The heroes of the work are Timur and his Gaidar team. “Timur and his team” (main characters) Literary hero Timur and his team

Year of writing: 1940

Genre: story

Main characters: Zhenya And Timur– teenagers, Olga– Zhenya’s sister


In a holiday village near Moscow, the guys organized secret assistance to the families of military personnel; their commander is Timur, the nephew of Captain Garayev. Olga and Zhenya, daughters of Colonel Alexandrov, who is at the front at that moment, come to the dacha.

The guys do a lot of good things, but there is also Mishka Kvakin’s gang, which robs the gardens and vegetable gardens of local residents. There is irreconcilable hostility between the guys.

Olga, without understanding, accuses Timur of many sins and forbids her sister to be friends with him, but Zhenya really likes the honest and brave boy, who, moreover, provides her with enormous services.

And finally, Timur, at the risk of being severely punished, takes the girl on a motorcycle to Moscow to the station for a short meeting with her father. After this, all secrets are revealed. And Captain Garanin receives a summons to the front, and he is escorted out by the entire village.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Timur was an ideal for children of several generations, today there is also a “Timur movement” - selfless help to older people. You can’t do everything just for money and gifts; the main thing in human relationships is mutual assistance.

Genre: short story

pages 112



Arkady Gaidar lived in the Russian Empire, in the city of Lvov.

Main characters:



Olga (Zhenya's sister)

Doctor Kolokolchikov


Mishka Kvakin



Georgy Garayev (Timur's uncle)

Alexandrov (father of Zhenya and Olga)


1)Meeting of Timur and Kvakin
2) Races at the gate
3)Scenes with the woodpile
4) Delivery of an ultimatum
5) Receiving a response to an ultimatum
6) Capturing the gang
7) Arrest of the gang
8) Conversation between Timur, Figure and Kvakin


The main characters of Gaidar's story "Timur and His Team" are a group of boys and 2 daughters of a Soviet military leader, Zhenya and Olga. They move to a holiday village, where the youngest Zhenya discovers that on their site in an abandoned barn there is a meeting place for the boys of the village, whose activities well organized by the leader Timur Garayev. It turned out that they were not busy with the usual entertainment for boys, hooliganism, but helping the relatives of those who were drafted into the Red Army.
Zhenya gets involved in the activities of the “organization”. Her older sister Olga believes that she got involved with hooligans and in every possible way forbids Zhenya to communicate with Timur and his team. Olga, meanwhile, begins to befriend the “engineer” Georgy, who in fact turned out to be a tanker and Timur’s uncle.
Timurites provide assistance to the relatives of those who served in the army, protecting their gardens from thieves, carrying water, and searching for missing pets. They decide to give a decisive battle to a gang of hooligans who are robbing residents’ gardens. Attempts to resolve the issue peacefully were unsuccessful and Timur’s men defeated the hooligans in hand-to-hand combat. The hooligans were captured and locked in a booth in the central square of the village.
The story “Timur and His Team” ends with Timur taking Zhenya to meet his father on his uncle’s motorcycle. Olga understands that Timur is not a hooligan at all, and Zhenya is also doing useful things.

Lesson on the topic: A. Gaidar’s story “Timur and his team”

It’s not my extraordinary biography, but my extraordinary time. An ordinary biography in an extraordinary time.

A. P. GaidarLesson objectives:

    formation of moral ideals;

    to develop in students the ability to analyze the actions of the characters, to comprehend the moral and aesthetic content of the story; education of reading culture;

    formation and development of responsibility, humane relations with comrades, feelings of patriotism.

1. Today we have a general lesson on the work of A. Gaidar, based on his work “Timur and his team.” This work was published in 1940, but even today in 2015, when 75 years have passed, we were interested in reading it .
Arkady Gaidar worked for the future and always addressed children in his books. For him, the guys were not only readers and heroes of his stories, but also faithful comrades with whom he joked, laughed and talked seriously. The guys loved Gaidar for his gentle voice, good-natured laugh, and because he knew how to talk to them as equals. If his little friends were in trouble, Arkady Gaidar always came to their aid.

2. Let's turn to the story.

    Who are the main characters of the story (Zhenya and Timur)

    Let's remember how they met?

    Who in the story is opposed to Timur and his team? (Mishka Kvakin and his gang)

    Why do we contrast these heroes? (they do different things)

    What problems worry Timur and his team? (Apples are stolen, the goat is missing, the girl is crying)

    What are they doing to solve these problems? (help)

    Who do Timur and his team help? (To everyone who needed)

    Let's remember one by one who they help? (Carry water, stack firewood)

    How do they determine who needs help? (whose relatives were at the front)

    How did they flag those who needed help? (A star was drawn on the gate or wicket)

    Let's determine what qualities the main characters had

Zhenya is stubborn




Timur - brave



We have noted with you the qualities that our heroes possess, but there is one more quality that can be attributed to both Zhenya and Timur. But in order to name this quality, you need to solve the crossword puzzle.

    What word did you come up with (NOBILITY)

    Let's check how you solved the crossword puzzle.

    Now let's turn to Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, which explains this word as follows:

NOBILITY, -a, cf. 2. High morals, dedication and honesty.

Show nobility in something.
generosity, dignity, honesty; greatness of soul, morality, sublimity, selflessness, moral greatness, nobility

    Now let’s remember, which of the heroes of the story was a little lacking in nobility? (To Kolya Kolokolchikov: he ate 4 ice creams without sharing with his younger sister)

. At what age did A.P. Gaidar go to the front? (At 14 years old.)

2. At what age did A.P. Gaidar command the regiment? (In 17 years.)

3. In what year was the story “Timur and his team” written? (In 1940.)

4. What is the name of Timur, the main character of the story “Timur and his team.” (Garaev.)

5 What are the last names of Zhenya and Olga. (Alexandrovs.)

6. Name the military rank and military position of Olga and Zhenya’s father.

(Colonel, armored division commander.)

7. What is the name of Timur’s dog? (Rita.)

8. What musical instrument did Zhenya’s sister Olga play?

(On accordion.)

9. With whom was Timur going to repair the wires that Zhenya had cut?

(With Kolya Kolokolchikov.)

10. What did Timur’s team send to Kvakin’s gang? (Ultimatum.)

11. What toy did Zhenya amuse the little girl with? (Hare.)

12. What is the name of Kvakina Figure’s assistant? (Peter Pyatakov.)

13. Where did Kvakin’s gang lock up the guys who came for an answer to the ultimatum? (In the chapel.)

14. Where did the guys from Timur’s team lock up the captured guys from Kvakin’s gang?

(In a booth on the edge of the market square.)

15. On what and with whom does Zhenya come to Moscow to meet his father?

(On a motorcycle with Timur.)

16. What time was Zhenya and Olga’s father supposed to leave? (At three o'clock.)

17. Who organized the guys to see George off? (Zhenya.)

III. Conversation based on the story by A.P. Gaidar “Timur and his team.” “I’m writing something new. There’s one thing here. It’s funny what I’m doing there,” Gaidar said unexpectedly during a conversation that had been going on until that moment on a completely different topic. “There I have this... you know, the colonel, the father, is leaving. He’s going to the station. and his daughter asks him: “Are you traveling in a soft carriage?”? » He says:“In a soft one...” And he is, in fact, traveling with me in an armored train...” This is what L. Kassil said about the beginning of the creation of the story.1. The story begins with the fact that the daughters of Colonel Alexandrov

come on vacation to a holiday village near Moscow.

What happened to Zhenya before she got to her dacha?

2. Zhenya finds a “headquarters” in the attic of an old barn.

What was Zhenya doing in the attic and what happened then?

3. Zhenya meets Timur and his friends, learns about their good deeds. The team was not formed today or yesterday; the boys have everything worked out down to the smallest detail. We can only guess how many good deeds they did completely unselfishly, harmoniously, and amicably. In the story, Gaidar shows us one day of the team, which begins early in the morning.

Tell us about the tasks the guys perform.

a) helping an old woman with thrush;

b) stacking firewood;

c) catching a goat;

d) playing with a little girl.

4. Humor in the story.

Tell us about the episodes that made you smile (the return of a goat with a plywood poster attached to its horns; the old milkmaid decided to fill the barrel; the blanket was pulled off the sleepy gentleman Kolokolchikov).

Timur's people do good deeds not for themselves and not for their glory. Remember how they did their business? (so that no one would see. Secretly. They did not want to be known about them, they did not seek fame for themselves.)

Yes, the Timur movement will remain, because there are always people who need help, and there are people who help. And in our school there were children who helped the elders: they removed snow, chopped firewood, and stacked it.

In Russia, the memory of A. Gaidar is immortalized, there are Gaidar museums, city streets bear his name

VIII. Homework.

Write an essay on the topic: “Are Timur’s men needed now?”

What were the main characters of the story Timur and his team, you will find out by reading this article.

"Timur and his team" is a story written in 1940 by A.P. Gaidar for children of middle school age. And, as in every story, there are main and secondary characters.

“Timur and his team” Gaidar main characters

Among the main characters of the story are:

  • Timur. This hero of Gaidar's story was decisive, brave and courageous. This is what they call a “true pioneer.” He created a detachment of guys who helped local residents with economic matters. Timur and his team take military families under their protection. They are responsible for order. Therefore, we can conclude that Timur is a responsible person, a loyal and reliable friend, as well as a good comrade. Throughout the entire story, he fights against the gang of Kvakin, a local hooligan. This means that the young man also has such qualities as honesty and justice.
  • Zhenya. This is a 13-year-old girl and she was the daughter of a Red Army commander. The heroine loves her sister Olya and her father very much. She came to the dacha with her older sister. Zhenya has a brave and lively character. Having met Timur, she began to treat him with respect and warmed to the useful activities that the guys were engaged in. The girl becomes a member of the team and tries to help in all matters.
  • Garayev. He is Timur's uncle and is raising the boy. Garayev proved himself to be a responsible and determined young man. He is an engineer by profession. However, the character has a wonderful voice, so he plays in the local theater. Seeing Zhenya's older sister, Olga, Georgy Garayev falls in love with her. But, having received a summons to serve in the army, the hero goes to the front as a captain of tank forces.
  • Olga. Together with her younger sister Zhenya, her father, Colonel Alexandrov, sends his daughter to a dacha near Moscow. She is 18 years old and she is raising Zhenya: she often scolds her for her pranks and pranks, but at the same time she sincerely loves her sister. With her honesty and justice, she makes the other main character, Georgy Garayev, fall in love with her. When he received the summons, she and Timur’s team (she didn’t treat Timur very well at first) escorted George to the front.
  • Mikhail Kvakin. This hero also had his own team, but it caused local residents a lot of trouble. The chieftain of the hooligans was engaged in devastation of gardens and vegetable gardens. Despite the fact that Mikhail Kvakin is a negative character, he was a thinking and smart guy, sometimes honest and fair. By the end of the story, he realized that his team was doing ugly things and becoming an enemy of Soviet power. But the reader has hope that the hero will grow up to be a real person.

We hope that from this article you learned which characters were the main characters of the story by A.P. Gaidar.

Title of the work: "Timur and his team."

Number of pages: 112.

Genre of the work: story.

Main characters: Timur, friend Zhenya, Olga - Zhenya's sister, Mishka Kvakin, uncle Georgy Garayev.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Timur- kind, sympathetic and resourceful.

He is an example for many boys.

Fair and honest.

True friend.

Zhenya- cunning, dexterous and resourceful.


She defended Timur in the eyes of her sister.

Olga- elder sister.

Strict and reasonable.

I didn’t believe that Timur was a good boy.

Brief summary of the story "Timur and his team" for the reader's diary

Teenager Timur lives in a small village near Moscow.

He is the eminent nephew of Captain Garayev.

In his home village, the guy and his friends create secret assistance for military families.

Zhenya and Olya, daughters of Colonel Alexandrov, come to the village’s dacha.

Their father was at the front at that time.

The guys create secret help and do a lot of good deeds.

However, Mishka Kvakin’s gang is also operating in the village at this time.

His guys rob vegetable gardens, orchards and steal the households of local residents.

Enmity ensues between Timur and Mishka, but Timur manages to teach a lesson and drive away the pranksters.

Olga was less inclined towards Timur and often accused him of all sins.

Because of this, she forbids her sister to be friends with him.

However, Zhenya likes a brave, fair and sympathetic guy.

One day the girls receive a telegram saying that their father will only be in Moscow for a few hours.

Zhenya misses the train when he sees this telegram.

But Timur volunteers to help her, and takes the girl to a meeting in Moscow on a motorcycle.

Upon returning home, the guys find Garayev in uniform and escort him to the front with all the kids.

Timur’s mother comes and takes him away.

Plan for retelling the story "Timur and his team" by A. Gaidar

1. Colonel Alexandrov is leaving for the front.

2. Zhenya and Olga go to the dacha.

3. Zhenya gets lost in the village and falls asleep at someone else’s dacha.

4. Shot from a pistol and meeting Timur.

5. Timur's team.

6. What does Timur do?

7. Confrontation with Mishka Kvakin.

8. Olga’s acquaintance with Timur’s uncle.

9. Telegram from father.

10. Zhenya and the daughter of Lieutenant Pavlov.

11. Timur helps Zhenya out.

12. A motorcycle trip to Moscow.

13. Half an hour before departure.

14. Garayev receives a summons.

15. Seeing off Uncle Timur to the front.

The main idea of ​​the work "Timur and his team"

The main idea of ​​the story is that you need to help people and do good deeds for others completely free of charge.

Gaidar's work is a kind of dream of an ideal society where everyone helps each other and takes care of each other.

What does the story "Timur and his team" teach?

The story teaches us to be kind, sympathetic, selfless, and open.

This clear example that you don't have to be rich to do good deeds.

The work also teaches us to treat adults and the elderly with respect.

The main character teaches us to value friendship and love our loved ones, and also to be ready to do anything for their sake.

Zhenya and Olga teach us to be reasonable, attentive, diligent, and not to make hasty conclusions.

A short review of the story "Timur and his team" for the reader's diary

“Timur and his team” is an interesting story that I really liked.

This is a wonderful story about a boy Timur, who independently organized a whole secret society of the same guys.

They did good deeds and helped those in need.

This is not just a story about the need to help those who have lost help and prosperity.

This is also a story about friendship, devotion and mutual assistance.

Timur became friends with a girl, Zhenya, who really liked him.

This is also a story about love and tender feelings.

I learned a lot from this work.

First of all, doing good is not as difficult as it seems.

Therefore, I advise all my friends to read this interesting story.

What proverbs are suitable for the work "Timur and his team"

"All help is good in time."

“Rather than boast of your strength, it is better to help the weak.”

“If you are looking for help, help yourself.”

“You don’t know a friend until you need his help.”

“He who helps quickly helps twice.”

The excerpt from the work that struck me most:

“Listen,” Zhenya suggested.

– Georgy is leaving now.

Let's gather the whole team to see him off.

Let's bang the number one call sign, general.

There will be a commotion!

“No need,” Timur refused.


-No need! We didn’t see anyone off like that.

“Well, don’t do that,” Zhenya agreed.

“You sit here, I’ll go get some water.” She left, and Tanya laughed.

“What are you doing?” Timur didn’t understand. Tanya laughed even louder.

- Well done, what a cunning Zhenya is! “I’m going to go get some water”!

Unknown words and their meanings:

Telegram is a message sent via a special device.

Idle - uncharged.

Headquarters is a meeting place.

A gang is a gang of hooligans.

An ultimatum is a decisive demand with a threat of action if a refusal follows.

Call sign - special signals.

More reading diaries on the works of Arkady Gaidar:

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