How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home. Acute alcohol intoxication What to take in case of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol, even in minimal dosages, has a toxic effect on the central nervous system (CNS). Alcohol intoxication can be mild, moderate and severe. Today you will receive complete information about what to drink if alcohol poisoning occurs, what measures should be taken in case of alcohol poisoning.

What are we talking about?

Alcohol intoxication refers to poisoning by ethanol compounds. A small volume of these substances neutralizes the liver; there are no consequences for the body. But if you consume a dose of alcohol that the liver is unable to process, then toxins will reach the brain, which will negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system. From the outside one can observe that the patient is in a euphoric state, his consciousness is clouded, his movements are not coordinated.

The degree of alcohol intoxication depends on various circumstances:

  • The age of the drinker, the individual characteristics of his body.
  • Body mass.
  • Qualitative parameters, alcohol strength.
  • Frequency of drinking, presence or absence of snacks.
  • Combinations of different types of alcohol.

In the mild stage of poisoning, the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream will be from 21 to 101 mmol/l. The drunk wants to communicate, he is in high spirits, sometimes he is inhibited, and loses control over himself. There is hyperemia on the face and neck, the pupils are dilated. With moderate severity, the volume of ethanol compounds is 101–251 mmol/l. The patient's coordination is severely impaired, he staggers, may fall out of the blue, his speech is slurred, and his perception of reality is impaired. The poisoned person wants to participate in fights and swear.

The severe stage is an acute intoxication condition. The volume of ethanol components in the blood is more than 251 mmol/l. The symptoms are pronounced. The patient stops remembering events, becomes stunned, does not control himself, does not feel pain, high and low temperatures. He often leaks urine involuntarily. In this state, he faces coma and death.

The average lethal dosage is 8 g of alcohol per 1000 g of body weight.

In case of alcohol poisoning, health may worsen immediately after an alcohol overdose (the patient vomits, loses consciousness) or the consequences may arise the next morning in the form of a hangover. In acute intoxication, ethanol affects the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the brain, and hangover syndrome is triggered by alcohol metabolites, including the acetaldehyde compound.

It is worth remembering that in case of poisoning with surrogate alcohol, the poisoned person should be urgently hospitalized and treated in a hospital setting

Low-quality alcohol as a cause of poisoning

Poisoning with alcohol substitutes, according to statistics, is the most common among other poisonings. More than 92% of patients die before being hospitalized. Surrogates are presented:

  • Butyl, sulfite and hydrolysis, methyl ethanols.
  • Denatured compounds.
  • Perfume products.
  • Various paint and varnish materials.
  • Ethylene glycol alcohols.

If a person drinks such a surrogate, he will become a little drunk or remain sober, he will begin to have convulsive seizures, visual dysfunction will occur, the patient will vomit, begin to sweat a lot, the stomach and joints will ache sharply, and drool will flow profusely from the mouth. If you delay, the patient will die. Until the patient is hospitalized, he is induced to vomit, he needs to take an enterosorbent or enveloping drug, then the victim is hospitalized.

How to help a patient?

Before treatment for alcohol poisoning, the patient is given first aid. First, the contents of the stomach are cleared. Vomiting is induced, then the person should drink 3 glasses of salt water, vomiting is again induced until the contents of the stomach are cleared. If the patient is unconscious, vomiting is not caused, the patient must be urgently hospitalized

Before hospitalization, the person must lie on his side; clothing should not restrict him. The head should be turned, the tongue should not be allowed to fall in so that the airways are not clogged with vomit. To make a person regain consciousness, you can let him smell ammonia and rub his ears. If alcohol intoxication does not threaten a person’s life, then it can be treated at home.

We treat intoxication on an outpatient basis

How to treat alcohol poisoning, what should you drink if you are poisoned? To treat alcohol intoxication at home, you need to do the following:

  • Remove remaining ethanol compounds and alcohol metabolites from the intestinal tract. Take enterosorbent, enveloping drugs.
  • Restores water and salt balance in the body.
  • Restore intestinal microflora.
  • Neutralizes and removes ethanol metabolites from the body.
  • Symptomatic treatment is carried out.

If a patient is poisoned by alcohol, then he has attacks of hiccups with vomiting. If they occur 1-2 times, then the body naturally reacts to toxins, and there will only be benefit for it. But if the patient vomits after his stomach has emptied, then do the following:

  • Rinse your head with cool water and apply ice to the back of the head for a short time.
  • Drink a small amount of water or rehydron solution.
  • There is no need to eat food, and they also do not drink anything else until the functioning of the stomach returns to normal.

If a person constantly vomits, and the vomit contains bile and blood, the patient should be hospitalized immediately

About enterosorbents

How to treat the stomach, how to normalize its functioning? After the stomach has been emptied of its contents, enterosorbent drugs should be taken. They treat the intestinal tract, absorb toxic substances and metabolites, and remove them with feces. Typically, treatment with the following medications will help:

  • Entrosgel. The medicine is dissolved in a dose of 10–30 g in water, then gastric lavage is performed. After the stomach is rinsed, you need to drink 45–50 g of this product and wash it down with a glass of water. After 8 hours, take another 16 to 30 g of this medicine.
  • Polysorb MP. Take one tablespoon per ½ glass of water. Before going to sleep, take this remedy in the same dosage.
  • Smecta. The drug absorbs and envelops. For preventive purposes against hangover, take two sachets in the evening and one sachet in the morning.
  • Filtrum. Helps remove toxins from the intestinal tract, restores intestinal microflora. You need to take 2 or 3 tablets 3-4 times a day.
  • Activated carbon. It is an affordable tool. It is better to take it in powder form. It is used for gastric lavage. Take at the rate of: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, diluted in a glass of water.

You should know that enterosorbent drugs are taken separately from medications, otherwise the medications will not bring the desired result. It is better that the period between taking these medications is 2 hours.

Let's restore water balance

Alcohol has a strong diuretic effect. When intoxicated, drink plenty of water, preferably mineral water or acidified with lemon juice. Rehydrants will help to cope with disturbed water imbalance. They balance potassium with sodium and chlorides; detoxification will be faster. Regidron should be taken orally in a volume of 11 to 17 ml of solution per 1000 g of body weight. The product package is dissolved in 1 liter of water and stored in a cool place for no more than 24 hours.

If there is no Regidron, then you can be treated with similar means: Hydrovit, Citraglucosolan. You can prepare a similar solution yourself: you need to take half a teaspoon of salt per liter of water, the same amount of soda and 4 tablespoons of sugar. In case of severe alcohol poisoning, an intravenous infusion is given, which consists of Hemodez, 5–10% glucose solution and 5% vitamin C solution.

Instead of Hemodez, you can use Disol or 0.9% sodium chloride solution. If required, vitamin preparations, magnesium and sodium salts, and medications that normalize cardiac activity are injected into the IV. The volume of intravenous infusion should not exceed 500 ml. Intravenous infusion should only be carried out by a specialist, who also determines the composition of the dropper. Diuretic drugs will help the kidneys to completely cleanse themselves of alcohol, as well as drinking plenty of water and using herbal decoctions that are rich in antioxidant substances.

Vomiting dehydrates the body and removes minerals.

Let's restore beneficial intestinal bacteria

Alcohol and its metabolites destroy beneficial microflora of the intestinal tract. After poisoning, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and diarrhea or constipation may develop. The bacteria necessary for our body should be restored. You need to eat kefir and sauerkraut. Treated with probiotics:

  • Linux.
  • Bifiform.
  • Enterol.
  • Bactisubtil.
  • Lactobacterin.

If the intestines are emptied, the hangover will be easier to bear. For constipation, a cleansing enema is given.

About traditional methods

In addition to the main therapy, you can be treated folk remedies from alcohol poisoning. Drink honey water. Honey dissolves in warm water. They drink in large quantities. Water with honey will effectively eliminate the effects of a hangover. You need to consume 150 g of honey with water.

Saffron infusion. You need to take no more than one dessert spoon of saffron powder and a couple of glasses of water. Boil water and pour it into saffron powder. Infuse the drink until it cools down. Drink in small portions; it is recommended to consume after vomiting.

Tansy decoction. You need to take 50 g tansy flowers, 20 g chamomile, ½ liter of water. Tansy flowers are dried for 10 minutes in the oven. Then they are taken out, placed in a bowl with boiling water, and wait for the mixture to cool. Then chamomile is added and boiled again. It takes at least a day to infuse the mixture. Take 5 days during meals, calculated as follows: 1 tablespoon per 10 kg of body weight.

Lemon juice. Take ½ lemon part and a teaspoon of sugar. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon completely, add sugar and mix well. The juice is drunk in small portions.

Lemon contains vitamin C

Wormwood decoction. You should take wormwood with thyme and centaury one part at a time, as well as a glass of boiled water. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions. Pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water and leave for two hours in a warm place. Strain, take the decoction 4 times a day.

A hangover syndrome can be well eliminated by using:

  • Sweet hot lemon tea.
  • Rosehip decoction.
  • Tomato juice, raw egg and 10 drops of 9% vinegar.
  • Green mint and lemon balm tea to relieve nausea.
  • Lemon juice mixed with honey and one raw yolk.
  • Ginger tea with honey, which will eliminate nausea.

More recipes for poisoning

To prevent nausea, pour 4 teaspoons of lemon balm herb into a thermos, which should be dried and crushed. Pour two glasses of boiling water and leave for at least 4 hours. Take ½ cup 4 times before meals. Take equal parts of plantain, St. John's wort, mint, agrimony herbs, as well as chamomile. Mix well, pour a teaspoon of the mixture into ½ liter of boiling water. They insist for half an hour. Take a third of a tablespoon every hour.

In case of intoxication, a starch solution will help. Take a teaspoon of starch and a glass of warm water and drink it. The soreness of the stomach will be eliminated due to the enveloping effect of starch. Take a tablespoon of chicory powder from dried herbs with plant flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 7 hours in a thermos. Drink a quarter of a tablespoon 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Take elecampane root, crush it, pour boiling water over it, and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals. Take 8 teaspoons with sugar, a teaspoon with salt, the same amount of soda, pour a liter of boiled cool water, dissolve well and drink in 3 doses. To avoid poisoning yourself with alcohol, it is better to never drink it at all. Then a person will have much fewer health problems, and a healthy life will bring real happiness to the person and his loved ones.

Ethanol in large quantities causes aggression, a person’s coordination of movement, orientation in the environment, memory impairment, and the ability to concentrate are impaired. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on all internal organs, or rather the products into which ethanol itself breaks down. Toxic substances stay in the body for quite a long time.

Alcohol intoxication is a certain behavior in which a person’s psychological and physiological state is disturbed.

Intoxication with alcohol in large quantities causes poisoning, in which case the person immediately requires medical attention. If you drink alcohol for several years in a row, liver cirrhosis, cancer, and abnormalities in the nervous system are inevitable.

Ethyl alcohol can destroy the heart muscle, as a result, a person complains of heart pain, has a stroke, and develops hypertension. Alcohol also destroys the gastric mucosa, after which eating becomes impossible, even the simplest foods are simply not digested in the stomach, causing nausea and vomiting.

Experts advise that in order to avoid poisoning while drinking alcohol, you need to protect your body in the following way:

  • Before the feast, take two tablets of activated carbon.
  • Eat a portion of oatmeal.

It is important that the stomach is not empty before drinking alcohol, otherwise the alcohol is absorbed into the blood faster, the walls of the stomach become more irritated, and the person gets drunk in a matter of minutes.

If you take a few vitamin C tablets, you can normalize your heart function. Mixing alcoholic drinks is extremely undesirable; weak and strong alcohol are quite difficult to remove together. To prevent dehydration, drink alcohol with plenty of water or juice.


Depending on how a person behaves after drinking alcohol, experts distinguish several stages of alcohol intoxication.

First degree (mild)- alcohol content in the body is no more than 2%. In this case, alcohol, entering the brain, dilates blood vessels, blood flow increases, which causes a slight blush on the face.

In this state, a person is in a good mood, sometimes even too good, the pupils dilate, and sometimes there is a slight upset stomach and increased gas formation. A person urinates often, sweats a lot, speech in this state is not clear, loud, and attention is slightly impaired. This degree is considered not dangerous; medical assistance is not required, as well as special means to alleviate this condition. It is characterized by the fact that it goes away on its own within a few hours.

Second degree (medium)- In this case, the blood contains about 3% alcohol. A person feels worse, you can notice an uneven gait, blurred vision, unclear speech, in this state a person wants to sleep, but in the morning you can feel all the signs of a hangover, namely dry mouth, headaches, memory loss. Usually a person wants to drink light alcohol to relieve a hangover, but experts do not advise doing this, since the condition may worsen and the symptoms will recur.

Third degree (severe)- with such strong intoxication, a person feels much worse, because the dose of alcohol in the blood is more than 3%, breathing is impaired, and heart rhythm disturbances begin. The last degree is considered the most severe, the most dangerous; a person can fall into a coma and die. After severe alcohol poisoning, death occurs instantly; the person needs to call a doctor.


The acute form of alcohol poisoning is typical for people who do not drink alcohol very often. After alcohol enters the bloodstream, their coordination of movement is slightly impaired, their memory deteriorates, they cannot concentrate on anything, and sometimes such people may experience nausea or vomiting.

You can help a person in such a situation, alleviate the poisoning, give aspirin or activated charcoal. Doctors advise drinking as much water as possible, maybe carbonated mineral water.

The chronic form is observed in a person who often drinks, and in considerable quantities. Leaving a person in this state is dangerous, his internal organs suffer greatly, he is tormented by constant unrest, anxiety, tremors of the limbs, dystrophy, weakening of the muscles, severe redness of the skin on the face.

Alcohol intoxication occurs gradually as ethanol enters the blood. Small doses are not able to significantly change a person’s behavior, sometimes you may not even notice it, and you cannot drive in this state.

Methods for relieving alcohol intoxication

There are several ways to reduce the amount of ethanol in the blood and relieve alcohol poisoning:

  • Do not allow alcohol to be completely absorbed into the blood. This method consists of giving a person several tablets of activated carbon, then rinsing the stomach well with warm water. It is necessary to give a lot of water so that vomiting occurs from its excess in the stomach. Caffeine can be injected into the muscles to stabilize the general condition.
  • Help a person sober up faster. The quick sobering method is the most popular; in this case, the person needs to be given vitamin B6, after which he quickly returns to his previous, normal state. After this, the person should be given warm water or a Corazol solution to drink. After just 15 minutes, the normal state of the body is noted, the person comes to his senses and concentrates well, but it is also impossible to drive a vehicle in this state. If it is necessary to reduce the alcohol content in the blood, doctors administer glucose, ascorbic and nicotinic acid.
  • Install a dropper with the cleaning solution. In severe cases, when conventional therapy is impossible, the person does not get better, his condition is critical, he is given a drip containing vitamins, as well as other useful components. Droppers are placed in a hospital if a person is at risk of death from severe ethanol poisoning.

Signs of alcohol poisoning and first aid at home

Ethanol poisoning manifests itself differently in each person, it depends on the body’s resistance, so at different stages the condition may differ slightly.

However, it is possible to highlight general signs alcohol poisoning:

First aid for alcohol intoxication at home

Quite often, a state of complete intoxication occurs at home as a result of heavy drinking; sometimes a person needs effective help, but not everyone knows how to help a person at home. Most often, after a mild hangover, a regular painkiller tablet is taken to relieve headache.

If a person has all the signs of alcohol poisoning, before a doctor arrives, you must:

  • Lay on your side, press your head to your chest; sitting or lying on your back is not allowed, as vomit may be accidentally swallowed or enter the lungs.
  • If vomiting does not occur, you need to give a large amount of warm water so that there is an excess of it in the stomach and vomiting begins.
  • A person should wear loose clothing and breathe more fresh air.
  • It is contraindicated to give the patient mineral water, tea without sugar, or coffee.
  • You need to carefully monitor your heart rate and measure your blood pressure.

You can treat yourself with improvised means at home only if the poisoning is mild, the person is adequate, and nothing threatens his life. If suddenly, even after mild poisoning, you feel unwell, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Alcohol poisoning: treatment with drugs and traditional methods

Sorbents have a good effect on alcohol intoxication; they quickly remove toxins. The most effective are Smecta, Enterosgel, Enterofuril.

The drugs have no side effects, quickly relieve alcohol poisoning, and return a person to a normal state.

Medicines that relieve the hangover itself can also be taken in case of poisoning, these include: Zorex, Alka-Seltzer, Metadoxil.

After taking such drugs, the headache quickly stops, muscle strength appears, and attention increases.

Drugs that are administered into a vein in a hospital have good cleansing properties, they can restore the functioning of the heart muscle, relieve inflammation, and stop nausea, such a drug is Reamberin.

There are a great variety of drugs to relieve alcohol poisoning; doctors strongly advise you to remember the fact that most of them have only therapeutic properties and will not be able to help fully, and sometimes such drugs can be harmful to health.

Traditional methods of treating alcohol intoxication

Currently, remedies remain effective for any degree of alcohol poisoning. traditional medicine, the most effective methods include:

  • Black tea with a slice of lemon (no sugar). When poisoned by alcoholic drinks, the body suffers from dehydration, water in large quantities only causes vomiting, it is not absorbed, lemon tea helps like nothing else. In this case, coffee is contraindicated, as the nervous system suffers.
  • Rosehip infusion is good for removing toxins through urine. A person who drinks a sufficient amount of decoction experiences frequent urination, this is a good sign.
  • Green tea without sugar also perfectly removes harmful substances from the body.
  • Freshly squeezed grapefruit or orange juice helps restore tone and improve well-being.

Effective products that relieve alcohol poisoning are kefir, sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, and cottage cheese. Pickles contain vitamin C, which normalizes the water-alkaline balance in the body, and also helps eliminate dehydration.

In order to quickly restore the stomach, a person is encouraged to eat light warm soup or chicken broth. If you suffer from nausea, you need to force yourself to eat boiled buckwheat or oatmeal; cereals fill the stomach, in this case they are well absorbed by a weak stomach.

Alcohol intoxication: how to quickly relieve it

Poisoning can be different; in any case, the most common method is taking a cold shower. It should also be taken correctly, namely, first you need to pour yourself over with warm water, then slightly cool, and finally cold. Thus, the muscles will quickly become toned, strengthened, awareness will return, and concentration will improve.

Alcohol intoxication can be relieved by taking activated charcoal or aspirin. Coal removes toxic substances, aspirin works well to speed up the blood. In case of intoxication, you need to rest more, the room should not be hot, to relieve stress from the body, you need to give the patient green tea with lemon balm or mint without sugar.

How to quickly relieve alcohol intoxication

There are situations when a person urgently needs to come to a sober state.

  • Drink activated charcoal and aspirin.
  • Stand under a contrast shower, this way you can quickly get a charge of vigor and strength, and restore muscle tone.
  • A cold cloth applied to the forehead should relieve the spasm.
  • Drink plenty of tea, mineral water, herbal decoction, grapefruit juice, and a dose of vitamin C.

Alcohol intoxication is considered eliminated when the person has returned to a normal state, does not complain of feeling unwell, and is full of vigor and strength.

Alcohol intoxication is poisoning of the body that occurs due to a large dose of alcoholic beverages consumed. This condition causes a lot of inconvenience, interferes with productive work and can lead to many dangerous symptoms and complications.

Many people nowadays do not know how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, so they resort to traditional methods, the use of which does not lead to the desired result. However, in order to learn how to get rid of a disease, you need to be able to recognize it, and for this it is worth studying the symptoms of poisoning.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning

Alcoholic drinks do not affect all people the same. Their effect is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed and the individual characteristics of the body. However, the signs of alcohol intoxication are always the same:

  • Severe nausea, vomiting.
  • Convulsions may occur, but this is not a mandatory symptom.
  • Mental health problems.
  • Possible coma.
  • Breathing is too slow, with 10 seconds or more between breaths.
  • Body temperature drops sharply.
  • The skin turns pale, and a blue tint may appear.
  • Headache or dizziness that occurs due to dysfunction of the cerebellum provoked by alcohol.
  • Pathological thirst.

Symptoms of alcohol poisoning may vary depending on the degree of intoxication.

What stages does the body go through?

There are 3 degrees of alcohol intoxication. Each of them is accompanied by certain symptoms, and subsequently - consequences and complications. So, the stages of alcohol poisoning:

  • Mild degree, in which the proportion of alcohol in the body does not exceed 2%. Its signs are high spirits, increased sweating, redness of the facial skin, and dilated pupils. Usually this stage goes away on its own after a certain time. The person speaks incoherently and more expressively than in a sober state, but soon the usual pattern of behavior returns to him.
  • The average degree of intoxication occurs when alcohol in the body reaches 2 to 3%. This is indicated by a person’s uneven gait; he may see double. At the same time, he is not aware of the essence of his words and actions, but if he is left in a state of rest, then drowsiness will not take long to occur. After waking up, a person will feel a headache, fatigue, nausea and a feeling of extreme thirst. These symptoms disappear within a day after waking up. The average degree of intoxication affects not only the human psyche, but also his nervous system.
  • The third stage is severe. In this case, the alcohol content in the body can reach 5%. Severe poisoning poses a danger to entire organ systems. In some cases, even death from alcohol intoxication is possible. At this stage, breathing problems arise, and the person can fall into a coma or die from cardiac arrest. Acute alcohol intoxication may be accompanied by severe convulsions. It is in this case that it is necessary to relieve the symptoms of poisoning.

Although urgent measures need to be taken only if acute alcohol intoxication has occurred, you need to know how to relieve the symptoms of any stage of poisoning. After all, in any case, a person needs help.

To reduce the degree of poisoning, you need to remove some of the alcohol from the body. To do this, take Aspirin and several capsules of activated carbon (1 for every 10 kg of body weight). These measures partially neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Remember that even in small doses, alcohol affects the functioning of all organ systems. Therefore, it is advisable to call after taking the necessary medications ambulance. But if you want to do without the participation of doctors, then study possible ways treatment at home.

How to save a patient from the acute stage of poisoning

If you are able to take responsibility for a person who is in the acute stage of poisoning, then you should take the following measures:

  • Give the patient vitamin B6 intramuscularly. Within a few minutes a person should be able to speak coherently and intelligibly.
  • When the patient thinks clearly, give him a solution of nicotinic acid, phenamine and corazole mixed with half a glass of warm water. boiled water. After this, within half an hour the person will begin to behave adequately, and after an hour he will completely sober up.
  • Next, you need to reduce the patient's blood alcohol level. To do this, let him drink 20 ml of glucose solution. Also suitable for this purpose is 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution.

To help the body regain strength, you can additionally take B vitamins.

If you don’t have the necessary medications at hand, and you can’t call an ambulance, then you need to know how to relieve alcohol intoxication quickly at home without the use of medications.

Getting rid of alcohol poisoning using home methods

To relieve a person from the symptoms of alcohol poisoning at home, it is necessary to take the following measures:

  • Provide fresh air circulation in the room.
  • Rinse your stomach. To do this, you need to induce vomiting in the traditional way. If this cannot be done, then dilute a teaspoon of mustard powder in 200 ml of water and give the resulting solution to the patient to drink.
  • Periodically give the person who has been poisoned a sniff of ammonia.
  • Periodically you need to drink strong, hot and sweet tea.

If even after these measures the patient’s condition does not change, he must be urgently take him to the hospital. At the same time, do not forget that constant drinking is the key to normal functioning of the body.

Absorbents as neutralizers of low-quality alcohol

Absorbent drugs in general are not able to relieve alcohol intoxication. However, they help well if poisoning occurs due to the consumption of low-quality alcoholic beverages. The good thing about such drugs for alcohol intoxication is that they are absolutely safe for humans. Even if the required dosage is exceeded, the medicine will not cause harm to the body.

Typically, the following absorbents are used to get rid of alcohol intoxication:

  • "Enterosgel".
  • "Enterosorb".
  • "Carbolen".
  • "Lignosorb".
  • "Enterodesis".
  • "Polyphepan".

In addition to absorbents, homeopathic medicines are often used.

Homeopathy as a way to combat intoxication

There are homeopathic medicines that help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. The drugs are not able to remove alcohol from the body, but they significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. For alcohol poisoning, the following drugs are used:

  • Anti-E. The medicine relieves headaches, relieves nausea and vomiting, and restores normal sleep.
  • "PROPROTENE-100". The drug activates the body’s forces that can fight poisoning.

Homeopathic medicines significantly reduce the symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

How to relieve alcohol intoxication at home using a dropper

If you are dealing with acute alcohol poisoning, then a dropper will help you put the patient in order. However, keep in mind that only professional doctors know how to place them without threatening the patient’s life. If you know for sure that the dropper you put in place for alcohol intoxication at home will not harm the patient, then you need to study what components should be included in the solution.

The patient must be administered intravenously a glucose solution with 5 ml of vitamins B1 and B6 and 10 ml of ascorbic acid solution. Such a dropper for alcohol intoxication at home will significantly improve the patient’s metabolism and help the body remove toxins.

If the poisoning is so severe that even intravenously administered drugs did not help, then the patient is taken to a hospital, where he is under constant medical supervision.

Consequences of excessive alcohol consumption

If you know how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, you still need to study the consequences of such poisoning. You may no longer want to repeat past experiences and put your body at risk. So, the consequences of alcohol intoxication:

  • The toxic substances contained in alcohol cannot be processed by the body; they affect the human nervous system.
  • Chronic heart disease may develop.
  • Blood pressure increases.
  • Kidney diseases enter the acute stage.
  • Alcohol intoxication in diabetes mellitus can provoke a coma.
  • Immunity decreases, the body becomes vulnerable to many infections.

Such pathologies occur in cases of severe poisoning. If we are talking about the first or second stage of intoxication, then the body can cope with the consequences on its own.

What happens to the body during mild poisoning

When consumed in moderation alcoholic drinks The body is able to cope with the consequences on its own. The liver produces an enzyme that processes harmful substances, eventually removing them out.

However, a blow to the nervous system occurs even with mild intoxication. As everyone knows, health is practically not restored. Therefore, even a mild but constantly repeated state of intoxication can lead to the development of nervous diseases.

How to prevent alcohol poisoning

In order not to wonder how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home, you need to take care in advance to ensure that poisoning does not occur.

Remember that any measures aimed at preventing intoxication will not completely relieve symptoms. They will only reduce the degree of intoxication, this does not mean that after a night of celebration you will not encounter unpleasant consequences.

So, the rules for preparing for the feast:

  • An hour before drinking alcohol, take a few tablets of activated charcoal.
  • A glass of milk before drinking alcohol will significantly reduce the degree of intoxication.
  • If you have the opportunity, do not neglect vitamins.
  • Try to eat more immediately during the feast. At the same time, give preference to meat and fish dishes. It is advisable to wash down all meals with juice or compote.

These precautions will significantly ease your condition after the feast, reduce the degree of intoxication and help avoid medical intervention.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, you feel a headache, nausea and dizziness, and you urgently need to pull yourself together and go to work, then take the following measures:

  • Eat a fresh tomato salad or fish soup.
  • Drink more water.
  • Take Citramon.
  • Take a short walk outside.

These seemingly simple rules will help you not only look better, but also feel more free. You will not get rid of alcohol intoxication completely, but your performance will increase significantly.

Thus, alcohol poisoning is not only an unpleasant condition, but also a health hazard. Therefore, try not to bring it to the acute stage of intoxication. However, if you have not calculated the dosage and it occurs, take all possible measures to relieve the symptoms of poisoning.

The Slavic habit of washing down all holidays, business and friendly meetings, grief and joy with alcoholic beverages often leads to uncontrolled drinking. As a result of “overdoing,” alcohol intoxication occurs, which is comparable to severe poisoning with salts of heavy metals. And in order to understand how to help the patient in this case, the material below describes in detail how to relieve alcohol intoxication at home and how this is done in a hospital setting.

Important: if the patient does not remove the intoxication, then the condition with too high doses of alcohol in the blood can turn into toxic shock, which is fraught with irreversible consequences for the systems of the entire body.

Signs of intoxication and stages of alcohol poisoning

Intoxication of the body with ethanol compounds, and then with its breakdown products - acetaldehyde, occurs literally in the first half hour of drinking alcohol. And the main role in the degree of poisoning is played by the amount of alcohol consumed. So, if a person drinks a glass or two, all the body’s systems work to oxidize ethanol and remove it from the body without much harm to internal organs. If too much alcohol enters the bloodstream, then the body does not have enough enzymes to oxidize the breakdown products of ethanol. As a result, it occurs excessively and, importantly, quickly accumulates in the blood. The result is intoxication of the body, that is, alcohol poisoning.

Depending on the amount of alcohol consumed and its percentage composition in the blood, the following stages of poisoning are distinguished:

  • Easy stage. In this case, the blood alcohol content is 0.5-1.5 ppm. In this case, intoxication of the body is expressed only in a violation of mental functions. As a rule, this is the patient's staggering and loss of coordination of movements.
  • Middle stage of poisoning. Here the amount of alcohol in the blood is already greater and equal to 1.5-2.5 ppm.
  • Severe intoxication the body occurs when there is from 2.5 to 5 ppm of alcohol in the blood. In this case, the threat to the patient’s life is real.

Symptoms and signs of alcohol poisoning look like this:

  • Nausea and possible vomiting. In some cases quite strong;
  • Convulsions and mental disturbances;
  • Intermittent breathing with inhalation/exhalation held for up to 10 seconds;
  • Reducing the usual body temperature to 35 degrees (sometimes lower);
  • Blueness of the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and palms;
  • Loss of consciousness and coma are possible.

Important: if the manifestation of poisoning in addition to vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms, then you need to immediately take the patient to a medical facility, and not try to get him out of this state on your own. In moderate and severe stages of alcohol poisoning, only professionals can help.

Emergency care in hospital

If the patient is in a severe stage of intoxication, and all the signs of complex intoxication are present, then in order to avoid complications, such a patient is taken to a medical institution. Here, the actions of doctors will depend on the method of providing assistance. Basically, in order to remove the patient from a state of complex intoxication (poisoning), they act in the following directions:

  • Infusion therapy (drip), the effect of which is aimed at quickly removing ethanol from the body;
  • Infusion therapy to completely neutralize all toxins accumulated in the body;
  • Acceleration of metabolism to process the remains of ethanol breakdown products and restore all body functions.

In order to remove all ethyl from the patient’s body, it is necessary to provide him with a sufficient supply of fluid. If the patient cannot drink on his own, he is injected with a solution of insulin and glucose mixed with nicotinic and ascorbic acids. This composition allows you to neutralize ethanol residues in the blood, increase the amount of fluid in the body and restore the patient’s strength after poisoning.

Also, as a solution that neutralizes ethanol in the blood, an infusion based on panangin, vitamins B1, B6, C in combination with sodium chloride is used. For the same purpose, doctors can use a solution of metadoxyl for injection or infusion. This substance accelerates metabolic processes in the patient’s body and reduces the severity of poisoning.

In addition to such drugs, artificial ventilation can be used in emergency care if the patient is in a comatose state. Also, in particularly severe cases of poisoning, analeptic and polyionic mixtures, plasma replacement liquids, etc. can be administered intravenously.

Important: in any case, medical professionals will select infusion therapy for the treatment of the patient depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body, the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the general condition of the patient.

Infusion to restore blood composition

To ensure that the patient’s blood returns to normal and becomes more fluid, doctors can use high-osmolar solutions for intravenous administration. In particular, rheopolyglucin, rondex, reomacrodex, etc. are used. It is worth noting that these drugs are also used as a means of detoxifying the patient’s body.

Important: the listed drugs are not used if the patient has chronic diseases such as heart and kidney failure, thrombocytopenia and other diseases of internal organs that prohibit the introduction of large volumes of fluids into the patient’s body.

To maintain cardiac activity

Most often, in patients with chronic heart disease and who find themselves in a hospital with a diagnosis of intoxication of the body, doctors note malfunctions in the functioning of the diseased organ. In this case, the following infusion solutions can be used to maintain heart function:

  • Cardiac glycosides. In particular, this can be a solution of strophanthin or korglykon, administered intravenously.
  • Mildront solution is also an excellent remedy for administration intramuscularly or intravenously for heart failure. But here it is worth considering that the drug can cause increased excitability or hypotension.
  • A caffeine solution is used when there is a sharp drop in blood pressure below normal.

Diuretics to remove ethanol from the body

During detoxification therapy, the patient may be given diuretics that accelerate the removal of waste products from the body. In particular, mannitol or Lasix can be used.

Important: also during inpatient treatment of a patient for alcohol intoxication, drugs can be used to relieve anxiety and improve the patient’s psychomotor skills. But these drugs should be used very carefully and strictly under the supervision of medical staff.

First aid at home

If the patient suffers from mild to moderate alcohol intoxication, then treatment at home can be based on the following scheme:

  • Cleansing the stomach to reduce the load on the liver, kidneys and pancreas. To do this, it is necessary to induce a gag reflex in the patient. You can give the patient several glasses of water with a small amount of powdered mustard (0.5 tsp per 500 ml). After this, the gag reflex should come. If the patient is unable to drink, then you can simply press the spoon on the root of the tongue to provoke a gag reflex.
  • When assisting a patient, it is important to provide a flow of fresh air into the room.
  • After gastric lavage, if the patient is in a semi-conscious state, he can be brought to life with ammonia. To do this, just bring cotton wool soaked in ammonia to your nose. If the patient is conscious, you can offer to drink an ammonia solution at the rate of 10 drops per glass of water. This composition quickly brings a drunk to his senses.
  • When bringing a drunk out of a state of toxic poisoning, you can give him a couple of aspirin tablets, which binds and neutralizes acetaldehyde, a breakdown product of ethanol. In addition, aspirin will have an analgesic effect in case of headaches in the patient.
  • When the patient regains consciousness, it is necessary to provide him with plenty of fluids in order to quickly remove ethanol from the body. And as a sorbent you can use the drug “Enterosgel”, which not only adsorbs the breakdown products of ethanol, but also accelerates the restoration of the patient’s stomach walls. You can also use the drugs “Polifepan”, “Lignosorb”, “Entegnin”, “Enterosorb”, etc. as an adsorbing agent.

Important: if the patient is unconscious, he must be placed so that the body lies on its side and the head is below shoulder level. This is done to prevent the patient from choking on his own vomit. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Precautions before drinking alcohol

In order not to end up in a state of alcohol intoxication and not to go through all the torments of hell that are known to people suffering from alcoholism, you need to clearly know your limits when drinking alcohol. Then you won’t have to remove the results of ethanol poisoning. It is worth remembering that the following simple measures will help you stay sober:

  • Before the feast, you can take an aspirin tablet an hour before the feast, which will work to bind and neutralize acetallegide in the body. The feeling of a hangover the next morning will be less pronounced if you drink a large amount of alcohol. You can also take aspirin immediately after a meal. This will reduce withdrawal symptoms in the morning.
  • During the feast, try to skip at least one toast. If you can’t dodge, then you don’t have to drink the whole glass. Simply taking a sip is enough to create the appearance.
  • To avoid treatment for poisoning, try to eat well during the holiday. High-quality food slows down the absorption of alcohol, which means that the body will not work for wear, receiving high doses of ethanol.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Already a small amount of alcoholic beverages acts as a toxin on the central nervous system. You can drink a little for several days, and this will lead to alcohol poisoning: treatment at home is difficult, you need to be able to provide first aid. Poisoning occurs in 3 forms - mild, moderate, severe. Moreover, severe intoxication can occur within a few days, gradually poisoning the body with toxins from intoxicating drinks.

Intoxication with alcoholic drinks is mildly neutralized by the liver functions and does not leave serious consequences in the body. If the amount drunk exceeds the capacity of the liver, toxins enter the brain and disrupt its activity. The external manifestation is first expressed in a rather pleasant euphoria, however, then consciousness becomes clouded and coordination is impaired.

Alcohol poisoning after New Year's holidays

Long holidays threaten with protracted daily feasts, if not at home, then at a party, and all this is accompanied by copious amounts of alcohol of different varieties and types. It’s good if such holidays do not end with alcohol poisoning, and the person will simply feel the state after a binge. However, it is quite possible that alcohol poisoning will occur after, because his meeting will last for a long holiday.

Household alcohol poisoning after the holidays is caused by drinking a large amount of alcohol over several days in a row. Due to prolonged drinking, general health deteriorates. This happens at one feast, or as a result of several days of drunkenness due to mixing different alcohol.


Poisoning manifests itself immediately after drinking a large volume - vomiting begins and loss of consciousness occurs. It may manifest itself the next morning as withdrawal symptoms. Such conditions should be treated almost identically.

The difference between them is that acute alcohol poisoning is accompanied by the effect of pure ethanol on the stomach and brain, while a morning hangover is provoked by the remnants of alcohol decomposition - acetaldehydes.

Severe intoxication is expressed by symptoms:

  • loss of skin sensitivity;
  • loss of perception of reality;
  • weakening of reflexes.

Severe poisoning leads to stopping heart rate, respiratory reflex, puts a person into a deep coma. Other stages of intoxication have less pronounced symptoms.

vomiting blood: causes

If intoxication causes vomiting of blood, this indicates internal bleeding.

It manifests itself with signs:

  • mild nausea;
  • chills;
  • dry mouth;
  • general weakness.

Severe bleeding indicates damage to the mucous membrane from the processed mass of various foods, which were eaten with a libation of alcohol, and from the alcohol itself, which burns the mucous membrane. If a person vomits yellow, it means that the liver is damaged by alcohol.

The appearance of a sick person changes dramatically: the skin turns pale, the whole person sweats, his voice becomes hoarse. If bleeding affects the gastrointestinal tract, black diarrhea begins. You cannot stop the bleeding yourself. This requires medical intervention.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home

When the condition is not life-threatening, alcohol poisoning is treated at home. It is necessary to provoke vomiting to completely empty the stomach. Rinsing removes residual alcohol elements. Gastric lavage is performed with a weak solution of pink potassium permanganate.

Afterwards, the person needs to drink enterosorbents and enveloping agents to cleanse the intestines of the remnants of alcohol decomposition.

If vomiting does not stop after washing, you should:

  • pour cool water over the victim’s head;
  • give Regidron solution to drink;
  • exclude food and drink so that digestion is completely back to normal.

The stomach is washed using Regidron, analogues - Hydrovit, Citraglucosolan. Make the rinsing solution yourself: take ½ tsp per 1 liter of water. salt, ½ tsp. soda, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Treatment of alcohol poisoning with vomiting at home after binge drinking is carried out with enterosorbents. They work only in the excretory sections of the intestine, bind particles of alcohol breakdown with their surface, and remove them from the intestine.

These are the following drugs:

  • Enterosgel, a washing solution is made on it. Afterwards, you should give another 40-50 g of this medicine to drink in a glass of water. In the morning, you should give another 15-30 g of the drug to drink with a glass of water;
  • Polysorb MP powder It is recommended to give 1 tbsp. l. by ½ tbsp. water at night and in the morning. Moderate intoxication will be relieved by taking Polysorb MP 5 times;
  • Smecta- a preparation with sorbing and enveloping properties. It is taken as a hangover prevention: 2 packets at night, 1 packet in the morning;
  • Filtrum removes alcohol decay residues from the intestines and restores microflora. Take 3-4 times a day, 1-3 tablets, depending on the volume drunk and the person’s body weight.

With activated carbon, taking into account its sorption properties, the stomach is washed, then it must be drunk once orally according to the standard: 1 tablet. per 10 kg of human weight. To be effective, the tablets must be crushed to a powder and poured into a glass of water. The powder does not dissolve, this mixture must be drunk.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home

When a doctor calls home, or if there are nurse acquaintances who have experience in treating a drunken hangover, the poisoned person is given an IV at home.

Approximately the composition of the injected solution:

  • pharmaceutical bottle of saline solution, Disol, Hemodez;
  • 5% or 10% is introduced into it glucose solution- 5 ampoules of 10 ml;
  • 5% ascorbic acid solution is administered - 3 ampoules of 1 ml.

    How often do you drink alcohol?

You can additionally introduce nicotine, magnesia, or potassium chloride into the dropper. At the end, the nurse injects Panangin into the system, cardiac medications as prescribed by the doctor. The total volume of the dropper is 400-500 ml.

A dropper is placed to remove the remains of alcohol breakdown from the body and connects the kidneys to this action. For the same purpose, the doctor prescribes diuretics, but the best option- drink plenty of water and herbal infusions.

What to drink if you have alcohol poisoning

In case of alcohol poisoning, you must definitely drink sorbents. These are the drugs Polysorb, which is diluted with 1 tbsp. l. by ½ tbsp. water; Smecta, once 3 sachets per 1 tbsp. water; Enterosgel, 50 g per 1 tbsp. water. These drugs can be purchased in advance, before the holidays, if there is a person in the family who is capable of drinking excessively, and then he will have to be treated.

Such remedies relieve symptoms of intoxication in humans, but folk recipes and infusions that should be drunk instead of water, with which you can do gastric lavage and enemas, will also help in many ways.

Important point: If poisoning causes diarrhea, it cannot be stopped. Here you should drink drugs that restore microflora - Acipol, Linex.

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home the next morning? Morning headaches can be very severe. The pain cannot be tolerated; you must take analgesics or medications with Ibuprofen. Simple Aspirin will not help here.


People often use herbal medicine recipes and try to get a person out of a hangover using remedies. medicinal herbs.


  • hot tea with sugar and lemon juice;
  • a strong decoction of rose hips;
  • sweetened mint tea will relieve nausea;
  • tones cocktail: juice of 1 orange, tsp. honey, 1 raw yolk;
  • Black tea with the addition of ginger and honey will relieve nausea;
  • will restore the condition of the cocktail: 1 tbsp. tomato juice, 1 raw egg, 10 drops of 6% vinegar.

It should be taken into account here that black tea is not suitable for a person who has a history of heart disease.

There are many recipes that bring a person out of a hangover without pills:

  • A solution of water and honey. For 1 liter of boiled water, take 2 tbsp. l. honey, stir well. Drink several sips throughout the day.
  • Infusion of tansy with chamomile. Method of preparation: brew 50 g of dried tansy with ½ liter of boiling water, add 20 g of chamomile flowers. Leave in a warm place until it cools naturally. Strain. Drink with food, the volume is calculated as 1 tbsp. l. per 10 kg of human body weight.
  • Ammonia solution. Add 10 drops of ammonia to 200 ml of water. Drink 1-2 small sips every ½ hour.
  • Melissa infusion. Method of preparation: 1 tsp. dried herb, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover warmly, let it brew until it cools naturally. Drink instead of tea.
  • Freshly squeezed citrus juice. Quickly rids the body of fusel toxins.

The next morning after drinking, you need to give your body a rest. It is not recommended to endure alcohol intoxication on your feet. If you feel general weakness, you should lie in bed until you regain strength. Drink a lot of water, decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Preparations for the removal of alcohol intoxication

In the morning after excessive alcohol intake, withdrawal symptoms will be well relieved:

  • tablet of Aspirin, Paracetamol or Citramon;
  • drinking plenty of mineral water, herbal infusions, green tea, fermented milk products;
  • application of a proven product - brine from sauerkraut or pickled cucumbers, just not pickled ones.

From medicines time-tested help:

  • Biotredin;
  • Limontar;
  • Alka-Seltzer.

At the same time, it will be necessary to restore the intestinal microflora affected by elements of alcohol breakdown.

To do this, you need to take probiotics:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Linux;
  • Enterol;
  • Baktisubtil.

Emptying the intestines will significantly ease the hangover. You should drink mild laxatives from pharmaceutical preparations, give an enema using medicinal herbs, and drink laxative herbal decoctions. This removes remaining toxins and significantly improves the general condition of a person.

Traditional methods of treatment

Alcohol poisoning is treated using traditional methods. The accepted concept of “getting a hangover” from beer or vodka can worsen the well-being of the poisoned person. Still mineral water, fermented milk products, and milk will help.

You should not use lemonades with dyes or preservatives - they will only add toxins to the affected stomach, make you feel worse, and can cause vomiting.

If alcohol poisoning occurs, folk remedies will tell you what to do at home. In the morning, traditional healers recommend drinking 3 tablets of Allochol and 5 tablets of Activated Carbon. Sorbents will bind toxic substances and remove them with feces through the rectum. They will make you feel better and relieve discomfort.

Ascorbic acid also has a positive effect; it restores human performance.

To remove alcohol decomposition products, you need to drink more liquid to prevent dehydration. This should be clean water, an unsweetened decoction of dried fruits, and natural freshly squeezed citrus juices. If there is no vomiting, it is recommended to drink strong brewed sweet black tea or green tea.

For diarrhea, infusions of medicinal plants with an astringent effect help soothe the intestinal mucosa:

  • blueberry;
  • rose hip;
  • St. John's wort;
  • black currant leaves;
  • freshly squeezed pumpkin juice.

If well-being allows, a person can stand in the shower. An old folk remedy is to go to a bathhouse, where toxins are quickly released through the skin pores.

First aid - how you can help yourself

The houses themselves treat a person for mild to moderate poisoning. To do this, it is important to rid the victim’s body of the remaining alcohol elements and remove them from the intestines. If alcohol poisoning occurs, what should be done at home, what first aid measures should be used to treat the victim?

An important measure is to wash the stomach. None medications You should not drink so as not to worsen the victim’s well-being.

To rinse, the poisoned person must drink 300-500 ml of water. Fullness of the stomach causes vomiting, emptying it of all contents. Through vomiting, the body expels from the stomach, along with the food eaten, those substances that caused the poisoning. Rinsing must be carried out until clean water comes out.

Important point: If a person loses consciousness, it is dangerous to force water into him. Here you will first have to bring him to his senses: give him a sniff of ammonia, turn the person from side to side, rid him of tight clothes. Intensive massage of the ears, sprinkling with water, and placing a wet napkin on the forehead helps. Only if the person comes to his senses can gastric lavage begin.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning

When vomiting remains after complete lavage, it can be stopped in simple ways:

  • hold the ice in a towel on the back of your head;
  • give the person a medicine that stops vomiting - Cerucal, Metoclopramide.

Such measures stop the urge to vomit. Then we need to begin restoring the fluid balance. With vomiting and diarrhea, a large amount of fluid leaves the body. It must be restored because dehydration is life-threatening.

It is necessary to give the victim to drink with short breaks, little by little, any liquid - mineral water, water with the addition of squeezed lemon juice. Pharmaceutical drugs - Regidron, Gidrovit - restore fluid balance.

What can you eat after alcohol poisoning?

The diet after alcohol poisoning sharply reduces the number of foods allowed in the victim’s diet. When intoxicated, the liver suffers; the choice of products should take into account the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract. What to do at home to get a person out of binge drinking is to put him on a gentle diet.

A gentle diet that takes into account existing diseases, in addition to intoxication, will restore digestion. General rules preparing a diet for patients after alcohol poisoning requires steaming, stewing, and baking. Fried and fatty foods are strictly excluded so as not to aggravate the condition of the liver and to speed up the restoration of all functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dishes should be varied. It is necessary to ensure the normal content of proteins and carbohydrates, and the complete exclusion of fats. You need to eat 5 times a day, small portions. Food should be warm - not hot or cold, so as not to irritate the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach.

You need to drink a lot, at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Water removes toxins and the liver restores its functions.

Replenish your diet with baked and boiled vegetables; dishes made from them are rich in microelements that restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. In salads made from boiled vegetables and boiled meat, exclude mayonnaise. It can serve as a gas station vegetable oil, low fat sour cream.

Diet for 3 days:

  1. On the first day you can eat a minimum number of dishes. It’s better to fast and give your stomach and liver complete rest. Replace food with plenty of varied drinks - water, herbal teas, rice water, berry fruit drinks.
  2. It is advisable to start the second day with a lightly salted breakfast rice porridge. For lunch you can add a little boiled, twisted in a meat grinder chicken fillet, jelly, jelly.
  3. On the third day, the diet includes lean fish, steamed cutlets, and meatballs boiled in water. You can add steam omelette, meat soufflé.

Refusal from a gentle diet is allowed when a person feels the disappearance of symptoms of intoxication. By that time, the gastric mucosa is restored and is not irritated by hard foods. It is not recommended to quickly switch to a common table; you need to gradually introduce familiar foods, constantly listening to how the stomach reacts to them. It’s hard to say how long it will take for the poisoning to go away. It is known that recovery from alcohol intoxication takes a long time.

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