Red-eared turtle (Pseudemys scripta elegans). Red-eared turtle: size, photo

Dwarf turtles may well be pets, because reptiles extremely rarely cause allergic reactions. For a comfortable existence at home, they need a large aquarium and decorative devices.

Most of the purchased reptiles are babies. During this period, you should monitor their adaptation, monitor their nutrition and take care of their comfort. At this age, ornamental turtles often die, sometimes for no apparent reason.

Types of pygmy turtles

The age of reptiles is not related to size. Domestic turtles grow much faster due to living conditions different from natural ones and plentiful feeding.

You can buy such a turtle either on the street or in a pet store, or you can get it for free through an ad on the Internet: they are often looking for a new home for animals that have been abandoned by their previous owners.

There are such types of dwarf turtles:


red-earedAppearance: The main difference is a stripe of red, sometimes orange, which starts from the eyes, runs along the neck and ends almost near the shell. Only newly born turtles are about 3 cm long. One-year-old representatives are no more than 8 cm. Life expectancy in captivity: about 30 years. Is the most common type


Appearance: An adult individual grows up to 10 cm in length. The turtle has a dark, monochromatic body, light hair on the head and neck, as well as along the edge of the shell.

Life expectancy at home: about 20 years


Appearance: The animal grows up to 10 cm in length. It has an olive or brown shell with characteristic yellow dashes. There are spots of the same color on the head and paws.

Lifespan: up to 50 years


Appearance: The length of the turtle is 9-10 cm. Distinctive features are yellow spots on the head, neck, shell and legs. Characterized by a short neck, narrow wavy (or smooth) upper jaw.

Average life expectancy: 40 years

Appearance: It reaches 12 cm in length. It has characteristic rectangular plates on the shell.

Average life expectancy in captivity: 20 years

Appearance: Reaches 9 cm in length. The shell is characterized by an olive or brown color.

Average life expectancy at home: 20-30 years

The lifespan of turtles depends on housing conditions, feeding and proper care. On average, it varies from 20 to 50 years if the reptiles are in captivity.

Home care

If there are several individuals in the aquarium, the dominant ones will show aggression towards other inhabitants. Under such circumstances, you need to create more space for the turtles and add some decorative elements so that they have the opportunity to hide from the offender.

Decorative devices

Required purchases:

  • the aquarium is of sufficient size, depending on the number of swimming individuals;
  • device for heating water;
  • filtration system;
  • UV lamp;
  • heating lamp;
  • lighting: lamp or lamp;
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature;
  • special elements that will help the turtle get to the surface of the water and will serve as a shore or island.

Having bought an aquarium, you need to choose a place to place it. You will need enough space, because the reptile house must have a considerable volume - at least 150 liters. It is necessary to make room for many other devices that will provide comfort to the turtles. Otherwise, pets may die.

In their natural environment, aquatic turtles spend a lot of time on land, so it is important to provide them with a similar space at home. This island should be convenient for reptiles and safe. Such “guards” can be purchased at pet stores. The materials from which they are made do not have harmful components and eliminate the risk of damage to the pet.

If you make such a detail with your own hands, you can use a driftwood tree, process it well, while preserving the natural irregularities so that it is convenient for the turtle to get out onto land. The resting area above the water should occupy at least 20% of the total surface area.

The optimal temperature is 8-10 degrees higher than in water. Exceeding the temperature will lead to overheating of the pet and its death.

To maintain comfortable life of aquarium turtles, ultraviolet lamps are needed: in nature they receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, but at home, a lack of sun will not allow them to properly absorb calcium and produce vitamin B. The lack of calcium will lead to poor development of the shell, which means that the mini- the turtle will be sick and its shell will be deformed.

Aquarium water

The turtle is a waterfowl, so water plays a very important role in its life. The quality of the liquid in which it lives must be good.

Animals feed in water and leave waste products, so you need to frequently change the contents of the aquarium. A dirty environment is a source of infections and pathogenic bacteria and can cause illness and even death in pets.

When replacing, the liquid must sit for at least 24 hours to get rid of chlorine and maintain room temperature.


Although baby turtles are omnivorous reptiles, they need a varied diet. Suitable foods include fish food, vegetables, aquarium plants, insects and fish. The main thing is that reptiles get plenty of calcium. Please note that pet turtles are prone to overeating.

You can buy special artificial food in pet stores. They contain all the necessary elements needed for proper nutrition. The high protein content allows you to feed your pets in small quantities.

It is always necessary to give assorted vegetables, even if the turtles are not interested in it. This will provide your pet with the necessary supply of fiber, calcium and other vitamins.

Young animals should be fed every day with both artificial and plant food. It’s more difficult with adult representatives; they are less mobile, so you can feed them after 1-2 days.


Small turtles get sick due to dirty water, poor nutrition and insufficient care. Sick animals should be kept at temperatures up to 30 degrees, because in such conditions the immune system of reptiles works well - this way the pet can quickly cope with the disease.

During illness, it is necessary to provide enough water, otherwise dehydration will lead to kidney failure. It is important to change the fluid on time and create the most comfortable conditions for a speedy recovery.

The turtle is a popular pet species. Among all the species, the American red-eared turtle, which is also called the yellow-bellied reptile, is popular. The red-eared turtle holds a leading place among breeders due to its endurance and survival in artificial conditions. It can be easily distinguished from other species, as they look bold and have charisma. The main characteristics for the red-eared representative are speed and strength.

Its historical habitat is Central America and the USA, which is why the red-eared turtle is called American.

The red-eared slider has a long lifespan in the wild. It is important to know that aquatic red-eared reptiles that live in river conditions need land no less than others. When starting a red-eared reptile at home, you should create high-quality conditions for it, similar to living in nature. The small and large red-eared turtle lives not only in water, but also on land, where it must be warm.

Important to know before purchasing

Caring for a red-eared turtle at home is not difficult; it is enough to follow the rules and create appropriate conditions for keeping the red-eared reptile. The yellow-bellied turtle is suitable for beginners.

In winter, the turtle does not hibernate. The red-eared reptile spends a large period of time in water, so you should carefully monitor its cleanliness and maintain the required temperature.

It is important to consider that pets are very active and can be aggressive.

When buying small red-eared turtles measuring 2 centimeters, you must remember that the size of red-eared turtles can reach the palm of a person, so the aquarium for them must be of an appropriate size.

Often sellers deceive buyers and talk about things incorrectly, so be sure to check this before purchasing.

Aquarium turtles in an artificial environment can live on average 30 years. This feature red-eared individual, obliges the breeder to take the purchase seriously.

Distinctive features of the red-eared slider

A distinctive feature of the American individual is its red stripe. The juvenile has a brighter stripe than the adult red-eared slider. The shell is smooth and round in shape. The color of the turtle's shell is green with black and yellow lines. The older the freshwater individual, the darker it is.

The length of the shell is not an indicator of age, since the red-eared reptile grows quite quickly when kept at home. The achieved sizes depend on environmental conditions, quality of care and health of the pet. The temperature of the water in the terrarium depends on the age and time of year. The temperature should be highest in summer and autumn. For young representatives, the water should always be warm.

For small representatives, the basis of nutrition is a completely plant-based diet. Upon reaching a size of 10 centimeters, animal food is proportionally added to the diet. In old age, the diet of an individual again becomes predominantly of plant origin. More details about that in a separate article.


The size of red-eared turtles is measured using a ruler; to determine the length, the shell is measured, its irregularities are not taken into account. Newborns are born about 3 centimeters in length. The average size sea ​​turtle is 20 centimeters. The duration of growth and maximum size depends on living conditions. As practice shows, than better conditions habitat, the better the individuals grow.

A red-eared turtle in good home conditions not only grows quickly, but can also grow several centimeters more, how much will also depend on environmental conditions.

Life expectancy varies; a domestic specimen, if well maintained, will live longer than other representatives. On average - about 30 years.

How many years a pet will live at home, and to what size a red-eared turtle will grow, depends on its breeder.

Do you need neighbors?

The reptile does not have a friendly disposition. Often turtles kept in the same container at home start fights, this behavior is especially observed in adulthood. It is recommended to keep representatives of the same species separately from each other. If it is not possible to move pets into different terrariums, the space can be divided using partitions.

  • the size of the individuals must be the same;
  • there should not be more than one male in the group;
  • individuals must be of equal age.

Toads, lizards and snakes and other similar species are perceived by turtles exclusively as food.

How to care for a red-eared slider

A novice breeder should know how to properly care for their pet. Keeping a red-eared turtle requires high-quality regular care and proper diet. A red-eared turtle kept at home should not be disturbed frequently, especially small pets that have recently appeared in the terrarium. New individuals need time to adapt without the risk of stressful situations. To care for reptiles, it is recommended to carry out frequent cleaning, monitoring the cleanliness of the water, bathing procedures, and the habitat must be equipped with everything necessary. This little knowledge about care and maintenance will be enough for the longevity and health of your red-eared pet.

Necessary items and tools

To ensure good life, the red-eared turtle must receive not only high-quality care, but also have all the necessary items to furnish its home.

The main list of what you need to keep a red-eared turtle:

  • suitable container;
  • 100 Watt water heater;
  • filter;
  • incandescent lamp;
  • lamp;
  • island;
  • thermometer;
  • decorative stones.

It is not recommended to use aquarium plants, live or artificial. All flora is at risk of being eaten, and some plant species are deadly to turtles. If soil is used, it must be coarse.

Choosing and arranging housing

The terrarium must have a volume of at least 150 liters. The height should be greater than the width of the adult representative’s shell, since it needs to turn over freely. For a small individual, you can use a small vessel, within 50 liters. To keep a pet, you need to pour water so that it can stand on its hind legs and stick out its muzzle.

If you plan to use wooden driftwood, then you need to keep them in boiling water for some time. All plastic products must be of high quality and non-toxic. All elements of the turtle's interior, such as the substrate, island and other decorative elements, should be washed regularly under tap water.

An island of land should be installed inside the terrarium, onto which the reptile can freely climb.

Incandescent light bulbs of 40 and 60 W should be located no higher than 25 centimeters; if the location is lower, the light will disturb the reptiles by getting into their eyes.

Aquarium water

The quality of care and the main condition for keeping a turtle is the condition of the water inside the aquarium. It is important to maintain cleanliness and maintain the required temperature of the liquid. Pets spend most of their lives in an aquatic environment, therefore, it should be replaced and filtered carefully to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

It is important for red-eared turtles to have free access to the shore; on a piece of land it can rest and bask; this requirement applies to all individuals.

Water for the aquarium must be settled and free of chlorine. The temperature should vary from 22 to 28 degrees. If the water drops below 20 degrees, it should be heated using a heater; for accurate measurements, you must use a thermometer.

Once a week it is important to change the water, no more than 1/3 of the part. It is forbidden to replace the water completely, as the internal biological balance of the terrarium, which is favorable for life, will be disrupted.

Heater and filter

To properly keep pets at home, it is important to satisfy their natural need to bask on land. The shell should heat up to 35 degrees; for this, the individual must install a lamp. It is important to monitor the temperature on the thermometer. Do not place the heat source too close to prevent your pet from getting burned. The lamp must be hidden from splashes of water and resulting fumes. The heat source must operate throughout the entire daylight period every day.

When choosing a filter, you should take into account all the features of internal and external cleaning elements. The filter is selected taking into account the volume of the terrarium. External elements require less maintenance and are safer for the reptile, since the internal filter can be removed by a pet and damaged.

Features of handling a pet

Red-eared turtles should not be allowed on the floor. They can bite, hiss and show aggression; you should handle it carefully when picking it up; it is recommended to hold the reptile with both hands; the shell can be quite slippery. After contact with pets, hands must be washed with soap; a large number of pathogenic bacteria accumulate on the shell.

Living in their natural environment, turtles independently obtain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for health. In a home environment, the owner must independently add important elements to the feed.

Mandatory list of useful substances:

  • vitamins d3, A and E;
  • calcium;
  • minerals.

All additives must be added strictly following the instructions and recommendations; any overdose is dangerous for the life of the individual.


A red-eared turtle kept at home needs walks in the summer. Thus, it becomes possible to receive a dose ultraviolet rays, eat healthy grass, breathe fresh air. The place for a walk should be clean, away from the road, with lawn grass.

The temperature in the shade should not exceed 20 degrees, and the walking time should not exceed half an hour. When walking, there should be water in a visible, accessible place. In order not to lose your pet among the green grass, it is recommended to attach a bright mark, for example, orange, to the shell, it can be a sticker or a flag.

Care and hygiene

It is recommended to arrange water treatments for pets at least once a week. Waterfowl turtles need more frequent bathing or a bathing container in their terrarium. Water for bathing should be warm, but not more than 32 degrees, boiled if possible. The fluid level must be comfortable for standing with your head retracted.

During the first bath, you should carefully monitor the procedure to avoid frightening the animal. If the reptile does not feel well in the water and refuses to bathe, it is recommended to limit itself to spraying the shell and skin. If the bathing container is freely accessible inside the terrarium, the liquid must be changed every day.

It is recommended to use a cloth or sponge for washing; they must be soft. The use of chemicals is prohibited. For preventive measures against fungus, methylene purchased at a pet store is used. After each contact with water, the turtle should have the opportunity to dry and warm up under an ultraviolet lamp. She cannot tolerate temperature changes in the aquarium, which increases the risk of colds.


Before getting a yellow-bellied reptile, you need to re-read the article description in detail again; the red-eared turtle may die if the conditions environment will not meet her needs. Keeping turtles requires knowledge of care information and the availability of all the necessary equipment for a comfortable habitat for the red-eared representative. To keep a reptile, it is necessary to provide the aquatic environment and land surface, the proper temperature, and also take care of the cleanliness of the home when keeping it at home.


Coming from the city of Antiocha to Cartagena, when we settled it, Captain Jorge Robledo and others found so many fish that we killed with sticks whatever we wanted to catch... There are other [animals] called icotheas[freshwater turtles] - they are also good food, like Galapagos [water turtles].

Cieza de Leon, Pedro. Chronicle of Peru. Part one. Chapter IX.



The species is divided into fifteen subspecies, of which the three most famous are:

  • Trachemys scripta elegans- the “red-eared slider” itself
  • Trachemys scripta scripta- yellow-bellied slider
  • Trachemys scripta troosti- Cumberland tortoise (Trust's tortoise)


Medium sized turtle. The length of the carapace is from 18 to 30 cm, depending on the sex of the turtle and the subspecies. Males are noticeably smaller than females.

In young animals, the carapace is bright green; with age it becomes olive or yellow-brown, decorated with patterns of yellow stripes. On the head, neck and limbs the turtle is decorated with a pattern of white and green wavy stripes and spots. The turtle got its name because of two elongated bright red spots next to its eyes. This spot may be orange, bright yellow in the subspecies Trachemys scripta troosti(Cumberland tortoise, or Trust's tortoise) or yellow, in the subspecies T.s. scripta(yellow belly turtle). The plastron is oval, usually dark in color with yellow lines and a yellow edging around the edge.

Voice and senses

The turtle's vocal cords are not developed. All he can do is hiss and snort with excitement. The red-eared slider has well-developed vision and sense of smell. In contrast to vision, hearing is poorly developed. However, red-eared turtles are very good at navigating by hearing and hide in the water at any rustle. It not only hisses, but also makes a sound similar to a short squeak.


The red-eared turtle is widespread. Its range covers the United States from southern Virginia to northern Florida and Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico in the west, Mexico, all of Central America, northwestern South America (northern Colombia and Venezuela).

The species was introduced to the south of Florida, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel, some European countries (in particular, Spain) and South Africa. It penetrated into Australia, where it is officially recognized as a pest, displacing the local endemic reptofauna.


Inhabits small lakes, ponds and other bodies of water with low, swampy shores.

Leads a relatively sedentary lifestyle. Extremely curious. If the turtle is full, it crawls ashore and basks in the sun. If hungry, it swims slowly in search of food. When the water temperature is below +18 °C, the turtle becomes lethargic and loses its appetite. The turtle is able to notice danger at a distance of 30-40 m, after which it slides into the water with lightning speed (for which it received the name “Slider”).


Young red-eared turtle

In nature, turtles become sexually mature at 6-8 years of age, and in captivity at 4 (males) and 5-6 (females). Mating in nature occurs from late February to May. The male, having met the female, is located directly in front of her head, and very close. The female swims forward and the male swims backward, tickling the female’s chin with his long claws.

You can prepare a feed mixture based on gelatin or agar-agar (the so-called “turtle jellied meat”).

Young turtles (up to 2 years old) should be fed daily. Adults - no more than 2-3 times a week. It is better to feed turtles at approximately the same time; they quickly get used to the place and time of feeding. The amount of food should be such that they can eat in half an hour.

Determination of gender

Reliable determination of sex becomes possible in mature turtles that are more than a year old, and it is better to determine sex in comparison with other turtles. In addition to the sexual differences common to all turtles, male red-eared turtles have longer claws and tails than females.

At the age of 2-3 years (in captivity after a year), male red-eared turtles exhibit a courtship instinct. Courtship involves the male “fluttering” his claws in front of the female’s eyes.


With proper care, red-eared turtles can live up to 30 years or more in captivity. According to some reports, other individuals live up to 50 years.



  • Chegodaev A. E. Aquarium and terrarium turtles. Content. Feeding. Breeding. Prevention of diseases. - M.: Aquarium-Print LLC, 2007. - 208 p. - ISBN 978-5-98435-757-9
  • Stepura A.V. Reptiles in an aquarium. - M.: OOO Publishing House AST, 2002. - 60 p. - ISBN 5-17-016226-X
  • Krasichkova A. G. Red-eared turtles.


  • The Reptile Database: Trachemys scripta(English)


  • Animals in alphabetical order
  • Species out of danger
  • American freshwater turtles
  • Animals described in 1792
  • Reptiles of North America
  • Reptiles of Central America
  • Reptiles of South America

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Red-eared turtle” is in other dictionaries:

    Pond slider … Collier's Encyclopedia

    Reptile fam. freshwater turtles. It lives in the eastern part of the North American continent, in small ponds and lakes with low, swampy shores. It feeds on aquatic insects, crustaceans and mollusks, and eats aquatic plants.… … Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Red-eared turtle (Pseudemys scripta elegans), also called the “red-eared slider” for its ability to slide from the surface into the water with lightning speed when in danger.

Red-eared turtles lead an almost entirely aquatic lifestyle and crawl out of the water to bask in the sun and lay eggs. These reptiles are good swimmers.

They are also called Japanese tortoises, it is believed that they probably got this name because they have a small black horizontal line in the eye that gives them the appearance of slanted eyes.

This subspecies of the yellow-bellied turtle has become the most common pet species in recent years. Due to the fact that the maintenance of the Red-eared slider is relatively simple, and the color and behavior are quite bright and interesting. It has become very popular in many countries.

Habitat: The red-eared slider's original homeland was the eastern and southern regions of the United States, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, and the northeastern part of Mexico, but now it is found in Israel, South Africa and European countries.

Prefers shallow reservoirs with an abundance of vegetation and a marshy bottom.

Description: The oval carapace is flattened, has smooth edges and a slight surface relief. The red-eared turtle has a very beautiful color.

Juveniles have a bright green carapace with a pattern of rings of various shades of yellow-green; the underside is yellow with a dark pattern.

In adult turtles, the shell is often olive or yellowish-brown. Specks and stripes of yellow, white and light green are randomly scattered across the head, limbs and neck. Many individuals change color throughout their lives, becoming almost black with age, which is more typical for males.

There are two red spots on both sides of the head, which is why the turtle is called the red-eared turtle. In some individuals these spots are orange.

There are several color variations and albino form.

Albino red-eared turtle

In 2010, specialists first bred and subsequently established the golden form of the red-eared turtle with an unusual light golden color. They differ from albinos in the presence of pigmentation on the shell and the top of the head. Their faces have blue iris eyes and red pupils, lemon yellow mouths, glowing red head markings, and pink, translucent skin pigmentation.

Golden form of a red-eared turtle

The differences between the sexes lie in the shape of the plastron, which in the male is more concave, which allows him to stay on the female during mating. Males also have longer claws and tails and are smaller than females.

The size of the shell of the red-eared turtle is 28-30 cm, in captivity it is smaller.

Arrangement and parameters of the aquarium: For a comfortable existence, a red-eared turtle requires an aquaterrarium at the rate of 150 liters or at least 10 liters per centimeter of body length per adult individual. Its height and width are not so important, the main thing is that the container is long enough.

The water level should be as high as possible, but not so high that the turtle can escape. A quarter of the area should be occupied by land, to which a flat edge with a rough, but not traumatic surface is installed.

Another important issue is direct sunlight, it protects and strengthens the turtle's immune system and is also necessary for proper digestion nutrients. If your aquarium does not have access to direct sunlight, you should consider purchasing a full spectrum reptile lamp, which can be found in pet stores.

Water temperature is 22-28 ° C, air temperature on land is 31-33 ° C. The critical point is an increase in temperature to 40-42 ° C, the turtle overheats and dies. At 15°C turtles become lethargic, and at 10°C they can hibernate.

To maintain the optimal temperature in the aquaterrarium, a heater is installed, preferably plastic, and a powerful filter is also needed. For the young turtles (Pseudemys scripta elegans) You can use internal equipment, but adults damage it, so models that are attached to external walls are better suited.

The water is replaced weekly, or twice a week in case of severe contamination. Above the land area, it is necessary to install a lamp for reptiles and an ordinary incandescent lamp. The distance between them and the island should be at least 25 cm to prevent burns to the turtle's eyes.

Nutrition: Red-eared turtles feed on plant and animal food. They are very fond of duckweed and other aquatic plants, which form the basis of the diet of turtles in natural conditions, but in an aquarium it can be varied with various greens, cabbage, lettuce, spinach and dandelion leaves. The animal component should include raw fish, meat, earthworms, insects, shrimp, small snails, squid fillets, tadpoles and liver pieces.

Adults Red-eared turtles (Pseudemys scripta elegans) should be fed no more than 2-3 times a week; young (up to 2 years old) turtles should be fed daily. It is better at about the same time, they quickly get used to the place and time of feeding. The amount of food recommended is that the turtles can eat in half an hour.

They, like most aquatic turtles, do not chew their food until they are completely submerged in the water.

Two-headed red-eared turtle - there are also such

Mineral and calcium supplements should be added to food regularly.

Reproduction: in nature, red-eared turtles are able to reproduce at 6-8 years of age, in an aquarium they reach maturity earlier: females by 6 years, males by 4.

Preparation for reproduction consists of a course of irradiation and feeding the turtles with vitamin preparations.

The water temperature in the aquaterrarium should be within 25-26 ° C, and on the shore it is necessary to create conditions so that the female can dig a hole for laying. A container with bog moss is suitable for this. On average, the number of eggs in a clutch is 10, and their size is about 4 cm.

Then the container with the eggs is placed in an incubator with a temperature of 27-29 ° C. In such conditions, the turtles will appear within 2 months and they must be immediately moved to the aquaterrarium.

At low temperatures, incubation may be delayed, and females will predominate among the turtles.

In favorable conditions Red-eared slider (Pseudemys scripta elegans) lives 20-30 years, and some turtles live more than 40 years. While in captivity their lives tend to be shorter. The quality of their captive habitat greatly influences their lifespan.

Important Note: Before you buy a turtle, think it over carefully. Will you be able to create the necessary conditions for its maintenance, as well as provide the necessary care? As follows from the above, this turtle is voracious, so it grows quickly (their shell can reach up to 30 cm in diameter), and it lives for about 20 years.

Accordingly, an aquarium purchased for a small turtle will soon be small, and the question will arise about the need to purchase a more spacious aquarium.

But if you have weighed everything well and decided to buy a turtle, then this animal will please you for a long time.

One of the interesting varieties of turtles is the red-eared turtle. This is a wild reptile that prefers small fresh water bodies to live. She is an amphibian because she loves to be on the shore. In addition, it needs proximity to land to lay eggs. It is worth finding out what is remarkable about this species of animal and what is characteristic of it.

The red-eared turtle differs from other such reptiles by the presence of a red or orange stripe, which is located on the head - from the eyes to the neck. The top of the shell (carapace) has an olive-green tint. It is covered with lines of yellow and black colors. The plastron (bottom of the shell) is also smooth. Its color is yellowish with the addition of several dark inclusions. The younger the turtle, the brighter the color of its shell. Subsequently, it becomes darker, and the bright stripe on the head becomes pale.

The size of the animal can be determined by measuring the length of the shell. The bending of the shell is not taken into account, so it is most convenient to use a ruler. A small turtle that has just hatched is 2.5 cm long. By the end of the first year, individuals reach a length of 5-7 cm.

In red-eared turtles, males are smaller than females. The red-eared turtle grows throughout its life, and its average size is from 25 to 30 cm. This is influenced by the conditions of its existence, characteristics of care and, of course, gender.

By the size of a turtle you can determine its age. Although here you need to take into account that domestic turtles are larger in size than those that live in the wild, especially if they are provided with proper care.

The approximate sizes (in cm) of male and female individuals of different ages can be seen in the table.

The rate at which a red-eared slider grows is greatly influenced by how it is kept. If a red-eared slider lives at home and is given proper care and feeding, the pet will grow faster. But lack of knowledge about this often leads to death.

Sense organs

This animal is different high level development of sensory organs. The main features are as follows:

  • Vision. Red-eared turtles distinguish colors, choose the most suitable places to lay eggs, and look for other turtles. They also see moving objects, the distance to which can reach 40 m, well distinguishing predators and prey from each other.
  • Smell. These reptiles search for food thanks to their developed sense of smell.
  • Hearing. These animals hear poorly. This is due to the fact that their ears are hidden under the skin. Therefore, red-eared turtles react only to vibration.
  • Touch. The turtle's shell is equipped with nerve endings, so it feels touch. The presence of taste buds allows these creatures to choose tastier foods.
  • Voice. The vocal apparatus of turtles is not developed; they are only capable of snorting and hissing. Sometimes they make a squeak.

Where does the red-eared turtle live in its natural environment?

The red-eared freshwater turtle is a resident of North America. The Mississippi River is called its homeland - these animals can be seen there most often. It prefers a warm climate, so it is common in the southern states of the United States. But at the present stage, this animal has spread throughout the world. In some areas its presence causes problems for local fauna.

The conditions in which the red-eared freshwater turtle prefers to live are characterized by the following features:

  • warm fresh water,
  • the presence of dense vegetation,
  • weak current,
  • islands of land or shore where you can bask.

Such turtles live in lakes, swamps and ponds - it is these reservoirs that satisfy their needs. They prefer the water's edge, without moving long distances from the shore. An adult red-eared turtle lays its eggs in hard ground.

The lifespan of a pet is a very important aspect that worries all owners. Therefore, when choosing such an animal, people are often interested in how long the red-eared turtle lives in the wild and at home.

Being in their natural environment, red-eared turtles eat what is necessary for their full life. They are omnivores, so they eat both plant and animal food. At a young age, these animals need food of animal origin, so they actively hunt small fish, snails, insects, and tadpoles. Growing up, the reptile increasingly chooses plants growing in water bodies and coastal areas for food.


How ready an individual is for reproduction is determined by its size. The length of the carapace of a sexually mature male is 10 cm (it is typical for individuals 2-4 years old), females - 12-13 cm (age 2-5 years).

Mating games for these animals begin with active actions male He turns his muzzle towards the female, swims in front of her and waves his paws. This happens in March and June (if the turtles live in the wild). For a successful pregnancy, it is necessary to be warm. In addition, the female requires increased nutrition.

Shortly before laying eggs, the female looks for a secluded place to lay eggs. This is done on land. A few months later, babies hatch from the eggs. Usually this takes about 2 months, but in bad weather the period of formation of small turtles is delayed. The female does not look after the clutch and does not take part in the life of the cubs.

A pet such as a red-eared turtle is quite difficult, since it is difficult to organize the care required for it at home. She needs a large aquarium, shore decoration, temperature control, etc.

If you purchase a red-eared turtle, caring for it should begin with the purchase of an aquaterrarium measuring 150-200 liters. This is necessary even if the pet is small - because turtles grow. You need to pour enough water into the aquaterrarium so that the reptile can roll over in it. The water should not be allowed to be colder than 20 degrees, although the optimal temperature is 22-28 degrees. The water should be changed at least once a week, and the less it is, the more often it should be done.

An artificial island should also be created. You can buy it in the store - it will be easier. But you can do it yourself by choosing a non-toxic material without sharp corners.

The volume of the island must be at least 25% of the territory. It definitely needs heating. Its surface should be 10 degrees warmer than the water. Its stability is also important so that the reptile does not turn it over.

You can heat the aquaterrarium using a lamp. It should be placed above the shore, but not too low so that the pet does not get burned. Be sure to hang up a thermometer and monitor its readings. The lamp should be placed so that it is not exposed to splashes or fumes.

Another condition is UV lamps, which are required to create suitable lighting. In their absence, the pet will not be able to absorb calcium, and the production of vitamin B in its body will stop. These devices should operate throughout the daylight hours (about 12 hours).

Features of behavior

It is quite difficult to interact with these pets. They have a slippery body, the animals tend to hiss and resist. The presence of sharp claws creates even more difficulties. An unhappy turtle can bite painfully, so you need to handle it carefully.

It is better not to handle small reptiles at all. They don't cause as much trouble as adults, but they are very afraid of being touched, which can cause them to become stressed and get sick. If they were recently introduced into the aquarium, you should not approach them too often, look at them, or knock on the glass.

Aggression can often be seen in the behavior of these animals. In relation to individuals of other species, they try to take a dominant position. They get into fights, biting and scratching, leaving quite serious wounds. Males tend to attack females, and these attacks can result in serious injury and even death. It is especially risky to introduce new individuals into an already formed terrarium. The adult red-eared turtle prefers solitude, and it is best to take this into account.

If you have a red-eared turtle at home, you need to find out why it is dangerous for the child. Some people mistakenly consider these animals to be harmless, but if you take into account the peculiarities of their behavior, you can understand that this is not the case. The pet's tendency to aggression requires careful interaction with it. Bites can be very painful for children, as can injuries caused by claws.

But the most important thing that makes such a reptile dangerous for a child is its ability to carry certain diseases, such as salmonellosis, fungal infections, and helminth infections.

Lifespan in captivity

How long a red-eared turtle lives at home is determined by the conditions created for it. Before purchasing such a pet, a person must find out how to take care of it, what to feed it, and so on.

The main factors that influence how long a red-eared slider lives:

It is also important to find out how long a red-eared turtle can live without water, because water is one of its most important needs. People who accidentally left their pet without access to water for several days are especially worried about this.

How long a red-eared turtle can survive without water is influenced by various factors. This:

  • age,
  • features of the environment,
  • pet health.

Experts do not recommend keeping it on land for long. It is better to avoid such situations altogether and not find out how long a red-eared slider can live without water, because it is unknown how such an experience will affect the well-being of the reptile. Usually turtles live 4-5 days, the maximum period was a week.

Eating at home

It is very important to find out what a red-eared slider living at home eats. Its health depends on how well the reptile's feeding is organized.

The red-eared slider eats a variety of foods at home. For example:

  • food intended for aquarium fish,
  • vegetables,
  • small fish,
  • insects,
  • aquarium plants,
  • animals from the invertebrate class.

With a pet like the red-eared turtle, you need to make feeding not only varied, but also balanced. In addition, overeating should not be allowed.

Young individuals tend to be omnivorous. As they grow up, they begin to choose plant food. It will be most convenient to use special food for aquatic turtles, since they contain all the substances and elements they need.

It is also worth finding out how long a red-eared turtle can go without eating. This will help you figure out how often to feed her. This question is ambiguous. How long a red-eared turtle can go without eating depends on its age and well-being. Small turtles require more food than adult turtles. They should be fed daily. After a year, the frequency of feedings should be reduced to once every two days. Mature individuals can go without food for a week, sometimes even two.

Reproduction in captivity

These reptiles have the opportunity to reproduce while living at home. The difference between this process is that it is not tied to the time of year. The aquaterrarium maintains constant temperature, which ensures successful reproduction.

When preparing to lay eggs, red-eared turtles become anxious, look for a place suitable for a nest, and dig the ground. Therefore, the owner should organize a place for laying eggs. If this is not done, the female will wear them longer than expected, which can lead to illness. Also, for successful reproduction, it is necessary to provide the female with plenty of nutrition with plenty of calcium.

However, breeding in captivity is not an easy process for an animal. The female may be unwell, which is why she will not be able to lay a clutch. Then it is necessary to show it to a specialist in order to prevent the death of the pet.

With a successful combination of circumstances and the necessary conditions are met, the cubs hatch after 2-5 months.

Diseases of the red-eared turtle

Many turtles of this species die from various diseases. When keeping this animal at home, you can avoid such an unpleasant outcome if you seek help in a timely manner. But to do this you need to know what diseases this animal has. This:

  • Pneumonia. Symptoms of this disease are lethargy and lack of appetite. Heating chamomile over steam can help.
  • Eye infections. They are indicated by swelling of the eyelids and inflamed eyes. The pathology should be treated eye drops– antibiotics.
  • Rickets. This causes the shell to soften. Also, the softness of the shell can be caused by an insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Skin diseases. Their main symptom is peeling. This may be caused by skin damage or vitamin deficiencies.

Any behavioral disturbances or changes appearance animals require contact with a specialist. You cannot treat them yourself.

Interesting facts about the red-eared slider

  • To breathe, red-eared turtles are forced to rise to the surface of the reservoir.
  • You should not add aquarium fish to these animals. They eat small fish, but can injure large ones.
  • The sex of turtle hatchlings is determined by the temperature in the nest during incubation. If the temperature is 27 degrees or less, exclusively male cubs hatch from the eggs. At temperatures above 29 degrees, all newborn turtles will be girls. Mixing of sexes in cubs is possible with frequent changes or at temperatures from 27 to 29 degrees.
  • Cubs should be kept separate from adults, since these reptiles are prone to aggression towards neighbors, even small ones.
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