What material is best for a dildo? How to use a vibrator: increasing the degree of sexual arousal

Various devices from a sex shop can not only diversify your sex life, but in some cases reveal your sexuality more or, like vibrators, teach you how to have an orgasm (for women who have their head in the clouds during sex and cannot concentrate based on your feelings). One of the advantages of various sexual things is that they can be used both alone and with a partner.

Did you know that sexual aids have been around for a very long time? The ancient Egyptians used artificial penises as early as 2,500 years ago. The idea of ​​the vibrator is attributed to millers who sat on the vibrating handles of flour-grinding machines. Just like that! It’s just that in our time information spreads much faster than in ancient times. And modern vibrators and dildos are much more advanced than their prototypes.

The catalog of sexual aids is very diverse. Starting from a variety of models of vibrators, penis rings, vaginal balls, flavored massage oils, inflatable plastic dolls, various masturbation devices to seductive and very sexy lingerie.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the most common sex toys, writes Aphrodite.

Vibrators and dildos

A vibrator is a modern version of an artificial penis. This is the most popular sex toy. There are simple vibrators, and there are multi-speed ones. For those women who like to stimulate the clitoris, you can choose a vibrator with a device for clitoral stimulation. They both vibrate and rotate. There are small, thin anal vibrators, as well as double ones, designed for both the vagina and anus.

With all the variety of auxiliary means, most couples use vibrators. According to statistics, in some Western European countries, almost a third of married couples use a vibrator. It is an additional stimulant.

Vibrators can operate either from mains or batteries. Before choosing the optimal vibration speed, experiment. Clue: optimal speed Vibration speed is considered to be 80 revolutions per second. You can also use vibrators with different attachments.

Vibrators are useful for women who do not experience orgasm during sexual intercourse with a partner. The vibrator is also good to use in love games and during mutual masturbation. Using a vibrator brings a woman many pleasant and new sensations. For men, special vibrators are also produced that are placed on the penis. For women, the strongest sensations arise when stimulating the clitoris with a vibrator, and for men - the frenulum of the penis. Both men and women have a very sensitive area around the anus, and many men derive great pleasure from intra-anal prostate stimulation.

Rings and balls

Rings are used to encircle the penis at the base. This retains the blood that flows during an erection. With the help of a ring, a small and weakly erect penis in most cases increases in size and becomes elastic.

Balls are an invention of the ancient Japanese. Japanese women inserted them into the vagina, and then, swinging, experienced erotic sensations. The balls strengthen the annular muscles of the vagina and increase the sensitivity of the vagina. So combine business with pleasure.

Another new product is beads, which are a thread on which 5-6 balls of different sizes and densities are strung. The beads are inserted into the anus and then removed from it (quickly or slowly, as you like). The most pleasant sensations occur when the beads are pulled out anus at the moment of orgasm. It should be added that during anal sex, lubricant is not released, so you need to purchase lubricants. Low-fat creams, some with added aromatic and warming substances, create pleasant erotic sensations. They can also be used if there is a lack of vaginal lubrication.

Dolls and vaginas

For men who want to have sex without a partner, there are inflatable plastic dolls and rubber vaginas. This is something special! There are dolls that can massage and stimulate the penis and even suck on it. There are also devices with vibration motors or pneumatic devices. In a word, for different tastes and possibilities. Vaginas are made of soft materials and touching them is very similar to touching a natural organ. Artificial vaginas are not only used for male masturbation. They can act as an element of sexual play for both partners. The main thing is that the vagina will help excite the male penis.

The most multifunctional and correspondingly expensive are latex dolls. In such dolls, many parameters can be adjusted (speed, amplitude and force). They make sex amazing.

And for women there are inflatable male dolls. Like female dolls, inflatable boys also have all the necessary holes.

Using various sexy things, it is advisable to dress up in something very seductive. After all, erotic lingerie allows you to completely immerse yourself in your game and fantasize. There are women whom only lingerie can bring to extreme arousal. Various corsets and belts can also hide figure flaws. So it's worth a try.

Today, many women have a vibrator, but this is not an indicator of loneliness or the degree of luck in choosing a partner. On the contrary, often the presence of such a tool indicates that a woman loves sex, she is liberated and strives for new sensations. In fact, a female vibrator is not a substitute for a man, but a device that allows you to get completely new sensations. To understand what can replace a vibrator, it’s worth considering several common options.

When sexual desire increases, but there is no intimate toy at hand, you urgently want to replace it with something else. However, in order not to waste all the “fuse” in vain, you should approach the choice of the subject of self-satisfaction correctly.

When is it necessary to replace a dildo?

How and with what to replace a vibrator at home immediately after the desire arises?

There are many reasons why you will have to remember manual labor and engage in self-satisfaction with improvised means:

In addition, a man can give such a piquant gift to a woman if he himself is going on a long business trip. Such a gift will be a lifesaver for those who don’t know what to replace a vibrator with.

What comes to mind

  1. The first thing women try to get vaginal pleasure are tubes of various cosmetics, which in shape and size resemble a male unit. However, when operating such objects, there is no vibration effect. This can not only “spoil” the sensations, but also completely nullify them.
  2. Such improvised means often include ordinary candles. To achieve the desired shape, they are ground and polished. However, to start using a candle, you will need to spend some time doing non-stimulating activities. Such means are not suitable when you want to know how to replace a clitoral vibrator for “external” pleasures.
  3. The means at hand that have the property of vibrating will help you get truly scorching pleasure. It is vibration that underlies the female orgasm. This is how the vaginal muscles contract when a woman is at the peak of pleasure. Items that can satisfy this request do not need to be prepared or purchased in advance. So, what can you replace a vibrator with at home?

Selecting a suitable replacement

If replacing a vibrator is a one-time measure, you can use a lot of available tools that can satisfy a woman’s desire.

Without even straining your imagination, you can build a satisfaction tool with your own hands:

Using these available means, a woman can get quite strong pleasure. Such methods of self-satisfaction help to get rid of sexual tension, restore psychological balance and “put your thoughts in order.” Now, knowing how you can quickly replace a vibrator at home, you can start experimenting.

  • If a man is on a long business trip, he should go to the bathroom and see what kind of razor he uses. Device with vibration fits perfectly. All you have to do is remove the head with the blades and start massaging the intimate area. It is important not to forget about the condom.
  • When you have time for creative experiments, you can make a dildo from a wax candle. It needs to be heated and then allowed to cool slightly (without waiting for it to harden). Now is the time to use your imagination and creativity.

Common Mistakes

  • Trying to quickly get maximum pleasure, many girls strive to use objects that are shaped like the male genital organ. These include fruits and vegetables.

However, often these self-gratification items turn out to be short-lived, too hard or soft, not large enough, or of the “wrong” shape.

  • When thinking about how to replace a vibrator at home, many women first think about food. Traditional bananas and cucumbers are not recommended. In this case, you can get irritation of the mucous membrane (if you do not use a condom), but the pleasure you get is very relative.

Do you need a man?

In search of comfortable self-satisfaction, women often forget that using improvised means allows them to experience only a small range of sexual sensations. Some even wonder if a vibrator can replace a man. Such sentiments do not at all contribute to the emergence of sexual “autonomy.”

However, variety in your sex life can be achieved with the help of many items. For example, for the clitoris, you can use a dozen improvised means, and all of them will effectively cope with the task.

The main rule is that before any actions that are performed with the vagina, all things used must be thoroughly washed. This will avoid unpleasant irritation or infection of the mucous membrane.

Knowing that she can quickly and effectively replace a vibrator, any woman is able to discover new facets of pleasure without leaving home.

Using homemade devices or household items, it is worth remembering careful hygiene. This will avoid possible irritation of the delicate area.

I saw him in Khimki! He sold wooden dicks! - it is this phrase from the film “Shirley-Myrli” that comes to mind when we mention the production of these products. The topic of the report, on the one hand, is such that when it is mentioned, it is difficult for the author, and even more so the reader, to do without obscene epithets and vulgar jokes, but on the other hand, the product of this production is quite in demand, and is needed not only by perverts for carnal pleasures, or healthy people to enhance sensations in bed, but also necessary for people who, due to limited capabilities, can only enjoy intimacy with the help of these products.

Today we are reporting on how toys for adults are produced, and they are not wooden at all.
Please keep children, mentally unstable people and moral advocates away from screens. To other readers, please refrain from swearing and insults.

First, let's talk about the company itself that produces dildos, which we will talk about today. It is not located in Khimki, as one might assume, but also in the suburbs of Moscow, in Zelenograd, a city known as one of the main research and production centers of Soviet and Russian electronics and microelectronics.

On the way to the production in the corridor I met Lenin cast in granite with an important message for the readers of the community “how it was made.”

It all starts in this room. Barrels with various polymers come here. All foreign production.

The polymers are then mixed in various proportions. The recipe is kept secret, each manufacturer has its own.

After which paint is added to the liquid if you plan to make a colored batch of products. The paint is safe, just like polymers.

After preparing the polymer solution, it must be mixed in the reactor. This is what they look like.

Inside view. Several tens of liters fit here.

Everything mixes over a certain period of time.

Then the resulting plastisol is poured into buckets.

However, the liquid must be filtered to remove various grains of sand and other foreign elements that may enter during mixing in the reactor.

The finished plastisol is poured into metal molds. There are many of them in production, of various types and sizes.
You even get a little lost when you see racks with x.. penis forms.

There are forms that are used frequently, and others that are used less frequently.

On the right is a dildo for G-spot stimulation.

This monster for making products for lovers of particularly spicy/thick sensations is not used so often, but it is also needed if demand arises.

All metal forms were made based on the plaster members sculpted by the sculptor. Don’t ask if he sculpted from life or from a photo, I don’t know, the sculptor wasn’t around.

But we digress. After the plastisol mixture is ready, it is poured into molds that are installed in ovens. There they are baked for a certain time.

Actually the forms themselves.

More forms.

The molds are then immersed in cooling baths.

and then they take it out, it’s simple.

Semi-finished products go to the next stage - burr trimming.

To my question: “what is this,” they calmly answered me: “suction cups,” “what are they for?” "they are inserted into a dildo, then glued to a wall or chair in order to... receive pleasure." Live and learn!

Here's how it works.

Pleasure wands of various lengths, thicknesses, shapes to suit every discerning taste. As I was told, during different periods of the enterprise’s existence, the fashion for dildos changed quite a lot. At one time there was a trend for products acid colors, then on products of large sizes. Now consumer demand shows that they are mainly buying medium-sized products in regular flesh tones.

By the way, one of these dildos even has its own name) This is a simulator for sexual practices “Nikolai”, which is used at training centers for women SEX.RF

Butt plugs.


After the products are rid of burrs, they need to be given shine - draw veins and apply blush to the head.

The paint is hypoallergenic, harmless, and wears off over time as a result of frequent use of the product.

Ready-made dildos.

And this is a vibrator that will be inserted into the products in the photo above. It was found out experimentally that it is better not to glue it, but to insert it, while wrapping it with electrical tape in advance so that the vibrator sits tightly and does not fall out. By the way, they passed the water test, they are waterproof, and they won’t short out if anything happens.

Another type of vibrator that gives the product greater rigidity.

After the veins are drawn on the artificial penises, the head is given a blush and the vibrator is installed, all that remains is to pack it.

One more thing. As in many industries, defects cannot be ruled out here. Previously, defective members were thrown into a trash bin next to the research institute where production is located, but someone found out about this and they began to be taken around the area. To prevent this from happening, we decided to wait for the garbage truck and immediately throw out the defective box immediately before removing the garbage. But later they began to send the waste for processing to a toy factory with which they cooperate. So we can say that it is waste-free.

In order to put a defect into the “remelting”, it needs to be chopped into nickels with a guillotine.

It's painful to watch)

An important mission of the dildo production is also to produce penile prostheses for people with erectile dysfunction. A person wants to, but cannot, and then such a prosthesis comes to his aid. Buttons are attached to it using a special device. Dentures are also of various sizes.

Thus, the penile prosthesis is fastened to the body before use. As I was told, gratitude came to the production website from those who used similar penile prostheses.

For those who suffer from erectile dysfunction, there are also such things to help during sexual intercourse.

There are even extension cords! But they are produced either in the USA or in Asia.

In the near future, the company wants to launch production of products of a similar format for fans of fisting. Not made of wood, of course. I hope you know what this is?

In general, the market for such products in the USA and Asia is much better developed than in Russia. If adult toys have been used there for a long time and this is not considered some form of perversion, then in Russia many people believe that only perverts use such products, although in fact this is not the case.
As a result, the market for adult products in our country is not very occupied, and it does not generate much income, which is why Russia is not of much interest to large manufacturers from abroad. A lot is imported from abroad, and we have only two manufacturers in the whole country!

For example, the “Caesar” dildo from the historical series is made here, and the “Cleopatra” artificial vagina is already in China. When I asked why it was impossible to start producing local “Cleopatra”, I was told that in Russia there are no producers of the special polymer for its manufacture, and importing it is expensive, it’s easier to buy it. I think you know what happened to domestic polymers in the post-Soviet era.

Historical series: "Casanova", "Don Juan", "Viking" and "Rasputin". The latter has the most impressive size.

The production also received complaints from regular users of the product, who, as it later turned out, used dildos without paying attention to the instructions for use, or even walked around with it inside all day, which caused pain and rashes.

As I said, production sells not only its own products, but also foreign ones and those made to order in Russia, like this strap-on. You will be surprised, but it was made at one of the Russian toy factories) Try Jaga Jaga!

The production cycle of dildos ends with product labeling, packaging and storage, as in principle in any production.

Now you know how these useful and necessary toys for adults are made!

The report was organized with the assistance of a network of training centers for women

How to use a dilator and where to find it?

Lena, Moscow, 20 years old

Sexologist's answer:

Hello, Lena.

A dildo is sold in every sex shop. Usually its shape completely follows the shape of the erect penis. I advise you to buy the same model that runs on batteries and has a separate clitoral stimulator.

Before starting the process itself, you need to relax yourself as much as possible. You can take a bath with salt and foam, just don’t rub yourself with a washcloth, but gently stroke yourself. You can also simply do self-massage while lying in bed. For self-massage, you can use massage oil, or you can do without it. You just need to lovingly stroke your body, and pay special attention to the groin, sides, neck, chest and inner thighs. Self-massage should not only relax but also slightly excite, so you should massage the labia, the clitoris, and the inner surface of the vagina.

First, the dildo must be evenly coated with a layer of special lubricant, which is also sold in all sex shops. I recommend massaging the clitoris and labia first to create a slight arousal. Then place the dildo inside the vagina and turn on the vibration mode. At the same time, carefully place the antennae on the clitoris. Simultaneous stimulation of the vagina and clitoris provides greater pleasure.

A dildo is an indispensable thing for girls who are just starting their sex life. Because, as a rule, the first sexual experience does not bring much pleasure, because the girl does not yet know what it is. With the help of a dildo, you can study your sensations well, and in the future, during sexual contact with a man, you can receive deeper pleasure.

There is nothing wrong with losing your virginity this way, because men, as a rule, do not know how to do it correctly and painlessly.

While using a dildo, it is very important to additionally stroke yourself in different places to increase arousal. At the same time, this helps the girl to recognize her additional erogenous zones. Often these are the nipples and the fold areas under the breasts.

Best regards, Atma.

Initially, vibrators were not used to satisfy sexual desire, but to treat female diseases. Modern men and women perceive this device in many ways. Since medicine considers human sexual health to be an integral part of health in general, a toy can be considered as an assistant in sex from this point of view.

Types of vibrators

Not all models look like a penis, but the classic ones have exactly this shape. First of all, stimulants differ in the material from which they are made:

  • plastic is the cheapest material, very vaguely reminiscent of human flesh to the touch;
  • hygienic rubber is a more elastic material, not as hard as plastic, but with an unpleasant, pungent odor. The service life of a rubber device is short;
  • latex is more similar to human skin. Sufficiently elastic and quickly heats up to body temperature without cooling down;
  • gel and silicone are new generation materials that are almost indistinguishable to the touch from skin. They maintain body temperature upon contact, but have one significant drawback - they need special care;
  • Cyber ​​silicone and cyber leather are the best imitation of the original to date.

In addition, vibrators vary in speed.

Numerous studies have found that the optimal vibration speed is 80 rpm. Stimulation with this intensity allows women to achieve orgasm if this was not possible during natural sexual intercourse with a partner. Only expensive models from well-known manufacturers are capable of operating at this frequency.

There are models equipped with a device for clitoral stimulation, that is, they are capable of both vibrating and rotating.

On sale you can also find thin models that are small in girth, equipped with a safety lock against all kinds of force majeure situations associated with too deep penetration.

There are also very small toys - “cigarettes”, which are intended only to stimulate the clitoris, and there are vibrating testicles that easily penetrate inside the vagina.

Most modern models of vibrators can operate not only from the mains, but also from batteries, which provides ample opportunities for activity. The main thing is to purchase powerful batteries with a long service life in advance.

On the shelves of modern sex shops you can also find double models designed for simultaneous stimulation of the vagina and anus.

Instructions for use

Even if a vibrator is purchased exclusively for sexual games with a partner, it is better to first test its effect on yourself. This will allow you to relax and concentrate on the sensations without being distracted by anything else.

It is better to postpone experiments with the light turned off under the blanket until later - until the moment when the toy has been sufficiently studied and you can use it even with your eyes closed.

At first, you need to let your body get used to the device.

  1. There is no need to immediately turn on the vibrator and proceed to the main action. It’s better to go over your entire body, paying special attention erogenous zones. We are talking about the neck, face, nipples, stomach, inner thighs, etc.
  2. If the device itself is prevented from sliding by the rubber from which it is made, you can use a cream or special lubricant, or you can move it over clothes, for example, silk underwear.
  3. After turning on the device, increase the impact by pressing on the most sensitive places. It's worth trying to experiment with the pressure applied. The more power the device has and the tighter the woman presses it to herself, the less she will feel its vibration.
  4. By holding the device tightly in your hand, you can slightly reduce the vibration due to its absorption by the brush. As soon as a woman feels that she is ready to try the stimulant in action, she can introduce it internally.
  5. When using a vibrator in sexual games with a partner, it is better to put a condom on it first, especially if anal sex is planned.

How to use a clitoris vibrator

Clitoral stimulators are represented by silicone or rubber plates of the most different forms, which can either be worn on the finger or attached to the hips using belts.

When choosing such a device, you must be guided by your own preferences and ease of use. In addition, before use, it is recommended to read the instructions for the device, as this is necessary for a theoretical understanding of all its functions, modes and buttons.

In the future, the operation of the device can be adjusted based on your own feelings. In the case of devices that are worn on the finger, the frequency of movement and pressure will have to be adjusted manually.

How to use an anal vibrator

The main condition is the use of a sufficient amount of lubricant.

  • Apply lubricant to the anus.
  • By massaging and caressing the anus with your finger, prepare it for the insertion of the device.
  • Carefully push it as deep as possible using a rotating motion.
  • If the woman is sufficiently aroused, the stimulator can be inserted while it is already turned on and begin to imitate the movements of the penis during intercourse.

Devices of this type can also bring great pleasure to men. By stimulating the prostate gland, located approximately 2–2.5 cm from the sphincter ring just behind the perineum, with a vibrator, you can give a man incredible pleasure and enhance orgasm.

To do this, you need to insert the switched-on device very shallowly and move its tip towards the scrotum. Whether a woman does the right thing or not, she will be “told” by her partner’s penis, which must respond to the pleasant sensations accordingly.

About the dangers of a vibrator

The toy provides ample opportunities for sex. It will be especially useful for experienced couples who have been living together for many years and are looking for ways to diversify their sex life.

Keep one thing in mind. If a woman regularly has an orgasm only with a vibrator, it will be difficult for her to give it up. This dependence can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of other methods of sexual stimulation.

There are no other contraindications to using the device.

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