How to relieve a hangover. What to take for a hangover when you feel bad? Water and pickle for hangover

Today we will look at a very topical and vital problem for every visitor to our portal: getting rid of a hangover. Who wants to suffer from headaches and malaise after a great time? The first thought that comes to mind is to drink a little more beer, but it’s better not to do this, because in this way you can go on a binge, and we don’t need alcoholism.

Note! Taking a hangover should be a last resort; this can lead to a long binge. It's better to wait and rest.

In this article, the editor of Moonshine Man magazine has compiled for you the 15 best ways to quickly recover from a hangover. There is no need for us to get sick, because you can prepare one of the recipes below for yourself and enjoy life. Don't forget to bookmark this article, it will come in handy in the future.

Hangover symptoms

A hangover is a state of intoxication that occurs as a result of the biochemical reactions that occur when drinking alcohol. The reasons for this condition have not yet been precisely established. But it is known that alcohol is a poison for the human body. Oxidative reactions to neutralize alcohol occur with the help of enzymes, which result in the formation of acetaldehyde, which is many times more toxic than alcohol itself.

In the history of mankind, there has never been a culture free from one or another natural psychotropic drug: alcohol, tobacco, hallucinogenic mushrooms, pickled moss or something else there. The desire to “drink together” in our culture is based not only on the desire to get up to the point of “pig squealing”, but also to find out whether the interlocutor is keeping secret thoughts. Hence the tradition of concluding transactions and negotiations with a feast. And after such “alcohol testing”, those who suffer from a hangover most often are those who drink little and rarely, or who lack exercise.

Each of us has a different body, so hangovers are different for everyone. Some people literally “die” in the morning from the consequences of the feast, while for others it goes away almost unnoticeably. For those who do not know how a hangover syndrome manifests itself, I will briefly describe the suffering and what people who were pretty drunk the day before mainly complain about. This:

  • headache pulsating, radiating to the temples, or breaking the skull,
  • dry mouth and thirst,
  • nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting,
  • disorders of the digestive tract (stomach pain, heartburn, frequent loose stools),
  • dizziness and weakness,
  • weakness, body aches, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, changes in blood pressure,
  • trembling of the fingers or a feeling of trembling throughout the body,
  • increased sensitivity to noise, bright color and smells
  • increased feelings of guilt for having done something indecent the day before, as well as due to amnesia of recent events.

Some symptoms of a hangover are similar to alcohol poisoning, but they have nothing to do with the latter... In the meantime, let's help those suffering and tell us what helps alleviate this serious condition.

Headache from a hangover. What to do?

Headache is one of the manifestations of intoxication from the effects of alcohol poisons. Our task is to cleanse the body of them as quickly as possible. What can be recommended for their removal from the body:

  1. The physical method is to lavage the stomach the “restaurant way”, you need to drink 0.5 - 1 liter of warm water, and then press on the root of the tongue with your fingers and induce vomiting. This can be repeated several times.
  2. Drink something from adsorbents - activated carbon, enterosgel, polyphepan, etc., which will bind toxins and adsorb them onto themselves, and then remove them from the intestines naturally.

Headache is one of the manifestations of dehydration, so drink mineral or plain water acidified with lemon juice as much as possible.

To relieve a headache, place a cold compress on your forehead - a towel soaked in cold water. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag and apply to your head for a few minutes. The cold will constrict the blood vessels and reduce headaches.

What helps with a hangover

Traditionally, a shower will help alleviate a serious condition. However, do not overdo it; 1-2 minutes of a cold shower is enough to perk you up. Staying in a cold shower for longer can lead to a cold. After this, rub your body with a rough terry towel.

  • Or you can do the opposite - take a warm bath for 15-20 minutes, adding lavender or rosemary essential oil to it. This way you will help your body remove toxins from the body faster.
  • Since ancient times in Rus', a hot bath has saved you from a hangover. A sauna has a similar effect.
  • But physical labor in the fresh air will help even better, for example, shoveling snow near the house or entrance, and then eating hot soup or fish soup.
  • Sleep is always considered the best medicine. Maybe you should sleep longer and all the symptoms will go away.

5 hangover pills - the most effective

The use of tablets is sometimes justified by the fact that their effect begins in just a few minutes. What does official medicine recommend?


Alka-Seltzer- effervescent tablets belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, so they are used not only for hangovers, they can be used by adults and children over 15 years of age for fever, painful periods, joint and back pain, sore throat and toothache.

The combined composition of the drug helps relieve headaches, normalize the acid-base balance and relieve symptoms of intoxication.

Take 1 tablet dissolved in a glass of water several times a day until the condition improves. The daily dose is no more than 9 tablets.

Contraindications for use: bronchial asthma, bleeding tendency and gastric ulcer, pregnancy (1st and 3rd trimester), breastfeeding period, individual intolerance to the components.

Alco buffer

Alco buffer is a dietary supplement that can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy or hypermarket that sells alcohol. Contains succinic acid and milk thistle extract. It is known that the liver suffers most from alcohol consumption. Milk thistle is an excellent hepatoprotector for normal liver function. And succinic acid helps to quickly cope with the symptoms of intoxication.

According to reviews and numerous studies, the drug helps to quickly improve your well-being and get rid of headaches, which often occurs during a hangover.

The instructions for use say that before drinking alcohol you should take 3 tablets at once, dissolved in a glass of water. The use of the drug has a positive effect on liver function. The best effect is achieved after cleansing the intestines.


Antipohmelin– a dietary supplement containing succinic acid and ascorbic acid. It is taken both on the eve of a feast and when a hangover occurs. On the eve of the feast, take 1 tablet, and the next day, if you have a hangover, you should drink 4-6 tablets with apple juice or warm water, after which you should have a hearty breakfast.


Glycine– otherwise aminoacetic acid, which is found in many products containing gelatin.

In narcology, the drug is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms. The drug reduces negative action alcohol on the brain, improves sleep, reduces aggressiveness, improves mood.

  • Tablets are dissolved under the tongue, 1-2 tablets several times a day. The daily dose is no more than 10 tablets. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug.
  • The following can also relieve hangover symptoms: Zorex, Alka-Prim, Medichronap, Get up. Aspirin, Citramon, Paracetamol, Panangin, Maxidol, Picamelon, Corvalol will help relieve headaches and palpitations.
  • I would like to warn you that before using medications and dietary supplements, be sure to read the instructions for their use and contraindications.

Adaptogens will help restore good mood and performance: tincture of eleutherococcus, ginseng, bee pollen and honey. After a stormy feast, before going to bed, take an aspirin tablet, 2 tablets of no-shpa and 6-8 tablets of activated carbon. In the morning you will not feel any signs of a hangover.

Ineffective hangover pills

The cheapest and most common anti-hangover pills are activated carbon, aspirin and baralgin. After the event, try drinking this combination of Aspirin + No-shpa + activated carbon: 6-8 tablets of activated carbon, 2 tablets of no-shpa, 1 tablet of aspirin. Calculate activated carbon based on your weight: 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight.

In the morning, you usually don’t feel a hangover. Activated carbon adsorbs toxins, nosh-pa cleanses the liver, and aspirin thins the blood during a hangover, reduces blood pressure, and eliminates pain symptoms.

Names of effective hangover pills: "Askofen" or "Coficil-plus". They are taken at night after drinking alcohol. In the morning, the following recipe will help you: a cup of strong, hot, sweet tea, a baralgin tablet and a furosemide tablet (Lasix). Vitamin B6 in ampoules helps against hangovers and bad breath. Pour two ampoules into 0.5 water and drink in one gulp. Harmful substances are removed faster with the help of sorbent preparations. This group of drugs includes: polyphepan, activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel.

  • Effervescent hangover pills: Aspirin Upsa, Zorex, Alka-Seltzer. They practically do not irritate the mucous membrane, quickly dissolve in water and are absorbed in the stomach and penetrate into the blood. Relief occurs faster as carbon dioxide supplies more oxygen to the cells.
  • To make your stomach work better, you can take Linex, Hilak Forte, Biosporin. It is necessary to drink rehydrants to eliminate dehydration and restore water-salt balance: rehydron, hydrovit forte.
  • It is better to take tablets for headaches during a hangover from the group of non-steroidal analgesics: ketorol, ibuprofen, citramon P. They quickly and effectively cope with headaches.

Folk remedies for hangover

These methods for relieving a hangover have long been tested by many people who may have experienced them themselves.

  • To quickly remove all harmful substances, drink more liquid. This could be hot tea with lemon, cranberry juice, green tea, lemon balm or mint tea, chamomile tea.
  • Traditional drinks for hangovers are cucumber, cabbage pickle or kvass.
  • Honey water will be useful, read how to prepare it in this article.
  • Kefir, matsoni, ayran, and kumiss have a beneficial effect.
  • Prepare oatmeal broth. It has a diuretic effect, normalizes blood pressure, and relieves headaches. To prepare it, pour a liter of boiling water over a glass of oat grains, and then put on low heat and simmer until the volume of liquid is reduced by more than half. Strain the cooled broth. For taste and benefits, add a tablespoon of honey. Drink half a glass several times a day.
  • Oatmeal jelly helps a lot, read how to prepare it.
  • Prepare an infusion of rose hips and herbs. In a thermos, put 2 large spoons of rose hips, a tablespoon each of chopped St. John's wort and motherwort, pour 250 ml of boiling water, close the thermos tightly and leave to brew for 2-3 hours. Before use, add 2 large spoons of honey to the infusion and drink half a glass every 3 hours.
  • Prepare the cocoa. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa powder in hot water or milk and drink the drink in one gulp. Cocoa can be replaced with a chocolate bar.
  • Another way to help yourself if you have a hangover. Before eating, you can drink a glass or two of warm milk on an empty stomach. Milk binds toxins and removes them from the body. It’s not for nothing that workers in hazardous industries are given milk.

Many people believe that a glass of vodka or a bottle of beer will help improve their health. Perhaps this helps someone, but it is quite difficult to distinguish the line between a therapeutic dose and subsequent alcohol intoxication. Therefore, if you want to get a hangover in this way, it is better to add 1-2 tablespoons of cognac or good vodka to hot coffee or tea. But no more.

How to get rid of fume smell quickly

No less problematic is the smell of fumes. It is this that causes a lot of problems, since in most cases, in the morning after a holiday, you have to go to work, and on the way you may be unexpectedly stopped by traffic police officers.

Why does the smell of fumes remain in the morning, because you drank alcohol the day before? Decomposition products are mostly eliminated from the body through the kidneys and skin. Some of the acetaldehyde is released through exhaled air from the lungs. It is acetaldehyde that has such an unpleasant specific odor; it can be felt within 20 minutes after drinking alcohol.

But the duration of its removal from the body may vary depending on weight, gender, age, amount and strength of alcohol consumed. On average, the smell of alcohol can last from 4 to 14 hours.

But if you use my advice, you can eliminate the smell of fumes for 2-3 hours. This time will be enough to safely get to work or home. So, use:

  • bay leaf, first set the edges of the leaves on fire with a lighter,
  • coffee beans,
  • almonds,
  • dill or parsley, fresh celery leaves,
  • slices of orange or lemon, eaten with the peel,
  • a pinch of cinnamon,
  • buds of fresh cloves.

Chew for a few minutes

All products need to be chewed for 2-3 minutes, dissolved in the mouth, and then swallowed. But you shouldn’t use chewing gum; on the contrary, it will arouse interest among traffic police officers. It will be much more effective to simply eat a handful of sunflower seeds, which will also kill the smell of fumes.

Dear readers, I wish you health after the festive feast. And let these tips on how to quickly get rid of a hangover never be useful to you. Remember that the Ministry of Health warns that excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health.

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How to quickly get rid of a hangover

So, water treatments. For a hangover, it is recommended:

  1. 1. Cold shower. As soon as after waking up you realize that you have a hangover and are thinking what to do, get out of bed and go take some cold shower. This procedure will help the body invigorate and give strength to fight toxins. Just don’t overdo it with the “cooling down” time, so that after a hangover you don’t have to cure a cold.
  2. 2. Cold compress. If you have a headache from a hangover, ice will help. Place a few ice cubes in a bag and apply this compress to your head. The dilated blood vessels will narrow from the cold, and the pain will subside.
  3. 3. Hot bath with essential oils. Accelerates the removal of toxins from the body 25 times. The temperature of the bath water with lavender and rosemary oils should be 35-37°C. The procedure helps the kidneys remove salts from the body, so it gets rid of poisons faster. The duration of a hot bath with essential oils is no more than 20 minutes.
  4. 4. How to relieve a hangover? A sauna will help with this. It is enough to go into the steam room 2-3 times for 5 minutes so that the breakdown products of alcohol are completely eliminated from the body.
  5. 5. Variable shower It will also help overcome a severe hangover. You should start with a warm shower, taking it for 3 seconds. Then make the water hot and stand under it for 2 seconds. Complete the procedure with a 5-second stay under a cold shower. If you don't know how to relieve a hangover, try this method, along with others.

Gymnastics for a hangover

How to deal with a hangover? Simple physical exercises will help with this. Do a few of these exercises and stretches. Only at first glance this seems unattainable. But active physical activity quickly saturates the body with oxygen and gives it vitality.

Eye exercises can also help if you don't know how to overcome a hangover. You need to move your eyes to the sides - 30 times in each direction, of course, without turning your head.

Even a severe hangover in some cases can be relieved by breathing exercises. It is better to do it after water procedures. To do this, you need to inhale slowly for 6 seconds, hold your breath for 6 seconds, and then slowly exhale for 6 seconds.

Hearty breakfast

  • How to deal with a hangover? Along with other methods of getting rid of the consequences of an alcohol overdose, it is recommended to have a good breakfast in the morning.
  • Many people simply have an animal appetite when they have a hangover, but even if you feel sick from a hangover, you need to force yourself to eat. You can cook scrambled eggs with bacon and herbs.
  • Fresh greens will enrich the body with vitamins, especially necessary after alcohol poisoning, and freshen your breath.
  • If one type of food makes you sick, use the best hangover remedy - sauerkraut along with the brine. This product activates digestion and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.

Drink plenty of fluids

How to get over a hangover without drinking liquid? This is not necessary. During a hangover, the body requires fluid, so you need to drink water - not plain water, but mineral water. Even better is to add a little lemon juice (or other natural juice) to it.

Rosehip decoction, which contains a lot of vitamin C, is good for hangovers.

Everyone knows how much you want to drink cucumber or cabbage pickle when you have a hangover. This is not without reason - salt retains fluid in your body, which is so necessary for it in this situation. Milk and kefir also help well in the question of how to cure a hangover, as they remove toxins from the body. In addition, if you drink them in the evening after a feast, then the question will not arise before you - how to overcome a hangover?

How to avoid a hangover

What should be done to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon as a hangover? Don't drink alcohol. This is the most understandable and at the same time the most unacceptable method for our people. Complete sobriety is a utopia for our society. Therefore, the following tips will help you not to rack your brains over the question - how to cure a hangover?

  1. Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach. This is equivalent to intravenous alcohol injection. Before the feast, you need to have a light snack and preferably take 5-6 tablets of activated carbon.
  2. How to prevent a hangover after an alcohol-filled feast? Eating high in carbohydrates will help avoid a hangover. This is rice, pasta, potatoes. They will play the role of an absorbent. And the protein contained in meat and fish will slow down the absorption of alcohol and normalize metabolism. Fatty foods are not advisable, as they overload the liver, which is already suffering from alcohol.
  3. Sweets enhance the absorption of alcohol, so while drinking alcohol, you should not indulge in desserts or grapes.
  4. How to avoid getting a hangover? Many people would like to know this. Try not to drink alcohol frequently during the feast. Take breaks to socialize with friends, dance, and have fun. Try to leave at least half an hour between drinks.
  5. How to get rid of a hangover? Everyone knows the advice - do not mix alcoholic drinks. But it is usually forgotten about at the end of the party. If you start drinking vodka, then the feast should end with it. By the way, hangovers occur much less often after vodka than after wine, champagne or alcoholic cocktails.

Follow the culture of drinking alcoholic drinks, and then you will get only pleasant sensations from them!


The main cause of a hangover – intoxication of the body – can be dealt with in different ways. The first method is the physical removal of poisons. An enema and gastric lavage help to do this. If these methods are unacceptable for some reason, you can take pharmaceutical sorbents - activated carbon or lignin-based preparations (Lignosorb, Liferan, Polyphepan). It is recommended to take these medications 3 times a day. spoons 2 times a day after 2 hours, washed down with 1.5 glasses of water.

Of course, our body is capable of getting rid of poisons on its own, but there are some hangover medications that will help do this faster. The following remedies can be taken:

  1. Succinic acid – 1 tablet every hour, but not more than 6 tablets;
  2. Eleutherococcus tincture - 20-40 drops before meals, if you need to raise your tone;
  3. Juice of 2 lemons, diluted with water in proportions 1:1, and honey.

A good hangover cure is kvass, as well as fermented milk products. Cucumber or cabbage pickle helps normalize the water-salt balance in the body during a hangover. Detoxification of the body in case of alcohol poisoning is accelerated by a contrast shower or bath, bathhouse and sauna. They are also the main means to eliminate another cause of a hangover - dehydration.

Elimination of dehydration

What helps with a hangover, particularly dehydration? To properly redistribute fluid, you can resort to one trick - simultaneous intake of fluid and a diuretic, for example, water and non-alcoholic beer or natural coffee. But before using this method, you should definitely replenish the body with electrolyte salts - drink cucumber or cabbage pickle, mineral water or oat decoction.

Normalization of the nervous system

  • When the removal of toxins and redistribution of fluid in the body is completed, you can begin to restore the nervous system. What to drink for a hangover for these purposes?
  • The best remedy for restoring the nervous system after alcohol intoxication is glycine. It is taken every hour, you need to place the tablet under the tongue or behind the cheek - up to 5 times a day.
  • Glycine is a component of gelatin, which suggests that jellied meat is the best snack when drinking alcohol, just like fish soup, jellied fish and jelly.
  • The following tablets will help with a hangover: “Picamilon”, “Panangin”, “Mexidol”, “Pantogam”. In addition to tablets, you can use natural products for these purposes - milk and “live” beer (or non-alcoholic).

You can take hangover pills or Enetrosgel, which intensively removes alcohol breakdown products from the body that cause discomfort. This drug is recommended to be taken in the evening after a feast and the next morning - 3 tablets. spoons. It is better to drink Enterosgel with non-carbonated mineral water.

How to survive a hangover? If it is possible to stay at home after all the above procedures, go to bed. Prolonged sleep will help overcome even a severe hangover. If you need to go to work or other errands, drink an energy drink - natural coffee, strong tea, or any pharmaceutical hangover remedy. A hangover after beer is relieved in the same way as after vodka or wine.

Medicines for hangover

  • There are many medications aimed at combating hangover syndrome. These include products such as Antipohmelin, Alco-Seltzer, Alco-Prim and others.
  • However, taking regular citramone or acetylsalicylic acid will have the same effect. You can only take such medications if you do not suffer from diseases of the intestines, stomach or heart.
  • Tablets containing vitamin C are very effective in reducing alcohol levels in the blood. Activated charcoal helps relieve nausea and vomiting. You should drink at least 6 pieces. In addition, you can drink no-shpa.
  • A hangover will not occur at all if you drink 2 tablets of no-shpa, 8 pieces of activated carbon, and a tablet of acetylsalicylic acid before going to bed after a party.
  • No-spa will improve the functioning of your liver, activated charcoal will remove toxins from the body, and aspirin will lower blood pressure.

Getting enough sleep and a walk in the fresh air will help relieve hangover symptoms.

Vitamin B6 will relieve hangover symptoms. To do this, 2 ampoules of the product are dissolved in half a glass of water and quickly drunk.
Coficil-plus or Askofen taken before bed at the end of the feast will also help avoid a hangover. Many men claim that headache medications intended for pregnant women work real miracles in this regard.

In the morning, a glass of very sweet, strong and hot tea with a Furosemide and Baralgin tablet will help you get rid of a hangover. If none of the above remedies help, it is still better to find an opportunity to sleep. In addition, it would be good to go for a walk outside. In both cases, your vitality should return to you.

Remedies that can prevent a hangover

Before you start drinking alcohol, you should take Enterosgel; the medicine will prevent you from getting too drunk. Taking the drug after drinking alcohol will prevent the appearance of hangover symptoms. To do this, you should drink 3 spoons of the drug before bed, and another 3 spoons in the morning.

  • Activated carbon absorbs alcohol and reduces its absorption rate. You need to drink it 10-15 minutes before drinking alcohol, 2-4 tablets, and after that another 2 tablets every 60 minutes.
  • Almagel has a similar effect. This remedy should be taken a quarter of an hour before drinking alcohol, a couple of spoons and repeat the procedure every 30 minutes.
  • Drinking a glass of milk before the party starts will also help avoid hangovers and headaches.
  • Porridge eaten 60 minutes before drinking alcohol will also prevent you from getting very drunk. You will also feel much better in the morning if you take vitamins along with alcohol.

Let's understand the main drugs

You can also prevent a hangover using folk remedies; almost all of them are described in this article. Also in this sense, the right snack helps a lot. The following medications are aimed primarily at preventing a hangover, so they should be taken before, on time, or immediately after heavy libations.


DrinkOFF is a drug produced by the Russian company Mertsana Service. Available in the form of capsules and jelly in three different flavors. Positioned as a hangover preventer - it accelerates the metabolism of alcohol, the rate of processing of alcohol breakdown products into harmless substances.

Compound: herbal extracts of ginger, licorice, eleutherococcus, mate, vitamins and antioxidants.

Doctors' opinion: excellent remedy to prevent hangover syndrome, as well as mild to moderate hangovers. Suitable for young (up to 40 years old) and healthy people who do not suffer from renal failure, arterial hypertension, peptic ulcer Gastrointestinal tract, gastritis type “A”, thyroid disease and liver diseases in the acute stage.

  • How to use: for a person weighing 80 kg, it is recommended to take at least two to three capsules or one or two packages of jelly and then depending on the amount of alcohol consumed.
  • Contraindications: Licorice root contained in the drug, when taken for a long time, can cause secondary stagnation of bile and other liver problems.

Security Feel Better is a plant-based product marketed as a hangover preventer. According to the manufacturer, the drug also helps to quickly sober up: 1 bottle of the product removes 0.5 ppm of alcohol from the body in 45 minutes (usually the body takes about 4 hours to do this).

Compound: artichoke, B vitamins, Chinese angelica root, Yunnan tea leaves, ascorbic acid.

Drinkers' opinion: an excellent remedy that helps not only prevent a hangover, but also reduce its negative effect in the event of the onset of the syndrome.

  • How to use: Just drink the contents of the bottle without drinking it or having a snack. It makes sense to drink before the feast. Has a pleasant pear taste.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Alco buffer

Alco-buffer is a preparation based on milk thistle extracts and succinic acid salts. Positioned as a hangover preventative.

  • Compound: succinic acid, milk thistle extract.
  • Doctors' opinion: It makes sense to take only after cleansing the intestines.
  • How to use: before the feast, you should dissolve 3 tablets of 0.8 g in water and drink the solution.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Antipohmelin (RU-21) is one of the few drugs that acts at the site where alcohol is converted into toxic acetaldehyde, that is, the drug slows down the formation of poisons, which allows the body to process them faster. In the west it is sold under the name RU-21. Interesting things: for a long time was a secret “medicine” for the KGB officers (KGB Pill), allowing them to get their interlocutors drunk while remaining on their feet.

Compound: glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate), succinic acid, fumaric acid, ascorbic acid and glucose.

Doctors' opinion: effective remedy, which has no analogues.

  • How to use: a couple of tablets before the feast and 1-2 during for every 100 ml of strong alcohol and 250 ml of weak alcohol drunk. For a hangover, you can take 4-6 tablets.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.


Bison is a common succinic acid remedy for preventing hangovers.

Compound: succinic acid, bicarbonate (soda).

How to use: Dissolve the contents of 1 sachet in a glass of water and drink the solution before bed after drinking alcohol. You can also drink the solution before drinking alcohol, which, according to the manufacturer, will increase your “norm” by 30-50%.

Zenalk is a herbal medicine produced in India.

Compound: extracts of chicory, emblica officinalis, terminalia chebule, terminalia belerica, grapes, date palm fruits, andrographis paniculata.

Doctors' opinion: the drug is an antidote to alcohol, not its breakdown products.

How to use: 2 capsules half an hour before or during libations, 2 after.


Corrda is a common drug that is a natural complex biologically active substances, obtained from grape raw materials. Replenishes reserves of the coenzyme NAD in the liver, which is oxidized in the liver during the processing of alcohol breakdown products.

  • Compound: flavodins and polyphenols.
  • Doctors' opinion: Natural detoxifier, slow release. The drug is suitable as maintenance therapy for long-term withdrawal from binge drinking, but not as an emergency treatment for a hangover.
  • How to use: 2 tablets 30 minutes before the feast, up to 6 tablets on time. For severe hangover, 2 tablets 3 times a day for no more than 1-2 days.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Remedies for healing

To understand how the drugs below work, we recommend that you read this and this article. Anti-hangover cocktails can be used as folk remedies for hangovers. This article provides 12 recipes for curing a hangover with improvised means.

Zorex is a drug that accelerates the oxidation of alcohol and protects the liver. It also effectively removes alcohol breakdown products, which are one of the root causes of a hangover. Available in capsules and effervescent tablets.

Compound: main active ingredient unithiol.

Doctors' opinion: see contraindications.

How to use: 1 capsule immediately in the morning, the second during the day, depending on how you feel. You can also take the capsule immediately after a meal, before bed. Capsules should be taken 30 minutes before meals, without chewing.

Contraindications: Zorex very often causes an allergic reaction, so you should think carefully before taking this drug.

Alkozeltzer is one of the most famous hangover remedies, produced since the 30s of the last century. Mainly fights the symptoms of a hangover, not the causes. The drug can be used both as a means to prevent a hangover and as a remedy for it.

Compound: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), citric acid

Doctors' opinion: An excellent remedy for suppressing the symptoms of a hangover, but it should be considered solely as a temporary measure that gives the sufferer a resource to actively cleanse their body with more radical methods.

  • How to use: dissolve two tablets in water and drink either before bed after a feast, or in the morning, already with a hangover. The maximum permissible dose is 9 tablets. An interval of 4 hours should be maintained between doses.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Alcoclean is a tablet or powder that needs to be dissolved in water, based on glutargin. It works approximately the same as Zorex.

Compound: the main active ingredient is glutargin.

How to use: for prevention – 2 tablets or 2 sachets 1-2 hours before drinking. For treatment – ​​1 tablet or 1 sachet 4 times a day with a minimum interval of 1 hour.


Alka-Prim is another well-known drug, the composition of which is almost the same as Alka-Seltzer. Produced in Ukraine.

  • Compound: aspirin, sodium bicarbonate (soda), glycine.
  • Doctors' opinion: A good alternative to Alka-Seltzer.
  • How to use: Dissolve 2 effervescent tablets in a glass of water and drink. For severe hangovers, you can take up to 4 such doses per day.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Vega +

Vega + is a biologically active food supplement based on an extract of the peritoneal fluid of mammals (suckling pigs), which promotes regeneration processes, removes decay products and toxins from the body, and has a pronounced detoxification property.

  • Compound: ethanol extract of peritoneal fluid, monosaccharides, non-protein thiol compounds, cyclic nucleotides, vitamins B1 and B6.
  • How to use: 35-45 drops at intervals of 20-30 minutes until you feel better. The drug is compatible with almost all foods and drinks, except dairy. You can also take 35-40 drops during a feast.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Stand up

A preparation based on plant extracts. More suitable for detoxification.

  • Compound: St. John's wort, thyme, dry ginseng extract, rose hips, citric acid.
  • Doctors' opinion: In general, a well-balanced composition, but more suitable for long-term detoxification and treatment of withdrawal symptoms than for providing emergency aid for a hangover.
  • How to use: Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water and drink after a meal before bed, or after a hangover in the morning.
  • Contraindications: read the leaflet.

Guten Morgen is nothing more than dry brine in bags, which is much more convenient than a three-liter jar.

Compound: dried pickled cucumber concentrate, dill, cloves, garlic, black pepper, etc.

Doctors' opinion: like brine, it is a very effective hangover remedy and will restore potassium and magnesium reserves.

How to use: dissolve up to 200 ml in regular drinking water, drink with a hangover.

Contraindications: No.

Limontar is a mixture of succinic and citric acid. Produced by the domestic company Biotiki.

Compound: succinic acid, citric acid.

How to use: Crush the tablet in a glass and fill it with water, add baking soda on the tip of a knife. One tablet can be taken an hour before the feast; during the feast, one tablet can be taken at intervals of 1 hour. It is better to limit yourself to 4 tablets per day.

Compound: sodium formate, glucose, other.

Doctors' opinion: Medichronal contains sodium formate (sodium salt of formic acid) - a compound well known in the chemical, light industry (etching fabrics and tanning leather), construction (anti-freeze additive in concrete). Its peculiarity is that in the absence of sufficient quantities of acetaldehyde, it itself has a toxic effect, so it is better to use drugs based on it, being sure of the severity of the hangover syndrome.

How to use: the contents of both packets of powder should be dissolved in a glass of warm water, and the solution should be drunk after meals. According to the manufacturer, relief comes in 20-30 minutes.

Contraindications: see doctors' opinion.

Piel-Alco contains the most important compounds for energy metabolism, which effectively relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover.

Compound: vitamins B1 and C, glucose, calcium lactate, sodium pyruvate and magnesium sulfate.

Doctors' opinion: good, balanced composition, but not an emergency medicine. The drug will work in combination with physical detoxification methods (that is, cleansing the stomach and intestines).

How to use: 2 capsules before or 2 capsules after taking alcohol internally.

Contraindications: see package insert.

It’s difficult to say which hangover remedy is right for you, but the main thing to remember is that some of them cause side effects and can be even more dangerous than the hangover itself. Of course, anti-hangover pills will help relieve some symptoms, but it is better not to hope for a complete recovery, but to immediately begin cleansing the body using more traditional methods. In general, it’s better not to get sick, so don’t get sick!

We make products at home

A person has a huge number of folk methods in his arsenal that help him cope with unpleasant consequences alcohol abuse. For those who want to know how to cure a hangover, various remedies are offered traditional medicine, starting with the well-known brine and ending with highly effective enemas. A wide range gives each person a chance to choose an effective recipe for themselves. Among the simplest and most common folk remedies are the following options:

  1. Many will be surprised by the fact that you can alleviate your own condition by drinking a little alcohol. It is better to choose non-alcoholic beer for this purpose. Better
  2. To remove toxins from the body, saunas and steam baths are ideal. This method can be used in the absence of problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Unpleasant symptoms can be dealt with using a contrast shower. Hot water will promote sweating, which will help remove harmful substances. Cold water will tone you up.
  4. For people in good health, this option for dealing with unpleasant symptoms is physical activity. They help to quickly get rid of alcohol poisons and improve overall well-being.

Tomato juice for hangover

Many people, after prolonged fun, have been saved by drinking a tomato drink, and few people know why it really helps. It replenishes lost vitamin C, sodium, potassium and magnesium. Folk hangover remedies with tomatoes contain acids that help break down alcohol and remove toxins. The juice helps reduce the risk of inflammation and improve intestinal function. For those who want to know what to drink for a hangover, there are the following recipes:

  1. In America, the most popular anti-hangover breakfast is the following drink: thoroughly whisk the yolk and 1 tbsp. juice, add salt and drink in one gulp.
  2. In 1 tbsp. juice, add a pinch of red pepper, which will help speed up metabolism and the process of removing toxins.
  3. You can overcome a hangover with a folk remedy made from kefir and tomato juice. The ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions.

Cucumber pickle for hangover

A popular drink that is used the morning after drinking alcohol is pickle juice. To explain its miraculous properties, studies were conducted that showed that it replenishes magnesium, potassium and sodium. An anti-hangover drink will help cope with dehydration, which is the main cause of discomfort. Coming into this folk remedy Dill is a good helper for headaches.

  • There are several tips on how to relieve a hangover after a binge using cucumber pickle.
  • It is important to use marinade not from canned vegetables, but from pickled ones.
  • The recommended dose is no more than 1 tbsp, since the brine contains acids that can negatively affect the stomach.
  • A large amount of marinade can cause swelling.

Raw egg for hangover

Among the effective folk remedies that help you drink and not get drunk for a long time, a raw egg occupies a well-deserved place. This method can also be used to remove the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover. This is due to the fact that protein, when in contact with alcohol, becomes biomass, which does not allow alcohol to penetrate into the blood, because it is known that the process of intoxication can last a day, or even more.

  • If you are wondering what to do for a hangover, then use two raw eggs, which you need to drink on an empty stomach, after shaking them.
  • If desired, you can add a pinch of salt.
  • It is important to use only fresh eggs so as not to get poisoned and worsen the condition.
  • The result can be obtained after 30-40 minutes. after taking the drug.
  • After this, it is recommended to drink unsweetened strong coffee.

Green tea for hangover

A favorite drink for many will help cope with morning discomfort after a lot of fun. This is due to the fact that due to the presence of B vitamins, headaches can be reduced. Green tea helps you feel a surge of strength, improve the process of intoxication and cleansing of the body. It also replenishes potassium balance and quenches thirst. For those who are interested in how to relieve a hangover with tea, use these tips:

  1. It is best to take a re-infusion. Focus on the following proportions: for 1 tbsp. boiling water, take a spoonful of dry tea leaves. Immediately after adding liquid, you need to drain it and pour a new portion. Leave for 5-7 minutes. and you can drink.
  2. It is allowed to add to this folk remedy for hangover a little honey, a slice of lemon or orange.
  3. You should not drink tea in large quantities and 2-3 cups will be enough.

Coffee for hangover

Many people start their day with a flavorful drink, but whether it will be beneficial after drinking alcohol is something to figure out. A hangover is accompanied by pain and fatigue, which is caused by increased blood pressure. The caffeine in the drink is known to increase blood pressure, which can worsen the condition. For those who want to know how to relieve a hangover at home with coffee, it is important to consider that you can only drink it if your blood pressure is normal. Then it will help remove painful sensations and will have a diuretic effect. You should not drink more than two cups.

Kefir for hangover

You can remove the unpleasant symptoms that occur the morning after drinking alcohol with the help of fermented milk products. To understand whether kefir helps with a hangover, you should learn about its properties. The drink helps normalize metabolic processes, replenishes the deficiency of useful minerals and tones. Kefir contains lactic acids, which help remove alcohol poisons, and it also quenches thirst. For folk remedies for hangovers to help, it is important to take them according to the rules.

  1. It is better to drink the drink on an empty stomach rather than with some food.
  2. It should be at room temperature, not cold.
  3. The daily norm is no more than 600 ml.
  4. Drink, there is no hangover after it.

Lemon water for hangover

Another available folk remedy to reduce headaches, weakness and other symptoms of withdrawal symptoms is lemon. It helps process alcohol, break down toxins and remove them from the body. Citrus normalizes blood pressure and restores the urinary process.

To quickly relieve a hangover, it is better to eat a whole lemon, but not everyone can do this, so there is an alternative option: squeeze the juice from the citrus and mix it with sparkling mineral water to end up with 1 tbsp. You need to drink this folk remedy right away.

Herbs for hangover

In folk remedies, to get rid of discomfort caused by alcohol consumption, various plants are used that promote calm, envelop the walls of the stomach, soothe, tone and have other properties. There are herbs that not only alleviate the symptoms of a hangover, but also cause aversion to alcohol. They should be used to prepare infusions or decoctions, using 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials per glass of hot water.

  1. Ivan tea for hangover. The plant has a cleansing and detoxifying effect, helping to cope with unpleasant symptoms. With regular consumption of the drink, you can reduce your cravings for alcohol.
  2. Chamomile for hangover. This plant, familiar to many, helps to cope with pain, soothe an irritated stomach, improve sleep and relieve irritability.
  3. Milk thistle for hangover. This herb cleanses the liver and promotes alcohol metabolism. You can buy milk thistle in capsules at the pharmacy.

Bay leaf for hangover

Folk remedies for severe hangovers include different ways, helping to combat the discomfort that occurs after drinking large amounts of alcohol. For example, you can use bay leaf, and it can be either fresh or dry. It helps fight stress, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and cleanse the body. A decoction of laurel has analgesic, sedative, antibacterial, diuretic and antiviral effects. There are several ways to recover from a hangover using laurel, but the most popular is the following recipe.


  • laurel – 4 g;
  • water – 100 ml.


  1. Place bay leaves in the water and place everything on the stove.
  2. After boiling, cook the broth for 10 minutes. on low heat.
  3. Drink the drink in small sips throughout the day. The daily norm is 1-2 tbsp.

Enema for hangover

One of the most effective ways to get rid of withdrawal symptoms is an enema, which will quickly remove the remnants of undigested alcohol and food that aggravates the condition. This method is recommended in severe cases and when there is a large feast. Doctors offer the following method to relieve a severe hangover: use a siphon enema 5-7 times in a row until clean water comes out. This will allow for a deep cleaning.

1. Remove alcohol and its breakdown products from the body

  • enema
  • gastric lavage
  • sorbents
    (1 tablet of activated carbon per 10 kg of weight)

The fact that a person still has alcohol (ethyl alcohol) and its processed products in the body the next morning is the main, although not the only, reason for feeling unwell: one cannot hope to get rid of a hangover until the remnants of undigested alcohol have not yet been eliminated from the body, toxic products of its breakdown, associated substances that were in the drink, and other poisons.

By the way, until you remove all this from your body, your fumes will not go away, even if you brush your teeth five times: the fumes come from the lungs, not from the stomach. And volatile alcohol processing products enter the lungs from the blood. The only solution is detoxification.

You can remove poisons in a simple “physical” way. The most effective and fastest remedy at home is an enema or taking a non-toxic laxative: poisons accumulate in the intestines, whether full or empty. If you have recently eaten (less than four hours ago), you can also rinse your stomach.

This becomes especially true if you ate foods rich in protein (meat, beans). Alcohol interferes with the processing of protein, and underdigested protein poisons the body.

Sorbents also cope with this task: activated carbon or other modern sorbents. For activated carbon to work, you need a lot of it: one tablet for every 10 kilograms of your weight; crush in water or drink with plenty of water.

Modern sorbents are more powerful, which is why they are more convenient to take than coal. To relieve alcohol intoxication, take one of the remedies of your choice: Enterosgel, Smecta, lignin-based sorbents, and so on.

Within two hours after taking sorbents, it is highly advisable to go big, otherwise the opposite effect will appear: more toxins will flow from the sorbent into the intestines than from the intestines into the sorbent.

When treating a severe hangover in the morning with various medications, it makes no sense to take them simultaneously with sorbents: the medications will be absorbed by them and lose their effect. It is necessary to space out their reception over time. So what to do if you have alcohol poisoning? The optimal order is this: first it is better to empty the stomach (of course, if there is still something in it), then take sorbents. After bowel movements (from 20 to 40 minutes to an hour and a half), you can take medications.

Don't want to be sick like this anymore? Bookmark our site, read about how to drink without a hangover and harm your health.

  • succinic acid
    dissolve a tablet (100 mg) every 50 minutes, but not more than 6 times)
  • tincture of eleutherococcus
    (drink 20-40 drops before meals for a hangover)
  • lemon acid
    (juice of 2-3 lemons diluted twice with boiled water)
  • honey
    (take half a glass of honey a little at a time throughout the day)
  • lactic acid drinks
    (no more than 600 ml per day)
  • kvass
  • anti-hangover drugs
  • glutargin
    (1 gram every hour. Up to 4 times)

Our body can fight poisons on its own, but in order for it to cope faster, we can speed up metabolic processes (to be precise, the Krebs cycle). In other words, you can perform biochemical detoxification. Succinic acid best speeds up the process of processing poisons and also protects cells: dissolve one tablet (100 mg) every 50 minutes, but no more than 6 times.

Do not take succinic acid more than one tablet every 50 minutes, or if you have an ulcer or gastritis. Also, succinic acid is contraindicated for high blood pressure.

Stimulates detoxification of the body:

  • tincture of eleutherococcus (drink 20-40 drops before meals for a hangover);
  • honey (take half a glass of honey a little at a time throughout the day);
  • citric acid (dilute the juice of 2-3 lemons with boiled water twice and drink for a hangover). It is citric acid that helps, not ascorbic acid: ascorbic acid is not particularly important for a hangover.

Lactic acid has the same effect. It is found in unpasteurized kvass and lactic acid drinks (most of all in kumiss). Doctors recommend drinking no more than 600 ml of fermented milk on a hangover day.

Many complex anti-hangover products also work to eliminate toxins. Most often, hangover pills are a combination of the substances described above (Limontar, DrinkOFF), but they may also contain drugs from the arsenal of professional toxicologists (Zorex).

Anti-hangover remedy "Medichronal" can be taken only if the morning condition is truly severe. This drug contains sodium formate, which quickly neutralizes the toxic breakdown products of alcohol. However, if there are too few alcohol breakdown products, then Medichronal itself may turn out to be toxic. Leave it as a last resort.

If the libations were not accompanied by a large snack, then glutargin will help well in the early stages of detoxification. You need to take 1 gram of glutargin (usually 4 tablets of 0.25 grams each) with an interval of at least 1 hour. Optimal - 4 grams per day.

3. Slow down the spread of harmful substances throughout the body

The permeability of biological barriers, including intestinal barriers, depends on the state of the cell membrane. Transport of substances across a membrane can be active or passive. Stabilization of the membrane leads to a decrease in passive transport - which means that fewer toxic substances penetrate into the brain from the blood, into the blood from the intestines, and into the intercellular spaces from the vessels. Accordingly, tissue edema (“swelling” from a severe hangover, which also causes headaches) and intoxication are reduced. This will allow you to get rid of toxic substances faster and easier.

Rowan infusion, quinine (found in classic tonics, such as Schweppes) and tannins contained in cognac have a membrane-stabilizing effect. Therefore, cognac is less dangerous for allergy sufferers in terms of exacerbation of the disease than, for example, beer.

How else can you make you feel better the next morning?

  • "Antipohmelin"
    4-6 tablets 1 time per day
  • "Korrda"
    2 tablets 3 times a day
  • sauna, contrast shower, bath
    start showering with hot water, then alternating it with cold

Another clever move is not to reduce the amount of poison, but to slow down its production, so that the liver has time to decompose acetaldehyde into acetic acid. The drug “Antipohmelin”, known in the West as RU-21, as well as the anti-hangover drug “Corrda” can do this.

Anti-hangmelin is taken once a day: 4-6 tablets should be washed down with water or apple juice. Corrda is taken in a course over one to two days: 2 tablets 3 times a day.

A bath, contrast shower or bath have an antitoxic and restorative effect. If you have a hangover, it is not a steam bath that is more beneficial, but a sauna: three sessions of 5, 10 and 20 minutes each. A contrast shower should be started with hot water, then alternating it with cold. For the best effect, dissolve 300 grams of sea salt or turpentine from the pharmacy in a warm bath.

4. Correct fluid balance

  • bath, contrast shower
  • brine
    1 glass before drinking water
  • mineral water
  • diuretics (veroshpiron)
    take 200 mg once
  • oatmeal broth
    2 times half a liter with a break of 40 minutes
  • aspirin
    500 mg for every 35 kg of weight

It is possible to restore the normal distribution of fluid in the body, disturbed by drinking, by transferring fluid from the intercellular spaces into the blood (at the same time removing swelling and the headache caused by it). This can be achieved at home, for example, by going to the bathhouse (sauna) or taking a contrast shower.

Another way, available at home, is to take a liquid and a diuretic at the same time: for example, natural coffee or non-alcoholic beer. Also, oatmeal decoction, watermelon, zucchini, garden strawberries and strawberries, bearberry, dandelion, green tea, and the drug veroshpiron (spironolactone) will have a diuretic effect. Veroshpiron should be taken once, in the amount of 200 mg.

It is not recommended to take furosemide for these purposes. You can just drink water: but not beforehand, but after a hangover. True, there is a subtlety here: if you simply inflate with water, then the osmotic pressure in the blood plasma will decrease (that is, the concentration of substances and salts dissolved in the blood), and you will want to go to the toilet. This means that it will not be possible to instantly replenish the water shortage, and the process will drag on for quite a long time. Before drinking water, it would be wise to replenish your reserves of electrolyte salts: for example, drink one glass of cabbage or cucumber pickle.

Also faster ordinary water Mineral water and oatmeal broth restore blood volume. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a glass of oat grains, cereals, or at least flakes, add 4-5 glasses of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, and then take half a liter twice every 40 minutes.

Taking aspirin also helps relieve swelling. Alcoholic drinks cause the formation of capillary erythrocyte microclots: lumps of red blood cells. They break down under the influence of acetylsalicylate (aspirin). These lumps contribute to the formation of edema. Aspirin also has a general analgesic effect. You should take 500 mg of aspirin for every 35 kg of your weight. Instant aspirin in the form of an effervescent tablet acts faster and more gently.

Do not take aspirin at the same time as alcohol. Aspirin can be taken at least 2 hours before the start of the feast and 6 hours after the last drink taken.

5. Restore acid-base balance

  • mineral water
  • soda
    1-2 teaspoons per 1-1.5 liters of water
  • succinic acid
  • lemon acid
    (dilute the juice of 2-3 lemons with boiled water twice and drink for a hangover)
  • dairy products

Doctors call an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the body acidosis. Alkaline (bicarbonate) mineral water or a small amount of soda can cope with this consequence of drinking: dissolve 1-2 teaspoons in 1-1.5 liters of water and drink. Please note that baking soda may be more trouble than it's worth. Mineral water acts not only due to hydrocarbonates and is more balanced in its effect on the acid-base balance.

An important clarification: we recommend taking not soda or mineral water, but rather something sour. It is better to relieve acidosis not chemically, but metabolically: speed up metabolism (more precisely, only the Krebs cycle) and wait until its work shifts the balance from the acidic side to the alkaline one. To do this, you need to take acidic foods (according to Le Chatelier's principle, this will speed up the reaction). Best choice to treat a hangover at home you will use succinic acid (in tablets), citric acid and lactic acid (in fermented milk products). All this should also be taken with caution: carefully read the recommendations in the relevant articles.

6. Raise your mood and performance

  • 2 tablets every hour, up to 5 times
  • picamilon
    150-200 mg spread throughout the day
  • pantogam
    2 grams spread throughout the day
  • Mexidol
    1-2 tablets up to three times a day
  • nonalcoholic beer
  • novo-passit
    1 tablet every 6-7 hours during the day
  • Negrustin
    maximum per day: 6 tablets, 6 capsules or 2 tablets
  • person
  • panangin (asparkam)
    1-2 tablets before meals
  • Magnesol
    dissolve 2-3 tablets in water
  • magnesia
    take the solution every 40-50 minutes, but no more than three times

The nervous system will be helped by glycine (dissolve 2 tablets every hour, up to 5 times), nootropic tablets Picamilon (take several tablets at the rate of 150-200 mg for the whole day), Pantogam (2 grams of the drug spread throughout the day) and Mexidol (by 1-2 tablets up to three times a day). Natural soothing agents include milk, hop tincture and beer (preferably non-alcoholic and in no case fortified). Just don’t go too heavy on milk after drinking, because it’s hard to digest and can, on the contrary, worsen your well-being.

Antidepressants are also found in abundance in cocoa. Also read a separate article on how to deal with hangover depression. Do not neglect these tips, because a bad mood threatens to break into binge drinking.

Do not take phenazepam if you have a hangover. It will, of course, help you fall asleep, but it is also dangerous: you can choke to death from vomiting in your sleep, this often happens. The likelihood of resting an arm or leg and losing it (crash syndrome) also greatly increases. In addition, phenazepam after alcohol can cause hallucinations, disorientation and other dangerous effects, that is, “to demolish the tower,” which is dangerous for you and for others.

Finally, caffeine (found in coffee and tea), as well as other tonics and stimulants (taurine, guarana, ginseng) found in energy drinks and anti-hangover remedies, will help restore performance.

If you have time and energy, go for a walk in the fresh air. A leisurely walk reduces anxiety, and fresh air speeds up metabolism.

St. John's wort infusion has a calming, anxiety-relieving effect. If you are too lazy to brew and infuse the herb yourself, you can take more expensive products based on St. John’s wort and other plants: Persen, Novo-passit (1 tablet every 6-7 hours during the day) or Negrustin (maximum daily dose: 6 tablets , 6 capsules or 2 tablets).

The following herbal preparations also calm nerves and fight hangover insomnia:

  • products with valerian;
  • products with motherwort;
  • soothing herbal mixtures from the pharmacy.

Doctors also sometimes prescribe these herbs for alcoholism, to relieve cravings for alcohol. This means that they will not only help you recover from a hangover, but will also reduce the likelihood of going on a binge.

Do not take Corvalol, Valocordin and Valoserdin if you have a hangover. They contain phenobarbital, which is incompatible with alcohol, and in itself is unsafe (it can cause delirium that is more severe than alcohol, even leading to coma).

The drugs Panangin (aka Asparkam), Magnesol and Magnesia will help to compensate for the lack of magnesium, which negatively affects the state of the nervous system and the heart. 1-2 tablets of Panangin should be taken before meals. If you bought Magnesol, then dissolve 2-3 effervescent tablets in water. You will have to tinker with magnesia a little more: one ampoule of magnesia needs to be dissolved in half a glass of water, or you need to prepare such a solution yourself from magnesia powder (read how to do this in the article), and then take this dose every 40-50 minutes, but no more than three times.

Researchers from South Korea also note that red ginseng can quickly relieve hangover symptoms and restore memory and concentration. The hangover cure industry is booming in South Korea, due to the fact that in this country it is common to work a lot and drink with colleagues. Ginseng has been used there historically, so it is natural that this plant was adopted. It should be remembered that ginseng is a stimulant and is not suitable for frequent use. Our expert also claims that in theory this remedy only works on Asians.

If the heart or pancreas, or kidneys, or something else makes itself felt after drinking most often, if you have already had problems and you are afraid of harming a specific organ by drinking, read our article “How to restore the body after alcohol” .

So, what is the best drink for a hangover?

How to get rid of alcohol poisoning? Treatment is best carried out on all fronts described: remove toxins, restore fluid balance, treat nerves. Please note that the effective set of remedies will depend on your current condition, the amount you drink, how long ago you last drank alcohol and ate food. To select hangover cures, you can use our specially developed methodology.

There are also branded anti-hangover products: Alka-Seltzer (alcoseltzer), Drinkoff, Zorex, Enterosgel, Antipohmelin and others. Many of them are quite effective, but usually cost more than what you can buy yourself at the pharmacy

Various subtleties

Nausea and vomiting after drinking alcohol are normal reactions. There is no need to avoid vomiting, do not rush to take cerucal or a completely useless cinnamon decoction, as some articles on the Internet advise. But there are times when you can take a remedy for nausea: if vomiting continues for more than a day and no longer brings relief, then it’s time for a cerucal.

What to do if you have a headache? In general, you need to cleanse your body of alcohol and toxic products, then the headache will go away on its own. But if you can’t bear it, then in the article you will find ways to relieve headaches faster. To get you started, this illustration will help you:

Convenient tables for those who regularly treat hangovers

If you're in doubt about what to do, keep two tips handy: What to do when you have a hangover and What not to do when you have a hangover.

We also have a handy table: What are the symptoms of a hangover and how to get rid of them

Read interesting and funny articles on our blog!
* Pinot noir wine.

* The Russian has everything on his side. Story.

* Grappa is one of the most popular Italian drinks all over the world. alcoholic drinks.

How to survive a hangover?

To recover after drinking, it is better to try to cleanse your body as much as possible and go to bed. However, if you are still very drunk, then ask someone to look after you. You need to make sure that you don’t roll over on your back and choke on vomit if you start to feel sick (this happens).

If you can’t sleep and you need to go to work, then first of all, don’t drive. Secondly, drink strong tea or coffee. Before this, you must induce vomiting, especially if the last time you ate or drank less than 6 hours ago. Energy drinks are also fine, but check your pulse. If your heart beats twice as fast as usual (160 versus 80 beats per minute), then avoid energy drinks and coffee.

Take succinic acid with you to work and take no more than one tablet every 60 minutes. The smell of fumes will go away as the body breaks down the alcohol. Until everything is processed, all that remains is to mask it with chewing gum.

How to get rid of fumes. Infographics.

Folk remedies for hangover

Not all folk remedies for hangover are as safe and time-tested as the now popular healers and healers claim. But you shouldn’t give up all folk remedies at once because they are too outdated and ineffective compared to a powerful pill. The effectiveness of some folk remedies is also confirmed by modern medicine. In this article, an expert from the website Pokhmelye.rf, toxicologist Stanislav Radchenko, will figure out which of the remedies actually work and which are useless and even harmful.

Effective folk methods

meanswhy does it worknotes
flush the stomach (drink and vomit)all harmful substances are very quickly eliminated from the bodyif severe and senseless vomiting continues for more than a day, take Cerucal
dreamDuring sleep, the body recovers fasterSomeone should watch a drunk person's sleep
physical activity, sexspeed up metabolism, including alcohol processingprohibited when recovering from heavy drinking and in case of heart problems, as they strain the heart
bath, bath, showerrelieve swelling, speed up metabolismnot recommended for heart problems and high blood pressure
to drink a lot of waterWater relieves swelling and headaches and removes harmful substances faster. Mineral water is especially effectiveBefore drinking water, drink a glass of brine
brinereplenishes the supply of salts, helps the beneficial effects of waterdrink no more than a glass - and it’s the brine, not the marinade
kvasscontains vitamin B1, enzymes, beneficial microorganisms and organic acids that help quickly remove harmful substances from the bodyThe kvass must be natural, not canned. And not too “intoxicating”, otherwise you’ll get a new dose of alcohol
fermented milk drinks: yogurt, tan, ayran, kefir, kumys is especially usefulprovide the body with proteins, vitamins and minerals, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore strength, remove toxins and protect the liverIt is better to drink on an empty stomach, in small sips and in an amount of no more than 600 ml
teacontains vitamin B1, which is used to process alcohol. Invigorating, but much softer than coffeedrink at the end of all detoxification procedures and not too much, because loads the heart
cocoacontains a number of antidepressants, replenishes hangover deficiency of magnesium, invigorates, reduces headaches and anxietyIt is better to prepare cocoa with water, because... milk reduces its bioavailability. Optimal dose: 3/4 cup
lemon juiceimproves metabolism, accelerates alcohol processingjuice of 2-3 lemons diluted with twice as much boiled water so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa
honeyimproves metabolism, has a calming and detoxifying effect. Fructose helps process alcohol fastertake in small portions: spread half a glass of honey over the whole day
seafoodimprove metabolism, help get rid of harmful substances, calm the nerves, provide us with potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorusafter drinking they cause discomfort instead of pleasure. As a result, the person stops drinking
citrus fruits and bananasOranges and lemons contain citric acid, which helps get rid of harmful substances. Bananas replenish hangover potassium deficiencythese fruits are ideal for refreshment in the morning: they do not cause nausea and do not overload the gastrointestinal tract

Links in the table lead to specific hangover treatments on the same page. Now let’s take a closer look at why the above folk remedies really work, and how they should be taken correctly.

Stomach cleansing

Nausea and vomiting are a natural (and very useful) reaction of the body to the ingestion of toxic substances: the breakdown products of alcohol. If you are tormented by nausea, but it doesn’t come to the point of vomiting, induce vomiting yourself, and you will quickly feel better. To do this, you should drink at least one liter of water and induce vomiting. Continue doing this until clear water comes out. This is the most affordable and fastest way.


Sleep is a good means of detoxification, since sleep activates processes aimed at restoring homeostasis (constancy of physiological processes). During sleep, the body will quickly put itself in order. But it is necessary for someone to keep an eye on the sleep of a very drunk person: turn him on his side in case of vomiting, and also change his position so that the sleeping drunk does not rest his limbs in too long and motionless position.

Physical activity, sex

Physical activity speeds up the elimination of harmful substances. As a hangover remedy, they are applicable after bowel movements in young, physically trained people, since additional stress occurs on the heart, which after drinking is already working under load. Physical activity is prohibited during a long binge. (Read also a separate article about whether you can combine alcohol and exercise.)

Attention! We recommend physical activity as a way to quickly recover from a hangover only to young and healthy people who do not have heart problems. You also need to check your pulse: there is no need to exercise if your pulse is already twice as high as your normal (somewhere more than 160 when the normal is 80 beats per minute).

Sex, like any other physical activity, speeds up metabolism, including the processing of alcohol. The release of endorphins during sex makes you feel better and helps get rid of headaches. Be careful: like other physical exercises, sex while hungover puts additional strain on the heart.

Bath, bath, shower

In the bathhouse, blood circulation and metabolism are activated, which contributes to the rapid processing of toxic breakdown products of alcohol. A visit to the bath increases skin respiration and improves blood circulation. Heat kills bacteria on the human body. Profuse sweating eliminates dehydration and relieves swelling. In the bathhouse, a person’s mood improves and fresh strength appears.

The bath can be replaced with a salt bath: stir 300 grams of sea salt in warm water and lie there for half an hour. Remember: a sauna, salt bath and contrast shower are not recommended for problems with the heart and blood pressure.

A contrast shower quickly puts you in the right state: invigorates, relieves swelling, and increases brain performance. The main rule of a contrast shower is to start with hot water: make the water quite warm from the very beginning, stand under it for 30 seconds, then turn on cold water and stand under it for 15–20 seconds. Then hot again, and so on. For the expected effect, three cycles of water changes must be performed.

Water, mineral water

One of the main reasons for feeling unwell in the morning is improper redistribution of fluid, when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues, creating swelling, and the volume of circulating blood is not enough, and the person suffers from dryness. The rapid entry of water into the bloodstream normalizes the volume of circulating blood, stimulates urination and thereby eliminates tissue swelling. Relieving swelling relieves headaches and reduces the load on the heart.

Mineral water is three times more effective than regular water. It enters the blood faster, so it is much more effective in helping to get rid of swelling, headaches, and also remove toxic breakdown products of alcohol from the body. “Hydrocarbonate” mineral waters (Borjomi, Essentuki) are especially useful for treating hangovers, shifting the acid-base balance in the body to the alkaline side, because it is usually acidic in a state of alcohol intoxication.


Before drinking water, it is advisable to replenish the supply of salts: for example, drink a glass of brine (cabbage or cucumber) - and this will replenish the loss of electrolyte salts. By the way, in fact, the folk remedy for a hangover was cabbage brine, not cucumber brine: unlike cucumber brine, cabbage brine contains succinic acid. You should not drink more than one glass so as not to strain your heart. And make sure that you drink the brine and not the marinade.


Natural, non-canned kvass contains large quantities of vitamin B1, enzymes, beneficial microorganisms and organic acids, which help to quickly remove toxic breakdown products of alcohol from the body. Not recommended for those suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer in the acute stage. Be careful and do not drink excessively “intoxicating” kvass: this way you can accidentally get a hangover. And getting a hangover in the morning is not useful, but harmful - read about this dubious folk remedy below, in the same article.

Fermented milk drinks

Fermented milk products (yogurt, tan, ayran, kefir, kumiss) provide the body with proteins, vitamins and minerals; have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and effectively restore strength. The amino acids and beneficial bacteria contained in these products improve appetite and have a laxative effect. Lactic acid bacteria provide a person with energy, remove toxins from the body, and protect the liver.

If you have a hangover, it is better and more beneficial to take fermented milk products on an empty stomach, in small sips, optimally up to 600 ml. The most suitable fermented milk drink is kumys, which contains the largest amount of lactic acid and B vitamins, and is also quickly absorbed.


Tea contains vitamin B1, which is greatly consumed during the processing of alcohol and toxic products of its breakdown. Tea contains caffeine, which makes it invigorating, but much milder than coffee. Tea is a good way to complete activities to remove toxins from the body.


Cocoa contains a number of antidepressants that improve mood and performance, reduce headaches and anxiety. Cocoa replenishes magnesium deficiency, having a positive effect on the heart and nervous system. Cocoa is as invigorating as coffee, but has fewer side effects. It is recommended to prepare cocoa in water: milk reduces its bioavailability. Recommended dose: 150 ml of drink (three quarters of a glass).

Lemon juice

Immediately after the feast, squeeze the juice from two or three lemons and drink, diluting it twice with boiled water (so as not to irritate the mucous membranes, already irritated by drinking). This will smooth out the effects of drinking: citric acid speeds up all processing processes nutrients, including alcohol processing. Lemon juice can also help in the morning.

But this is not all that is useful to do in advance, immediately after drinking. Read a separate article about what anti-hangover measures you can take the night before a hangover.


Honey contains microelements, redox enzymes, and organic acids of the Krebs cycle - the most important part of metabolism. Honey has a calming and detoxifying effect. Fructose contained in honey helps to cope with the processing of alcohol faster.

The picture shows the Krebs cycle and alcohol in general scheme human metabolism. View in full.

Our expert notes that at home, a hangover can be relieved by cleansing the intestines and taking honey in fractions: 100 ml (half a glass) of honey should be spread over the whole day, taking a little at a time.


Seafood increases appetite and improves metabolism, helps to quickly get rid of toxic alcohol breakdown products, and also acts as a sedative. Seafood saturates the body with potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, which are necessary for electrolyte imbalances that occur due to alcohol abuse.

However, the ability to absorb beneficial substances from a hangover is greatly reduced, so you should improve your health with seafood after carrying out basic detoxification measures (that is, after removing the toxic breakdown products of alcohol from the body).

Citrus fruits and bananas

Oranges and lemons contain large quantities of citric acid, which helps quickly remove toxic breakdown products of alcohol from the body.

Useless folk ways to relieve a hangover:

  • get over your hangover
  • force yourself to eat
  • drink tomato juice
  • eat garlic
  • eat ginger
  • to drink coffee

Let's find out why you shouldn't use these folk remedies.

Get over your hangover

A hangover will only go away when you cleanse your body of alcohol and its byproducts. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in proper detoxification.

A new dose of alcohol in the morning is a short-term symptomatic remedy: drinking can have a slight anesthetic and sedative effect - however, you can alleviate the suffering from a hangover using much safer methods, and you will have to pay for such an “additive” later. This is a direct path to binge drinking and the development of alcoholism: doctors say that a morning hangover really alleviates the hangover for those who have already developed an addiction; Non-alcoholics are usually sickened by the sight of alcohol when they have a hangover.

Force yourself to eat

If you don’t want to eat in the morning, it means that the poisoning has not yet passed. The food you eat will not be digested, will not “give you strength,” but will only worsen the poisoning. You can often hear advice to eat through a fatty soup, and then the nausea will subside. This is not true. To return to normal, it would be wiser not to interfere with the body getting rid of alcohol breakdown products and not to load it with new food until it is cleansed.

Food (especially heavy food) can only be useful as a means of provoking diarrhea and vomiting; however, it is easier to use water for these purposes. Dense foods contain fats and proteins in large quantities. Their entry into the body increases the load on the liver. Therefore, try to limit yourself to light food in the morning. To find out what kind of breakfast will not harm you, but on the contrary, will help you recover faster, read the article “What is best to eat when you have a hangover.”

Tomato juice

Tomato juice is often mentioned among folk remedies for hangovers along with brine. Tomato juice contains some vitamins, pectin, and organic acids of the Krebs cycle, including malic and succinic. But it also contains oxalic acid (oxalate), which simultaneously reduces the effects of both malic and succinic acid. Therefore, tomato juice does not provide any special advantages compared to ordinary liquids.


Garlic and dishes containing garlic contain substances that, when oxidized, produce the same metabolites as alcohol. Therefore, on the one hand, in accordance with Le Chatelier’s principle, garlic slows down the oxidation of alcohol, prolonging its effect on the body, and on the other hand, in large doses it itself causes a condition very similar to a hangover. The vast majority of cases of heavy consumption of garlic (as well as onions, peppers, horseradish, mustard, spices) while drinking is accompanied by a worsening hangover.


Like any stimulant, ginger can give you a short-term boost. There is not much point in this, because it is better to go to bed, this will relieve the hangover faster. In addition, ginger will additionally irritate the stomach, and this is a direct path to an ulcer. Ginger will not help you cleanse your body (there is no scientific evidence for this), and therefore is generally useless.


Coffee awakens the brain, but increases the load on the heart. The same caffeine (but in smaller quantities) is found in tea and in some special anti-hangover drugs - and in this form it acts more gently. Caffeine is also found in non-alcoholic energy drinks, but it is not the main anti-hangover component. An effective and useful analogue of caffeine (theobromine) is found in cocoa, which was already written about in this article. Coffee can be drunk at the very end of detoxification measures, as a means of enhancing performance.

Artichoke extract

A popular hangover cure in the West. Recently, it has been gaining popularity among us, including as a remedy for alcoholism. Artichoke does not cure a hangover: scientists from the University of the British city of Exeter established this back in 2003.

Let's start with the sad truth: the only way to avoid a hangover that works is to not get drunk. But we understand that it is already late. Therefore, first, emergency help to combat a hangover, and then advice for the future.

How to get rid of a hangover

A hangover is essentially poisoning. We are poisoned by the breakdown products of ethanol, and these products are already in our blood, so the whole body gets feverish, not just the stomach. Unfortunately, it takes time to remove acetaldehyde (the main poison left after a stormy evening). There are no remedies that will relieve a hangover “like a hand”, but we can alleviate the symptoms.

Restore fluid balance

Ethanol has a diuretic effect, meaning it removes fluid from the body. Without water, the body gets rid of ethanol breakdown products more slowly, meaning the hangover lasts longer. In case of any poisoning, you need to drink a lot in small sips; in case of a hangover, you need to do the same.

We understand that this is difficult, but we must try, after the second cup of tea things will go better. It is best to drink rehydration solutions (from a pharmacy, for example) or mineral water. But if they don't climb, start with sweet tea or tomato juice or even brine. But coffee won't help.

Try tea with honey

There is no 100% evidence that honey will help. Hangover treatment, but with these hangover remedies it’s always like that: you never know what will make you feel better. If there is no allergy, honey is a good natural remedy with a mass.

Drink sorbents

Intestinal sorbents had to be drunk, of course, until a hangover, but everyone had to remove poisons from the body accessible ways. It is better to give preference not to good old coal, but to modern means, because swallowing 10–20 tablets of coal with a hangover is dubious happiness.

Drink fruit juices and broths

This is not a one-size-fits-all treatment, but the liquid diet helps relieve symptoms, and the fructose in the juice provides energy.

Drink a special drink

If there is someone nearby who can help, hand it to him and ask him to cook. When it's shaking, there's no time to mix juices with spices. But a drink offered by caring hands will quickly put you back on your feet.

A new dose of alcohol is an additional burden. The body is already full of alcohol breakdown products; beer or other drinks will only add to the difficulties.

Once the alcohol takes effect, you will feel better. But alcohol is quickly processed by “old yeast”, because the liver has already released many enzymes to break down the previous portion. So the poisoning will become stronger.


A typical hangover goes away within 24 hours. You just have to survive them. The most convenient way to do this is in your sleep.

Take a painkiller

If your head is pounding so much that you can’t even sleep, take a painkiller Hangover cures. Yes, paracetamol and ibuprofen are bad for the stomach and liver, which are already in trouble. But what can you do, sometimes you have to make difficult choices. But use only those medications that you have already tried before: you must be sure that you have a normal relationship with them.

Take a walk

At least around the house. Movement helps to distract yourself, and in the fresh air it is easier to remove waste products from the blood through breathing.

What to do when your hangover is really bad

Alcohol poisoning can lead to more than just painful mornings. Sometimes it provokes more serious conditions, even stroke or. Therefore, seek emergency help if you notice Hangovers:

  1. Severe headache.
  2. Pain behind the sternum, which can radiate to the left arm.
  3. Frequent heartbeat.
  4. Pale to the point of blue.
  5. Decreased body temperature.
  6. Vomiting that does not stop and does not allow you to drink (everything comes right back out).
  7. Confusion (difficulty answering questions, unclear where you are).

So, you can already keep your head straight. It's time to make an effort and get to the mirror, get scared and take care of yourself.

  1. Have another glass. Water, just water. First of all, not all the hangover has gone away yet. Secondly, you look so bad precisely because your skin lacks this very water. Forward.
  2. Wash and shave. Especially if after returning home you did not have the strength or problems with coordination prevented you from carrying out hygiene procedures.
  3. Take a bath. Soaking in a warm bath with sea salt for 20 minutes is priceless.
  4. Make an oatmeal mask or use a ready-made scrub. You need to remove dead skin cells and increase blood circulation a little.
  5. Make a compress with green tea. Brewed tea bags are a good remedy.
  6. Apply light makeup. The key word is easy. Even out your face tone with transparent products, no sculpting. Mascara is enough for eye makeup and gloss for lips.

The fresh alcoholic smell can still be hidden by regular brushing of teeth and thorough mouth rinsing. Even simple chewing gum and a cup of strong coffee will clean your mouth and remove the smell of alcohol.

The fumes caused by the breakdown products of ethanol do not go away so easily, because these same products are released by the entire body at once. You will still have to brush your teeth, but this is not enough, you need to do something else:

  1. Drink clean water. A large amount of water causes a diuretic effect, and along with urine, alcohol breakdown products will leave the body. At the same time, the unpleasant odor will also decrease. Essentially, we are being washed.
  2. Take a shower. It is necessary to wash off from the skin everything that has already been released with sweat.
  3. Have breakfast with protein foods: meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese. This will help the liver process the remaining ethanol faster.
  4. Breakfast should be spicy. Even a slight acceleration of metabolic processes, which will be caused by spices, will reduce the time it takes for the fumes to “weather” from the body.
  5. Use medications with succinic acid. Many hangover remedies contain this ingredient. And although it will help little with the actual unpleasant sensations, it will still make you feel better with the smell.

What to do to prevent a hangover from happening again

Most likely, now you are ready to swear that you will never do it again. But last time it was the same. Therefore, when you come to your senses, just study the topic and be more responsible about what, when and how you drink.

Alcohol is deadly, especially if it is fake alcohol. Poisoning with methyl alcohol, which cannot be detected in a bottle using improvised methods, leads to dozens of deaths every year. When buying alcohol, always look at:

  1. Place of purchase. No dubious stalls or delivery via taxi.
  2. Price. Good drinks don't come cheap. It's better to lose money than health.
  3. Packaging. A tightly closed cork, a neck with a dispenser, and good paper for the label are signs of high-quality alcohol. For many manufacturers, you can study the packaging on the website to compare it with what is sold in the store.
  4. Excise stamp. You can check real alcohol using the numbers on the brand using a special service.

What to do before approaching the table

Any hangover begins long before you take your first drink. In order not to drink too much and not repent, you need to prepare your body for the shock of alcohol:

  1. Warm up before the party. For example, do exercises or go to the gym. Exercise helps combat the effects of alcohol.
  2. Eat a hearty meal. Fatty foods prevent the absorption of alcohol into the blood.
  3. Take medications that will help process alcohol. These are intestinal sorbents like activated carbon (modern analogues work no worse, but you need to drink less of them) and dry yeast, which help break down alcohol.

While you're drinking, you already have a chance to reduce your hangover symptoms. The question is how to drink:

  1. Don't forget to snack and choose nutritious foods.
  2. Drink not only alcohol, but also juices and water. Hangover pain comes from dehydration, so keep your cells hydrated. Just no soda: the bubbles will increase your intoxication. This also applies to the alcoholic drinks themselves. So don't lean on the champagne.
  3. Don't mix drinks. It doesn't really matter how much different types We mixed alcohol and what we drank first and what later. Our state is affected only by the total amount of alcohol, but due to the difference in strength and tastes, it is easy to get confused in the sensations and overdo it.
  4. Dance. Don't you know how? Go for a walk. The main thing is to move more in order to sober up a little or at least control yourself: if your legs can’t hold you up and the walls are shaking, then you’ll definitely have enough.

To relieve a hangover, a person needs to drink a lot of water. It will help the poisoned body quickly remove ethanol and toxic substances obtained with alcohol. The liquid is also useful in that it normalizes water balance and normalizes kidney function, since after excessive drinking of alcohol a person always experiences dehydration. Walking in the fresh air and taking a contrast shower will have a positive effect on your well-being. To speed up the process of removing toxins and improving the condition, you can use pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies.

Tablets to relieve hangover symptoms

The approved medications for a person suffering from a hangover include the following:

  • Activated carbon. It will significantly reduce the degree of intoxication. The dosage of the drug should be calculated based on the patient’s body weight: 1 tablet per 10 kg. The required amount of tablets is washed down with a large volume of mineral water without gas.
  • Glycerol. This remedy will also help get rid of toxic substances accumulated during drinking alcohol. 1 part glycerin must be combined with 2 parts saline solution. It is recommended to drink the resulting product 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets will quickly lower blood pressure and quickly eliminate headaches. To get rid of migraines, just drink 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. Important: you can drink aspirin no earlier than 5 hours after drinking the last portion of alcohol.
  • Potassium permanganate. Its solution will help flush the stomach. To prepare it, potassium permanganate must be diluted in warm water (1 drop per glass). You need to drink the resulting product in small sips.

Taking the above medications will speed up the process of relieving hangover. Today the market sells many drugs advertised by their manufacturers as The best way cure a hangover. These products include Zorex, Antipolitsay and Limontar. You should know that their use will only temporarily relieve migraines and help remove fumes, but will not cleanse the body of ethyl alcohol and toxins. Within a few hours after taking the pills, the headaches will resume, your health will worsen, and the smell of alcohol will reappear. Such drugs have contraindications and side effects, so you should not overuse them to relieve a hangover.

Important: if a person has serious stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers), or is prone to allergic reactions, then before resorting to treatment of hangover symptoms with medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Even in the absence of contraindications, you should not take medications on an empty stomach. When you wake up, you need to have a hearty breakfast. It is best to eat noodles in meat broth or okroshka, potatoes with vegetable salad or scrambled eggs. The tea you should choose is green. And for dessert, it is recommended to treat yourself to watermelon, citrus fruits or strawberries. Consumption of the above products will help cleanse the body and saturate it with vitamins.

Folk remedies

You can relieve a hangover at home without pills. To do this, use one of the following tips:

  • Drink soda solution. In 1 glass of water you need to dilute 0.5 teaspoon of soda. You need to use the product in small sips.
  • Take ginger infusion. Pour 1 tablespoon of the plant into 1 cup of boiling water and leave until it cools. It is recommended to drink 3 tablespoons of the warm infusion three times a day.
  • Drink herbal infusions. Mix 1 tablespoon each of chamomile, mint and St. John's wort and brew with a liter of boiling water. After 15 minutes, filter the broth. You need to drink the resulting product three times a day, 1 glass, 10-15 minutes before meals.
  • Drink a decoction of dill seeds. 20 grams of dill seeds must be poured with half a liter of warm water and boiled. From the moment it boils, the liquid should be simmered over low heat for 8-10 minutes. The strained and cooled broth is drunk half a glass three times a day in slow sips.
  • Drink drinks rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. These include pickles and juices. It is recommended to drink several glasses of cucumber, tomato or cabbage brine. Natural drinks made from fruits and berries, compotes and fruit drinks are useful. You can quickly remove toxins with freshly squeezed orange, apple or tomato juice. A few glasses of a dairy drink - milk, kefir or drinking yogurt - will help you quickly cope with intoxication.

Thus, by using official medicine and folk remedies, you can improve your well-being in the shortest possible time. A person suffering from a hangover needs proper rest and long-term sleep so that the body can fully recover from excessive alcohol consumption. And in order to avoid such problems in the future, you should learn to control the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed.

When a hangover occurs, how to get rid of it at home, the question arises instantly. And how can he not show up if he has a terrible headache, nausea, his whole body hurts, and is terribly thirsty. To understand how to quickly get rid of a hangover at home effectively, you need to know what it is.

A hangover is a set of unpleasant symptoms that a person feels after drinking too much alcohol. But the consequences of a hangover are not limited to poor health. Its frequent occurrence is associated with low productivity and conflicts at work. Therefore, questions about how to relieve a hangover and how to cope with a hangover arise every time a person needs to go to work the morning after drinking.

As a general rule, the more alcoholic beverages a person drinks at one time, the more likely it is that they will have a hangover the next day. But there is no one universal formula for everyone, how much you need to drink so that hangover symptoms do not appear the next day.

The main causes of a hangover are considered to be a sharp decrease in alcohol in the blood and depletion of essential nutrients. Treating a hangover at home will be effective if you take this point into account.

If we talk about what causes a hangover, then depending on how much a person drank and what type of alcohol, he may feel:

  • Weakness, weakness, fatigue.
  • I'm thirsty.
  • Migraine.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain.
  • Insomnia, nightmares, poor sleep.
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Dizziness.
  • Shiver.
  • Decreased ability to concentrate.
  • Mood disorders, depression, anxiety and irritability.
  • Cardiopalmus.

How long hangover symptoms last depends on how much and for how long the person drank. If this happens the morning after drinking and you don’t plan to drink anymore, the unpleasant symptoms usually go away within 24 hours, even if you don’t try to fight the hangover. But if a person drinks all the time, abruptly stopping alcohol consumption leads to withdrawal symptoms and delirium tremens. The first indicates the second stage of alcoholism, the second indicates a more serious situation.

Why does a hangover occur?

Although a hangover usually occurs when there is serious overindulgence in alcohol, for some people, a standard dose is enough for unpleasant symptoms to appear. There are also situations when a hangover does not occur, even if a person has drunk a lot.

A hangover occurs for the following reasons:

  • When getting rid of alcohol, the body produces an increased amount of urine. This leads to dehydration, symptoms of which include thirst, dizziness, and a feeling of emptiness in the head. Therefore, you can overcome a hangover by replenishing your water supply.
  • Alcohol triggers an inflammatory response in the immune system. This leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to concentrate, memory deteriorates, appetite decreases, and interest in life is lost.
  • Alcohol irritates the gastric mucosa, increasing acid synthesis and retaining food in the stomach. This leads to abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Such a severe hangover must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, who will prescribe medications to eliminate the hangover.
  • Alcohol lowers blood sugar. Glucose is the main source of energy in the body; if there is not enough of it, a person experiences fatigue, trembling, bad mood, and convulsions are possible. Therefore, honey is often prescribed as a hangover remedy.
  • Ethanol dilates and constricts blood vessels, which causes headaches.
  • Alcohol can cause drowsiness. This leads to a constant desire to sleep throughout the day and insomnia at night.
  • Alcoholic drinks contain fusel oils, which give each type of alcohol a specific taste and contribute to the appearance of a hangover. There is especially a lot of fusel oil in dark-colored drinks (brandy, whiskey) and less in light-colored drinks (vodka, gin).

The symptoms of a hangover may worsen if a person drinks on an empty stomach: if there is no food in it, the absorption of ethanol into the blood through the walls of the stomach and intestines is accelerated. It should be remembered that in order to quickly remove a hangover after drinking, you must eat before drinking. Concomitant use of nicotine with alcohol (smoking) increases discomfort. Some hangover symptoms are related to bad sleep and insomnia after drinking.

If a person has close relatives with alcoholism, this may indicate a hereditary problem with alcohol processing. This manifests itself in more severe hangover symptoms.

What you need to know about hangover

Every drinker, after waking up at home in a terrible state, is reluctant to go to the doctor. Therefore, the question arises of how to get rid of a hangover at home.

Now there are a lot of medications that can effectively combat the problems that alcohol consumption leads to. Treatment of hangover with folk remedies includes recipes containing herbs and tinctures.

For example, motherwort tincture is a sedative that improves sleep and relieves anxiety. Can motherwort be used for a hangover? Of course, but only in medical dosage. If you drink motherwort with a hangover in doses exceeding the specified norms, you can be poisoned. It is not recommended to make a recipe for a hangover yourself: it is better to consult a doctor. After all, medications can interact and give the most unpredictable reactions.

Cure a hangover at home is not a problem. Even if you do nothing, it goes away on its own. You need to understand that the body fights a hangover on its own, you just need to support it and direct this activity of the body in the right direction. This will help even if the body, depleted of alcohol, is so weakened that it is absolutely unclear how to deal with a hangover in this state.

It is much worse if, after drinking, there is a withdrawal syndrome, which may be followed by delirium tremens. It is better to treat this condition in a hospital: it will be easier and much faster to get rid of it. But if you treat withdrawal symptoms at home, you can break down and start drinking again: at this moment, the craving for alcohol is so strong that it is extremely difficult to resist it. It should be remembered once and for all: alcohol is not the best cure for a hangover, so you should not consider it the correct answer to the question of how to get rid of a hangover quickly. Alcohol is not the answer!

Why drink water

If nothing comes to mind about how to cure a hangover, you can consult a doctor or friends who probably have the same problems. This will help you understand how to beat a hangover, how to survive a hangover and how to emerge victorious from a hangover.

There are many ways to cure a hangover. The main thing is to know how the body will perceive this treatment, since what is effective for one is not suitable for another. You can effectively treat a hangover at home only by applying the main rule - do no harm.

You should know: to treat a hangover at home, you do not need to have a medical degree. Ordinary products that contain substances necessary for the body’s recovery can help relieve a hangover at home.

For example, an excellent home remedy for a hangover is ordinary water, which a dehydrated body needs. You need to boil it and drink as much as possible. Water restores the water balance in the body and also helps to quickly remove alcohol toxins. Therefore, it is one of the main remedies that helps fight a hangover at home. When drinking regular water, it is recommended to eat something salty to replenish salt reserves. Drinks for athletes that replenish the balance of electrolytes are a good remedy.

It should also be remembered that most of the severe symptoms of a hangover can be avoided if you replenish your body's water reserves in a timely manner. Therefore, it is very important to drink water as often as possible while drinking.

Foods for detoxification

How to quickly relieve a hangover, so as not to wait several hours or days for it to go away on its own? One of the best folk remedies that relieve spasms and cramps is peppermint tincture. Mint infusion will successfully answer the question of how to recover from a hangover, since convulsive activity is one of the components of the symptoms of a hangover.

Another answer to the question of how to quickly cure hangover symptoms are medications from the class of adaptogens, most of which are of plant origin. They help the body cope with unpleasant sensations with minimal effort. Such remedies include ginseng, eleutherococcus and others.

If we talk about what helps with a hangover, then this is cocoa with milk, as well as ice cream. They calm the stomach, replenish fluids and raise blood sugar, which is the answer to relieving hangovers. Milk is also a good source of vitamin D and calcium, which alcohol flushes out of the body. The answer to how to quickly get rid of a hangover at home is the amino acid cysteine. Its source is such folk remedies for hangovers as milk, eggs, meat, onions, garlic.

If a person has no appetite due to a hangover and cannot eat anything, then he needs to be given beef broth or borscht. This is a good way to restore water balance, replenish electrolytes and some nutrients. Therefore, it is the answer to how to get rid of a hangover at home.

Traditional folk remedies for hangovers are tomatoes. They contain vitamins A, C, beta-carotene and the antioxidant lycopene. You can make a salad, juice, or eat them just like that, removing the skin if desired. Bananas are the answer to cure hangovers. This is an excellent remedy to replenish potassium reserves (alcohol is a means of removing potassium reserves). Therefore, bananas help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

A Korean folk remedy that answers the question of how to cure a hangover is kimchi with rice. That's what they call it Chinese cabbage seasoned with red pepper and garlic. Red pepper dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow. Garlic contains cysteine. Koreans drink tea made from oats or ginseng with kimchi.

Research shows that the amino acid taurine helps in the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, and also makes it possible to prevent and treat hangovers. Natural sources of taurine include seafood and meat.

You can drink herbal teas to reduce hangover symptoms:

  • ginger tea;
  • ginseng;
  • peppermint.

Ginger is a natural pain reliever and antioxidant that doctors recommend when answering how to relieve a hangover. Research shows that ginger reduces nausea and improves gastrointestinal health.

Honey consists of sugars, minerals and vitamins. This is an excellent remedy for replenishing glucose stores in people suffering from a hangover. You should know that binge alcoholics You need to be careful with foods containing sugar and glucose: under its influence, thiamine reserves are quickly consumed. This can cause brain damage called Wernicke's encephalopathy.

If you give preference to food that consists only of alcohol and carbohydrates, without vitamins, this can also provoke encephalopathy. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly monitor the availability of vitamins, especially vitamins from group B.


A good answer to the question of what to do if you have a hangover is to go to the pharmacy: a proprietary remedy can provide effective help with a hangover. You can also use a painkiller, but you must proceed with caution.

For example, one of the most popular remedies for headaches is paracetamol and its combinations. So, paracetamol and other drugs whose active ingredient is paracetamol should not be taken if you have hangover symptoms! Taking paracetamol for a hangover can cause liver failure.

Aspirin is a fairly safe remedy to use for a hangover. But if you have stomach diseases, aspirin can worsen their course. Aspirin should also be avoided if you are hypersensitive to this drug. You should know that you should not take aspirin six hours before drinking alcohol. If you break the rule and take it, the medicine will increase the toxic effect of ethanol on the body, leading to the development of stomach ulcers and other ailments.

Ibuprofen is gentler on the stomach than aspirin and is safe for the liver. Therefore, for many, this is the best pain reliever for a hangover. But ibuprofen should be taken with caution by people with heart problems.

There are also some important rules to follow. It should be remembered that relieving a hangover at home cannot be done with drinks that contain alcohol. This will only lead to temporary improvement, after which the condition will worsen significantly. Also, you should not treat hangover symptoms with alcohol: the pain will go away for a short time, then it will only get worse.

Hangover syndrome or simply a hangover - the body’s reaction to poisoning by toxic substances from the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. Dangerous compounds are contained in any alcohol: beer, wine, vodka, cognac and other alcoholic beverages. When consumed excessively, toxins disrupt the functioning of internal organs: liver, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system. Therefore, the body sends signals for help in the form of thirst, nausea, vomiting, headache, and deterioration in general condition.

Let's find out in more detail: what signs and symptoms accompany the syndrome, why a hangover causes a feeling of anxiety and fear, how not to get sick after the holidays, ways to treat the condition at home, what to drink and eat to quickly recover from a hangover. And if you know your own miraculous method, share your feedback in the comments on the forum below.

Symptoms of hangover syndrome

A hangover syndrome develops 6–8 hours after excessive drinking. Anxiety often appears in the morning following strong intoxication the day before. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, the person’s age, and hereditary factors.

Signs of a hangover are considered to be when:

  • hands are shaking;
  • strong thirst;
  • loss of appetite;
  • swelling on the face is visible;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • red eyes that may water;
  • internal trembling throughout the body;
  • nausea, vomiting, possibly bile;
  • increased flatulence, frequent diarrhea;
  • lethargy, general weakness, irritability;
  • sweat on the forehead, sometimes sweaty palms;
  • bad breath, so-called breath;
  • pressure surges, rapid pulse and palpitations, heart pain;
  • decreased physical and intellectual abilities, absent-mindedness;
  • anxiety, fear, possibly depression, insomnia appear.
Symptoms of a hangover: weakness, headache, nausea, extreme thirst

Against the background of general malaise, “adrenaline melancholy” develops - a feeling of guilt. The person feels that the day before he committed inappropriate and shameful actions. Even if all the events are preserved in memory, it begins to seem that those around them are judgmental and know the juicy details of last night. In a particularly severe hangover, there may be an increase in temperature, sometimes convulsions and epilepsy.

How long a hangover will last depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, the type of alcohol, and individual health characteristics. On average, the illness lasts 4–8 hours.

Causes of a severe hangover

Severe hangover, anxiety and fever are provoked by a number of factors:

  1. Breakdown of alcohol. Ethanol in the body breaks down into acetaldehyde, which causes poisoning and hangover. The toxin is later converted to acetic acid, after which the symptoms subside.
  2. Fluid imbalance. The diuretic effect of alcohol, especially beer, causes dehydration in the body - water deficiency, as well as a decrease in blood volume in the vessels. This explains the appearance of edema.
  3. Metabolic disorders. Due to the diuretic effect of alcohol, useful microelements, lactobacilli, and vitamins are massively removed from the human body along with urine. This causes metabolic disorders, endocrine system dysfunction,.
  4. Decreased glucose levels. The substance is the main source of energy for the body. Due to the active breakdown of ethanol, the liver does not have time to compensate for the lack of healthy carbohydrate. A decrease in glucose levels also affects the brain: the manifestation of absent-mindedness, deterioration of mental abilities, and sleep disorders.
  5. Magnesium deficiency. The trace element is actively excreted by the kidneys along with toxic substances. During normal functioning, magnesium controls the flow of calcium into the body's cells. An excess of the latter element causes increased excitability, irritability, arrhythmia, muscle weakness and body chills.

It is worth noting that sweet cocktails cause a more severe hangover, unlike drinks of the same strength, but without sugar. The syndrome is more difficult to develop after drinking alcohol containing flavoring additives: cognac, whiskey, tequila. For smokers, the hangover syndrome is aggravated by nicotine poisoning, since people smoke twice as many cigarettes when intoxicated.

A person who drinks the same amount of alcohol will feel better in the morning than a smoker

Answers to the most frequently asked questions:

  1. Why do you feel anxious after a hangover? Firstly, a panic state occurs due to partial or complete memory gaps caused by alcohol intoxication. Secondly, the shaking sensation is caused by ethanol poisoning. The body spends all its energy on cleansing, so there is no physical energy and the mind is clouded.
  2. Why does a hangover give you a headache? Drinking alcohol leads to dehydration. A large amount of fluid is removed, along with which useful substances are removed: sodium, potassium, magnesium. Due to a deficiency of microelements, intracranial pressure increases and cerebral edema occurs. In addition, lack of fluid leads to thickening of the blood, blood circulation slows down, and the brain ceases to receive sufficient oxygen. Oxygen starvation leads to the death of neurons - cells of the nervous system.
  1. Why do you want sex when you're hungover? This question applies more to men. When intoxicated, a person experiences euphoria. Endorphins, hormones of joy that improve well-being, are released into the blood in large quantities. Therefore, the next morning their supply is exhausted. The body requires stimulation of hormone production through sex. In addition, a hangover is accompanied by increased production of testosterone, which causes strong arousal. When functioning properly, the liver processes excess male sex hormone.
    In women with a hangover, their hormone levels do not change, so they often do not share the sexual urges of their other half.

It is worth noting that sex with a hangover causes an increase in blood pressure, which with symptoms of alcohol intoxication is already off the charts. It is important to understand that physical activity puts a serious strain on the heart. Hypertensive patients are at risk of heart attacks.

In women, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered; they feel the danger of sex during a hangover

Consequences of a frequent hangover

Severe alcohol intoxication puts increased stress on internal organs. Diseases that develop against the background of frequent hangover syndromes:

  • Arrhythmia- pathological disturbance of the frequency and rhythm of heart contraction. Manifested by dizziness, fatigue, sweating, chest pain.
  • Bronchospasm- narrowing and reduction of the lumen of the bronchi due to contraction of smooth muscles. It develops when an irritant gets on the mucous membranes, causing attacks of suffocation.
  • Hypertensive crisis c - a disorder caused by sudden and critical surges in blood pressure. Characterized by headaches, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, tachycardia.
  • - cerebral infarction caused by circulatory disorders. Often develops in people with bad habits. The first manifestations are constant dizziness, increased fatigue, blurred vision, and apathy.
  • Acute pancreatitis- pathological inflammation of the pancreas, accompanied by indigestion, loss of appetite, pain under the right or left rib. With alcohol abuse, it develops around the age of 39–45.
  • Myocardial infarction- a form of ischemic heart pathology characterized by impaired blood supply. Manifestations include: chest pain, agitation, irregular heartbeat rhythms.
  • Renal colic- a violation of the outflow of urine from the organ, characterized by attacks of pain in the lumbar region. Painful, frequent urination appears, nausea and vomiting are possible.

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities leads to a decrease in health indicators in all areas and, as a result, to death.

How to quickly relieve a hangover at home

As a rule, with alcohol intoxication health care not required. You can eliminate the symptoms of anxiety, poisoning and headaches medicines, sold in pharmacies, and folk methods.

Treating a hangover at home: with pills and folk remedies

Treatment and relief of hangover occurs in several stages:

  1. Rehydration. Restoring the water-salt balance is carried out by drinking plenty of fluids. You can take Regidron powder.
  2. Detoxification. Removing toxins, cleansing, relieving symptoms of poisoning with the help of sorbents: activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel.
  3. Anesthesia. Citramon, Aspirin Upsa, No-Shpa save you from spasms, pressure changes, and dizziness. For heart pain: Validol, Valerian.
  4. Recovery. The following will help lift your mood and improve your performance: Glycine, Panangin, Persen, Negrustin.

You can replace the listed drugs with complex products: Proproten 100, Alka-Seltzer or Zorex. Medicines simultaneously cleanse, relieve pain and restore the body. However, there are contraindications for people with cardiac pathologies. In any case, before taking the medicine, you must read the instructions.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol on human health. This is broadcast from TV screens and from all waves of radio stations. Liquor labels contain warnings about the consequences of excessive drinking. But, unfortunately, not everyone heeds such warnings. Therefore, alcohol abuse often causes not only a hangover, but also alcoholism.

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