I want to meet an Italian for a serious relationship. How do Italians meet? Behavior rules

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On our website they are looking for acquaintance with Russian women, and some of them - Italians. Some people post their profiles in a men's directory, preferring to be chosen; the majority decide to give sympathy to their favorites on their own, paying attention to one or another woman from our photo gallery.

If you are interested in finding out what Interfriendship clients think and say about Italian men, visit the pages of our website or. And also be sure to check out our women's forum. There you will find a lot of not only interesting, but also useful information about foreigners in general, and Italians in particular. Our compatriots living in Western Europe share, so to speak, an inside look at life in various countries, as well as nuances of characteristics from these countries.

And if you are new to the field of working with foreigners via the Internet, then familiarizing yourself with the above information is not only desirable for you, it is mandatory! Why? Yes because real everyday life in Italy(as indeed in any other country) differs significantly from our idea of ​​it, made only on the basis of a fleeting stay there on vacation or a business trip for several days or weeks. In order not to be disappointed when you go out, it is better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge in advance. ;-)

Dating Italians

Famous Italians: Da Vinci, Galileo, Marco Polo, Michelangelo, Columbus, Verdi, Celentano.

Dating Italians will give you the chance to get to know this captivating and attractive country, where every corner is beautiful and unique, where antiquity and modernity are closely intertwined, where olive groves give way to wildly blooming oleanders and azaleas, and where you can taste the best espresso and pizza in the world.

Women find it most interesting. For those who like it “hot,” we advise you to direct your activity to Liguria, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and look for. Well, for those who remained an incorrigible romantic, despite all the difficulties and skepticism of modern life, the most exciting opportunity would be.

Italians can be called a unique people. They can be both harmonious and contradictory, modest and too active. But to get to know a real Italian, you need to get to know him and communicate directly. The Italian, like no other, honors traditions, is very close to his family and is incredibly proud of the country in which he lives. The country's traditions were made up of different nationalities. Therefore, the style of Italian life has absorbed all the best.

Italian communication rules deserve special attention. Each part of the country has its own rules of behavior that others may not understand. For example, if, when communicating with you, an Italian touches your shoulder, holds your hand, or hugs you, this is quite normal. Even men can afford such behavior in central Italy (in the north and south it is considered a sign of disrespect).

Italians are very emotional people; it is very important for them to express their feelings. During a conversation, you can’t help but notice how your interlocutor will look straight into your eyes, as if trying to figure out a lie or find out even more about you. If you often look away or change your posture when speaking, this will be regarded as an attempt to mislead your interlocutor.

Italians are always polite. When entering a store, an Italian will say hello, and when leaving, he will say goodbye, even if the seller is completely unfamiliar to him, and even if he has not purchased anything in this store.

An Italian's conversation is full of gestures - it is a special language unique to this people. When communicating, hands, palms, and fingers are involved. Many gestures are similar to standard ones, understandable to everyone. But there are a number of gestures that belong only to the Italian. Here are just a few of them:

  • the Italian slightly pulled his lower eyelid with his index finger down - this means that he is in cahoots with you (or it means that you are a cunning one);
  • extended thumb and index fingers and moving them up and down - a choice between “yes” and “no”;
  • “come here” the Italian will show with his palm down (similar to our “bye-bye”);
  • the index finger is twisted near the cheek - a sign of a very tasty dish;
  • fingers gathered together (pads in a bunch) and movement of the brush up and down is a sign of bewilderment: “what do you want from me?”, “what do you want to say by this?”;
  • if an Italian touches his earlobe during a conversation, then in this way he signals that there is a person with a non-traditional orientation in his environment;
  • closed index and thumb(the rest are spread out) and brought to the forehead - please try to understand.

This is the smallest part of the gestures that you can see when communicating.

The Italian values ​​family very much. And children are the main treasure in the family. Children in Italy are a source of pride and an object of admiration. Parents do everything possible so that their child does not need anything, pamper him and forbid almost nothing. But you will rarely find an Italian who would brag about his child and his achievements - they are afraid of the evil eye. Italians always take their children with them and spend a lot of time with them.

Men are very attached to their parents, and therefore surround them with even more care than their wives. Italians, of course, do not always like this fact. But it is worth noting that Italian women are recognized as the most independent in Europe.

Traditions and customs in Italy are respected and followed. Wedding customs are very interesting. Italians will never plan a wedding in May. The fact is that in May there is one unlucky day for marriage. But no one knows what day this is, and it is because of this that there will be no wedding on any of the May days. Also, Friday is not the best day for a combination, but Monday and Tuesday will bring good luck and family well-being to the newlyweds. After the wedding, the groom gives the bride a spikelet so that children can appear in the family faster.

Italians are very superstitious people. You can find amulets in apartments, houses, cars, and prayers in your pockets, purses, and purses. In this way, Italians protect themselves from bad eyes. In Italy, the lunar calendar is popular among farmers, which dictates the time of sowing crops, harvesting, bottling wine, and producing olive oil.

As you can see, Italians are a people full of contrasts and contradictions. Italy is a magnet for foreign tourists. Having visited this country surrounded by its inhabitants, you will never forget this adventure. The hospitality and cordiality of the Italians will leave an imprint in your memory for a long time and will make you visit this country more than once.


Register on foreign dating sites. There are many examples where, thanks to such resources, women found gentlemen (and not only from Italy). With the help of the World Wide Web, you can make new interesting acquaintances without leaving the walls of your home. On such sites you can find out what your hobbies are, what you like, where you work, and what a suitable candidate looks like.

Choose only trusted sites to eliminate the possibility of meeting some joker or even a scammer. Please also note social media. Send a friend request to the man you like and get to know him.

You should not correspond with a man for a long time. If after a short time you realize that you like this person, invite him to talk on the phone. During a conversation, pay attention to his voice and manner of speaking. If nothing bothers you, continue to communicate for a while, and then ask him to meet. Decide whether you will come to him or he to you. After this, you can safely prepare for the meeting.

If you don't want to search online, consider a few real-life dating options. It all depends on what locality you live in and what financial capabilities you have. If there are no problems with money, go to Italy and look for a companion there. Be careful, because there are gigolos who are only interested in cash women, but not herself.

You can meet an Italian in your city. Of course, this is easier for the fair sex living in historical centers. Tourists love to get acquainted with beautiful places and attractions of the country they come to. Stay in places like this more. Perhaps this way you will be able to meet an Italian.

Contact a dating agency for foreigners. There you will be invited to familiarize yourself with the profiles of Italians who dream of marrying a Russian woman. This method is the most reliable, because candidates undergo a thorough selection before being included in the database of such an agency.


You shouldn’t tell everything about yourself at the first meeting - men are attracted to mysterious women. Moreover, you don’t need to tell the truth about your financial condition, because there are a lot of scammers among Italians. Share with your gentleman only the most interesting and fun moments in your life. Listen to him carefully, do not interrupt.

Helpful advice

If you meet the man of your dreams, don't lose face. Based on communication, the Italian will form his impression of you. First familiarize yourself with the culture of Italy, read at least summary several popular books there in order to find a topic for conversation and show the chosen one your interest and erudition.

Finding love in Italy is just as difficult as finding love anywhere else. Many people are attracted here as lovers to representatives of the Romance peoples, especially in the southern part of the country, where men are still cheeky and women are passionate. Before you look, check out these 6 features that it offers while you're in your home country.

1. You may be getting mixed signals.

Italians from the southern part of the country are flirtatious from the very beginning. early age, from nature. It's part of their charm and it's what keeps people coming back to Italy again and again and again. search for Italians through. Good flirting can, after all, make the other person feel attractive! And who doesn't want to feel attractive again and again? But when you quit dating Italian men, it is important to understand the basic intentions of a man towards you.

Sometimes Italians will flirt with you just to flirt and nothing more. Sometimes, flirting happens when they need your participation in something. Sometimes they chase you. If you are looking dating in Italy for marriage, then the good news for you is that when they really want to get to know you, they directly say that you should go on a date with them. Or, in my husband's case, the first day we met, they'll ask you if you want to do something. In addition, our dating site for Italian men is designed specifically for those who are looking for a serious relationship.

2. Chivalry still exists

Italy is a country where men are still men and women are still women. Dating Italian men means that in Southern Italy, a man will open the door for a woman, pull up a chair in a restaurant and, on a date, tell a woman how great she looks. Of course, men always pay for women. In fact, even if a group of friends goes to a restaurant for dinner, men tend to pay for all the women invited. Thus, meeting Italian men will give you a positive experience.

3. If chivalry exists, then so does patriarchy.

The next point will be of interest to those women who looking for dating in Italy for marriage. The downside of having your man pay for you at a restaurant is that he will feel like he's in charge. Italian men, from time to time, can cook themselves to treat their girlfriends and even guests, but most of the household chores fall on the shoulders of the woman. What will dating Italian men bring? from the southern part of the country to single young women? The man will probably expect you to wash the dishes and floors - he is not going to help you or even offer help. If you spend more time at home (for example, if he spends the night with you), he will expect you to prepare the bed, linens, and generally everything else he needs. Over time, this trend may change a little, but too many Italian mothers treat their sons like kings, leading their sons to believe that they can sit on their throne all day while a fairy does all the chores. home.

4. Young people like to meet people in company

Teenagers in Italy, of course, meet and spend time together. They usually meet and start new relationships in the company of friends. You can see this in our country too. A group of guys meet a group of girls and go to the cinema or to the beach, for example. They all spend time together, but some of them are couples. This good way“test the waters.” And if Giovanni does not inspire confidence, then Francesca can switch to her friends, who will be on her side, and not communicate with him. This is also a good way to get rid of the attention of Italian fathers who tend to be overprotective of their daughters: “Dad, he’s not really my boyfriend, because we’re hanging out in a group.” Ours may be a suitable way to “test the waters” for you. dating site for Italian men(and not only with men from Italy). Here you can get to know a person (to a certain extent) from a safe distance before meeting them.

5. Sex happens

In Southern Italy there was a time when you had to get married in order to have sex. Not everyone, of course, followed this. People had to follow these rules so as not to earn a bad reputation and shame for the whole family (especially women). Nowadays, everyone can have sex before marriage - men, women and strangers from another planet who visit this country. It's kind of like an overhyped sexual revolution. Having no sex education in school and living in a Catholic country (where the church expects you to abstain from sex until marriage, no matter what actually happens), many Italians are not very knowledgeable about contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted diseases way, and unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, if you decide to date an Italian man you found through a dating site for Italian men, insist on using a condom!

6. Dating in Italy for marriage

Italians love sex. And Italians love love. But they don't give it that way of great importance marriage, as it was before. If you are looking for dating in Italy for marriage, then you better keep that in mind. Young people meet, but it ends in the termination of the relationship, not marriage. Many young people go to college well into their 30s, making them unable to take on financial responsibility for a family. Thus, they postpone marriage indefinitely. Many couples can be together for many years and have a child, but not get married. Some young people in Southern Italy already have a reputation for being "married to their mother", and this reputation often leads to the destruction of relationships and perpetual childhood. All these young people do nothing for the people and economy of the country. However, the reputation of Italians from the southern part of the country precedes them - they are great lovers and fun friends. Dating Italian men has given many girls a positive experience(these lines are written by a girl who married an Italian young man and lived with him for almost five years).

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