Mantra for attracting the love of a specific person. Divine mantras to attract a man's love

All people want to be happy. To achieve a state of happiness, different means are used - traditional and not so traditional. Recently, meditative practices have become very popular in domestic countries, which can improve many areas of a person’s life and achieve a state of harmony. In this material we will talk about the benefits of meditation, and also consider meditation to attract a loved one and happy events.

Basics of meditation practice, its benefits for the body

The point of absolutely any meditative practice is for a person to enter a completely relaxed state, and also be able to concentrate his attention, directing all his feelings to one area of ​​his life. At the same time, it is important to completely clear your mind and consciousness of unnecessary negative thought patterns.

Meditation is a very complex psychological work for which maximum concentration is important. Not all people can master it right away; it may take a lot of time and patience to learn how to meditate and get a positive effect.

During the process of meditation, the body completely relaxes, the brain can finally relax, since it is no longer overwhelmed by unnecessary thoughts. Having entered such an unconscious state, a person easily tunes into a wave of happiness and love, as well as health and well-being. The main thing is that the mind does not interfere with complete relaxation.

In all meditations, much attention is paid to the issue of breathing; scientists are convinced that with proper breathing, brain activity slows down, which is why a person finds himself in a kind of trance state. Having plunged into such an altered state of consciousness, which borders on sleep, previously unknown sensations open up, and it becomes possible to experience something new.

When a person is in this state, he can send all his deepest dreams and desires to the Universe, asking to become happy. In addition, with the help of meditation, the physical body relaxes and mental harmony is achieved. Most psychologists claim that meditation allows you to harmonize a person’s internal state and eliminates depression.

We can summarize that thanks to meditation it becomes possible:

  • harmonization of your internal state;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • attracting various positive events and love into your life;
  • healing from a number of ailments;
  • a person gains control over his emotional sphere.

Rules for performing meditation

In order for meditation practice to be successful and bring the expected result, you should adhere to a number of useful recommendations.

  1. It is important to choose the right time for practice; early morning or late evening hours are best. Of course, to enhance the results of practice, it is advised to resort to meditation twice a day, however, if you do not have the time or energy for this, doing it once is quite enough.
  2. A suitable place to practice should be a quiet place where you will not be disturbed by people around you. You can, for example, lock yourself in your room or hide in some secluded corner of nature.
  3. The correct posture is also very important - the lotus position is the standard, but you can meditate in another position. The main thing is to make sure that your back remains straight and that there are no uncomfortable sensations in your body.
  4. Master the art of relaxation. It is important to achieve complete relaxation of every muscle, every muscle. This will be very difficult at first, but over time the body will get used to it. Moreover, such relaxation will bring considerable benefits to your body, eliminating the negative effects of daily stress.
  5. And the last but not least important point is to learn to hold your attention on the breathing process (visualizations are also suitable). Not a single unnecessary thought should slip into your consciousness. Do not forget also that if you think about not thinking about anything, these will also be thoughts, which is a violation of practice. You need to learn to rid your brain of absolutely all problems and worries and enjoy complete peace of mind.

Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events

Every person needs to be loved; it is love that can give a person a feeling of happiness. Unfortunately, in the modern world the problem of loneliness is very acute and not every person can boast of having a soul mate and a happy relationship.

A certain part of men and women live alone all their lives in constant anticipation of their happiness, but the situation never changes for the better. If you don't want to be one of them, it's worth practicing a focused meditation to attract a loved one into your life. Passively waiting, without making any effort, is not the best solution in this case. But it is quite possible to correct the situation if you concentrate your spiritual forces on what you want.

It is important for successful meditation to be in the right frame of mind. So, if a person lacks faith in the result, nothing will work out. You always need to keep faith in the best and believe that you will definitely meet your person, and very soon.

But, if you dream of meeting a person who will give you his sincere love, you should become a source of love yourself and not be afraid to give it to everyone you meet. Here visualization will come to your aid, which consists of the following: you need to imagine that from the depths of your heart a warm golden light begins to spill, penetrating the heart of every person or passing through the area of ​​the crown.

In addition, it is important to give your smile to everyone who meets on your way, do good deeds and give sincere warmth. Remember that the love sent into the world will return to you many times over (just like any negative emotions). When a person helps others, grateful people around him send their blessings to that person, which attract love and happiness on the subtle planes. And evil deeds will ultimately lead to curses that will negatively affect your karma. Only when you learn to give love will you be able to receive this feeling in return.

Another important aspect is self-love. After all, if you don’t love yourself, no one can love you! Master the art of self-esteem, value yourself.

Another obstacle to successful meditation can be internal blocks, for example, fear of love because you were once hurt. If this is indeed the case, then, most likely, other meditative practices will be required that are designed to relax the person, and are also responsible for forgiveness and healing of the soul. And only then can you begin to attract love. When you can successfully let go of the past and find the desired spiritual state, then begin the practice itself, which is performed as follows:

You will need to imagine the smallest details of the appearance of your future chosen one, the features of his character, even how he will kiss - in general, absolutely everything that comes to your mind. You can also visualize events that will help you find happiness. For example, you have been wanting to visit tropical islands for a very long time. Then imagine how you buy a plane or ship ticket, and then how you enjoy the warm tropical sun along with the sound of the sea or ocean.

If you do meditation regularly, very soon your dreams will come true. The effect will also be enhanced if you draw your dreams on a large sheet of paper. Then place it in a visible place and pay attention to it every day.

Regularly doing this meditation practice will bring peace and relaxation into your life. Also, thanks to meditation, you will constantly feel very cheerful and energetic. And if your soul is troubled by some questions or you are very worried about something, you will be able to look at this situation from a different angle.

But remember that the practice of meditation cannot be forced on anyone, it should be carried out solely of one’s own free will. In addition, you will not be able to immediately see the result, however, subject to systematic implementation, if you sincerely want something with all your soul and body, the goal will definitely be achieved.

During the process of meditation, it is not recommended to imagine representatives of the opposite sex that you already know, because this will become a kind of imposition, an alien program. We all dream of great love, but at the same time we strive to find our soulmate on our own. Therefore, simply visualize a state of happiness and harmony and you will definitely achieve success.

We wish you great happiness and great mutual love!

And in conclusion, it’s worth watching an interesting video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The practice of meditation is becoming more and more popular every year. This is due to the great attention of humanity to spiritual foundations. Common techniques include meditation to attract a loved one. Manipulation allows you to achieve many positive results: finding happiness, attracting wealth and success in relationships. To get the expected result, it is important to properly prepare for meditation, learn the basic rules and perform the necessary actions.

Meditation technique

There are a large number of meditation techniques, but their end result is the same. The differences lie in the conduct of the lesson itself:

  • reading mantras;
  • concentration on breathing and maintaining complete calm;
  • creating any images in your imagination.

It is important to accept yourself as a person and not be afraid of difficulties. Meditation is possible even for those who are going to do it for the first time.

To carry out the correct technique of meditation on love, you need to take a comfortable position. You need to choose what is comfortable for you.

The next action is relaxation. You need to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. At the same time, you need to renounce all extraneous thoughts. If you can’t cope with extraneous thoughts, you need to try not to think about them, watch how they appear and disappear.

For the best effect, quiet soothing music is played in the background to help you relax and not focus on thoughts.


The benefits of daily meditation exercises have been proven by many scientists around the world. The effect on the body depends on the degree of immersion in a relaxing state. It can be much deeper than in a state of deep sleep.

Positive properties can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Benefits for mental activity. Constant daily exercise has the following effects:
  • reducing the number of stressful situations;
  • strengthening emotional balance;
  • activation of the development of creative abilities;
  • a good mood appears more often than a bad one;
  • restoration of brain cells;
  • memory improvement;
  • streamlining and improving sleep quality;
  • sharpening the mind, developing intuitive abilities.
  1. The positive effect on the human body occurs due to the filling of the body's cells with vital energy. Beneficial effect:
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • reduction in the number of headaches, dizziness;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduction of pain;
  • increasing immunity;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • improvement of the breathing process.
  1. Other features of meditation:
  • development of consciousness (awareness of the subtle facets of perception of the surrounding world, independence from emotions and desires);
  • strong connection with the inner world (inner balance);
  • discipline of mind;
  • organizing life;
  • clarity of thoughts;
  • harmonization of moral and physical condition.

For the benefits to manifest themselves, you need to spend a few minutes a day meditating. At the beginning of this path it will be unusual, but after a dozen lessons, it will become a habit and the girl will begin to attract the attention of many guys.


To conduct a quality relaxing session, you need to prepare.

The first thing to take care of is the location. If this is a room, then no one should disturb or distract you. Extraneous sounds are also a negative condition.

The next step is to choose what to sit on. This could be a pillow, a special rug, a blanket, a blanket, a bare floor, or a chair. The main thing is to keep your back straight.

Create a relaxing atmosphere. In this case, various incense, soothing music, and warm surrounding colors will help. You can place natural materials around you. These are crystals, wooden figurines or geometric objects, beautiful shells, flowers. A good option would be to surround yourself with candles. With focused attention, an open flame helps you relax and connect with your inner world.

If the actions take place indoors, it would not be amiss to arrange the color scheme. Warm soothing colors and colorful inspiring shades are suitable for this.

Clothes should not be tight or restrict the body. It is better to choose spacious things with pleasant-to-feel material.

And the last step of the preparatory process will be the mood. With a skeptical mood or excessive anxiety, it is better not to start anything. Attracting negative energy can ruin the result of the meditation.

Execution Rules

To obtain the proper fulfillment of desire and achieve your goal, you must follow the rules of meditation. These are mandatory conditions that cannot be neglected:

  1. Regular classes. To achieve results, you need to invest your energy in the exercises. In this case, you can count on the desired return. This rule includes choosing a place where you can relax and renounce the world around you, and determining your individual course of study. An ordinary room with a cozy atmosphere is also suitable for conducting a session. It is not necessary to practice meditation in a flowering garden, on the shore of a lake or on the edge of a forest. The technique is selected depending on the experience and goals pursued.
  2. Timing. The best options are early morning or late evening.
  3. Correct posture. In this case, you need to choose what suits convenience and comfort. You should not do meditation lying down (you may fall asleep). It must be remembered that the back should remain straight and the body should not feel discomfort.
  4. General relaxation. When performing the technique, you need to relax your body and mind. It is important to stay awake and capture the emerging images in your mind. When the exercise is completed, you need to analyze what you saw.
  5. You need to start meditation at short intervals (5 minutes). With increasing experience and number of classes, the duration needs to be increased.

To make it easier to meditate, you can think of the name of a loved one or at least imagine him for a moment. Setting goals will increase interest in manipulation.

Some tips may help you have more successful sessions:

  • if you have a hard and stressful job, meditation should be done before leaving for work;
  • It’s worth changing your schedule and waking up a little earlier;
  • In the process of relaxation, the sense of time is lost. To control the situation, you can turn on the alarm;
  • after several sessions, you can sit in front of the mirror, and upon completion of the process, pay attention to the position of your body. If there is asymmetry between the left and right parts of the body, you need to work to correct this deviation;
  • During the first lessons, you should not be distracted by the numbness of a motionless body. After some time, the consciousness will get used to it and the discomfort will subside;
  • breath control does not imply specificity. You just need to try to follow it, feel the periodicity;
  • if before meditation you are overcome by bad thoughts, you need to switch to a positive attitude in every possible way;
  • When relaxing, you should not indulge in daydreaming, thinking, lethargy, or sleep. To invigorate your brain, you can sometimes open your eyes and blink;
  • At the end of the meditation session, there is no need to rush with the movements. It is necessary to do everything slowly and gradually bring your condition to a normal rhythm;
  • bad habits will negatively affect the final result.

Types of Meditation

Basic techniques for attracting love, suitable for both men and women. By following the rules of meditation, a girl will be able to evoke a feeling of love in her pet.

“Cleansing” technique.

This technique is used to prepare the soul and body for other meditations and normalize the spirit. How to do it:

  • Initially, you need a few deep breaths. After this you need to close your eyes;
  • you need to imagine yourself near a beautiful forest stream. Materialize your consciousness and soul in the form of a dirty vessel (dirt means fears, worries, negative thoughts);
  • with every inhalation and exhalation, you cleanse this vessel with crystal clear water from the stream;
  • when the container is clean, it needs to be filled with light and love;
  • The last action is to take a deep breath and exhale.

“Breath of Love” technique.

Execution depends entirely on the concentration of breathing. Meditation is performed in the following sequence:

  • first, you need to relax and close your eyes;
  • the mental image should paint an image of the incoming love energy in your heart;
  • with each breath you need to say the mantra: “I am love itself”;
  • as you exhale, you need to imagine how the energy of love leaves the body and say: “I love”;
  • say the phrase: “I love you” until a feeling of fullness arises;
  • The last action will be to slowly inhale and exhale.

This technique is used not only to attract a soul mate, but also to understand and accept the world around you.

Technique “Energy of Love”.

  • You need to take a comfortable position.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale. Close eyes.
  • Imagine a point in the center of your forehead and concentrate on it.
  • In your mind you need to draw a picture with a closed door behind which your heart is located.
  • For the key to the door to appear, you need to fill your body with the energy of light and love. After this you can open the door.
  • The last action is inhalation and exhalation.

Any session must be approached joyfully and with soul. If you follow the basic rules and recommendations, the effect will not be long in coming. A woman will be able to find her soul mate and live a happy life with her in wealth and prosperity. In many endeavors, a person will be lucky.

  • Repeat mantras 3, 9, 27, 54 or 108 times. Of course, the more the better, but it depends on the time you have. If you know how, it is better to sing mantras.
  • Mantras can be simply chanted. Of course it's better in a trance, but not necessary.
  • Before you start chanting the mantra, formulate a wish.

1. Mantra for attracting the ideal partner


Before this, do meditation and a one-day fast. In a darkened room, whisper this mantra 4 times. Then do this in a row for three evenings, having an inner readiness to meet love. It doesn't work instantly. You need to repeat the procedure for a month. And this should begin when the moon is full.

2. Mantra for enjoying love, tender and trusting relationships

3. Mantra for gaining heaven's blessings in all endeavors, happiness, love and prosperity


Give me happiness Maheshwara

And finally, the very last thing, when reciting the mantra, concentrate on your desire or goal, this will double the positive effect.

Mantra for boosting self-confidence and charm

Mantra for gaining heaven's blessings in all endeavors, happiness, love and prosperity


Mantra for increasing love between a man and a woman. (Varuna)

Mantras to attract love - a collection of mantras




A mantra that helps strengthen feelings between a man and a woman.


The mantra to God Krishna gives love to everything that exists. Chanting this mantra imparts love and all earthly blessings.


Gives joy and love.


This is the mantra of love. She helps you find your soulmate, find and strengthen love.


A very beautiful mantra. Surprisingly easy to sing! Clean and tender! This mantra helps to find tenderness, love, communication with guardian angels.


A mantra of love that connects the masculine and feminine principles.




Mantra of love and passion


Before this, do meditation and a one-day fast. In a darkened room, whisper this mantra 4 times. Then do this in a row for three evenings, having an inner readiness to meet love. It doesn't work instantly. You need to repeat the procedure for a month. And this should begin under the full moon.

Attraction mantras help to attract another person.

It could simply be to attract the attention of another person who doesn't notice you or is avoiding you. They can help remove barriers to meeting someone. With the help of attraction mantras, you can gain the favor of a person who, for some reason, underestimated or avoided you.

As a result of repeating these mantras, your inner being changes and begins to radiate joy, peace and evoke the invisible sympathy of others. Even in everyday matters, those around you will treat your problems with understanding and provide assistance.

Mantras of love introduce you to universal cosmic love. And first of all, you yourself begin to radiate love and charm.
Special reading of these mantras will help a girl find a worthy husband, and a man a suitable wife.

We deliberately omit descriptions of practice features that can often be found in the literature and on the Internet. For example, how many times and at what time should you practice. Full disclosure of the power of a mantra occurs depending on a variety of conditions and requires a very subtle and precise attitude of the practitioner. A complex description of a method can cause confusion, and an overly simplified description smacks of little seriousness. Intuition and personal practice will be of great benefit in choosing a mantra and how to practice it.

We have often heard about mantras, but few of us were interested in what it is and how it affects a person’s life. It turned out that everything is very simple, a mantra is a miraculous word that can influence a person’s subconscious. Those who constantly repeat them and reflect on what they hear begin to improve spiritually. But that’s not all, matras have such a strong impact on a person’s life that they attract happiness and love. After which the person finds complete harmony.

What are love and tenderness?

Agree that a lonely person is unhappy because there is no tenderness and mutual love in his life. Let's figure out what love is? This is an inexplicable force that reunites two different hearts, merges them into one, brings inspiration and joy to life. Love gives rise to tenderness and they move on together, because these are two inseparable components.

Very often a person suffers because he cannot find his soul mate for a long time. And it seems that he is doomed to loneliness. But the secret of success lies in the verbal formula. It is necessary to turn to the mantra of tenderness and love. By listening to this mantra day after day, lonely people gain and spouses revive their cold feelings. The mantra of love and tenderness is useful for people who have suffered psychological trauma after a breakup.

What effect does the mantra of love and tenderness have?

  • makes a person calm;
  • gives harmony with the inner world;
  • relieves negative thoughts;
  • attracts love and mutual feelings;
  • helps you find happiness in your personal life;
  • sets partners up for complete harmony between them.

The original text of the Indian mantra of love and tenderness, which helps to improve your personal life and meet your loved one:





There is also a second version of the love mantra:


Correct reading is the key to success. For a mantra to be beneficial, you need to learn how to read it correctly. After all, inaccurately pronounced words can create a negative effect. When conducting a ritual, sound is of great importance.

It would not be a bad idea to chant a mantra, choosing a suitable motive. It is definitely necessary to recite the mantra exactly 108 times. This is a magical eastern number that helps to fulfill desires and gain energy. To count correctly, count using beads (108 pieces). The main thing is to tune in to believe in what you say.

Miracle words to attract happy events

The mantra of love will set us up for Universal happiness and direct us to meet our destiny. The most powerful is the Krishna mantra:







  1. To send energy impulses to the Universe, you need to read the most powerful mantra on the full moon. It is necessary to accurately check the lunar calendar to know the rising of the celestial body.
  2. Choose a quiet, secluded place where no one can interfere with you. For complete privacy with yourself, light some incense.
  3. Set yourself up for concentration by closing your eyes and imagine breathing light into yourself.
  4. Start reading the mantra.

A very powerful installation for happiness with your loved one

Show me a person who doesn't want to be happy. Only through certain events do we feel happiness. But what if life does not give us joyful days? For this there is a mantra of happiness and fulfillment of desires:




After pronouncing this mantra, vibrations begin in the body. They are difficult to notice because thoughts hide them, but over time the effect intensifies and becomes more noticeable. We connect to the energy channel of the Universe. After which the person becomes harmonious and desires come true.

The mantra must be read daily for 11 or 21 days.

If it is difficult for a non-practitioner to pronounce a mantra, it is best to start by listening to audio recordings during the waxing moon. With this sequence: the first day - 5 times, the second - 6 times, the third - 5 times, then you need to restore energy and take a break, and on the fifth day listen again five times.

We invite you to listen to a powerful mantra online

Mantra for calming the mind, loving and opening the heart

Tumi Bhaja re Mana Tumi Japa re Mana

Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram Japa re Mana

The effect of words is enhanced if you hold a rose quartz stone in your hand while listening or reading.

The main thing is to remember that the powerful mantra to attract a loved one is read exactly five times during the full moon, provided the sky is completely clear. Also, if your soul is not ready to open to new relationships, then the effect of the mantra will be zero. We only attract into our lives what we think. Love and tenderness to you!

The mantra of love is actually very powerful and can improve your personal life. With its help, you can neutralize conflicts between partners, revive faded feelings, and even attract the companion of your dreams.

The mantra of love is very powerful

Mantras for all occasions have come down to us from Indian sages. The most popular and well-known of them are associated with achieving harmony in relationships and normalizing love flows. Such texts can really attract love and prosperity into your life.

It is advisable to initially listen to mantras of love, use video or audio recordings. This will help you avoid pronunciation mistakes.

It is these prayers that you need to start singing. On the first day it is repeated 5 times, on the second - 6 and on the third - 5, at 4 take a break. After this, the course is repeated again.

You can repeat such courses an unlimited number of times. It is advisable to repeat the text 108 times a day, so as not to get lost, use a rosary. When reading mantras to attract love, it is recommended to choose an attribute that is made of rose quartz. After all, this stone is known to attract love.

If you think that there is so little of this wonderful feeling in your life, your partner has grown cold, or you have been trying to find the partner of your dreams for a long time, but your attempts are in vain, then you can turn to the mantra to attract your loved one. It is the most powerful of all existing ones and when repeated regularly it really helps to achieve what you want.

Remember, before singing the prayer, you should observe strict fasting for 7 days, give up fatty foods, meat, alcohol, entertainment and devote a lot of time to meditation. The first day of reading the mantra should fall on the full moon. The text is repeated for 3 days.


You can even use this spell. The main advantage of the mantra is not only that it attracts love into your life, but also protects you from any negative programs that may have previously been the cause of your unhappiness. Read this text daily to become loved, happy and protected from ill-wishers:


Among all the mantras for attracting love, this one is best for renewing old feelings. Even if there hasn’t been “that spark” between you and your spouse for a long time, this prayer will help rekindle the flame of passion.


Practitioners are confident that the sound “Om” is not only universal, but also the first in the Universe. That is why prayers that begin with this sound are also universal and suitable for any situation. It is especially recommended to practice this text regularly if you have just started a relationship with your partner. It will help your couple develop harmoniously.


Did you know that using spells you can reach your guardian angels? Indeed, such a spell will help you turn to a protector who can help in matters of the heart.

Aum Jaya Jaya Sri Shivaya Swaha

If you are single and want to meet your betrothed sooner, then this prayer will bring the moment of meeting closer. Rest assured, the more often you repeat it, the sooner you will meet the partner of your dreams:


Do you know what's in matters of the heart? Using this spell, you can ask him for support and help:


In order for your love to strengthen, relationships to develop, quarrels and aggression to go away, take time every day to read the following prayer:


A spell like this will help you and your partner begin to understand and appreciate each other again:


Mantra - sacred sounds, verses in Sanskrit with encoded information to attract unearthly feelings, passion, harmony. An excellent, effective way to improve your love life is to read or chant mantras to attract love.

Magic spells work wonders. If you need to receive a man’s love, restore a relationship, if there are communication difficulties, you need to listen to the mantra. You won't have to wait long for a miracle.

Magic poems, when repeated many times on a regular basis, bring a person into a state of balance and cleanse them of negativity. At first glance, word forms seem to be a set of incoherent sounds, but this is not so. Each mantra for attracting love carries a charge of a certain energy, encoded information.

By reading encoded poems, the human body begins to vibrate and sound on the same wavelength as the Universe. Sacred hymns create their own specific vibrations and help bring back a loved one. You can not only pronounce them, read them, but listen to them in recordings, watch a bright colorful video.

Effective spells for love

To achieve the desired effect, it is imperative to perform divine formulas in the original language. Singing or listening does not give immediate results; repeated regular repetitions are necessary. It is recommended to voice word forms ideally every day 108 times until you get what you want. It is allowed to pronounce prayer sound vibrations in multiples of 3,9,12.

For convenience, so as not to lose count, you can purchase a rosary with one hundred and eight beads.

Texts of divine spells:

  • "Om jalavimvaya vidmahe nila purusaya dhimahi tanno varunah prachodayat"

  • "Aum sri krsnaya govindaya gopijana valabhaya namaah."

  • "Om namo narayanaya."

  • “Om jaya jaya sri shivaya svaaha.”

The last spell helps you get the desired feeling and communicate with your guardian angel. Suitable for single people looking for a soul mate.

Divine formula for receiving passionate love filled with strength and energy. Suitable for couples who have lost the novelty of feelings. Fills relationships with sensuality, returns interest in each other, restores harmony in the family:

“Aum klim kama dehi svaaha aum mithraya aum mithraya akhaam preima akhaam preima.”

Bestows love of neighbors, earthly blessings:

"Om Sri Krishnaya Namaah."

You must choose one spell and accurately reproduce it. At the beginning of classes, it is best to listen to the recording and repeat. When reading prayer texts, mentally imagine the image of a dear person, tune your energy to a wave of sensuality, passion, tenderness. To get results, it is important to believe in the action of mantric texts.

With divine word forms you can charge water and food, which change their structure and are filled with love energy.

Rules for reading divine hymns

So, important conditions for practice.

  1. Find a quiet, secluded place where no one will disturb you. Sometimes you can listen to the texts by turning on the player, and say them to yourself while walking, in a store, or in public transport.
  2. Cleanse your body and soul - take a shower, drive unnecessary thoughts out of your head, relax. Light incense or scented candles indoors.
  3. Concentrate on your deepest desire.
  4. To pronounce sacred words joyfully, sublimely. Choose the volume and intonation yourself, focusing on your feelings.

The main thing is the desire to achieve a goal, return or receive love, and bring harmony into your life.

Read, listen, pronounce mantric words - desires, and dreams will definitely come true!

No matter how a person’s life turns out, everyone sooner or later comes to realize the need for love. If life does not give such happiness, a person strives in different ways to get what he wants. One such way is to use mantras to attract love.

In this topic:

Love mantras read or listened online affect the world around them and the person himself with the help of unique sound vibrations. A correctly read mantra of love can ultimately change the energy flows in which a person resides, and it changes the direction of a person’s life for the better.

Reading rules

You need to turn to the mantras of love starting from the days of the full moon. These are the strongest days in terms of energetic connection with the Universe. During the day before reading, it is not recommended to eat fatty, heavy foods. It is better to limit yourself to light, small portions of food. Lightness of the body will give lightness to the spirit. This way the mantra of love will gain strength and fill a person with its energy.

The text begins to be pronounced at the moment of moonrise. If weather forecasters promise cloudy weather and you may miss the time when the night star appears, you need to worry in advance about knowing exactly what time to start. When the Moon appears in the sky, you need to read the following mantra of love 4 times in the dark: “Todo Shiro Anwat Mono Ran.” It is designed to help you attract the ideal partner into your life.

You can repeat it another number of times. The main thing is that the number of repetitions is a multiple of 3. The ideal number is 108. This number carries a deep sacred meaning. Any mantra read 108 times acquires special power. Number 1 means Higher energy. 0 is a symbol of God’s perfect Creation. 8 – infinity sign.

The words of the love mantra are sung at a calm pace, there is no need to rush, there is no need to be nervous. You should pronounce each syllable, enjoying its sound. There is no need to put emphasis on individual words. Almost the entire reading process takes place monotonously, melodiously, quietly. The sound should merge with the sound of the Universe and dissolve in it. You can supplement your reading by watching a video. You need to read or listen for at least 3 days in a row.

Love will definitely find you, but you shouldn’t expect instant results. The love mantra should include another person in the circle of life. Your desires must be combined with the actions of the person destined for you by fate. Different events and circumstances will collide for your meeting. In the end, your love will definitely find you.

Huge variety

There are various mantras to attract love in life. With their help, you can find new relationships, or you can revive and refresh dull feelings. To do this, the mantra can be read, although you can simply listen to it, following all the traditional recommendations.

  1. “Om Hrim Shim Shrim Srilakshmi Nrisinhaye Namah” - this mantra of love is based on an appeal to the goddess Lakshmi. With the help of this text, you can not only attract this bright feeling into your life, this mantra gives happiness and helps to achieve the fulfillment of desires.
  2. "Om Namo Bhagavate Rukmini Vallabhaya Svaha." This is a very powerful mantra. The effect of this verbal formula extends to the one who reads it. A person under the influence of the music of its sounds acquires true beauty and is filled with exceptional radiance.
  3. "Om Nami Naraya Naya." Concentrates joy and love around a person. This is a very powerful mantra that can radically change a person’s life.
  4. “Aum Jaya Jaya Sri Shivaya Swaha.” You should listen to this mantra of love if you want to wait for the fulfillment of a very important desire. The music of these words is needed in order to open channels of tenderness in a person. While it is playing, the reader becomes open to love, which will not take long to arrive. You should read it on Sundays after waking up, without leaving your bed. They say it very loudly 7 times. Then 5 times quietly, and 1 more time to yourself. A total of 13 times.

Meditation to attract love is a powerful technique that is based on concentrating attention on a specific object. With its help, you can meet your soulmate much faster than it should have happened, and even change your destiny.

General rules of meditation for attracting men

Meditation cannot be used for the purpose of revenge. If you do not concentrate your attention exclusively on the object of your passion, but become distracted by various everyday trifles, you will not achieve the desired result. During the session, you need to let go of all thoughts and fill your soul with bright energy.

You cannot choose a specific person as the object of love. Just relax, turn on your senses, think about pleasant things, feel harmony and happiness. Remember, this is not magic; using a session to attract specific people is not effective.

You can meditate in any comfortable position, it is advisable just not to lie down, so as not to accidentally fall asleep. Create a romantic atmosphere indoors. Turn on light, relaxing music, light candles. During the session, do not force yourself to throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. Everything should be relaxed.

Try to tune in to a positive wave, take a break from daily problems and bustle, think about pleasant things.

During the process, focus on feelings such as:

  • Love;
  • harmony;
  • happiness;
  • joy.

Conduct sessions to attract your loved one 2-3 times a week. Meditate for 10-20 minutes. Learn the technique with a specialist. This way you can significantly increase your chances of meeting your soul mate.

Slavic meditation

Our ancestors have always been sensitive to family values. The main life goal of Slavic girls was to get married and have children.

The rituals of ancient clergy made it possible to conduct meditations to attract the love of a loved one. Such sessions help to find sincere feelings and create a strong family. The wisdom of our ancestors makes it possible for many people to build harmonious relationships. The educational training Rodosvet, which will introduce you to ancient rituals and tell you about the traditions of our ancestors, is worth studying before starting practice. You will learn about Slavic rituals for attracting a star couple and communicating with the goddess Lada (Ladoslava). In ancient times, it was believed that it was she who helped open the heart to the flow of tender feelings.

Special meditative music and video clips will help you fill yourself with loving energy.

"Secret marriage"

People are designed in such a way that a feeling of complete happiness comes only when a loved one and children are nearby. At all times, men and women have been looking for a soul mate so they can go through life together, overcome difficulties and enjoy pleasant moments. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to find such a person. This technique is based on the openness of the Soul, the inclusion of the Light of one’s own Soul. This practice frees you from subconscious blocks and stimulates your partner to develop. Don't introduce a specific person. Your destiny will find you.

Meditations for women to attract love in several steps:

  1. Play meditative music.
  2. Lie down and close your eyelids.
  3. Relax completely and imagine yourself on the shore of a sunny bay.
  4. Imagine a person in the distance approaching you.
  5. Feel the long-awaited anticipation of this meeting.

For the next meeting

Relax, imagine yourself on the seashore, where you are surrounded by many people. In the crowd you will notice one person who can make you happy. This is your soulmate. Meditate for about three minutes every day for one month.

This technique sets you up for the next meeting with your loved one.

This practice will help when there is not enough happiness in life. Daily meditation on attracting love and happy moments will help attract joy, give harmony and well-being.

It is done simply:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Focus on yourself.
  3. Imagine that a gentle fire is burning within you.
  4. Direct beams of energy towards him.
  5. See how this light grows and increases.
  6. Feel its warmth.
  7. Hold the air for a few seconds and exhale slowly.

Feel the warmth that remains in your chest. This is exactly the energy that will attract happiness into your life.

Practice for men

Not only women dream of starting a family. Men also often remain single due to the fact that they could not find a soul mate. Meditation for attracting love into your life for the stronger sex is based on the Hindu mantra “Klim”.

Practice helps to attract personal happiness.

Each mantra is a kind of sacred hymn to the intertwined cultures of India (Hinduism and Buddhism). Performing a mantra has a very strong effect on our mind and can change our emotional background and well-being. Every experienced bio-energeticist knows an effective mantra for attracting a beloved guy, for mutual passion and love. If you want to learn, then the Universe will definitely open its beneficial doors for you in this regard.

How does the cherished mantra work to attract a man?

Each of us is aware that the movement of any object or living creature is necessarily accompanied by the sound of a certain vibration. Before we utter a word or make a sound, we mentally produce it in our heads. It is this key point that is very important when reading the mantra to attract a man. The ancient Indian mantras cannot be translated into our understandable language, so we need to memorize them and adhere to the correct, precise execution in the ritual. If you don’t know why you need love and a man, then don’t ask the Universe for their appearance in your destiny. Do not forget that a strong mantra for attracting the man you love can attract success, female happiness and mutual feelings. With her help, all your cherished desires come true.

How to correctly read mantras to attract the love of men

Experienced yogis and bioenergeticists advise pronouncing the mantra with sounds identical to the Indian original. Before you start reading a mantra to attract your husband, you need to listen to it a large number of times on the Internet. Sounds and manner of pronunciation must be perfectly learned by heart. Be sure to download the audio mantra of love by performer Deva Primal for free. On average, read 108 times a day. In order not to be distracted by counting the number of mantras read to attract the love of men, prepare a string of rosary beads. Say the mantra with a note of peace. The love mantra for men is a special prayer that awakens not only your chakras, but also the Universe. But there is no need to shout out its syllables; repeat the mantra in a whisper. Even better, learn to do it to yourself. Soon you will be able to concentrate on performing such a prayer even in crowded places.

You must mentally prepare for a new romantic relationship. The Universe will not give everyone beautiful princes with an immense financial fortune, but it knows much better who will suit you internally.

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