Markings on roundabouts. Roundabout: driving rules

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 720 Published November 9, 2018

Unquestioning adherence to the rules traffic today one of the main requirements of the traffic police. Therefore, every car owner should know all the features of traffic rules. Very often mistakes are made when driving through a roundabout where a roundabout sign is installed, since when making it there are quite a lot of features that need to be taken into account. We will consider all the factors that determine roundabout, and the consequences of breaking the rules.

Roundabout: what is it?

This is what a separate section of the road is called. It usually looks like a small island, which provides a number of features during the trip. The main factor becomes the mandatory direction of movement of the vehicle counterclockwise, and it continues until the car leaves the specified area.

Please note that intersections are not usually regulated. In addition, there are no traffic lights here, and priority is given to cars that are already on the site. Until he passes, others cannot enter the circle. It is also important that when driving through this section, the use of turn signals is not mandatory, with the exception of changing lanes between lanes.

In exceptional cases, in large cities with high traffic intensity, a traffic light may be provided in such a section. In this case, the movement is carried out strictly in accordance with its signal.

What signs are installed?

Traffic regulations provide for the installation of the following signs:

  1. Roundabout sign 4.3
  2. "Give way."

They determine the priority of cars. Even in the absence additional designations, the rules of circular traffic necessitate the need to give way to vehicles that have begun to move along the circular section.

Previously, it was planned to install signs 2.4 and 2.5. But after new amendments were introduced, which established uniform rules for driving around the ring, the need to install them disappeared, and therefore they are not installed today.

Please note that in some cases it is still necessary to install traffic lights and priority signs, and in such a situation it is necessary to follow their instructions.

Lane selection rules

It is necessary to select a lane in full accordance with the direction of the car, in particular:

  1. When turning further to the right at mandatory you must occupy the appropriate lane.
  2. When driving straight or needing to turn left, the leftmost lane is used.
  3. In the case of straight-line travel, the neutral strip is also occupied.

Those. The choice of lane is carried out depending on the further direction of the trip.

Basic rules for driving roundabouts

They imply a separate set of requirements for drivers. Note that when driving through the circle itself, it is considered the main road, all adjacent entrances are considered additional.

Strict adherence to the lane becomes an important condition, since any violation can cause an accident, and in addition cause inconvenience to other road users. In addition, such violations are also punishable by fines to the car owner, but you will be able to learn about them a little later.

Right turn

For such a maneuver, you need to slow down and turn on the appropriate turn signal. Next, the main requirement is to occupy the right lane, and in the future move only along it.

The main task when entering is to make sure that other cars do not violate the rules. This can guarantee safety and prevent an accident.

Left turn at a roundabout

If necessary, turn left must take left lane and then move along it until you reach your turn.

Upon reaching your turn, you need to change lanes to the right and then turn. Please note that this must be done as carefully as possible, since inattention in this case can cause an accident.

This driving algorithm is only relevant if there are no additional driving signs on the roundabout that determine priority.


Any number of roads can be adjacent to such an intersection. Depending on their number, the driver’s actions to cross the section will be determined.When a ring has more than two bands, it is recommended to occupy the middle one. If there are only two lanes, the choice must be made depending on the situation on the road.

When driving straight ahead, you can also make a roundabout in the right lane, but in this case you may interfere with a car that intends to maneuver to the right from the center lane. Therefore, the most optimal option is to occupy the neutral zone.

Leaving the roundabout lane

Now let's talk about how to properly exit the ring.

In accordance with traffic regulations, leaving the intersection is only possible from the right lane. That is why, in order to make a turn and pass, you must first change lanes.

Before changing lanes into an adjacent lane, you need to assess the situation on the road, then let other participants pass and only then change lanes.

The main feature of this section is that overtaking is allowed here. It is also important that it is not allowed to stop in the ring zone, which entails penalties.

Before entering an additional road, the driver must turn on the turn signal and, taking into account the rules for driving through intersections, exit the roundabout. In this case, further movement can be carried out along any of the lanes that will be convenient for the driver himself. But we should not forget about the driving culture, which involves driving into the far right lane.

Fines for driving incorrectly at a roundabout

Any violation of the rules during a roundabout at an intersection will result in a fine. Moreover, its size depends strictly on the individual characteristics of the violation. In particular, the following penalties can be noted:

  1. In accordance with Article 12.12 of the Administrative Code, when entering a roundabout with a prohibited traffic light signal, a fine of 1 thousand rubles is imposed. In case of relapse, the fine increases to 5 thousand rubles. In the future, violations are fraught with sanctions in the form of deprivation of rights for six months. The choice of punishment is made by the court.
  2. If you do not give way to a car that is already moving around the roundabout. In accordance with Article 12.13, a fine is imposed - 1 thousand rubles. In case of relapse, the sanctions correspond to the previous article.
  3. Violating the direction of movement at a roundabout entails the imposition of a sanction in the form of deprivation of rights for six months.
  4. The turn signal is not turned on when changing lanes.
  5. Stopping during a roundabout is permitted at a distance of at least 5 meters from the roadway being crossed; violation of this rule carries a fine of 500 rubles in accordance with Article 12.19 of the Administrative Code.
  6. In case of violation of the rules of movement, markings and signs, the penalty is a fine of 500 rubles; for conscientious drivers who have not previously been subject to such penalties, a regular warning in writing is possible (according to the preparation of a protocol by traffic police officers).


In accordance with the latest amendments to the traffic rules, it is noted:

  1. A car that is already moving through the intersection has priority, and those who plan to enter must give way to it (Article 13.11.1 of the Administrative Code).
  2. In accordance with clause 8.4. – a driver who plans to change lanes must necessarily give way to a vehicle moving in that direction.

Important! The rules have not been amended in relation to regulated areas of this type, so you should be guided by priority signs and traffic lights.

It is also important that the entrance to the circle is accessible from any lane, and exit from it is only from the right, and when leaving the site you can drive along any of the lanes of the adjacent road, but it is still recommended to initially start the trip on the far right.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that correct movement at an intersection where there is a roundabout is a very important skill. This process undoubtedly requires a lot of concentration from the driver, since it involves many features.

The main factor when starting a journey is the choice of lane, and a mistake at this stage can cause an accident or a fine.

Therefore, the driver is required to have great concentration, knowledge of all the rules, and most importantly, the ability to apply them in practice, while analyzing the situation on the road.

Taking into account all these factors, you can minimize the risk of an emergency, and also avoid penalties.

And finally, a video from a driving instructor Sergei Markitesov:

What you need to pay attention to when driving through new roundabouts traffic rules? Who will be right and who will be wrong in an accident on a circle? And why is there discord between circles?

We are sure that many motorists have heard and are aware that new rules for driving roundabouts came into force on November 8th. Driving through the roundabout is enshrined in a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and states that drivers approaching the roundabout are required to give way to cars that are already driving at the roundabout.

If you haven’t heard about this yet, you can read these rules on the pages of our online publication:

On paper everything looks good. What motorists have been waiting for a long time has finally happened. However, reality itself cannot be immediately changed with one stroke of the pen, and most importantly, it is impossible to change the habit of motorists who have been driving through such specific intersections for years using a completely different algorithm.

Observing the Brownian motion at such intersections, we came to the conclusion that to a certain extent, in our opinion, it only intensified. This is a normal reaction for the transition period, which, by the way, can last a year or more. It is imperative to know certain nuances so as not to get into an unpleasant situation, which could result from an incorrect interpretation of this innovation in the traffic rules.

Firstly, you initially need to decide on the types of roundabouts. There are two types of them: equivalent and unequal intersections. What is their fundamental difference? Let's look at everything in more detail.

Equivalent roundabout

If you approach the circle and see this sign ( Sign 4.3),

then this means that you are entering an equivalent intersection. Changes in the rules from November 8 precisely regulate the passage of these intersections. Therefore, if when approaching an intersection you see only sign 4.3, then the algorithm of your actions in this case will be as follows:


As soon as you find yourself on the circle itself, all cars entering the intersection must let you pass.

The main thing is that you must remember this and memorize it from now on.

Uneven roundabout

This type of intersection, like the previous one, has not gone away and is unlikely to ever be completely abolished. Local traffic police authorities, at their discretion, in addition to sign 4.3 indicating a circle, sometimes establish priority signs:

Sign 2.1 "Main Road"

Sign 2.4 "Give way"

This is dictated by local traffic management.

It is precisely at these intersections that the greatest danger for motorists lurks. One gets the feeling that some drivers, having inattentively read the updated traffic rules, decided for themselves that the above signs are no longer valid, they say they haven’t had time to remove them yet, they begin to drive in circles and thus create emergency situations. THIS IS categorically NOT SO! THE SIGNS WORK! New rules for driving the circle here Not are spreading. Everything remains the same. Let's remind everyone again.

The following rules regulate the passage of such intersections:

13.9. At an intersection of unequal roads, the driver of a vehicle moving on a secondary road must give way to vehicles approaching on the main road, regardless of the direction of their further movement.

13.10. In the event that the main road changes direction at an intersection, drivers moving along the main road must follow the rules for driving through intersections of equivalent roads. Drivers driving on secondary roads should also follow these same rules.

Thus, you need to remember that when approaching an intersection from the direction of the “Give Way” sign, you must accordingly give way to cars located on the main road. If a circle or part of a circle is a main road and it intersects with another main road that is adjacent to the circle, then the driver must follow the rule of interference on the right, i.e. give way to a vehicle that has the right of way.

This is the second important rule you need to know.

What should you do to avoid getting into an accident at an intersection?

Follow the posted signs carefully and be vigilant. Even if you have the right of way and see that another traffic participant is not going to give way to you, it is better to let him through, perhaps he has not yet heard about the innovation or is simply confused on the road.

Penalty for breaking a circle

Penalty for not giving right of way at a roundabout in accordance with article 12.13,- failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way vehicle, enjoying priority right of passage through intersections, is 1,000 rubles.

Please do not forget about some other possibilities of getting fined. They are of course less common, but cause no less damage to the wallet:

Driving in the oncoming lane, against traffic on the roundabout - 5,000 rubles or deprivation driver's license for 4 - 6 months.

Violation of the requirements of signs or markings when driving in a circle - warning or fine 500 rubles.

On November 8, new rules for driving roundabouts came into force. If there is no “Main Road” sign when entering such an intersection, the driver must give way to all cars on the circle. The corresponding decree on changing traffic rules when driving through roundabouts was signed by the Prime Minister at the end of October. Then Medvedev said that traffic rules regarding driving around circles are interpreted differently depending on the region.

The circles were driven differently

“Even in one city there can be different schemes, depending on what kind of intersection it is,” the head of government explained the need to introduce new rules. - Because of this, there are conflict situations, which could have been avoided if these rules had been uniform. Now priority for passage is given to those who move around the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. This practice exists in almost all European countries and has proven its effectiveness."

The problem with discrepancies in interpretations was repeatedly raised in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru by the head of the expert center, a member of the government commission on road safety, Alexander.

“In 2010, a resolution was adopted according to which the circle is considered the main thing for motorists. However, the wording in the traffic rules remains the same, according to which the circle is considered secondary when driving if there are no other road signs. As a result, it turned out that people remembered that the circle was the main one, while others remembered that the circle was secondary, and many still do not understand how to drive correctly,” Shumsky told Gazeta.Ru.

— Many people, including me, slow down not only when entering a circle, but also when leaving it. Just in case, you never know who might come to your side.

But if everything is done correctly, then the organization of circular motion increases throughput intersection by 30-40%. At the same time, it’s funny that the practice has really spread, according to which the circle is considered the main thing. But in different regions everything may turn out to be completely different, for example, in the Caucasus they drive differently than in the Urals. In Moscow, it is customary to consider the circle to be the main one, but as soon as you go somewhere beyond the Moscow Ring Road, for example, to Dzerzhinsk, you start to get confused again.”

You also need to follow the rules when leaving the circle.

The head of the “Main Road” program, in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru, drew attention to the fact that drivers should remember not only the rules for entering roundabouts, but also for leaving them.

“Initially, the roundabout was invented in order to relieve congestion at intersections, and now traffic rules have led to monotony - the main circle is everywhere,” said Scriabin. “But now the traffic situation on roundabouts will largely depend on the administration of such sections by road workers: that is, how road workers will mark, for example, intersections that only seem circular, but in fact are equivalent. After all, the presence of a flowerbed in the middle does not mean that a circular movement is organized here.

But drivers have problems not only when entering a circle, but also when exiting it. So, everyone remembers that you can enter the roundabout from any lane, but many forget that you can only leave by occupying the far right lane.”

Danger lurked behind the buses

The head of the interregional drivers' union, Alexander, believes that uniform rules for driving roundabouts will reduce the number of accidents.
“Before, in the good old days, the circle was always the main thing,” Kotov recalled in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. “Then changes were made to the traffic rules, because different roads are adjacent to the intersection, so some of them were marked with a “main road” sign, others were “non-main roads.”

And if there were 5-6 entries per circle, the drivers got lost. Especially if the traffic is heavy, and they rarely drive in this circle.

In Moscow, even professional drivers who knew all the intersections found themselves in situations where road signs were unexpectedly changed and it turned out that they became traffic violations. And it is very good that now uniform rules of passage have been legalized - everyone who is on the adjacent directions on the right must yield to me if I am driving in a circle.

There will also be no such situations when, for example, girls are driving in small cars in a circle, and an articulated bus is driving on the right, covers the give way sign, drives away, but the girl does not see that she needs to slow down, and someone flies into her side from the right who is sure that he is driving along the main road.

To avoid getting into trouble, the driver should be aware that not all roundabout intersections have a roundabout. Driving rules corresponding to roundabouts apply only at those intersections where these road signs are installed. Thus, if there is no road sign 4.3 traffic rules installed in front of the intersection, then you must drive through it in accordance with general requirements driving through street intersections.

Road sign 4.3 "Circular movement"

Roundabout: driving rules

At intersections with organized roundabouts, the direction of movement along the circular road is set counterclockwise, which, by the way, is indicated by arrows on the road sign. If the arrows on the sign are directed clockwise, this means that the sign is “homemade” and its effect has no legal force. In this case, you need to cross the roundabout like a regular uncontrolled intersection, if there are no other priority signs.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on October 26, 2017 changing the priority of cars at a roundabout intersection. New rules for driving around roundabouts come into force on November 8th. According to the decree, now priority will be given to those who move in the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. The new rules apply only to equivalent intersections, which are indicated only by sign 4.3 and are installed in all directions. At unequal intersections, priority signs are additionally installed and drivers are required to follow the requirements of the signs. Read more about this below.

Roundabouts make it easier to navigate through intersections with heavy traffic flow, and therefore are often found on highways and in cities. And therefore, even a novice car owner should know how to drive around the ring correctly. Let's figure out what requirements are established by the traffic rules here.

When do traffic rules require roundabouts?

A common cause of accidents on the roads is the collision of two (and sometimes more) cars at intersections. To improve security and increase throughput, we use different ways, and one of them is roundabouts. For them, an “island” is created in the center of the intersection - a piece of land not intended for traffic. Along the edge, the “island” is bordered by a road along which vehicles travel strictly in one direction.


In this case, you can drive without limiting the number of laps. For example, a driver who missed the right exit or did not have time to change lanes can drive around the intersection and try again.

Traffic around the ring according to traffic rules is not specifically described now - there are general rules travel and regulations regarding markings and installed signs, which need to be considered in more detail.

Road sign "Roundabout" and additional signs

According to current traffic rules, traffic around the ring is carried out in the same way as at ordinary unregulated intersections. As a result, the rules for driving roundabouts provide an advantage for those entering the intersection over those already moving through the intersection. This is precisely the option provided if there is a “Roundabout” sign at the intersection.

However, changes were made to the traffic rules not long ago. The following additional signs can now be installed at roundabouts:

  • 2.4 – requirement to give way;
  • 2.5 – prohibition to move without stopping.

The combination of these signs will mean that those cars already at the intersection will have priority over those trying to enter there.

However, you need to remember: this situation is allowed only where there are signs 2.4 or 2.5! Otherwise, the traffic rules have not changed - and the driver does not always enjoy the advantage. Unfortunately, erroneous explanations that were given back in 2010 are remembered by drivers - and often this leads not only to disputes, but also to accidents.

Correct trajectory and direction of entry

Let's figure out how the driver should enter the ring. This question is not so simple, since usually there are several lanes on the ring, and there are also multi-lane tracks adjacent to it. In addition, in some cases, the number of traffic lanes at the intersection itself and at its exits may differ. What rules apply here?

How to get to the traffic circle from the right lane?

You can enter the roundabout from any lane, but the easiest way to drive through roundabouts is on the right. In this case, the driver must act as follows:

  • approach an intersection, slow down;
  • enter the right lane of the roundabout;
  • if necessary, change lanes to the left or middle lane if you do not plan to turn right at the nearest exit.

How to start driving around the ring from the left lane?

Traffic regulations require that when turning, the driver must change lanes to the left. However, if a car is moving in a circular path while turning, this requirement does not apply to it: you don’t have to change lanes, but drive straight into the ring.

But at the same time, the roundabout rules indicate that you can only enter the intersection in the equivalent row of the circle. If a driver driving in the left lane enters the right lane of the roundabout, he will thereby cross the trajectory of those already moving in the right lane of the adjacent road.

Which turn signals should I turn on?

Driving through the traffic circle requires the driver to use turn signals. Motorists usually forget about them - but in vain: in this regard, the circle is no different from a regular turn at an intersection.

Therefore, in order not to violate traffic rules, you need to turn on the turn signals as follows:

  • when entering a circle, the right one works;
  • changing lanes - left or right, depending on the direction of the maneuver;
  • When leaving the circle, you must also use the right one.

In a word, the old rule “where you turn the steering wheel, you turn on the turn signal” also applies to those driving along the ring.

Preparing for departure and care rules

A driver wishing to leave a roundabout must take precautions in advance. First of all, he must move into the right lane. Driving through the roundabout according to the new rules does not change anything here: even if the roundabout has priority over those entering, you cannot go to the right from the left lane. In this case, it is necessary to let both those who are moving in the far right lane and those who are going to enter the lane in which the car is already moving pass.

Approaching the exit, the driver must use the right turn signal to indicate to other road users that he is about to carry out a maneuver. Violation of this rule may result in a collision. It must be remembered that if there are no special signs or markings, you need to let those entering the roundabout pass.

Which car has priority according to traffic regulations?

Since priority has been mentioned, it is worth bringing together all the conditions that the roundabout has according to the traffic rules. So here are the priority rules in brief:

  • If there is only a 4.3 sign, then the advantage is on the side of those who enter the ring.
  • Signs about stopping (“Stop”) or about the requirement to let pass – priority goes to those who are already on the roundabout.
  • If part of the circle or the whole of it, according to the signs, is the main road, then here you also need to let those who are already driving under it pass.
  • If there is a traffic light on the roundabout, you need to follow its signals.

Fines for traffic violations

Typical violations when driving in a circle are the following:

  1. Entering the intersection through the stop line. This violation is punishable by a fine of 800 rubles.
  2. Driving on red if there is a traffic light in front of the circle - a fine of 1000 rubles for the first time. The second time you will have to pay 5,000, or lose your rights for up to six months.
  3. Violation of the rules on priority - a fine of 1000 rubles.
  4. A turn signal not turned on will cost 500 rubles.
  5. A turn that violates the lane rules will cost the same amount.
  6. Parking closer than 5 m from the road being crossed costs 500 rubles.
  7. Moving against the flow means deprivation of rights.

In addition, on the circle you can receive a punishment for those violations that do not specifically relate to the rules of travel. For example, driving disabled vehicles is also prohibited there, drunk driving etc.

Driving directions in pictures and typical driver mistakes

The easiest way is to show how to drive properly roundabout, using diagrams. So here's how to move around the ring:

It is easy to notice that on a three-lane road the rule applies: the later you leave, the closer you need to stay to the “island” in the center.

The driving rules are also clearly visible on this diagram, where permitted trajectories are highlighted in green, prohibited ones in red, and it also shows who and where should turn on the turn signal:

The driver should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Turn from the second or third row to the right. It is necessary to move into the right lane in advance. If this cannot be done before the turn, it is better to make a second circle.
  • Activating a left turn when entering a circle. This is not required: you only need to turn it on when changing lanes to one of the inner lanes.
  • Drive only on the right side. This is acceptable according to traffic rules, but in practice this habit interferes with other drivers. If a motorist does not plan to leave at the nearest turn, he should change lanes closer to the center of the circle.


When participating in a roundabout, as elsewhere on the road, you need to remember the rules and carefully look around. Then you will be able to avoid both accidents and fines.

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