What to eat to avoid getting drunk. How to avoid getting drunk from alcohol - effective methods

Everyone has holidays, occasions, and events in their life where feasting and alcohol are an indispensable attribute. If you have never had a drink before, then it is advisable to drink for the first time among your close people and friends. It will become clear in what state you will find yourself and you will be drawn to heroic deeds. It may turn out that you don’t need to drink at all, or you’ll feel great and won’t have to worry about your behavior.

How to get rid of a hangover?

So how can you avoid getting drunk quickly at a party, if you do end up at it, but have a good time, communicate with people, participate in the fun, and remember everything the next day? And it is also important that you do not have a hangover. Well, if you do drink too much alcohol, how to get rid of a hangover and relieve alcohol intoxication? Consider the tips below.

  1. The best way to get rid of a hangover is to avoid drinking alone. When you communicate, have a conversation, drink juice and water. Drink alcohol with everyone when the glasses are raised when making toasts, so as not to get drunk quickly.
  2. It is advisable not to drink the contents of glasses or wine glasses completely, straight to the bottom. Just touch with your lips. You seem to be drinking, but the alcohol does not penetrate inside.
  3. If your glass is not completely empty, then politely refuse when I offer to add alcohol.
  4. Another tip to get rid of a hangover is to not sit at the table all the time. Dance, take part in all kinds of competitions. Talk to interesting people. This is what you will do and you won’t have to drink and eat all evening.
  5. Some alcohols are the same color as juices, wine is similar to grape juice, and champagne is similar to apple juice. You can pour juices instead of these alcoholic drinks. And vodka is similar to water. Those who are tipsy will not notice the change, and so much the better for you.

How not to get drunk at a party

It is necessary to prepare for the feast before the celebration, in advance at home, in order to get rid of a hangover the next day. Here are some tips:

How to relieve alcohol intoxication?

Try not to get drunk at the party. And if this happens, then cool water with mint will help you relieve intoxication. It is advisable to even take the concentrated liquid in a small bottle directly with you to the holiday.

If you don’t have anything with you and the owners don’t have anything, you should at least rub your ears. Ask someone about it. This will bring you to your senses.

Drinking plenty of fluids (preferably water) will also help you quickly get rid of alcohol intoxication. Well, listen to yourself and spend the holidays with dignity. Here are some tips on how to avoid getting drunk at a party!

Drinking alcoholic beverages at important events and on holidays is a long-established tradition in Russia. Almost no corporate event, business dinner, wedding, New Year, an evening of alumni reunions is not complete without an alcoholic feast. Many men and women have to drink to stay connected with the group.

How to drink and still stay fit throughout the fun? There are several effective techniques that will help you maintain a sober mind and self-control.

Preparing for the feast

First, it’s worth understanding how the process of intoxication occurs. When a person drinks an alcoholic drink, changes occur in the functioning of his body almost immediately. Under the influence of alcohol and fusel oils, some functions of the cerebral cortex are disrupted.

The consequences manifest themselves differently for everyone: loss of balance, loss of speech, clarity of mind or memory, control of behavior, etc. At the same time, in women, coordination of movements is first impaired, then slurred speech, mood swings and other psycho-emotional disorders appear, and in men it is the other way around.

In the company of old friends or good colleagues, it can be difficult to refuse to drink so as not to offend them, not to show disrespect and not to seem like a black sheep compared to other people. However, no one canceled work and other important matters. In addition, even at the most stormy feast, it is important to preserve your face and reputation.

Interesting: To drink and not get drunk from alcohol, and also not to suffer from a hangover the next day, you need to follow simple recommendations about preparing for a banquet and directly drinking alcohol.

How to properly prepare for a feast in order to slow down the onset of alcohol intoxication? There are a number of measures that need to be taken long before the first glass.

Physical activity

The weaker the human body, the more it is exposed to alcohol. By strengthening your physical condition, you can mobilize your internal resources.

Play sports 6-8 hours before the expected celebration. A short jog, gymnastics or fitness class in the gym will speed up the blood, resulting in alcohol being processed faster.


Drinking on an empty stomach can make you drunk almost instantly. To protect yourself from the rapid onset of this condition, you should have a small snack beforehand. Alcohol will be absorbed into the blood at a slower rate due to the food entering the body.

Interesting: For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to drink jelly or a spoon sunflower oil, eat oatmeal, sandwich with butter or lard. Products that contain fat or starch coat the mucous membrane and protect the walls of the digestive tract from the absorption of alcohol.

A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that moment, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.


It sounds strange, but drinking a small dose of alcohol 4-5 hours before important event triggers the production of a special enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase, which can easily cope with large doses of alcohol.


If the situation is serious, you can take medicine before the feast that will reduce the effects of alcohol. Just don’t resort to this method too often – it will have a negative impact on the body.

Popular medications that prevent severe intoxication and hangover:

  1. Activated carbon. This natural adsorbent absorbs alcohol and prevents it from being absorbed into the walls of the stomach. To protect the body, you need to crush several charcoal tablets and drink plenty of liquid. It is recommended to take at least 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight. Then the drug must be taken again every 2-3 hours until the end of the feast.
  2. Enzymes. There are a number of digestive enzyme medications that help the pancreas process food and alcohol faster. You can drink Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim. Festal. Dosage – 1 tablet 40-60 minutes before you sit down at the table.
  3. Citramon or Aspirin. Effective for improving cerebral circulation. Taking these medications helps avoid a morning hangover.
  4. Dimexide. Broad-spectrum agent. Its unpleasant, pungent odor sobers up and blocks the effects of alcohol on the body. You should take a cotton pad, moisten it in Dimexide solution and place it in a closed container. Every hour during an alcoholic event, you need to open it and sniff the drug. Thus, Dimexide will save you from getting drunk too quickly.
  5. Metaprot. A potent drug that helps the body resist the effects of alcohol. It is enough to take 2 capsules of Metaprot an hour before drinking. Beware of overdosing as it can be dangerous.

Anti-hangover drugs

There are many modern means to eliminate signs of intoxication: Alkoseltzer, Alcoclean, Limontar, Alka-prim, Glutargin, Antipohmelin and others. They effectively combat the spread of alcohol throughout the body.

Reception features

Proper preparation for the banquet will slow down the inevitable process of intoxication. But there is also a list of recommendations for the proper consumption of alcoholic beverages.

  1. High quality alcohol. Drinks of dubious origin and quality can cause a more powerful reaction in the body than licensed alcohol, since they contain more harmful fusel oils.
  2. Do not mix different alcohol, do not reduce the degree. Alternating different types alcohol, you can achieve a faster onset of intoxication. In no case should you drink, for example, champagne after whiskey, that is, mix a sparkling drink with other alcohol.
  3. Breaks. Be sure to pause between toasts, stretching the time between drinking alcohol. It is recommended to get up from the table more often to wash with cool water, dance, and breathe fresh air.
  4. Quitting cigarettes. Smoking while drinking enhances the effects of alcohol and can make you more intoxicated. The nicotine contained in cigarettes increases the effect of alcoholic beverages several times.
  5. Snack. Liquid hot dishes, meat, potatoes, pork, fish, parsley can slow down the onset of intoxication. Citrus products will also help you stay sober longer due to the special acids they contain, such as orange juice.
  6. Substitution of drinks. If you decide not to get drunk, cheat a little and replace the contents of the glass: wine with cherry juice, vodka with mineral water. During hot toasts, no one may notice the substitution, and you will stay in shape longer.

What to drink to avoid getting drunk? When planning a special event involving a feast and prolonged drinking of alcoholic beverages, for example, a wedding, anniversary, banquet, many people think about how to drink a lot and not get drunk.

After all, at a gala event it is very important to maintain sobriety, self-control and be in shape.

There are certain methods to prepare for the expected feast accordingly.

What are the causes of intoxication?

First of all, it is necessary to find out why a person gets drunk. Intoxication occurs as a result of exposure to fusel oils found in alcohol. They call negative impact on the cerebral cortex during intoxication.

As a result of the influence of alcohol, some people lose self-control, others cannot walk on their own, lose their balance, some lose the ability to speak coherently, and sometimes a person does not remember what happened to him.

What remedies can you use to avoid getting drunk?

The most effective way is to drink 100 g of vodka or some other alcohol 5 hours before the feast. At the same time, the human body begins to produce certain enzymes that prevent the penetration of alcohol into all systems of the body.

At the same time, the body, as it were, receives protection from the effects of alcohol and begins to fight alcohol toxins even before they begin to enter in large quantities. Thus, the human body’s defense mechanism against the effects of alcohol is activated in advance. After such a vaccination, a person will not get very drunk during a feast.

Before the start of the event, you can drink 20 g of Eleutherococcus tincture. If a person drinks this remedy, he will not become very drunk.

You can use this method. Two hours before the feast, you can eat a sandwich with butter. You can drink one or two spoons vegetable oil. This method does not eliminate the effect of alcohol, but only slows it down for about an hour.

In this case, a person begins to get drunk later, about an hour after drinking alcohol. Intoxication will still occur, but not immediately. This method can be used if the feast will not last long and the person will have time to get home.

There are medications you can take to help you avoid intoxication. Two hours before drinking alcohol, you need to drink 5-6 tablets of activated carbon, and before the feast itself, two more tablets. Before taking the tablets, you need to crush them and mix them with water, and then drink the resulting solution.

Activated carbon helps remove fusel oils from the body, as a result of which a person will not get very drunk. You can use this remedy: 30-40 minutes before drinking alcohol, you can take one tablet of Festal or Mezim. These medications will help your stomach function when exposed to alcohol.

Another aspect that needs to be paid attention to is that you should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. If a person drinks on an empty stomach, then even other measures taken will not produce results. During the feast you also need to eat more snacks. If a person eats little and gets very drunk, he will definitely get drunk.

What can you do during the feast?

How to drink without getting drunk? To avoid getting too drunk, the following measures must be observed during the feast:

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Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Although it is best to drink alcohol slowly and in moderation, sometimes circumstances may require you to do the exact opposite. There are ways that help you get drunk faster. However, be careful - excess can lead to alcohol poisoning. If you drink too quickly, you may end up drinking too much alcohol, which is unsafe for your health. Try to follow the norm. If you feel very drunk or unwell, take a break. Don't forget about your health!

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only and does not advocate the misuse or excess of alcohol.


Part 1

The right choice of drinks
  1. Pay attention to the alcohol content. Different types of drinks contain different amounts of alcohol. If you want to get drunk faster, choose drinks with a higher alcohol content. Typically, the alcohol content is indicated on the label. If a drink contains a higher percentage of alcohol, this means that it will get you drunk faster.

    • The strongest beers contain 15-18% alcohol. Such varieties are often produced by small breweries rather than large companies.
    • Beer with an alcohol content of 11% is also quite effective. If you can't find a beer with 15-18% alcohol, look for one with an alcohol content of around 11%.
    • Remember your quota. A few glasses of strong beer may be unnecessary. Slow down if you feel like you're getting drunk. If you become very intoxicated or feel unwell, stop drinking so as not to harm your health.
  2. Take low-calorie drinks with alcohol. To get drunk faster, mix alcohol with low-calorie drinks, such as sparkling water. Regular drinks are perceived by the body as food, which can slow down the absorption of alcohol, while diet soda does not have this effect and promotes rapid absorption of alcohol.

    • Often people don't notice that they get drunk faster when mixing alcohol with diet drinks. Be careful and monitor the situation if you mix alcoholic drinks with diet soda water. Do not drive a car under any circumstances.
  3. Try carbonated alcoholic drinks. This will help you get drunk faster. If you want to get drunk faster and like champagne or white wine and soda, order a soda.

    • Carbonated spirits include champagne, sparkling wines and tonic cocktails.
  4. Choose stronger drinks rather than beer. Spirits contain more alcohol and will get you drunk faster than beer or wine. The body absorbs alcohol from strong drinks faster. In particular, vodka has been shown to accelerate alcohol intoxication. If you want to get drunk quickly, try drinking strong drinks.

    • Keep in mind that the same drinks may have different strengths in different bars. For example, bartenders can mix drinks in different proportions.
    • At the bar you can order a double portion of a drink. You can get drunk faster if you drink more and faster.
    • Be careful with strong drinks. Do not abuse them so as not to harm your health. Try to limit yourself to a few servings.

    Part 2

    Effective ways to get drunk faster
    1. Try to relax. High level stress can slow down alcohol intoxication. If you are engaged in a strenuous activity or are under stress, this can slow down the intoxication.

      • Shortly before the party, try to relieve stress. Do something to help you relax: watch your favorite TV show, read a book, or do breathing exercises.
      • Drink with friends who you can relax with. If you feel tense, it will be more difficult for you to feel drunk quickly.
    2. Have a light snack before the party starts. Never drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach, as this is very dangerous. However, don't eat too much before the party, as this will slow down the rate at which your body metabolizes alcohol. You will become drunk more slowly if you start drinking after a heavy lunch or dinner.

      • Have a light snack about two hours before you start drinking. Eat a chicken salad, a sandwich, a fish dish, or a small portion of spaghetti.
      • Never drink on an empty stomach. Although this will cause you to get drunk faster, it may make you feel sick as a result. Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach is very dangerous to health.
    3. Drink in company. In a cheerful company you will be able to get drunk faster. People drink faster when they are in a large group. With friends you can drink more and get drunk faster.

      • However, do not lose self-control and watch the amount you drink. In a fun company you can drink too much, especially if you are surrounded by people who can drink a lot. Monitor your condition. If you feel that you are not feeling well, stop drinking immediately and do not be persuaded to drink more.
    4. Drink from a shaped glass. You can drink more from such a glass than from regular glass or a straight beer mug, since in a shaped glass it is more difficult to determine by eye the amount of liquid in it. You'll be able to get drunk faster if you have less awareness of how much liquid is left in your glass.

      • In bars, beer or champagne is often served in curved glasses.
      • Try purchasing a few inexpensive shaped glasses from your local supermarket or glassware store.

    Part 3

    Remember safety
    1. Know your norm. If you're going to get drunk quickly, you need to know how much alcohol is enough - you don't want to feel bad for drinking too much. Keep track of how much you drink and don't lose self-control.

      • The norm can be judged by past experience. For example, you may know that if you drink more than a certain amount, you will feel bad.
      • If you have little experience, then you may not know your norm. In this case, listen to your feelings. If you feel physically ill or feel very dizzy, you should stop. You can also ask friends to keep an eye on you and let you know if they notice that you are losing control.
      • Even if you are intoxicated, you should control the situation. This can be difficult if you want to get drunk quickly.
      • If you feel like you're getting drunk quickly, take a short break. You don't have to drink all evening. As soon as signs of intoxication appear, you should stop immediately.

During feasts, alcoholic drinks are called “entertainment drinks.” And for good reason. Drinking lifts your spirits, liberates and relaxes you. But it happens that you don’t want to get drunk from drinking at all. Either there is no desire to be different from the team, or it is difficult to keep up with experienced consumers. In any case, when attending a noisy party, it will be useful to know how to drink and not get drunk.

Intoxication is the process of alcohol affecting the body. The drink works something like this:

But in reality everything is much more prosaic. Each person is susceptible to intoxication to varying degrees. It all depends on the time of day, physical condition, snack when consumed and other factors.

It has also been noted that the “stronger” and more resilient a person is, the less impact alcohol can have on him. Hence the conclusion that women get drunk faster, and they need much less alcohol. Another category of citizens who quickly “give up” are elderly people. A weakened body has less strength to resist, so the degree creeps up on it faster and more firmly.

How to prepare for use

Most people know in advance when they're going to have a party where there's a lot of drinking. Therefore, preparing for such an event is not difficult.

If you are looking for a way to avoid getting drunk from alcohol, please pay attention to the following tips. They need to be used long before the planned consumption of alcohol, however, they work flawlessly.

Medication methods

You can fight rapid intoxication not only with natural remedies, but also with the help of medications. To use this method, make sure you have them in advance.

The most popular method to stay sober is drink activated charcoal before drinking alcohol. This method works like this: one hour before the start of the feast, you need to take several tablets of activated carbon. The dosage is calculated depending on the person’s weight. Per ten body weight you need to take at least one tablet of coal. For example, a person weighing 90 kilograms should drink at least 9 tablets of activated charcoal before drinking alcohol. At first glance, this is a lot, but the result is worth it.

If the feast is long and there is a lot to drink, then the procedure must be repeated every 2-3 hours, so stock up on coal in advance. It is important to remember that activated carbon is a powerful absorbent, meaning it requires a lot of liquid to function properly. In addition to the booze itself, remember to drink regular soft drinks to stay hydrated. You can do this deliciously by drinking juices and non-alcoholic cocktails.


Other medications to combat intoxication:

How to drink correctly

In addition to natural and medicinal means of combating alcohol in the blood, you need to follow the rules of drinking.

The first rule on how not to get drunk is quality alcohol. Choose trusted brands and avoid the cheapest booze. Low-quality products contain a large amount of fusel oil, which allows you to get drunk much faster when it enters the stomach.

Pair your booze with good calorie-dense foods. “Distract” your stomach from processing alcohol with meat, hot and fatty snacks. Some alcohols will pass through the digestive tract “undetected.”

Citrus fruits have excellent alcohol blocking properties. If you snack on fruit, give preference to lemons, oranges or grapefruit. This advice is also useful if you have to drink cocktails. Choose those that contain acidic juices. This will help you stay on your feet much longer.

Mixing different types of alcohol will ruin you. If you started a feast of wine, then continue in the same spirit. If the first glass was with vodka, try not to cheat on yourself. Lowering the temperature will also have a detrimental effect on the drinker’s condition. If mixing of drinks cannot be avoided, then the degree can only be increased. It is not advisable to drink wine after cognac, and beer will completely knock you down.

It is advisable to take pauses during the feast. Even if you don't smoke, don't miss the opportunity to get some fresh air. But stay away from cigarette smoke. Nicotine enhances the effects of alcohol, and your efforts to stay sober will go down the drain.

The same applies to smokers. If you are suffering from bad habit, try to light a cigarette as rarely as possible. If your willpower allows, give up smoking altogether this evening. It seems impossible, but in the morning you will thank yourself.

If you are looking for a way to stay drunk for a long time, during a feast, try to get up from your seat more often. Dance, leave the table and stretch your legs. In a sitting position, it is more difficult to control the degree of intoxication, since the vestibular apparatus is in a calm state. Let him express the situation: go to the restroom, wash your face, invite a lady to a slow dance. As you move, you will understand how much more alcohol your resilient and prepared body can tolerate.

Slows down the process of intoxication and brain activity. Don't look at your smartphone all evening. Chat, have fun and tell funny stories. Not only will laughter perk up your brain, but it will also speed up your breathing, which is helpful if you're determined to win your battle with drinking.

How to drink vodka and not get drunk- a popular question. There are situations where it is difficult to give up drinking due to social nuances.

If your physiology fails you and the methods do not work, you will have to resort to a little deception. In a company where it would be bad manners to refuse a drink, try replacing vodka plain water. With a sufficient level of artistry, such a substitution will not be detected. If you drink wine, save some cherry juice and sip it instead of alcohol. Periodically look thoughtfully at the glass, and no one will doubt its contents, because it is customary to admire wine.

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