Always be open and active. How many puppies do different dog breeds give birth to? Do Dalmatians shed?

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There are many dog ​​breeds in the world that were bred by humans. However, one of the most charming and beautiful dogs is the Dalmatian. The Dalmatian dog will always be in the center of attention and rightfully take its prizes; everyone really likes it, especially children. This pet simply captivates from the very first sight; when people look at it, their mood rises and a smile appears. It’s not for nothing that even directors made cartoons about them and their good-natured disposition.

Today this dog is a friend and companion, a wonderful family friend. Oddly enough, after 1996, when the cartoon “101 Dalmatians” was released, the breed became very popular and its popularity and demand continues to this day. Probably every child dreams of having a pet of this breed. They can live perfectly both in an apartment and in a private house.

The most interesting thing is that this is a universal dog breed, created not only to please the human eye. In some countries, Miter Dalmatians do an excellent job as assistants to firefighters, security guards and watchmen, and rescuers, coping well with the tasks assigned to them. In the article you will learn a lot of interesting things about the dog breed, which is considered one of the most beautiful animals.

The Dalmatian dog breed is one of the ancient breeds. They lived many years before our era. This is evidenced by some excavations and information from archaeologists. The breed was formed on the territory of Croatia and Yugoslavia, previously there was the region of Dalmatia, the Dalman Republic, and in this area the Dalmatian was depicted on the coat of arms of the Yugoslav rulers; this version is considered the most reliable.

History also says that in ancient times there were white dogs with black spots. As an option and version of the origin of the breed, it is believed that Dalmatians came to us from India, Ancient Egypt; in these countries, archaeologists also discovered the remains of dogs similar to Dalmatians. These versions also stem from the fact that Dalmatians can easily withstand the heat typical of these countries. But, nevertheless, breed researchers are more inclined to the Yugoslav origin of Dalmatians.

In European countries, dogs spread with sailors, with groups of circus performers, it was they who took dogs on tours and sailings. different countries. People immediately appreciated all the positive qualities of these dogs; all aristocrats dreamed of seeing Dalmatian puppies in their midst. Later, English breeders improved this breed. Thanks to their original appearance, which no other dog breed can boast of, they are very popular in our time.

Appearance according to standard

The Dalmatian is a fairly large, well-built dog, has well-developed muscles, is strong, very resilient and fast. Refers to hounds. The breed standard requires long and muscular limbs, a well-shaped belly, and a long neck. The muzzle has an elongated shape, which tapers slightly towards the nose, ears high rise. The ears are not large, so that in a fight, predators cannot cling to them. Scissor bite. The tail is medium in size, hangs or rises slightly; curling of the tail is not allowed according to the standard. The weight of dogs is approximately from 24 to 32 kilograms. Height is from 54 to 61 centimeters. Bitches have less weight and height than males.

Based on their color, these animals are divided into two types: dogs with brown spots and dogs with black spots. However, in both the first and second cases, the spots should be round with clear boundaries on a light background. Black and white Dalmatians have a black nose and dark eye color; dogs with blue eyes are not allowed for breeding, this is considered a marriage. Black-brown dogs have dark brown spots and the same nose, eye color is light brown, brown-hazel, yellowish. A combination of brown and black spots at the same time is not allowed.

The fur of Dalmatians is short, hard, shiny, and it is quite aesthetically pleasing to wrinkle. It is welcome if the dog also has pigmentation on its tail.

Character of Dalmatians

Also, dogs of this breed may have: gastric torsion, and are prone to deafness. Twelve percent of Dalmatian puppies are already born with deafness, so the condition needs to be detected early.

How many years do Dalmatians live? On average, with proper care, the life expectancy of these dogs is ten to twelve years. How long Dalmatians live depends directly on the conditions of their detention, active exercise and nutrition, and the psychological atmosphere in the family.


Dalmatian puppies are gentle creatures, especially vulnerable ones. Remember, what you put into them is what you will get out when they become adult dogs. A small pet's first walk should be no more than fifteen minutes. Ideally, it will be five to seven fifteen-minute walks. Further walks can take two hours. To prevent an adult dog’s behavior from deteriorating and her to avoid mischief and boredom, she should be allowed to run for several kilometers – about ten. Dalmatians need to adhere to the same vegetarian diet and not in large portions, five to six times a day, this is the optimal number of feedings. Later, the increase in feeding should decrease and the dog eats once or twice a day.

Small puppies are purchased at the age of one and a half to two months. This is the optimal age to adopt a pet. Already at this time they become independent. The puppy you have chosen should be sociable, when approaching it, it can happily wag its tail and have fun - these are good indicators. Fright and dogs are not the right reaction. A puppy's weight at two months should be approximately six to nine kilograms, and its height should be more than thirty centimeters. By the age of one year, the height should be more than fifty centimeters. When choosing a pet, pay attention to the character, as well as the height and weight of the baby.

How much does a puppy cost? Despite the beauty of these dogs, they are not expensive. Almost everyone can afford this dog. Of course, the cost of a puppy depends on the kennel and the class of the puppy. Elite puppies cost approximately 15-20 thousand rubles, a puppy with some deviations from the standard costs from 5 to 8 thousand rubles.

1. What is the correct name of the breed? Dalmatian? Dalmatian? Dalmatian dog? There are different names in print and everyday life.

The correct name of the breed is DALMATIN.

2. How many spots should a Dalmatian have?

All Dalmatians are colored differently, and of course, no one counts the number of spots. It's not that important at all. An ideal Dalmatian - looking at which you don’t want to reduce his spots or add somewhere, all his spots are evenly spaced and, if possible, stand apart from one another. Dalmatians with too many or too few spots are unlikely to show successfully but will make very good family members.

3. What is average duration life of Dalmatians?

Dalmatians often live up to 15-16 years, but the average life expectancy is 11-13 years.

4. What is the size of an adult Dalmatian?

Males are usually larger than females, their height is 60-64 cm, weight 30-35 kg. The size of the bitches is 56-60 cm, weight 23-27 kg.

5. Who is this breed suitable for?

This breed is suitable for young and energetic people under 35 years old, as well as married couples with children. Retired people, people who work too much and those who have children under 2 years old should not get a Dalmatian.

6. What difficulties are there with this breed?

The Dalmatian is an energetic and active dog. If you do not pay enough attention to his walks and physical exercises, the dog may become poorly controlled - spoil things, disobey on the street, etc. Think in advance, can you fully walk with your dog for at least 1 hour a day?

7. Do Dalmatians shed?

Dalmatians shed all year round. Their fur is very noticeable on dark clothing and can sometimes be difficult to clean from fluffy fabric or carpet. To reduce hair in the house, you need to regularly comb your Dalmatian with a special brush or hand. 2-3 minutes a day spent on this will reduce the amount of wool in the house to a minimum.

8. Do Dalmatians get cold in winter?

Dalmatians live everywhere in Russia - in the Far North, Siberia, and the Urals. In particular very coldy in these regions they wear special overalls. IN middle lane Russia can completely do without them. In 20-degree frost, Dalmatians walk well and do not freeze.

9. How do Dalmatians treat children?

Dalmatians are a wonderful breed for families with children. They are medium in size, enough for a child to enjoy working with the dog, but not too large, so a teenager can easily handle an adult Dalmatian. Young children should be taught how to properly handle a dog. If you are purchasing a puppy over 3 months old, you should purchase from a reputable breeder who has socialized the puppy to interact with children and adolescents. Dalmatians love the company of children, and your puppy will surely become the favorite of all the kids in the yard.

10. Do they get along with other dogs?

Dalmatians get along very well with other dogs and generally have more fun in company than alone, especially if their owners are at work all day. Males on the street sometimes become pugnacious when meeting strangers.

11. Will a Dalmatian get along with a cat?

Many Dalmatian owners keep cats or other pets. If the cat does not show aggression, they will certainly become friends.

12. Is it true that Dalmatians are stupid and disobedient?

This is wrong! Dalmatians are companion dogs; for many years they do not perform any service; their main task is to be pleasant companions and friends for humans. If Dalmatians did not meet these requirements, they would not be so popular. Over the years, this breed has been selected in such a way as to be as comfortable and pleasant for humans as possible. Their understanding and learning ability are of great importance.

13. Are Dalmatians easy to train?

Dalmatians are intelligent and love to please their owners. With appropriate training, they are easily and quickly trained in obedience courses. It is recommended that growing dogs enroll in a training group or train on their own.

14. At what age can you start training a Dalmatian?

You can start training a puppy at 4-5 months. It will be good if by this time he knows the basic commands and techniques: “No” or “ugh”, “Come to me”, he will be accustomed to walking on a leash and will know his place. Also by this time it is necessary to accustom him to cleanliness. For more information on training Dalmatians, read the articles on how to train a puppy and teaching some necessary skills. You may also find articles on Dalmatian training and agility classes helpful.

15. Can a Dalmatian be a guard?

If you need a guard dog, the Dalmatian is probably not the right dog for you. These dogs love everyone in the world and are friendly to strangers. Your Dalmatian may bark at the doorbell, but don't expect much more from him.

16. What health problems do Dalmatians have?

A Dalmatian purchased from a good kennel, where they pay attention to the health of the dogs when breeding, is unlikely to cause you any trouble. Dalmatians have a peculiarity of the urinary system, and therefore stones can form in the bladder in dogs. Proper nutrition, drinking enough liquid and reading a couple of articles on this topic will prevent the problem. In particularly serious cases, dogs require treatment. Sometimes Dalmatians suffer from allergies. This disease is often inherited. Look at the parents of the puppy you want to buy and make sure they don't have allergies.

17. Is it true that Dalmatians can be deaf?

A small percentage of Dalmatians are born completely deaf. Serious breeders euthanize such puppies even before the litter begins to be sold. When choosing a puppy, check its hearing. If you are interested in the problem of deafness in Dalmatians, I advise you to read the articles discussing deafness in Dalmatians and the connection between deafness and pigmentation.

18. Do Dalmatians eat a lot? What do they eat?

Adult Dalmatians typically eat 2 times a day. Most breeders and owners prefer to feed them with ready-made food from companies such as Pedigree, Royal Canine, Eukanuba, Hills, and Purina. Depending on the type of food, age and condition of the dog, the Dalmatian eats 300-600 g of food per day. I recommend that you read articles about feeding Dalmatians with ready-made food and natural products.

19. Does Dalmatian need a special diet?

A healthy Dalmatian does not need special diet. Most ready-made foods suit him. You just need to make sure that the protein level in them is not higher than 26%.

20. Is it possible to give “human” food?

It is best to feed your dog ready-made food, but you can give it any vegetables and fruits (make sure you are not allergic to them). You can also use cheese, sausage or crackers as treats when training your dog.

21. What should I purchase before purchasing a puppy?

Before buying a puppy, you need to purchase food (the one he fed from the breeder), 2 bowls, a cage or basket in which the puppy will sleep, several toys, and bones. Your breeder may also recommend shampoo, vitamins and mineral supplements, and other care products. If you are buying a full-grown puppy, you will also need a collar and leash, and in the summer - flea and tick control.

22. Where to buy a puppy?

It is best to buy a puppy from a well-known nursery that has been successfully breeding Dalmatians for many years and has a good reputation. Even if you do not need a show dog, it is best to turn to specialists for a puppy, since in the future you will be able to use their advice on raising, feeding and training it. By the way, the price for non-show dogs in a well-known kennel and from a novice breeder is usually the same.

23. How do you know if a breeder is serious?

A serious breeder must be a member of the National Dalmatian Club. He will answer any questions you have with confidence and detail, and will also ask you many questions of his own to get to know you better and understand if the breed is right for you and what kind of puppy you want. A serious breeder participates in shows, and at his home you will find a large number of show awards - cups, ribbons, etc. His dogs have championship titles, and you can see the certificates to prove it. Puppies must have a tattoo and documents - puppy cards, after 2 months - age-appropriate vaccinations. A reputable breeder cares deeply about finding good homes for puppies and continues to communicate with buyers for many years. Purchase several specialized Dalmatian magazines. There you will find the information you are interested in. Read more...

24. Is it possible to buy a puppy at the market?

If you intend to have a healthy dog, don't rush to the market. It is better to take the baby from home, seeing all the puppies and their mother. When buying a puppy from random people, you are taking a lot of risk. What will you do if your new friend gets sick the day after the purchase? Where will you look for the seller and how to demand compensation from him? There are often cases when puppies with fake documents are sold on the market, but you will not immediately know that you have been deceived, and it will be too late to do anything. It’s even more disappointing when you find out that for the money a puppy from the market cost you, you could have bought a good show and breeding dog in a prestigious kennel.

25. How much do puppies cost?

The cost of puppies in different cities of Russia, as well as in different nurseries, can vary greatly. What matters is the number of titles of the parents and other ancestors, the exhibition prospects of the puppy, its age, as well as the name of the breeder and what he can offer you as additional help - preparation for exhibitions, consultations, vaccinations, subsequent dog training, etc. Discuss this in advance so you know what kind of help you can expect while raising your dog.
Based on all of the above, the average cost of a puppy is 100-500 US dollars.

26. How to choose the right puppy?

First of all, you need to choose the right breeder. He must be an expert on Dalmatians and just a decent person. State your goal clearly: you need a good show dog, or a dog for a child, or a male for breeding, etc. If you clearly know what you want, the breeder will help you choose exactly the puppy that suits you. However, before purchasing a puppy, it will be useful for you to read the breed standard, as well as articles on developing a promising show dog and choosing a puppy.

27. Is it true that puppies are born white?

Yes it is. The spots on them appear only at 2 weeks.

28. Is it true that Dalmatians are brown? Are these rarer and probably more expensive dogs?

White and brown Dalmatians are less common than white and black Dalmatians; this is explained by the recessive nature of the gene responsible for this color. Brown puppies usually cost the same as white and black ones, but they attract more attention because of their unusual nature. White and black dogs can be bred with white and brown dogs, and they are also shown together at shows.

29. At what age is the best time to adopt a puppy?

Puppies begin to be sold at the age of 45 days. If you spend most of the day at home, you can buy a puppy at this age. It will require a lot of care, but you can grow it yourself the way you want. Working people should think about a grown-up puppy that can be fed 3 times a day. If you want to immediately start walking with your puppy, buy a fully vaccinated one, that is, no earlier than 2.5-3 months of age. If you're at work all day and can't devote enough time to your dog, consider adopting an adult dog. More about this...

30. Who is better - a male or a female?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. If you have children under 14 years old in your family, it’s probably worth getting a bitch so that the child can handle her on walks and raise her. If you do not plan to breed, it is better to buy a male. Read more...

31. How to vaccinate correctly?

It is best to buy a puppy that has already been vaccinated and has a veterinary passport. This will give additional guarantees that he will not get sick.

32. Is it necessary to go to exhibitions?

Of course not. Some breeders, when selling a promising puppy, may insist that when buying him, you are engaged in his show career. If you are not interested, discard this puppy and choose another one. Exhibitions are an interesting and exciting side of a dog breeder’s life. Perhaps, even before purchasing a puppy, you should visit 1-2 exhibitions to understand whether you would like to participate in them in the future.

33. Should a dog be bred?

Definitely not. A dog should only be bred if you want it to produce puppies and if it is good enough to do so. The absence of puppies does not affect the health of the dog (both male and female). However, if you have purchased a non-breeding dog, it would be advisable to have it spayed or neutered. In this case, you will get rid of problems with the bitch in heat, and the male will become more obedient and will not run after every bitch in heat on the street.

Remember the famous family movie “101 Dalmatians”? This story has some similarities with parts of the film. During an ultrasound examination of the dog, the veterinarian was only able to see three puppies, but to everyone's amazement, the Dalmatian dog carried and delivered a litter of 18 puppies!

As a rule, Dalmatians produce a maximum of 10 cute spotted puppies. In this regard, the birth of eighteen at once became an incredibly amazing event!

The owner of the Dalmatian named Miley says that “at first the vet said there would only be three of them, but for some reason I was sure that Miley would bring at most fifteen puppies.”

But Miley broke all the records of the film and other Australian Dalmatians!

“Pongo and Edith had fifteen naughty girls in the movie, but we beat their record!” — the hostess glows with happiness.

The dog gave birth to puppies in the presence of staff from an Australian veterinary clinic, and this process lasted for more than thirteen hours.

The father dog was nearby all this time and, it seems, was also discouraged by such a large number of his offspring.

The veterinarians and the owners already thought that the fifteenth puppy was the last, but then three more babies appeared.

“For all of us, these hours seemed like an eternity, but our dog did great! Not only did she cope without surgery, but all the puppies were born absolutely healthy. That’s what strong genes mean!”

Miley makes an excellent caring mother! She feeds her babies every four hours and takes care of them constantly.

“We also make every effort from the puppies’ age of two weeks to ensure that they grow up healthy and happy.”

It is worth noting that out of eighteen puppies, only six boys were born, and the rest were all girls. One puppy was lucky enough to be born with a spot around his eye that resembles a heart.

It looks like a scene from Disney's 101 Dalmatians. Although the ultrasound showed three puppies, this 3-year-old Dalmatian dog gave birth to as many as 18 puppies at one time.

In the city of Ballarat (Australia), a dog named Miley gave birth to 18 puppies, breaking the Australian record and equaling the world record. Breeder Cecilia Langton Bunker was shocked by the record number of puppies as vets believed Miley would whelp with three cubs.

According to statistics, an adult Dalmatian is capable of giving birth to 8 to 10 puppies at a time. “The vets said there were only three puppies in Miley’s belly, but I felt there were so many more. It seemed to me that there were 15 or 16 of them,” says Cecilia. - “By the way, in the movie “101 Dalmatians” Pongo and Perdita had 15 puppies, and we had 18 - we were ahead of them!”

This happened on May 18th. Seven veterinary nurses participated in the birth of the cubs. Poor Miley suffered for a full 13.5 hours - from 7:00 am to 8:30 pm.

The father of such a large family, a 4-year-old dog named Astro, was very embarrassed, surprise was visible on his face when he was brought to the children.

It was a great event for all of us. I’m just delighted with Miley and I’m very glad that all the puppies survived - this is undoubtedly her merit, she’s a real good fellow!

Based on materials from:

Translated and adapted by:

Liliana Smirnova

A sensational story occurred on May 18 of the year before last in the Australian city of Ballarat. Three-year-old female Dalmatian named Miley gives birth 18 puppies- 12 girls and 6 boys - thereby breaking the record of their country and repeating the world record previously set by another dog for the size of a litter of puppies of this breed.

The dog's owner, 43-year-old Dalmatian breeder Cecilia Langton-Bunker, said they were shocked by what happened. Because according to the results of the ultrasound, only 3 puppies were supposed to be born.

Of course, judging by the size of the belly, we understood that there would be more puppies, but we didn’t think it would be that much.

Poor Miley suffered for 13.5 hours - from 7:00 am to 8:30 pm. Moreover, the birth of the last baby lasted 2 hours. And he turned out to be the only puppy with a spot on his nose, which is shaped a little like a heart.

To avoid confusion, immediately after birth the puppies were put on collars of different colors.

For the first four weeks, the mother fed the puppies every 4 hours. Seven veterinary nurses took part in caring for the cubs.

According to statistics, female Dalmatians give birth to an average of 8 to 10 puppies at a time. Moreover, primiparous dogs (like Miley) have smaller litters, as a rule.

The puppies' father, a 4-year-old Dalmatian named Astro, was puzzled when he first saw his offspring. The question seemed to be read on his face: “Are they all mine?”

Each puppy from this litter is valued at $1800

We invite you to watch a short video about this happy family.

Peggy, the dog from the famous Disney cartoon 101 Dalmatians, gave birth to 15 puppies at one time. So Miley broke this record too.

Miley's nickname based on her pedigree is: Sarasota From Russia with Love.

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