Robot search engine for electronic platforms. Fas caught auction robots

Automatically submits offers on electronic trading platforms under 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

It helps you earn more at auctions:

  • Reduces costs for companies that frequently participate in procurement. They spend a lot of time monitoring auctions and submitting bids on time.
  • Helps to win auctions that take a long time. For example, bidding to determine transport contractors. One of these is 0361200015017007088. Submission of proposals begins on November 24, and ends on January 17. The auction lasted 54 days, it is impossible to win it without automation.
  • Wins auctions with "rams". Two to four campaigns in such auctions greatly reduce the price. Then they will be rejected for the second part. The main campaign puts a real offer at the last minute of additional submission. The WIN IT robot, due to its very high speed, puts the offer last in the additional submission, taking into account the real rates of competitors.
  • Guarantees victory in auctions where speed is important. Usually in such trades you cannot go below a certain level. A common practice in the areas of software sales, insurance and medical supply. For example, auction 0852500000117001603.

Nine bidders submitted the same lowest bid. The one who does it first will win.

How does the WIN IT auction robot differ from others?

Sberbank-AST and RTS-tender have a built-in ability to automatically submit proposals. Their functions are limited, but they are free to connect. If standard robots are sufficient for your tasks, use them.

  • The highest speed of submission of proposals. If the robot does not win in terms of speed, the money for use is returned to the balance of your personal account.
  • Many strategies and the ability to connect the ones you need to order.
  • A large number of connected platforms: Sberbank-AST, EETP, RTS-tender, MICEX ETP, ZakazRF. You can connect any others upon request, even in other countries.
  • Possibility to choose the reduction step. At Sberbank-AST, for example, the step is set only with a difference of 0.5%.
  • Unlike desktop analogues, you do not need to pay for connecting additional platforms and workstations, and in the future for technical support. Payment only for successful submission of bids in a specific auction.

How much does it cost to pay for a successful auction?

The price depends on the chosen strategy. They are divided into high-speed and standard, in which speed does not matter for victory.

Payment for standard strategies
Starting price (NMCC) Price
Up to 250,000 rub. 250 rub.
250,001 – 500,000 rub. 500 rub.
500,001 – 2,000,000 rub. 1,000 rub.
From 2,000,001 rub. 2,000 rub.

High-speed strategies require more resources and are more expensive.

Payment for speed strategies
Starting price (NMCC) Price
Up to 50,000 rub. 500 rub.
50,001 – 250,000 rub. 1,000 rub.
250,001 – 500,000 rub. 2,500 rub.
500,001 – 1,000,000 rub. 5,000 rub.
1,000,001 – 5,000,000 rub. 10,000 rub.
From RUB 5,000,001 20,000 rub.

How to win more with an auction robot

  1. Register.
  2. Add the digital signature in your personal account from which you participate in auctions on the trading platform.
  3. Test the robot for free in an auction with NMCC up to 50,000 rubles. If the auction is larger, write to support and receive a bonus 1000 rubles to your balance. Code phrase: " Good-tender».
  4. Automate bid submissions and win more auctions.

In the fall, a trading robot will appear on the EETP, which will help government procurement participants not to miss out on participating in a profitable auction. An automated trading broker will be able to set the lowest possible price, even if the supplier was unable to access the website of the electronic platform on time.

As RBC daily learned, at the end of September OJSC Unified Electronic Trading Platform (EETP) plans to launch a new automated trading system. The so-called trading robot (automated trading broker) will help suppliers participate in auctions without their direct participation.

“Before the auction, the participant will be able to set the maximum minimum price that he can offer for the lot and sign it with an EDS (electronic digital signature. - RBC daily). Thus, a queue book of offers is built on the server, which is stored on the EETP server. From the moment the bidding begins, the system automatically submits proposals for bidding up to the specified price of the lot or victory,” explains the essence of the innovation, the general director of the site Anton Emelyanov.

According to surveys, about 25% of market participants will use the “services” of a trading broker (according to RBC daily, about 18% of participants are ready to use the system periodically and another 7% - constantly).

The EETP hopes that with the introduction of this system, the number of unfounded complaints to the FAS will decrease threefold: it is expected that it will help protect trading from technical failures in the processing of applications and hackers, who have become noticeably more active recently (in May, the first criminal case was brought against DDoS attacks case).

“The topic of using trading robots on electronic trading platforms, as is done in stock trading, is very interesting. We ourselves considered adding such functionality to our sites some time ago, but so far this idea has not received development. One of the reasons is that robots are not universal and are applicable only in auction procedures, so not all operators of electronic trading platforms see a priority in providing such a function on their sites,” says Fogsoft CEO Mikhail Fogilev.

The use of automated robots has long been discussed all over the world, adds Ivan Begtin, head of the Data Mining Laboratory. However, the appearance of such a robot on an electronic trading platform surprises the expert. “Our laws, including those on government procurement, operate on the principle “everything that is not clearly permitted is prohibited.” We do not have explicit permission to use trading robots. So before launching the system, it is necessary to obtain bureaucratic confirmation and permission from officials,” says Mr. Begtin.

The robot on Sberbank-AST submits proposals from the participant automatically, reducing the price to the established limit.

The speed of its operation depends on the state of the ETP and trading. If there are few bids in the auction, bids are submitted for one to three seconds. The longer the bidding takes and the more participants, the lower the filing speed and the more likely it is to malfunction.

You can turn on the robot in the section with applications for participation until 18:00 on the day before the auction.

To set up automatic trading, you just need to confirm your agreement with the regulations, specify the minimum price and select the step size.

When bidding opens, the robot will submit bids in set increments until it reaches the specified minimum price. You can turn it off in the section with applications for participation or during bidding by placing a bid manually.

Disadvantages of the standard robot on Sberbank-AST:

  • It is impossible to set a price equal to the NMCC.It may be necessary if this is not your first application, and you need to supply the NMCC.
  • You cannot set the price submission time. For example, at the last minute to delay the auction.
  • The robot step is set with a difference of 0.5%. You cannot select steps of 1.1%, 4.6% and others not divisible by 0.5%.

When to use auto-trading:

  • It is not possible to attend the auction in person.
  • You need to protect yourself from communication problems during bidding and try to deliver faster than your competitors.
  • Long bidding is expected. Often these are auctions with a large NMCC or for an increase. Example: auction for the right to provide transport services 0361200015017007088.Trading began on November 24, 2017 and ended on January 11, 2018. The auction lasted for a month and a half.

How to win a robot on Sberbank-AST

The built-in robot has two advantages:

  • usually places bets faster than a person,
  • its operation is not affected by the speed and stability of the Internet connection.

You can defeat the built-in robot on Sberbank-AST manually. It will take time, the ability to calculate the moves of competitors and put your own ahead of them.

Let's look at how to defeat auto-trading using an example:

  • NMCC 100 rub.
  • cost price 50 rub.
  • acceptable price 60 rub.

If a competitor has set an acceptable price and is not present at the auction in person, it is enough to outbid the offer by reducing it by a minimum step. In the example, a competitor with auto trading indicates a price of 60 rubles. During the auction, the robot makes a bid of 60 rubles. and stops. You are the first to place a bet of 59.5 rubles.

If the robot in the example takes steps with a difference of five rubles, you need to:

  1. Get ahead of him and place a bet of 70-65.5 rubles.
  2. The robot will bet 60.5-65 rubles;
  3. Bet 60 rub.

Sometimes auto-bidding is set up with the goal of reaching an acceptable price, and then bids are placed manually. Here the winner is the one who makes the minimum bet first. Much will depend on the willingness of competitors to work at a certain price.

How to beat auto-trading using another robot

To defeat auto-trading, you can use another robot. The fastest and most stable is WIN IT. With its help, you can stay ahead of the built-in robot at Sberbank and flexibly build strategies.

Compared to Sberbank auto trading, it allows you to:

  • set the price in the range from NMCC to zero,
  • choose any reduction step,
  • select the time for submitting the proposal,
  • outpace the built-in robot.

To work with WIN IT, register on the site and try participating in one auction for free.

After submitting an application for an open auction, there is a function to connect an auction robot. To enable it you need:

Log in to your personal account using an electronic digital signature certificate, then you need to go to the tab “Auctions” -> “Application for participation in the auction”.

In the list of auctions for which you have submitted applications, you need to find the one you need and click the enable button in the “Robot” column, after which the form for creating a robot will open

"Creating a Robot"

In the “Robot Operation Parameters” section, we confirm our consent (check the box), then you need to indicate the limits (the minimum (best) offer that the robot can make during the period of this auction), and also indicate the price reduction step. If it is necessary for the price to rise with such a step, then it is necessary to indicate the price reduction step with a minus sign (as in mathematics, minus by minus gives a plus

If all the parameters of the robot are indicated (it’s better to double-check), to activate it you need to click "Sign and send". Upon successful activation, the system will issue a notification about the successful activation of the auction robot.

After which the status of your robot will change to "Activated"

The parameters of the auction robot cannot be changed, so if you need a robot with different parameters, you need to disable the existing robot and create a new one. The new robot will have a new serial number.

Important: The day before the start of the auction, or more precisely from 18:00 on the day preceding the auction, the function of turning on (off) the robot is not available. The function of connecting (disconnecting) the robot will become available from the moment the auction begins, by making a price offer manually, signing it with an electronic digital signature.

From the beginning of the electronic auction until the completion of the robot’s work (reaching the configured limit), the participant can deactivate the auction robot, for which it is necessary to manually submit a price proposal signed with an electronic signature. Even if such a price offer is not accepted, the robot will be disabled.

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