Liquid sodium glass technical characteristics. Liquid glass - what is it? Sodium liquid glass

IN industrial production glass is not only the familiar material used in glazing. This term applies to many other chemical compounds, and they do not necessarily have to be in a solid state.

Liquid soda glass is a silicate-alkaline solution of sodium. Externally, the composition is a jelly-like liquid of yellow or grayish tints. It does not contain solid inclusions and looks like an absolutely homogeneous compound. It is obtained by fusing quartz sand with sodium acid salt and carbonic acid. Alternatively, you can use the method of treating silica with sodium hydroxide, but in this case you will have to filter it to remove impurities.

Composition and main characteristics

Composition and main specifications each substance and product is regulated by state standards, which set the allowed range. For liquid sodium glass, GOST 13078-81 applies.

All the main provisions, along with amendments made during the existence of the composition, can be found on the Internet. They are freely available, so you don’t have to pay to view the information. Every manufacturer must comply with government regulations, otherwise they may lose their license to operate.

When purchasing material, do not hesitate to ask the seller to provide a certificate for liquid sodium glass. This document will indicate that the manufacturer has passed all stages of government inspections and operates completely officially. This means that its products also meet safety and environmental requirements. If the counterparty tries in every possible way to convince the buyer that he has all the documents, but cannot show them, then it is better to refuse the transaction.

The fact is that it is very easy to obtain this compound, even at home. Therefore, it can be counterfeited without problems, using raw materials that are not the same best quality. And in the end, it may turn out that the raw materials purchased “cheaply” will in fact not be suitable for further use.

The availability of components and excellent performance parameters of the finished product determined its widespread distribution. The substance is practically not used as a base, but is an auxiliary component in many technological processes. Moreover, it is often used for post-production processing. That is, the components will not be part of the finished product, but will only give it the necessary properties through external influence.

This greatly simplifies the processing itself and allows for more optimal use of resources in order to reduce costs. Saving in enterprises is one of the main tasks in modern conditions, only if this process does not come at the expense of the quality of the finished product.

Application of material

So, liquid sodium glass is used to solve the following target problems:

  • 1. In the production of building materials, it is used as an additive to impart acid-resistant properties to cement and concrete. The composition has excellent resistance to acidic environments, so it is ideal for the purpose. Building materials processed with its help can be used without problems in aggressive environments at chemical plants.
  • 2. Also, along with resistance to chemical attack, the substance exhibits excellent characteristics when in contact with water. Cement and concrete treated with a solution will not be afraid of moisture, and this applies to both fresh and salty categories. It will be possible to build objects on the banks of rivers and seas, so that part of the structure is under water. This will not affect the strength and stability.
  • 3. One more excellent quality is fire resistance. Fabrics soaked in liquid will not burn. Also, based on liquid glass, a special composition is made for treating wood to make it resistant to open fire. The substance is also used in the production of fire-resistant paints.
  • 4. B agriculture the composition is used to treat weak soils in order to strengthen them. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of erosion and slows down the process of weathering of applied fertilizers into the soil.
  • 5. In the pulp and paper industry, the composition is used as an adhesive.
  • 6. Together with quartz sand and other components, it is a raw material for the production of ceramic molds, which are used for casting metal.
  • 7. Used in the manufacture of electrodes to create a protective layer that will extend the service life of products several times.
  • 8. Added to polishes for matte surfaces of any type.
  • 9. Upon contact with standard glass, it becomes opaque, and this process is irreversible. So, if you need to darken windows somewhere, this is a great and cheap way. It is enough to simply distribute the liquid evenly over the surface.

Main advantages

As can be seen from the list, liquid soda caustic glass has a very wide range of uses. So you can get it without any problems in any required quantity. You can find a supplier through the Internet or advertisements.

Three main advantages of the material over other substances:

  • - ease of manufacture;
  • - low cost and abundance of components;
  • - universal properties for use.

The price of liquid sodium glass ranges from 20-40 rubles per liter. It all depends on the manufacturer and brand of the product.

Everyone knows what ordinary glass is. It appeared in Egypt about 5000 years ago. And there is also liquid glass. What it is? No, this is not something fantastic. It is an aqueous solution that is obtained from

Total information

Or liquid glass, is a solution of water and silicate salts. When preparing this composition, the same ingredients are used that are used for the production of glass products.

There are several production technologies. More popular is the effect of solutions on materials that contain silicas in constant temperatures. The second option is to fuse water and sand.

As for application, various construction and finishing works are impossible without this composition. No best material for waterproofing than liquid glass. They have known what it is for a long time; nothing better has yet been created for these purposes. The use of this glue greatly increases the service life of buildings.

Silicate glue is produced on the basis of sodium, potassium or lithium, although the latter is used very rarely. Potassium is used in many fields, and it has excellent technical characteristics and properties. If we compare this glue and sodium liquid glass, the first composition has a looser structure. Seams made using this glue are not stable.

Both potassium and sodium adhesives can be used in many applications, but potassium-based adhesives are much less common. The thing is that its price is quite high. Therefore, it is often replaced with sodium adhesives.


Chemical plants use sulfuric anhydrite, iron and aluminum oxides, silicate module, sodium and calcium oxides, and silicon dioxide to produce this universal product. Liquid glass sodium and potassium will contain sodium and calcium oxides, but in smaller compositions. So, glass with sodium has 9% sodium, and calcium - only 0.2%.


This glass meets GOST 13078-81. The speed at which this material will dry depends on how and where it is applied. If the glass is used in its pure form, it will dry within 10 minutes. In mixtures, the hardening time can take from 2 hours.

Up to 1.45 g/cm3. Shelf life - 2 years. Specific gravity- 1.45. To melt silicate glue, you need to heat it to 1088 degrees.


The process of making liquid glass is quite complex, so the material is produced at chemical plants. First of all, quartz is crushed to sand, and then mixed with soda, potash, sodium or potassium sulfates.

Then all this is fused into a monolithic ingot. Autoclaves are used for this. After melting, the resulting mass must also be dissolved. In this case, temperatures will be about 170 degrees. This process is quite lengthy and takes about 7 hours.


The construction industry has long understood and managed to use liquid glass. What it is is clear, but how is glue used? It is thanks to its main property, or rather its high adhesive ability, that this material has become one of the components for various building mixtures.

Sodium and potassium glass still have different composition, and this determines the scope of their use. The latter is resistant to chemical and atmospheric influences. This material is often used as one of the ingredients for the production of protective paints.

Soda glass can improve the quality of the adhesive. The material works great with minerals. Sodium silicate adhesive is widely used for waterproofing foundations. Antiseptic and fire-resistant mixtures are also prepared on its basis. But there are other properties that liquid glass has.

Only professional builders know what it is. However, there is no better means for producing thermal insulation materials. Structures with this product can withstand very high temperatures.

This material is almost completely harmless to people. However, you need to work with it extremely carefully: alkali, one of the components, is to blame. It is best to use gloves when working.

Liquid glass: low price, excellent results

Not only because of its high characteristics, this product began to be used in construction. Unlike other similar materials, the cost of glass is very low (200 rubles per 5 kg). Therefore, it is used as one of the components in concrete solutions. Due to this, it is possible to significantly increase structural strength and moisture resistance. Silicate glue is capable of maximally filling even the smallest cracks or irregularities.

With all the advantages there is also small drawback - fast speed hardening. Sometimes this is not very practical. Therefore, more often the surface is simply impregnated with silicate glue. And if it is then painted or plastered, then liquid glass should not be used.

Not only for construction

This material is popular not only in this industry. Many drivers use liquid glass for cars. Until recently, only wax was among the body protection products, but today a special ceramic composition or a unique nano-coating is very popular.

Ceramic coating with liquid glass provides the body with a mirror shine, high water and dirt repellent properties, high resistance to sunlight, protection from scratches and chemical exposure. You can easily buy liquid glass - its price is very low.

However, nanocosmetics based on it should still be looked for on sale. There are also certain difficulties with applying these compounds to the body.

Application technology

The auto treatment process is called. It is the same for all nanomedicines. First of all, the car should be thoroughly washed. Then degrease the entire surface of the body. For this purpose, gentle drugs are chosen. Next, polishing is performed to remove old residues and various inclusions. Then the chips are removed and polished again to a shine. Next, liquid glass is applied. They knew what it was for a long time, but only started using it a couple of years ago. It must be applied in 3 to 10 layers. The body is then dried for 8 hours. If you have certain skills, you can apply the composition yourself. But doing the same thing at a service station will cost a lot.

How long does the coating last?

Liquid glass for cars, according to manufacturers, can stay on the body for up to 3 years. However, it is still recommended to update it more often. It is better to do this once a year if the machine is used every day.

How to wash a car?

You shouldn’t wash your car at first, because the high-tech protective coating is still being formed. Manufacturers of these mixtures indicate in their recommendations abstaining from washing for 3 weeks. Then there will be practically no dirt on the body, and just rinsing will be enough.

New products appear on the construction market every day: manufacturers improve the technical characteristics of existing mixtures, paints and insulation materials, or even develop unique recipes. But some materials are not affected by general modernization - their composition remains unchanged for decades. These “mammoths” include liquid glass, which is used in many household and industrial areas.

The inventor of liquid glass (LC) was the German mineralogist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs, who obtained the solution in 1818. The chemical process involved alkalis and silicic acid.

The composition of liquid glass has remained virtually unchanged since then. Now it is produced by autoclaving silica-containing raw materials with a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide. The second option is to fuse soda and quartz sand. In some cases, the method of direct dissolution of silicon in an alkali solution is used (classical method).

Liquid glass is produced in cans and barrels

The result is two types of material:

  • Sodium liquid glass. It is characterized by high adhesiveness and adhesion to other minerals, and is not afraid of temperature changes and atmospheric exposure. Where is this type of liquid glass used? Reinforcement of foundations, mold casting, production of household chemicals, restoration and repair of glass and porcelain products, fireproof processing of various materials. It is also suitable for treating damaged shrubs and trees.
  • Potassium liquid glass. It has all the characteristics of its sodium counterpart. The only difference is that the composition does not produce glare on the treated surface, due to which it can be used for external painting work. It is part of fire-resistant and silicate paints and is used in the production of electrodes.

The first option is cheaper, but the second has improved technical characteristics.

Properties of liquid glass

Liquid glass processing performs several functions. The material acts as:

  • water repellent – ​​repels water;
  • antiseptic – prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • antistatic – prevents the formation of static electricity;
  • hardener – fills the pores of the surface being treated, increasing density;
  • fire retardant – increases fire-resistant properties, protects against acids.

Liquid glass is an excellent antiseptic

These characteristics determine the advantages of liquid glass:

  • Penetrates into the smallest cracks and pores and covers concrete and wooden bases well.
  • Creates a waterproof film.
  • It has low consumption and low price (compared to other impregnations and water repellents).
  • It has a fairly long service life (about 5 years). If you cover the waterproofing with a layer of paint, it will last even longer.
  • Allows you to work in high humidity conditions.

The areas of application of liquid glass are limited by the technical characteristics of the composition:

  • It is not suitable for waterproofing brick surfaces (due to possible destruction).
  • The film formed is quite fragile, so it is necessary to combine several types of waterproofing.
  • The material dries quickly, so professional skills are required to complete the work.

Important! When purchasing liquid glass, carefully study its composition. The material based on sodium silicates is characterized by high adhesiveness and good adhesion to mineral substances. Potassium liquid glass can be used in acidic environments.

Silicate glue is included in car polishes

Areas of use

ZhS is most often used for waterproofing:

  • Basements and attics. The material protects concrete structures from the destructive effects of moisture and gives the surface fire-retardant properties, suitable for interior and exterior work.
  • Kolodtsev. The work is carried out in two stages: first, the walls are treated with a clean compound, the second layer is applied with a solution consisting of a cement-sand mixture and reinforced concrete.
  • Pools. Internal treatment reduces the likelihood of leaks and destruction of the bowl, external treatment saves from the destructive effects of groundwater. Materials are applied in a thick layer or in several approaches.

Liquid glass for waterproofing can be used both undiluted and as part of various mixtures, impregnations and additives.

The composition is also used for antiseptic treatment of various surfaces. It not only prevents the appearance of mold or mildew, but also destroys existing “populations” of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, LC is in demand when preparing walls for wallpapering or painting. The solution imparts moisture- and fire-resistant properties to wood, ceramics and paper.

Artistic wood processing

Use of liquid glass in everyday life

What else is liquid glass used for? High adhesive ability allows it to be used in the following areas:

  • laying linoleum and PVC tiles;
  • production of putties for sealing metal pipes;
  • impregnation of fabrics to give them fire-resistant properties;
  • treatment of wound surfaces on tree trunks (grafting, pruning);
  • surface polishing;
  • restoration of damaged glass and porcelain;
  • production of self-leveling floors in 3D format;
  • processing of car bodies;
  • art design (decoration of suspended ceilings, ceramic tiles and mirror surfaces, creation of stained glass and mosaic panels).

This is interesting: silicate glue (the second name for liquid glass) has found wide application in creativity - it is used in various types of handicrafts.

3D floors using liquid glass

How to use liquid glass

In its pure form, the material is used quite rarely; the following solutions are prepared on its basis:

  • Primer. Used for pre-treatment of surfaces. It is necessary to take equal parts of cement and liquid glass, as well as a sufficient amount of water (the result should be a liquid mixture suitable for application with a roller or brush). First, cement is mixed with water, then liquid glass is added. It is recommended to use a construction mixer for preparation. The mixture hardens quickly (potlife is about 30 minutes), in which case it can be diluted with a small amount of water.
  • Waterproofing solution. To carry out waterproofing work, prepare a mixture of equal parts of sifted sand, Portland cement and silicate glue.
  • Fireproof solution. First, prepare a mixture of 1 part cement and 3 parts clean sand, then add a small amount of GC (approximately 20% of the total mass) to it. The composition can be used for laying stoves and fireplaces.
  • Antiseptic. To treat wood with liquid glass, it is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The solution is also suitable for stone, plaster and concrete surfaces.
  • Strengthening the foundations. To impart strength, a solution of 400 grams of liquid iron and a liter of water is used. The treatment is carried out in 2-3 layers, and you must wait for each layer to dry.

Important! First, all the dry ingredients are mixed, then the liquid ingredients are added. The mixture should be mobile and homogeneous. A universal recipe is a liter of liquid glass per 10 kg of the finished mixture.

Instructions for use of liquid glass

How to apply liquid glass for maximum waterproofing? Follow the following sequence:

  • Clean the surface from dust and other contaminants.
  • Apply the first coat of primer with a roller or brush.
  • Wait half an hour and add another layer. Make sure there are no gaps.
  • Prepare a protective mixture of cement, sand and liquid glass.
  • Stir the solution and quickly apply it to the surface with a spatula (remember the low pot life).
  • Wear protective clothing, gloves and goggles while working.

Important! Mix the amount of solution that you can produce in 15-20 minutes. Make sure that no foreign impurities get into the composition.

Remember to wash your hands thoroughly after handling

Liquid glass for concrete

The use of liquid glass in mortars requires precise proportions. Mistakes can cause cracks or even collapse of the structure. If you are preparing concrete at home, consider the following nuances:

  • On an industrial scale, 72 liters of glue (approximately 7%) are added per cube of concrete mixture, which ensures optimal technical characteristics of the finished product. In home production, a proportion of 1:10 is used.
  • Under no circumstances should silicate glue be added to the finished solution.
  • Do not add water to the mixture. First you need to dilute liquid glass, and then mix cement powder into the composition.
  • Since silicates reduce the setting time of concrete, the solution must be mixed in small portions.
  • After work, thoroughly wash your hands and all tools that came into contact with the liquid.

Important! Increasing the dosage of silicate glue can lead to complete drying of the concrete.

You can prepare concrete mortar yourself

A solution with liquid glass is prepared as follows:

  • Take a bucket of drinking water (it is better not to use technical water due to the high content of impurities), add a glass of liquid glass to it and mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the resulting solution into a large container.
  • While continuing to stir the solution, add the dry concrete mixture in small portions.
  • Beat the mixture with a construction mixer until it forms homogeneous mass.
  • Pour the concrete solution into the prepared formwork.

Important! Prepare the solution in the volume required to fill the structure.

Video: polishing a car with liquid glass

The low cost of liquid glass means there is no fear of counterfeits. However, when purchasing silicate glue, pay attention to its consistency. The composition should be uniform, without lumps or inclusions. Do not stock up for future use - the shelf life of the material is 12 months, and you can purchase it at any hardware store. Happy construction and renovation!

Liquid glass, known to everyone as silicate glue, is aqueous-alkaline solutions of various water-soluble silicates, which include anhydrous crystalline compounds of sodium and potassium. It is usually named after the alkali metal cation included in the silicate, for example, sodium or potassium. Our country mainly produces sodium products, much less often potassium and mixed sodium-potassium products. Lithium species are produced in very limited quantities experimental batches. This preference is explained by the availability and low cost of raw materials with a satisfactory set of technical characteristics and adhesion indicators with various materials. Imported products are distinguished by a wide variety of composition. There are several ways to obtain adhesive material. It can be made by dissolving solid sodium or potassium silicates in an alkaline solution or by fusing quartz sand or silica with soda or sodium hydroxide.

Advantages and disadvantages of silicate glue

Silicate adhesives are fire resistant and provide connections up to 1100 degrees. Under certain conditions they cure at room temperature. When hardened, they are highly resistant to concentrated acids. The glue has good adhesive properties to any surface. Since it belongs to inorganic materials, it has an unlimited lifespan. But its most important advantage is its low price. That is why it is so popular, since it has many shortcomings. Its adhesive film, resulting from hardening, is not elastic enough. Seams quickly turn yellow, which is especially noticeable when gluing white paper or porcelain. When freezing and subsequent thawing, the glue does not lose its qualities, but a precipitate may form.

Features of using adhesive composition

Silicate glue is produced in large volumes and is used quite widely in various industrial fields. In everyday life, it is used to glue paper, any type of ceramic products, and cardboard. The gluing process occurs quickly and without much effort; after applying the substance to both surfaces, they are simply pressed against each other. It is used as waterproofing of foundations, basement walls, and swimming pools. By impregnating block structures made of reinforced concrete, the bottom and walls of artificial reservoirs with silicates, they obtain a waterproof surface and at the same time prevent the formation of mold and fungal infections, since the material is one of the best environmentally friendly antiseptics. Waterproofing material is also obtained by adding glue to cement mortar. It is used instead of impregnating plaster or concrete, which are subsequently subject to finishing, since simply applying glue contributes to the formation of a too slippery surface.

Impregnation of fabric, wood-based materials and even paper with silicate glue provides good protection against fire. 400 g of glue are diluted in a liter of water and two layers of solution are applied sequentially. The material is added to paints and concrete, and is used to strengthen the soil against subsidence. It is used as a fireproof putty when laying fireplaces. Up to 20% glue is added to the usual mixture of cement and sand. It is not recommended to dilute the mixture in large quantities, as it hardens quickly. Fireproof solutions for treating walls are prepared in a similar way, increasing the proportion of glass to 25%. When coloring pigments are added to the adhesive composition, UV-resistant paint is obtained. The surface painted in this way will have a high smoothness, so it will be easy to clean and wash.

Silicate glue is non-toxic and environmentally friendly, but when in contact with it, you must be careful and protect your eyes, mucous membranes and skin, as it causes discomfort and irritation. When opening the container, try not to cut yourself on the glue that has hardened around the lid. When working with adhesive, you should avoid getting it on clothing, as it destroys coloring pigments, forming white indelible stains on fabrics. This material also has a negative effect on glass.

The construction market is represented by a huge number of practical and effective materials that are used in construction and repair work. One of them is liquid glass, which, thanks to its unique viscous structure and high operational characteristics used for arranging reliable waterproofing of various types of surfaces.

What is liquid glass? It is an aqueous alkaline product based on sodium and potassium silicates. There is another name for glass - silicate glue. The material manufacturing technology involves the melting of sodium and potassium salts when exposed to high temperatures.

Types of liquid glass

Liquid glass was first invented by a German mineralogist at the beginning of the 19th century, and since then its original composition has remained virtually unchanged.

Using modern technologies The following types of glass are produced:

  • Soda glass. A viscous solution based on sodium salts has increased strength and adhesion to minerals of various structures. It is resistant to fire, overheating and deformation.
  • Potassium glass. The product, developed on the basis of potassium salts, has a loose structure and high hygroscopicity. Such a surface eliminates glare and is resistant to overheating and damage.
  • Lithium glass. The solution, which is produced in limited quantities, due to its structure provides thermal protection to any substrate.

All types of glass belong to the category of mono-alkaline products. In addition, there are solutions of combined and complex type imported.

Properties and advantages of the material

Externally, liquid glass resembles a viscous rubber mass, which, after hardening, creates a durable waterproof base.

The main properties of liquid glass are highlighted:

  • water-repellent – ​​prevents water penetration;
  • antiseptic – protects against the formation of dangerous microorganisms and fungi;
  • antistatic – prevents the formation of electrostatic discharge;
  • fireproof – protects against fire and negative impact acid-containing components;
  • hardening – provides increased strength and wear resistance of the treated base.

Such characteristics reveal a number of significant advantages of the material:

  • quick filling of small cracks and pores, protection of wooden and concrete bases;
  • creation of a durable moisture-proof film;
  • low cost and economical consumption material;
  • long service life;
  • possibility of carrying out work in premises with high level humidity.

The use of liquid glass requires compliance with special rules:

  • Glass is not used for waterproofing brick foundations.
  • To increase the strength of the glass film, it is necessary to use additional waterproofing options.
  • The rapid hardening of the material requires experience and skills in working with it.
  • Before starting work, the surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust. After which it is treated with a deep penetration primer. Next, a primer is applied with liquid glass with an even distribution throughout the entire working area.

Areas of use of liquid glass

The material has found its application in many areas of human activity - in industry, construction, agriculture and everyday life.

Use of RC in construction

Due to its high adhesion, glass is increasingly used in the construction industry:

  • For waterproofing basements, attics and foundations. It protects concrete from high humidity, ultraviolet radiation and fire.
  • For waterproofing wells, wells and swimming pools. In places where the concrete surface comes into direct contact with water, the material provides reliable protection from destruction and deformation. The solution is applied thin layer in several stages to the inside of the walls of hydraulic structures.
  • For laying heating equipment - fireplaces and stoves. The solution is prepared with the addition of refractory cement and sand.
  • For the production of decorative materials - putties, water repellents, coloring and adhesive compositions.
  • For the production of antiseptic compositions used in the treatment of concrete and wooden bases.
  • For the production of protective solutions used in the treatment of connecting joints in sewer and water pipes.
  • For the production of durable wood paints that are resistant to moisture and high temperatures.

Waterproofing glass is used both as an independent material and as an additive in the manufacture of impregnations and mixtures.

Use of liquid glass in everyday life

Why do you need to use liquid crystals in the domestic sphere? A universal material that is used for the following:

  • carrying out repair work - installation of PVC tiles, plastic panels, linoleum;
  • production of sealing compounds for metal pipes;
  • increasing the fire-resistant characteristics of various fabrics;
  • agricultural and horticultural work – processing of damaged tree trunks;
  • restoration work - restoration of glass, plastic, wood and porcelain surfaces;
  • production of self-leveling three-dimensional floors;
  • restoration of automobile bodies;
  • decorative finishing of premises using suspended ceilings, mirror and ceramic tiles, stained glass and panels;
  • cleaning kitchen utensils and utensils.

Preparation of solutions based on liquid glass

Having decided what glass is in liquid form, you can consider options for preparing the most popular solutions based on it.

Primer solution

A primer mixture can be prepared from liquid glass for treating various types of substrates. To do this, the following proportions are observed:

  • 2 parts cement;
  • 2 pieces of glass.

The required amount of water is added to the cement, then glass is introduced. The ingredients are mixed with a construction mixer until a viscous mixture is obtained. How long does it take for the finished mixture to dry? The curing time is 35 minutes, so surface treatment begins after preparing the mixture. For application use a soft brush or roller.

Waterproofing agent

To protect the surface from increased moisture, mold and mildew, it is recommended to prepare a waterproofing mixture. For this, an equal amount of ingredients is used:

  • 3 parts sand;
  • 3 parts Portland cement;
  • 3 pieces of glass.

The ingredients must be diluted with water to obtain a thick mixture. The finished solution is suitable for insulating hydraulic structures.

Fireproofing agent

This solution will protect surfaces from fire. Prepared in the following proportions:

  • 1 part cement;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 20% glass of the total volume of the solution;
  • water.

First, a cement-sand mixture is mixed in water, then glass is introduced. The ready-made solution is used for fireplace and stove masonry.

Antiseptic solution

Glass-based antiseptics prevent the formation of bacteria, fungus and mold on concrete, stone and wooden substrates. The solution is prepared as follows:

  • 1 piece glass;
  • 1 part water.

A soft roller is used to apply the finished product to the surface.

Impregnating agent

Impregnation for treating wall, ceiling and floor surfaces is prepared as follows:

  • 450 g glass;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to use the ready-made solution? Surface treatment is carried out in several layers, with each subsequent one applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Important! To prepare solutions, dry ingredients are first combined, then liquid ingredients are added.

How to use liquid glass when waterproofing surfaces? Step-by-step instruction involves compliance with the following steps:

  1. The surface is thoroughly cleaned of existing contaminants.
  2. The primer mixture is applied using a brush or roller.
  3. After half an hour, a second layer of primer is added. It is important to maintain an even distribution of the mixture on the surface.
  4. A protective solution is prepared based on a cement-sand mixture and liquid glass.
  5. Using a spatula, the solution is applied to the surface in a thin layer.

The material has a long service life in conditions low temperatures, therefore storage in winter period on open air.

Due to its high efficiency, this material has a wide range of uses. Thus, potassium-based soluble glass is used to insulate foundations, while sodium-based soluble glass is used to protect concrete buildings, hydraulic structures, in gardening and in the domestic sphere.

Having an idea of ​​how to make liquid glass and protective compositions based on it, you can solve issues with waterproofing various types of surfaces.

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