feat for the faith or the liberation of his people. He is aware that he is committing a terrorist act, killing people and destroying property, and he wants such consequences to occur. Thus, he commits a crime with direct intent, with the conviction that he is right.

Such a terrorist is fanatically (to the point of frenzy) devoted to his religion, ideas, extremely suspicious, cold-blooded, confident in his abilities, and is in constant readiness to commit a terrorist act. He is suspicious of others, and in case of accidental contact with people, he is quick-tempered and aggressive. There is also an arrogant and disdainful attitude towards the people around him.

You may notice: an increasing state of emotional tension and hostility, as evidenced by a sullen and threatening look, tightly compressed lips, grinding teeth, constricted pupils of the eyes, rapid breathing, clenched hands. He answers questions sharply after a short pause, and his answers clearly sound rude.

If there is an inept attempt to neutralize such a terrorist, the consequences can be unpredictable.

4. Terrorist “for money”. He commits a terrorist attack for selfish reasons (carrying out the task of those on whom he is completely financially dependent, or being in dire need and trying to financially provide for his family). Such a terrorist is characterized by a lack of ideological motivation and indifference to others.

The psycho-emotional state of a terrorist “for money” is characterized by internal tension (nervousness), which increases sharply when any obstacle arises in his way (for example, a police checkpoint). External manifestations of his condition: fussiness; looking around; frequent changes of posture; nervously fiddling with a piece of clothing, the handle or strap of a bag (package, backpack). He may experience the following signs: changes in complexion (whitening, redness, spots); protrusion of sweat; frequent blinking, coughing; twitching of individual facial muscles; increased facial expressions of the mouth; Frequent licking of lips or swallowing saliva. The voice of such a terrorist is often high-pitched, his speech is fast or intermittent. Vocal spasms may occur.

Excessive anxiety and worry can lead to a nervous breakdown.

5. Terrorist “involuntarily”. A person can be pushed to commit a terrorist attack through blackmail (taking his family members hostage, threatening to make public any information discrediting a given person, etc.) or by decision of a Sharia court for crimes committed (a deeply religious person is thus forced to atone for his guilt before God). The face of such a terrorist is often gloomy, pale, sickly, his mood is low, his movements are slow, and his gestures are inexpressive. He is silent, immersed in his own thoughts, indifferent to the people around him and to current events. When talking, he does not look the interlocutor in the face and avoids eye contact. Such a terrorist usually has a muffled voice and slow speech with long pauses.

6. Terrorist “maniac”(having delusional ideas). More often this is a “loner” terrorist, suffering from various types of mental disorders (consequences of cranial brain injury, brain diseases, alcohol, drug use). Due to his psychopathological characteristics and obsessions, he craves fame at any cost (“delusions of grandeur”), destroys the “enemies” pursuing him (“delusions of persecution”), or wants to rebuild the country (the world, the universe). Such a terrorist is especially dangerous if his consciousness is skillfully manipulated by a terrorist organization. The distinctive signs of this terrorist are isolation, imbalance and sudden mood swings, irritability and aggressiveness, hysteria, fussiness in movements or words. Often there may be signs of grumpiness, touchiness, as well as a desire to impress and selfishness.

Despite the variety of types of “kamikaze” terrorists, they have much in common: being in constant psycho-emotional stress caused by suicidal thoughts and the fear of falling alive into the hands of “special services” causes an anxious state (feelings of anxiety, suspicion and distrust towards the people around them, especially during unexpected contacts with people).

It should be noted that a strong fear of “catchment” rarely means that a suicide bomber is afraid of exposure and punishment. He is afraid that his detention will not allow the planned terrorist act to be carried out. External manifestations of such fear are: a pale (or very red) face, a gloomy look, sweating (especially the hands), trembling of the fingers, constrained movements. Before moving forward, he observes the actions of other people; when he is in front of police officers, he tries to change the direction of movement and get around them.

31.01.2019, 13:00 7689

The likelihood of terrorists boarding an aircraft is extremely low, but there is still a small risk. In the entire history of flights, only a few airliners have suffered this misfortune. It is difficult to collect 10 similar cases since the end of the last century. The peak of rampant crime occurred in 1999 - 2001. Modern security rules, technical innovations and intelligence training do not allow terrorists to harm respectable citizens. However, every traveler should know how to behave if an airliner is hijacked by armed criminals.

It is important to understand that aircraft are hijacked twice:

  • terrorists who put forward their demands;
  • intelligence officers who are trying to free the plane from the hijackers.

Rules of conduct when hijacking an aircraft

If an airliner is hijacked by a criminal(s), each passenger is advised to adhere to a number of rules.

The first and most important rule is to always do what the criminals demand. Otherwise, they can cause harm to the health and life of not only the disobedient passenger, but also everyone around them.

Do not panic. Victims who are captured by invaders are more likely to suffer psychological trauma than physical harm. The calmness of the passenger does not get on the terrorists' nerves.

Look around and choose the place that will be the safest if shooting starts. To increase your chances of rescue, choose several such places. If there is nowhere to hide nearby, then when shooting, bend down in a chair and cover your head with your hands.

Don't stand out from the crowd or give any signals. Attracting the attention of invaders threatens both health and life.

Don't cry, make loud noises, or express dissatisfaction with what is happening. Be as quiet as possible.

If there is an urgent need to go to the toilet, take pills out of your carry-on luggage, or perform any other movements, be sure to ask the invader’s permission.

Do not attempt to free yourself. Attacks on bandits and attempts to help intelligence officers can end in failure.

When the special services liberate the plane, remain in your seats, covering your head with your hands.

If you do not follow the rules described above, you may endanger your own health and life.

What to do when the special services arrive?

A hijacked plane always lands on the ground, at least to refuel. Then special units arrive on the scene, whose main goal is to neutralize the terrorists. The rescue process is a complex rescue operation, so passengers are advised to adhere to the following rules:
  • When attempting an assault, close your eyes. Security forces can spray tear gas to make it easier to neutralize terrorists. You cannot open your eyes and rub them with your hands.
  • The command "everyone fall to the floor" applies to everyone, so you should maximum speed slide under the chairs, or bend down to the floor as much as possible.
  • You can leave the aircraft only after a command is given to do so by a special forces officer.
  • When an evacuation is announced, quickly leave the cabin without thinking about your carry-on luggage and belongings. Precious seconds can cost lives, and things will be returned to their owners after the operation is completed.
In any situation, remain calm and cool. Believe that salvation is at hand and be quiet.

Public transport remains the most vulnerable target, since terrorist attacks carried out there can lead to large-scale casualties.


If possible, try to take seats near the window, at the back of the plane.
Reduce registration time to a minimum.
Place yourself closer to any cover or exit.
Study the neighboring passengers, pay attention to their behavior.
Discuss with family members what to do if a plane is hijacked.
Try not to visit outlets and food outlets located outside the airport security zone.

Immediately report unclaimed baggage or suspicious activity to flight crew or security personnel.

In the event of an attack on an airport:
- use any available shelter;
- fall even in the mud, don’t run;
- close your head and turn away from the side of attack;
- do not assist security forces unless you are completely sure of the effectiveness of such actions.


Imagine possible scenarios capture and your possible behavior in this case. Under no circumstances should you panic, do not jump up, remain seated in your chair. Do not argue with terrorists, do not provoke them to use weapons, in the absence of special training, do not try to neutralize terrorists yourself, keep your neighbors from doing this.

Accept the humiliation and insults that terrorists may subject you to. Do not discuss the terrorists’ affiliation (national, religious, etc.) with passengers.

Avoid anything that might draw attention to you.

If there are crying children or sick moaning people among the passengers, do not express your dissatisfaction, control yourself. Any outbreak of negative emotions can explode an already tense situation.

Do not drink alcohol.

Whatever happens, do not try to intercede for the crew members. Your intervention can only complicate the situation.

Never be outraged by the actions of pilots. The crew is always right. The flight attendant's order is law for the passenger.

Don't trust terrorists. They can say whatever they want, but they only pursue their own interests.

Behave with dignity. Think not only about yourself, but also about other passengers.

If you see that one of the crew members has left the plane, under no circumstances draw the attention of other passengers to this fact. The crew's actions may be noticed by terrorists.

If possible, be prepared for the moment the special operation to free the plane begins if, based on indirect signs, you feel that negotiations with them have not yielded results.

If a rescue operation is undertaken, try to take a position so that terrorists cannot grab you and use you as a human shield: fall down or hide behind the back of a chair, clasping your head in your hands, and remain there until you are allowed to rise.

Note: Security forces may mistake anyone who moves for a terrorist.

Leave the plane as quickly as possible. Don't stop to look for personal items.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer questions from investigators and remember the details of what happened in advance. This will help the investigation and save your own time.

Based on information from the National Anti-Terrorism Committee

Created: 12/22/2015
Update date: 05/02/2017

The Russian government has approved regulations governing the destruction of aircraft and ships captured by terrorists. Aviators fear that the very possibility of shooting down planes in the presence of “reliable information” about their capture will force pilots to hide the fact of the attack. The deputies object that the anti-terrorism vertical built in the country will guarantee that decisions are balanced.

The decree “On measures to implement federal law“On Countering Terrorism,” the government approved three provisions that describe the procedure for the use of weapons and military equipment by the Russian Armed Forces to eliminate the threat of a terrorist attack in the air, on water and under water, as well as during counter-terrorism operations. Let us recall that in the document adopted in March 2006 years the law contains only general principles actions of security forces in such situations. As the Ministry of Defense explained to Kommersant yesterday, “in the near future all regulatory documents will be brought into compliance with the adopted provisions.” legal acts, in particular, the service instructions of the air defense and navy on action in the event of a threat of terrorist attacks using captured aircraft and ships have been changed."

In general, these provisions confirm the long-established international procedure for responding to unauthorized actions of aircraft and ships. So, if an aircraft that has deviated from the prescribed route does not respond to “accepted in international practice” radio commands from the ground or refuses to obey them, fighters will be scrambled to intercept it, which will try to contact it again by radio, give “visual signals” and, finally, they will use weapons to “force them to land.” And only if all these measures do not help can an order be given to “stop the flight of the aircraft by destroying it.”

The procedure for using weapons by warships is described in even more detail. The relevant provision, in particular, clarifies that warning fire at the intruder vessel “is carried out by firing ahead along the course of the vessel in order to force it to stop.” After this, lethal fire is possible, but even this “if possible, is directed towards the stern of the craft in order to stop its movement.” The documents specifically stipulate that in the absence of a real danger of loss of life or environmental disaster, lethal weapons will not be used. That is, if a hijacked plane flies over the Siberian taiga far from cities and dangerous objects, the military should not shoot it down.

However, “suspicious” aircraft, according to the regulations, can be destroyed without warning. This will happen if there is “reliable information about the possible use of an aircraft to commit a terrorist act or the hijacking of an aircraft and the emergence of a real danger of loss of life or an environmental disaster.” At the same time, the “reliability” of such information “is determined by officials in the manner established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation jointly with Federal service security of the Russian Federation."

It is this point, as experts fear, that could lead to inappropriate actions by the crew of hijacked aircraft. “According to the resolution, the pilot can become just the source of that “reliable information” on the basis of which a decision can be made to immediately destroy the aircraft,” says Oleg Bulenkov, deputy head of the flight safety inspection of the State Customs Committee “Russia.” As a result, there is a possibility that it will turn out the opposite effect: under the threat of imminent destruction, the pilot may not report the hijacking of the plane by terrorists, thinking about the possible chance of survival.”

The deputies who adopted the mentioned law hope that this will not happen. The head of the State Duma Security Committee, Vladimir Vasiliev, admitted that the wording “reliable information” itself “cannot help but confuse,” but recalled that the law provides for “a vertical of responsibility for decision-making from the National Anti-Terrorism Committee to the lower operational headquarters.” Any chief of staff, before making a decision to destroy an aircraft, will “check and double-check all information coming to him.” Therefore, according to Vladimir Vasiliev, the law and the government decree adopted on its basis create precisely that “mechanism that allows you to avoid, on the one hand, an unacceptable mistake, and on the other hand, to minimize, when necessary, the consequences of a terrorist attack.”

Konstantin Kommersant-Lantratov, Viktor Kommersant-Khamraev





d) do nothing.



b) when the assault begins, I will run out of the building towards the location of the special unit; c) I will lie down on the floor, cover my head with my hands and not get up until the end of the operation;


a) you will breathe shallowly; b) you will breathe through a wet handkerchief and blink frequently;

d) cover yourself with a jacket.





d) to receive ransom;

d) for political reasons.


1. How to behave if a plane, bus, or train is hijacked by terrorists?: 2

a) Comply with the demands of terrorists, do not create conflict situations;

b) Ask permission for all actions;

c) When storming an aircraft by a capture team, lie down on the floor and do not rise until the end of the operation.

2. What are the main signs of the presence of explosive devices?: 2

a) The presence of wires, a small antenna, electrical tape, adhesive tape on a car or any household item (bag, suitcase, box, etc.);

b) Unattended briefcases, suitcases, bags, packages, sacks, boxes, boxes;

c) The presence of noise inside the detected object (clock ticking, clicks or any other sounds).

3. What should you do if you find an object that looks like an explosive device? 1

a) take it home to better examine it and preserve it until specialists arrive;

b) call your friends and look at the subject together;

c) do not touch it, warn others, report the find to the police or any official;

d) do nothing.

4. If terrorists seize a public building in which you were with other citizens, you must follow the following rules of safe behavior. Which one is wrong?2

a) do not try to neutralize terrorists on your own, do not enter into disputes with them, fulfill all their demands;

b) try not to attract their attention to yourself, hide somewhere, do not make unnecessary, sudden and suspicious movements;

c) if some of the hostages, children and sick people are being released, try to be among them;

d) take advantage mobile phone to report your location.

5. What will you do if the building is stormed by a capture group? 1

a) I will try to help the capture group;

b) when the assault begins, I will run out of the building towards the location of the special unit;c) I will lie down on the floor, cover my head with my hands and not get up until the end of the operation;

d) I’ll run to another room.

6. Indicate your actions when using tear gas. 2

a) you will breathe shallowly;b) you will breathe through a wet handkerchief and blink frequently;

c) you will hold your breath;

d) cover yourself with a jacket.

7. In a vehicle seized by terrorists: 3

a) stay in your place;

b) do not move around the cabin;

c) move closer to the driver;

d) try to attract less attention from criminals;

d) enter into dialogue with criminals and express complaints.

8. In the event of a forceful release of hostages (during an assault by a special unit): 3

a) try to hide behind objects (chair, table and other pieces of furniture);

b) protect your body from bullets with improvised means;

c) hide behind other hostages by mingling with them;

d) go to a visible place so that the special forces can see you;

e) try to move away from the entrance doors, windows, hatches and take a horizontal position.

9. At the time of the assault by special forces: 2

a) give up your place to the bandits among the hostages;

b) do not pick up weapons from criminals;

c) do not allow bandits to take their place among the hostages;

d) if possible, pick up the weapon of a killed criminal and help the special forces;

e) shout loudly, pointing the special forces at the bandits to help recognize them.

10. For what purpose are people taken hostage?: 3

a) show others who is cooler;

b) for religious or national reasons;

c) to become famous in means mass media and declare yourself;

d) to receive ransom;

d) for political reasons.

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