Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Winter-winter. Lesson summary in the senior group "Zimushka-winter" lesson plan on the world around us (senior group) Open lesson in the senior group winter theme

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development for the senior group “Gifts of Winter.”




Educational: expandEducational: Educational:

Equipment: illustrations, cards-schemes.


Look all here
It's time to hit the road.

White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning there is snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.
Dark forest with a cap
Covered up as weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable.

Educator: Guys, did you like the poem? What does it say? Children's answers.

Educator: What poems about winter do you know?

Children: recite poems.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what signs of winter do you know? Children's answers.

Educator: A white and cold winter has come to earth, with deep snows, bitter frosts and blizzards. Streams and rivers, lakes are frozen in winter. It often snows in winter. It is white, opaque, loose or sticky. When there is no wind, snow falls to the ground slowly, in large flakes, covering everything around with an even white blanket. The sky is covered with gray clouds. But as soon as the wind blows, a blizzard sweeps and swirls, leaving high snowdrifts near various obstacles. Trees and shrubs stand bare in the forest without leaves; only the snow that lies on the branches reliably protects the plants from the cold. The forest was drowned in snow. The forest seems transparent. But as soon as the wind blows, a blizzard sweeps and swirls, leaving high snowdrifts near various obstacles. It is difficult for birds and animals in winter. But animals are not afraid of the cold. Thick fluffy fur saves them from the harsh winter. But they are hungry in winter, so they need to be fed. People hang bird feeders. With the onset of cold weather, people begin to dress warmer: they put on warm hats, scarves, fur coats, mittens, pants, felt boots and boots.

Educator: What is the first winter month?

Children: December.

December is full of worries -
He doesn’t know how to manage everything
He says goodbye to the old year
And celebrates the New Year!

He must decorate the Christmas tree!

Last day today

For the New Year's holiday.

Educator: What other winter months do you know?

Children: January, February.

Educator: And January is the second to visit us.

January - beginning of the year

Its frost is strong.

All nature fell asleep.

Now we have no time for thunderstorms.

Under a blanket of snow

The earth is at rest.

In the lands big and small

All fields are white.

Take the sled quickly

Run out of the house.

Let's go early

Ride in the snowy region.

Educator: And February is the third to visit us.

February is thoughtful and blue...

Beloved brother of spring! February!

And on the birch there is light frost

Still winds, still frosts,

And the snow sparkles under the moon

But sparkles yellow mimosa

They babble sweetly about spring.

Is your heart a white bird?

Flapping your wings, prostrate yourself on the floor?

The crimson dawn is smoking...

The time of white birds is passing.

Educator: Guys, now it’s time for us to relax a little.

Physical exercise.

In our warm boots
We'll stomp around a little.
We will also warm our hands and
Let's clap quickly.
We put on mittens
We are not afraid of blizzards.
Frost and I became friends,
Like snowflakes swirling.

Educator: Guys, now you and I will solve riddles, be careful.

I wasn't raised.

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

Eyes are coals.

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big,

Who am I? (snow woman)

Educator: That’s right, you guessed the first riddle of those that I prepared for you, and now listen to me carefully, I’ll guess the remaining riddles.

He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

Which is always cold. (snow)

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White braid, white face,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered with silver. (winter)

fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the earth

Light fluffs,

White. (snowflakes)

Stings ears, stings nose

Frost creeps into felt boots

It splashes into the water and falls.

Not water anymore, but ice. (January)

Riddle about winter

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

If there is snow all around,

If the river is under ice.

So come visit us yourself,

Who came, tell me... (Winter)

If there is a column of smoke,

The snow creaks underfoot,

If your cheeks and nose are cold.

What's on the street? (Freezing)

Educator: So what does winter bring to us?

Children: wind, snowflakes, icicles, snowdrifts, blizzards, snowstorms, blizzards, frost.

Educator: Please tell me what snowflakes look like?

Children: stars, flowers.

Educator: Our journey through the winter season has ended. We learned the names of the months, riddles and signs about winter.

State budgetary educational institution secondary school of the village. Surgut municipal district Sergievsky Samara region structural unit kindergarten "Petushok"

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group “Winter. Signs of winter"

Performed:Andreeva Anna Vasilievna

Job title:teacher

Surgut, 2016


- systematize and consolidate children’s knowledge about winter;

Introduce children to the winter months.

Educational: expandand consolidate ideas about winter, its characteristic features and winter months.
Educational: develop the skills of expressive reading of poetry, the ability to listen to the teacher.
Educational: cultivate the ability to see beauty in winter nature landscapes.

Equipment: illustrations, cards-schemes.
Methods and techniques:

verbal: conversation, reading.

visual: showing illustrations.

Forms of organizing joint activities:

Logic of educational activities:

1.Organizes children

2. Shows illustrations depicting winter and winter signs

Look all here
It's time to hit the road.

Winter, with its charm, inspires artists, writers, poets, and composers to create beautiful works. Guys, a lot of poems have been written about winter, it’s impossible not to admire the beauty of this magical and wonderful time of year. Listen to what wonderful lines the poet I. Surikov wrote about winter nature.
White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning there is snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.
Dark forest with a cap
Covered up as weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable.
(Excerpt from a poem by I. Surikov.)

3. Asks questions:

Guys, did you like the poem?

What does it say?

Asking questions:

What poems about winter do you know?

4. Asks questions:

Guys, let's remember what signs of winter do you know?


A white and cold winter has come to earth, with deep snows, bitter frosts and blizzards. Streams and rivers, lakes are frozen in winter. It often snows in winter. It is white, opaque, loose or sticky. When there is no wind, snow falls to the ground slowly, in large flakes, covering everything around with an even white blanket. The sky is covered with gray clouds. But as soon as the wind blows, a blizzard sweeps and swirls, leaving high snowdrifts near various obstacles. Trees and shrubs stand bare in the forest without leaves; only the snow that lies on the branches reliably protects the plants from the cold. The forest was drowned in snow. The forest seems transparent. But as soon as the wind blows, a blizzard sweeps and swirls, leaving high snowdrifts near various obstacles. It is difficult for birds and animals in winter. But animals are not afraid of the cold. Thick fluffy fur saves them from the harsh winter. But they are hungry in winter, so they need to be fed. People hang bird feeders. With the onset of cold weather, people begin to dress warmer: they put on warm hats, scarves, fur coats, mittens, pants, felt boots and boots.

5. Asks questions:

What is the first winter month?

December is full of worries -
He doesn’t know how to manage everything
He says goodbye to the old year
And celebrates the New Year!

He must decorate the Christmas tree!

Last day today

To invite everyone in the world

For the New Year's holiday.

December is the last month of the year and the first month of winter.

Asks questions: What other winter months do you know?

And January is the second to visit us.

January - beginning of the year

Its frost is strong.

All nature fell asleep.

Now we have no time for thunderstorms.

Under a blanket of snow

The earth is at rest.

In the lands big and small

All fields are white.

Take the sled quickly

Run out of the house.

Let's go early

Ride in the snowy region.

And February is the third to visit us.

February is thoughtful and blue...

Beloved brother of spring! February!

And on the birch there is light frost

Transparent and smoky, like a veil.

Still winds, still frosts,

And the snow sparkles under the moon

But sparkles yellow mimosa

They babble sweetly about spring.

Is your heart a white bird?

Flapping your wings, prostrate yourself on the floor?

The crimson dawn is smoking...

The time of white birds is passing.

6. Guys, now it’s time for us to relax a little.


In our warm boots
We'll stomp around a little.
We will also warm our hands and
Let's clap quickly.
We put on mittens
We are not afraid of blizzards.
Frost and I became friends,
Like snowflakes swirling.

7. Guys, now we will solve riddles, be careful.

I wasn't raised.

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

Eyes are coals.

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big,

Who am I? (snow woman)

8. That’s right, you guessed the first riddle that I prepared for you, and now listen to me carefully, I’ll tell you the remaining riddles.

He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

Which is always cold. (snow)

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white,

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White braid, white face,

How she waved her sleeve -

Everything was covered with silver. (winter)

fall from the sky in winter

And they circle above the earth

Light fluffs,

White. (snowflakes)

Stings ears, stings nose

Frost creeps into felt boots

It splashes into the water and falls.

Not water anymore, but ice. (January)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

If there is snow all around,

If the river is under ice.

So come visit us yourself,

Who came, tell me... (Winter)

If there is a column of smoke,

The snow creaks underfoot,

If your cheeks and nose are cold.

What's on the street? (Freezing)

9.So what does winter bring to us?

wind, snowflakes, icicles, snowdrifts, blizzards, snowstorms, blizzards, frost.

10. Asks questions:

Please tell me what snowflakes look like?

11. Ours is over

travel through the winter season. We learned the names of the months, riddles and signs about winter.

Getting ready for GCD

Answer questions

Complement each other

About snow, winter nature

Poems tell

Blizzard, snow, frost, blizzard days are getting shorter, severe frost


January February.

Wind, snowflakes, icicles, snowdrifts, blizzards, snowstorms, blizzards, frost.

Forming correct behavior in kindergarten

Strengthen knowledge about winter

Form speech

Generate interest in artistic expression


motor activity

Form logical thinking

Goals of the educational event:

To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter fun;

- clarify the signs of winter;

- develop vocabulary, memory, thinking, cognitive interest of children;

To develop the artistic and aesthetic taste of children.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Listen to the poem.

The sorceress winter is coming.

She came and fell apart;

Hanged in clumps on the branches of oak trees;

Lay down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills.

Brega with a still river

She leveled it with a plump veil;

Frost flashed.

And we are glad

To the pranks of Mother Winter.

Guys, let's remember what time of year it is? Are you excited about winter? Now we will talk to you about this magical time of year! Who can tell how many months winter lasts? Let's name them.

Guys, what natural phenomena can be observed in winter? Snowfall, blizzard, blizzard.

What words can you say about winter, what is it like? - Snowy, blizzard, frosty, cold, beautiful, magical...

How do you think animals live in the forest in winter? Children talk about hares, foxes, squirrels, bears, etc.

Have the birds all flown south? Tell us what birds winter and what they eat, who helps them survive in the winter. 2-3 stories are heard. Where did the insects go? (Children's answers.)

“A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat and fell asleep under it quietly, soundly.”

What trees are in the forest in winter? - They stand naked, without leaves, only green pine and spruce. The forest is quiet, but sometimes you can hear a woodpecker knocking on a tree trunk, looking for sleeping insects.

Guys, do you know poems about winter? (Children read poetry.)

Do you know any winter signs?

Smoke in a column means frost.

If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.

The cat is in the stove - the cold is in the yard.

You know a lot about winter, which means you can guess the riddles.

The tablecloth is white, covering the whole earth. (Snow.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

The white blanket is not made by hand

not woven or cut

fell from the sky to earth. (Snow.)

Invisible, carefully,

he comes to me.

And he draws like an artist

he patterns on the window. (Freezing.)

Troika, troika has arrived,

the horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh,

white-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve,

Everything was covered in silver. (Winter.)

What kind of stars are through?

on the coat and on the scarf.

All through, cut-out,

and if you take it, it’s water.

Well, guys, are you a little tired? Let's warm up a little!

A physical session is held to the song “Warming”

And now I invite you to play a game "Get a Word"

Well done boys! We have been waiting for the winter for a long time also because at this time of year it is time for winter fun!

A game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”.

Children agree to demonstrate some action that reflects children's winter fun. They show him. The rest guess and discuss them.

Now close your eyes and imagine winter: with white fluffy snow, frozen rivers, flying snowflakes, frosty patterns on the glass, a blizzard, a blizzard. Have you imagined winter?

What's winter like? (cold, white, cheerful).

Sun (it lights up, but doesn’t heat, it’s cold).

Sky (gray, blue, cloudy, cloudy).

Clouds (white, gray, large, small, low).

Wind (strong, cold, weak, northern, warm).

The trees are standing (naked, covered with snow).

Birds (fly away to warmer climes, sparrows, pigeons, crows remain).

Animals (bear, hedgehog are sleeping; squirrel, hare, fox have changed their skins).

People put on winter clothes, children sledding, skating, skiing.

Well done boys! You know a lot about the winter sorceress! And as you already said, there is no winter without beautiful, carved, lace snowflakes! I suggest you make snowflakes with your own hands. (The guys cut out snowflakes and decorate the group with them.)

Summary of an integrated lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the senior group on the topic “Oh, you winter-winter”

Mandrykina Irina Nikolaevna, teacher.
Target: Repetition and generalization of acquired skills and abilities, clarification of children’s acquired knowledge in educational fields.
1. Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and maintain a conversation.
2. Activate children's vocabulary.
3. To consolidate in the minds of children the signs of winter and seasonal changes in nature.
1. Develop memory, thinking, attention, a sense of beauty through the winter landscape and the ability to convey this in your work.
2. Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children’s health.
3. Develop children’s ability to communicate with adults and peers.
4. Develop independence, focus and self-regulation of one’s own actions.
5. Develop responsiveness, curiosity, cognitive motivation.
1. To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, and a positive emotional mood within the team.
2. Strengthen children’s ability to interact with each other in a short game.
3. Strengthen the ability to follow the rules of the game, line up in a circle, find your place when building, move together, don’t push.
Integration of educational areas:
- Social and communicative development;
- Cognitive development;
- Artistic and aesthetic development;
- Speech development;
- Physical development.
Methodical techniques: Game demonstration, comparison, questions, generalization.
Providing classes:
For the teacher: snowman, painting “Winter Sorceress”, paintings with a winter landscape for group decoration, paper snowflakes for group decoration, imitation of snowdrifts.
For children: painting equipment: brushes, paints, watercolor sheets, napkins, coasters, sippy cups, wax crayons.

Progress of joint activities

Motivational and incentive stage:
Exercise “Give a friend a smile”:
Hello, blue sky! (hands up)
Hello, golden sun! (hands up)
Hello, Mother Earth! (hands down)
Hello my friends! (hands to the side)
Educator: We have guests today, let's say hello to them.
Organizational and search stage:
Educator: Today a lot of interesting things await us, and your attention, resourcefulness, ingenuity and curiosity will be your helpers. Please guess the riddle:
It's getting colder every day,
The sun is getting weaker and weaker,
Snow is everywhere, like a fringe, -
So, it has come to us... (winter)
- What time of year do you think we’ll talk about?
- What time of year is it now?
Name the winter months. What is our winter like? (winter is snowy, cold, frosty) What happens in winter? (snow is falling, the wind is howling, the river is freezing) What can you say about snow? (the snow is fluffy, light, soft. Snow covered the entire earth. What is the weather like in winter? (the weather in winter is windy, frosty, snow blows in winter, the wind howls)
- They described winter well, remembered all its signs.
Let's play with you a little.

Game "Winter words"
Children clap their hands if they hear a word associated with winter.
(Snowflake, warmth, New Year, sled, ice, heat, mittens, tulips, snowman, Santa Claus, falling leaves, Snow Maiden, strawberries, sunbathing, snowfall, skis).

Game “Say a word” (related words)
- In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow, let's play with this word.
The teacher reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word “Snow”.
Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, falls to the ground (snow)
Silvery fluffs (snowflakes) are all sliding from the sky
In the village, on the meadow, everything is falling (snowball)
Here's fun for the guys - it's getting heavier (snowfall)
Everyone is racing, everyone wants to play... (snowballs)
It’s like he’s dressed up in a white down jacket (a snowman)
Nearby there is a snow figure - this is a girl (Snow Maiden)
Look at the snow? - with red breast (bullfinches)
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, the whole earth was decorated (snow)
- What words did you add?
- What word do they all look like?
Who knows what to do outside in winter to avoid freezing? That's right, move! And now I suggest you get up and move.

Physical exercise “Making a snowman” with music
- Guys, tell me, what else do you like to do while walking? (children call)
- Today we will talk about one of the winter activities. Listen carefully to the riddle:
I wasn't raised
Made from snow,
Instead of a nose cleverly
Inserted a carrot.
Eyes are coals,
Hands are bitches
Cold, big.
Who am i? (Snowman) (show a picture of a snowman).
- Do you think it’s interesting to sculpt snowmen?

Presentation “Snowman: the history of the origin of the symbol of winter and the New Year”
Educator: We will continue to master mixed media in drawing - wax crayon and watercolor. Of course, your snowmen will be similar to each other, because each snowman consists of... what?
Children: From balls.
Educator: How many snow globes do you need for a snowman?
Children: Three.
Educator: What size are these balls and how are they located?
Children: A snowman consists of three balls stacked on top of each other; at the bottom is the largest, in the middle is the medium-sized one, at the top is the smallest - this is the head; hands can be made from ovals.
Educator: What items of clothing can you draw as a snowman?
Children: Beautiful hats and scarves.
First, we will do some finger exercises.

Finger game "Winter"
We put our palms out, (Children put their hands forward with their palms up)
Let's start catching snowflakes! (Children perform grasping movements with their hands - “catching” snowflakes.”
One, caught, two, caught!
Aren't you tired? Don't get tired! (children “catch” snowflakes)
One, caught, two, caught!
And of course, not tired!
And there are many, many snowflakes! (children make “waves” with their hands, with their palms “looking” down)
And snowdrifts are growing everywhere. (children show “growing snowdrifts” with their hands with outstretched fingers)
Let's pick up snow in our palms (children show how they pick up a handful of snow with both hands)
And let's start making snowballs! (they begin to “make” snowballs)
We sculpt, we sculpt, we sculpt a ball (the children continue to “make” snowballs)
And then we throw it up! (an imaginary snowball is thrown up)
Played without a care
Now let's hurry to work! (everyone goes back to work)
Educator: We draw the outline of the snowman with white wax chalk, paint over the body, red cap and carrot, brown handles and you can draw a panicle. We tint a sheet of paper with blue paint.
Lesson summary:
Educator: Guys, tell me, did you like our lesson?
- What did you like about our lesson?
- What caused the difficulties?
- What have you learned?
- What did you learn new?
Thank you for the lesson.

Presentation on the topic: Snowman. The history of the symbol of winter and New Year

Outline of the integrated educational activity “Zimushka-winter” in the senior group

Integration (GCD):

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Safety”, “Music”, “Health”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”.

Educational objectives:

To consolidate children's ideas about the season “Winter” and its months.

To consolidate children's knowledge about changes in nature.

Summarize and systematize ideas about the characteristic signs of winter.

Exercise the ability to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships.

Introduce dangerous situations in winter.

Continue introducing children to riddles and poems.

Correction and development tasks:

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.

Continue to develop the ability to use figurative expressions.

Educational tasks:

To instill in children a desire to take care of their health.

Develop cooperation skills in games.

Foster independence, initiative, and responsibility.

Materials and equipment: Envelope, colored woolen threads, pictures about winter, tape recorder, thin foil snowflakes.

Methodical techniques : Problem situations, situational conversation, did. /games, did. /exercises, game situations, conversation, reasoning, active speech games, logorhythmics.

GCD move :

“Let's say hello! - greeting ritual. (Children move around the room. At the leader’s signal, each participant must have time to say hello to as many players as possible.

Clap your hands - shake hands with all possible partners.

Ring the bell - greet with elbows.

2 claps – pat your partner on the back.)

The teacher shows the childrenmysterious envelope and offers to read the letter from whom it is, and what is written in it.

"What a ridiculous man

Made your way into the twenty-first century?

Nose like a carrot, broom in hand,

Afraid of sun and heat.


This is a letter from a snowman, and it contains a riddle.

“Troika, troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White-skinned, fair complexion.

How she waved her sleeve

Everything was covered in silver.


Situational conversation on the carpet.

Who do you think this riddle is about?

Why is winter called the queen?

Which three did winter arrive on?

What kind of horses are in this trio? Remember the names.

But listen againriddle about winter . Think about what figurative expressions of comparison are used in the riddle. “Guess who? The gray-haired housewife will shake the featherbeds - over the world of fluff.” (snowflakes)

Conversation reasoning:

What is winter compared to?

What feather dusters are swept out of them?

Didactic game: “What is there no winter without? "(Display, selection of pictures and justification)

Speech exercise : “Choose a word.” (In a playful form, consolidate the kind of adjectives which? which? which, develop the ability to select synonyms).

Conversation: What dangerous situations await us in winter.

Children's answers:

And so that we don’t get sick in winter, let’s make ourselvesmassage.

“It snowed, but it’s a shame

We are not ready for winter.

We don’t need to catch a cold, let’s massage ourselves!

To prevent your throat from hurting, we will stroke it boldly,

To avoid coughing or sneezing, you need to rub your nose.

We will also rub our forehead and place our palm as a visor.

We know, we know! Yes Yes Yes! We are not afraid of colds! »

Well, now we are not afraid of colds.

Didactic games : “The third wheel”, “Months”, “Seasons”.

What games do you like to play in winter?

Let's play them.

Speech outdoor game:

“In winter we play snowballs, we walk through snowdrifts. And we run on skis, we fly on ice skates.

And we sculpt the Snow Maiden, a winter guest - we love it! » Imitate movements.


What color is the snow?

Does it have a smell?

Does it happen in summer?

What is snow made of?

Productive activities:

Guys, now I invite everyone to create their own snowflake, lay it out of colored wool threads on velvet paper.

Well done! You made a wonderful snowflake.

Game "Snowflake":

(To the music of Dalib “Waltz of Snowflakes”, children turn into snowflakes depicting an emotional mood).

Farewell ritual:

“Warm palms.” The presenter invites the children to hold hands, gently shake them and transfer the warmth of their palms to each other.

Encourage children to participate in the conversation and continue to teach how to answer questions.
Expand and enrich your vocabulary.
Improve the grammatical structure of speech.
Strengthen the ability to intonationally highlight sounds in words; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants; the ability to divide words into syllables.
To cultivate love and respect for nature, sensitivity to the perception of the winter landscape.
Develop the ability to work in a team and initiative.
To develop children's observation, mental activity, auditory and visual attention, memory, and motor activity.

Illustrations on a winter theme, a mitten, a snowball made of paper napkins, a snowflake, cut-out pictures, red, blue and green chips, emoticons for each child, musical accompaniment, treats.

Preliminary work:
Looking at illustrations about winter; observations and conversations; reading works of fiction on a winter theme; puzzles.

Progress of the lesson


Guess what, guys,
Who is my riddle about?
Who bleaches the floors white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows? (Winter)

- Right! Guys, what time of year is it now? (Winter)
- Why does winter come? (Children's answers)
— Winter flies to us on a white troika. What kind of three is this? (Winter months)
- Name them. What can you say about each month? (Children's answers)
— What miracles happen in winter?

(Winter-themed illustrations in front of the children)

Look carefully at the winter pictures and remember how winter comes to us. And all her signs that you name, I will collect in a magic mitten. (It’s getting cold; the sun shines little and doesn’t warm; all the leaves have fallen from the trees and bushes; the water has turned to ice; the days are getting shorter; snow is falling... white, fluffy, light, soft, sparkling, cold).
- Well done! We collected a whole mitten!
— What can we say about winter, what is it like? (Cold, beautiful, frosty, blizzard, snowy, icy, icy)
- How can you call her affectionately? (Zimushka)
— Guys, winter brings us a lot of games and entertainment.
- Do you want to play? (Yes).
Children go out onto the carpet.
Let's start with the game "Good - Bad".
I have a snowball and a snowflake. Whoever gets the snowball will say that winter is good because..., and the one who gets the snowflake will have to answer that winter is bad because....
Do you remember everything? (Yes)
- Then the game begins. - Tell me, please, what is snow made of? (From snowflakes)
—Where do snowflakes come from? (Out of clouds and clouds)
- Do you want to see this? (We want).
- Now I will turn you into snowflakes.
Repeat the magic words:
One, two, three, spin around,
Turn in different directions
And turn into a snowflake! (Children perform movements in accordance with the text)
- What different snowflakes! And they all gathered in a cloud.
(Children stand in a circle, quiet music sounds)
- What is it like? (Big, snowy, soft, fluffy, white). - Let's sit on it and swing. But suddenly the cloud could not stand it due to its weight, and snowflakes fell from it to the ground.
(Children spin around and sit quietly on chairs)
- One - two - three - here you are again, guys.
Look! There are pieces of ice on the tables in front of you, from which you will need to assemble a winter picture.
(Children collect pictures: snowflake, snowdrift, snowman, bullfinch, Snow Maiden, snow, sleigh).
— Tell me, what sound do the names of all the objects depicted begin with?
(Children name words, emphasizing the sound “s” in each word with intonation).
The teacher asks the children to clap their hands for the number of syllables in the named word - “transmit the word by telegraph.”
- Now let’s see “Who’s attentive?”
The children have red, blue, and green chips on the tables.
The teacher calls vowels, hard and soft consonants. For each sound, children raise the corresponding chip.
“Let’s all stand together in a circle and we’ll catch a snowball.”
Exercise “Say the opposite” in a circle.
In summer the days are hot, and in winter -….
In summer the sky is bright, and in winter -….
In summer the days are long, and in winter -….
In summer the sun is bright, and in winter -...
In spring, the ice on the river is thin, and in winter -...
The snow is soft and the ice is….
Some icicles are long, while others are….
— Guys, did you enjoy playing? What's your mood? Show your answer with an emoticon. “You told so many interesting things about winter, answered questions correctly, played with words and sounds in a friendly manner, that in your mitten all the signs turned into sweet pieces of ice.
The teacher distributes treats to the children.

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