Ash Ketchum: Worst pokemon trainer of all time. Pokemon Go: Ash's Pokemon All Ash's Pokemon for the seasons

“I want to be the best” is sung at the beginning of each episode of the cartoon. Unfortunately, for more than 15 years, Ash Ketchum has been doing everything possible to prove that this is not so.

Perhaps this is too harsh. Ash is only 10 years old, after all. He also cannot control the terrible script that the anime creators write. But after his recent failure in the Unovu Poke League, it's time to figure out what went wrong in the boy's journey.


In the very first season, Ash appears as a rookie trainer. He has an out-of-control Pikachu, a beautiful girlfriend who won't leave him because of his broken bike, and an eyeless friend who falls in love with everything that moves. The trio roam the Kanto region and constantly try to outsmart Team Rocket with their cheap disguises. Unfortunately, the stadium leaders hand out badges to Ash like they're candy, so he's unable to learn anything. Here are examples:

  • In his battle with Brock, Ash uses the Electric Pokémon Pikachu against the Ground type. Everything goes so badly that he loses the first fight dry. The second time he manages to win solely thanks to the destroyed fire system. Brock simply felt sorry for his Pokemon.
  • Pikachu refuses to fight against Misty, but her sisters present Ash with the badge on a silver platter without even fighting.
  • During a battle with Lieutenant Serge, Raichu hits the boy's ambitions so much that he contemplates the evolution of Pikachu for a chance to win. They come up with another idea and win thanks to the latter's speed.
  • Against Sabrina... ugh, I don't even know where to start. Kadabra beats up Pikachu, so Ash goes to look for the ghost Pokémon. His soul leaves his body, his friends think he’s dead, but Ash doesn’t care - he’s trolling Misty. Next, Haunter refuses to fight and his friends are turned into dolls. Great job. In the third round, Ash must lose again, but Haunter, who came from nowhere, amuses Sabrina. Quite enough for a badge, right?
  • While fighting Erica, Ash uses Pikachu against the Grass-type (the chances of winning are reduced to a minimum), but suddenly the stadium catches fire. Erica ends up rewarding Ash with a badge for helping with the fire.

It's no surprise that Ash lost in that year's Poké League.

We have not yet touched upon the boy’s actions in other regions...

Ash Ketchum: Worst Poké Trainer of All Timehttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/pokemon-go-ash-ketchum-1.jpghttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/pokemon-go-ash-ketchum-1-150x150.jpg 2016-09-18T18:55:51+03:00 PokemonGo Pokemon GO jokes

“I want to be the best” is sung at the beginning of each episode of the cartoon. Unfortunately, for more than 15 years, Ash Ketchum has been doing everything possible to prove that this is not so. Perhaps this is too harsh. Ash is only 10 years old, after all. He also cannot control the terrible scenario that...

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Hello, dear readers! Would you like some texts? I have them! Kira is here, and she has prepared the top Pokemon of the anime protagonist, Ash Ketchum. It's no secret that as a coach he is quite fickle - he either takes out whole packs of legendary monsters, or loses with his strongest fighters against ridiculous opponents. But we agree on one thing - over almost twenty years of travel, the hero has collected an impressive list of Pokemon. And today I want to distribute them in the standings, from weakest to strongest. Please keep in mind that these are my subjective opinions and you do not necessarily agree with them. So, let's begin! I gave the last fortieth place to all those Pokemon that our hero had for some time, but due to circumstances, he was forced to let them go. This place is quite controversial, since some of the fighters were relatively powerful, but there were also those who could not even really attack. One way or another, in fortyth place we have Butterfree, Pidgeot, Lapras, Primeape, Haunter, Embipom, Larvitar and other Pokemon that Ash parted with. If the previous place was more of a “consolation prize,” then the thirty-ninth position can already be safely considered an indicator of combat strength. Here is Totodile - so far the only GG Pokemon that is not in a regular Pokeball, but in a Lure Ball, created to make it easier to catch water monsters. Despite the fact that the crocodile has been on Ash's team for fifteen years, his fighting potential has never been well explored. Among Totodile’s victories, I remember only the battles against Kingdra in the tournament and against Sneasel in the League, but in both cases he was helped not so much by strength as by a successful combination of circumstances and the coach’s competent strategy. Therefore, only thirty-ninth place. Thirty-eighth we have Scraggy. In fact, he is still a baby, since he just hatched from an egg a couple of seasons ago, and he is not much of a fighter. I remember the battle at the Unova Ice Stadium, but I didn’t remember the result. One way or another, I put Scraggy above Totodile only because of a more solid set of moves. And the next fighter fought more than once, often won, but still his level cannot be called high. Another water Pokemon takes thirty-seventh place, and this is Oshawott. He is in many ways similar to Totodile and Scraggy, since they are all not so much fighters as comic characters. Oshawott's advantage is good techniques and a large number of fights. In thirty-sixth place is Torkoal. For some unknown reason, the turtle was “ballast” in the Hoenn GG team, which is strange, given the power of other fire fighters. Torkoal had some good victories, but he ended his most worthy match with a defeat – a fight with Brandon’s Registeel. Of course, even a super-effective type and advantage in maneuverability do not always help in a fight with a legend, so there is no need to blame the Pokemon for that loss. However, the result is unchanged - thirty-sixth position. The first girl in our top – Bayleef – occupies the thirty-fifth line. Perhaps this is my subjective opinion, but as Chikorita she looked somehow more confident to me. Among the worthy victories are overcoming Machoke Chuck and Houndoom Harrison, as well as winning the Jot Poké Races. Alas, this is not enough for a higher place. This is our thirty-fourth Mac. It is extremely difficult to assess his combat potential, since in twenty years of anime he fought only twice. Hypothetically, this should be one of Ash's strongest Pokémon, since thanks to its slimy body, it almost does not feel the attacks of its opponent. If your opponent is smaller than Mack, consider that the lump of dirt has won in advance. But due to limited screen time, cuddlers are only thirty-fourth. Then we have Boldore. Quite a strong fighter who defeated the inconvenient Excadrill Clay (in the games Excadrill is generally among the Ubers, so that means something). But besides this win, I don’t remember anything special from him. Yes, and Ash used his stone crab infrequently, perhaps the situation will improve over time. Thirty-second - Snivy. In theory, she can easily defeat any opponent, as long as he is male. In practice, Ash for some reason forgot about this profitable strategy, and by the end of Unova, instead of Attracting, the snake uses some kind of grass attack, which is of little use. Not the best solution, Ketchum. Next comes Palpitod. I like him both as a Pokémon and as a fighter - the tadpole knows many attacks of the most different types . It’s just that his level is still rather weak, among his battles I remember the loss to Garbodor and the draw with Zebstrika, and that’s all. I hope that GG will train him again. Another girl, Anfezant, took thirtieth place. It's a pretty good Pokemon by Unova's standards, but compared to Ash's other fighters it unfortunately pales in comparison. So far this is his weakest regional bird (I don’t count Pidgeot), but nevertheless, she also has some good fights and victories. Twenty-ninth – Livenny. To be honest, at first I saw him lower in this top, but since this is the last stage of evolution, which at one time was great in Berg’s gym, I had to change my mind. A quite suitable Pokemon, fast, dexterous, and has a cunning technique that slows down the opponent. Our twenty-eighth Tauros. This step is also a little controversial, since Ash has as many as thirty Tauros, he caught them in the Safari Zone. For convenience, I imagined that all those Tauros that the GG used for battles were the same bull, let’s say, their leader. A powerful Pokémon that loves to throw into the air opponents that are heavier than it, sometimes even several times larger - Venusaur, Dragonite, Metagross. The problem is still the same - Ash doesn't use his buffalo much, which is quite strange considering its strength. It is also strange that for some reason all the hero’s Tauros are not in safari balls, but in ordinary pokeballs. Another old man, Kingler, was located a little higher. Yes, Ash had a Kingler, newcomers may not know this, since the last time we saw him in action was at the beginning of the fifth season. As a Krabi, he won his first three matches to a clean sheet and became the Indigo League's top drag queen. But in the subsequent sagas, for some reason, Ash scored a bolt on him, and it’s a pity - he didn’t have such a debut for eighteen whole seasons. Torterra, another favorite of mine, climbed a little higher. As Tortwig, he showed impressive agility and strength, but with the evolution of the turtle, he began to look somehow faded. Okay, Grotle, he had good fights, but Torterra didn’t win a single fight! No one! Unless he sent Team R to hell, but anyone can do it, they will fly away even with a simple kick. It's a pity, it's a pity. Twenty-fifth place was taken by another earthen heavyweight, Donphan. At first, he seemed like such a poor Pokémon to me, but then I remembered Battle Frontier and changed my mind. Perhaps such a high position is really exaggerated, but the power and speed of the bishop are really impressive, so yes, twenty-fifth place. Yeah, he also knows Hyperbeam! Once again, a ground Pokemon is at the top, this time it's Gible. The later seasons of Sinnoh focused less on the development of Ash's confrontation with Paul and more on the dragonet's attempts to master the Draco Meteor technique, but instead of fireworks, Gible launched only one glowing sphere. By an unfortunate coincidence, the projectile always hit poor Piplop, which was good news (I love Piplops, but Dawn had a very stupid and arrogant penguin). Twenty-third - Quilava. It seemed that at the end of the Johto League, the writers scored a bolt the size of Steelix (which, by the way, he defeated) on Ash’s Cyndaquil, but no. On the eve of the Sinnoh League, the shy Pokemon evolved, learning Eruption along the way, and in the tournament itself, he drew the battle with the powerful Armaldo. Thanks to his past achievements, Quilava climbs to twenty-third place. Next we also have a fiery starter - Pignite. It doesn’t matter to him at all who his opponent is, what type he is or how many times he is larger than Pignite himself - the piglet will endure him. And if it doesn’t work out, he’ll push it so hard that he won’t last for a very, very long time. The list of battles and victories of this Pokemon is impressive; in the Unova League, it defeated Hydreigon and Ferrothorn, who were difficult opponents (well, Hydreigon was). In addition, Pignite showed good results in the gyms, so he rightfully deserved twenty-second place. The wise Noctowl, the only Shiny in the GG team, flies a little higher. He doesn’t have many battles compared to other regional birds, but he is special - he hits not with pecks, but with psychic powers. In Johto he cleared out the Morty gym, in Sinnoh he defeated Likiliki, in between - uh... he probably turned his head. Twenty-first place, due to experience and uniqueness. A huge ice head, Gleyly, crosses the equator. An unusual Pokemon for Ash, but so effective! I remember that he somehow defeated the inconvenient Charizard and Metang, drew the battle with Tyson’s powerful Sceptile, and defeated several other less significant opponents. And all this despite the fact that his attacks belong only to the ice and normal types! A strong head, you can’t say anything, although it’s half the size of its brothers, just like Noctowl (seriously, according to the dex, Gleyly should be about a meter or more in diameter, but in the anime he will be smaller than Torkoal). Our nineteenth is Noivern. He is big and strong, he stunned Zapdos, he fought well in the League, but even at the bottom of the table there are those who have more merit. I award such a high place to Batman purely because of the huge jump in level and set of useful attacks. I hope that he will show himself more than once. Eighteenth we see Staraptor. Emo Bird was one of Ash's more used Pokémon in Sinnoh, and well deserved its high place. Staraptor is fast, strong, has defeated difficult opponents such as Weavile and Paul's Honchkrow, and his set of moves is generally almost the best among Ash's flyers. Buizel took seventeenth place. This small Pokémon is not inferior in versatility even to the vaunted Pikachu; it can breakdance, release a fountain, deflate/inflate a collar, and much, much more. He drew the match against the strong Lucario Meylin, carried in the gyms and showed himself well in the League, for this he wins such a high position. Another water pokemon, Corphish, overtakes him. To be honest, both he and the previous contestant seem to me to be equal in strength, but I will still give preference to the crustacean. Ash carried him on the team throughout the entire Hoenn and Battle Frontier arcs, and Corphish fully justified his trainer's trust. For the time being, he was unique, since he did not know either the Water Jet or the Hydropump, but this did not stop him from crushing opponents with his heavy claws. Golduck, Alakazam, Arcanine are just some of his opponents that the crustacean has defeated, and we hope that this list will only grow over time! Goodra opens the top 15. This kind giant didn’t spend much time on Ash’s team, but he developed into his final stage in just ten episodes, overcoming his fear of fairies, insects, perhaps even heights... in short, of everything. The only Pokemon of the GG who has 100% victories in all gym battles with his participation, he could have been much higher in the table, but participation in the League let him down a little. However, Goodra receives fifteenth place for endurance and fortitude. In fourteenth place is a flyer with whom few can compare in speed - Talonflame. Yes, I put him above Goodra, because he has more experience, more significant victories, and teamwork is more coordinated. The bird shone in the gyms, showed itself well in the League - a very good entry into Ash’s top Pokemon! Lucky thirteenth place goes to one of my favorite oldies, Squirtle. He's cool, he's strong, he's pretty quick, he's a gangsta. In Kanto, he was a very mediocre Pokémon, but when the Johto League was in front of him, the turtle showed what experience and self-confidence meant. He also dragged on the islands and in the Battle Frontier, and now he is most likely putting out fires somewhere in Johto with his niggas. On the line above I put the Pokemon, which, without a doubt, is the best friend of the previous nominee. This friend is Bulbasaur. In the gyms, his results were not very bright, but in the Kanto League, the dinosaur easily took out two inconvenient insects, on the islands he defeated the strong Exegutor, in the Johto League he fought to a draw with Meganium, and in the Battle Frontier he took out Dasklops and Brandon Solrock. A more than impressive list, and this despite the fact that Bulba is only at the first stage of her development! Heracross was one step away from the top 10. This Pokemon is always on Ash's mind when it comes to important battles in the League. Beetle defeated Magmar Harry, Cricketune Nando and a bunch of other Pokemon that I don't remember, and also held his own against Darkrai Tobias. A very powerful Pokemon, and even with a counterattack to sleep. I think it can be safely placed in the same ranks with tanks such as Goodra and Donphan, because the Hercules deserves it. The top ten opens with one of my favorites – Swellow. Without a doubt it is the hardiest regional bird of the Ashe. Without the typical combination of Talonflame or Staraptor's set of attacks, the swallow wins with cunning, speed and unrealistic willpower. Realistically, after evolution, the only fight in which Swellow did not take out anyone was the fight with the legendary Latios, but this is forgivable, because yes. The bird also works very well in a team, defeating Solrock and Lunaton along with Pikachu, and Swampert in tandem with Corphish (who, in turn, defeated Arcanine). Other opponents include Winona's Shiny Swellow, Juan's Whiskash, Spencer's Venusaur, Tyson's Hariyama and Donphan, Keti's Venomoth and Scizor, and many others. The ninth place also goes to the flyer, and this one is probably the most unusual - Kholucha. He displays excellent fighting technique both in the air and on the ground, and seems to not care who he fights. As the champion of the forest, the luchador scattered Urasrings and Machamps, and after Ash joined the team, the list of defeated ones only grew. Behind the scenes, the wrestler even defeated Mega Absol, which for some reason was given very little time. Kholucha can sometimes show off, but in battle he is always focused and cool-headed. But if his opponent offended his “little brother” Noivern, then beware! In eighth position is another unique flyer - Glaiskor. At first, he only knew how to cry and throw sand, but after evolution, the scorpion grew stronger and pleased us with many victories. He held his own against Torterra and Electivire Paul, defeated Bastiodon Byron, but Batman’s greatest achievement was winning from Drapion Paul, who had previously easily taken out half of the GG team. Yes, and Glaiskor can also do a Gigaimpulse without a rollback and perform aerobatic maneuvers. A very versatile, and most importantly, useful Pokemon. Another ground Pokemon is located on the seventh line, and this is Krookodile. At first, he simply pursued Ash to fight his Pikachu, but soon became one of the young trainer's strongest pets. He confidently held his own in the ice gym, and also defeated Lypard and Souk Stefan and even Dragonite Iris himself, who easily scattered super-effective opponents. Krookodile definitely drags, and the glasses give him a special coolness. Although Squirtle’s accessory will still be clearer. So, top 6! Perhaps these Pokémon will one day enter Ash's dream team for the most important battle of his life! And who will be the first to go into battle if not Ketchum’s very first pupil – Pikachu? Yellow, of course, is as fickle as his coach - sometimes he takes out entire teams solo, sometimes he loses against a fifth-level starter. One way or another, the level that Pikachu shows now (at the end of Kaloss that is) is his peak so far. Defeat two huge pseudo-legends, and after that also hit Charizard Alan a couple of times - yes please! It’s easy to punish the rather powerful Aegislash and Clovitser and beat Mega Lucario! Previously, the rodent also demonstrated “miracles on turns”, defeating Metagross, Dragonites, Gerados, Milotics, Latios... and Raichu. Perhaps, if not for ominous amnesia, the electrician would have taken first place, but so far he has only taken sixth place. But this is a more than worthy result. Our fifth is Infernape. Everyone here watched the Sinnoh saga on Jetix, and everyone liked the primate with the burning head. After the strict Paul abandoned him, the Pokemon ended up with Ash, who raised him and made him even stronger than before. As a result, Chimchar became Monferno, and later Infernape, dragging the Sinnoh League. Half of Paul’s team is not for you to hunt Bidoofs from the first route, you know. But the monkey's biggest trump card is the Flash, which is activated at critical moments and increases the power of the fighter's fiery attacks to crazy levels. One way or another - a good Pokémon, strong, and most importantly - with a well-written story. Sceptile finishes fourth. In general, the difference between him and Infernape is insignificant, one might even say that there is none as such. But if the primate completed its important battles on its ability, the dinosaur relied solely on endurance and reluctance to lose face. Still, he's too cool for that, isn't he? While still a Grovyle, the herbalist confidently defeated convenient and inconvenient enemies, but the greatest achievement happened, of course, after evolution. Withstand Darkrai's Ice Beam and Dream Eater, and then hit him with the Leaf Sword - not everyone, you know, can do this. Moreover, if Sceptile turned out to be the only Pokemon in the entire Sinn League who managed to defeat the legendary ghost (yes, I know that Darkrai is dark). Ash's third most powerful Pokemon is similar to me - more than anything else, like me, he loves to eat and snort. As you may have guessed, this is Snorlax. I have no doubt that Infernape and Sceptile will be able to defeat him, but still, due to his unrealistic endurance, I make him a bronze medalist. At one time, he withstood a machine-gun fire from (attention!) super-effective (attention! x2) Focused Strikes from (attention! x3) Medichum, who could well have had the Pure Power ability. Yeah, and then Snorlax beat him. And Hariyama too. And Kingdru Claire. And Arcanine and Nidoqueen Gary. And Hypno with Harrison's Steelix. In general, it seems to me that if Ash ever prepares for the most important match in his life, then the first thing he will have to do is not take Pikachu or someone left, but Snorlax. After all, the lazy man took out at least one opponent in each of his fights. It’s also hard to take it out - either with a Hyper Beam, or a Hyper Beam ricochet, or... with a Steel Claw, yes. In short, Snorlax is awesome. Silver goes to a Pokemon that I thought should be on the leadership podium forever. Alas, “nothing lasts forever under the sun,” but still, Charizard is one of the most powerful taschers in the GG. Once upon a time, he did not even want to fight against an opponent who did not belong to the fire type, but only after being saved by Ash from frostbite, the dragon realized the friendship and care of his trainer. Since then, the Fireman has become practically invincible (except for Dragonite, Blaziken, Dusclops... but oh well) and brought Ketchum victory after victory. In addition, of all the little loser’s wards, Charik has the most extensive range of attacks (but not the most effective, alas). And we move on, and... ...and come out on top! Of course, you guessed who is located here - yes, it's Greninja. Despite the fact that I don’t like it, I won’t deny that at the moment this is Ash Ketchum’s strongest (and maybe even fastest) Pokemon. And this is a frog. Ninja. Water. With a tongue that she uses instead of a scarf. Not a dragon, not a dinosaur - a frog. And this frog has a special shape, in which even a champion will have no difficulty in laying it down, the main thing is synchronization with the trainer and stable blood pressure. Yes, Grenya lost to Alan's Charizard in the League. Yes, his set of attacks is very inferior. But still, for now, the blue shinobi takes the title of Ash’s strongest Pokemon and becomes practically inaccessible to the rest of his teammates. But who knows, maybe the hooded owl will overtake him (no)? Like everything, yes. Something like this. What are your opinions?

Ash Ketchum is a name that every fan of the Pokemon cartoon series knows. For eighteen seasons, he travels the world with the goal of becoming the best pocket monster trainer. Ash's Pokémon are his loyal allies and help him win coveted badges and defeat his opponents. During all this time, he met more than a hundred different creatures, and managed to tame many of them. It’s hard not to envy his collection, but in order to collect it, he had to overcome many obstacles. Some have stayed with him until now, some had to be released, and most are in the care of the permanent Professor Oak. However, each of them is dear to the owner in his own way and can confidently be considered his friend.

The beginning of a long road

Ash Ketchum is one of the most recognizable cartoon characters in the world. Once upon a time, an avalanche of adventures related to pocket monsters and their trainers hit the audience, after which everyone began to dream of taming their own Pokemon. The animated series has been airing from 1997 to the present, and its universe continues to expand. The first episode begins with the fact that we are shown the next morning of the main character, which should become the most important in his life. He turned 10 years old, which means that from that moment on he will have his first Pokémon. Ash, however, is in for an unpleasant surprise when he arrives at Professor Oak. It turned out that he was late for the distribution, and all the creatures had already been taken away. But the resourceful professor still had someone else in reserve. As a result, Ash gets the most indomitable Pokemon in the laboratory - the lightning-fast Pikachu.

Friendship story

Hostility immediately arose between Pikachu and his owner. It came mostly from an embittered creature that did not want to be inside its pokeball. Accordingly, he ignored other orders. Ash's Pokémon were attracted to early age, and all his life he dreamed of becoming a coach, but this guy behaved so aggressively that reality seemed to the boy completely different from what he expected.

However, they were unexpectedly attacked by Beedrill, who seriously injured Pikachu, after which Ash shielded him from another danger. In gratitude for this act, the Pokemon used one of its most powerful attacks, which saved the lives of both. From that moment on, their relationship grew stronger every day, and Pikachu became the young master’s closest friend.

First Pokemon

On his long journey, the main character managed to collect a lot of Pokemon, but at the very beginning there were not so many of them. The first after Pikachu was Caterpie, who looked like a caterpillar with very short suction cup legs, who quickly reached the last stage of Butterfree's evolution, after which Ash released him into the wild. Then he managed to catch Pidgeotto, who, after transforming into Pidgeot, was also freed. The most memorable trio that added Ash Ketchum's Pokémon were Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur.

At one time they were very popular with the public. The boy’s collection also includes as many as 30 Toros, bull-like creatures distinguished by their special strength. In total, in the animated series the hero collected about 50 pocket monsters. Some of them have evolved into more advanced forms, some had to be said goodbye, some always remain with the coach, and some were given away for storage or training. Many of them are not considered the strongest in the world, but they always give their best for Ash.

Pokemon currently

With such a vast collection, it is very difficult to choose which Pokemon you will use most often. And carrying a lot of Pokeballs with you is not very convenient and impractical, since they can easily be stolen. In addition, there is a rule according to which you can only have 6 pocket monsters with you at a time. Therefore, everyone else is constantly under the supervision of Professor Oak. At the time of the last season, Ash's Pokemon became the following: Froakie, reincarnated as Fregadier, Fletchling, who went through all the evolutions, Holucha, Noibat and Gumi. Naturally, without Pikachu main character won't travel, so he brings up the rear of the team. All of them have excellent characteristics and are truly powerful and capable.

Relationships with Pokemon

Pokémon have been Ash's love since early childhood, so his dream has always been to become an outstanding master. What sets him apart from other coaches is his special approach. Before taming a creature, he must establish contact with it. After this, they become the most real and devoted friends, and not pets and slaves. However, the hero also had difficulties communicating with his Pokémon. Charmander instantly became a loyal companion for his owner, but he quickly evolved into Charmilion. This led to their relationship deteriorating sharply, as the fire monster stopped following the orders of its owner. But the worst of the troubles was his next stage of development - Charizard. He not only refused to listen to the coach, but also demonstratively committed evil acts. And during the final fight on the Indigo Plateau, he completely fell asleep in the middle of the competition, which is why Ash lost. However, later the boy still managed to find an approach to Charizard, and since then their connection has strengthened.

Does the coach have any favorites?

It is impossible to answer the question of who is Ash's favorite Pokemon. Most believe that this is Pikachu, since he stays with his owner all the time. However, this is rather due to the fact that it was the first in his collection, and since then they have been inextricably linked. This does not mean that the hero loves his other charges less. His main goal was to take care of each of them; he would never do anything to their detriment. Ash is ready to do anything for his pocket monsters, so we can say that all of them have become his favorites.

Pokemon - the popularity of these funny, touching and extraordinary creatures has not faded for 20 years. Under the whimsical name “Pokemon” hides an entire fictional universe created by insect collector and gamer Satoshi Tajiri. Pokemon are fantastic creatures endowed with unusual abilities, inhabiting an alternative reality to our modernity. There, Pokemon can live in the wild or be in the collection of a trainer - a person who collects and trains these creatures. Pokémon from different trainers compete with each other, gaining experience and skills. Over time, Pokémon evolve into a stronger form, and the trainer, famous for his victories, receives recognition and rewards.

The Pokemon universe was embodied in video games, and then in other projects. It is curious that the history of the franchise begins precisely with a passion for collecting, which would later become the slogan “Collect them all!” Pokemon (pokemon - “pocket monster”) was born from Satoshi Tajiri’s fantasies about how one could exchange and compete with one’s virtual pets. According to legend, this idea came to the developer when he saw a beetle crawling along the wire between the Game Boy consoles.

The fantastic world of Pokemon amazes with its diversity

However, Satoshi Tajiri turned out to be more than just a dreamer. He organized his own game development studio, and came to Nintendo with the idea of ​​Pokemon. By the way, The Pokemon Company is still owned by this corporation. Nintendo has managed Pokemon Co JP quite well since 1996, when the world first heard about Pokemon. During this time, a huge number of computer and board games, games for consoles and smartphones, anime cartoons about Pokemon, comics and countless other products exploiting the universe of pocket monsters were created.

There are currently 721 known species of Pokemon. However, each new generation of games expands their list. Despite periods of calm, the idea of ​​Satoshi Tajiri still lives on. In Russia, the word “pokemon” was first heard after the release of the anime “Pokemon” on television. The cartoon immediately attracted attention, so that in the early 2000s, the Pokemon boom overtook both Russian viewers and gamers. After some time they forgot about the series, but a new game Pokemon Go has brought Pokemon back to the top of the news.

Satoshi Tajiri is an insect collector, and it was from this hobby that the idea of ​​​​creating Pokemon came about


"Pokemon" is an anime based on computer games about the Pokemon universe. The first Pokemon cartoon was released in 1997. At first, audiences in Japan, and then in other 74 countries, fell in love with these extraordinary creatures. It can be said without exaggeration that after the appearance of the Pokemon series, the whole world learned about who Pokemon are - all seasons of the anime were aired on federal and numerous children's channels, and later became available on the Internet. The Pokemon cartoon includes over 900 episodes, but the production of new episodes does not stop to this day. The new "Pokemon" of 2016 delights adult and children's audiences just like the first episodes of the project.

Original series

"Pokemon" Season 1: "Indigo League"

Ash Ketchum is the first person we meet in the Pokemon anime. Season 1 begins with his coaching failure. Ash is an ordinary ten-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a Pokemon trainer. The cartoon “Pokemon” is dedicated to this dream. Season 1 tells the story of how Ash slept through the Pokémon distribution and was forced to take the last remaining pocket monster, Pikachu. However, Pikachu did not take the boy seriously and their relationship did not go well. Ash's selfless act changes Pikachu's mind and they become friends. From the Pokemon Season 1 cartoon, we also learn about Misty and Brock, whom Ash meets on his journey. These are the leaders of Pokemon stadiums in their regions. They join Ash and soon become his good friends. The anime "Pokemon" Season 1 won't be complete without villains. Standing in the way of the guys is Team R, including Jesse and James - trainers who are greedy for other people's Pokemon. The first season of Pokémon ends with Ash receiving the badges of all the stadiums in the Kanto region. After this, he joins the Pokémon League on the Indigo Plateau and becomes one of the best there. This concludes the episodes of the Pokemon: Indigo League series.

In season 1 of Pokemon, Ash meets the pocket monster Pikachu, and they soon become true friends.

"Pokemon" Season 2: "Adventures in the Orange Islands"

The second season is a logical continuation of the journey of Ash, Misty and Brock. Professor Oak instructed the guys to go to the Orange Islands. From there they must deliver the mysterious Pokeball GS-Ball. Ash gets the idea to participate in the local league. New Pokémon for Season 2 appear, in particular Lapras, on which the company travels between islands, taking part in Pokémon trainer battles. The journey goes well, Ash wins the stadium leader fights and receives four badges. In the finale of this season's Pokémon anime, Ash becomes the champion of the Orange League and gives the GS-Ball to Professor Oak.

Pokemon Season 3: Journey to Johto

The series "Pokemon" Season 3 begins with the news that Ash's longtime rival, Pokemon trainer Harry Oak, has decided to take part in the Johto League and is heading there. Ash can't wait to go after him. Together with Brock and Misty, he heads to Johto, promising along the way to deliver the mysterious GS-ball to Professor Oak's colleague. The mystery of the pokeball has not been solved, and Professor Oak hopes for help. As with previous Pokemon seasons, the series is replete with rivals and enemies for Ash and his friends. As the omnipresent villains, as always, Team R.

In Pokémon Season 3, Ash, Brock and Misty embark on a journey to compete in the Johto League

Pokemon Season 4: Johto League Champions

Ash, Misty and Brock storm the Johto League and continue their journey that began in the previous season. New adventures await them and, of course, new Pokemon. Season 4 follows Ash's battle with local Pokémon trainers. Friends learn more about the abilities of their Pokemon, learn to use their power and calculate attack capabilities. Among the new Pokemon that will be encountered this season: Miltanks, Yanma, Sudowoodo, Machoke and others. The fourth season of the Pokemon anime focuses heavily on Team Rocket, who are trying to thwart all the plans of Ash and his team. Loser villains are constantly trying to steal Pikachu and other valuable Pokémon, but they fail. By the season finale, Ash has won several badges, including Storm. Now his path lies to the Vortex Islands.

"Pokemon" Season 5: "Path of the Master"

With the fifth episode of the Pokemon anime, all seasons of the so-called Original Series end. Ash, Misty and Brock complete their journey through the Johto region. The main character is closer than ever to his goal. His collection already includes eight Johto badges and new Pokemon. Season 5 focuses on the participation of Ash, his friends and rivals in the Silver Conference. Ash fights bravely and reaches the semi-finals. While participating in the tournament, he defeats his longtime rival Harry Oak, who always managed to be one step ahead. Now he is defeated, but Ash has other opponents stronger than him.

In the finale of the animated series "Pokemon" season 5, Misty and Brock are forced to say goodbye to Ash, they need to return home. As hard as it is to say goodbye to his friends, Ash needs to move on.

New Generation

"Pokemon" season 6: "New generation"

So, the adventures of Ash and his friends in Johto are over. Now Ash plans to travel to the Hoenn region, as he learns that his rival Harrison is from there. Ash is interested in new badges and new Pokemon. Season 6 begins with him stopping at home, where he leaves all his Pokémon, except his best friend Pikachu, to Professor Oak. In return, the main character receives a new Pokédex. Misty went home to look after Ciruline Stadium. Brock also went to visit his mother. Now Ash has to cross the ocean to get to Hoenn. Joining his journey will be rookie trainer May and the Pokémon Torchic. Also, May’s brother Max, and later Brock, who will settle his affairs at home, will go with Ash for the Hoenn badges. The cartoon “Pokemon” is intriguing again: what awaits the new company in an unknown region?

"Pokemon" Season 7: "A New Challenge"

In the Pokémon series Season 7, Ash and his new friends begin to participate in the battles for the badges of the Hoenn region. Not much separates the heroes from their goal - May needs to win ribbons, and Ash has a few final badges left to earn. However, the guys have new enemies: Teams Aqua and Magma, who are making insidious plans. Don't forget about Team R. So friends need to be on their guard. In addition to battles, this season they will have to come to the aid of Misty, who fell into the trap of the villain Hanson. Among the new Pokemon in season 7: Beigan, Torcal, Spinda, etc.

In the new seasons of Pokemon, Ash leaves all his pets at home, except for his best friend Pikachu, and goes to the Hoenn region

"Pokemon" Season 8: "New Battle"

Ash is only two badges away from qualifying for the Hoenn Region League. Unlike the first, the last badges are given to Ash with great difficulty. But he still earns them, since Ash is a talented trainer and has strong Pokemon. Season 8 also follows Ash's friend May's coaching journey. She only needs one ribbon to participate in the Grand Festival. Ash managed to collect all the badges and go through the qualifying battles; he gets into the Hoenn Region League, where he will have to fight with his friends Morrison and Tyson. May manages to collect all the tapes and take part in the festival. Ash wins the Hoenn League and goes home to Kanto to compete in the Battle Frontier. The main character has to say goodbye to May, Max and Brock, who also went home.

"Pokemon" Season 9: "Battle Frontier"

The Pokemon Season 9 animated series begins with Ash returning home to Kanto. Along the way, the hero comes across an agent looking for promising Pokémon trainers to participate in the Battle Frontier. Ash is inspired by this prospect, he already has fame and success, and competing at home - what could be easier? However, everything is not so easy, because the Kanto region is full of surprises. As in other series of the Pokemon cartoon, all seasons of which are dedicated to the friendship of the heroes, Ash will not be left alone. While Ash collects symbols in battles, May decides to participate in the competition. Also in the series “Pokemon: Battle Frontier” the guys are accompanied by old friends Misty and Brock. In the season finale, Ash collects all seven symbols, becomes a Battle Frontier master, and is inducted into the hall of fame. However, Ash does not want to stay in Kanto and says that he will continue to travel around the world.

Diamond and Pearl

"Pokemon", season 10: "Diamond and Pearl"

New episodes of the anime "Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl" begin with Ash's arrival in the unfamiliar region of Sinnoh. Team Rocket finally manages to steal Pikachu. The girl Dawn, who dreams of becoming a famous coordinator, helps Ash return Pikachu. Ash continues his further journey in the company of Dawn and Brock. This time, Ash decides to take part in both the region's competition and the competition, knowing what his Pokémon are capable of. Season 10 chronicles the machinations of Team Rocket, Ash's rivalry with new Pokémon trainers, Dawn's participation in the competition, and Ash and Paul's victory in the Harthome City Two-on-Two Battle competition. The season ends with Ash befriending Chimchar and ready to take him for himself.

Ash, Dawn and Brock meet new Pokemon in the Sinnoh region

"Pokemon" Season 11: "Battle Dimension"

In Pokémon Season 11, we learn how Ash bravely wins the Sinnoh Region Badges. Unfortunately, Dawn is not so lucky, and she again loses the competition for a new film. This encourages friends to take a course at Professor Rowan's summer academy. The course will allow children to gain new knowledge and become more advanced Pokemon trainers. New skills could not come at a better time, because Team Galaxy is ready to fight against Ash. By the season finale, Ash was able to collect five badges, but he failed to get the sixth badge. The stadium coaches have a problem - they cannot sleep due to nightmares. Ash will have to deal with the latest machinations of Team R and meet the incredible Pokémon Cryselia.

"Pokemon" Season 12: "Galactic Battles"

In Season 12, Ash continues his journey through the Sinnoh region. As before, Team R interferes with him in every possible way, which either kidnaps the guys, steals Pokeballs, or unlucky villains in Once again other people's Pokemon beckon. Season 12 also tells about Ash's rivalry with his old acquaintance Paul, who is not very decent towards his own Pokémon. This time they fight 6 vs 6 Pokemon, but Ash's Pokemon are outclassed by Paul's Electric Base. Along with Team R, Ash is opposed by Team Galaxy, which is engaged in capturing legendary Pokémon. In addition to participating in battles, Ash comes to the aid of sick Pokémon on Iron Island, helps prepare the Twinleaf Festival, and cheers for Dawn in her competitions. The season finale focuses on the Pokémon Gible, which Ash catches.

In Pokémon season 12, the heroes bravely confront Team Rocket and Team Galaxy, who are engaged in capturing legendary Pokémon

"Pokemon" Season 13: "Sinnoh League Winners"

In season 13, the main character of the Pokemon series, Ash, decides to focus entirely on the qualifying battles of the Sinnoh League. He receives the last badge and can participate in the league. Ash also finally managed to defeat his rival Paul. However, in the semifinals, Ash leaves the league, losing to Tobias' Pokémon. Dawn also managed to achieve success - she collected five regional ribbons and became a participant in the Grand Festival. Dawn reached the finals, where she lost to her friend Zoe in a tough fight. In the finale of the Pokémon anime season 13, Brock goes to his homeland to become a Pokémon doctor. Dawn decided to stay in Sinnoh for a photo shoot with Pokémon Buneary as a model. Well, Ash is now heading for Pallet.

Black and white

"Pokemon", season 14: "Black and White"

The new release of Pokemon: Black and White is based on the fifth generation of Pokemon games. Like all Pokemon seasons, it begins with Ash setting off on a journey. This time, Ash, his mother and Professor Oak depart for the distant Unova region. Professor Oak wants to meet Professor Juniper there, and Ash’s goal is to participate in the championship. During his journey, Ash makes new friends: a Pokemon connoisseur, the leader of the stadium of the city of Striaton named Cilan, as well as a trainer of dragon-type Pokemon, the girl Iris. New Pokemon are also waiting for Ash. Season 14 as a whole is rich in new names and faces. Even Team R is no longer so active, it has been replaced by new villains - Team Plasma. And it seems that these are more serious opponents. It is also worth noting that from season 14 the graphics of the series are changing, they are becoming more modern.

Starting from season 14, the graphics of the series change - they become more modern

"Pokemon" Season 15: "Rival Fates"

The journey through the unexplored Unova region continues. Ash successfully wins the badges, although he will have to face strong Pokémon trainers. He has a new rival named Alder, he is the champion of this region. The protagonist's friends Iris and Cilan will also face challenges. They will fight for the right to travel as a team and confront their past. However, in the end the guys will unite, because legendary Pokemon will compete in battle. Season 15 ends with the Unova region saved from Team Rocket's takeover plan.

Pokemon, Season 16: Adventures in Unova

Ash, Aris and Cilan managed to repel Team Rocket's attack on the Unova region: both people and Pokémon were saved. Season 16 portends even greater challenges for friends, as new dangers are just around the corner. First, however, Ash will finish collecting badges and compete in the region's league. The main character successfully makes it to the quarterfinals, where he loses. But maybe victory awaits Ash elsewhere? The guys undertake to help Detective Looker and Coach N save the world from the threat of Team Plasma. Unexpectedly, Team R helps them in this. After the adventure, it’s time to go home. The guys head together to the Kanto region, after which their paths diverge. Iris dreams of becoming a Dragon Master, and Cilan wants to heal Pokémon. Ash meets journalist Alexa on the way and together they go to the Kalos region.


"Pokemon", season 17: "XY"

Issues Pokemon: X and Y begin with Ash's arrival in the new region of Kalos. There he will meet his next companions: the brilliant inventor and leader of the stadium of the city of Lumiose named Clemont and his little sister Bonnie. In addition, among the main characters of "Pokemon: X and Y" is Pokemon trainer Serena, whom Ash knows from the Kanto camp. Serena remembers Ash's kind deed and wants to thank him, but soon realizes that she has fallen in love with him. Thus, the 17th season of “Pokemon” was marked by the appearance of a love line. However, Serena cannot admit her feelings to Ash. Other themes in the Pokemon: XY anime include Ash's participation in the championship, as well as the introduction to new unique Pokemon that are so rich in the Kalos region. The plot of Pokemon: XY will not be complete without the insidious, but hardly feasible plans of Team R.

It is from season 17 that the love story of Ash and Serena begins

"Pokemon" Season 18: "Adventures in Kalos"

The Pokemon season 18 cartoon begins with Ash collecting badges again, this time from the Kalos region. He also comes across new Pokemon. Season 18 tells the story of Ash's battles with old and new rivals and, of course, enemies. On the protagonist’s path is the old enemy Sanpei, thirsty for revenge, and the cunning Malamar, who wants to stop Ash at all costs. At the same time, from Pokemon season 18, we learn about Serena's participation in the Pokemon competition and the inventions of Clemont, who wants to become famous thanks to his brilliant ideas. Pokémon X Y episodes end when the main character collects seven region badges. There are new series and Pokemon 2016 ahead.


"Pokemon", season 19: "XYZ"

This episode of the Pokemon anime is the last season at the moment. It contains the 2016 and 2015 episodes of the Pokemon anime. Despite the fact that this new release, the cartoon "Pokemon" season 19 is a direct continuation of the previous season. In the Pokémon XYZ series, Ash travels to the next city in the Kalos region for new battles and achievements. Along the way, Bonnie finds an unknown Pokémon in her bag. This is the main intrigue of Pokemon season 19, since the guys cannot determine its type. The mysterious Pokémon is considered legendary, and Team Flash soon tries to kidnap it. In further episodes of Pokemon XY Z, Ash saves Pokemon from the hands of villains. During the battle, the Pokémon tactically retreats, splitting into three parts. Hence the name of the series: Pokemon X, Y and Z. Part Z stays with Ash and continues to travel with him and his friends through the Kalos regions. The Pokemon XY Z series is still being released.

The new "Pokemon" of 2016, of course, differs from the first ones, but nevertheless the anime continues to be popular. So, perhaps, fans of pocket monsters are waiting for the Pokemon series 20 season.

Full-length cartoons

Original series

"Pokemon" 1st movie: "Mewtwo Strikes Back"

The anime "Pokemon: Mewtwo vs. Mew" ("Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back", "Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns") was released in 1998. This is the first Pokemon movie. The film is about the creature Mewtwo, cloned from Mew. Mewtwo gets rid of his creators and wants to destroy the world. He is stopped by Ash, who has sailed to the competition with the Pokemon Master. Cloned Pokémon go against regular Pokémon trainers. Unable to see the bloodshed, Ash tries to stop them, but is petrified by Mewtwo and Mew's rays. The Pokémon begin to mourn Ash's body, which moves Mewtwo and he considers destroying the planet. Mewtwo flies away, and the Pokémon's life-giving tears bring Ash back to life.

Cover of the first full-length Pokemon series

Pokemon 2nd Movie: "The Power of the Chosen One" (Pokemon 2000)

In the anime "The Power of the Chosen One" (Pokemon 2000), we learn about collector Lawrence III, who wants to find three legendary flying Pokémon. These Pokémon control the elements of lightning, fire and ice. When a collector catches Moltres, the Fire Pokémon, the balance of the world is upset. natural forces. Disasters begin to occur, and something strange is happening to the Pokémon. This Pokemon movie ends, as always, with Ash coming to the rescue and saving the world from a new scourge. To do this, he needs to get spheres of Ice, fire and lightning from three islands.

"Pokemon", 3rd film: "The Conjuring of the Unowns"

Many Pokemon feature films expand on the series' plot. In the anime "Pokémon: Anun's Spell", we learn about Ash's adventures in the Johto region. There he and his friends arrive in a strange city that has suffered a misfortune. One of the city residents was too carried away by studying ancient Pokemon. His daughter named Molly wanted to return her father, but instead the Pokemon Entei returned, whom the girl began to consider her father. Entei kidnaps Ash's mother, since Molly wanted to have a mother too. To understand this situation, Ash has to go in search of the Anowns.

"Pokemon", 4th movie: "Celebi - Voice of the Forest"

The next part of Pokemon is the film “Celebi - Voice of the Forest”. It tells the story of the Pokémon Celebi, who almost became a victim of Pokémon hunters. However, the guardian of the forest was saved by a boy named Sam. Celebi transported himself and the boy to the future, where they met Ash. Ash decides to help Celebi heal, but Team Rocket remains alert. Their plans are to capture rare Pokemon. The villains want to use Celebi's power to take over the entire world. Ash and Sam must stop them from their evil plans.

"Pokemon" 5th movie: "Latias and Latios"

In this film, Ash and Pikachu will have to travel through the picturesque and amazing country of Arutomaru, where much attention is paid to the elements of nature. On the way, the heroes meet extraordinary Pokémon named Latios and Latias. These Pokémon are endowed with incredible abilities, which they use to protect the city's legendary treasures, the Soul Drops. Insidious villains want to take possession of the treasures, and Ash will have to fight them to protect the treasures, the city and his mystical Pokémon. Latias and Latios is the latest feature-length film in the Pokemon Origins series.

New Generation

"Pokemon", 6th movie: "Jirachi - the granter of wishes"

The sixth film opens the next series of Pokemon cartoons. Full-length cartoons of a new generation begin with the anime “Jirachi - the Granter of Wishes.” Ash and his friends witness a rare event - the flight of a mysterious comet. At this moment, the extraordinary Pokémon Jirachi awakens, capable of fulfilling any wish of his new friends, who become our main characters. At the same time, an evil wizard decides to capture Jirachi in order to use its power in his evil plans. Ash has the power to stop the villain, save Jirachi and his friends.

The 6th film “Jirachi - the Granter of Wishes” opens the next series of cartoons about “Pokemon”

"Pokemon" 7th movie: "The Destiny of Deoxys"

Pokemon: The Fate of Deoxys is a feature-length film that concludes the plot of the seventh season of the Pokemon series. It starts with two crystals landing on the ground, one of which becomes the Pokémon Deoxys. He is attacked by the Pokémon Rayquaza, and the struck Deoxys turns back into crystal. The second crystal is taken by scientists for research. A few years later, Deoxys regains his strength and returns to search for the second crystal. Along the way, he comes across Ash and his friends trying to figure out the situation. Sensing the enemy's return, Rayquaza attacks Deoxys again. Meanwhile, another Deoxys emerges from the second crystal, and the reunited Pokémon leave Earth.

"Pokemon" 8th movie: "Lucario and the Secret of Mew"

The anime "Pokemon: Lucario and the Secret of Mew" is about a Pokemon festival dedicated to the ancient mage Aaron. Ash and his friends are going to take part in it. From the cartoon, viewers will learn the history of the festival. In ancient times, the queen had a servant, the magician Aaron, who, together with his Pokemon Lucario, protected the kingdom from enemies. But one day the kingdom was attacked by two huge armies of warriors and Pokemon. They were already anticipating their victory, but the brave Aaron repelled the blow, dying in this fierce battle.

"Pokemon" 9th movie: "Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea"

The ninth feature film about Pokemon is dedicated to Poker Rangers and another legendary Pokemon. We are talking about Manaphy, Prince of the Sea. The Temple of the Sea, home of Manaphy, is known to contain treasure. Of course, these treasures are extremely desirable for dishonest people. So this part will again talk about the fight against villains, as well as what the power of friendship is capable of.

Diamond and Pearl

"Pokemon" 10th movie: "Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai"

This Pokemon film is the 10th in a row, it opens the Diamond and Pearl series. The anime “Pokemon: Dialga vs. Palkia, vs. Darkrai” (“Pokemon: The Rise of Darkrai”) is dedicated to the reality of the legend about the legendary meeting of two certain forces capable of dominating time and space. According to legend, these forces will destroy the city. However, at the predicted time, a third force invaded the fray. Ash can't stay away and steps in to save everyone again.

"Pokemon" 11th movie: "Giratina and the Sky Warrior"

In this film we learn about the battles of Palkia and Dialga, which became dangerous for the world. The waves generated by their battle distorted time and space. This greatly angered the Guardian of Distorted Time. Ash, Dawn, Brock and the "thankful Pokemon" Shaymin are forced to confront the extraordinary power of the Guardian. Friends are transported to a parallel world, where they are met by the unfriendly 70-kilogram Pokemon Giratina. Are the guys able to cope with all the enemies?

"Pokemon", 12th movie: "Arceus and the Pearl of Life"

The strongest Pokemon Arceus, angry at humanity, wants to destroy the planet. Nobody can handle him. Ash, Don and Brock decide to travel back in time to prevent a mistake. Arceus is presented with the lost Stone of Life, but the powerful Pokémon does not want to accept the gifts. Ash, his friends and the descendant of the offender Arceus will have to pacify the Pokemon in other ways.

Pokemon Arceus becomes the main character of the 12th film. Out of resentment for humanity, Arceus wants to destroy the planet

"Pokemon", 13th film: "Zoroark - Mistress of Illusions"

“Zoroark – Mistress of Illusions” is the thirteenth installment in the “Pokemon” series of feature-length cartoons. The 13th film contains a story about Ash and his friends' trip to the World Football Championship, in which Pokémon are participants. The championship takes place in the city of Crown, and on the way there the heroes encounter the Pokémon Zoruaia, who has lost his mother. The guys decide to help him find his parent, but suddenly strange things begin to happen: Pokemon have rebelled in the city. One problem less, one problem more – Ash is no stranger to dealing with difficulties.

Black and white

“Pokemon”, 14th film: “Black – Victini and Reshiram”, “White – Victini and Zekrom”

The two parts of the feature film focus on Victini, a unique Pokémon. The 14th cartoon tells the story of the People of the Valley, who are under the patronage of Victini, who brings happiness. A man named Damon is trying to restore the former power of this land and uses Victini and the Power of the Dragons Reshiram and Zekrom to do this. However, his calculations turn out to be wrong, and he almost kills Victini, Ash and Pikachu. Victini saves everyone, and Damon repents. Victini again spreads her power to the People of the Valley, makes the lands fertile and the people happy.

The 14th film “Black and White” tells about the People of the Valley, who are under the patronage of Victini

"Pokemon" 15th movie: "Kurem vs. Sword of Justice"

One of the main characters of this cartoon is Keldeo, a unicorn-like Pokemon. The 15th film follows his training from the Swordsmen of Justice and his loss to the formidable Pokémon Kyurem. Ash finds Keldeo, crippled after the battle. Poor Keldeo is diagnosed with a broken horn, but Kyurem doesn't want to leave his opponent alone. Keldeo will have to defeat the aggressor.

"Pokemon" 16th movie: "Genesect and the Legend Reborn"

A group of scientists artificially created ancient Pokemon and stuffed them with weapons to use for their own purposes. The Genesects did not appreciate such cooperation with people and broke free, where they met Mewtwo. Since the Genesects lived in the world, it has changed a lot, which causes them resentment. Ash, Iris, Cilan and Mewtwo must stop the destructive activities of the Genesects and find a home for them.


"Pokemon" 17th movie: "Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction"

The Heart Diamond has supported life in the Diamond Land for many years, but its resources are running out. Princess Diancie tries to create a similar diamond, but her attempts were unsuccessful. She will have to go in search of the Pokémon Zirnis, only he can save the country from extinction. Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are called to help the princess. Their path is full of enemies and dangers.

"Pokemon" 18th movie: "Huppa and the Age-Old Confrontation"

This full-length Pokemon film is the 18th and last to be released. The anime "Pokemon: Huppa and the Age-Old Confrontation" is dedicated to the Pokemon Huppa. He has unusual abilities - to copy Pokemon, things and people. Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie love this funny Pokemon. The film “Huppa and the Age-old Conflict” soon brings a surprise: in fact, inside the small, good-natured Huppa there is a bloodthirsty monster, which breaks out after opening the magic bottle. With the help of a good part of Huppa, the friends will have to create a team of powerful Pokemon to fight the huge villain. Which of their old friends will they call on and will the Pokémon Huppa survive?

The 18th and last of the Pokémon films released.

At the moment, the next part of “Pokemon”, the 19th in a row, is expected to be released. You can already find the trailer for the next full-length “Pokemon” on the Internet. The 19th film will be related to the series “XYZ” and will be released in 2016.


- The main character throughout all Pokemon seasons. The characters in the series tend to depend on Ash and his movements across regions, so he is the central figure of the series. Ash is a ten-year-old boy who dreams of becoming the greatest Pokémon trainer. He is active and brave in battle, but kind and gentle towards his friends and Pokémon. Ash is hardworking, persistent and honest, and can be described as an overall positive character. Ash's best friend is the Pokemon Pikachu, with whom he never leaves his side on any journey. Also among Ash's friends in the animated series "Pokemon" are the heroes Misty, Brock, May, Don, Iris, Serena, Cilan, Clemont and Bonnie.

Mistybest friend Esha, leader of Cerulean Stadium. He specializes in water Pokemon and loves to talk about them. Can't stand ghost Pokémon or insects. Hot-tempered, but quick-witted. Likes to put Brock in his place. She has a sisterly relationship with Ash, although in some episodes viewers saw sympathy between the characters, bordering on love. It was very difficult for Ash to part with Misty when they went their separate ways.

Brock- Ash's best friend, is the head of the stadium in Pewter. Brock is a romantic who pays a lot of attention to the pretty girls around him. He especially likes Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. Brock's Pokémon are interesting not only as combat units, but also as unique individuals. He states the importance of the bond between trainer and Pokémon. Brock travels with Ash until Season 13, when he decides to become a Pokémon doctor.

Professor Oak- A respected scientist in the Pokemon world. He gave Ash his first Pokémon and mentored the main character throughout many seasons of the series.

Harry Oak- grandson of Professor Oak, one of Ash's main rivals. Harry always managed to be ahead of Ash, so the main character decided to win against Harry at all costs. He succeeded only in the Johto League.

Throughout all seasons, Ash confronts the main villains - Team R

- the main villains of the Pokemon series. Characters included in Team Rocket: Jessie, James and their Pokémon. Their goal is to catch as many rare Pokemon as possible. They usually do this dishonestly, threatening the life and health of pocket monsters and all the people around them. They are especially eager to steal Pikachu from Ash. Usually Team R gets a decent rebuff, after which it comically retreats into tartarar. Jesse and James' boss is Giovanni, a former Pokémon trainer who turned to crime.

Music and songs about Pokemon

Pokemon's music borrows heavily from the games. The series' theme music was composed by Junichi Masuda and Shinji Miyazaki. According to Masuda, he wrote the Pokemon OST's music under the influence of the themes from the films Ben-Hur and The Bridge on the River Kwai. He was also inspired by the work of Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Chopin and some electronic music performers.

The most famous is the pathetic Pokemon song Pokemon Theme Song. It is performed in many languages, including Russian. The opening theme of "Pokemon" is sung from Ash's perspective about how he wants to become the best trainer and collect all the Pokemon. And although there were different musical designs in different seasons, the song about Pokemon from the original series was remembered most by the audience. There is also a very popular Pokemon song called PokeRAP, which lists all the Pokemon names. For those who want to listen to all the Pokemon songs, we can recommend finding collections of anime soundtracks that have been released on CD. "Pokemon" lyrics:

I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause.

I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside

Pokemon (Gotta catch 'em all)
It"s you and me
I know it's my destiny
(Oh) You"re my best friend
In a world we must defend

A heart so true

Gotta catch "em all, yeah
Gotta catch "em all, yeah

Every challenge along the way
With courage I will face
I will battle everyday
To claim my rightful place

Come with me the time is right
There's no better team
Arm and arm we"ll win the fight
It's always been our dream

Pokemon (Gotta catch 'em all)
It"s you and me
I know it's my destiny
(Oh) You"re my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon (Gotta catch 'em all)
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I"ll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch "em all, yeah

Pokemon (Gotta catch 'em all)
It"s you and me
I know it's my destiny
(Oh) You"re my best friend
In a world we must defend
Pokemon (Gotta catch 'em all)
A heart so true
Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I"ll teach you
Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all

Video games

Computer games about the Pokemon universe were published by Game Freak and then by Nintendo. Pokemon, a first-generation game, was available for the Nintendo console. Pokemon changed from issue to issue, their number increased. The first generation game Pokemon Red and Blue (Pokemon Red and Green in the original) was introduced in 1996, and features the interaction of 151 Pokemon. In the wake of the extraordinary popularity of the game, Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Yellow Special Pikachu Edition are released. The second generation of games includes Pokemon Gold and Silver, the sequel to 1999's Pokemon Red, as well as Pokemon Crystal. The third generation of the game was marked by the release of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen in the 2000s. Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Leaf Green are remakes of Pokemon Red.

The Pokemon Red and Blue video games were introduced in 1996.

The fourth generation of games includes games with 3D graphics Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon Platinum - an updated version of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver - remakes of the second generation, Pokemon Battle Revolution. The latest game, thanks to the Pokemon Revolution Online version, allowed you to exchange Pokemon over the Internet. The fifth generation includes Pokemon Black and White, as well as Pokemon Black 2 and White 2. The sixth: Pokemon X and Y, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, Pokemon Sun and Moon. Notable non-series games include: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Pokemon World Online, Pokemon League 17, Pokemon TCG, Pokemon Tower Defense, Pokemon Showdown, Pokemon Tournament, Pokemon Planet, Pokemon Ash Gray and Game for Pokemon Go mobile devices.

For those who want to play Pokemon Online, you can suggest playing Pokemon: Favorite Pets - a game in the spirit of Mario, completing the Pokemon: Mahjong puzzle, looking for legendary Pokemon in Catch Pokemon in the Forest, Catch a Pokemon ", "Find a Pokemon", "Searching for Pokemon", "Pokemon Catchers". In the company of Pokémon, you can participate in battles in the games “Pokémon Battle” and “Pokémon Defense of the Fortress.” For those looking for a Pokemon game for two, Pokemon Battles is usually recommended.


An impressive number of diverse gaming products have been created based on the Pokemon universe. The most popular is Pokemon Cards, a collectible card game in which everyone can feel like a Pokemon trainer. Colorful Pokemon cards contain information about a Pokemon, its fighting abilities and defense skills. This allows you to create real battles using the Pokemon TCG. In addition, those who like Pokemon, toys and anime about them will definitely appreciate collectible figurines, Pokeballs, stadium icons and Pokemon coloring books.

Pokemon Trading Card Game

Comics and manga

There are several comic and manga series based on the Pokemon games and anime. The manga Pokemon Pocket Monsters, released in 1997, was loved by Pokemon fans. The plot of the comics duplicates the plot of the series, but liberties and some differences are allowed. In addition, in the Pokemon manga, the names of the characters are changed, for example, Ash is called Red there. In general, Pokemon comics are made with humor, but there is a presence of cruelty compared to other projects. Interestingly, Satoshi Tajiri himself once said that he liked the Pokemon Adventures manga series more than the anime series. According to the creator of Pokemon, the comics better convey the essence of the Pokemon universe than the TV series.

Criticism and public perception

The Pokemon anime is known in more than 75 countries and has incredibly high television ratings. For example, the first full-length film about Pokemon, Mewtwo vs. Mew, is recognized as the highest-grossing medium of all anime films in the history of cinema. Anything that is overly popular always has the opposite effect, so the Pokémon series certainly has its fans and harsh critics.

During its existence, products based on the Pokemon universe have received a huge amount of critical reviews. The fanatical passion of players and spectators for Pokemon could not but cause a public response. As always, there were people who considered such enthusiasm dangerous. In particular, it is widely believed that cartoons and games about Pokemon have a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental state. As an argument, a case of a mass epileptic seizure that occurred after the 38th episode of season 1 of the Pokemon anime was shown on television. After watching the episode, 685 young viewers suffering from photosensitive epilepsy were hospitalized. The attack is believed to have been caused by flickering screen light.

Due to a “hazard to children's health,” the series has been officially banned in several countries. Thus, the Turkish Ministry of Health stated that “Pokemon” is propaganda of violence and false heroism. According to Turkish experts, anime about Pokemon can cause mental disorders in young viewers. The game was also sued for developing gambling addictions. For the same reason, Pokemon is banned in Arab states.

Information often appeared in the Russian press that “Pokemon” “zombifies” the brains of children. In particular, “Arguments and Facts” published statements by Elena Rusalkina, director of the Research Institute of Psychotechnologies, about the hypnosis of children in the 25th frame inserted into the animated series “Pokemon”. Representatives of the Russian government also speak disapprovingly of Pokemon-related products. The series and games received negative reviews from the deputy chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Defense Franz Klintsevich and the Minister of Communications and mass communications Nikolai Nikiforov. In their opinion, Pokemon games were created by intelligence agencies to collect video information.

Mass flash mob from Pokemon fans

Church representatives said that Pokemon games develop imagination and do not have any bad influence on children. But then their rhetoric changed. They were outraged by the evolutionary concept, and in contrast to the card game about Pokemon, they even released the game Christian Power Cards, where biblical characters appeared instead of pocket monsters. After the release of the game Pokemon Go, which included churches in its locations, a wave of indignation hit Pokemon. Some religious figures called the game “satanic,” others saw in it the propaganda of Freemasonry and Zionism. Pokemon game developers deny any hints of religion in the Pokemon games and anime.

Among other things, critics note that fanatical Pokemon fans can be dangerous to other people. For example, there are known cases when Pokemon Go players committed illegal actions: they broke into other people's houses, secret objects, participated in violence in order to catch a rare Pokemon, etc.

However, there are many positive reviews about the Pokemon games and cartoons. Many critics spoke in the spirit that this is a good children's series, which is also suitable for those who remain children at heart. Reviews of the anime often talk about the deep issues that Pokemon actually raises: responsibility for those you have tamed, humanity towards animals and people, loyalty, friendship, honesty, respect for nature. Critics talk about the series' good humor, as well as strong dramatic moments. Reviewers of Ogonyok found something good and eternal in Pokemon, and the authors Home computer“The series is highly praised for its lack of violence and death. Popularizers of Japanese animation refute the accusations against the series and claim that not a single living creature died in it.

Some psychologists praise Pokémon products for encouraging people with social anxiety and agoraphobia to step out of their comfort zones and interact with the world around them. In particular, this applies to the game Pokemon Go, in favor of which behaviorists spoke.

  • What does "Pokemon" mean? Of course, a “pocket monster”. However, initially these monsters were not called Pokemon, but kapumon - capsule monsters. The name "Pokemon" was proposed by Nintendo.
  • There are several localizations of the Pokemon anime. Russian-speaking viewers are familiar with the American version. Interestingly, in the Japanese version of Pokemon, Ash's name is Satoshi, after the creator of the Pokemon universe.

In the first edition, the name of the monsters sounded like “kapumons”

  • Since the release of the Pokemon games, they have been second only to Nintendo's Mario in popularity.
  • The very first Pokemon invented for games was Rhydon. That's why it appears so often in the drawings of early game developers.
  • The most popular Pokemon in the entire history of the franchise: charming Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, the dull Psyduck and Jigglypuff - a Pokemon that literally puts you to sleep with its singing.
  • The main character's best friend should not be Pikachu, but Clefairy. However, Pokémon Master Ash acquired Pikachu, since both girls and boys liked this Pokémon equally.
  • Games dedicated to the Pokemon universe have received the blessing of the Vatican.
  • Some characteristics of Pokémon are anatomically correct for real animals. For example, the appearance of Poliwag corresponds to that of an ordinary tadpole.
  • Ash and his friends do not grow up, although according to the time period of the anime, they have been traveling for more than 10 years. Satoshi Tajiri explained this feature by his reluctance to change the age audience, since Pokemon is primarily intended for children.
  • In the novel “Numbers,” Victor Pelevin interpreted the nature of the Pokémon Pikachu and Meowth, connecting the main characters of the work with him.
  • Have you ever wondered what the Pokemon Hitmonlee means or who it represents? The prototypes of Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, respectively.
  • In the world where Pokemon live, female trainers are not uncommon. The most popular Pokemon girls: Serena, Iris, Dawn, May, Jessie from Team R, Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, Ash's rival and Pokemon trainer Cynthia and, of course, Misty.
  • The world of Pokemon has affected such cartoons as “Robot Chicken”, “The Simpsons”, “South Park”, “Multi Reality”, where any images from the anime “Pokemon” or facts related to it are parodied.

Ash Ketchum is the main character of the animated series "Pokemon". Throughout all the seasons, Ash makes many friends, some of them become his companions. His ultimate dream is to become the greatest Pokemaster in the world. The first starting Pokemon, which he receives with great difficulty when he turns 10 years old from Professor Oak, is electric Pikachu.

As Ash begins his travels through new regions, he sees (sometimes briefly) legendary Pokémon, who thus “welcome” him to their territory. Thanks to this, Ash is the only character who is familiar with the largest number of legendary Pokemon. Although some residents of the regions through which Ash travels have never seen a single legendary Pokémon in their entire lives. So Ash is really very unique.


Ash in Kanto

It is in this region that his journey begins, because this is his native region. He receives his first Pokémon, Pikachu, and his first Pokédex from Professor Oak. And although the relationship did not work out, they subsequently become a friendly team. He is subsequently joined by Misty, whose bike accidentally destroyed Ash's Pikachu, and Brock, the gym leader from Pewter, who dreams of becoming the best Pokemon breeder. Together they follow the path of their dreams and try to achieve them. In this region, Ash gathers three starters who form the company of Pikachu. After collecting all 8 Kanto Region Badges, Ash competes in the Indigo League, but loses to his friend Richie.

Ash and Misty return to Palet Townise on a trip to the Orange Islands, and Tracy comes with them, who really wants to see Professor Oak. To their surprise, Brock soon arrives there too, showing obvious signs of a broken heart. Ash learns that Gari has gone to travel to the Johto region to participate in competitions, and Ash soon decides to go there as well. Misty and Brock go with him, and Tracy remains to work for Professor Oak. In addition, Professor Oak asks Ash to take the GS Ball to Johto to Poke Ball Master Kurt. This is how Ash and his friends end up in Johto, and Ash enters the fight for the Johto Champion Cup. Ash gathers three starters from this region. In competitions, Ash wins over his longtime rival, Gary, which helps the guys become friends and become best friends. But again he loses to his new friend Harrison in the quarterfinals. But seeing the surprise on Ash's face in battle when showing off his Pokémon, Garrison advised Ash to travel to Hoenn, where he was from.

Ash and Pikachu in Hoenn

Arriving in Hoenn, Ash met novice trainer-coordinator May, who receives her first Pokémon from Professor Birch. It turned out that May's father is the gym leader of Petalburg and that he also has a son named Max, who becomes May's younger brother. Soon Ash, May and Max will meet Brock and they will begin their journey through the Hoenn region. Team R is also in Hoenn, but there are still 2 criminal teams in this region who call themselves Team Magma and Team Aqua. Team Magma wants to capture the legendary Pokemon Groudon to dry up the region, and Team Aqua wants to capture the legendary Pokemon Kyogre to drown the region. Ash and his friends, as well as the Kanto champion Lance, were able to defeat these teams. Misty came to Hoenneshyo and released the evolved Togetic to protect Togepi. Ash received 8 badges and entered the Hoenn League. Ash defeated Morrison, but lost to Tyson, who was able to win the Hoenn Champion title. Ash entered the top 8 trainers and headed back home to Pallet Town. Before this, Ash said goodbye to May and Max, who went to Petalburg, and Brock went to Pewter.

Kanto Battle Line

In Veridian, Ash met Scott, who is looking for strong trainers to participate in the Kanto Battle Frontier. Scott invited Ash to participate, who agreed. Ash then arrived in Kanto, where he was met by Professor Oak, Delia Ketchum, Misty, Brock, Tracy, May, Max and Professor Birch. Ash, Misty, Brock, May and Max decided to start traveling across Kanto, while Tracy remained to work as Professor Oak's assistant. At the beginning of the journey, Misty was called by her sisters, because a very difficult situation was happening in the Cerulean gym. Misty said goodbye to her friends and went to Cerulean, while the others continued on their way. Team Rocket was still traveling after the heroes. Ash received 7 Battle Frontier symbols and became a champion. He was offered to become the head of the frontier, but he refused and continued on his way. Max heads back to Petalburg and May heads to Johto. Brock went to Pewter, and Ash went to Pallet Town with a victory. At home, Ash met his old rival Gary, who had been in the Sinnoh region all this time and decided to go there too. Ash left all his Pokémon with Professor Oak, taking only Pikachu. Well, Ash’s Aipom, who did not want to stay in Pallet Town, was able to get on the ship that Ash and Pikachu boarded. Team Rocket also went to Sinnoh.

Further his path lay in Sinnoh. He went there only with Pikachu and Aip, but soon he met Brokay again and met Dawn, the young coordinator. Aip also got in touch with Ash. In Harthome City, Ash met young coach Barry, whom they met more than once. And Dawn's friend coordinator Kenny. In Sinnoh he had many rivals, but the main one remained Paul, a trainer with a difficult character. Having collected 8 badges of the Sinnoh region, Ash entered the ranks of the Sinnoh League participants, and here he finally had a real chance to show his strength in the battle against his enemy - Paul. Ash was able to prove his strength and earn the respect of such a strong opponent. But Ash still didn’t get the Sinnoh League Cup; the winner was the experienced trainer Tobias with the legendary Pokemon Darkrai and Latios, which Ash’s team defeated both of, which no one had managed until that moment.

And after the Sinnoh League, the hero did not sit still for a long time. Soon, Professor Oak invited Ash and his mother to travel with him to the distant region of Unova, where the professor was invited to participate in scientific conferences. Ash liked the new region so much that he again decided to travel, catch new Pokemon and, of course, take part in the Unova League. Professor Juniper helped Ash when he had an overabundance of Pokemon, because Pokemon trainers could only have 6 Pokemon with them, so all of Ash's other Pokemon were looked after by Professor Juniper, who gave out starters to novice trainers in the Unova region. Along the way, he made friends with the girl Irisi, her Pokemon Axew, as well as one of the three gym leaders of Striaton Cilan, and he often encountered Bianca, who was always in a hurry somewhere and knocked Ash down, while he often found himself in the water. Ash's main rival was the novice but promising trainer Trip. One day, Ash won a battle with the champion of Unova, Elder, although it was not a very serious battle, because Eldor fell asleep. Ash is slowly but steadily moving towards his goal, recruiting a team of Unova Pokemon, again collecting three starters, won 8 badges, getting into the League. He also prevents Team R from seizing power in the region. Entered the 8th best players Unova Leagues. Loses in the quarter finals of the league to his new friend, due to Riolu's evolution into Lucario during the battle. The winner was his rescuer friend Virgil and Evie's team.

After losing in the Unova League, Ash heads to the Kalos region. In Kalos, he begins a new journey with Clemont, the leader of the Lumiose City gym, and his sister Bonnie. While in Santalune City, Ash meets aspiring trainer Serena, who came to the city after seeing Ash's desperate act to save Garchomp on TV. Sometime in childhood they met at Professor Oak's camp in Kanto. There is a hint of Serena's affection for Ash. Traveling through Kalos, Ash collects 8 badges to participate in the local Kalos League, meets many new friends, new Pokemon. In the League, Kalos takes 2nd place, losing to Alan. At the awards ceremony in Lumiose City, where the League was taking place, “Team Flash” attacks, unleashing a legendary Pokémon on the city, which they subjugated. Thanks to the support of Ash's friends, all the Kalos gym leaders, champions and Ash's Greninja, the threat is stopped.

Ash arrives with his mother to the new region of Alola on a trip won by Mr. Mime. On the island, Melemele enters a Pokemon school and begins to study; the director of this school, Samson Oak, is Professor Oak's cousin. The local legendary Pokemon gives Ash a Z-bracelet. Professor Kukui gave Ash a new Pokedex with Rotom, Pokedex-Rotom, which can talk and learn on its own, while self-updating its information base. At school, Ash makes new friends and classmates: Lily, Lana, Kayu, Mallow, Sophocles. There is also a bandit group called “Team Skull” in Alola, with whom Ash immediately entered into battle when he saw their unfair attitude towards other Pokemon trainers.


Ash in Kanto and Johto (seasons 1-5) Ash is the most recognizable Pokemon trainer. Ash has brown eyes and black hair. Before every trip to remote regions, his mother Delia Ketchum sews new clothes. Thus, in each region his appearance changes, but he always wears a cap with a visor.

Original series

In seasons 1-5, he wore a blue jacket with short white sleeves and a white collar, and yellow piping and the same buttons, pale blue jeans with light blue cuffs at the bottom, with a leather belt on which pokeballs are attached, and black and white sneakers with red dots. He wears a black T-shirt under his jacket and a green backpack on his back where he keeps his things. On his hands are green glovelettes (fingerless gloves) with a light green lapel, and on his head is the obligatory red and white cap with a green stylized "L" symbol. During a fight, he pulls the visor of his cap back.

In Seasons 6-9 in the Hoenn region, his clothing changes: the sleeves on his jacket become black and a light blue symbol appears on his stomach. The buttons on the jacket are still yellow, as is the trim on the bottom edge of the jacket. Pockets appear on the jeans, and the sneakers turn black and blue. The lovelettes became black with a green lapel, and the cap became red with a green symbol on a black background in front.

In seasons 10-13 in Sinnoh, his clothes change again.

In seasons 14-16 of Unova, he starts wearing different clothes. Jacket: top, collar and sleeves and pocket edging - blue, bottom - white, zipper on the jacket - yellow. Dark gray trousers with pockets. The sneakers are red and black. The lovelettes became black with a red lapel, and the cap became red and white with a blue symbol on a white background in front.

Since the 17th season of "X,Y&Z" in the Kalos region, his clothes have changed.

Since season 20 "Sun and Moon", Ash's clothes have changed again. Since he has a hot climate, he is now wearing a light T-shirt with blue and white stripes, no jacket, and no longer has a glovelet on his hands, but he has a Z-bracelet on his left hand. He also wears black capri pants with red trim at the bottom, blue sneakers with white trim, and a red cap with a blue visor.


Ash is a very energetic, open and determined person. As can be seen in every episode, he loves Pokemon, even showing sympathy for unfamiliar ones. Ash usually helps and supports the Pokémon he meets along his long journey. He is firm in battle with rivals, soft and affectionate with friends and Pokémon. Ready to fight anyone who challenges him. He is easily angered, but knows how to pull himself together when necessary. He is distinguished by his caring nature; he does not consider it shameful to inquire about the health of his opponent’s Pokémon after a battle. Ash is not the smartest or most outstanding trainer, however, he learns from his mistakes. He does not like to give up and tries to find a way out of even the most difficult situations. Sometimes he makes truly brilliant decisions. But still he often loses. Failures upset him, but not for long. Soon he is ready to go into battle again to prove his strength and the strength of his Pokémon. He cannot be called lazy; his hard work and perseverance can inspire anyone to train. Ash is also very honest - when he found out that his Pikachu had an overload, he immediately wanted to return the won badge to Mr. Watson. He can also get a little proud if he wins often

He is a role model for many people, such as May, Dawn, N, Serena, Sawyer, etc. Ash is generally kind, compassionate and brave, but can be stubborn, short-tempered, impatient, cocky, impulsive and reckless at times. Quite athletic, enjoys learning other styles of training: dance, ninja style, etc.

Since entering the Pokémon School in the Alola region, Ash has shown more enthusiasm, but also shows more maturity and a higher level of skill in battle than in Kalos, while maintaining his determination and love for Pokémon. In addition, he is shown to be more emotional and grimacing.

Ash's companions

Ash had many friends on each of his journeys, but there are the main ones who became his companions, with whom he spent a lot of time, overcame obstacles and made his dreams come true:

Misty is the Gym Leader of Cerulean, in the Kanto region in the city of Cerulean City. Big fan of water Pokemon. Ash stole her bike while trying to save Pikachu. And she clung to him, pestering him with her bicycle. But later she became his friend. Parting with her was the hardest thing for Ash, since she is Ash's first friend from the very beginning of his travels. In the cartoon "The Power of the Chosen One" there is a hint of a love relationship between Misty and Ash.

Brock is the head of the stadium in Pewter. He dreamed of traveling, but could not leave his younger brothers and sisters. But when his father returned, he went traveling with Ash. They broke up in season 13, as Ash went on to travel, and Brock decided to become a poke doctor.

Tracy Skichit is a Poké Observer who met Ash in the Orange Islands. After traveling in the orange islands with Ash and Misty, he became Professor Oak's assistant in his laboratory. Loves to sketch Pokemon.

May is a coordinator who met Ash in Hoenn when he burned her bike. After traveling to Hohenne, she continued her adventure in Kant with Ash, then left alone to travel to Johto with new friends and rivals - Drew( main rival and friend), with whom (in the anime series) something similar to mutual sympathy is shown, and Harley (a frequent rival in competitions).

Max is May's younger brother, he is very well-read and, despite the fact that his age does not yet allow him to be a Pokemon trainer, he knows more about them than his sister. Traveled with Ash and his sister to the Hoenn region.

Dawn is a coordinator and Ash's companion in Sinnoh, whose bike was also burned by Ash's Pikachu. After traveling in the league, she remained in Sinnoh and became a top coordinator. There are hints of her attraction to Ash and Kenny (childhood friend).

Iris is a girl from the dragon village who dreams of becoming a dragon master, traveling with Ash throughout Unova. Met with Ash when he wanted to catch her with a Pokeball (unintentionally). She became an excellent companion for Ash, very diligently supporting him in battles. They broke up in season 16 because Iris decided to go to the dragon gym in Johto.

Cilan is a Gym Leader in Unova and Ash's companion. An excellent cook and connoisseur of Pokemon, detective stories, fishing, and the subway. The strongest of the 3 Gym Leader brothers. We broke up with Ash in season 16, as Cilan went to travel to Hoenn to hone his appreciative skills.

Serena is Ash's companion in the Kalos region. She met Ash at Professor Oak's camp in Kanto. Ash helped Serena get up when she fell and injured her knee and gave Serena his scarf, which she kept as a memory of Ash. In love with Ash when they broke up, Serena kissed Ash.

Clemont is Ash's companion in the Kalos region. The Gym Leader of Lumius City, a great guy who dreams of becoming as strong and brave as Ash when he saw his selfless rescue of Pikachu and Garchomp. A genius of science, although he has to admit that his inventions do not work, this is not so - they all work, but break down for one reason or another.

Bonnie is Ash's companion in Kalos, as well as Clemont's younger sister. Due to not being old enough, she is not eligible to own Pokémon, but for this she has an older brother who catches Pokémon for her and then saves them for her 10th birthday. He is relentlessly looking for a girl for his brother, which really bothers his brother.


On his way, Ash caught a lot of Pokemon. Many of them went with him of their own free will, as they liked the kind coach with a warm heart. Ash has his own approach to working with Pokemon. For example, unlike Garion, he is not a collector and does not try to catch every Pokemon that catches his eye, and is not as picky as Paul, who keeps only the strongest Pokemon for himself, believing that the rest are not worthy of working under his command.

Ash's Pokémon from generations 1 to 6 (which were with him, since a trainer can only keep 6 Pokémon with him at a time)

Ash takes care of each of his Pokémon without singling anyone out. His training is long and intense, but he never overdoes it and knows when to give his Pokémon a rest. Sometimes the Pokémon themselves additionally train on the sly so as not to let their trainer down. Ash is also distinguished by the fact that he rarely allows the Pokemon to train alone, and he directly takes part in the training, performing exactly the same exercises as the Pokemon. Ash's special approach earns him the love and loyalty of his Pokémon, and they rarely envy Pikachu. Ash would never leave a Pokémon in trouble, even if it wasn't his Pokémon. His main trump card in battles has always been his good relationships with Pokémon. Ash loves all his Pokemon and is ready to do anything stupid for them. And the Pokémon answer him in kind, despite fatigue, pain and fear, for the sake of their trainer they go into any battle and unquestioningly obey their trainer, no matter what orders he gives them.

Pikachu is an electric mouse Pokemon. The first Pokémon Ash received. Appears with Ash in every episode throughout all seasons. Pikachu is more than just a Pokemon to Ash. He is his friend and comrade! At first, the friendship did not work out, but when Pikachu saw how Ash was protecting him from a flock of Spearows, he took a liking to Ash and they became friends. Ash is always very worried about Pikachu. Pikachu is the only Pokemon that Ash took on all his travels and never left for the keeping of Professor Oak. In episode 39 "Goodbye Pikachu", Ash was ready to leave Pikachu with his relatives in the forest, but Pikachu decided to continue the journey with a trainer. Ash and Pikachu were faced with the choice of evolving into Raichu using the lightning stone, since Raichu is much stronger than Pikachu. But Pikachu always refused evolution, preferring intensive training to the easy path. At the moment, Pikachu is traveling with Ash to different regions. Pikachu ♂

Caterpie is a Bug-type Caterpillar Pokémon and the first Pokémon Ash caught. Ash loved him very much. Evolved in episode 3 into Metapod, and then into Butterfree, the Butterfly Pokemon (he dreamed of it). Thanks to its pollen, it became Ash's second favorite Pokémon. In the series "Battle on board St. Anna" it was exchanged for Reticate, but then returned. In the episode "Goodbye Butterfree!" Ash released Butterfree so the Pokémon could start a family.

Caterpie → Metapod → Butterfree♂

The second Ashepokémon caught. Was caught in the episode "Ash Catches a Pokemon!". He was Ash's faithful companion. In the series "Panic in the Pallet" he evolved into Pidgeot. He wanted to protect Pidgey and Pidgeotto. Ash promised to come back for him someday.

Pidgeotto → Pidgeet♂

Was captured by Ash in the episode "Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village" as one of the Pokémon of the Hidden Village. Although initially he was afraid of Ash, but then the trainer liked him and challenged him to a duel. Using Pikachu, Ash defeated Bulbasaur and it was captured. Slightly grumpy, but overall a good-natured Pokemon. I was with Ash the longest. In the series "The Secret Garden of Bulbasaur" he abandoned evolution. In the episode "Bulbasaur! Ambassador of Peace!" was sent to Professor Oak's laboratory. Bulbasaur♂

Ash's fifth Pokémon. Charmander's trainer abandoned him, but Ash managed to save him. I went with him. He was one of the most powerful Pokemon on the team. Evolving into Charmilion and then Charizard, they caused Ash a lot of problems. And only in the episode “Charizard Freezes” did he begin to obey Ash. He wanted to become stronger in the Charizard Valley, where he stayed to train with his peers and became stronger. Subsequently, Charizard returned to Ash more than once to help him in difficult battles. In Unova, Ash regained Charizard and after traveling to the Decolor Islands, Ash gave Charizard to Professor Oak's laboratory.

Charmander → Charmeleon → Charizard♂

He was the leader of a gang of squirtles. He developed a sincere sympathy for Ash when he protected him from bombs. Subsequently, he went with him and helped him in every possible way (thus Ash became the owner of all the starters in his region). Soon I decided to return to my squirtle friends in the firefighting team. Squirtle ♂

Krabby was caught seventh. Since the trainer was only supposed to have six Pokémon with him, he was teleported to Professor Oak's laboratory. Used it in the Water Arena in the first League battle, and it was there that it evolved into Kingler. Ash used it throughout his time in the League. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Krabby → Kingler ♂

Ash got it as a result of an exchange. Ash exchanged Butterfree for Raticate, but then he returned Butterfree to himself again, and gave Raticate to his owner. Raticate♂

caught eighth in the series Primeape went crazy! He evolved into a bastard who was angered by Team R. His relationship with Ash did not go well, but in the series "Battle Pokemon" Ash caught him when the primeape flew out of the ring. Then primeape began to obey him and won the fight. He was given to Anthony so that he could raise him to become a champion. Primeape♂

was caught ninth, in the series "The Strange Attraction of Magnemite". He loved to hug. Ash used it in the Grass Arena. Ash also used it in the Mysterious Beast series. Despite his creepy appearance, he is very friendly. Now in the laboratory of Professor Oak.Mac ♂

Ash caught as many as 30 of these Hummocks in the Safari Zone. They constantly got into his pokeball. Used one of the Toros in the fight against Drake. Now they are all in Professor Oak's laboratory. Toros ♂

Orange Islands

Was caught by Ash in the episode "The Lost Lapras". More precisely, Ash gained his trust. For the most part, it served as a transport, but Ash used it in fights against Sissy and Danny. Also used it in the final battle. In the episode "Goodbye, Lapras" he released him to his relatives. Lapras ♂

Snorlax - was caught by Ash on one of the orange islands when he devoured the entire crop of the local residents with terrifying speed. When he is awake, he always eats; the rest of the time he often sleeps soundly. Due to the fact that it was difficult to feed him, he was almost immediately sent to the laboratory to the professor. Often helps Ash in League battles, Gyms and competitive competitions. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Snorlax♂

Heracross is the first Pokemon obtained in Johto. I tagged along with Ash myself. It was used often. True, Heracross was often distracted by tree sap. He also sometimes quarreled with Bulbasaur. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Heracross♂

Chikorita is the second Pokemon obtained in Johto. She was very stubborn and therefore followed Ash. And she even fawned over him and at first was jealous of him for Pikachu. However, the jealousy went away after the events in "Chikorita's Sorrow". In the fourth season, she evolved into Bayleef. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Chikorita → Bayleaf♀

Cyndaquil - was found by Ash when he was running away from Team Rocket. Caught while saving him. He used it many times even though it took time to warm up. Evolved into Quilava. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Cyndaquil → Quilava♂

Totodile is one of the most agile Pokemon. Ash caught it with a special Pokeball and then fought Misty for it. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.Totodile♂

Noctowl is an owl Pokémon, caught by Ash in the episode "Bird's Fun". More precisely, he himself followed him, because. Ash saved him from Team Rocket. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Noctowl ♂

Beedrill is a poisonous wasp pokemon, Ash received Beedrill in a competition to catch insect pokemon. After the victory, Ash gave Beedrill to Casey. Beedrill ♂

Fanfi hatched from an egg that Ash received for winning the Pokemon race. Later evolved into Donphan. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Egg → Fanfi → Donphan ♂

Tailou is the first Pokémon caught in the Hoenn region. Despite the fact that the typical advantage was not on his side, he continued to fight until he was completely exhausted and caught. Soon evolved into Swallow. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Tailow → Swellow ♂

Treecko is the second Pokémon, a tree gecko, caught by Ash in the Hoenn region. A strong Pokemon that fights to the last. He is very worried about his defeats, which become an incentive for him to train more. During the fight, he evolved into Grovyle at the same time as his opponent. Later evolved into Sceptile. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Treecko → Grovyle → Sceptile ♂

Corphish is the third Pokémon Ash caught in the Hoenn region. An extremely hot-tempered Pokemon, which sometimes even gets to Ash. Often clashes with Trico and his evolutionary forms. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Corphish ♂

Torcol is also a Pokémon from the Hoenn region. Differs in a high degree of emotionality. Almost any event makes him shed tears in two streams. Now in the laboratory of Professor Oak.Torkol ♂

Snorunt is a Pokémon caught by Ash in "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, let it Snorunt". He stole Ash's badges. Ash didn't get the badges back because... the Pokemon didn't want to part with him. He did not like to listen to Ash, he himself came out of the pokeball and froze everyone around him. He couldn't control the ice beam attack. However, when Team Rocket once again tried to catch Pikachu, Snowrunt protected him by exposing himself to a powerful blow from a psychic beam. At this point, it evolved into Glaley and was able to master its attacks, and was also used by Ash in the Hoenn League. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Snorunt → Gleyly ♂

Battle Frontier

Aipom is a Pokemon who met Ash because of games, or rather, taking away a cap. Ash left all the Pokemon with Professor Oak before traveling to the Sinnoh region, but Aipom followed (climbed onto the ship). Subsequently, he was exchanged for Bwizel Dawn, because Aipom wanted to participate in competitions, and Bwizel in competitions. Aipom ♂

Starly is the first Pokemon caught in the Sinnoh region. Evolved into Staravia. Later - in Staraptor. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Starly → Staravia → Staraptor

Tortwig is the second Pokemon caught in the Sinnoh region. In season 11, he evolved into Grotle. Evolved to its final form - Torterra. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Tortvig → Grotle → Torterra♂

Chimchar was originally Paul's Pokemon, but he considered it too weak and released it into the wild. At the same moment, Ash invited him to become a member of his team and he agreed. Later he was able to prove that he was very strong by winning many fights. Evolved into Monferno, and later to its final form, Infernape. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Chimchar → Monferno → Infernape♂

Buizel was originally Dawn's Pokémon, but since he was more interested in ordinary fights than competitions, while Ash's Aipom, on the contrary, was interested in competitions, Ash and Dawn decided to exchange Pokémon. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Buizel ♂

Gleiger - caught in the episode "Travel with a Tailwind." Soon evolved to Glaiskor. Left by Ash for training with the famous “king of air combat” at the request of Glaiskor himself. But now in Professor Oak’s laboratory.

Gleiger → Gleiskor♂

Gible is Ash's first dragon-type Pokémon, he caught it, but Barry, his friend, wanted to catch it too. In his first match, Gible lost to Empoleon Barry. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Gible ♂

Pidav - the first Pokemon in the Unova region evolved into Tranquil, and in the battle for the 6th badge it evolved into Anfazent. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Pidav → Tranquil → Anfasent♀

Oshawott - appeared out of nowhere and saved Ash and Iris from an attack by Team R. It turned out that it was a starting Pokemon from the laboratory. Ash was jealous of Pikachu and even sometimes came out of the pokeball himself to remind himself. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Oshawott♂

Tepig - previously belonged to another coach, who considered him weak and abandoned him. After Ash found him, he became one of the main members of the team. He later encountered his former trainer and evolved into Pignite. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Tepig → Pignite ♂

Snivy is one of Ash's strongest Pokémon according to Trip. Ash caught her with a Pidav because... Snivy knows "temptation". Now in Professor Oak's laboratory. Snivy ♀

Scraggy is a molting lizard Pokemon that is both Fighting and Dark-type, hatched from an egg. Part of Scraggy's body is covered with rough leather, which he continually pulls up like pants to reduce the amount of damage in battle. Due to the fact that Scraggy is a dark type, it remains the only fighting Pokemon invulnerable to psychic attacks. Has a very strong skull, his favorite attack is a headbutt. Frequently fought with Axew Iris. Unova trainer Katerina wanted to trade Scraggy from Ash, but Ash did not agree. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Egg → Scraggy ♂

Sevadl - caught in the forest. In the battle for 3, the Scarlipid badge evolved into Swadlun, and later into Livanni.

Sevaddle → Swadlun → Livanni ♂

Palpitod - caught at the lake when Ash was looking for a healing herb to help the Pokemon that were attacked by Fungus.Palpitod♂

Rogenrolla - eventually evolved into Boldora. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Rogenrolla → Boldore♂

Sandile is a ground and dark type Pokémon that eventually evolved into Krokorok, and later into the final form of Krookodile. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Sandile → Krokorok → Krookodile♂

Froakie - first appeared in episode 1 of season 17, where he protected Ash's Pikachu from Team P. As it turned out later, he was one of the starters, and later decided to join Ash. The first Pokemon caught in the Kalos region. In episode 4 of season 18, he evolved into Frogadier. Later, in episode 7 of season 19, he evolved into Greninja. Now in Kalos he helps the legendary Pokémon of order remove the remains of danger underground, because... Ash's Grenin is the only one who sees them.

Froakie → Frogadier → Greninja♂

Flechling is the second Pokémon caught in Kalos. He was caught by Ash during a battle with Froakie, and later in one of the episodes he evolved into a fletchinder. And then, until his final form, Taillonflame (fire and flying type), in episode 37 of season 18, when Ash and friends were in danger, he protected them with himself from the legendary Moltres. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Flechling → Flechinder → Tylonflame♂

Howlucha is the third Pokemon that Ash has caught in this region. He helped Kholucha master the flying press, after which he voluntarily agreed to travel with him. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.


Gummi - caught by Ash in Season 18, Episode 7, "Sticky Acquaintance." The heroes found him in poor condition. This is Ash's second dragon-type Pokémon. The weakest of the dragon Pokemon. He is very good friends with Dedenne and Pikachu. In episode 13 of season 18 - he evolved into Sligo, and subsequently in episode 17 of season 18 he evolved into Goodra and was released by Ash to his old friends in episode 22 of season 18.

Gummy → Sliggu → Goodra ♂

Noibat - the Pokemon egg that Holucha found in episode 28 of season 18 turned out to be Noibat's egg. Ash's third dragon-type Pokemon, at first did not know how to fly, he was taught by Flechinder and Halucha. Because Ash was the first person Noibat saw, and he thought that Ash was his parent and trusted only him. In the 17th episode of the 19th season, when Kholucha was in danger, he evolved into Noivern. Now in Professor Oak's laboratory.

Egg → Noibat → Noivern ♂

Rowlet is Ash's very first grass-type and flying-type Pokémon in the Alola region, caught in episode 4 of season 20.

Rowlet ♂

Rotom Pokédex is an electric-type Pokémon that has entered the Alola Pokédex. It was given to Eshu by Professor Kukui.

Rotom Pokédex♂

Rockruff is a rock-type Pokémon. It originally lived with Professor Kukui, after which it was caught by Ash.

Rockruff ♂

Litten is a Fire-type and the third Pokémon Ash caught in the Alola region.

Litten ♂


Gary Oak is Ash's main rival. Previously, there was no particular enmity between them, but Ash set himself the task of winning against him no matter what. Ash fought him in the Johto League and won. After this, the enmity between them completely exhausted itself.

Team "R" are Ash's main enemies, because... they are constantly trying to steal Pikachu. He's already pretty tired of them.

Harley is not exactly Ash's rival, but he has often deceived them all, especially May. Harley is always trying to mess with May and sometimes collaborates with Team R to do this.

Drake is one of Ash's strongest opponents. Ash defeated him with difficulty.

Team Aqua are the opponents of Ash and his friends in the Hoenn region. They are busy trying to steal from archaeological sites. This team competes with Team Magma.

Team Magma is also Ash's opponents in the Hoenn region. Just like the Aqua team, they steal where archaeological excavations are taking place. They conflict with the Aqua team, because... they have similar interests.

Paul is Ash's main opponent in Sinnoh. They are called two sides of the same coin, they are very similar in their aspirations, but differ in their approach to them. From the first meeting they hated each other, but after Ash's victory over him he began to respect him.

Team Galaxy are Ash's enemies in the Sinnoh region. Ash stumbles upon them along with Team Rocket. They are trying to find a way to the sharp pillar. Defeated in season 12.

Trip is a ten-year-old boy who wants to defeat the champion of the Unova League, Elder. He has already beaten Ash many times (one fight ended in a draw), but only lost to him in the Unova League.

Team Plasma is Ash's opponents in the Unova region. Later, they become enemies for Team R. They try, using an unusual device to capture the minds of Pokemon, to subjugate the legendary Pokemon Reshiram. With the help of an unusual young man, En, and, oddly enough, Team Rocket, they defeat Team Plasma in Season 16.

Team Flash is a villainous team in the Kalos region.

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