Job description for chemical analysis laboratory assistant. Laboratory assistant for chemical analysis: responsibilities and job description Laboratory assistant for chemical analysis of water

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For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as possess the necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in your chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies based on your qualifications and work experience. We list the most important skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant in Moscow:

Top 7 key skills you need to have to get hired

The following requirements are also quite often found in vacancies: analytical research, laboratory diagnostics and accuracy.

As you prepare for your interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only please the recruiter, but also get the job you want!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

Based on the results of an analysis of vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is 38,500. The average maximum income level (indicated “salary up to”) is 46,000. It must be borne in mind that the figures given are statistics. The actual salary during employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Type of employment, work schedule
  • Company size, industry, brand, etc.

Salary level depending on the applicant’s work experience

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant- a specialist who conducts chemical and physical-chemical analysis of substances in the laboratory. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in chemistry (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The work of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is the basis for the quality of products in any sector of the national economy. Chemical analysis of raw materials is necessary to monitor the compliance of process products and finished products with existing standards. A chemical analysis laboratory technician essentially ensures control of the industrial process and production of products with specified properties.

Specifics of the profession

The job of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is to:

  • performing laboratory analyzes and measurements, namely, determining the qualitative chemical composition of a substance and the quantitative ratios of chemical elements and compounds in it;
  • carrying out the synthesis of chemicals in laboratory conditions;
  • registration of test results.

In modern laboratories, in addition to flasks, test tubes, reagents, scales, chemical analysis laboratory assistants have the opportunity to use computer data processing programs, mechanical and automatic measuring instruments of varying degrees of complexity.

The volume and complexity of the research performed depend on the rank of the chemical analysis laboratory assistant and are specified in the job descriptions.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • indoor work;
  • personal responsibility for one’s own work, which the laboratory assistant performs from start to finish;
  • normal working hours;
  • additional payments for the harmful effects of working with chemicals.


  • work involves risk and danger to life
  • high responsibility for people's lives and health
  • exposure to chemicals, vapors, drafts from fume hoods
  • shift work
  • in some industries, work in protective equipment (mask and gloves)

Place of work

Chemical laboratories in various industries: chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, construction materials, aniline-dye, paint and varnish, etc.

Personal qualities

  • ability to concentrate and distribute attention for a long time;
  • good sensory memory;
  • well-developed coordination of hand movements;
  • good reaction;
  • neuropsychic stability;
  • olfactory and tactile sensitivity;
  • personal organization;
  • pedantry;
  • accuracy;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • discipline.


The salary of a laboratory technician depends on the region and place of work, industry, and category. High salary level in the prestigious petrochemical industry. The minimum salary of a laboratory assistant is 20 thousand rubles, the maximum is up to 36 thousand rubles.

Salary as of 08/07/2019

Russia 14200—45000 ₽

Moscow 25000—60000 ₽


Career growth within the profession is possible by increasing the qualification level from 2 to 7. To obtain 5, 6, 7 categories, you must obtain secondary specialized education in the profession. The next stage of career growth is the position of laboratory manager. Advanced training of a chemical analysis laboratory technician is possible both at the enterprise itself and in industry educational institutions of the advanced training system for workers and employees.


You can study to become a chemical analysis laboratory assistant at primary vocational education institutions. The profession of a laboratory assistant can also be learned on the job.

Secondary vocational educational institutions for obtaining the profession “Chemical Analysis Laboratory Assistant”:

  • Roshal Chemical-Technological College (Moscow region, Roshal)
  • Shchelkovo Polytechnic College (Moscow region, Shchelkovo)
  • St. Petersburg College of Economics and Technology named after. DI. Mendeleev

When it comes to the revival of the domestic high-tech industry, this naturally implies the emergence of new vacancies in highly specialized professions. Working as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant is just one such position.

This job specialization has several characteristic features that determine the potential contingent of applicants:

  • the specialty of chemical analysis laboratory assistant is becoming in demand in significant quantities during the formation of new industries in the field of applied chemistry;
  • An increase in the wages of these specialists is possible only in conditions of economic growth. During periods of stagnation and recession, wages show a decline to a level below the subsistence level (this is a fact confirmed by experience);
  • The job description of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant tends to expand. It tends to include the responsibilities of related specialists (so that in the future it would be possible to abandon related positions altogether), and therefore differs greatly from enterprise to enterprise.

But in general, the average applicant for the position of laboratory assistant is required to:

  • secondary specialized, or, preferably, higher education (with a diploma in chemical engineering), confirming knowledge of knowledge in the field of chemistry;
  • experience working with hazardous reagents (acids, solvents);
  • The main thing is solid knowledge and skills in using a personal computer. A modern laboratory assistant (as, indeed, an engineer in any other specialty) is increasingly a programmer who, if he does not know in detail the nuances of writing code, then represents the ideology of drawing up an electronic algorithm;
  • sometimes they also add work experience (usually from 5 years). However, due to the relative shortage of such personnel, the employer often refuses this requirement.

Profession chemical analysis laboratory assistant

As a result, the average applicant for the profession of chemical analysis laboratory assistant emerges: under 30 years of age; with a secondary specialized education (a chemical analysis laboratory technician whose education is higher is unlikely to apply for this position - it is simply “unprofitable”); a confident user-programmer looking for a better use of himself in life.

The position of a chemical laboratory assistant is only an intermediate stage for him, mainly due to the income not being high enough for his knowledge and skills (by several times or even an order of magnitude). Hence the fundamental problem of the position (and the profession as a whole) - staff turnover.

Meanwhile, the profession of a chemical laboratory assistant is the initial step to high and honorable research positions. Those who have the patience to survive on a modest salary (provided they choose the right employer, of course) will enjoy interesting career growth (again, if they show themselves competently) and scientific discoveries (with a 99% probability this always happens).

  • First comes the advanced training of chemical analysis laboratory technicians.
  • This is followed by the position of engineer with the “rank” of junior researcher.
  • Gradually, the status of group leader is acquired (this is, as a rule, senior researchers).
  • And finally, senior management. (For some it’s “finally”, but for others it’s just the beginning).

Chemical analysis laboratory assistant: responsibilities

However, before looking into the future, it is worth taking a closer look at your current responsibilities. As a rule, there are not many of them:

  • Control over the conduct of experiments and analyzes (chemical focus).
  • Performing spectral analysis.
  • Monitoring the current state of laboratory facilities (observance of expiration dates; compliance with safety requirements; documentation for accounting and control).
  • Due to increased application interest, in-depth skills in working with:
    • metals (and alloys);
    • hydrocarbons (based on petroleum products);
    • adhesive and sealing materials;
    • dyes.

In summary, we can define the work of a laboratory assistant as the activity of organizing preparatory activities and ensuring the readiness of the laboratory for conducting specialized research.

If a laboratory is repurposed, it is usually associated with an expansion of its assigned functionality. At the same time, retraining chemical analysis laboratory assistants usually does not change their job responsibilities in any way, but significantly expands the range of concerns related to administrative accounting (since in this case more management is added).

The job description of a laboratory assistant is drawn up by a chemical engineer or the head of the enterprise. Subsequently, the employee will report to these people. The document includes all provisions related to labor activity. Therefore, you cannot refuse to consider it when applying for a position. It is also not allowed to sign a document blindly; you need to read each point, carefully analyzing it.

Along with the contract, the DI is provided by the employer to the applicant during employment. Both documents must be read, otherwise the person will not have information about the social package, work schedule, rights, duties and responsibilities.

DI and its main paragraphs

The job description of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant includes the most important data. It indicates everything related to further activities, the relationship between other employees of the team and management, the main tasks and functions.

First, an approval of a specific person for the position is written, signatures and a date are placed. Then there are general provisions that tell who the applicant reports to, what he should know and be able to do, and who will perform his duties in the event of absence.

Afterwards the responsibility and working conditions are indicated. The last paragraph is often skipped because it is duplicated in the contract. You can also read the terms and conditions in the company's charter.

Employee functionality

The job description of a laboratory assistant includes the functions assigned to the employee. They can be divided into two main groups:

  1. Carrying out research.
  2. Keeping a log where the results obtained are recorded.

However, if we consider the functionality in a more popular way, we can highlight several more tasks facing the performer. Firstly, you need to follow safety precautions, and also make sure that interns or paramedics do not violate them either.

Secondly, the employee must be attentive to his workplace. Cleanliness is observed everywhere - on tables, in flasks, cabinets. Otherwise, problems may arise with analyses, materials and reagents.

And thirdly, the laboratory assistant needs to monitor the proper operation of the equipment. Violations again lead to problems with the analyzes being carried out, incorrect calculations are obtained, and the meaning of the research is lost.

The senior laboratory assistant is responsible for conducting tests that are not specified in the plan, but are required by senior managers. He cannot delegate these functions to support staff.


The job description of a laboratory technician contains information about the employee’s responsibilities. Most often they are as follows:

  • Carrying out analyzes and tests with the provided material.
  • Collection and processing of raw materials in accordance with the program established by senior management.
  • Setting up laboratory equipment.
  • Preparation of technical instruments before conducting any research.
  • Direct participation in experiments, carrying out preparatory and auxiliary operations, recording results in a work journal or report.
  • Processing of analysis results, their systematization and registration.
  • A selection of data from various literature sources that can help in conducting analyzes or provide some other benefit.
  • Performing calculations and drawing up graphs related to the analyzes performed.
  • Preparation of technical and laboratory documentation as required.

If the laboratory assistant has interns, then it is necessary to provide them with the necessary instruments, devices and materials to carry out the work. You also need to ensure that they follow safety precautions and provide instructions if changes are made to the work and charter of the company.

The DI can be adjusted according to the specifics of the laboratory.


The job description of a laboratory assistant will not be complete if there is no paragraph with rights. Every employee should know what they can do. In this case, the laboratory assistant has the right to advanced training. Afterwards, he can return to the organization for another position with a higher salary.

The laboratory technician also has the right to demand that technicians properly fulfill their obligations if any equipment fails. Until it is repaired, work activities are suspended.

If the laboratory is industrial, then the employee has the right to demand a ban on the sale of goods, semi-finished products or various raw materials when these products do not meet technological standards. You must notify your superiors in advance.

Goals and objectives

The job description of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant usually does not include tasks and goals. However, this does not mean that the applicant does not need to familiarize himself with them.

The main purpose of the activity is auxiliary work. They are carried out during chemical analyzes.

The tasks are to help the engineer, carry out his instructions, prepare reagents and laboratory equipment. An employee can participate directly in conducting chemical analyzes only under the guidance of superiors.

Qualification Requirements

What education and skills should a senior laboratory technician have? The job description contains his rights and duties, as well as what he is responsible for. But you won’t be able to get a job if you don’t have the appropriate qualifications. The requirements for it are as follows:

  • Knowledge of the design and ability to use devices that are used in the work process.
  • Knowledge of basic chemistry and various analytical techniques.
  • Knowledge of the properties of materials used in the work.
  • Awareness of the current technical standards and regulations, oriented not only to the industry of the enterprise, but also to the country.
  • Ability to prepare technical documentation resulting from the analyzes performed.
  • Knowledge of storing various materials and raw materials, as well as instruments and equipment.

The job description of a medical laboratory assistant is more relaxed. Since he is a support staff, there is no need for higher education and work experience.

The employee's salary is specified in the contract. The job description of a laboratory assistant does not include such information.

A chemical analysis laboratory technician ensures control of the industrial process and production of products with specified properties.


30,000–40,000 rub. (

Place of work

Chemical laboratories in various industries.


The main responsibilities of a chemical analysis laboratory assistant include:

  • preparation and sampling for analytical control;
  • analysis of materials using certified methods;
  • examination of the quality of production products;
  • carrying out analytical monitoring of the environment;
  • planning and organization of experimental work;
  • selection of optimal research methods.

Important qualities

Ability to concentrate, good coordination of hand movements, neuropsychic stability, personal organization, accuracy, attentiveness, responsibility.

Reviews about the profession

“Again, it is worth noting that the profession is quite modest in terms of leadership functions, and in most cases its representatives perform auxiliary tasks. Therefore, the rights are very narrowed. First of all, the laboratory assistant can submit to his immediate supervisor proposals that relate to his activities or the work of the laboratory.”

From an interview with a specialist.

Stereotypes, humor

Chemical analysis laboratory assistants are especially in demand in the chemical and petrochemical industries. This industry has always been distinguished by its prestige, relevance, high income for its employees and opportunities for career growth. Vertical career growth involves increasing the qualification level from 2 to 4. If desired, there is a chance to get the position of head of a laboratory.


To work as a laboratory assistant, primary or secondary specialized education is sufficient.

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