Revenge! Napoleon's ambitions. Modern history of Napoleon

Collage: © Daily Storm

The mayor of Nefteyugansk, Sergei Degtyarev, believes that the first deputy governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (KhMAO) Alexei Shipilov is behind the searches in the city administration on January 24 and the information leaks about Degtyarev’s detention on suspicion of bribery. Sergei Degtyarev announced this at a meeting with press representatives. The mayor said that the deputy governor suggested that he write a letter of resignation.

“Behind all this is the Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Alexey Shipilov. He moved freely around the building and even communicated with the leader of the actions organized against us. Alexey Viktorovich said that a case will definitely be opened and that I need to resign,” URA.RU quotes Degtyarev.

According to the mayor, on the day of the searches, the deputy governor came to the administration and invited Degtyarev to write a letter of resignation. Sergei Degtyarev stated that he immediately refused such an offer. "He[Alexey Shipilov] said[To Degtyarev]: “What is happening here undermines the system, and therefore you must leave this system.” When I asked when this would stop, he replied: “It won’t stop, but you shouldn’t undermine the system.” In addition, Shipilov said: “You don’t have much time,” says the mayor of Nefteyugansk, as quoted by

Searches in Nefteyugansk: how the company involved in the criminal case is connected with local deputies

The media report the arrest of the mayor and his connections with the sale of a large plot of land at a bargain price January 24, 2019

Degtyarev is convinced that the deputy governor was helped to put pressure on the mayor by media assistants, including Moscow political strategist Pyotr Bystrov, writes Bystrov himself, in a conversation with URA.RU, said that the mayor of Nefteyugansk is organizing a political show. “We see a trend that has become a tradition in Nefteyugansk. Instead of resolving the issue in the courtroom, everything is transferred to the political plane. The logic is simple: when there is no legal position, we need to stage a political show,” he said.

In addition, Sergei Degtyarev named the head of the city department of the FSB, Vladik Khismatullin, as the executor of the force operation in the Nefteyugansk mayor's office. “The administration employees heard his phrase about his[Khismatullina] “demobilization chord.” And it’s very disappointing: when at one time we asked him to do his work, he ignored it. But he decided to become famous with this inglorious “demobilization chord,” the mayor said.

Degtyarev also stated that he spoke on the phone with the governor KHMAO Natalya Komarova. There was no request from Komarova to resign, he said. The mayor emphasized that he “has nothing to repent of before the townspeople,” since he has nothing to do with the land frauds of which the security forces and opponents tried to accuse him.

The FSB conducted searches in the administration of Nefteyugansk after the arrest of the mayor

The actions of the security forces may be related to the scandal surrounding the sale of a plot of land in one of the city districts January 24, 2019

On January 24, the FSB conducted searches in the Nefteyugansk city administration and the apartment of mayor Sergei Degtyarev. On the eve of the searches, the media wrote that Degtyarev was detained on suspicion of taking a bribe and fraud with municipal land. After a conversation with Alexei Shipilov on January 24, the head of the city was hospitalized with a diagnosis of hypertensive crisis.

After the searches, members of the Nefteyugansk City Public Council drew up an appeal to the top leadership of Russia and the law enforcement agencies, in which they asked for a legal assessment of the actions of the security forces and the first deputy governor of Yugra, Alexei Shipilov. The appeal was supported by deputies of the city Duma, members of the United Russia faction.

“UralPolit.Ru” tried to figure out why Natalya Komarova appointed Alexey Shipilov to a significant post in the context of the upcoming elections

The governor of Ugra appointed the third vice-governor in her career. The youngest chief ideologist in the history of the region received the chair on the tenth anniversary of his work in the district. He made his mark in regional election campaigns and in a large business holding; he did not persistently strive to “get to the top,” but was moderately known in professional circles. UralPolit.Ru tried to figure out why Natalya Komarova appointed Alexei Shipilov to a significant post in the context of the upcoming elections.

Ideologically new

The new vice-governor of Ugra for internal policy is 34 years old. Alexey Shipilov graduated from Voronezh State University with a degree in Political Science; taught a course on political consulting in Surgutsky state university, co-founded a charitable foundation together with the deputy of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Duma Alexey Andreev and worked as deputy director of public relations at his OJSC DSK Avtoban.

He received his appointment to the post in his tenth year of work in the region. Shipilov claims to have participated in 40 political projects during his career. “In 2006, I first came [to the region] for the elections in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and since then I have been working in the district,” emphasizes the new vice-governor for internal policy, clarifying: “On the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug there are [ political projects] it was 12–15, from the elections of City Duma deputies to the elections to the State Duma.”

The new ideologist has experience of personal victory in elections (in 2009 he became a deputy of the Surgut District Duma); among his prominent projects are the 2011 elections to the Ugra Duma, where he oversaw the campaign of the general director of DSK Avtoban Alexey Andreev. By this time, Alexey Shipilov held the position of director of the Avtoban representative office in Surgut, and after the boss’s victory, he left his job as a lawmaker.

The latest political campaign associated with his name is the elections to the Megion Duma in September 2015. He was fully responsible for the project, starting from the selection of candidates for the primaries. The result is that out of 20 candidate winners of the primaries, 18 were applicants from the “We Are Together” city development fund, the founder of which is District Duma deputy Alexey Andreev.

Alexey Shipilov with his former boss, Alexey Andreev

The political scientist speaks about the views on methods of work and control on the development strategy of Surgut. In it he comes out with a large amount of criticism. " Strategies are not implemented because, as a rule, those who prepared them are “STRATEGISTS”, in addition to the strategy<…>they don't do anything further“, he criticizes the existing management system. – If you don’t write, you’ll get it in the neck, and if you write and don’t execute, nothing will happen. Because those are the rules." He ends the text with humor, publishing the abstract of his own article in three lines with the heading “ A short summary for those who read from below and not to the end».

Political scientists and political strategists carefully comment on the appointment of a colleague to the civil service.

« I only learned about Shipilov last year, when he was campaigning for elections to the Megion City Duma. There were rumors about his appointment to the post of chief ideologist“, political scientist Alexander Lobov said in a conversation with a UralPolit.Ru correspondent.

Director of the Ural branch of ForGRO Anatoly Gagarin drew attention to his public work: “ Firstly, he showed himself to be a successful political strategist by holding elections in the region, and his colleagues noted this. The second important plus is his work in the field of civil society, when he led several charitable foundations. I believe that the fact that he headed the Department of Internal Policy will contribute to the development of civil society in Ugra at a new pace».

Regents for an ideologue

The signing of the order by Natalya Komarova became a new stage in the hardware strategy, the formation of which was noticeable back at the end of 2015.

“The Petrovite clan has ambitions, but it lacks the strength. At the same time, he himself [Ilya Petrov, served as the ideologist of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra until 2013] visited the region several times in recent months, probably trying to resolve the issue. Massive information leaks are also associated with this,”– a source tells UralPolit.Ru.

The candidates for the post of lieutenant governor, whose names were discussed in the region at the end of December, do have one noticeable common feature. On the sidelines, no one will be surprised by the fact that the appointment of Sergei Degtyarev to the post of vice-speaker of the district Duma is related to Petrov’s position at that time. The deputy head of the regional election commission, Denis Korneev, is part of the secret team of “Petrine political strategists,” some of whom also settled in the election commission, and the city manager of Khanty-Mansiysk, Maxim Ryashin, was one of the first representatives of the Ugra elite who established relations with the “Petrine political strategists” and, as eyewitnesses say, he went hunting with them and rode a boat along the Ob.

Interlocutor of the expert channel, familiar with professional qualities candidates, called them " specialists who grew up in Khanty-Mansiysk and think within its framework, and not within the framework of the region».

One of the few photos on Facebook - with boxer Alexander Povetkin

The defeat of the ex-ideologist’s clan and the appointment of Alexei Shipilov at first glance speaks of the success of his former employer, general director OJSC DSK Avtoban and deputy Alexey Andreev. However, the version that he lobbied for his candidate is unlikely (the parliamentarian belongs to the team of the ex-head of the region Alexander Filipenko, and his relationship with the new governor was not always smooth); the connection is denied by the vice-governor himself. “I worked with Alexey Vladimirovich, there were joint projects. I received an offer that was interesting, and I quit, I’m no longer a member of the company, I handed over all the projects,”– Shipilov told UralPolit.Ru.

Former vice-governor for ideology Andrei Filatov also speaks about the absence of a deputy’s role in the appointment: “He is a man of results, and if he worked for Andreev, it means that he was valuable to him as a person who knows how to organize projects.” He speaks extremely complimentarily about Shipilov. “He has professional skills, he knows the political map of the district. Maybe not all of it, but there is time and desire. He has an important quality - the ability to work in a team.",” Andrey Filatov commented on Shipilov’s appointment to UralPolit.Ru. The former ideologist assessed the version that Filatov would play the role of regent under Shipilov as a joke. However, the meeting between the former and appointed deputies will take place very soon: “ We are working and continue to work with Andrey Filatov. He currently holds the post of adviser to the governor and will ensure continuity, transfer of experience and information, and bring him up to date“Said Shipilov.

All the experts interviewed by UralPolit.Ru found it difficult to describe the progress of negotiations on the appointment of a vice-governor for domestic policy. Shipilov described the process vaguely: “ The agreement was in progress. Long or short? For some it is a lot, for others it is not enough. It is clear that the decision was not born yesterday and was immediately announced" But he confirmed: “ I received a proposal for appointment to the post from Natalya Vladimirovna" The ideologist does not specify who conveyed the invitation.

Alexey Vakhrushev, Daria Alexandrovich

© Editorial “UralPolit.Ru”

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  • January 25, 2016, 10:01 am

At the end of January last year, the governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Natalya Komarova, signed a decree appointing 34-year-old political strategist Alexei Shipilov as vice-governor, who should be responsible for ideology.

Soon it will be two years since he oversees issues of internal policy, state civil service, personnel policy, and public and external relations. And this is what came out of it.

Today, Alexey Shipilov is the youngest chief ideologist of the region in the history of Ugra. Shipilov came to the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in 2006 to work in the elections in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. As a political scientist, Shipilov, according to him, led about 40 projects throughout his career. There are at least 12 of them in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and one of them is the election campaign of deputy Alexei Andreev, “who earns almost a million rubles a day,” and about whom Rupolit recently wrote.

Obviously, after this he received an invitation to work at Andreev’s company, Avtoban JSC, as deputy director of public relations. Already in this capacity, Shipilov participated in two more election campaigns for the Duma of the municipalities of Surgut and Megion. In Surgut, he himself nominated himself as a candidate for deputy; in Megion, for which he was praised, he promoted a team of representatives of Alexei Andreev to the Duma.

They praised, however, with great reserve, since everyone knows that Megion is the patrimony of Shipilov’s then boss, Deputy Andreev, bought and rebought by him a hundred times, and his people sit in all the key posts. And Andreev invested generously in this campaign, so he wouldn’t win it - “ you had to be completely mediocre", says one of the local bloggers.

Shipilov’s authorship belongs to the brand “Team Ugra”, adopted today by the Ugra “United Russia” as the main ideological guideline, apparently designed to consolidate various layers of society on the eve of the presidential elections. But, apparently, things are going badly with consolidation in Ugra. Firstly, because the stratification of society into rich and poor has reached extreme limits.

The allusions to the “PutinsTeam” are also interesting, and is there any abuse of the presidential brand in the interests of the region’s leadership?

With a large concentration of millionaires for the small population of the district, and against the background of the general theft of budget funds in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug in the construction, road industry, and housing and communal services, there are the highest tariffs in the country for housing and communal services, the highest prices for essential goods, and the level the salaries of hard workers in the most difficult and dangerous jobs in the same oil industry are equal to the statistical average for all Russia. Thus, according to job sites, the salary of an oil well repairman (work underground and very dangerous) does not exceed 30 thousand rubles.

Secondly, because the concept of “Ugra Team” itself is nothing more than a sound or an inscription on a piece of paper. Because, despite the fact that Natalya Komarova has held the position of governor for a long time, there is a hidden confrontation smoldering among the business and political elites of the region, which are divided into “Filipenkovsky” and “Komarovsky”, which periodically breaks out like a purulent abscess.

Thus, recently, separatist publications have increasingly appeared in regional media. During a meeting of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Duma this summer, Alexei Shipilov received a very painful scolding about this from deputy Evgeniy Markov:

“In my opinion, this information looks like separatist information. That's what I would call it. And discussions begin about some way out. And the first thing, at a minimum, I will probably turn to you, Alexey Viktorovich (Shipilov), Obviously, this is some kind of flaw in the block that works with the media in conveying some incorrect information, how is the partnership of subjects within the framework of the program “ Cooperation". Because I would interpret all this kind of reasoning and calls as an encroachment on the structure of statehood, which, strictly speaking, entails criminal penalty. This can be brought to calls for a change in the current regime of power. I know how this ends in our country. I propose to work on this situation, it is starting to develop in an unhealthy direction,” he said, addressing the main ideologist Alexei Shipilov.

One of the signs that “the situation is beginning to develop in an unhealthy direction” was the appearance of rumors about the creation in Ugra of some kind of armed formation from former employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military, which is allegedly run by the deputy. on domestic policy Alexey Shipilov. The structure is intended for the physical protection of members of the Ugra government, deputies and party members. Why this is being done (if it is being done) is unclear, but even if all these are just rumors, the very fact of their occurrence is already evidence that “the situation is developing in an unhealthy direction,” and the main ideologist turned out to be powerless.

In addition, judging by the testimony of the editor-in-chief of the media outlet “Official. ru Eduard Shmonin, one of the tools in work with the media by ideologist Alexei Shipilov is provocation. Everyone remembers the noisy story with the KhMAO Duma deputy Nikandrov, who was filmed during oral sex in a room similar to a toilet. This video can still be found on YouTube. So, initially Alexey Shipulin proposed to publish it on the pages of the publication “Chinovnik. Ru" to Eduard Shmonin. Shmonin even showed a contract worth 4 million rubles as payment for this service.

But later Shipilov renounced everything, Shmonin was imprisoned for 4 years for distributing pornography, and the video ended up on the Internet. This circumstance is another sign of the unhealthy situation in the district, and is evidence of the “unhealthy activity” of Shipilov himself. The thing is that pornography, as knowledgeable people write, is regularly and systematically used by members of another “Team Ugra” - the Scientol community. This kind of product is very effective in putting pressure on community members at the right time.

After his appointment to a high position, Alexei Shipilov told the media that he broke off business relations with his former boss, deputy Alexei Andreev. Works with him only within the framework of party projects. However, according to bloggers, this is not the case. Since both Andreev and Shipilov are perhaps the main sponsors of local Scientologists and active members of this community, which is banned in Russia. Therefore, it is possible that it was the influential deputy Alexei Andreev who became the person who recommended Natalya Komarova for the position of deputy for ideology of his former subordinate on the Autobahn, Alexei Shipilov.

Is it really for Scientologists that an armed group is being created in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, which, by the way, is also illegal if it is not officially registered, say, as a private security company? And if the security group is still talked about only as a dubious project, then we can talk more specifically about the team of Internet trolls created by Komarova on the advice of Shipilov. The staff of the government government created back in 2000 information center Ugra “Open Region” introduced a group of employees from 4 to 6 people with a salary of 60,000 rubles to create and repel information attacks by political opponents of the administration. The main work is carried out on social networks, and the financing of Shipilov’s (Scientologist Andreev?) projects is most likely carried out from the budget of Ugra. This fall, a competition was announced for vacant positions of journalists and SMM specialists in this institution.

“The Open Region Center is registered in Khanty-Mansiysk at the address Komsomolskaya street. 31. Director Oksana Evgenievna Makeeva. But the activities of the trolls are supervised by her deputy Olga Mezhlumyan, who commented on the changes in information policy to the RusPress agency: “As for the Open Region, with my arrival, interaction with the media has increased. In this regard, changes are planned in the staffing table, but not drastic. For now. they are just being prepared and are being considered. We will act as an assistant to the district department of public and external relations.”

The center participated in government contracts as a contractor for a total amount of 2 million 502 thousand 810 rubles and as a contractor in 308 government contracts for a total amount of 136 million 85 thousand 944 rubles. It's official. Well, only Alexei Shipilov knows what the trolling group does on social networks.

It’s interesting that evil tongues are whispering about a possible hardware conflict between Shipilov and

Photo from the site:

Nika Vetrova

On January 24, in Nefteyugansk, security forces carried out an operation during which the work of the entire city administration was paralyzed, and the head of the city, Sergei Degtyarev, was allegedly charged with corruption. This event shook the whole of Ugra, the news overshadowed even the hijacking of the plane. For 24 hours, all the media, including federal ones, at intervals of several hours, poured in news that the mayor of the city was allegedly detained and accused of a corruption crime, which, as it later turned out, was simply informational “misinformation.” But the fact that security forces broke into the building and stopped the work of the entire city hall, and people were taken to the toilet under escort, is a reality. The administration locked it up, hanging a sign on the door with the word “deratization,” and from that moment on, it was impossible not to enter or leave it. Searches and interrogations continued until late in the evening.

On January 25, the head of Nefteyugansk, while in the hospital for health reasons, commented to the Kommersant-Ural publication: “Procedurally, no one called this a search, although, in fact, these were searches in the administration. They turned out all the drawers, bags, and cabinets. Allegedly due to the fact that false evidence was presented in court [when challenging the purchase and sale agreement of municipal land]. Understand that the court assessed all the evidence and considered everything. Probably, verification with one piece of paper does not happen this way. Surely the reason is completely different. The reason is probably me, that I’m disturbing someone there.”

So, the question is - what were they looking for and on whose behalf?

The first message with the text: “Urgent! The mayor of Nefteyugansk was detained. The Investigative Committee and the FSB are working,” appeared on the information channel “URA.RU”, January 24 at 10 a.m. It was this resource that became the primary source of the alleged event. As a result, all media, including federal ones, disseminated distorted news.

Half an hour later, “URA.RU” issues new disinformation: “Security forces are conducting searches in the apartment of the mayor of Nefteyugansk Sergei Degtyarev. An unregistered weapon was found. Source". After another half an hour: “Source: the mayor of Nefteyugansk was detained for fraud with land.” An hour later, the publication explodes the Internet with a new “sensation”: “Insider: the head of Nefteyugansk was handed over to the security forces by the vice-mayor. He worked with Degtyarev back in the District Duma.”

Information from the URA.RU agency resembles reports from the front. Sensations are always signed by a certain “Source”. So who is this all-knowing source, under whose dictation the journalists typed out texts in space mode?

The publication “” writes: “...according to Sergei Degtyarev’s colleagues we interviewed, that “someone” whom the mayor does not want to officially name may quite possibly turn out to be the first deputy governor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Alexei Shipilov. The basis for this version is the dismissal last year of the deputy head of Nefteyugansk, by the way, a former FSB officer, Sergei Lagoida, who is considered a protege of the district official. Let us recall that in September the prosecutor’s office sent a letter to Sergei Degtyarev demanding the dismissal of the deputy in charge of the financial and economic block. The document spoke about violations of anti-corruption legislation discovered during the prosecutor’s audit, committed by an official and one of his subordinates.”

Alexey Shipilov, Deputy Governor of Ugra. A man who came from billionaire and politician Alexei Andreev. Exactly three years ago (by the way, January 25), no one took his appointment seriously. The man who carried the briefcase behind the deputy of the district Duma was just his assistant, but in an instant he soared to unreal heights. Why?

According to rumors, the fantastic transformation cost a lot of money - in addition to the bribe for the chair, road tycoon Andreev allegedly paid for Natalya Komarova’s treatment in Germany. Andreev’s total victories in tenders for the construction of kindergartens and schools in Ugra speak for themselves. “Apparently Mr. Andreev is a stranger to the mistress of Ugra,” they say around. Another question is how did Alexey Shipilov turn from Andreev’s little assistant into a menace among the political beau monde?

And this is where the modern history of Napoleon begins.

Having surrounded himself with the right people, Alexey Viktorovich began to introduce them into municipalities. Literally within a year of being in office as deputy governor, he became a figure whose opinion was listened to in the district government. A figure in front of which the heads of cities trembled. Why did it happen? The political elite observed the governor’s loyalty to all decisions of Alexei Shipilov.

Nefteyugansk, Nefteyugansk district and Pyt-Yakh were territories that caused concern to Alexey Viktorovich. Constantly breaking out scandals in municipalities forced him to take certain measures. In Shipilov’s opinion, personnel rotation should have been the solution to all problems. First, he sends his man to Nefteyugansk as a supervisor, this is former FSB officer Sergei Lagoyda. Then he sacrifices his advisor Alexei Zolotukhin, and, tearing him away from his heart, sends his subordinate to Pyt-Yakh. To this day, he has not been able to send troops into the Nefteyugansk region.

But failure awaited him in Nefteyugansk. A few months later, the head of Nefteyugansk, Sergei Degtyarev, loudly and scandalously fires Lagoida. This dismissal became a challenge on the part of Degtyarev and an example for the whole of Ugra that Napoleonic policies can be fought. Afterwards, Lagoyda filed a lawsuit, protesting his dismissal, but lost the process.

In Pyt-Yakh, Shipilov’s man Alexei Zolotukhin, unlike his colleague Lagoida, firmly established himself, completely seizing city power. They say that the official head of Pyt-Yakh, Alexander Morozov, runs to get mineral water for Alexey Zolotukhin and follows all his instructions.

Degtyarev's feint with the dismissal of Lagoida apparently damaged the ambitions of Alexei Shipilov; he probably took this dismissal as a personal insult. It was necessary to somehow settle accounts with the offender.

Let us remember that Sergei Lagoida himself is a former FSB officer, which is perhaps why there are rumors in Ugra that he took advantage of the help of his special comrades. As arguments, knowledgeable people say that the non-local Lagoyda, even after his dismissal and lost trial, did not leave Nefteyugansk: “He knew what he was waiting for,” say Nefteyugansk experts.

Events in Nefteyugansk continued to unfold, and the same URA.RU channel acted as an oracle. The agency's next report emphasized the mega-influence of Alexei Shipilov on the wretched of this world. “The detained mayor of Nefteyugansk was hospitalized after a meeting with the vice-governor,” read another URA.RU headline. “Detained on January 24 on suspicion of taking a bribe and exceeding official powers, Sergei Degtyarev, the mayor of Nefteyugansk, was hospitalized. This happened in the evening of the same day, after searches and the visit of First Vice-Governor Alexei Shipilov to the city administration. A source familiar with the situation told URA.RU about this.”

The almighty Shipilov (probably, he is also a source, he is also an insider) sent Degtyarev to a hospital bed.

Since yesterday, a text from an unknown author with the following content has been spreading on the Internet:

“Nefteyugansk won’t let me go, forgive me. Yesterday, many people were blown away and their colleagues, both respected and not respected, bought into misinformation and fakes, which were diligently supplied to them by the partners of Alexei Shipilov, and on his order from the famous shit agency of famous oligarchs. So, what from yesterday’s tapes turned out to be crap:

1. Searches (the wording itself) in the city administration

2. The case against Mayor Degtyarev for abuse of power and bribery

3. Degtyarev’s detention

4. Searches of his apartment and the discovery of unregistered guns

5. The searches were carried out by employees of the 4th investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Urals Federal District and Tyumen security officers.

Until last fall, everything was fine between Alexey and Degtyarev. As part of the expansion of its people into the cities of the Nefteyugansk region (Pyt-Yakh, Nefteyugansk). For what? To redirect financial flows in rich oil cities to themselves. Everything was going fine until Lagoyda began to mind his own business, which began to irritate Degtyarev. Then the prosecutor's demands came to the mayor to send Lagoida to the dumpling shop, which the mayor of Nefteyugansk did with pleasure. Really, so brave management decision Alexey was not happy in Khanty-Mansiysk, and he harbored great rudeness in his soul against Degtyarev. What happens next?

Lagoida knows very well about Degtyarev’s games with the land under “Lenta”. There is, however, a version that the mayor was forced to sell it for pennies by the local oligarch Stepan Pytalev. Be that as it may, Alexei Shipilov and his pocket former security officer now have a reason to remind the mayor of Nefteyugansk about his place in this life. The court's decision, which declared the land sale transaction void, further freed the friends' hands.

On the morning of January 24, employees of the local FSB department (there are a lot of them by local standards, about five people), who took with them soldiers of the Russian Guard, come to the administration and block the work of the mayor's office. There is no criminal case against Degtyarev; there is no talk of abuse of power or bribery. Therefore, there was no arrest of the head. At the same time, fake agencies are broadcasting misinformation about searches, about investigators from central office Investigative Committee, about a criminal case of excess and bribery, about the detention of the mayor, and the like. All this creates the following background: the mayor of Nefteyugansk stole and now he is finished. Even the respected Vedomosti picks up the information.

While Degtyarev is blocked in the administration, Shipilov and Lagoida come there. Note that no one forbids them to go there, even despite the fact that “The institution is closed due to deratization treatment” and there is a “rat hunt” going on there. The highest official of the region and a retired would-be security officer demand that the head of the city sign an order reinstating Lagoida as deputy head of the city, and then write a statement of his own resignation. The mayor swam, but not out of character, but due to his health (he is diabetic), his blood sugar jumped, and he had to call an ambulance.

It turns out that the administration of one of the largest cities in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was blocked by security agencies for the whole day under the guise of carrying out special measures, only because two citizens (replacing the word with the editor) wanted to bend their former business partner.”

Is there a Shipilov-Komarov tandem? Or is everything he does unknown to Natalya Vladimirovna? Judging by the mega-influence of Alexei Viktorovich, she unwittingly, and perhaps voluntarily, became a victim of his games and ambitions.

As a result of his actions, instead of order, corruption scandals and revolutions thunder in municipalities. Everyone understands that the district government today is no longer able to cope with the current oppressive situation in Ugra, a situation that has made it famous throughout Russia. Ratings of corruption scandals in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug occupy leading positions in the country.

What will happen a new game Alexei Shipilov Natalya Komarova can only guess. Many Ugra media today are paid for by contracts with Alexei Shipilov, not personally, of course, but from the pocket of the information relations department. Accordingly, the editors of these publications look around either through their fingers, or as they say. The news agency "URA.RU", which is financed by well-known oligarchs, including the STS company, is the most interesting for Shipilov, it is his mouthpiece and works with him in a close and friendly relationship. So to speak, a personal source for news in your own interpretation. Although for the media itself, Alexey Viktorovich is also a source of information. Another question is that “his own game,” which he may have started this time, gave a serious glitch. The plan failed, the adept miscalculated.

The failure occurred not only because all the media, including federal ones, got into trouble due to the disinformation of “URA.RU”, troubles came from the security forces themselves.

The agency reports that “FSB Major General Igor Kochnev, who heads the FSB Regional Directorate for the Tyumen Region, was on a working visit to Khanty-Mansiysk. The head of the regional FSB department decided to investigate on the spot the loud and still unclear raid of his subordinates, which took place in Nefteyugansk. “Today he already called his subordinates from the service in Ugra on the carpet and harshly demanded an explanation,”

If we assume that everything that happened in Nefteyugansk was the scheme of one person, namely Deputy Governor Alexei Shipilov, then today we can safely say that at a minimum he made a mistake in his calculations, and at a maximum he went bankrupt. In an attempt to disqualify and eliminate Degtyarev, he unwittingly made him a national hero, who managed not only to resist the political and law enforcement system, but even make open statements from the hospital. Whether Degtyarev is actually a hero is not even important at the moment; what is important is that today it is clearly clear that the political system of Ugra has not only failed, it has demonstrated the incapacity and decay of the government itself.

Government officials have once again undermined the authority of the United Russia party with their own hands. By raising a fuss around Sergei Degtyarev, who headed the United Russia faction in the District Duma and is the head of the party in Nefteyugansk, the authorities themselves showed the level of corruption in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in party circles.

Now law enforcement agencies and Alexei Shipilov himself needs to either find something against Degtyarev, or apologize to the whole country for the mistake.

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