Zil name. Sad holiday: Moscow ZIL celebrates its centenary

For its centenary, Moscow ZIL has prepared a surprise: it has just been announced that the last truck of this brand has been assembled. How is this possible, readers will be surprised, since AMO ZIL went bankrupt at the beginning of the year?

The fact of the matter is that this ZIL is completely different. A group of enthusiastic workers registered Joint-Stock Company with the same name and began assembling cars from elements inherited from the plant: frames, axles and cabins.

Several dozen trucks of model 4327 were assembled. This is a kind of reincarnation of the “municipal” ZIL-4329. It immediately became clear that their number would be extremely limited, because there were no longer even workshops where the elements could be produced.

Externally, the new ZILs are distinguished by a rounded plastic nose (photo from the archives of Maxim Chernyavsky)

The main difference between the “reborn” ZIL is the plastic rounded hood (it seems that even fewer of the original hoods survived than the cabs). Underneath it is installed the “eternal” Minsk diesel D-245.9E4 (Euro-4) with a power of 136 hp. The gearbox is a five-speed manual. Most of the machines are equipped with Smolensk utility superstructures.

Once upon a time, the plant showed at exhibitions its own vision of a plastic hood, like on this Tapir truck (photo from the archives of Maxim Chernyavsky)

Our utility workers would willingly buy such cars for many years to come. Not very ergonomic and economical? But they are simple, cheap and familiar.

Tens of thousands more ZIL “communal” vehicles are found on the streets of all Russian cities (photo from the archives of Maxim Chernyavsky)

If we take into account the more than a million ZILs of this generation produced, there will be no problems with spare parts for them yet for a long time. But in an economy like this, our state-owned enterprises are still not very strong.

"(ZIL) is a Russian automobile manufacturing company, in Soviet time- the head enterprise of a large production association of the automotive industry of the USSR.

Construction of the plant began on August 2 (July 20, old style) 1916. On this day, a solemn prayer service and the laying of the plant took place in Tyufelovaya Grove. The construction was undertaken by the trading house "Kuznetsov, Ryabushinsky and K", which was supposed to commission the plant in October 1917, but due to the revolutions, construction was not completed on time. The management decided to purchase sets of parts in Italy and begin “screwdriver” assembly of the machines in Moscow. During 1917, 432 cars were assembled.

In 1918, all the property of the AMO plant was recognized as the property of the state, and in October 1918 the enterprise began major repairs trucks.
Since 1920, the plant participated in the Soviet tank program and manufactured engines for the Russian Renault tank.

On April 30, 1923, the plant was named after the Italian communist Ferrero, who was killed by the Nazis.

In 1922-1923, the Council of Labor and Defense allocated funds for production at the plant trucks. The first one and a half ton truck AMO-F-15 was assembled on November 1, 1924. On November 7, 1924, the first 10 AMO-F-15 vehicles marched at the head of a column of demonstrators along Red Square in Moscow. Since March 1925 they began mass production.

In 1925, the plant was renamed the 1st State Automobile Plant. In 1927, it was headed by Ivan Likhachev, whose name is associated with the intensive development of the enterprise (by 1931, almost seven thousand cars were assembled).

At the beginning of 1927, Autotrust, to which the plant was subordinate, decided to reconstruct the enterprise. The object of production was a truck from the American car assembly company Avtokar. During the reconstruction, the plant's territory expanded significantly.

On October 1, 1931, the plant was named after Joseph Stalin (ZIS). On October 25, 1931, the first domestic automobile assembly line was launched.

In 1936, the assembly line assembly of the first domestic limousine ZIS-101 began, the basis of which was the design of the American passenger car"Buick".

In the fall of 1941, due to the outbreak of war, a significant part of the workers and equipment was evacuated to Ulyanovsk, Miass, Chelyabinsk and Shadrinsk. However, after successful operations of the Red Army, the ZIS began working again in June 1942. ZIS-5V military trucks rolled off the assembly line, and weapons for the front were produced. In June 1942, the plant was awarded the first Order of Lenin for the excellent organization of the production of ammunition and weapons. In October 1944, the plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In September 1942, work began on the creation of a government limousine upper class ZIS-110. A Packard limousine was taken as a sample car.

In 1953, according to the Soviet-Chinese treaty of friendship and mutual assistance, according to the documentation of the Soviet plant named after Stalin in China, Automobile Plant No. 1 was built, which later became the First Automotive Works (FAW), which to this day is the leader of the Chinese auto industry . Chinese engineers underwent internships and training at the ZIS plant, including the future leader of the People's Republic of China Jiang Zemin.

In 1956, Ivan Likhachev died, and the plant was named after him (ZIL).

In 1959, the government limousine ZIL-111 was awarded an Honorary Diploma at the international exhibition in Brussels.
The fourth reconstruction of the plant, which began in 1959, made it possible to master the production of ZIL-130 and ZIL-131 vehicles.

In 1967, installations were designed and produced (piece by piece) for the search and evacuation of descending space objects and astronauts. In the same year, the USSR for the first time took part in the International “Bus Week” in Nice, where the comfortable small-class bus “Yunost” ZIL-118 won 12 prizes, but mass production of the bus could not be organized.

In 1971, the plant was awarded the third Order of Lenin for the successful implementation of the eighth five-year plan. Igor Zakharov.

Currently, a significant part of the enterprise’s production space is not used; the former workshops and structures have been destroyed.

At the end of 2012, the Moscow government decided to maintain production on the southern site of the plant with an area of ​​50 hectares; a qualitatively new area of ​​the metropolis with parks, housing, jobs, social and transport infrastructure facilities is planned for the rest of the territory.

The area of ​​the reconstructed ZIL territory is about 300 hectares.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

At the end of last year, many publications reported that the last ZIL truck had been released. Where? By whom? After all, according to official reports from AMO ZIL, the plant stopped producing cars a long time ago. “Auto Mail.Ru” found out: in Moscow they really stopped assembling the legendary trucks, but not now, but in September. But at the same time, it seems that the latest ZIL has not yet been made!

From flagship to bankrupt

In 1975-1989, the Likhachev Plant annually assembled 195-210 thousand trucks, and by 1996 the production volume collapsed to 7 thousand units. After the collapse of the USSR, the market began to need either light or heavy trucks - with a carrying capacity of less than 3 or more than 10 tons, respectively. Gluttonous gasoline (!) Zilov mid-ton trucks, as an intermediate link, were not in demand.

They tried to save the enterprise. In 1994, the production of model 431410 was stopped (at the end of the assembly line life, the ancient ZIL-130 was hidden behind this index), they gave the entrepreneurs “Bychok” - after 2000, sales volume increased to 22 thousand. But then there was only a decline, which ended quite naturally - in 2013, only 95 cars were assembled.

The dispassionate annual report of AMO ZIL reports: “in 2014, two exclusive “Okhotnik” cars were collected from stocks [... ]; serial ZIL cars were not produced.” At the same time, “the main share of domestically produced products was the sale of energy resources (heat and electricity) to third parties”, “the production of cars and auto components has been discontinued.”

Moscow history

But. New trucks are for sale on ad sites! It turns out that the cars were made by ZIL LLC, a company whose director is Gennady Yarkov, the last chief engineer of AMO. In the press-welding building of the automobile plant (!), a dozen employees assembled model 432940 in small batches from the reserves that remained from the main production.

The “underground workers” ended up with bridges, cabins, frames... The engines were brought from Belarus. But there weren't enough hoods. In general, the Zilov hood is a bulky and complex structure, consisting of many parts; in previous years, the plant had a separate section for assembling this part of the cabin. So we had to restyle it, introducing a plastic tail instead of a metal “nose”.

In addition, the resurrected mid-ton truck received a fully synchronized gearbox, electric windows, a different steering wheel, anatomical seats with multiple adjustments, sound insulation, ABS and even a 12-volt socket. It was possible to make 5-10 cars per month, each of which cost from 2 million rubles - expensive, but the brand’s followers supported the “survivors”.

By the way, model 432940, which was produced by ZIL LLC, is a rear-wheel drive chassis gross weight 11 tons with a 130-horsepower tractor diesel engine MMZ D-245 series. Moreover, in many sources the products of the semi-secret workshop are called ZIL-43276T. Although the 4327 family, according to Zilov tradition, should have four-wheel drive. It’s simple: what documents there were, such an index was assigned to the new ones.

There will be no more cars: the last ZIL truck in Moscow was released on September 24, 2016. The LLC's employees have been fired, and the workshop building will be demolished. The “final” car itself will not be sent either to a museum or to storerooms - the Novomoskovsk Machine-Building Plant mounted the appropriate superstructure on the chassis, and the unique car went... to the Kazan tram depot, where it will work as a “flying machine”.

Ural trace

Many are confident that ZIL brand equipment continues to be produced in the Urals: they say, in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions they meet regularly. Let's talk. The Moscow plant had several branches, including the Ural Automotive Plant (UAMZ) from the city of Novouralsk Sverdlovsk region. The latter produced ZIL-130 trucks and ZIL-131 all-terrain vehicles.

So here it is. The Novy Ural residents churned out models expelled from Moscow until 2011 (since 2003, the enterprise came under the control of the Severnaya Kazna bank and became known as AMUR - Automobiles and Motors of the Urals) - which is why there are quite a lot of well-preserved “one hundred and thirties” at the junction of Europe and Asia. Now the former branch of the Likhachev Plant is bankrupt, and there is nowhere to get new trucks.

Or almost nowhere. In Novouralsk there are also stocks of components and... stocks of PTS from 2012-2013. According to this not very legal scheme, “enthusiasts” assemble to order all-wheel drive three-axle vehicles with 150-horsepower six-liter carburetor engines. The asking price is only 1.5 million rubles. But it is clear that the history of the project will end as soon as the supply of documents runs out.

P.S. According to the traffic police, 416,380 ZIL vehicles are registered in Russia - this is the third most popular brand of trucks. But there are only a little more than 20 thousand cars younger than 2006.

AMO ZIL, the oldest automobile enterprise in Russia, is today experiencing worst times in its history. This is the largest Moscow plant by area, and its territory is of constant interest to city authorities and developers. Last year Sobyanin reported that instead of the plant there will be another elite residential area. Most of the workshops are currently being liquidated and are being prepared for demolition.

This recording shows one of the smallest workshops, repairing electric cars and forklifts. ZiL was so grandiose that only this relatively small workshop had five floors, two elevators, its own electrical substation, an assembly hall, a trade union committee, and two bathhouses. Let's take a look at this entire property.

1. Having moved beyond the perimeter, we immediately went up to the unfinished workshop. From here a panorama of the plant opened up. On the right are abandoned workshops. On the left, behind the ring railway, ZiL continues and stretches far, far away.

2. My companion, notorious MSh, shoots a video for his channel.

3. Entering through the hospitably open gates, we appreciated the scale of production.

4. Previously, electric cars came here from all over the plant for routine inspection, repairs and battery charging.

5. And now time was told “Stop!”

6. Behind the door we find a tire workshop. There are still small tires scattered everywhere. By the way, they did it here - later we found whole stacks of rubber blanks and boxes filled to capacity with ready-made tires.

7. On the wall are instructions for lifting machines during repairs.

8. And under the ceiling are traditional TB posters.

10. We find souvenirs: a cast body of a toy car, a tin airplane and an internal number, ZiLovsky.

13. Nearby is a compartment for ventilation.

14. Having discovered the steps down, we went down to the heating point under the building. The corridor of the heating main goes into the distance, directed towards the already demolished workshops.

15. Since the workshop consumed a large amount of electricity, it had its own substation. We went out into the hall where the transformers stood.

16. One of two stepladders for access to the upper elements.

17. A huge current once flowed through these colored tires.

18. I was struck by the appearance of the VM oil switch. For arc extinguishing, there is a whole vat of oil suspended on cables. And I counted about a dozen such switches.

19. The control panel was also amazing in scale.

20. At the same time, it was striking in its lack of modernity.

21. Looked inside the remote control.

22. Having gone up to the second floor, we walk through the small and cozy departments: winding and electrical installation.

23. A couple of machines have been preserved here.

24. Sharpening machine.

25. Drilling unit.

26. On the walls of the winding department are slogans, safety posters, a portrait of Lenin and the Trinity Tower of the Kremlin.

27. There was a machine with sparkling water for the workers. On the glass there is a “scratch” from the times of the last Olympics.

28. TB posters, always relevant.

29. I was interested in the electrician employment sign on the door of the cabin.

30. We looked into the warehouse, looked at many cabinets for spare parts, now completely empty.

31. Finally we reached the battery production workshop.

32. Since lead-acid batteries were made here, there was a small chemical laboratory at the workshop.

33. The sun hits the dusty windows.

34. This is only one room, but it is chock full of equipment, various utensils, and jars of reagents.

35. Ceramic oven.

36. Some strange device.

37. Standard Soviet scales.

38. A lot of chemicals, salts, acids were thrown into the closet...



41. Although the area of ​​the electric car workshop is tens of times smaller than any foundry or press shop, here the floors were connected by as many as two elevators, not counting the many stairs. This speaks volumes about the entire plant, which was a “city within a city.”

42. The window overlooks the roof of the workshop.

43. On the floor above there were changing rooms and showers for workers.

44. These signs caught my attention.

45. There was also a sauna, very tiny, you couldn’t turn around.

46. ​​And here is a sauna for management. A completely different volume, there is somewhere to lie down. There were also rooms nearby for psychological relaxation and drinking alcoholic beverages.

47. Since we’re talking about management, let’s move to the administrative part.

48. The corridors are decorated with numerous posters. This one hangs near the labor protection department.

49. A real rarity for connoisseurs is the metro map of 1996-1998.

50. Government limousines were once the pride of the plant.

51. And now there are only dried plants.

50. Time stands still.

53. In the engineering department, the drawing board ruler froze forever.

54. MS was stuck for a long time, looking at the stand with historical photographs near the workshop manager’s office.

55. The workshop also had its own meeting room. MS read from the podium an appeal to the viewers of his channel.

56. Unfortunately, the people looking at us from these old photographs will never return to their factory. They are also unlikely to live in the microdistrict built in its place.

57. Having finished inspecting the electric car workshop, we rushed into the next building, and, as it turned out, it was not in vain.

58. It turned out to be a compressor station at the second foundry.

59. The equipment has been partially preserved.

60. All compressors are installed on an elevated platform. Their platforms rest on springs that dampen vibrations during operation.

61. Compressors and gearboxes have been preserved. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find powerful electric motors.

62. The thick-walled compressor casing made a strong impression on me.

63. A crane was working under the roof.

64. Two compressors were cut up and taken away, the same fate awaits the rest.

65. And while they are there, we could enjoy their view. For me it was doubly joyful, because I did not have time to find similar units in

Zil dump trucks are produced in a large number of different modifications. These can be articulated dump trucks, as well as semi-trailers, but they are all so high-quality in their characteristics and versatile in their configuration that they have been used to create truck cranes, fire trucks, vans, and tank trucks. The ZIL truck is effective both in off-road areas and in cramped urban conditions. At the height there are such important vehicle indicators such as load capacity and efficiency.

Popular modifications

The following modifications are made on the ZIL vehicle platform trucks. The car has a ZIL the lineup quite varied:

  1. Cargo ZIL-130G – transportation of oversized cargo and towing trailers with a common weight category up to 8 tons.
  2. ZIL-130V1 is a truck-type tractor, which was originally designed for towing cargo weighing up to 14 tons.
  3. ZIL-130D1 is a special platform for building ZIL-MMZ-4502 and ZIL-MMZ-555 dump trucks.
  4. ZIL-130B2 is a platform with a special pneumatic outlet designed for building a tractor used in agriculture.
  5. The ZIL-130G cargo truck is a platform vehicle with special two-section sides. There is a wheelbase of 4,500 mm and a motor with unique characteristics.
  6. ZIL model 130D is a platform for a dump truck for narrow construction purposes, having a short wheelbase of 33 cm.
  7. ZIL-130B platform for special agricultural equipment with a total wheelbase of 3,800 mm.

Without exception, all models are distinguished by optimal configuration and the ability to function perfectly in different climatic conditions.

ZIL body - dimensions and characteristics

The ZIL body of this vehicle can be not only cargo, but also passenger. For this purpose, there are folding benches and the possibility of installing an awning.

As for the average overall dimensions of the ZiL, its length is 6,672 mm, width - 2,500 mm, total height - 2,400 mm. The volume of the platform is 5.10 cubic meters, and the floor area is 8.72 square meters.


The ZIL cabin is a three-seater cabin, which is located immediately behind the engine. The seat can be adjusted in height, length, and backrest tilt. Among the main interior options present are:

  • Wiper;
  • Heater;
  • Special device for washing glass;
  • The roof of the cabin is equipped with two ventilation hatches.

The cabin is made of solid metal, and the seats are made of soft materials. Everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail, making the interior as comfortable as possible for drivers and passengers. The main instruments and control mechanics are ergonomically located here.

The vehicle is equipped hydraulic booster steering wheel, which has significantly increased the overall ease of driving and its safety. In case of accidental rupture front wheel, it will be easy for the truck to stay on the road section.

Main technical characteristics

The vehicle is equipped with a 4-stroke eight-cylinder engine. The ZIL truck has a powerful engine, this parameter is 3000 rpm. The total engine displacement reaches 6 liters. A special lubrication system deserves special attention, which is characterized as combined with the possibility of splashing and different pressure levels. The power supply system of the installed engine is classified as forced; there is also a built-in liquid cooling system.

Brake system

The truck has a special brake system, which is present on all wheels. These are special drum brakes that operate under the influence of a modern pneumatic system. The main reserve of air mass is located in a special tank under fairly strong pressure. The brakes are brought into service using a water pump and an installed gear. The compressor operates at two thousand revolutions per minute. There are only two air cylinders, each holding 20 liters.

Positive and negative properties

An increasing number of car enthusiasts are deciding to buy these trucks. From this tool You can make a unique car, since there is the possibility of an optimal upgrade. Among others positive factors important indicators can be noted such as affordable price vehicle, small dimensions, optimal maintainability and maneuverability of the device. If necessary, you can easily find the necessary parts for repairs. The vehicle’s high cross-country ability is based on the presence of a built-in power steering, and the engine also works perfectly.

Among the disadvantages of the machine are the low speed that all-terrain vehicles are able to develop, an imperfect motor and the carrying capacity is also not a record. Due to the old year of manufacture, parts often fail. Despite the sufficiently comfortable conditions in the cabin, it is slightly inferior by the standards of the present time. The seats can be adjusted, but they are not entirely comfortable for modern drivers. The engine in the cab of ZIL vehicles is inaudible; the vehicle and its main modifications move quietly. Over their 40-year history, these vehicles have proven themselves to be durable and very reliable cargo transport, relatively easy to operate and repair. And now on the roads of the country you can find the ZIL and ZIS, recognizable by everyone, which are purchased as a means of solving a large number of different problems.

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