When do you need to change your tires to winter tires? Traffic rules requirements for the installation and seasonal change of tires on a car Law on the use of winter tires

Car wheels - the main component vehicle most subject to wear and tear. The reason for this is the constant contact of the rubber with the track and road chemicals. To extend the service life wheel tires, to protect yourself and other road users, you should follow the technical recommendations for the use of tires. Consider the end of winter and the onset of heat and do not wait for the warning from the traffic police about when to change tires to summer tires.

Timely replacement of tires will help to avoid the following causes of tire wear:

  • seasonal deterioration of the quality of roads (ice, potholes after winter, hot asphalt);
  • exit from snowdrifts and off-road;
  • during heavy braking, the tread is maintained;
  • imbalance of air pressure in tires depending on the season;
  • violation of vehicle regulations.

Some economical car owners change tires on only one pair of wheels - front or rear. Such savings are fraught not only with a breakdown of the vehicle, but also with traffic accidents.

2 Change winter tires to summer

Each motorist has his own beliefs about the seasonal replacement of tires:

  • supporters early replacement winter period, they motivate their position by the need to prepare early for the coming cold weather and to secure their movement on the road in case of sudden frosts or ice.
  • Late-summer advocates change tires when it is already warm enough, without considering that this increases wear and significantly reduces tire life.

Usage practice winter tires confirms that the operation of protectors in hot summer time significantly increases their wear. Therefore, if timely replacement is made, then the rubber life can be extended.

When changing shoes for your car, it is worth arming yourself with the recommendations of manufacturers who advise putting on winter protectors if the average daily temperature drops to + 7C. At low temperatures, summer protectors harden and their properties deteriorate.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, change winter tires follows from March 1 to March 15, depending on severe weather conditions and territorial distribution. In Russia, by mid-March, temperatures become more stable, snow cover disappears and asphalt becomes dry, as a result of which specifications winter tires are not relevant.

Of course, it’s good to change shoes according to the rules, but the owner must take into account the quality of the road surface (after winter) of the area on which he drives: the city track is more well-groomed and clean than rural or provincial roads, which sometimes remain snowy until mid-April.

Russia is a vast country, and residents of the southern regions have some peculiarities regarding seasonal wheel replacement, since in winter there is no snow at all, the asphalt is dry and the temperature is quite high. In this regard, the use of studded tires in such areas is not common, all-season is more in vogue there. Change date winter protectors there it fluctuates relative to weather conditions, drivers need to track the date from which the temperature has leveled off and stays at +5, +7C and above, then you can safely change the car's shoes.

On the contrary, car owners of the North use studded tires more, since driving in snowfalls and severe frosts requires special technical characteristics - treads with metal spikes. And the terms requiring the replacement of studded tires are somewhat different there than in the central and southern regions, they are determined by territorial temperature parameters.

3 Change summer tires

According to Appendix No. 8 of the technical regulation of 01/01/2015, the operation of cars with studded tires in the summer from June to August is prohibited. Consequently, the law of the Russian Federation does not prohibit driving on winter tires without studs in the summer, but you can ride on studded tires until June 1.

The conditions for replacing a car's summer tire depend on the average daily temperature not lower than +5, +7C. Even if in the daytime the air warms up to +10, +11C, then in the morning frosts may appear in places and the movement of a car on summer treads can cause an accident. Moreover, summer tires used in winter lose their elasticity and vehicle braking is doubled.

If the summer has dragged on and the winter season is just beginning to remind of itself, it is useful for motorists to familiarize themselves with the following parameters of the relationship between seasonal temperature and summer tire replacement:

  • the lower the thermometer readings, the harder the summer tread;
  • the harder the rubber, the lower its grip properties;
  • the worse the grip properties, the greater the fuel consumption and the greater the tread wear.

To balance these processes, tire manufacturers have developed tires that differ in chemical structure and tread pattern.

Car tires used in summer are stiffer and better able to withstand contact with hot asphalt. At low temperatures, the rubber becomes stiff and grip decreases. The process of movement turns into a process of sliding.

The minimum average daily temperature, after which we understand that it is time to "change shoes" - +7 degrees Celsius

In addition to winter summer tires there is another, third option for tires - all-weather tires. "All-weather" are characterized by more disadvantages than advantages, because in the summer they wear out more and in winter they are not very elastic. All-season tires are most practical at 0 degrees.

There are 4 main reasons why experts advise changing summer tires in advance:

  1. The excitement at the service station.
  2. Running in studded treads: avoid slipping and sudden braking during the first 100-200 km. The recommended movement is 70 km/h.
  3. In warm weather, it is more comfortable to install than in cold weather.
  4. The car is ready for the sudden whims of nature.

A few lost spikes are not as dangerous as the possibility of being with summer tires in a snowdrift or ice.

4 Additional reasons to change tires on time

Car tires must be changed, primarily for reasons of their own safety. The economic reasons for this are also not unimportant: winter tires wear out quickly in the summer, and driving in winter on summer treads leads to accidents and unforeseen expenses.

Insurance companies, as a rule, refuse insurance if tires inappropriate for the season are installed on the vehicle during an accident.

The terms for replacing tires depend on the conditions for using the car: if in the spring the car is used mostly in the mornings and evenings, and at this time there may be frosts, then you can not rush to change tires, if in the autumn the car is used in the morning and evening, then you should hurry up to change the car.

The geography of operation is also very important, because on country roads and urban temperatures, night and day temperatures usually differ. Consequently, the probability of ice formation is greater, and snow melts longer on country roads than on urban ones.

5 Penalty for seasonal non-compliance of tires

Financial punishment for summer tires in winter from January 1, 2015. is 500 rubles, thanks to the technical document of the Customs Union that has entered into force. The decree prohibits the operation of a car without winter tires from December to February. Regional structures have been given the right to regulate the timing of the ban, depending on weather conditions in various regions of Russia.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for a fine for the operation of winter non-studded tires in the summer.

Also, the legislation does not provide for a fine for the absence of the "Ш" sign on a car with studded tires.

Replacing car tires, like everything else in our lives, must be done on time, especially if your own safety depends on it.

One of the main factors affecting safety traffic, is technical condition vehicle. In particular, due to the climatic conditions in Russian Federation most motorists in our country have to change the tires of the car wheels, alternately using summer and winter tires. What does the law on winter tires say - what are the requirements for equipping a vehicle in the cold season, is it possible to use only all-season tires and what rules came into force on November 1 of this year?

Basic requirements and provisions of the law

The adopted bill regulating the use of winter tires contains the following data:

  • The specific concept of winter tires and its main characteristics. Moreover, such characteristics directly depend on the type of vehicle and its carrying capacity;
  • Traffic police officers have the right to fine motorists only if the technical characteristics of the rubber they use do not correspond to those required for the current season;
  • There may be no penalty in the form of a fine at the discretion of the traffic inspector - if there is a slight inaccuracy, it can be limited to making a remark;
  • There is no such concept as “all-weather tires” in the legislative act. When using certain tires in summer and winter time tire markings and their technical characteristics are taken into account.

Today, there is no penalty for using summer tires in winter, however, according to the technical regulations, for driving a car that does not meet road safety requirements, a driver can be fined for using bald tires (i.e. for not matching the tread). The penalty is provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and is equal to 500 rubles.

Mandatory period for winter tires

The adopted law on studded tires caused a lot of questions and misunderstandings - when is it necessary to carry out a seasonal change of tires in order to avoid the danger of being held liable and imposing a fine?

If we talk about the timing of replacing tires with winter tires, then the requirements in accordance with the text of the law in force, subject to amendments, are formulated as follows:

  • It is forbidden to use tires with anti-skid spikes in the summer;
  • It is forbidden to operate vehicles that are not equipped with winter tires that fully meet the requirements for them in winter period of the year;
  • According to the regulations, vehicles must be equipped with winter tires for a period of 3 winter months (from December 1 - March 1) and summer tires for a period of 3 months (June - August). In some regions of the Russian Federation, according to the changes made by the executive authorities, such norms can be shifted in the direction of their increase or decrease. For example, for Moscow from November 1. This wording is associated solely with the climate in each region - in some areas, winter tires may not be in demand at all, but in others, on the contrary, its presence is required on the vehicle all year round.

Requirements for winter tires

In order not to get into trouble, you should understand exactly which tires, in terms of existing standards, can be regarded as winter tires. So, characteristics that winter tires must meet, the following:

  • Minimum tire tread depth - it should be 4 mm;
  • The corresponding marking to be applied to tires is a figure representing a 3-peak peak with a snowflake depicted in the center and its letter designation - M&S, M+S or M S;
  • No visible cracks or damage to the tire. Such violations may include delamination of the coating, cuts and breakdowns, obvious tears, separation of layers along the side of the tires;
  • The absence of cracks in the disks, even if the tire itself fully complies with all requirements;
  • The absence of part of the fasteners on the disks (bolts or nuts);
  • It is forbidden to install on one axle of the car (front, middle, rear, etc.) winter tires that differ in pattern, design, model or type, degree of wear;
  • The motorist is obliged to ensure that all wheels of his vehicle have winter tires that meet the requirements. For example, if there are winter tires on three disks, and summer tires on one, such a violation is already equivalent to driving a vehicle without winter tires.

Separate points that are of interest to vehicle owners are whether it is possible to drive a car in the winter season on a car that uses the so-called Velcro or all-weather tires as tires. In the event that such tires, according to their technical parameters will meet the necessary requirements and will have the appropriate marking, then their use is not considered a violation.

It should be understood that driving on tires in winter that do not meet the requirements may be fraught with a fine of 500 rubles. Even if such an amount is not significant for you, you should not neglect the safety guarantee that these tires provide due to their better grip on how many road surfaces in the cold season.

Video: Is the law on winter tires adopted?

Russia is a country with a pronounced change of seasons, which, of course, affects driving in general and car tires in particular. On the eve of the winter season, we will tell you when it's time to change tires, what kind of fine threatens those who like to drive on tires out of season, and what prevents us from complying with the law?

○ Why don't car enthusiasts change tires?

Russians are known for their desire to drive fast, but not always safe. One of these risks is associated with the use of tires out of season. This happens for various reasons. Some are forced to save money by the crisis, others do not want to stand in the seasonal queues of tire shops, others simply do not plan to install a new set, being ready to throw away the old one.

Whatever reasons prompted you to leave tires out of season, there can be only one plus, and that is very conditional - savings on tire services. There will be many more cons, including material ones.

The first and most important drawback of out-of-season tires is a decrease in the controllability of the car, and thus the safety of the driver and passengers. At the first spring sun, the already soft winter tires begin to warm up from the warm asphalt. The rubber becomes viscous, and the controllability of the car decreases, with sudden braking, the car will easily be dragged forward, the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Harder summer tires in winter give reduced traction and the car simply “wears” on the road, which in itself is not safe.

The second problem is increased wear. GOST minimum tread height set passenger car at 1.6 mm, but you should not fall short of this, buying a new kit already at 2 mm. Using tires out of season will bring the purchase costs closer.

With proper use, a set of rubber will last up to three years, but if you do not change it, the wear rate will increase by an average of three times. Studded tires serve well in the cold season, but with the establishment of heat and complete cleaning of asphalt from ice, the studs simply fly out of it, forcing you to buy a new set for the next season. In addition, on a summer road, studs lengthen the stopping distance, creating the risk of an accident. But even non-studded winter tires, warmed up by the summer sun from their softness, wear out three times faster.

The reasons why you shouldn't skimp on a tire change are clear, so when is the right time to get it done?

○ Terms of transition to winter and summer tires.

Let's start with the fact that at the moment in Russia there is no full-fledged law that has come into force that obliges to change tires as such, or establishes the timing of such a replacement. In the US and Finland, shift dates are rigidly set. If the inspector notices the car “shod out of season”, the driver will be fined.

In Russia there is technical regulation on the safety of wheeled vehicles, which prohibits the use of:

  • Studded winter tires in June, July and August.
  • Summer tires on any vehicle wheel in December, January and February.

Of course, these are not exhaustive rules and it is necessary to focus on the climatic conditions of a particular region. Experts advise to install summer tires not earlier than the temperature is above +5 С / +7 С Before that, night frosts may occur, after which morning frost on the roads is possible. Usually it is March 10 - 15, but in the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory on March 1, spring is in full swing, and in Magadan region they won't hear about it until April. This is one of the reasons why the Vehicle Safety Law governing tire replacement is still not fully in place, regional specifics need to be taken into account. At the moment, it spells out a ban on the use of winter studded tires from May 1 to September 30, and summer tires from December 1 to March 1. Winter non-studded tires can be left for the whole year.

As for winter tires, experts do not recommend delaying the change by more than November 15th. According to statistics, by this time in most regions of the country there is already a high probability of precipitation in the form of snow or ice.

The law does not prohibit all-season tires, but when using it, it is important to take into account the climatic factor, at too low temperatures it will not be sufficiently stable, and in too hot summer it will become too soft. In addition, it must be marked "M+S", "M&S" or "M S"

○ Penalty for driving with winter tires in summer.

Code of Administrative Offenses does not contain an article indicating the fine for using winter tires in summer, but the possibility of its introduction is already being discussed. The most likely fine at the moment is 500 r. But even in the future, only the use of studded tires will be liable.

But even now the traffic police inspector has the right to draw up a protocol, having found increased tread wear on your car or winter and summer tires on the same axle.

The presence of winter tires on the wheels of the car during the period of ice and snowfalls is a key condition for ensuring the safety of the driver of the vehicle and his passengers. This is a common truth that every motorist knows, but some car owners neglect the risks that driving with summer tires in winter carries.

Winter tires - the safety of the driver and passengers in the cold season

In this regard, the decision on the mandatory change of tires in the cold season was adopted at the legislative level and entered into force in 2015. And for the 2016-2017 season, some changes and clarifications were made to it. Information about the current requirements of the road inspection and other important aspects of seasonal tire fitting is presented below.

Why winter tires are so important

When the road surface is iced, the adhesion of the wheels to the canvas is sharply weakened. In such a situation, the controllability of the car, its maneuverability in corners is significantly reduced, and there is a high risk of uncontrolled drifts on any part of the road. In addition, in the presence of a large snow layer without special tires, the level of patency of the car is very low.

Winter tires provide reliable contact of the wheel with the road

Winter tires, unlike summer tires, are made of more elastic and heat-resistant rubber. Therefore, at low temperatures, tires for the warm season become stiff, which contributes to the slip of the vehicle and can lead to a break / puncture of the wheel. Also, such equipment increases the braking distance of the car.

In addition, tires for winter driving have a special tread pattern that helps to remove moisture and snow. And the presence of spikes or Velcro helps the car increase grip on icy road surfaces. Summer tires are completely devoid of such advantages.

Studs or Velcro: which winter tire do you prefer?

Legal requirements for changing winter tires

According to the current legislation, it is forbidden to drive on the roads of the country for cars without special tires for winter from December to February. At the same time, official documents contain a note that, by decision of the regional authorities, the operating time of winter tires may be increased due to dangerous weather conditions.

Thus, the change of rubber in winter is no longer carried out - seasonal tire fitting must be carried out in advance, around mid-November. At the same time, it is important to follow the news of the region and monitor the presence of warnings, otherwise you may encounter justified claims from inspectors already at the end of autumn.

The main thing is to “change shoes” on time for winter tires

Although the only thing that threatens a driver who has not changed tires on time is an order to urgently replace summer tires with winter ones. There is no penalty for violating the compliance of tires with the seasons in 2016-2017. However, such a measure of punishment is in the process of development and approval. The final fine can be up to 2000 rubles.

Winter tire regulations

As a suitable rubber for the cold season, winter tires with spikes, as well as demi-season models, are directly recognized by law. Moreover, in the case of the latter type of tires, not all products are allowed, but only those with a certain marking. This group includes products with the marks M + S, M S and M & S, which means Mud & Snow - designed for use in mud and snow conditions.

In addition, the law provides for liability for excessive wear of winter tires. It implies a ban on driving on an icy road for a car with demi-season or winter tires with a tread height of less than 4 mm. The use of "bald rubber" in the cold season has the same consequences as the use of summer tires. If these requirements are not met, the driver of the vehicle may be issued a warning, and in case of repeated violation, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

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