Clarkia graceful: planting and care, growing from seeds. Clarkia - a carpet of sakura flowers Garden flower Clarkia

Clarkia graceful is an annual herbaceous plant. Belongs to the fireweed family. Depending on the variety, the plant can reach a height of 30 - 150 cm. Clarkia is a fairly well-known crop among gardeners, both experienced and beginners. She gained such popularity due to a number of her qualities. For example, such as: unpretentiousness, ease of growing and caring for it, a variety of ways to reproduce it.

Clarkia graceful is widely used to decorate gardens and personal plots. It is grown in open flower beds, garden beds, either alone or in combination with other annual and perennial plants, and it can also be planted in containers or pots. It is good for cutting. The plant can last in a vase for almost 2 weeks. At the same time, the flower does not lose its original freshness and gradually blooms during this period.

A distinctive feature of this flower is the brightness of the flowers and the variety of their colors, as well as the unusualness of their shape. Clarkia flowers are white, pink, orange, red, lilac, purple. There are also two-color inflorescences with different stripes and spots. The flowers are located on the stem either singly or in whole inflorescences, resembling a brush or spike in shape.

Ways to grow clarkia eleganta

Clarkia graceful is a fairly cold-resistant crop. The seeds of this plant tolerate low air temperatures well. Therefore, it can be sown in two ways:

  • For a permanent place in open ground.
  • Pre-growing seedlings at home.

Sowing seeds in open ground

In this case, the seeds are sown in the garden at the end of April and in May. The seeds of the plant are very small, so they are placed directly on the surface of the earth. They are lightly covered with substrate on top or covered with wooden planks.

It is best to sow several seeds at once in one place, thereby forming so-called nests. The distance between them should be at least 25-40 centimeters. The first shoots appear, as a rule, after 1-2 weeks. Thinning seedlings or replanting plants is not recommended.

Seedling propagation method

The second way to grow clarkia eleganta at home is to grow seedlings. To do this, plant seeds are sown in seedling boxes or small containers, not burying them in the ground, but placing them on the surface. The boxes are covered with glass on top and placed in a warm, bright place.

Sowing Clarkia seeds for seedlings is best done in early April. The optimal temperature for seed germination is approximately 15 degrees, while the air in the room should be sufficiently humidified.

The emerging shoots are thinned out. The picking is carried out early, since Clarkia tolerates transplantation well only at a fairly young age. When picking, young plants of Clarkia graceata are planted in separate pots, several at a time. It is best to plant 3-4 plants in one pot. Clarkia elegant mixture colors

Plants are planted in a permanent place in open ground in May, when the threat of frost has passed. Seedlings are planted in nests without dividing them among themselves. When planting, an interval of 30-40 centimeters is made between them.

Plant care

Like all plants, Clarkia graceful needs care. It consists of the usual procedures for annuals. These include:

  1. Weeding and loosening the soil.
  2. Regular watering. It is produced as needed, but care must be taken to ensure that water does not stagnate on the surface of the soil.
  3. Fertilizer feeding. For this purpose, only mineral fertilizers are used. The application of organic fertilizers should be avoided. Fertilizing is carried out at least once every 2 weeks.

In order for Clarkia graceful to bloom as magnificently and abundantly as possible, young plants must be pinched. This is done at a distance from the ground of at least 10-12 cm.

Also, some tall varieties of clarkia require additional supports. They are usually placed in the middle of the nest.

Attention! To extend flowering time at home, faded buds must be removed from the plant. They are left only if they want to collect seeds from the plant.

Seed collection

Seed ripening occurs a month after the plant has fully flourished. You can tell that the seeds are ripe by the color of the box. It takes on a brown tint. Immediately cut off the box, pour the seeds onto a sheet of paper and dry.

Ready-made clarkia seeds can be sown before winter or stored at home until spring. Clarkia seeds do not need to be collected, since in most cases the plant self-sows.

If you follow all the above rules and recommendations for planting and caring for a plant such as clarkia graceata, then you can adequately decorate your garden or plot with this bright and rather unusual plant. These bright bushes will delight you with their variety of colors and shades throughout the summer.

Clarkia is an annual shrub from the fireweed family, which is sometimes combined with the genus Godetius. The stems of the plant are branched and reach a length of 0.3-1 m, depending on the species. The lower part becomes lignified by the end of the growing season. Clarkia blooms almost all summer with colorful four-petaled flowers.

This flower crop is very popular among gardeners. Due to its attractiveness, it is successfully used to decorate flower beds, borders, open balconies and other places. Clarkia is easy to care for. It is easy to grow either by seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into open ground.

Types and varieties of clarkia for open ground

The plant is native to the western part of North America, Chile. Clarkia was brought to Europe from California in the 19th century by Captain William Clark, after whom it was named. Sometimes the flower is also called “California marigold.” In nature there are about 30 varieties of it. But only some types of clarkia are used for home cultivation.


Shrub up to 1 m high. The leaf blades are oval in shape and have reddish veins. The flowers come in single and double varieties in different shades. Flowering occurs from July to September.

Popular varieties:

  • Albatross- a low-growing plant up to 0.7 m, with white double flowers.
  • Salmon Perfection- a loose shrub up to 0.9 m high. The flowers are double, pink-salmon in color.
  • Terry- a low shrub with large double flowers collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.
  • Sakura- tall, has double flowers of a creamy pink hue.


A dwarf variety with straight stems up to 0.4 m high, narrow and long leaves. The petals are thin, trilobed, which is why this species is also called “trident”. It blooms from July to September with pink, lavender or bright crimson flowers.


Cold-resistant clarkia up to 0.5 m high. Small flowers are collected in loose inflorescences. They look like butterflies. The aroma of this species is much stronger than that of other clarks. The most popular variety is Pink Ribbon, which has pink flowers with ribbon-like petals.

Growing from seeds to seedlings

These flowers can only be grown from seeds - by seedlings and without seedlings. To achieve earlier flowering, many people prefer to sow seeds for seedlings in advance.

Sowing time

From the beginning of the growing season to flowering, Clarkia takes about 2 months. Taking this into account, you need to plan the time of sowing seeds for seedlings. To get flowers at the beginning of summer, it is better to sow no later than the first half of March. In some cases it is shifted to the end of February. Seedlings are planted in open ground when the soil is well warmed up so that there is minimal risk of bacterial diseases of the roots. The best period for this is the second half of May. In the southern regions you can do this earlier.

Planting container and soil

Seedlings can be grown in peat cups or in ordinary boxes. Young plants are not afraid of transplants. You can sow in special pots, which, together with adult flowers, will be taken out into the garden or open veranda.

The soil for clarkia should be loose and nutritious with a slightly acidic reaction. If it is heavy, the flower will not be able to develop normally. The best option for the plant is a substrate made from equal parts of leaf soil, peat, sand, and rotted humus. To prevent the future development of fungal and bacterial infections in the crop, it is recommended to steam or calcine the soil in the oven before use.

Seed preparation and sowing

Before sowing, it is recommended to keep the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for some time. This is necessary not only for disinfection, but also to ensure that they are not spoiled by pests. Fill the container with soil and level it. Scatter the seeds on top. Slightly deepen them into the soil by 1.5-2 cm, sprinkle with warm water from a spray bottle. Cover the top with glass or film to create a mini-greenhouse. Move the “bed” to a warm place, cover it from direct sun. The room should be well ventilated and dry.

How to care for seedlings

Shoots will appear in 1.5-2 weeks. After germination of the seeds, the glass or film can be removed and the box moved to a more illuminated place. Seedlings need to be watered regularly, but not abundantly. The soil should always remain slightly moist. Seedlings can be sprayed with water. Clarkia grows well at a temperature of +25-27 degrees. When the seedlings reach 15 cm in height, they can be pinched. This will make it more branchy and powerful. But some hybrids do not dive; they do not tolerate transplantation. In such cases, the plants are carefully thinned out so as not to injure neighboring seedlings.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Planting seedlings should be planned as early as possible. It is recommended to prepare the area for transplantation 2 weeks before the procedure. Dig up the soil and fertilize with potassium sulfate and superphosphate (1.5 spoons per 1 square meter), and peat. If the soil is acidic, sprinkle dolomite flour on top, if alkaline, pour it with a solution of citric acid.

It is better to replant seedlings in groups of seedlings together with a lump of earth. The distance between each group should be about 20-40 cm. Do not bury the root collars. They should be level with the soil surface. Near the flowers, strengthen the supports on which the growing stems will curl.

Planting seeds without seedlings in open ground

If you don’t have the time or desire to grow seedlings, you can sow the seeds directly into open ground. This method guarantees stronger and healthier shoots. But clarkia blooms in such cases later than from seedlings.

Rules and terms

Seeds can be sown in well-warmed soil, when there is no longer a risk of sudden temperature changes. Otherwise, the sprouts that have not yet matured may freeze and die. Usually sowings are planned for the first half of May. But if the climate and weather permits, you can move them to the end of April. Sometimes sowing is carried out in the fall so that seedlings appear in early spring.

Choice of location and lighting

Like seedlings, the seeds themselves need to be sown, choosing a place in advance. Clarkia, unlike many other plants, can grow not only in well-lit areas, but also in partial shade. She is also not afraid of drafts. More soil requirements. When choosing a location, it is taken into account how the culture will fit into the overall landscape.


The soil should be fertile and light. If it does not meet the requirements on the site, some adjustments will have to be made. If the soil is dense and clayey, you need to dig it up, add sand and peat. It is loosened to ensure free access of oxygen to the roots and to avoid stagnation of moisture. You need to prepare the soil and add the necessary compounds to it 2 weeks before planting.

Landing Features

For sowing, holes (nests) are made in the selected area at a distance of 25-40 cm from each other. If the variety is tall, the distance is increased by 20-30 cm. 4-5 seeds are thrown into each nest. Can be sown in rows. But then the young shoots will have to be thinned out.

Outdoor care

Cultivation of clarkia in open ground does not differ from the seed and seedling planting method. Timely watering, fertilizing, and preventing pests are important for the flower.


The amount and frequency of watering is affected by the weather that will occur during the plant’s growth. If the summer is cool and it rains often, then there may be no need for watering at all. In other cases, it is necessary to moisten the soil when the top layer dries.

On a note! If the clarkia is too saturated with moisture, this will lead to rotting of the roots. To avoid this, after each watering the soil should be loosened near the bush. You need to water the plant in the morning or evening, when there is no scorching sun. It is important to avoid getting water on the flowers, as this can have a bad effect on the appearance of the crop.

Top dressing

Fertilize flowers 1-2 times a month. Complex fertilizers for flowering plants are effective on Clarkia:

  • Nitroammofoska- 15 g per 1m2 during budding;
  • Kalifos-N- 20-25 g per 1m2;
  • Diamofoska- 2 g per 1 liter of water during the period of intensive growth.

Sometimes a solution of chicken manure (1:15) is used. It is applied at the beginning of the growing season.


If clarkia grows densely, it needs to be thinned out so that the bushes have room to develop. There should be at least 15-20 cm between plants. But you shouldn’t thin them out too much so that there are no voids left. When the plant fades, its stems are cut back to the soil. Remains of roots are removed when digging up the area. It is better to burn them to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria or fungi that can infect the soil.

Flowering (how to extend flowering time)

With the seedling planting method, flower stalks may appear as early as late May or early June. When sowing in open ground - a little later. Clakyria can bloom until autumn. If you want to prolong flowering as long as possible, you need to adhere to certain conditions. Tillering of sprouts promotes abundant flowering. When the seedlings grow to 10 cm in length, you need to carefully pinch off the top. This stimulates budding and abundant flowering. After the flower stalks fade, they need to be removed.

Seed collection and wintering

You need to determine in advance which flower stalks to leave for the seeds to ripen. There is no need to delete them. The grains appear after pollination of the ovary. They ripen in small oblong boxes. 1 g can contain up to 3,000 seeds. They ripen approximately a month after flowering ends. When the seed pods turn brown, the seeds are ready to be collected. It is recommended to place a fabric bag on the seed pod in advance to prevent self-seeding into the ground.

The seeds are additionally dried for several days, then stored in paper bags in a dry, cool room. After 3-4 years, the seed loses its quality and germination rate decreases. Therefore, it is better to use fresh seeds for sowing.

Diseases and pests, control methods

Clarkia is characterized by stable immunity. Therefore, it is rarely exposed to diseases and pest invasions. But sometimes it can be affected by fungal infections. They are usually associated with excess moisture and frequent watering. First, the roots are damaged, and the entire plant gradually withers. In such cases, it is almost impossible to save the flower. It is recommended to simply remove damaged specimens and adjust the watering system.

To prevent infection of other plants, it is recommended to treat them with the following means:

  • Oksikhom,
  • Bordeaux mixture,
  • copper sulfate.

Pests that damage clarkia:

  • garden flea beetle.
  • Karbofos;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Confidor.

Combination with other plants (Clarkia in landscape design)

Thanks to its unpretentiousness and abundant flowering, Clarkia deserves a place of honor in landscape design.

Scope of application:

  • in flower beds, along fences, alleys, fences;
  • in pots on balconies, window sills, on walls (low-growing varieties);
  • in bouquets with other flowers (tall varieties).

In addition, its flowers have a beautiful aroma and are a good peduncle. It goes well with other low plants:

  • phlox;
  • asters;
  • white daisies;
  • Red roses.

Clarkia is a very popular crop for growing outdoors. Caring for it does not require much effort. The flower reproduces well both by seedlings and without seedlings. It can grow almost anywhere, even in partial shade and drafts. The main thing is to provide it with suitable soil and regulate the moisture level.

More useful information about growing clarkia from sowing to collecting seeds can be found in the video:

They were separate clans, but recently they were combined into one. Here we will talk about clarkia, which were originally part of this genus, although caring for both clarkia and godetia is similar.

So, these are herbaceous annuals, the height of which, depending on the type, varies from 35 cm to almost a meter. The shoots of these crops can be straight or branched, often covered with fluff. The foliage is oblong, alternate. Flowers form inflorescences-spikelets or racemes. 3 representatives of the genus are cultivated.

Varieties and types

Or marigold an annual plant with branching shoots growing up to 1 m. The stems are thin, their bottom becomes woody with aging. The foliage is round, oblong, has a bluish tint, and is riddled with red veins. Flowers can be either simple or double depending on the variety, and the color also depends on this.

Among the varieties we can distinguish Albatross , Salmon Orange , Diamond , Ruby , Purpurkening , Sun .

Clarkia pubescent or pretty a low-growing species that grows up to 40 cm. The foliage is long and narrow. The flowers have widely spread petals.

Popular variety Arianna .

A crop reaching half a meter in height. Small, strong-smelling flowers form inflorescences.

Popular dwarf variety Pink Ribbons , having strongly branching shoots and pink flowers.

The remaining plants called clarkia are Godetia, which, however, itself, through the efforts of scientists, turned into clarkia.

Among them we highlight Clarkia terry , which was previously a hybrid species of godetia, and its variety Sakura . This tall plant has a shoot covered with beautiful peach-colored flowers that will decorate any garden.

Clarkia graceful growing from seeds

Clarkia graceful reproduces only in a generative way. If you don’t want to bother with seedlings, then the material is sown in the soil around mid-spring, closer to May, or in the fall as winter approaches.

A month before planting, you need to dig up the area with fertilizer in the form of a kilogram of peat for each square meter, as well as a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Seeds are laid out on the soil a few at a time and slightly pressed into it. The distance between sowings is about 30 cm. If the seedlings are too dense, they need to be thinned out, but do not overdo it, because lush bushes look more attractive.

Planting clarkia seedlings

If you want to get seedlings, then the seeds need to be sown in light, sandy, slightly acidic soil, thus slightly pressing them down or covering them with a thin layer of soil. Next, the crops are slightly moistened and kept warm under a film, in a well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight.

With the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed, and the container is kept in a warm room with fresh air until transplanting into the flowerbed.

Do not delay the dive and carry it out until a couple of leaves appear. Young plants are planted in the garden no earlier than May in order to protect them from return frosts.

Soil for clarkia

The soil for clarkia should be slightly acidic, light, and permeable.

Heavy clay substrates are undesirable and in this case the soil must be dug up with sand.

Clarkia planting and care in open ground

Transplantation of seedlings into the ground is carried out together in an earthen lump, in groups of seedlings. The distance between the groups is the same as when sowing - about 30 cm. You need to take care of the supports that are stuck next to the planted bushes.

When the plants take root, lightly pinching is done, thanks to which they will bush more strongly.

Watering clarkia

This plant only needs watering in hot weather when there is no rain; in other cases, rainfall is sufficient.

The amount of water for irrigation should be moderate so that it quickly enters the soil and does not stagnate on the surface.

Fertilizer for clarkia

From the beginning of the growth and development of buds and before flowering, it is necessary to fertilize with a complex mineral fertilizer of the Rainbow type.

Pruning clarkia

To make flowering more beautiful, you need to remove fading inflorescences, leaving the amount you need to collect seeds.

This crop reproduces well by self-sowing. If you want to collect seeds, wrap several flowers in gauze so that the seed does not spill on the ground. Seed maturity occurs approximately 30 days after flowering ends.

With the arrival of autumn and cold weather, the top part of the plants is cut off and the area is dug up, getting rid of the roots.

Diseases and pests

When growing clarkia on loam, it can get rust . To get rid of the fungus, the bushes are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Also with excess moisture the roots may rot , as a result of which the plant droops, weakens and dies. Trim diseased areas and destroy heavily infected individuals, and then disinfect the area and plants with fungicides.

The most common pest is mealybug , occurs in rare cases aphid . To combat these pests, insecticides are used. To defeat aphids, you can also use an infusion of water with citrus fruits or an infusion of garlic, but when spraying with the latter, you can burn the plants themselves.

Representatives of fireweed are capable of creating charming decorations in garden compositions, harmoniously combining with their beautiful neighbors. Growing Clarkia gracefully from seeds is a simple way to decorate a flower bed, which does not require much care and pleases with excellent results in the form of an elegant bush strewn with graceful buds.

Clarkia flowers description, photo

The flowers got their name in honor of the famous American explorer William Clark. In nature, these representatives of the flora live in the northern part of the United States and Chile. They are widely used as an unpretentious ornamental annual, which abounds in various varieties.

Clarkia belongs to the herbaceous species representing the Fireweed family. The stems of the plant are thin and strong, growing from 30 to 90 cm, and upon completion of flowering they take on a woody appearance along the lower part of the stem. The leaves are oval-shaped, green-bluish in tone with red veins, the edges are framed by an irregular, rarely jagged shape.

The inflorescences are double and simple, reaching an average diameter of 3 cm. Most often they are collected in the form of spikelets or tassels located along the upper part of the plant, but sometimes you can find flowers in a single arrangement.

Types and varieties (height)

In total, biologists have studied about 30 varieties of clarkia, among which only 3 species have gained popularity. Among them:

  1. “Pretty” belongs to a dwarf species and grows up to 40 cm. The bushes are voluminous, with many branching shoots and elongated leaves, painted in a dark green tone, shimmering with blue. The flowers are racemose and loosely dense. Simple in shape, they grow with a diameter of no more than 2 cm with a pronounced dissection. The plant is also known by its second name, “Deer Antlers”. It is characterized by the earliest period of flowering of the heart of its fellows, which lasts from 2 to 3 months. The petals are colored lavender or pink. There are varieties of white and crimson colors.
  2. “Graceful” or “Marigold” - based on the species, breeders have bred more than 10 hybrid varieties with flowers of simple and double petals, distinguished by their multicolored appearance. Terry ones are made in the shape of a hemisphere, collected in loose tassels or grow singly. They often reach 5 cm in diameter. The color is dominated by a violet-pink tone, and there are also varieties of white, orange or crimson shades. The leaves are dark green with pronounced red veins, oval in shape and jagged along the edge. The bushes grow up to 1 meter. The varieties “Alyuatros”, “Salamon Queen”, “Diamond” and “Feuergarbe” are very popular. Hybrid ones include “BouguetMixet” and “DoubleMixet”, multi-color options.
  3. “Breveri” is a fairly frost-resistant variety that does not require seedlings. The stems of the plant are very branched, the bush is compact in size. The upper part of the stem contains medium-sized flowers, not exceeding 3.5 cm in diameter, with pronounced dissection of pink petals. Plants reach 50 cm in height and have a pleasant aroma.

Features of growing from seeds at home

The bright representative of fireweed does not require special conditions for growth and sowing, which makes it different from its fellow flora. In order to grow strong flowers at home, a gardener will only need to follow some small rules for caring for an unpretentious plant, which we discuss below.

Timing for sowing seeds for seedlings

Sowing seeds can be done in early May; in this case, the flowering period will begin in the first or second decade of July and will continue until mid-September. To achieve even more early dates flowering, it is recommended to sow flowers in the fall, preferably in the second ten days of September. This way they will be able to germinate a little, get stronger before the first frost and successfully overwinter. The first flowering will begin in the first ten days of June and will delight the gardener throughout the summer season.

Seeds at the age of 2 to 4 years are considered to have the best germination potential.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Before the sowing procedure, the seeds should be prepared by soaking in a weak solution of manganese for 3 hours. The seeds are placed in a strip of natural fabric and placed in a humid environment. The material you can use is a bandage or gauze that allows air to pass through well. Next, the planting material is thoroughly dried at room temperature and placed in the prepared soil.

Since the seeds are quite small, you can prepare a piece of paper and a toothpick to distribute them over the ground surface, which will greatly facilitate the task of evenly placing them.

What containers are needed for sowing?

It is recommended to plant seed in shallow containers that must be treated with boiling water or steamed in the oven. The procedure promotes disinfection, which protects the flowers from possible fungal diseases. You can use individual cups, but large or medium-sized nurseries are preferable for small seeds. Seeded containers should be stored in a well-lit place and protected from drafts.

Soil (composition, characteristics)

Fireweeds are absolutely not picky in choosing soil composition and grow well on a variety of soils. Maximum growth is shown on light or medium-density soils, slightly acidic or neutral. You can prepare the soil mixture for seedlings yourself by mixing peat and river sand in equal proportions and adding it to the prepared soil. It is recommended to steam the finished mixture in a water bath to prevent the formation of fungus and bacteria in the soil.

Seed sowing technology

The seed is placed at a distance of 1 cm in small grooves, then sprinkled thin layer soil and thoroughly moistened. For watering, you can use a tablespoon, carefully pouring the water so that the seeds do not get knocked out of the ground or float to the surface. You can also use a spray bottle.

Next, the nursery is covered with a plastic bag, cling film or glass to create a vacuum and placed in a bright place. As condensation accumulates on the inner surface, the cover is removed to ventilate the seedlings. It is necessary to completely discard the film after the first shoots appear. If this is not done in time, the seedlings can become very elongated.

Seedling care

Fireweed is very easy to care for and does not require special growing conditions. The main thing is to maintain the preferred temperature regime and ensure timely watering of the plants.

Seedlings require maintaining moderate soil moisture; extreme drying should not be allowed. As the soil grows, you need to loosen it slightly. It is advisable that the nursery has drainage system, since water stagnation can be detrimental to the root system of flowers.

The optimum air temperature will be + 20°C. Nurseries located on window sills must be protected from direct sunlight, and it is advisable to cover the glass with paper or cardboard to prevent burns to the leaves.

Caring for seedlings (hardening, picking)

Seedlings begin to sprout as soon as 2 leaves form. It is advisable not to delay replanting, since young seedlings tolerate it much easier, take root faster and successfully enter the further stage of growth and development.

Hybrid varieties categorically do not tolerate diving. And in case of dense planting, the plants are only thinned out.

Before planting in open ground, flowers are gradually hardened. To begin with, window ventilation for 10-15 minutes a day will be enough for them, after which the seedlings can be placed on an open balcony or outside, gradually increasing the time spent in the open air. It is important to ensure that during hardening the seedlings are not exposed to draft winds.

How and when to plant in the ground

Fireweeds begin to be transplanted into the ground in the third ten days of April or the second ten days of May, depending on the growing region. In the case of direct planting in the ground, avoiding the seedling method, sowing begins either in the fall, followed by wintering, or in the second ten days of April.

The seed material is placed in small grooves and sprinkled with a small layer of soil, then thoroughly moistened and placed in a greenhouse. The shelter requires regular ventilation and timely watering. The soil should always be moderately moist, but excess moisture is unacceptable.

The first shoots will begin to appear within 2 weeks, and as they grow, you can thin them out, making room for the development of stronger specimens. The distance between plantings is kept small, since sowing densely enough will provide the seedlings with stronger and taller stems with large inflorescences.

Shelter can be completely abandoned in the first ten days of May, when the threat of possible frost has passed.

In the case of autumn planting, with the onset of spring, the seedlings should not be moistened, since the soil is perfectly saturated with melt water and nourishes the plants.

Choosing a site for planting, soil

Clarkias grow well both in well-lit areas and in slight shade. Well-tempered, they are not afraid of drafts and can withstand cool temperatures at night quite cheerfully. They delight with abundant and long flowering on light, fertile soil. It is important to avoid planting in acidic soils, since most often the seedlings die; at best, they develop slowly and weakly.

Flower care (watering, fertilizing, tying)

Throughout the growing season, flowers require sufficient moisture. The soil should be watered as the top layer dries, avoiding overwatering. Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the root system of clarkia, therefore the best option will be the organization of drainage in a nursery or open ground. After watering, the soil must be loosened to improve breathability. In case of rainy or cool summers, watering is reduced or stopped completely.

It is advisable to water under the root, avoiding getting on the leaves. This will protect the leaves from possible sunburn and will not spoil the external aesthetics.

It is recommended to feed regularly, 1 or 2 times a month. The complex solution “For beautifully blooming garden flowers” ​​is ideal as a nutritious fertilizer, which can be easily purchased in every specialized store.

In case of dense planting, seedlings need to be thinned, focusing on a distance between them of 15 cm, which will allow the bushes to develop harmoniously in width. It is not recommended to make the distances between seedlings larger, since the flowers may lose their decorative properties. appearance. Careful removal of weeds promotes quality growth and development.

Dried inflorescences must be removed regularly, allowing new buds to develop in order to prolong the flowering period. In addition, from simple actions The aesthetics of the fireweed will noticeably improve. Only the largest samples should be left for further collection of seed material.

Tall varieties of clarkia will require a garter, since the stems are not always able to hold the bush. To avoid bending, place a support in the form of a regular slats nearby and carefully tie them up.

Possible problems during cultivation

The main difficulty that gardeners face when growing clarkia is soil moisture, since it can be difficult to maintain a balance and not accidentally overwater the plant. Young seedlings need to be watered carefully and carefully.

In cases where the degree of moisture in the soil is not determined visually, you can use a small stick or your own finger to plunge into the soil and determine the moisture content. Otherwise, the plants are not picky and delight gardeners with healthy growth and strong development.

You should not apply fertilizer more often than conditions require, as the branches can grow greatly and suppress flowering.

Plant care during and after flowering

Clarkia does not require special care, and therefore during the period of active flowering it is enough to timely apply fertilizer, continue to loosen the soil and remove fading elements. At the end of the season, the bushes are cut off at the root and left for the winter. In case of cold winter, a shelter is built from peat or straw.

Diseases and pests (treatment)

Clarkias are highly resistant to pests, but sometimes they can be attacked by aphids or flea beetles, to combat which it is necessary to use chemicals like Karbofos or Fufafon.

Very rarely, fireweeds are susceptible to diseases. Among the known plant diseases they can be affected:

  1. Downy mildew, which occurs in extremely humid environments. Infected leaves curl, and colorless or brownish spots form on the upper side. Drugs like Fitosporin or Olirin help fight the disease.
  2. Fireweeds are affected by rust due to neglected plantings, excess nitrogen feeding, or due to excess moisture in the soil. In this case, the leaves, stem and flowers become covered with blisters, inside of which there are spores of the pathogen. It is recommended to treat with Bordeaux mixture or Topaz.
  3. Root rot overtakes bushes on heavy soils, in conditions of dampness and excess moisture. The root system is affected by rot and leads to death. A disease noticed in time can be treated with “Topaz” or “Bordeaux mixture”.

In cases where treatment is futile, infected elements must be removed and subsequently destroyed

To prevent possible diseases, it is necessary to dig the soil deeply (at least 20 cm) and treat the soil with fungicides until the first shoots appear.

How to collect seeds

To collect seed during the flowering period, you need to notice large and beautiful flowers, wait for them to wither, then tie them with a layer of gauze and leave them to ripen.

The manipulation will not allow the seeds to scatter or fall, which will prevent self-seeding in the future.

Within 1 month after wilting, the seed capsule fully ripens and acquires a brownish tint, after which it can be cut off and the seeds removed. The collected material is thoroughly dried and stored in paper envelopes.

Clarkia in winter

Most often, plants survive winter frosts safely, but for greater confidence, you can make a shelter for them from natural materials. If in the spring it is planned to dig up the area and place the flowers in a new place, it is recommended to remove and destroy all remaining elements of the fireweed in order to prevent the development of fungi in their environment that can infect the ground or neighboring vegetation.

Combination with other plants

Clarkias combine perfectly with light-loving representatives of garden flora. Close proximity to certain varieties of roses, daisies and peonies brings impressive results. They create beautiful flower beds paired with oleanders or delphiniums.

Exquisite bushes with original flowers will be an ideal decoration for a garden or an open balcony. Clarkia graceful: growing this flower from seeds does not require much effort and will delight the gardener all summer months with bright blooms and a wonderful fragrance.

Growing clarkia eleganta in suburban areas is widespread. She is elegant and aristocratic. It amazes with its beauty and richness of color. The variety of colors allows you to effectively design flower beds, garden paths, and hedges. It goes well with other plants and is a frequent participant in alpine slides.

Growing clarkia graceful from seeds

Clarkia, photos of the flowers of which are presented above, is grown from seeds in suburban areas. Depending on the climatic conditions of the area, sowing is done directly in open ground or seedlings are pre-prepared. The second option is more preferable, as it speeds up flowering and prevents young shoots from freezing from the effects of return frosts.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

When growing clarkia from seeds into seedlings, the question often arises: when to plant and how to do it correctly? Seeds are sown at the end of March - April. Clarkia does not need increased nutrition, so they use soil from their garden plot, adding rotted manure and a little sand.

The box is filled with soil, small grooves are formed and watered with water that has settled for 24 hours. Next, seeds are sown in the grooves and lightly dusted with soil.

The depth of planting the seeds should not exceed 1 cm. Otherwise, they will not sprout.

Shoots appear after 1.5 weeks. If they grow too thick, they are thinned out. Caring for growing seedlings is easy. It is enough to water the soil in a timely manner, prevent its excessive compaction and eliminate weeds.

Transplantation into open ground

After warm weather has established itself and the return frosts have gone, the seedlings are not in danger. Now you can safely transplant it to a permanent place. Clarkia graceful needs the sun. The most illuminated area is chosen for it. You should not plant it in a windy clearing, as strong winds can break a weak stem.

Clarkia grows well in fertile soils with a loose structure. On dense clay soils more sparse flowering is observed. Prefers soil with neutral or low acidity.

Before transplanting to a permanent location, the flowerbed requires preparation:

  1. They bring it in in the fall.
  2. In spring, the flowerbed is carefully dug up, removing all weeds and breaking up clods.
  3. The surface is leveled with a rake.
  4. Since by the time of transplantation the seedlings develop a large root and a long stem, deep holes are required. They are formed with a small spatula.
  5. The seedlings are placed in the hole, slightly deepening the stem. The top is covered with earth and compacted.
  6. Each hole is watered with water with the addition of a small amount of Kornevin. If the ground is very wet, which often happens in the spring in regions with deep snow cover, you should not water the plants.

Plant care

Clarkia graceful is unpretentious in care. Moist and nutritious soil with a loose structure, a lot of sun, light and warmth - that’s all that is needed for lush flowering.


To grow a healthy plant and actively flower, moisture is necessary. The frequency of watering depends on the weather. The soil in the flowerbed should not dry out. However, severe waterlogging is also undesirable.


Fruitful cultivation of clarkia is possible on loose soils saturated with oxygen. On compacted soil it develops more slowly and blooms poorly. Loosening the soil when growing this plant is a mandatory technological stage. The soil is loosened after each watering, as well as during the rainy season. Loosening is necessary, even if the plants have grown and it is quite difficult to get to them.

Top dressing

Growing clarkia graceful necessarily includes not only watering and loosening the soil, but also the application of fertilizers. Any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer with a minimum nitrogen content is used as fertilizing. They are sold in granules or liquid form. Granular fertilizers are recommended for use in rainy years when the soil is very waterlogged. During the dry period, concentrated liquid fertilizers are dissolved in water in accordance with consumption rates and fertilizing is combined with watering.

In favorable years with sunny, warm weather, one feeding per season is quite enough. If the year turns out to be unsuccessful and there are prolonged rains, repeated fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers helps to prolong the flowering period.

Plant garter

The photo shows a mixture of Clarkia graceful colors. Its color, as well as the height of the stem, depend on the varietal characteristics. Its stem is erect and often reaches 90 cm. By the beginning of August it is covered with numerous large flowers. To prevent damage to plants during watering, weeding or heavy rain, it is tied to wooden supports. The supports are installed around the perimeter of the flowerbed and a wire or thin rope is pulled between them in two rows. This design is quite enough to hold the thin stem in an upright position and prevent damage to the plants.

How to collect seeds

Many summer residents sow clarkia only once. Then it reproduces by self-seeding. After the thickened seedlings appear, all that remains is to thin them out. How to collect seeds from clarkia for growing seedlings and is it possible?

During flowering, choose the most magnificent plant and tie the flowers with gauze. After a month, the boxes acquire a brown color. Now they can be cut. The collected seeds are dried well on a paper napkin and stored.

Clarkia graceful will effectively decorate any garden plot. The variety of shades of this delicate flower allows you to create luxurious compositions. Planting clarkia and subsequently caring for it will not cause any difficulties even for novice gardeners. Fertile soil, timely loosening, as well as favorable weather contribute to the cultivation of a lushly flowering carpet.

Experience in growing clarkia eleganta - video

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