New example of green card insurance. "Green Card": insurance rules

“Green Card”, also known as Greencard or Green Card, is a compulsory insurance policy for the driver’s risks of causing damage to the property and health of third parties when driving a car outside the Russian Federation. The insurance got its name because of the green color used when filling out the form.

What is a Green Card?

The international auto insurance system “Green Card” has been operating for more than 65 years and unites almost 50 countries, including Russia (since 2009). The insurance compensates victims of road accidents for damage unintentionally caused by the policyholder using his vehicle in the territory of the countries participating in the program.

For Russians traveling abroad in their car, this insurance is mandatory (Article 31, clause 1 of the current edition of Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 25, 2002 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners”).

A Green card policy obtained for a vehicle in the Russian Federation does not replace

  • OSAGO policy in Russia;
  • CASCO policy abroad.

The Green Card agreement does not limit the list of persons allowed to drive the insured vehicle, although only the policyholder is included in the policy.

The presence of a Green Card policy does not relieve the driver responsible for an accident from criminal liability, if such is provided for by local legislation.

"Green Card" is the name of a system of international treaties and an insurance policy on compulsory insurance of civil liability of motor vehicles. The Green Card was introduced in the early 1950s. in EU countries, and got its name from the original color of the insurance policy. This document confirms that the owner of the vehicle has insurance coverage valid in any country of the European Union and some other countries that have joined this system. Russia is not included in this system, so citizens of the Russian Federation must obtain a Green Card when entering the territory of any EU country.

“Green Card” is, on the one hand, the name of a system of international treaties, and on the other, an insurance certificate for compulsory motor third party liability insurance. Without such a certificate, crossing the borders of countries that are members of the International Green Card Union is impossible. The coordinating body of the Green Card system is the Council of the International Bureau, whose leadership and secretariat are located in London. The London Bureau is an association of national bureaus of the participating countries and the depositary of the universal treaty.

The highest body of the Council of Bureaus is the General Assembly.

In each country participating in the system, insurance organizations create bureaus that perform two main functions:

Issue of "Green Cards" for their subsequent provision to policyholders (loss compensation bureau);

Settlement of claims arising in the territory of a given country and filing claims against foreign citizens who are guilty of causing damage (harm) when using motor vehicles and who have Green Card certificates (claims regulation bureau).

The Green Card certificate is the equivalent of an insurance policy issued in accordance with the law on compulsory liability insurance of the country being visited, prepared in a standard form (indicating the country or group of countries for which the necessary insurance coverage is provided and the duration of the insurance). Despite the private nature of the agreement, the legality of the Green Card system must be officially recognized by the state in which the national office operates.

The most significant innovation of the system was compensation for damage to the injured party in the event of any insured event, regardless of the availability of insurance by the foreign owner of the vehicle. At the same time, government control over compliance with the requirements for liability insurance for motorists entering the country is canceled. The new operating procedure of the Green Card system was introduced by the first directive on motor insurance, which stipulates that member states of the system will refrain from carrying out checks on the availability of liability insurance after the national offices have concluded an additional agreement on this matter among themselves. Other articles of this directive concern the regime for visiting member countries of the system by vehicles from countries other than this community. The latter are subject to the requirement to have compulsory liability insurance.

The next stage in the development of the Green Card system was the process of developing measures to eliminate existing contradictions in its functioning in various member states of the system. Thus, in each of the countries where the system operates, its own limits, volume and conditions of insurance coverage were established in accordance with the requirements of national legislation, which often led to significant differences determining the rights of the injured party to compensation for the damage caused to it.

Russian insurance companies have begun to provide civil liability insurance services in foreign countries under the Green Card system.

But since Russia does not have its own national bureau that could distribute its policies, car owners purchase “green cards” from foreign bureaus, mainly Polish, Austrian or German.

The Green Card covers the risks of motor vehicle liability abroad. This policy is an analogue of compulsory motor liability insurance, only for Russians its effect extends not to Russia, but to European countries and some countries in Africa and Asia.

  1. The Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) controls the activities of the Green Card system in the Russian Federation through the domestic Green Card Bureau. The authority to sell the relevant policies is delegated to the companies listed below.
  2. "AlfaStrakhovanie"
  3. "VSK".
  4. "Twenty first century".
  5. "RESO-Garantiya"
  6. "Rosgosstrakh".
  7. "Agreement".
  8. "ERGO".
  9. Insurance group "Spasskiye Vorota".

Procedure for obtaining insurance

To obtain a Green Card you will need:

  1. Identification document of the policyholder.
  2. Vehicle document (registration certificate or vehicle passport).
  3. Fill out a special application form.

If the policy is purchased not by the owner, but by his representative, then a notarized power of attorney will be required.

Each set of policies includes four sheets. Three sheets are given to the policyholder, and the fourth is used by the seller for reporting.

The first and second sheets indicate:

  • policy validity period;
  • vehicle registration number;
  • transport category;
  • make and model of the vehicle (in practice, the model may not be indicated);
  • policyholder or owner of the car (last name, first name and address).

The third and fourth sheets additionally contain the date and place of issue of the policy, its cost, as well as cells for the signatures of the parties. Payment is made in the usual manner: to the insurer's representative by receipt, to the company's cash desk or by bank transfer.

Features of the Green Card

In general, the principle of operation of the Green Card in 2020 coincides with the auto citizenship, however, in many practical aspects, these types of services differ markedly. The main features of the “green stuff” include the following items.

  1. Absence of any correction factors when determining the cost (including accumulated discount similar to KBM).
  2. Exclusively one-time payment. For example, when applying for a Green Card for a year, you cannot first pay 50% for three months, and then pay an additional 50% for the remaining nine.
  3. Lack of a list of drivers included in the insurance. Any person who operates a vehicle legally can use the Green Card.
  4. When selling a car, no one will return money for the unexpired period of insurance. At the same time, the same Green Card policy can be used by the new owner of the car.

Is it legal to sell someone else's Green Card in 2019?

Relatively few insurers can boast of having their own Green Card policies. That is why the practice of selling other people’s Green Card policies is widespread in this area. The company may sell insurance to another organization (an existing member of the Bureau) as an agent.

However, we are talking here specifically about the product of Russian insurance market players. Unfortunately, in practice, there are numerous examples of insurance sold to motorists by foreign companies. The fact is that such policies are often cheaper (for example, due to the “reduced” coverage area). However, such activities in 2020 are illegal and carried out illegally.

It is clear that in this case the policyholder faces tangible risks. For example, he may be sold a policy from a long-closed foreign insurer. And it happens that the corresponding form “at home” is officially declared lost. It is virtually impossible to verify these circumstances when purchasing a foreign Green Card. Even the direct seller may not be aware of the matter. The consequences of such savings are sometimes quite significant. The car owner may be punished with a large fine and will be forced to independently compensate for the damage from the accident.

So, let's take a closer look at the question, what is a green card for a car? A green card is an international compulsory civil motor insurance contract. Following the example of our OSAGO, it is issued in case of damage to another motorist and his property due to an accident.

The history of this issue (as well as) goes back to the post-war years (meaning the Second World War). After the war, the borders between European states became somewhat blurred. As part of ensuring road safety, as well as reducing the risk of damage for drivers who frequently cross the territories of different states, a system of compulsory motor vehicle insurance in case of an accident was introduced. According to it, the injured party received compensation if the participant and culprit of the accident was a foreigner.

Currently, the green card system is supported by 48 participating countries. First of all, these are European states (including the Russian Federation). Europe fully supports. From African states - Morocco and Tunisia. From the Middle East - Türkiye, Iran, Israel. CIS – Belarus, Ukraine, Armenia, etc. Asian countries do not support this insurance system. At least those bordering the Russian Federation, for example, China.

You will need them for traveling outside the Russian Federation. You can learn about the features of obtaining them on our website.

Where can I get a green card?

This is not difficult to do on the territory of the Russian Federation. Surely each of you, when crossing the border, paid attention to the shopping kiosks standing right next to the checkpoints. There is also a sign on them that says “applying for a green card.” So these pavilions are exactly what you need if you came across this article while standing in a traffic jam in front of a border checkpoint.

If you read it long before you left for the cherished “over the hill” or if you are simply a law-abiding and responsible citizen and took the trouble to study the legal framework in advance, then you need to know the following. The most detailed information about which insurance companies are authorized to issue these insurances can be found on the portal of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. In the section where to buy a green card, a comprehensive list of 8 companies issuing this insurance is presented. This site also contains a very convenient thing - an online map of insurance companies in a specific city that provide this service. In general, everything is to make you smile.

Well, already on the website of these companies, you can apply for the coveted insurance in electronic format by scanning the necessary documents. The same actions are available to you when you directly visit these insurance companies. Offline, so to speak.

Features of a green card for a car

If we talk about the features of this insurance, it is issued for a period of 15 days to 1 year. The division step is 1 month. Those. if you plan to stay abroad, for example, 62 days, you will have to take out insurance for three months. It is recommended to fill out this document in Latin letters, as in your passport. This is due to the fact that this document is intended for travel abroad. This document has a number of features that protect it from counterfeiting. This is a unique number, logo and metallized security thread. It is compiled on 4 pages (the old form was valid until 2016 as the main one). The first three are given to the policyholder, the 4th remains with the insurer. In the event of an accident, one of the pages is transferred to the injured party. From the second quarter of 2016, a “green card” can also be issued in a one-page format.

A distinctive feature of this type of car insurance is that it will not be possible to issue a “green card” for a vehicle without a state or transit number. Except, of course, for those cases when the registration of a license plate on a vehicle itself is not provided for by Russian legislation. In other words, a car can be registered without a license plate if you are planning to go abroad on a scooter or moped with an engine capacity of less than 50 cc, a golf cart, or, inspired by the film “The Straight Story” by David Lynch, you decide to travel across the expanses of Europe on a lawnmower .

The cost of the card depends on the following factors:

  • directly on what type of vehicle you are insuring (truck, car, motorcycle, etc.);
  • validity period (i.e. registration period);
  • a package of countries that are specifically covered by your card (for example, packages “All countries”, “Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan”, “CIS countries” are offered);
  • It is also necessary to remember that tariffs are indexed monthly, so you will receive the most detailed advice on the cost of “greenback” from the insurance company where you plan to apply.

For example, insuring a passenger car under the “All Countries” program for a period of 1 year will cost 22,240 rubles.

List of documents for obtaining a green card

The unified list of required documents is as follows:

  • if we are talking about an individual who is the owner of a car - any identification document (passport, international passport, etc.);
  • if we are talking about a legal entity, then the passport is replaced by a certificate of registration of the legal entity. faces;
  • any of the vehicle registration documents - PTS, registration certificate, technical. passport or other document confirming registration with authorized state bodies. authorities;
  • application for a green card.

Validity of a green card in Russia

Let's look at the features of green cards for foreign motorists entering Russia.

There is one most important aspect to consider here. In the Russian Federation, if the green card expires, it is IMPOSSIBLE to purchase a new one for a foreign driver. Therefore, drivers need to plan their trips carefully. In the event of force majeure circumstances, as a result of which the foreigner does not have time to leave the territory of the Russian Federation before the expiration date of the “green card”, he will need to additionally purchase an MTPL policy, the price of which is higher than the price of the “green card”.

Validity of the card abroad

Let us now consider the effect of “green cards” issued by citizens of the Russian Federation for traveling to foreign countries. Let's take several states as an example.

Applying for a green card is a mandatory procedure for foreigners. Without it, you simply will not be allowed to pass at the border. The lack of a card for a foreigner within the country is a serious problem with local law enforcement officials. A fine of 1,000 euros (often several times higher than the cost of insurance). In the event of an accident due to your fault without insurance, the responsibility falls entirely on your own wallet. This means not only the cost of damage, but also a paid fine for absence, registration of new insurance and payment for the idle time of your car in the impound lot if you were caught without insurance or got into an accident without it.

In a word, the equation for Finland is “green” = goodbye to the car. Because its cost may be lower than costs.

The card itself is issued in Finnish, except for the personal data of the policyholder - they are filled in in Latin letters, as in a foreign passport.

The cost of issuing a card for a passenger car for a period of 15 days will be 2,440 rubles, as of July 2018. The maximum amount of payments upon the occurrence of an insured event is 3,300,000 euros

The consequences of absence are the same as for Finland. After all, Europe is Europe. The limit for an insured event is 1,235,000 euros. The cost for a passenger car for a period of 15 days is 2,060 rubles. It is best to purchase the “All countries” package.

Otherwise, everything is the same as in other European countries. In addition to some features of the traffic rules of this country (for example, you face a large fine for using radar detectors in this country). But this is a topic for another article.


Despite the fact that Belarus is a member country of the Customs Union, and our citizens are not required to have a foreign passport or apply for a visa to cross the state border, the presence of a “green card” even there is a strictly mandatory factor.

The limit of insurance payments in it for damage to property is set at 30,000 euros; if harm is caused to human health, the amount of payments will be 10,000 euros.

The cost of obtaining a green card for a passenger car for a period of 15 days will be 700 - 800 rubles.

Who can drive a car with a green card?

The key difference between this insurance program (from, for example, OSAGO) is that anyone can drive a vehicle. However, there is one important clause that is directly stated in the Vehicle Insurance Rules under the Green Card program. So, according to Art. 41, paragraph B, if the damage is caused by a person who does not have the right to drive a specific type of vehicle, then a recourse claim from the insurer may be filed against him. From legal to Russian it looks like this. If you are involved in an accident in a car with a “green card” and you have a license to drive a motorcycle, the insurer will pay for the damage. However, he will deduct it from you in court.

Features of registration of an accident

If you are involved in an accident, you need to focus on local legislation first. However, again, there are unified rules, based, among other things, on the Vehicle Insurance Rules under the Green Card program. They are set out in detail in Art. 36 - 39. Generalized.

The Green Card is a mandatory document when entering the Schengen zone by vehicle. The conditions for obtaining a card, the necessary documents for registration and other basic issues are covered in the article.

Motor transport is the main means of transportation for modern people. Traveling by car is becoming more popular. This method allows you to create your own route, plan travel time and stops.

Hitchhiking around countries is cheaper than flying or traveling by train. To avoid unpleasant incidents in the host country, transport must be insured.

Green card to the Schengen area

Green Card is an international insurance contract for owners of a vehicle (vehicle) who travel outside their state.

You can compare the Green Card with the Russian OSAGO policy. A distinctive feature of the Green Card is the validity of the insurance contract in the Schengen area. It gives the right to compensation for damages in case of an accident (traffic accident), in accordance with the current legislation of the state in which the car accident occurred.

A green card is required for the driver when traveling by car in the Schengen area. The policy is valid in European countries, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and some countries in Africa and Asia.

Car owners receive compensation depending on the severity of the accident and the damage caused to the vehicle after the culprit of the accident is identified.

In some European countries, the person responsible for the accident pays damages for treatment, the rehabilitation period of the driver, and also bears the cost of restoring the vehicle. The amount depends on the state in whose territory the traffic accident occurred.

In order not to purchase a fake certificate, it is important to issue it in trusted organizations that have the right to issue an insurance policy in the Schengen area. Carefully check all the data that the employee enters into the document (personal data, green card expiration date, etc.)

Be wary of offers to purchase an insurance policy at a low price; there is a risk of making a purchase from scammers. Such an insurance policy will be invalid and useless.

Benefits of international insurance

The Green Card is your guarantor during road trips and business trips in Europe and neighboring countries.

  • Main advantages and features of the Green Card:
  • Insurance companies that issue international insurance for the Schengen area offer the same rates and terms of the insurance contract;
  • The document is issued for the vehicle. In this case, the person entering into the contract is indicated (he may not be the owner of the car);
  • The insurance policy is valid for all drivers who use the vehicle legally;
  • It is recommended to purchase a certificate no earlier than 1 month before travel;
  • If the culprit of the accident is a foreign citizen, compensation for damage is guaranteed. If your car is the cause of the accident, you must provide a green card to the arriving police or the driver who was injured;

All claims and conflict issues are governed by the laws of the state where the accident occurred.

The certificate is your protection in the event of an accident while traveling abroad in a vehicle. The culprit of the accident, who has a green card, will not independently compensate for the damage; employees of the insurance company are responsible for this.

Features of the green card design

At the insurance company, you enter into an agreement, pay the required amount according to the receipt and pick up a package of documents (international insurance agreement Schengen Green Card, a reminder for the driver, a payment receipt (indicating the cost of the service), special notification forms). The certificate is required at the border to a European country and in the event of an accident on foreign territory.

  • Type of vehicle (car, truck, motorcycle, moped, agricultural vehicle, etc.);
  • If the vehicle has a trailer, then a Green Card is issued for it;
  • The person who concludes the insurance contract;
  • Vehicle registration number;
  • Document validity period (from 15 days to 1 year);
  • Coverage area of ​​the insurance policy (all countries or Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova).

Some insurance organizations ask to indicate the exact length of stay in a European country and an approximate travel route.

It is recommended to issue a certificate in advance (about 30 days before the trip). If you don’t have time or the trip is urgent, you can quickly get a policy near the border. But the purchase there will cost 500 rubles more, and there is also a high chance of running into scammers. Therefore, if possible, deal with the insurance contract in advance.

To obtain a Schengen visa, a Green Card is sometimes required (for countries for which insurance is required, check with the consular offices).

You need to contact licensed insurance companies to obtain the document.

Documents for obtaining a green card

To apply for a green card, you must provide a package of documents. To draw up an insurance contract, have with you:

  • International passport;
  • Original documents for the vehicle;
  • For a legal entity: certificate of registration.

The number of drivers who can legally use a green card is not limited, since the policy is issued on a vehicle.

Where to apply for a green card

You can apply for a Green Card at any insurance company that has been accredited and has the right to issue a policy. Organizations issuing a Green Card may be located on the territory of the Russian Federation or near the border of European countries.

The list of authorized companies that provide services for obtaining a Green Card in the Russian Federation is approved by the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers). Examples of companies: JSC Ergo, JSC IC Twenty-First Century, LLC Rosgosstrakh, JSC VSK, JSC SG MSK.

A complete list can be found on the RSA (official national bureau) website.

If the trip is urgent and you do not have time to issue a certificate on the territory of the Russian Federation, then you can buy an insurance contract in offices that are located near the European borders. Such a policy will also be an official document.

Registration takes place in the same manner as in any insurance company. Mini-offices are usually located in minibuses or at a gas station. However, when purchasing a certificate at the border, there is a risk of receiving a fake document. Check all personal data on site.

A policy made on a false form or if you are not included in the general database does not guarantee insurance coverage for the driver.

Plus, a fine is imposed for fake documents. The amount is determined by the laws of the country where the document was found.

It is currently not possible to purchase a Green Card on the Internet. When applying for a policy, the driver is required to provide original documents, not copies.

What is indicated in the Green Card

  • When completing a document, it is important to check that the information filled in is correct. What must be specified in an international insurance policy:
  • Full name of the insurance organization, exact name of the document;
  • Data of the person who enters into the contract;
  • Registration number of the vehicle (trailer);
  • Validity period of the certificate, territorial zone in which the card is valid;
  • Additional information, date of conclusion of the contract;

Signature of the policyholder.

Procedure for obtaining a Green Card

  • In order to receive a certificate you need:
  • Select an insurance company that will issue an insurance policy;
  • Prepare a package of documents;
  • Determine exactly how long you will stay abroad and the countries you plan to visit;
  • Submit an application, pay the receipt;

Receive a package of documents. Check the entered data.

The most important point is the choice of an insurance company. Accredited companies provide quality services and consultations.

How to calculate the cost of a service

Tariffs for a Green Card are the same in all insurance companies that issue this policy. There is no point in visiting several organizations in search of a lower price.