Cream cheese harm and benefit and harm. Characteristics of cream cheese with photos, as well as a recipe for homemade cheese. How many calories are in cream cheese

Cream cheese is considered a “young” product; it began to be produced “only” 4 centuries ago, while the history of cheese making goes back several thousand years, and today more than 2 thousand types of cheese are known.

This cheese is called differently: creamy, soft, cream cheese - i.e. cream cheese, cream spread, sandwich cheese...

If cheeses in general are given a place by nutrition experts among the most valuable and healthiest products for humans, then cream cheeses - they are also called fresh - are the very best of all cheeses.

Why? Firstly, cream cheeses are usually prepared from cottage cheese and milk with the addition, most often, of cream (butter and sour cream are also added). Cream - creamy - that's where its name comes from, as well as its soft, velvety consistency and distinct creamy taste.

Secondly, cream cheeses are not left to age, pressed, or salted (although salt is sometimes added to certain types of soft cheese). While still hot, the finished cheese is packaged in plastic containers - which, by the way, extends its shelf life. All this taken together allows you to preserve all the beneficial qualities and taste of the original products. That’s why cream cheeses are recommended not only for adults, but also for children.

Cream cheeses appeared on our shelves much later than those of our European and overseas neighbors. Today we can buy the world famous Philadelphia, Italian Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Almetta, Feta, Boursin, Buko. New brands of soft cheeses from different countries are also appearing.

Cream cheeses can have a variety of fillings, which include chopped smoked fish and meat, spices, fruits, and vegetables. The differences in taste make them especially desirable for sandwiches and today's very fashionable and sought-after snack layer cakes, which are often cut into small cubes and skewered to make excellent canapés for parties.

There are no domestic soft cheeses yet. But this, apparently, is a matter of time: it is known that our cheese makers are actively mastering the production of cream cheese.

Cream cheese is widely used for culinary purposes. In addition to the fact that it makes excellent sandwiches of all kinds - after all, it is easy to spread on rye bread, crackers or bread, soft cheese has long become an ingredient in a lot of desserts and baked goods, as well as salads.

It’s worth saying one more thing. Soft cheeses are not available to everyone. There are two reasons here, the first is that these cheeses cannot be found in all even large supermarkets, let alone stores in small towns and villages? The second is the price, which is quite high for many buyers.

It is not surprising that recipes have appeared that allow you to prepare cream cheese in your home kitchen with the greatest possible degree of proximity to the real taste of such cheeses.

Cream cheese, or cream cheese, is a soft, creamy type of cheese that has a creamy taste. It is made from the milk of various farm animals (cows, buffalos, sheep, goats). All cream cheeses, regardless of their recipe, are dairy products with a soft consistency, in the manufacturing process of which there is no ripening stage and no additional processing methods are used (smoking, melting).

Types of cheese creams

In the modern world there are many varieties of soft cheeses. Many of them have gained worldwide popularity, and some are a cheese product of local importance, that is, a purely national cheese that is prepared at home.

Greece is considered the birthplace of the first cream cheese - feta. The first mention of feta dates back to the time of Homer, who lived in the eighth century BC. Many popular cream cheeses today come from Italy: mozzarella, mascarpone, ricotta. The French cream cheeses Gervais and Neuchatel are also known throughout the world. Another extremely popular variety is Philadelphia cheese, which is produced by the American food company Kraft Foods.

Greek feta

Classic feta is made from goat or sheep milk. This is a fatty, soft, salty cheese. It has a dense texture and crumbles easily. The color of feta may vary depending on the source material and range from snow-white to light beige. Goat feta has a specific smell. Sheep's milk produces a richer, softer cheese.

Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese, made from cow's milk, is currently the most popular cream cheese in the world. It is produced both according to the classic recipe and low-fat, with additives and fillings. This cheese owes its recipe to the American dairyman Lawrence, who tried to replicate the French neuchâtel cheese, and as a result received a more affordable analogue. Subsequently, this recipe was launched into mass production by the American company Kraft Foods under the name “Philadelphia”.


This is a French version of cream cheese - a prototype of Philadelphia. It is produced from cow's milk, adding rennet to curdle it, followed by a special yeast fungus. After 10 days, Neuchatel cheese is considered ready. At this point, the surface of the cheese dries out and becomes covered with velvety white mold, which gives it a specific moldy aroma and fresh taste.

Mozzarella and ricotta

Mozzarella and ricotta are soft, creamy Italian cheeses. According to the classic recipe, they are prepared from black buffalo milk (mozzarella) and whey remaining after making mozzarella (ricotta). On an industrial scale, these cheeses are made from buffalo milk of other breeds, cow's milk and mixtures thereof, and less often from sheep or goat milk.


Italian mascarpone cheese is a special curd cream cheese with very high fat content. Previously, it was also made from buffalo milk, but commercially it is produced from cow's milk. The production process of this product differs in that rennet is not added to it for ripening. Instead, tartaric acid or white wine vinegar is added to milk to coagulate proteins. It is the absence of animal rennet that makes this product vegetarian.

Chemical composition

Cream cheese is a nutritious, healthy and high-calorie product, because its special creamy consistency is provided by the fats it contains in large quantities. The bulk of milk fat consists of saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids, and triglycerides. In addition, these fats also contain concentrated (compared to milk fats) unsaturated acids, including omega-3 and omega-6.

In addition to fats, cream cheeses contain:

  • milk proteins (casein, lactoalbumin, globulins);
  • carbohydrates, including lactose - milk sugar;
  • organic acids, in particular lactic acid;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins.

The energy value of cream cheese ranges from 170 to 390 kcal, which depends on the type of cheese and its fat content. The exception is low-fat varieties of cheese, for example, low-fat Philadelphia cheese, which has a calorie content of only 80 kcal.

The protein composition of these cheeses depends on the type of milk used for their preparation. So, if the cheese is made from cow's or goat's milk, it will contain a lot of casein. If buffalo milk or whey is used to make cheese, the product will contain a lot of albumin and globulins.

Cream cheese proteins are more complete in their amino acid composition than fish and meat proteins. The essential amino acids methionine, glycine, lysine, and tryptophan, which these curd products are rich in, are of great importance for the human body.

The main carbohydrate in cream cheese is milk sugar - lactose, which is a substrate for the formation of lactic acid, which is beneficial for intestinal flora. This carbohydrate, made up of glucose and sucrose, provides energy but does not raise blood glucose levels as sharply as sugar.

Lactic acid, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of lactose, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora in the human intestine. In addition, the acidic environment created by lactic acid promotes the absorption of vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus.

Cream cheeses are a source of many minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, which are presented in these products in a bioavailable form, that is, they are well absorbed in the intestines. These products also contain many vitamins: both fat-soluble (A, D, E and K) and water-soluble vitamins C, PP, group B.

Beneficial features

Such a rich chemical composition of cream cheeses makes them the healthiest food products. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body, increase immunity, and replenish energy reserves.

Fine milk fats are sources of fat-soluble vitamins and also promote their absorption from the intestines. Phospholipids from milk fats, together with proteins, are used to build cell membranes. Omega fatty acids in cream cheese promote bile secretion and prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.

Cheese proteins are a plastic material for the construction of blood cells, blood vessels, mucous membranes, internal organs and skin; they participate in the synthesis of enzymes, protein hormones, and antibodies.

Methionine, which is found in large quantities in cream cheeses, is a good detoxifier. It activates enzymes that destroy toxic substances in the body and promotes the excretion of their breakdown products with bile. The amino acid glycine normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, improving brain activity and providing an antidepressant effect. Lysine is included in the structure of all “framework” proteins of the human body, so its daily intake is very important for a growing body. Tryptophan is involved in the synthesis of melatonin, therefore it has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves skin condition.

The benefits of cream cheeses are also explained by the presence of vitamins and minerals in their composition. Vitamins and vitamin-like substances:

  • maintain the normal functional state of the nervous system and eyes;
  • protect the body from the harmful effects of environmental factors (solar radiation, infections, viruses);
  • have an antioxidant effect on body cells;
  • improve digestion, normalize stool;
  • prevent fatty liver degeneration and bile stagnation;
  • restore normal intestinal microflora, increase immunity;
  • prevent premature skin aging;
  • improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • strengthen the skeletal system;
  • contribute to the proper formation of the fetal nervous system.

The minerals in these products have antiarrhythmic and hypocholesterolemic effects, maintain water balance in the body, strengthen bones, and promote tissue regeneration.

Possible harm

But not all people benefit from eating cream cheese. Eating them is not recommended for those with lactose intolerance, casein allergy or other food allergies.

How to select and store

To buy quality cream cheese, you need to know how to choose it. To do this you need to follow certain rules:

  1. You should only buy the product in stores with a good reputation.
  2. The package of cheese should be kept in a refrigerator with a temperature range of +2…+6°C.
  3. The container must be intact, clean, with a label.
  4. The information on the label must be in Russian and contain information about the composition of the product, its value, production date, expiration date, and manufacturer.

It is necessary to study the product label carefully. Natural cream cheese should not contain vegetable fats, starch, gelatin, dyes, flavors or other food additives. Its shelf life should not exceed 3 weeks. If it lasts longer, this indicates the presence of preservatives in the product.

Cream cheese stores well in brine. After opening the package, the cheese can be stored in its original packaging or in a clean glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

If you need to extend the shelf life, this product can be frozen (but only at home!). In this case, its shelf life will last up to 2 months. After freezing, curd cheese must be defrosted in the refrigerator. If, after defrosting, it separates or acquires a foreign odor, you should stop using such a product.

Use in cooking

Cream cheese is eaten without heat treatment, but even heat treatment during the preparation of various dishes does not lead to a deterioration in its taste or a decrease in beneficial properties.

The slightly salty taste of cream cheese goes well with tea, chocolate, herbs, spices, fresh cucumbers, seafood, and bacon.

Most often, cream cheeses are eaten as a separate snack or dish, sprinkled, for example, with aromatic herbs. You can spread the buttercream on toast. The chopped product is added to salads and rolls. Sauces, creams for cakes, and desserts are made from it.

Cake cream

To prepare cream cheese for a cake, you can take 400 g of any unsalted type, 400 g of powdered sugar, a bag of vanilla, 100 g of butter. The butter must first be softened at room temperature. Mix cream cheese with butter and beat until white. Continuing to beat, add vanillin and a tablespoon of powdered sugar. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it must be put in the refrigerator.


Cream cheese is a soft curd cheese with a pleasant creamy taste and creamy consistency. There are many types of cream cheese. Many countries have their own national cream cheeses, for example, Italian mascarpone, mozzarella, ricotta, Greek feta, and American Philadelphia.

Cheeses contain a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts. The rich chemical composition of cream cheeses determines their beneficial properties. Eating these foods improves the functioning of the digestive system, brain, kidneys, and heart. They normalize metabolism, remove toxic substances, and increase immunity.

However, due to the high content of proteins and fats, cream cheeses are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from food allergies, casein or lactose intolerance, gout, urolithiasis, and obesity. Salty types of cream cheese are contraindicated if you are prone to edema or kidney disease.

These products are very popular in cooking. They are consumed as an independent dish, added to salads, sauces, creams for cakes, desserts, and baked goods.

Cream cheese is a dairy product with a characteristic soft and delicate taste. In addition to milk, cream is used to make it. To diversify the taste of this product, various fillers are added.

Composition and calorie content of Cream cheese

It contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. Also, this dairy product is rich in micro- and macroelements, which include magnesium, calcium, selenium, fluorine and others.

100 g of cream cheese contains 342 kcal. This is due to the fact that 50% of the dairy product consists of fat and fatty acids.

About the benefits and harms of cream cheese

The main value of this product lies in the presence of easily digestible proteins, vitamins and minerals, which have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Choline, which is part of cream cheese, helps remove toxins from the body and reduce cholesterol levels.

Also, the delicate dairy product is rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The sodium contained in the composition maintains water balance. Phosphorus and calcium strengthen bones.

Cheese is a product that can be found in almost every refrigerator. But most people stop at two or three types of it, which they buy constantly. While there are several hundred different varieties - and they all deserve attention.

For example, what do you know about cream cheeses? How long ago have you purchased this product and enjoyed it? It's time to get to know cream cheese better, find out what it is, what its differences and features are, how it is useful and how it is used correctly.

Cream cheese, as the name suggests, is made either based on or with their addition. This explains the creamy, delicate consistency of the product and its taste.

Most of the cheeses of this type are made in Italy - these are the well-known Riccotta,. The American answer is the popular Philadelphia cream cheese. And in Germany you can find cheese in a jar - Almette.

Interesting! The lowest calorie type of cream cheese is Ricotta. Initially, it was prepared from whey left over from other types of cheese. Now the whey is combined with whole milk from a cow, goat or sheep, sometimes cream is added. The raw materials are fermented under the influence of citric acid, then the mass is placed in special baskets made of willow twigs to drain off excess liquid.

In terms of composition, cream cheeses can also be classified as Italian and Greek. They are also prepared on the basis of milk and cream. But then they are kept in brine and only after that they are packaged and sold. But real cream cheeses are distinguished by the fact that they are packaged while still hot, without subjecting them to any further processing after curdling and cooking.

Chemical composition

Cream cheese contains between 33 and 89 percent fat. This means that all useful substances are perfectly preserved in it:

  • easily digestible proteins and milk fats;
  • lactic acids;
  • vitamins, PP and;
  • potassium and calcium;
  • , iron.

Important! 100 g of cream cheese contains the same amount of healthy fats, proteins and calcium as 1.25 liters of fresh milk of medium fat content. That is why this product is recommended in baby food and in the nutrition of pregnant women.

Beneficial features

Regular consumption of the product is an excellent prevention of calcium deficiency and development in children. Also, including cream cheese in your diet will help:

Harm and contraindications

All of the above beneficial properties of cream cheese do not mean that it can be consumed in large quantities. The product is quite high in calories, so it can lead to significant weight gain, especially in combination with bread and pasta.

Too fatty varieties should not be consumed by people with vascular problems. And varieties with a high calcium content are for those suffering. Individual intolerance to any dairy products is also a contraindication.

High-quality cream cheese never contains preservatives. Therefore, you need to eat it as quickly as possible. Sometimes, after a day in the refrigerator, the product separates and a clear liquid appears on its surface. This does not mean that it is spoiled and no longer suitable for consumption. You just need to stir it - and again it is also healthy and tasty.

If you are a cheese lover and are trying to lose weight, you will most likely find it useful to know how many calories are in cheese. You will also learn about the benefits of the product for health and weight loss, read about the cheese diet and its features.

Many people love cheese. It is used for preparing various dishes, and simply as a snack with tea or coffee. Did you know that this delicacy helps you lose weight? With its help you can say goodbye to extra pounds and even improve your body health.


To prepare 450 g of product you need 4.5 liters. milk. The concentration of nutrients in cheese is off the charts. The product, in particular, is rich in the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins A, D, K, C, E;
  • vitamins B6 and B12;
  • vitamin B1, B3, B7 and B5 (better known as pantothenic acid);
  • folate (B complex vitamin);
  • calcium;
  • riboflavin;
  • zinc and copper;
  • chromium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - Omega-3 and Omega-9.

Cheese is an excellent source of protein. For example, a large slice of Cheddar (weighing 30 g) contains 6.7 g of protein. You'll get the same amount of protein from drinking a cup of milk.

Benefit for health

  1. First of all, the product is good for teeth. After all, it contains a large amount of calcium and a small amount of lactose. Scientists have found that regular consumption of cheese reduces the risk of dental plaque. It promotes the deposition of phosphorus and calcium in the teeth, which in itself contributes to the strength of tooth enamel. A high-quality protein called casein forms a protective film on the surface of the teeth, which protects our teeth from damage.
  2. The use of this product is an excellent cancer prevention. It contains linoleic acid and sphingolipids. These substances protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin B is also responsible for reducing the risk of developing cancer. Regular consumption of cheese improves the functioning of the body and helps to avoid tumors in the ovarian and prostate areas.
  3. The product is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, so its regular consumption improves the functioning of the body's immune system.
  4. Cheese contains an amino acid called tryptophan. It helps relieve stress and improves sleep.
  5. Children, pregnant women and the elderly should eat cheese regularly. Calcium and vitamin B are essential for the formation and strengthening of cartilage and bones. And the excipients, a considerable dose of which are contained in the product, contribute to better absorption of calcium.
  6. For osteoporosis, it is not enough to consume calcium (after all, it is poorly absorbed without the accompanying components). You need protein and a whole range of vitamins, with which the product is enriched. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to cheese for children with insufficient body weight, as well as women after menopause.
  7. If you suffer from migraines, then you need to include cheese in your diet. Calcium has been proven to help relieve severe headaches.
  8. Recently it became known that the beneficial substances contained in dairy products help women around the world cope with PMS more easily.
  9. Cheese should be consumed regularly by pregnant women. Scientists, along with doctors, believe that protein, calcium and B vitamins are simply necessary for expectant mothers to give birth to healthy and strong babies.
  10. Unsaturated fatty acids contained in the product reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
  11. Cheese is no less useful for people who play sports. A considerable amount of protein allows the body to recover faster after intense training. Phosphorus reduces muscle pain.
  12. Scientists have proven that eating cheese improves heart function. Although 15-25 g of cheese per day is not contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, they should choose a product with a low salt content. This will avoid spikes in blood pressure. A cheese diet for people with cardiovascular diseases should be based on the consumption of Feta, Mozzarella and Ricotta.

The substances contained in this product help improve the condition of hair, nails and skin. I would like to debunk the myth that cheese should not be consumed if you have skin problems. Many people think so, since it contains a considerable amount of fat. However, B vitamins contribute to the regeneration of the dermis, its natural radiance and healthy complexion. Given this fact, it is not surprising that the wine and cheese diet is so popular among Italian and French beauties.

The benefits of cheese for weight loss

  • Regular consumption leads to fat burning.
  • Milk fats activate metabolism.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you should stop eating Dutch, Kostroma, Smetankova (the calorie content of which is 340-360 kcal per 100 g). Goat cheese, which contains 364 kcal, is also contraindicated during the diet.

Instead choose:

  • Mozzarella cheese (280 kcal per 100 g).
  • Gouda 7% (calorie content of Gouda cheese is 200 units). Camembert has the same nutritional value.
  • Feta and cheese.
  • Ricotta (since it is made from whey and its fat content is very low - from 8 to 24%). The calorie content of Ricotta cheese per 100 g is 174 kcal.
  • Tofu (76 kcal.).

Although Pigtail and Chechil (which have 313 calories) are recommended as low-fat foods, you should be careful with them. They contain a considerable amount of salt and hot spices, which can cause a burning appetite and cause water retention in the body. The same applies to Suluguni (290 kcal).

Features of the cheese menu for weight loss

The French diet is ideal for gourmets who cannot live a day without this aromatic delicacy with a pronounced taste. The “10 cheeses” diet belongs to the protein category, therefore it is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy;
  • atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

A cheese diet for weight loss involves drinking large amounts of water. In addition to juices, tea and coffee, you must drink at least 2 liters. clean water per day.

The diet menu is oversaturated with protein (in the form of meat, cheese, milk) and very poor in vegetables and carbohydrates. But carbohydrates give us vital energy, so we cannot exclude them from the diet. Although the creators of the diet recommend sticking to it for 5-7 days, we recommend limiting it to 3 days.

Culinary tricks for cheese lovers

If you can’t imagine breakfast without a sandwich or a snack without a salad, but are worried about the calorie content of your favorite food, we offer several options on how to reduce their harm to your figure.

  • Do you like sandwiches with mayonnaise? Did you know that a spoon of mayonnaise is 94 kcal. and as much as 10 g of fat?! For those who want to lose weight, we recommend spreading cream cheese on toast. For example, Mozzarella cheese, the calorie content of which is 30 g per spoon, contains only 2.5 g of fat.
  • You can reduce the calorie content of a sandwich with butter and cheese if you replace Russian cheese with a product labeled “Fitness”.
  • Fruit salad dressed with sour cream is a delicious dessert similar to yogurt. But 30 g of this fermented milk sauce contains 110 kcal. and 11 g fat. Nutritionists recommend filling the fruit mix entirely with Ricotta or 50/50 with sour cream. Ricotta contains 39 kcal. and 2 g fat. Also, spreadable cheese can be used to stuff bell peppers and eggs.
  • But for preparing spaghetti or baked dishes, it is better to use the classic version - Parmesan. The calorie content of Parmesan cheese is 431 kcal, but this is not scary. After all, it has a richer taste and aroma, so it should be added to dishes in small quantities.
  • The taste of vegetable salads should be enriched with feta cheese or feta. These cheeses will not harm your figure at all. The calorie content of Feta cheese and feta cheese is 260 kcal.


It's hard to imagine that this essential product could harm anyone. However, doctors advise caution when handling blue cheeses, which contain bacteria. They can contribute to the development of listeriosis. This is especially true for pregnant women and during the lactation period.

Experts recommend consuming no more than two servings of cheese per day. Eating it in excessive quantities in rare cases can cause very severe headaches and sleep disturbances. This is due to the content of tryptophan in the product (an amino acid that is not produced by our body).


Some people who are lactose intolerant believe that they should not eat cheese. In fact, compared to other dairy products, cheese contains too little lactose. Therefore, the product can be safely consumed regularly in small quantities.

There is an opinion that eating a lot of cheese leads to constipation. But there is absolutely no scientific evidence about its effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight, you don't have to eat only low-fat varieties. For example, even though the calorie content of Russian cheese is 363 units per 100 g, you can eat it. But at the same time, it is necessary to regularly calculate the caloric content of the diet in order to maintain a calorie deficit.

Cheese calorie table

Here is a table showing the calorie content of the most popular varieties of cheese:

Name Number of kcal. per 100 g.
Adyghe 240
Bree 291
Goat milk cheese 271
Cow's milk cheese 260
Sheep's milk cheese 298
Bukovinian 361
Viola 305
Gouda 356
Dutch 352
Gruyere 395
Home 113
Dor blue 354
Camembert 290
Sausage 271
Smoked 270
Maasdam 350
Mozzarella 240
Oltermanni 270
Poshekhonsky 350
Baltic 309
Roquefort 337
Russian 363
Creamy Cremette 270
Suluguni 290
Hard Parmesan 369
Tilsiter 334
Feta 215
Fetaki 219
Fetaxa 261
Cheddar 392
Swiss 396
Estonian 350
Yaroslavsky 350

Habitat: cheese or not (video)

If you eat healthy and want to lose weight, you don’t have to give up eating treats. Of course, it is important to observe moderation and choose dietary types of cheese. And then your weight loss process will be enjoyable. After all, you don’t have to give up your favorite product for the sake of a slimmer waist.

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