Electronic insurance policy pros and cons. Electronic insurance policy: reviews and expert opinions

Hooray! Finally, our legislation has taken another big step towards making life easier for motorists. Since October 1, 2015, residents of Russia have the opportunity to obtain an electronic MTPL policy almost without leaving home. But for now we should only be happy about the right direction chosen, since at least another 1.5-2 years will pass before all laws and regulations are fully brought into accordance with the new rules. There's no need to rush, and here's why.

Let's start with the fact that to apply for a policy via the Internet, you need to fill out the following fields:

Driver's license details

PTS data

Passport data

Previous insurance details

Data diagnostic card(technical inspection)

Bank card details

Electronic signature

We tried to issue an electronic MTPL policy on the website of one of the largest companies. It took no more than 10 minutes to fill out all the forms. But immediately, when calculating the cost of insurance, we came across the first (but not the last) drawback. Apparently, when calculating the cost of a policy, the connection with the RSA database does not yet work ( Russian Union auto insurers), and therefore we were not offered a discount for accident-free driving in previous years.

The second disadvantage of this type of insurance is that it cannot be used for new cars. We all know the paradox that exists when registering cars with the traffic police. Insurance cannot be obtained without license plates, and license plates cannot be obtained without insurance. Insurance companies commit violations when drawing up insurance contracts, but enter license plates after registration. This won’t work when you sign up for a policy online.

Now about the dangers that may await a driver who decides to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance on the Internet. Firstly, the insurer can put additional insurance services in the form of checkboxes in the application form, and the user, out of ignorance, does not uncheck them and automatically buy insurance for something else. Secondly, it is enough to make a mistake in some data once, and the policy may be declared invalid, but it will be quite problematic to return the money spent.

But the biggest danger is that according to the traffic rules, the driver is required to carry a paper version of the policy, and, accordingly, after purchasing it on the Internet, you will not be able to drive the car until you receive the original. Of course, you can print it out on a printer, but if the traffic police officer cannot (or does not want) to run it through the database, a fine cannot be avoided. Moreover, there will probably be cases of fraud with policies allegedly made on the Internet and printed on a printer, which means that our traffic police will be extremely critical of such “documents.”

So it turns out that the direction in terms of auto liability insurance has been chosen correctly, but the moment when it will be possible to simply and quickly obtain insurance on the Internet is still far away. Now it’s still easier to visit the insurance company.

Having received all the required information, the system will automatically request the CBM assigned to you from RSA and calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. After which you can start making payments.

Does the electronic OSAGO policy have the same legal force as the original?

Let's answer this question - of course yes. Any institution of the Russian Federation does not have the right to refuse to accept you electronic OSAGO policy, since there is no difference between a printed copy of an electronic document and a paper original. All of them have equal legal force. But in order to speed up the procedure for determining the legitimacy of the policy, it is recommended to always have a printout of the document with you.

When meeting with the traffic police crew, the inspector may ask you to clarify the license plate number and Vehicle VIN. To check the authenticity of an insurance document, employees use a special service in the IMTS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the official website of the RSA. The actions of traffic police inspectors in such a situation are regulated by internal letter of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate No. 13/12-u-4440 dated July 3, 2015 to regional inspectorates and traffic police departments. This document states that if there is information about the acquisition electronic OSAGO policy It is worth excluding the possibility of prosecution in accordance with the 2nd part of Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with official data received from RSA, currently registration services electronic MTPL policies provided by fifteen insurance companies. The most popular of them are Rosgosstrakh, AlfaStrakhovanie, VSK, RESO-Garantiya, Energogarant, Liberty Insurance. But it should be taken into account that choosing an insurer is not so easy. How to do this correctly, read the article

Car owners actively used the holiday week to conclude MTPL agreements in in electronic format. In the first week of January, 16 thousand contracts were concluded across Russia, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) told the Mega-U.ru agency.

According to the Union, activity in drawing up e-contracts has increased 15 times. Last year, in the first week of January, there were just over one thousand electronic sales of “autocitizens”.

According to RSA President Igor Yurgens, the share of online sales in the first week of January this year amounted to 2%. But it is expected that the number of people wishing to take out a policy without leaving home will constantly grow.

Let us recall that on January 1, 2017, a rule came into force obliging all insurance companies to provide the service of concluding MTPL contracts electronically.

You can fill out an application on the insurance company's website. The car owner will have to work a little to correctly enter the data on all the items that are usually filled out by an insurance agent or office employee.

But there are two undoubted advantages of an online contract. Firstly, they will not be able to impose on you any additional contracts in addition to compulsory motor liability insurance, which is the sin of many companies. Secondly, it solves the problem of owners of old ones, especially domestic cars, who, under various pretexts, are denied registration for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Electronic sales exclude refusal, RSA explained. If the application is completed correctly, within half an hour the insurer is obliged to send a cost estimate and issue payment. Next, using a bank card through an online bank or ATM, you transfer money to the company’s account.

“If the procedure is delayed or you are refused, then you need to report this to the regional branch of the Central Bank or the Russian Union of Insurers. Sanctions will be taken against the violating insurance company,” the regional police headquarters explained to the agency.

Meanwhile, RSA assured that as of January 8, the AIS system was operating uninterruptedly, and you can check the availability of online resources using"traffic light".

To confirm that the contract has been concluded, the car owner will receive a copy of the policy to his email address. You can print it out and take it with you. However, in Chelyabinsk region a driver who only has a copy of the policy in his hands will be fined if he is stopped by traffic inspectors to check his documents.

“We do not have access to the electronic database of MTPL agreements. In addition, in the Rules traffic until any amendments have been made that oblige traffic inspectors to check the authenticity of the copy. The rules state that the car owner is obliged to provide the policy on letterhead,” the press service of the Chelyabinsk traffic police explained to the agency.

Therefore, in any case, you will have to obtain the original contract. The law stipulates that the insurer must send you the original by mail within three to five days. Some insurance companies, in particular regional ones, offer not to wait for receipt by mail, but to come to the office to pick up the policy. If this is not possible, then it is better to draw up the contract in advance, taking into account the mail delivery time.

We also note that electronic sales are possible only for those who already have an MTPL agreement. Those who apply for an auto insurance policy for the first time will have to do this at the office of the insurance company or through an agent.

OSAGO online has been operating since January 1, 2017. Many insurance companies have launched this service at a rapid pace because the law requires them to offer policies electronically. On the one hand, electronic MTPL is convenient for car owners. On the other hand, not all insurance companies are ready to issue them without errors and properly. OSAGO online has both advantages and disadvantages:


  1. It's comfortable. You can order, pay and print the policy at home.
  2. It's on its own. You do not share your data with other people.


  1. You should not make mistakes when filling out the data. Make one mistake and the bureaucratic red tape begins to replace the document.
  2. Soon scammers may appear who will set up “masks” for the site. They will take your details and accept payment, but will not create a policy.
  3. When paying online, the system may make an error with the amount. In this case, it will be difficult for you to return the excess funds paid.
  4. Entering all the data will take more than an hour. In addition, you will have to check them to avoid mistakes.
  5. You can enter all the data, check it, click on the “Continue” button and see the site error. You will have to enter all the data again.
  6. You cannot check KBM and your own discount. For example, if you changed driver's license, the system will reset your discount for accident-free driving. It is impossible to restore it without a broker.
  7. Insurance companies don't offer help hotline or assistance. After an insured event, you will have to act on your own.
  8. Traffic police officers in large cities will accept printed policies and scan the QR code. In the regions they will not have this opportunity; each policy will be checked for a long time and individually.
Starting from October 2015, car owners in Russia have the opportunity to register electronic MTPL policies, which eliminates the need to visit the insurance company’s office to conclude such contracts. In fact, you can get such an electronic insurance policy without leaving your home in literally 10-15 minutes. Today such electronic insurance MTPL have gained popularity in the market, which is explained by their advantages and ease of registration. In this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such electronic insurance, which each of us can take advantage of.

Getting rid of unnecessary papers

In the recent past, car owners who used a traditional paper policy were required to keep the insurance with them and present it to the inspector for inspection at the first request. Today, with the advent of such electronic insurance, the inspector will only need to provide registration documents for the car, and the traffic police officer will independently check the availability of compulsory motor liability insurance for a particular person using the internal database. vehicle.

The issued electronic policy is almost impossible to spoil or lose. A traffic police inspector can check whether a car is insured using the database he has, so a printed copy is not required.

If necessary, owners can still obtain the paper copies they need of such electronic MTPL forms, for which, after registration, they need to print out a PDF form of the document, which will be sent to them at the email address specified for electronic insurance. Subsequently, such a printed form serves as documentary evidence of the existing MTPL insurance.

Solving the problem of fake policies

The distribution of fully electronic MTPL insurance allows us to solve the problem with scammers who, taking advantage of the gullibility of car owners, also issued fake policies that do not have any legal force. Subsequently, when checking documents by traffic police officers or having had an accident, car owners could not receive any insurance compensation, and the damage caused to others road accident participants they had to reimburse from their own funds.

Whereas the emergence of such electronic insurance makes it possible to almost completely eliminate the possibility of forgery of an insurance policy. All data is stored on the servers of insurance company websites, and policy registration is carried out by the car owner directly on the official website of his insurance company.

The car owner is spared from additional services of the insurance company

Many insurance companies, providing MTPL civil liability insurance, offered them a number of additional paid services, which were often not required by the car owner. In the past, insurance contracts were designed in such a way that it was often difficult to refuse additional paid services. Whereas when using electronic version OSAGO car owner independently chooses all additional services that he will need with such insurance. He can also completely refuse any paid services, which will reduce his costs of operating the vehicle.

Maximum simplification of the insurance procedure

In the past, concluding such a transaction required not only the personal presence of the car owner at the insurer’s office, but also the provision of a large package of documents. As a result, in order to simply obtain such an agreement by compulsory insurance civil liability, we lost several days in queues.

With the introduction of appropriate changes to the legislation and the emergence of the electronic insurance procedure, the conclusion of compulsory motor liability insurance contracts has been significantly simplified, which takes 10-15 minutes. In fact, the procedure for such insurance consists of filling out a small questionnaire in which all the data on a particular car is entered. The system will independently calculate the cost of insurance using the available databases, after which the car owner, using a bank card or other convenient methods, will only have to pay the appropriate fee and the MTPL electronic insurance contract will be considered concluded.

Possibility to choose any insurer

Car owners living in small towns will appreciate such advantages. It is no secret that today only large insurance companies operate in the market of small towns in Russia, which often do not offer car owners much profitable terms insurance. Whereas, using a fully electronic OSAGO policy, you can independently choose any insurance company operating in Russia that will offer you best conditions.

Tariffs for electronic compulsory motor liability insurance have been reduced

When receiving such electronic MTPL policies, the car owner interacts with the appropriate software, rather than contacting a specialist or insurance agent. This significantly reduces the costs incurred by Insurance Company Accordingly, this makes it possible to offer favorable rates for compulsory motor liability insurance. Such rates will be lower than if you contact the office of the company you choose. In some cases, the reduction in car insurance costs is 3-5%.

Disadvantages of electronic insurance

At the same time, it should be noted that fully electronic MTPL policies still have certain disadvantages.

Difficulties with paperwork

Insurers declare a significant simplification of the electronic MTPL insurance procedure. Ideally, such work takes no more than 10 minutes, and every car owner can handle it. However, in practice, today the system is not yet well developed, which leads to numerous failures when issuing such an electronic policy. During peak hours, insurance company websites may be unavailable, and the electronic registration system may experience significant delays.

Fraud protection and document authentication

Indeed, the advent of fully electronic compulsory motor liability insurance has eliminated the possibility of receiving a fake insurance policy that does not have any legal force. However, scammers have adapted to changing circumstances and are creating numerous websites that are clones of insurance companies, which in their own way appearance practically no different from official electronic portals. As a result of such an error, a car owner can go to such a clone website of an insurance company, register, enter his card information, make a payment, and subsequently receive a fake electronic insurance policy.

This problem can be partly solved by registering electronic compulsory motor liability insurance only on verified websites of insurance companies, which will allow you to avoid meeting with scammers. Car owners should avoid various lucrative insurance offers with reduced rates for compulsory motor liability insurance. It is precisely these tricks that many scammers resort to and issue fake insurance policies.

The future of electronic insurance OSAGO

In the near future, most paper documents will be replaced by their digital copies. It is much more reliable and easier to store such information on electronic servers than on strict reporting forms. In the next few years, the electronic insurance system will be completely polished, and the majority of car owners will use this electronic insurance, the advantages of which are obvious.

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