To dream that you are flying on an airplane. Why do you dream about an airplane - flying on an airplane in a dream dream book

Flying on an airplane in real life is incredibly stressful for some, and for others it is just a normal routine. A similar story applies to dreams. The meaning of an airplane in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes it is difficult, even from a dream book, to figure out why you dream of flying on an airplane. Remember the exact details of your virtual trip and only then begin to decipher the vision.

The meaning of an airplane in a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

A comfortable flight on an airplane in a dream is a positive sign that predicts various successes in life.

The broadest interpretation includes the following meanings:

  • Good news;
  • Career growth;
  • Possibility of creative self-realization;
  • Success on the personal front.

To dream of your own flight on an airplane in good conditions will mean the imminent arrival of good and joyful news. This development means that your long-term dreams are likely to come true in the near future if you continue to make efforts in the right direction.

A dream where you can only make out yourself and the plane has a life-affirming meaning. Some news that you have long wanted to hear will soon come to you. Perhaps it concerns your loved ones: children will go to university or achieve other significant successes. There is a high probability of such a dream among a married couple expecting a child.
The second meaning of an airplane in a dream is career growth. If you see yourself sitting in the passenger cabin of an airplane and feeling comfortable in it, then get ready for a breakthrough in your career. Now is the best time for self-realization. An airplane as an indicator of comfortable movement towards a goal.

Less common is the meaning relating to personal relationships. The plane indicates the fact that your relationship with your partner should not change because of the opinions of family or friends. Relationships have a future only if you and your partner take into account only your own feelings, and not live according to those around you.

Airplane in the dream book (video)

Flying on a plane on vacation in a dream: what does it mean?

Flying on vacation for many is the main event of the year. Vacation, sea and good mood. You should not look for a transcript of sleep on the eve of rest. If you had such a vision during a gloomy winter and the height of working days, then it is logical to think about its meaning.

According to the dream book, flying on vacation has a somewhat unusual meaning. This is a kind of sign that you need to reconsider your life goals and think about something more. It’s probably worth going against the opinions of your work colleagues and friends and doing what you love.

The plane symbolizes movement towards a dream, and rest in this case is a successful result

The plane symbolizes movement towards a dream, and rest in this case is a successful result. After a long life of throwing, you need to make an important decision. Start a new business or open your own business. Now is the optimal time for radical changes that have great potential.

Getting ready for an airplane flight in a dream

The most difficult meaning to decipher is when you are just about to fly on an airplane. These include dreams where you:

  • Packing for a future trip;
  • Just get on the plane, but don’t fly;
  • You are at the airport;
  • Talk to someone about the trip, imagining the flight.

Whether you are going abroad or just to the nearest city - this circumstance does not matter. The mood itself before landing is much more important. If you feel joy in a dream, you understand that rest is ahead, then difficulties await you ahead in life, but they will be easily overcome.

There is such a state when, on the contrary, you are not yet flying on an airplane, but you are already experiencing fear. Such a development of events promises difficulties in overcoming obstacles in real life. “I’m heading towards problems” - this is how many describe their feelings during sleep.

If you feel joy in a dream, you understand that rest is ahead, then difficulties await you ahead in life

In general, preparing for a trip reflects complete uncertainty in your life. This can apply to any area of ​​life. You are probably confused about your plans and don’t understand which way to go. You urgently need to take a vacation and put your thoughts in order, understanding yourself.

If you dreamed of traveling abroad by plane

A dream in which you remember not only the flight, but also the future country of arrival, indicates the need for change. Pay attention to your destination. If the country is located close to where you are now, then radical changes are not for you. When you make a long journey, your inner voice asks you to urgently change not only your environment, but also your field of activity.

A dream in which you remember not only the flight, but also the future country of arrival, indicates the need for change

There is a more logical explanation. The image of a trip often comes to vacationers in anticipation of a flight. Especially for those traveling in a large group. There is no longer any need to look for hidden meaning here. It’s just that you’ve been waiting for a vacation for a long time and are now looking forward to future adventures.

Seeing an airplane flying in a dream

Much less often, but there are dreams in which the image of a flying machine appears in splendid isolation. That is, there are no people in the dream - only the plane. The situation here is not the most pleasant, since the dream warns against the following troubles:

  • Adultery;
  • Betrayal of a friend;
  • Hypocrisy of work colleagues;
  • A large number of difficult problems.

An airplane portends difficult events in your personal life. It acts as a symbol representing loneliness. There is a high chance of losing your life partner or learning bad news about your best friend. The general meaning symbolizes a kind of exposure of a person close to you. Facts that you do not know will be revealed. At the same time, you will get to know someone important to you from an unpleasant side.

An airplane portends difficult events in your personal life.

Pay attention to the streak in the sky that the plane leaves behind. If the aircraft draws distinct lines, then get ready to solve complex problems. Such a dream has a special meaning for girls. If a woman was flying on an airplane, and the next day she saw a dream in which she was not there, and only the aircraft remained, then such a vision threatens long-term loneliness. Think about your actions so as not to be left without your lover and friends.

Flying an airplane in a dream

Flying an aircraft independently is another common sleep option. Of course, in the case of professional pilots, such a development should not be surprising. For ordinary people, far from piloting, the dream has an interesting meaning.

Firstly, flying an airplane in a dream indicates strong character traits. The vision encourages your strong character traits. Such a dream praises the dreamer, motivating him with the fact that he is always able to keep the situation under control. A steering wheel in a dream acts as a sign indicating a person’s self-control. Secondly, such a dream foreshadows financial stability. Your family and loved ones definitely don’t need to worry, since no problems with money are expected in the near future.

Flying in a dream: meaning (video)

A dream in which you dream of flying on an airplane is very difficult to decipher, but in most cases it carries a positive meaning for the dreamer. Depending on the circumstances, it is often intended as a confirmation sign rather than a danger warning symbol. A confident flight on an airplane in a dream should not lead to anxious thoughts. On the contrary, rejoice that you are following the right path in life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Before you begin to decipher the meaning of the dream, you need to pay attention to real events in the dreamer’s life. An airplane in a dream may be a reflection of them. Reading and watching the news, dreams of travel and worries about plane crashes are reflected in the subconscious. The dream must be presented in detail. What the plane looked like, what the dreamer did in the dream, what emotions he experienced. These nuances will help to most fully explain the signs of the subconscious.

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      General meaning of the dream

      Seeing an airplane in a dream is a good sign in esotericism. He dreams of dizzying changes in life. According to Miller’s dream book, traveling by transport reflects a person’s subconscious desire to develop and achieve goals. An airplane flying in the sky means success at work. Owners of their own business will enter into lucrative contracts with influential people. The period will be successful for people who are experiencing difficulties in life. Their problems will be resolved, things will go uphill.

      • Freud, in his dream book, considers sleep as a reflection of a person’s internal state. Its solution will help solve a person’s personal problems, and not predict his future. The plane demonstrates unattainable dreams, the realization of which is impossible in the near future. When a person’s dream does not come true for a long time, he begins to feel unsure of his abilities. To prevent this, you should reconsider your goals and set priorities.

        An airplane flying overhead symbolizes creative inspiration. The dreamer will be inspired by new projects and will be able to infect those around him with his enthusiasm. Vanga’s dream book gives the opposite interpretation. The seer believed that this dream was a sign of the subconscious, a warning. A person must mentally prepare for the difficulties that await him. To determine which interpretation to trust, it is worth proceeding from the personality characteristics of the sleeper.

        When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account the individual qualities of the dreamer.

        Meaning for a man

        If a man sees a lot of planes in the sky, he should think about his relationships with women. He is overly passionate about the fair sex, because of this, troubles can arise that will ultimately lead to a scandal in the family. A single man can expect success at work and in school.

        In psychology, such a dream is intended to demonstrate a person’s fears about the future. He is unsure of the future, feels anxious and uneasy. Psychologists advise immediately starting to resolve previously deferred problems. Don't put things off until later.

        Landing an airplane means health problems. It is better for the dreamer to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. To sleep well, you can take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed.

        Meaning for a woman

        If a girl dreams that she works as a flight attendant, her family life will be successful. An atmosphere of love and warmth will reign at home. Relatives will support all her endeavors and help in difficult situations. But it is possible that she will soon get bored, she will need new bright emotions and sensations.

        Buying a ticket for a flight at the ticket office means a change of scenery.

        The dreamer feels tired from her usual lifestyle, and her performance decreases. It is better to take a short vacation, otherwise the appearance of depression is possible. If in life a girl is preparing for a business trip, it is better to check all the documents before the flight. She may forget them at home, and as a result, the trip will be ruined. The subconscious mind warns that you need to be attentive to the little things.

        If a pregnant woman dreams of flying on an airplane, then the pregnancy will proceed without complications and the child will be born on time.

        What was the plane like?

        If you dream of a military plane, this is a reflection of a person’s emotional state. He feels excessive aggression and anger. He may be disturbed by illness. A passenger airliner promises a journey that will bring many pleasant emotions. Corn - it is worth paying more attention to everyday affairs.

        If you dreamed of a personal seaplane, new opportunities will open up for a person. If the sleeper planned to purchase it, in reality he will face difficulties caused by committing a rash act.

        If there are many planes of different types in the sky, the dreamer solves many things at the same time. This hinders success and wastes a person's energy and effort. It is worth choosing the most important thing and working on it closely.

        Missing your flight

        If a sleeper is late for a plane in a dream, important events will happen in his life. They can be both positive and negative. To accurately determine the meaning, in esotericism the phase of the moon is taken into account. If it was growing, then problems in life are possible. They will not disturb a person much, but will cause him a lot of inconvenience.

        The waning phase of the moon suggests several interpretations:

        • Achieving positive results in a short period of time. If the dreamer was flying an airplane, his wishes will come true.
        • The girl had a dream - a sign that the relationship with her beloved man will deteriorate.
        • The dream advises a businessman to be attentive. He will have a serious competitor.

        It is important why the dreamer was late for the plane. The reason was unforeseen circumstances - a person made mistakes in an important matter. It's too late to fix anything, all we have to do is wait for the result. If he deliberately delayed preparations, this reflects his state of mind. She is overwhelmed with worries. It is better to postpone making important decisions for a while. Being late due to a clock lag means the appearance of competitors who will take advantage of the dreamer’s idea and pass it off as their own. You should pay more attention to your surroundings; not all people can be trusted.

        A plane taking off demonstrates clarity of thought and the ability to understand a difficult situation. These qualities are not inherent in all people. Thanks to them, a person is able to quickly develop tactics of behavior in any situation.

        If a plane takes off and explodes, the dream reflects a person’s experiences due to long-standing psychological trauma. If the dreamer had to face a difficult stage in life, it is worth contacting a psychologist. It is not easy to cope with this on your own; it is better to trust professional help.

        Going on a flight without a ticket is a sign that the dreamer is experiencing extreme fatigue. He has been inattentive and distracted lately. It is advisable to postpone business trips and relax with your family.

        Performing turns as an airplane pilot means big changes in your career. It is possible to change the scope of activity. But before making an important decision, you need to think it over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons.

        Falling into the sea reflects a person's feelings. It is important in what water the plane crashes. If you remember the details, you can find out useful information:

        • A plane falls into a crystal clear sea - to improve material well-being.
        • Troubled water warns of troubles in business.
        • The sea enchanted the dreamer with its beauty - a good sign. Dreams will come true, but you will need to put in a little effort.
        • Raging waves - to quarrels and conflicts in the family. To prevent their occurrence, the dreamer must control his emotions.
        • The vast expanse symbolizes the emergence of a hopeless situation.
        • An unnaturally calm sea is associated with mental fatigue.

        If a plane standing on the ground cannot take off, this is not a very good sign. The dreamer may have unexpected problems. The help of loved ones will help solve them.

Interpreting why you dream of taking off on an airplane, seers say that in reality you are planning a grandiose project. But perhaps the matter is risky and impracticable. Therefore, in order to avoid failure, the dream book recommends thinking through everything to the smallest detail. To more correctly decipher a dream, remember the nuances of the vision.

According to Miller

Were you lucky enough to take off on a plane in a dream? The psychologist predicts: an event will soon occur that will determine the future fate. In addition, Miller urges you to stay away from petty, mean, cowardly people, they can greatly harm you.

Your goals

The dream book identifies a plane taking off upward with purity of soul, self-improvement and the desire to achieve enlightenment.

Dreamed of an upward movement? The vision indicates your will to win.

Why else do you dream of flying up in a plane? You are bored with the drab routine, and you are ready to take every opportunity to diversify your life by adding bright and exciting experiences to it.

Did the car explode during takeoff? This plot in a dream is unfavorable. Your desires are excessively high. If you want to avoid disappointment and grief, lower your requests.

Don't hesitate

The dream book interprets the takeoff of an airliner as the fulfillment of desires. If in a dream you piloted on your own, then positive changes will soon occur in life.

What else could it mean when you are lucky enough to take off on a plane in a dream? Complex issues can be resolved much faster and easier if you approach the task in a non-standard way.

Do you understand that the upcoming flight will be long? The dream book states: in reality you will be entrusted with a long-term project, for which you will have to give your all. But when the work is completed, you will not experience pleasure.

Be careful

Why dream of personally lifting an airliner into the air? You can achieve reciprocity from any representative of the opposite sex.

Were you a public transport pilot in your dream? To achieve your plans, you will have to make efforts.

Taking off on your own plane - the dream book does not recommend investing large sums of money. There is a high probability of making a mistake and losing them. In some cases, this plot in a dream indicates a desire to occupy a leadership position, to become an ideological leader.

Characteristics of vision

Most often answering the question of why an airplane is dreamed of, seers associate it with the beginning of a new business and a person’s hidden fears. But it is important to consider what kind of equipment took to the skies.

  • A large and beautiful airliner portends prosperity in the family and personal life.
  • The dream book deciphers a cargo plane as completing a complex task.
  • A light airplane will provide an opportunity to relax and have fun.
  • An old corn farmer in a dream indicates that you will miss the chance to improve your life.
  • Military fighter - take a risk and do a noble deed.


Have you ever taken off on a plane and watched the earth move away? Seers point out: in an effort to achieve solitude, they moved away from their relatives. If you don't change your behavior, you will bitterly regret it.

Why dream of taking off on a plane over water? Take time to work and fulfill your duties conscientiously, otherwise you will become a victim of competitors and envious people.

Fly on an airplane. Such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terrified of it. For example, all football fans in America know that the famous commentator John Madden never flies on airplanes - he travels around the country by bus. Many share his fears, although at night they may well dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears.

Airplane flights are full of adventure for a sleeper. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and awareness of how air TRAVEL allows you to bring the most remote corners of the earth closer together. You may also experience anxious anxiety when you think about potential dangers associated with flying, such as hijacking. At the same time, it is possible that you will cope brilliantly with the situation.

Fly an airplane. Here there are various options for seeing yourself (or someone) as a pilot. Are you confident in yourself both in your dreams and in reality? If you are flying a plane, it means that you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality.

If the plane gets into an accident and breaks down, it means that you do not feel confident enough in life and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements.

Who is on board the plane? In real life, you are responsible for these people, have certain obligations to them, and your control of the aircraft shows how successfully you cope with your responsibilities.

Which feeling - confidence or increased responsibility for the destinies of people - prevails while flying an airplane?

How do other passengers react to your presence - do they accept you, ignore you, or despise you?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Seeing an airplane in a dream

Symbolizes fearlessness, speed of change, fulfillment of desires or failure of plans.

The image of a flying saucer, a UFO in the sky is the personification of inner light, the discovery of new unexpected knowledge.

Flying on an airplane means quick changes.

Missing the plane is a fear of change.

To be a pilot is to gain the right to command others.

A falling plane, a UFO, a spacecraft - alien interference will disrupt your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Airplane mean?

Usually, transportation by plane means spiritual development.

Study the dream events following the plane flight and understand whether it can really be interpreted in this way.

If this is so, such a modern, fast car must be driven skillfully, otherwise a crash is possible.

If this is not the case, this dream may simply mean your rapid development, the opportunity for self-expression, especially if you are an airplane pilot.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Seeing an Airplane in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What do Airplane dreams mean?

If you dreamed that you were flying on an airplane, then you will soon learn something new and interesting. To make this knowledge useful, remove all clocks from your home for the day.

If you dreamed that you were making an airplane, then get ready for the fact that you will be forced to go somewhere. To prevent this from happening, carry a dart with you for a week and keep your hat on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Dream about an Airplane

News coming from afar that will ruin your mood.

Airplane fuselage: dream-warning: you should not go on a trip (business trip).

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What does an airplane mean in a dream?

A symbol of fulfillment of desires and fulfillment of hopes.

A plane crash symbolizes an unexpected declaration of love.

Serve or work in aviation - all your plans and dreams will come true, provided you work hard and believe in your star.

Traveling by plane - your far-reaching plans will not be fulfilled.

Locking you in a hangar where airplanes are parked means success or improved well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Meaning of dreams Airplane

Airplane, flying on an airplane is good news. If you dream that you are flying, it means travel and illness. Flying means happiness, success in work and education. Like dreaming that you are flying, there will be some kind of joy. Dreaming of flying: a person is growing; old - young at heart, the soul grows; there will be some glory. Flying means a promotion at work. Up, into the sky, to rise - to be in everyday work. The way you fly is majestic, rich; Fate predicts a long and healthy year.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does an airplane mean in a dream?

Flying on an airplane in a dream means you will have to go far and for a long time. Seeing a plane take off into the sky means separation from a loved one.

Imagine that the plane was a toy. There are other toys next to him. And a lot of cars. Turn your attention to these cars.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of dream Airplane

If you saw in a dream a trace left by a plane in the sky, you will lose what is very important to you now. And this despite the fact that you will make every effort to ensure that everything is fine. Perhaps your “other half” will want to unwind “on the side.”

D. Loff interpreted dreams about airplanes this way: “Flying on an airplane. Such a dream can be both ordinary and indicative, since some people are calm about flying, while others are terrified of it. For example, all football fans in America know that the famous commentator John Madden never flies on planes - he travels around the country by bus. Many share his fears, although at night they may well dream of flying. In this case, it is an attempt to overcome irrational fears.

Airplane flights are full of adventure for a sleeper. The feeling of intoxicating delight is usually caused either by the flight itself, or by the dizzying speed and awareness of how much air travel allows you to bring the most remote corners of the earth closer together. You may also experience anxious anxiety when you think about potential dangers associated with flying, such as hijacking. At the same time, it is possible that you will cope brilliantly with the situation.

If you are flying a plane, it means that you will be able to keep the situation under control in reality.

If a plane gets into an accident and breaks down, it means that you do not feel confident enough in life and, as it seems to you, do not meet the requirements.”

Before interpreting your dream, try to answer this question: who is on board the plane? In real life, are you responsible for these people, do you have certain obligations to them? Then your control of the aircraft shows how successfully you cope with your responsibilities.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Airplane

A flying plane in a dream foreshadows the receipt of news.

Hearing about a plane crash in a dream is a sign of failure and collapse of plans.

Flying on an airplane in a dream means that your business will progress successfully, unless in a dream you encounter no obstacles along the way.

Flying a plane yourself in a dream is a harbinger that you yourself can make decisions that will affect your future.

If in a dream the flight and landing are successful, then wait for your cherished desire to come true. Watch where you land the plane.

The more reliable and level this place is, the more prosperous your future fate will be.

See interpretation: airplane, fly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does an Airplane predict in a dream?

Flying on an airplane in a dream is a fulfillment of desires.

Make a guess quickly, otherwise the plane is flying very fast.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for girls

What does it mean to see an airplane in a dream?

If you dreamed of an airplane, such a dream suggests that your sexual relationship with your partner does not depend on anyone, everything goes on as usual. And you shouldn’t turn your bedroom into the pilot’s cabin of a powerful airliner. You shouldn’t make sex an Olympic Games, where everyone wants to stand out and get a champion’s medal.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Airplane

Airplane - Flying on an airplane - a more creative approach is needed in your affairs, you are marking time.

Being in a plane crash - bold decisions will only help your business.

Take a step! Seeing a plane in the sky is a sign of decisive, fateful events for you.

On earth - you are slowed down by too fearful, cowardly people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does the dream predict? Airplane

A dream in which you climb up the ramp aboard a transcontinental airliner that will take you to the Rio Engineering of your dreams is a harbinger of events that, like the hero of The Golden Calf, will lead you to a sad ending.

Flying on a shabby old man, a “corn farmer,” suffering from nausea from the bumpiness over your birthmark, over which you are circling in the skies, is a dream, obviously caused by the fact that you “slightly” had too much at a party, and its interpretation, thus, comes down to with cucumber pickle or a glass of strong tea with lemon and aspirin.

Flying in a dream on a plane hijacked by terrorists, which has changed course and is taking you away from your native Cherezpenkolodinsk to the Promised Land, is a sign of empty fears, although for some they make their pants full.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a “stewardess named Zhanna,” receiving Presnyakov Jr. on board her plane, foreshadows in reality the flirting with you of a cheeky, pimply youth who has swallowed “wheels.”

To enter into an intimate relationship with a pilot right in his pilot’s seat, from which the plane either dives down or rushes up - such a dream speaks of the passion of your nature and unsatisfied desire.

Interpretation of dreams from

Transport in dreams always carries an important message, symbolizing something large-scale, large, and significant.

This is especially true for transport such as airplanes - they never “fly” into the world of dreams without a reason, and sometimes carry important messages.

It’s not difficult to understand and decipher what a plane means in a dream, but before doing so, it is important to remember the details of the dream and take them into account.

Most winged dreams look like this:

  1. You see a plane standing on the ground.
  2. In your dreams you see him flying in the sky.
  3. You look at the trail left by a passing plane in the sky.
  4. Watch the plane crash.
  5. In a dream you are flying as a passenger.
  6. You happened to control a flying car in a dream.
  7. You are on a plane that is crashing.
  8. You are the owner of the aircraft.
  9. Jumping out of an airplane in a dream.

All such dreams can bring different emotions, sometimes very strong, but the main thing is that they always carry important meaning. Therefore, remember the details and find out what the plane is for in your dreams - depending on what exactly it was like in your night dreams.

See with my own eyes

Do you dream of white-winged iron birds, but you only look at them from the side? Such dreams are also important, and it is important to remember what the plane was like and where it was located.

1. If you have such night visions in which you see a large, beautiful, white plane standing on the ground - this symbolizes your high spirituality, great bright ideals.

However, you think more than you do, and such a dream indicates precisely that it is time to put bright ideas into practice, to bring them to reality, and not just to dream.

2. If the plane in your dream was flying high in the sky, this indicates your dreams, unattainable desires, something very cherished. However, you tend to only dream and fantasize, and real life may pass you by. Think about it.

3. But if you dreamed of not just a plane flying in the sky, but it literally flew over your head, very low, this is a warning. Your inflated demands, ambitions, or even just desires can lead to some danger. Therefore, try to look at things more realistically so as not to harm yourself.

4. A dream in which you have to look at a falling plane can be very shocking. Before you find out for sure why you dream of a plane crash, it is important to carefully remember your experiences and emotions in this dream.

  • If you have experienced horror, panic, fear - a dream in which a plane crashes warns you of danger, the collapse of big plans. Perhaps the future that you currently imagine in your imagination will not correspond to your imagination.
  • However, as the dream book says, a falling plane can mean the collapse of someone else’s intentions, if in the dream you were indifferent and did not worry at all, and maybe even rejoiced. Perhaps your competitor or enemy will crash.

5. It’s even more unpleasant if you dreamed of not just a plane crash, but a whole war. In general, war has a separate meaning, and such a dream is better interpreted taking into account its details.

But in general, a war in a dream, planes falling to the ground, explosions, flashes in the sky - all this reflects your fears and anxieties. Perhaps now an important milestone is beginning in your real life, some new stage, serious and inevitable.

If you dream about war, it is probably what is happening in your head, you are afraid, cannot make a decision, do not want anything new and are overly dramatic. Try to calm down and trust fate.

6. If in your night dreams you saw a white trace in the blue sky that was left from a flying plane, this is a warning. There is a possibility that in the near future you will lose something important, miss it, spoil it.

Perhaps we are talking about close relationships, love, friendship, trust. Be careful - such things are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to return back.

7. If you saw a plane accelerating before your eyes and taking off into the sky, this is a good sign. Probably, good luck awaits you, a new successful business and a bright streak in life.

Flying in dreams and in reality

Flying on a plane in a dream is different from looking at it. Everyone dreams of flying at least sometimes – who among us doesn’t dream of flying in the sky!

Miller's dream book directly connects flights with spirituality, the inner world, and the emotional sphere. However, in order to understand why you dream about an airplane, it is very important to remember what role you were in the dream and how the flight went.

1. If in a dream the flight does not occur at all, that is, you are on a plane, but it is not going to fly and stands still - this means that someone is holding back your “wings”, not allowing you to realize yourself to the fullest. You are a creative, free and courageous person, but there is someone nearby who is down to earth or simply cowardly, who pulls you to the ground, not allowing you to “fly”.

2. Buying a plane ticket in a dream is also an interesting sign. A ticket is not a flight yet, but it is already a prospect.

It’s the same in life - you are preparing for something big, for a bold step, you have a “ticket to the future”, but you cannot decide to fly. Perhaps it's time for you to take advantage of this ticket and stop being afraid?

3. But being late for your flight in a dream is a direct sign that in reality you are too dismissive of your own spiritual development, dreams, and emotional sphere. Maybe it's time to learn to dream and fantasize?

  • If you are afraid in a dream of being late for an airliner, you run after it and catch up - this means that difficulties await you, some kind of internal conflicts, but they will end well for you.
  • But if you had to be late, and you see how the plane takes off without you, this means that this is a more direct indication that you should definitely pay due attention to your development, otherwise you can be late in real life, miss the chance, stay on the spot.

4. If in a dream you had to fly on any plane as an ordinary passenger, think about who in reality has the opportunity to control your life, especially your feelings.

Flying as a passenger without influencing the flight in any way means, in reality, being under someone’s influence. You may be too trusting and do not take responsibility for yourself to the extent that you should. After all, this is your life.

5. But, on the contrary, to control a flying car in your dreams means to be the pilot of your life.

An excellent dream that promises good luck - if you had to control an iron bird in a dream, especially if you had a chance to fly smoothly and pleasantly - know that you will always be a winner. As the wise dream book assures, the plane in which you had to fly as a pilot promises you rapid development, internal growth, and success.

6. Experiencing an airliner crash in a dream is a big stress. It is not difficult to understand why a falling plane is dreamed of - it is the collapse of dreams, hopes, disappointment.

If he fell and crashed in a dream, but you survived, this is a serious warning that should not be ignored. You need to be especially careful and attentive now to your emotional nature, to take care of your nerves.

7. If in your dreams you jumped from a plane - simply with a parachute, or avoiding a crash - this is a hint that in reality you often hide from reality, going into dreams. If the plane fell and crashed, and you landed on a parachute in the distance, such a dream indicates to you that you are simply ignoring problems.

Not all “flying” dreams are pleasant - sometimes you have to see a plane fall and crash, sometimes you have to fly on it down to the ground. However, such dreams are also useful and valuable if you know what the plane is dreaming of, interpret the dream correctly and take the advice of Miller’s dream book and other interpreters wisely.

Analyze the dream - the plane itself will not bring trouble, but it can protect you from it, give advice, and warn. And don’t be afraid to fly, just don’t forget about the ground! Author: Vasilina Serova

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